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Currently, the profession of a programmer is gaining more and more popularity. It happens that people who dream of becoming programmers do not even start training, having learned how expensive it is.

But there are many alternatives to expensive training. Today I will tell you how to learn to program at home and what is the best way to start learning.

Anyone can complete the training on their own. There are many ways to do this. It doesn't matter what programming knowledge you have, you can learn from scratch, at home. Making programming my profession. I would like to note - a highly paid and in-demand profession.

The main thing is to take training seriously, because a programmer's salary depends entirely on his knowledge and skills.

How to learn to program from scratch at home

So, programming has the following directions:

  • Web-programmer (website development);
  • Application programmer (writing programs);
  • System programmer (creating drivers, creating programs for working with the OS).

Before you start training, determine for yourself why you need it, what goals you are pursuing. Because programming is different. Think about what you would like to do: write games; develop websites or work with financial programs.

There are a large number of programming languages, and each of them is designed for a specific application. This is why programming falls into different categories. It is very important to decide what area you need to master before starting training.

English plays an important role in programming. Therefore, teach him and constantly improve.

Today you can easily find services that will help you learn programming online. With the help of them, you can master the initial principles of working with programming languages, as well as create programs yourself.

Popular online services for teaching programming

Let's take a closer look at the most popular online programming learning services.


The service is very popular, as it is free and created for those who practically do not understand programming. After completing the registration, you can choose the course that suits you.

The learning process is quite simple with simple tasks. In the course of training, all users receive grades for completed tasks. Thus, it becomes clear what is turning out well and what else needs to be worked on.

This is the best service for teaching the following languages:

  • JavaScript;
  • HTML;
  • jQuery;
  • Python;
  • Ruby .

Code school

This service allows you to gain not only basic knowledge, but also become an expert in the field of programming. After completing the course, you will be able to program anything, even zombie games. By completing tasks, you can earn various useful points.

The service contains paid and free courses. In addition, the service has courses for both beginners and more experienced users. The course consists of step-by-step lessons, videos, assignments.


The service was created for those who do not want to waste their time reading. The learning process is based on video lessons, but training is paid. You can use the seven-day trial version of the training for free. However, by paying money, users are more responsible for learning.

After completing the training, you will have your own personal project.

This service is not limited to any specific courses. It is designed to teach you all areas of programming.


The service is intended for a group of people. If you do not want to study alone, then this service is for you. The training is conducted by a teacher, not a robot, as in other courses.

At the initial stage, training is free. The learning process is structured in such a way that you will not have time to relax and rest.


This service is made for children. The training is not difficult, but the process itself is long. The application is paid - it is expensive.

How to start learning programming

Let's try to understand step by step how to start learning programming from scratch at home.

  1. Decide what you need to program for;

The programming language that you will learn depends entirely on your desire and free time.

  1. Choose the correct language;

There is no programming language, and there cannot be a better language. If you manage to learn at least one, then the rest will be much easier.

It is believed that there are languages ​​in programming that are not difficult for a beginner to learn.

Python can be selected as the first language. The program code is understandable for an ordinary user. There is a good base of libraries, therefore, you can save a lot of time.

  • Java may also suit a beginner. This language is very popular, despite the fact that it is not so simple;
  • PHP is a fairly simple language. You can easily find answers to all questions on the forum;
  • But it will be difficult for a beginner to learn C and C #;
  • Ruby works well for a second language;
  • JavaScript is a lightweight language, but it is not very useful.

How to learn to program - start learning with the simplest, be patient

  1. Use the app for kids

Today even young children are learning to program. For this, there are special applications that are suitable for any age.

  1. Take online trainings and online courses

Such trainings and courses will help you create your first program, and also allow you to learn the basics of programming.

  1. Read programming books

Reference books will be great help in finding answers to any questions. There are many books on programming on the internet.

  1. Play and Explore

This is probably the easiest way to learn programming. You will not only create a program, but have fun.

  1. Find a mentor or become one

A mentor who will answer all your questions can help you quickly master the information. You can find a mentor on the dedicated website In addition, you yourself can be in the role of a mentor.

  1. Examine another user's code

Try rewriting the finished code by examining each character. This way you check it for errors. Always keep learning while learning new things.

If, after completing the training in programming from scratch, you still have questions - write to the popular forum - The forum has many sections for all programming languages. Ask any questions that arise and get competent, useful answers.

The profession of a programmer, although difficult, is highly paid. The main thing is to be able to force yourself to read, try and understand. I hope this article helped you figure out how to learn how to program from scratch at home. Watch your computer and take care of your eyes. Achieve your goals no matter what.

