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Set up satellite TV. How to set up a satellite dish tuner yourself

The brackets must be chosen in length so that the antenna is not hampered by the wall to which it is attached to turn in the desired direction.


When installing the antenna, special attention must be paid to the cable, because it will have to lie or hang all its "life" on the street. We recommend the FinMark F-660BV TV cable. For a cable of poor quality, this "life" can be unexpectedly short. It is not worth saving on the cable, because due to a bad cable, the diseqc switch can suffer at best, and converters and the receiver at worst. When laying the cable, it must not break or bend at an acute angle. At the moment, there are a lot of special cable fasteners to various surfaces, which makes installation much easier and more practical. All cable connections must be in an easily accessible place. A good seller will always advise you on a suitable cable.

Satellite receiver

The choice of a digital satellite receiver must be approached most responsibly. Your pleasure depends on it, with which you will view your favorite channels. At the moment, there is a huge selection of manufacturers and models of receivers, but you can still give a few recommendations.
First of all, the receiver must support the broadcast format of the channels you have chosen. DVB-S standard SD receivers can only receive mpeg-2 channels. HD receivers of the DVB-S2 standard accept channels in mpeg-2, mpeg-4, HD and 3D formats.
It is worth deciding whether you will need to connect the Internet to the receiver to update the software, view Internet services (for example, u-tube) or to receive keys to some channels. For these purposes, some receivers have a LAN input.
Pay attention to the availability of the necessary outputs to connect your TV. If you have a flat panel TV, for the best picture and sound, you should connect it to the receiver with a digital HDMI cable, of course, the receiver must also have such a connector.
If you are a good computer savvy, we advise you to buy a receiver on an open Linux operating system. This will give you the opportunity to connect to your receiver from a computer, install various plug-ins into the tuner, which greatly expand its functionality. The presence of a USB connector will allow you to record and play your favorite programs, as well as record programs on a timer.
Very useful is the function (Time-shift) in some receivers, which allows you to pause the transmission you are watching and after a while resume watching it without missing a single important moment.
Some receivers have the ability to connect to a wireless Internet network via a USB port using a WI-FI adapter (WI-FI is already built into some models).
Many receivers, in addition to recording, are worthy multimedia centers that allow you to watch videos of various formats (avi, mpeg4, mkv ...). The presence of a spdif digital audio output will make it possible to connect the tuner to a sound system, which will allow you to enjoy not only a high-quality picture, but also a clear digital sound.
Do not rush to buy new, just appeared models of receivers. Read on the forums positive and negative reviews about the tuner you like. Find out how often the software and firmware for this receiver is updated. Try to find out how long the manufacturer of the receiver has been around and how long they are going to produce and support this model.
The specialists in our store will always help you choose the receiver that best suits your desires.

Choosing an antenna installation site

The next step is to determine the location of the antennas. It is advisable to install antennas in a place that is easily accessible to you. This will make it possible to fine-tune them, and, in the future, it will be easy to maintain in case of unforeseen circumstances (replacement of converters, diseqc switches, etc.). Also, over time, you may want to connect additional TVs to the antennas - you will need to replace single converters (single) with double (twin), 4-output (quadro), or 8-output (octo), as well as adding the required number of diseqc switches and laying additional cables from antennas to TVs. If you do not have the opportunity to install antennas in an easily accessible place (for example, on the roof of a high-rise building, or on the lower floors from the stairs), you can install antennas on the wall of the house near the window if the windows "look" in the direction of the selected satellites. In this case, it is desirable to adjust the side converters of the antenna relative to the central converter in advance in an easily accessible place. When installing from a window, you will only need to configure the antenna for the central satellite, the side converters will already be configured for you. Since a sufficient number of antennas are now installed, the easiest way to find out in which direction to point your antennas is to look in which direction they are directed on neighboring houses. If this is not possible, it does not matter either, there is a wonderful service. satellite dish direction on the map. You just need to enter the country, city, street, house and select the satellite of interest. In the case of the antenna on Astra 4A (Sirius), HotBird, Amos, the antenna will initially be tuned by the central converter to the Astra satellite (aka Sirius). You will see your house on the map and the direction of the antenna to the selected satellite. If there is no Internet at hand, try to determine the south direction in any other way known to you (for example, for Ukraine, the sun shines from the south direction at about 2 pm, or find any compass). If you are going to install more than one antenna, please note that they should be located as close as possible to each other, because. additional antennas will have to be connected by cable to the diseqc switch on the main antenna. It should also be noted that trees and buildings located in the direction of the satellite may be an obstacle, and you will not be able to "catch" the signal because of them.

Assembling a satellite dish

If the location is determined, it's time to start assembling the antennas. If the antennas will be installed on the roof of a high-rise building, it is worth considering where to assemble the antenna - in an apartment or on the roof, since the assembled antenna may be larger than the opening to the roof. If the antenna in the assembled state does not “climb” through the entrance to the roof, and it is extremely difficult to assemble it on the roof, the assembled antenna can be lifted onto the roof with a rope from the outside.

On the next page you will find a description and detailed instructions for assembling the satellite dish of the Kharkiv plant "Variant."

It is extremely important to understand that all high-altitude work is very dangerous and it is necessary to observe all possible precautions and, of course, be well insured.

What tools will be needed to assemble and install antennas:

  • ", this, event, "500px");"> 13mm spanner
  • ", this, event, "500px");">2 10mm spanners
  • ", this, event, "500px");">Phillips screwdriver
  • ", this, event, "500px");">Pliers with wire cutters
  • ", this, event, "500px");">Sharp Knife
  • ", this, event, "400px");">Puncher with drill

Mounting brackets on the wall

Basically, the bracket is fixed with plastic dowels 12x80 (mm) or metal anchor bolts.

Depending on the fastener you choose, be sure to bring the appropriate wrench with you.

We attach the bracket to the wall in such a way that nothing interferes with the future antenna. In turn, your antenna should also not interfere with the signal for already installed neighboring antennas.

Try to choose a strong and reliable wall surface. The distance from the wall corner to the bolts must be sufficient so that when the bolts are tightened, the corner does not split. Mark the holes for the bracket with a pencil. Depending on the chosen fastener, we drill holes in the wall of the desired diameter, to a depth slightly greater than the length of the dowel or anchor.

We insert the dowels into the holes obtained and hammer them with a hammer.

We fasten the bracket to the wall. Check the reliability of the mounting of the brackets by applying some force to them, it must be taken into account that the antennas have good windage and the brackets constantly experience vibration. Naturally, after a good wind, the antenna should remain in its original position.

Setting up antennas and converters for satellites

First of all, we recommend viewing the article. At first glance, this is a fairly simple operation, but without following some rules, you can seriously damage the connected equipment.
At this stage, you can hang the antennas on the brackets. If you intend to install an antenna on the roof, then to set up the antenna you will need a small TV and a tuned receiver (for example, let's take the most common today "Globo", "Orton" or their analogues of the model 4100c (or 4050c)).

Consider setting up an antenna for 3 satellites (Amos, Sirius, HotBird). First you need to tune the antenna to the Sirius (Astra) satellite. To do this, connect one end of the cable to the central converter, and the other to the receiver's input (LNB in).

All manipulations with the connectors must be carried out with the receiver turned off.

The receiver needs to be connected to the TV, press the “OK” button on the receiver’s remote control, go to the Sirius satellite, select a working channel, for example “Rada” or “2 + 2”, press the “OK” button again to go to the selected channel.

In the lower right corner under the viewing window, information about the channel and two scales will appear: the first shows the signal level, and the second shows its quality. Antennas are tuned according to the lower “quality” scale. Slowly rotate the antenna horizontally and vertically until a signal appears on the scale. Now move the antenna literally by a millimeter, trying to get a stronger signal. Further, tightening the nuts, it is necessary to achieve the maximum possible signal. By turning the converter around its axis, you can still raise the signal (more on polarization is written on the page). Do not try to catch a 100% signal, this is unrealistic. Press the “Exit” button and watch the signal on other channels of this satellite. Channels from the same satellite may have different signal quality - this is normal. To tune in to the satellite, turn off the receiver, unscrew the cable from the middle converter, connect it to the converter on the right (it's the top one),

and turn on the receiver according to the previous example on the working channel of the Amos satellite, for example, “1 + 1” or “New Channel”. Adjusting bolts of the multifeed, and turning the converter around its axis, we achieve the maximum signal from this satellite.

In the same way, we connect to the left, lowest converter, and set up the satellite (“1TVRUS” (ORT), “RTR” channels).