P.S. I am attaching screenshots of my earnings in affiliate programs. And I remind you that everyone, even a beginner, can! The main thing is to do it correctly, which means to learn from those who are already earning money, that is, from professionals.

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The difficulty with working with a programmer is that you cannot figure out what he is doing until it is too late.

Who is this programming course for

This section is for a fairly wide range of readers. For those who want, but do not yet know where to start. For beginner programmers, as well as for those who, probably, do not want to become a professional software developer, but are interested in programming in order to expand their horizons. For those for whom it is not enough just to read about something, but there is still a desire to "get acquainted in person" with everything new, and "turn over in their hands" each new subject. In short, here you are will be able to learn the basics of programming or, as they say, learn programming from scratch. Well, for more or less experienced programmers, I can suggest that they familiarize themselves with the materials of the manual, where basic programming knowledge is needed immediately.

A few words about the programming process

You should not treat programming, at least, as something complex and subject to people with a "special" mindset. A person comes across the basics of programming every day, and I don't even want to give examples, since all this is commonplace. Programming on a computer with use is just a formalized communication with computer technology in order to explain to it what you want from it and to achieve an adequate result from it. Explain clearly, with logic and common sense.

Does it make sense to start learning the basics of programming or is the train gone?

Today, the general trend in the development of programming is directed towards, and other approaches to the organization of distributed software architectures, but the concept itself is invariant in relation to new technologies for developing software products. The entire complex architecture will be written for you by companies that are leaders in the computer technology market. They will then sell the fruits of their labors to you, but you still have to make sense of the decision templates they provide. It is similar to the processes of erecting typical buildings and performing individual repairs in each of them. With this approach, there is practically no difference between the implementations of the same task, which, in one case, should become part of the “desktop application”, in the other, it should be part of a published application, or even work as a separate service within the framework of the virtual server infrastructure. it is difficult to find the difference in the processes of repairing the premises of panel, brick or monolithic buildings? There is always enough work for an application programmer.

Creating your own is a very popular and useful business, and a commercial enterprise without any at all is a rarity today. No one needs to be told that more and more non-trivial requirements are being made every day. We are talking not only about the content of the resource (content), but also about design, usability and other quality characteristics. The better the search engines are about your site, the more visitors come to you from the search results pages. Developers of class software solutions (site templates) offer an ever wider set of tools and themes to make the solutions created on their basis unique, but sometimes it is much easier to figure out the logic of the site on your own. Fortunately, most often such templates are distributed in the form source code, and customize its work to fit your needs, changing several dozen lines in the same, any competent programmer can. It may not be profitable to contact third-party organizations for individual development for your requirements of a separate software product (the site is the same software product) or its configuration. And it is not only unprofitable in terms of money, but also in terms of time, nerves and many more in what parameters ...

Brief description of the proposed course on learning the basics of programming

This programming course contains examples of how to solve small problems. From those that are found in computer science courses and the basics of programming in high school and in the elementary courses of universities, to those that beginner programmers may encounter at work. Those interested can gain programming experience not in one programming language, but in two at once - in and. Both of these languages ​​are high-level and based on the same software platform. It is proposed to use a free software product that has the minimum sufficient functionality to achieve the goals set by this programming course. Of course, you can also use a professional development environment. Getting started with or knowing the basics of the syntax is much easier than starting from scratch as their syntax is very similar. To start learning programming in languages ​​/, I think, is generally unpromising, because (again, my personal opinion), evolution is not on their side. But, in general, there is no big difference which programming language a beginner to choose, since the principles, approaches and techniques of this craft are the same everywhere.

If I convinced you that acquaintance with the basics of programming and algorithmization may be useful for you, then read ... If not, then I suggest you get to know these

Fundamentals and subtleties of the C ++ programming language. Practical assignments and tests. Do you want to learn to program? Then you are at the right place. It doesn't matter if you have programming experience or not, these tutorials will help you get started building, compiling and debugging C ++ programs in different development environments: Visual Studio, Code :: Blocks, Xcode, Eclipse, and other IDEs. Lots of examples and detailed explanations. Perfect for both beginners (dummies) and more advanced ones. Everything is explained from scratch to the very details. These (200+) tutorials will give you a good foundation / foundation in understanding programming not only in C ++, but in other languages ​​as well. And it's completely free!

All you need is a desire, a desire to learn. Everything else you can find here.

For repost +20 karma and my thanks!

Chapter # 0. Introduction. Beginning of work

Chapter # 1. C ++ Basics

Chapter # 2. Variables and Basic Data Types in C ++

Chapter # 3. Operators in C ++

Chapter # 4. Scope and other types of variables in C ++

In the course, the basic concepts of programming and the basics of C ++ are discussed in detail and in an accessible manner. A great choice for newbie developers.