Connecting the diseqc switch to the antennas and receiver

We connect the cables from the converters to the diseqc switch. We write down which port of the switch (ports are numbered), each satellite corresponds. For example, you connected a converter that receives a signal from the HodBird satellite to the first port, Sirius to the second, Amos to the third. Then we connect one end of the cable to the disk to the “Reseiver” port, and the other end to the “LNB IN” tuner jack and turn on the receiver. In the receiver, go to the menu, antenna settings (installation), in the top line in the drop-down list, select a satellite, for example Amos, and in the “diseqc” line, select the appropriate port (in this example, 3/4, where 3 is the port number of the switch, 4 - means that our switch has only 4 ports).

In some receivers, the diseqc numbering is not numeric, but alphabetic in the English alphabet, for example, LNB "A", LNB "B", LNB "C", etc. In the same way we "tie up" the rest of the satellites. Exit the menu with the remote control button "EXIT", agree with the proposal to save the settings. When connected correctly, channels from all configured satellites should show. The second antenna is configured in the same way as the first and is connected to the remaining port of the diseqc switch.

It should be recalled that all connections are made with the receiver turned off from the mains.

Laying, connecting a television cable

As we have already stipulated, the cable should not break and bend at sharp angles along its entire length. If you are running the cable into the room from the outside, the hole for the cable should be drilled at an angle so that water from outside does not flow into the hole inside.

If the cable comes down from the roof, strengthen it so that hanging from the corner of the roof, it will not fray anywhere under the influence of wind, snow, etc.

Outside, the cable is connected to the diseqc switch to the “reseiver” port, inside - to the input to the receiver “lnb in”.

In the end, if everything is connected correctly and the cable is not damaged, you can finally enjoy a high-quality image, an abundant number of channels and great sound.

Good luck to you. Feel free to get down to business, and everything will work out for you.

If you have any questions, write in the comments. We will gladly try to answer each one.

Instructions in 5 tips: setting up a satellite dish yourself

First of all, before starting the process, you should choose the right place for installing a satellite dish Given how digital broadcasting is spreading today (and it goes by leaps and bounds), it is not necessary to say that satellite television has become obsolete. Receiving a picture from a satellite is interesting in that you have the ability to turn on a huge number of channels. And many satellite channels are freely available. And there are also such regions where a continuous coverage of digital broadcasting is physically impossible. Therefore, installing an antenna is the only possible solution. Do not be afraid of such words as "install a parabolic antenna" or "satellite", "polarization", "head position". Perhaps, in your not the most difficult task, these indications will not be useful. And, if necessary, it will not be difficult to see the position of the head and decide on the turning part.

Preparing to tune the antenna

Let's say the antenna has already been suspended. That is, the installation of the antenna in the optimal place, which still needs to be found, is completed. Then you should carefully prepare yourself for the setup. Otherwise, it happens that the antenna is already on the street, the location has been chosen and it's time to set it up, but some annoying little thing is missing.

Do-it-yourself installation can save you a lot of money

The installer must prepare:

  • Wrenches and screwdrivers of different sizes, those that involved both mounting the suspension and fastening the mirror itself;
  • TV, tuner, connecting cable;
  • Extension cord with a pair of sockets;
  • Protractor;
  • Compass.

Sometimes, fine tuning cannot go without an assistant. For example, if the connection cannot be made with control. That is, it does not work out in any way to place the tuner with the TV so that you can correctly control the indicator readings and set the channels. Then the antenna adjustment is carried out by two people.

Rough satellite TV setup

Suppose you decide to make a rough adjustment with your own hands. Then you need to install the antenna in the right place, and then fix it not very tight. Why not tight? This is done to preserve the ability to change the position of the mirror. And when there is data on the required tilt angles, you can take on the orientation of the antenna.

The antenna must be installed in the line of sight of the desired direction

How to orient the antenna:

  • With a compass, you need to catch a landmark on the horizon, which is located at the desired azimuth. This means that you need to select and set the azimuth on the compass, and look for the direction with the sight. The object that fell into the slot of the reticle is the reference point.
  • First, the angle of vertical inclination is taken roughly. But if you search, you can refine it by looking at the cut of the antenna mirror through a protractor. In this case, the slope of the equipment will be slightly more than required.

Fine tune the satellite dish

The next step is to turn on the TV and receiver. For you, the signal quality indicator bar should cause interest on the screen. Quality and signal are the keywords. Tilt the antenna to the left a few degrees. Then slowly, looking at the indicator readings, turn the antenna to the left. If there is no increase in readings, lower the antenna mirror a little, repeat the procedure in the opposite direction.

To receive a radio signal from a satellite, it must fall on the receiving mirror and nothing should interfere with it

So you can say that at home you make movements like a snake - and you will find that one point in space at which the signal quality level will be above 75%. This test will give reliable signal reception.

Remember that you need to turn the antenna from behind or from the side, because the human body is a big obstacle to finding a signal. The movement of the antenna mirror must be very slow. The receiver must have a margin of time to recognize the signal. When you have already achieved a high-quality signal, it can be further improved if the convector is rotated a little.

Completing the process: how to set up a satellite dish yourself

When you find the direction to the satellite, an automatic channel search is performed. Usually, the way you search for a channel on a TV is exactly the same way that you search for cymbal channels. And after completing the settings, you need to tighten all the adjusting and fixing screws tightly. Still, the antenna has a huge windage, and the wind can knock down the tuning if the screws are loosely tightened.

Many people think that setting up a satellite dish is a difficult process, in fact it is not.

And then you need to securely fasten the cable. It is easier and more correct to fix it on the convector stand and suspension using plastic disposable clamps. If you yourself are not sure that you can do all this, you need to assemble a small team of already experienced tuners. Sometimes two pairs of hands are not enough, only three.

Scheme: how to connect a satellite dish to a TV

The instruction will be large only if everything is done from scratch. If it’s only a matter of “reconfiguring”, as well as removing unnecessary channels and finding the missing ones, the process will go faster. This instruction is universal - suitable for those who install the antenna in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Karaganda, for example, Kharkov (Ukraine here). Even Yamal can be included in this scheme.

The installation of a satellite dish must be done higher, in most cases - on the roof

Antenna connection instructions:

  • Choose the desired antenna installation location (if you live in the northern hemisphere, then the satellites are located in the southern);
  • Check whether the place is convenient, whether it is difficult to maintain;
  • Connect the antenna according to the attached instructions;
  • Install it in the chosen location so that it is ready for adjustment;
  • Prepare the cable;
  • Connect the converter and the receiver with a cable, connect the receiver to the TV;
  • Connect electricity to the antenna site;
  • Connect the receiver and TV to the power supply;
  • Install the antenna in the same direction, at the same angle as the neighbors;
  • Enter the menu and follow the instructions;
  • Change the vertical tilt angle;
  • Give the antenna the desired tilt;
  • Rotate the antenna in a horizontal plane in order to achieve the highest possible signal level;
  • Tighten all mounting bolts;
  • OK - in the settings menu;
  • Look at the channel names, making sure you get that satellite.

The antenna can always be reconfigured. Why do you need Chinese channels if you are not interested? Why do you need channels about Sirius and Venus if you are sports-oriented, for example? In a word, install what you really need without loading the list with too much.

How to set up a satellite dish yourself (video)

You can do a lot yourself, including installing an antenna. If a satellite dish is the only way to enjoy watching a large number of channels, then you can get by with the connection on your own.

HotBird is a European satellite with a large number of foreign programs. Hotbird is connected to watch Italian, Armenian, Arabic, French, Polish, Portuguese, African, as well as channels from the Middle East.

Acceptance is made for a set of equipment:

  • Satellite dish 90-120cm.
  • Linear Converter.
  • Cable.

Channels without a subscription fee (open) are consistently received on 90cm cymbals. Encoded paid foreign programs work on antennas 120-140cm (Sky Italia, NOVA, Polsat, Bis TV France). These data are for Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as the nearest regions. Refer to the Hotbird coverage map for the antenna size for your region.

Instructions for self-tuning the antenna to the Hotbird satellite

1. Determination of the possibility of receiving a satellite

The direction of the satellite is determined by the program on the Internet or by the compass. First option: go to the GEONAMES website (DISHPOINTER), select the name of the satellite (Eutelsat Hotbird 13B/13C/13E). We drive in the exact address, look at the map. The direction of the satellite will be shown with a colored line. We check if the windows go in the right direction, we check for obstacles in the reception path.

Performing the compass procedure: find the south mark and count 24 degrees west to the mark "204" (the south pointer corresponds to 180 degrees + 24 degrees to the Hotbird satellite). A satellite signal is received in this direction. Check for interference in the receiving path.

If there is no signal from the windows or walls of the building, the satellite dish is connected on the roof. The cable runs along the facade or low-current riser.