C ++ is one of the most popular and versatile programming languages. At the same time, it is one of the most difficult to learn. If you're the lucky one to have C ++ as their first language, learn to learn responsibly.

It is imperative to immediately build a solid foundation from basic knowledge, otherwise your entire building will collapse sooner or later.

This course will help you smoothly integrate into programming and explain the difficult basics of C ++ in simple words.

A little about the language

The course begins with a short introductory video that will show you that C ++ has been around for a long time and can do a lot. In addition, you will select a tool suitable for further work and create a draft project.

Framework for the first program

Traditionally, the basics of C ++ begin with the classic HelloWorld application, which demonstrates how a programmer can instruct the language compiler. You will learn about header files and namespaces, and learn how to use two useful methods in the standard library for working with input and output streams.

Data types

The next few lessons focus on the basic data types of the language.

You will create your first variable, master arithmetic operations in full and concise form, write a simple calculator and learn generate random numbers using the rand function.

An extended set of mathematical operations you will find in this video.

Another way to collect data into a single set is with enumerations. The course covers them on the example of an elevator in a shopping center.

Structures in C ++ are like simplified classes. Having dealt with them, you will take the first step towards object-oriented programming.


The rest of the course covers the basics of C ++ functions. You will learn why function prototypes are needed and what they are. overload and how it helps to organize work with different types of data and the number of parameters.


Lesson 18 begins acquaintance with object-oriented programming. Unlike C, C ++ supports this paradigm. You will create your first class, become familiar with access modifiers, and learn how to make variables private.

To make it easier to create and destroy instances of a class will help constructors and destructors, which are discussed in a separate lesson.

Then you will know what it is friendly functions and how they allow communication between classes. And after that, get to know friendly classes on the example of a completely unfriendly object Volodya.

Rounding out the topic of object-oriented programming in C ++ concepts

Who would not want to learn how to create websites and all sorts of programs for the soul and can beat for professional growth.

Yes everyone!

And I, among other things, would not mind learning about such innovations that I heard about but do not fully own. To enter an educational institution already somehow reluctant ... and there is a good job. So what to do?

I think that learning via the Internet is the best!

There are enough free courses on the web that will help you do this quite easily and quickly. All the resources presented below provide simple, clear interactive lessons in HTML, CSS, PHP, Ruby, during which you will receive not only theoretical knowledge, but also perform practical tasks.

I'll start with Russian-language resources:

And so programming is free ...
You will learn how to create modern web interfaces, work with live code, and use the latest technologies.
A minimum of boring theory and a maximum of practical exercises, solving real problems and real tests.

Interesting, visual and addictive courses, interactive interfaces, achievements - everything for learning with pleasure.

Hexlet is a free online university. We run free courses in programming and related disciplines.

Video lectures (you can watch them on the website or through iTunes), tests, exercises, homework and an active student community - all this is our Hexlet.

Features of Hexlet: active participation of teachers, live communication with students and concentration on practical lessons.

The resources below are in English for information…. programming without English is not like!



Codecademy is by far the most famous site for learning programming.

The training begins literally from the main page of the site, where in the interactive console you can learn the principle of training in these courses. Then you can choose one of the languages ​​in which you want to excel and start mastering it.

Code avengers

Code Avengers was created for those people who are afraid of programming, thinking that it is endlessly boring and difficult.

This is where you can learn HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript and each of the courses is carefully designed to truly captivate and interest you.

At the end of each lesson, you are offered a small mini-game that allows you to put your knowledge into practice.

Code school

If you have completed Codecademy or Code Avengers courses and are ready to further expand your knowledge, then you should definitely pay attention to Code School.

Unlike most online learning sites, Code School offers more in-depth preparation courses and will transform you from a green beginner to an expert in your chosen field.

Unlike other sites in this collection, which are completely free, here access to some sections will have to pay at the rate of $ 25 per month.


These courses are significantly more practice oriented than others that teach just one of the programming languages.

This means that you are given a specific task, such as creating a simple website or interactive web application, or even a WordPress theme, and given all the necessary knowledge that you might need.

Therefore, this resource is great for novice programmers who have a specific practical task ahead of them.


You can start learning on this site with the click of just one button, but you won't be able to finish so quickly - there are a lot of teaching materials on JavaScript, Python and Ruby here.

There are lectures for the very beginners, practical tasks, and examples of solving real projects.

comparison table

And in conclusion, a wonderful video in which the best people of our time will tell you about the need to learn programming. I hope he will give you the strength, confidence and courage to get down to business right now.

Good luck and lots of self-written programs!

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