Attention! Only a specialist after leaving and measuring the signal guarantees satellite reception! The cost of the service is 1000 ₽.

For independent measurements, we use a prefix where there is a scale of level and quality.

2. Assembly of equipment, orientation to the satellite.

The procedure is performed using a receiver with a TV or a device for tuning antennas. The device facilitates the work, as there is no need to carry the TV with the set-top box to the place of installation. The device shows the strength and power of the signal, there is a sound indicator. But there are some peculiarities: the device does not determine which satellite it received, therefore, after receiving the maximum values ​​for the device, we check the channels on the receiver.

In both options, first set the satellite parameters in the receiver:

  • Name Eutelsat Hotbird 13B/13C/13E.
  • Transponder (frequency): 12322MHz, polarization: H, bit rate: 27500, error correction: 3/4.
  • Disek - off. 22KHz - off.
  • Converter settings (only if required): upper local oscillator 10600 MHz, lower oscillator 9750 MHz.

The transponder can be selected from the general list of frequencies for this satellite, or through the "Manual search" section. On the screen we will have 2 scales: the level and quality of the signal. It is important for us to fill both scales to the maximum values, but not less than 60-70%. Full list of channels and frequencies of the Hotbird satellite.

3. Setting up a Hotbird satellite dish

Before doing the work, we find data on the elevation and azimuth of the desired region (if the required city is not in the list, we use the program to calculate SATCALC):

Region elevation angle Azimuth
Arkhangelsk 211 13
Volgograd 219 26
Ekaterinburg 232 13
Kazan 231 21
Kaliningrad 189 27
Krasnodar 215 32
Moscow 208 23
Murmansk 201 11
Nizhny Novgorod 215 20
Rostov-on-Don 215 30
St. Petersburg 200 20
Samara 223 21
Tyumen 237 10
  • We expose the dish in elevation and azimuth of your region (Moscow and the region, elevation 208, azimuth 23).
  • We turn the converter to the mark -15.8 ° , so that the value is at the top.
  • We set the antenna mirror vertically with a slight downward slope.
  • Slowly move the antenna 1-2mm to the left and right, wait a few seconds, look at the filling of the scales. If the signal does not appear, then change the location of the antenna (up and down), continue to move left and right. We repeat the procedure until we reach the maximum values ​​in the two scales, but not less than 60-70%.
  • We fix the antenna, tighten the bolts

If for some reason you are unable to set up the Hotbird dish, or the antenna has stopped working, contact the Spektr TV installers +7 962 963 31 08.

HotBird antenna tuning wizards: challenge Moscow and the region

Antenna operators perform the following types of repairs:

  • Setting up a satellite dish.
  • Converter replacement.
  • Cable repair or replacement.
  • Connecting additional TVs.
  • Satellite set-top box setup.
  • Replacing the antenna mirror.
  • Reinstalling the system.
  • Support reinforcement.
  • Replacing connectors.
  • Receiver firmware.

The cost of setting up HotBird is 2500 ₽!

Prices for accessories:

  • Converter 1 output - 490 ₽.
  • Cable - 35 ₽ per meter.
  • Antenna 90cm - 1590 ₽.
  • Antenna 120cm - 5600
  • Lightning protection - 490

Spectrum TV installers have significant experience and have specialized technical education. Warranties are provided on labor and equipment.

  • Arthur
  • Joined the company since 2010. Specialization: repair, adjustment, installation of satellite systems

  • Alexander
  • Joined the company since 2006. Specialization: repair, adjustment, installation of satellite and terrestrial systems

  • Sergei
  • In the company since 2004. Specialization: repair, tuning, installation of TV systems. Cellular. Internet.

Antenna setup Astra 19 + Hotbird 13

The combination consists of two satellites - Astra 19 and Hotbird 13. Satellites are located close, so you can connect them to one antenna. Astra 19 - viewing German, French programs. HotBird - Italian, Polish, Arabic, African, Asian TV channels.

Equipment required:

  • Satellite dish 1.2m-1.4m.
  • Converter linear polarization, 1 output - 2 pcs.
  • Multifeed - 1 pc.
  • Disc switch for 2 - 1 pc.

Multifeed is a holder for the second converter. The standard complete set of a plate assumes existence of one fastening. When connecting the antenna to several satellites, a multifeed is used.

A disk switch is a device that will switch power between two LNBs (two satellites). If a channel is selected from the Hotbird satellite, then power is supplied to the corresponding LNB.

Tuning procedure for 120cm antenna:

  • We assemble and install the plate on the bracket.
  • In the central focus, we connect the converter to Astra 19, since the signal from this satellite is weaker.
  • We collect and install the multifeed according to the instructions. We place the multifeed on the left (the antenna is in front of the tuner).
  • Adjust the distance between the center of the Astra 19 LNB and the center of the Hotbird LNB by 83mm.
  • Mounting the disc: we take 2 cables from the converters, connect the cable from Astra 19 to 1 input of the disc, and the cable from Hotbird to the second. Output (out) to the receiver.
  • We connect the receiver to the antenna and to the TV, display the menu on the screen.
  • We set the operating frequency of the Astra satellite in the set-top box: transponder (frequency): 12,545, polarization H, flow rate 22,000, error correction 5/6.
  • Before us are 2 scales: level and quality, we will use them to tune the antenna.
  • We unscrew the Astra converter to the mark -10.3, the Hotbird converter to the mark -15.8, the values ​​​​should be on top.
  • Slowly move the antenna left and right, wait a couple of seconds, check the filling of the scales on the console. If the signal does not appear, change the location of the antenna (up and down).
  • We repeat the procedure until the scales are filled. They must be filled at least 60-70%.
  • We set up the Astra 19 satellite channels on the receiver. If all channels are found and work stably, then we begin to configure the disk switch.
  • In the disk settings section, set the "enable" switch function.
  • We go to the settings. The version must match the one written on the device case.
  • We expose the same inputs that were used when connecting. They can be designated either by numbers - 1,2, or by the letters A, B.
  • At the first entrance Astra, at the second Hotbird.
  • Setting up channels on Hotbird. If there is no signal, or it is weak. Move the Hotbird converter left and right, check again.
  • We fix the antenna, tighten the bolts.

Antenna setup for 3 satellites Amos 4 + Sirius 5 (Astra 4W) + HotBird 13

The combination consists of 3 satellites: Amos 4W, HotBird 13E, Sirius 4.9E (the new name of the Astra 4A satellite). Hotbird - European channels, programs from Asia and Africa. With Amos and Sirius - channels in Ukrainian.

Equipment required:

  • Satellite dish 120-140cm.
  • Converter linear polarization 1 output - 3 pcs.
  • Multifeed - 2 pcs.
  • Disc switch for 4 - 1pc

Multifeeds - additional holders for converters. The standard complete set of a satellite dish assumes 1 holder. The disk switch will combine the signal from 3 antennas and switch the power between them (power is supplied to the LNB of the satellite whose channel was selected on the set-top box).

The procedure for tuning to a 120cm antenna:

  • We assemble and install the antenna on the bracket.
  • In the central focus we expose Hotbird. To the left of Hotbird, first the converter to Sirius, then Amos.
  • The distance between the centers of the first and second converter (Hotbird-Sirius) 83mm, the second and third (Sirius-Amos) 87mm.
  • We unscrew the converter (see degrees on the irradiator): HotBird -15.8, Sirius -20.2, Amos -24.3. The value should be on top.
  • We connect a 1x4 disk: 1 Hotbird input, 2 Sirius input, 3 Amos input.
  • Using a cable, we take the signal from the disk output (out) and connect it to the antenna input of the set-top box (LNB IN, ANT IN).
  • We connect the receiver to the antenna and TV, display the menu on the TV screen.
  • In the set-top box, select the Hotbird satellite, go to the list of frequencies (transponders), look for the frequency of 12322 MHz.
  • Full parameters: frequency 12322MHz, polarization H, bit rate 27500, error correction 3/4.
  • We set the antenna vertically, with a slight downward slope. Pre-setting in azimuth and elevation for the hotbird satellite will simplify the task (see data above).
  • Slowly move the plate 1-2 mm to the left to the right, wait a few seconds, check the filling of the signal level and quality scales on the screen.
  • When this operation does not bring results, we try to move the mirror up and down, we continue the adjustment.
  • We achieve the maximum filling of the signal scales - at least 60-70%.
  • Check the channel settings on the set-top box. If everything works well, the signal is stable, we proceed to tune channels to other satellites.
  • In the receiver, turn on the protocol-disc function. The version must match the version of the drive we connected. Usually these numbers are indicated on the case. Most switches use protocol 1.0-2.0
  • We expose the necessary disk inputs. 1 entrance Hotbird, 2 - Sirius, 2 - Amos. There may be letter designations A-B-C-D.
  • We set up channels from Sirius, Amos satellites. The set-top box, as a rule, already has a frequency list. But you can also do it manually.
  • Sirius frequency: 11766, polarization H, bitrate 27500, error correction 3/4.
  • Amos frequency: 11140, polarization H, bit rate 30,000, error correction 3/4.
  • Be sure to activate the network search function, as this will help us set up the entire transponder list of the satellite.
  • When paid channels are not planned for viewing, we select to search only open or FTA channels.
  • If the signal of any satellite is not stable, we adjust the converter.

Masters of the company "Spektr TV" will provide services for the installation and tuning of the antenna to satellites: HotBird, Amos, Sirius, Astra. Phone +7 962 963 31 08.

Today we will learn how to quickly set up a satellite dish. We will tune it to the satellite EUTELSAT 36A/B 36°E . NTV Plus, Tricolor TV, Lebed are located there. But we are more interested in NTV Plus and Tricolor TV.

For this we need the antenna itself

with fasteners

And tools:

  • Several anchors 6 mm in diameter and 6 cm long, or you can take 8 * 8;
  • Keys;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Nippers or pliers.
  • We also need a puncher to drill holes in the wall.

At home or somewhere in a convenient place, you first need to assemble the antenna, i.e. immediately fix the rod that holds the converter, fix the converter itself, the entire mount and assemble the rack. We will mount it on the wall.

Before installing the mount on the wall, you need to decide on the place where, in fact, we will mount it. The place should be free, there should be no trees around, no additional wires.

The mounting pipe must be attached to the wall so that it is as vertical as possible, you can measure it by level.

We put the pipe where we need it, into the holes with something, for example, with a screwdriver or a marker, we make marks on the wall.

Then we remove the pipe and drill holes in the wall.

We install our mount on the wall, putting it on 3 anchors already inserted in advance.

Carefully fix it all with anchor nuts.

Then we pick up the antenna, slightly loosening the mount on it, and put it on the pipe, fixing it so that the structure holds well, but can move slightly to the right / left.

To set up any satellite, arbitrary, there are a bunch of programs for Android and other platforms, as well as for computers.

For example, on an Android phone, you can install SatFinder

The program determines our coordinates and shows the satellite settings.

We are interested in the lines azimuth and elevation (elevation is the geographical direction where the antenna should be turned).

LNB tilt – converter rotation angle, i.e. the angle by which the converter must be rotated as much as possible for better signal reception.

In addition to this, we are interested in another Android program - Clinomet.

This is a program that allows you to find out the angle of the phone.

There are many more similar programs, not on Android, that allow you to measure the angle of inclination, you can use any available one.

When installing the antenna, you should first look around, perhaps there are clues around - other already installed NTV Plus or Tricolor TV antennas that will help us determine in which direction it should be turned.

If there are any, you can go to another, already installed and tuned antenna.

They all have the same construction.

The bar that holds the converter should be at the same angle on all.

In order to measure what the angle of inclination of this bar should be, we lean the phone against it, having previously turned on the necessary program, and we see the angle of inclination of 64 degrees.

The next steps - you need to orient yourself on the spot and calculate where the antenna is geographically directed.
To do this, you need to approach the antenna from behind strictly in the center and look in front of you.
It is necessary to find some kind of landmark in the distance, to which we will direct our antenna during installation.

Then we return to our and the antenna and repeat the procedure, i.e. measure the angle of inclination of the bar.
It, as we have determined, should be 64 degrees.
Then we stand behind our antenna strictly in the center, find our landmark in the distance and direct the antenna evenly at it. And here he is:

Then we fasten the antenna cable to the converter.

Do not forget that you can screw the cable only when it is not connected to the receiver, or the receiver is turned off.
Otherwise, there is a chance that the receiver will burn out.

Most importantly, we installed and configured the antenna itself, copying the settings from neighboring working antennas.

To prove that the antenna is set up correctly, there is a special Satellite Finder device, with which we will check if there is a signal from the satellite.

After we screwed the antenna cable to the converter, the arrow on this device deviates, i.e. we conclude that the signal sensor shows us the presence of a signal from the satellite.

With this device, you can adjust the antenna so as to achieve the highest possible signal level.

We fix it on our antenna, namely on the pipe that holds the converter, and carefully turn the antenna together with this device to the right / left.

Doing this, we look at the position of the antenna, the instrument indicators will reach the maximum value.

After we have found a more favorable antenna position for us, it can be fixed.

At the beginning, we left the nuts on the rear mount loose so that we could adjust the position of the antenna by turning it right / left.

After we have decided on the optimal position of the antenna, the nuts need to be fixed.

As a result, we installed and adjusted the antenna both horizontally and vertically, and achieved the position of the antenna in which the signal value is maximum.

It remains to fix the antenna cable, you can use tape or clamps, and the antenna is ready for use.

The article will be primarily useful for everyone who wants to install and configure equipment for watching satellite channels with their own hands.

Many users prefer satellite TV. This is understandable: cable TV has a limited selection of channels.

Today, widescreen models of Full HD television receivers are designed to display high-definition images, which in the era of analog TV could only be dreamed of.

If you connect digital cable TV, the choice of channels will not be great, and the possibilities of the dish are much wider. If we compare the cost, then the price of a cable receiver is practically no different from a satellite one.

And the owners of private houses and citizens living in the countryside, they simply do not have the opportunity to connect to cable television.

Satellite selection

Even before installing a satellite dish, the consumer will have to choose a satellite. Beginners need to understand this issue in more detail.

Satellite TV works as follows. First, the signals from television channels are sent to the satellite, from which the signals are sent to subscribers to receiving devices or tuners.

The receivers process the signals, and the encrypted channels are decoded. After that, the signal goes to the TV.

With the help of a satellite, you can watch open or encrypted channels, which can be placed separately on a satellite or included in packages of different operators.

To charge a subscription fee, encoding is performed. Today, users are offered to purchase packages. This is convenient, provided that they are purchased, one payment is provided for viewing a large number of channels at once. In order to receive high quality signals from a particular satellite, the antenna must be tuned.

When the satellites are in close proximity, it is possible to receive a signal simultaneously from them at the same time.

If you want to watch at least 30 channels in Russian for free, then tune the dish to the Yamal 201 satellite. Tricolor TV is very popular among users, and most of the channels are on NTV-Plus and Raduga-TV.

Free channels can be selected on You can get acquainted with paid packages of satellite TV on sites on the Internet. To avoid interference, it is recommended to mount the dish on the roof of the antenna.

Components for connecting satellite TV

Tuner. The receiving device "decodes" the signal coming from the space satellite, converts it and transmits it to the television receiver.

Plate. It is installed in the direction of the satellite to receive a signal, which is subsequently redirected to the convector.

Head or convector. A device that receives antenna signals. After converting the signal, it is transmitted by the convector to the receiver.

Bracket. Special metal construction for attaching the antenna.

Cable. Connecting link between convector and receiver.

DiSEq. It will be needed when signals from several satellites are received in one tuner at once.

F-ki. Connect cable and other equipment. These are the so-called connecotras.

Cable connecting the receiver and the television receiver. SCART, HDMI and tulips.

What should be considered when choosing equipment?

Choose an antenna D = 90 cm, then it will be possible to receive signals from the maximum number of satellites. The choice of convector polarization also depends on the choice of satellite.

When two TVs or a TV with a computer are used for satellite TV, you will need to connect two receivers and a convector with two outputs.

The bracket is attached with anchors. The leg should allow you to freely rotate the antenna in different directions. Multifeed will be required when not one, but several convectors are fixed on the antenna.

Do-it-yourself plate installation

The service will help you find out where to point the antenna. After indicating on the map the place where the dish will be installed using the flag, select the desired satellite from the column, and the direction indicator will appear.

Installation work begins with mounting the bracket on the wall.

Self-configuring a satellite dish

F-ku is wound on the ends of the cable. Cut the insulation from the TV cable by 1.5 cm, bend the screen braid, cut the foil screen with an indent from the edge by 0.9 cm, wind the F-ku.

The cable is connected at one end to the convector and the other end to the receiver.

The next step is to tune the antenna to the satellite. We direct the dish according to the compass, and adjust according to the signal level displayed in the receiver's menu. Having achieved the desired result, tighten the nuts on the plate and secure the cable.

Setting up a satellite TV tuner

In the receiver's menu, you must first select the language and check the firmware version. Set the time, time zone and other settings using the dial.

Display signal level quality information. Tune the antenna, focusing on this window.

After completing the settings, you need to scan the satellite. To open access to channels, insert a satellite operator card.

Photo examples of installing a satellite dish

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