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Network protocol settings tcp ip. Operating system Windows Vista

Every owner personal computer or laptop encountered problems accessing the Internet. It has happened that all the settings have been made, there is access to the network, Wi-Fi is configured, but there is no access to the Internet. In network connections, the status bar says the following: IPv4 without Internet access. How to fix the error and gain access to the network, read this article.

Diagnosis of the error

The first thing to do in this situation is to diagnose the networks:

  1. Press Win+R and run the command ncpa.cpl
  2. Right click on the problematic network connection and select “Status”.
  3. Open Diagnostics.
  4. Depending on the identified problem, to solve it, use the material from the links provided:
    1. .
    2. .
    3. .
    4. .
    5. The DHCP server is not enabled on the network adapter.

It often happens that the cause of a problem with Internet access is an incorrectly configured DHCP server. This can be either on your part or on the part of the Internet provider. If this is your problem, read on.

TCP/IPv4 settings

First, let's make sure that there is no ordinary network failure that can be solved by reconnecting the connection. Right-click on the problematic network and select “Disable”. Then, double click mouse, turn it back on.
If you have a router, reboot it too. Important! If there are several computers on the network, do not assign the problematic IP address of another device. If you do this, the network will not work.

Router settings

If you are using a router, turn on DHCP settings server:

If the suggested options do not resolve the problem, please contact technical support your provider. For their part, they will analyze possible mistakes and will indicate the reason for the lack of Internet.

Protocols define the language in which a computer communicates with other computers on the network

The most popular network protocol is TCP/IP, which serves as the basis of the Internet. In Windows XP this protocol is installed automatically.

If necessary, you can additionally install other network protocols supported by the Windows XP operating system, such as NWLink and NetBEUI.

This section explains how to install basic network protocols and how to configure them correctly.

Installation and configuration of the TCP/IP protocol.

In Windows XP Professional, TCP/IP protocol settings are part of the Settings network adapter, therefore all changes related to this protocol are made through the Control Panel.

To install or configure the TCP/IP network protocol, go to Control Panel, menu Network connections, select Connect via local network. You can also select Properties V context menu section network located in the menu " Start"

The window that appears presents various connections your computer with the outside world. After successfully installing the network adapter, there should be at least one icon in the window named Local Area Connection. The number of these icons depends on the number of network adapters installed in your computer.

Double click the icon LAN connection. A new window will appear with information about the connection status from which you can find out the duration of the connection, its speed, the number of sent and received packets data.

Button Properties calls up a window for setting the connection properties, including the parameters of the protocols used.

In this window you can get information about the network adapter through which the connection is made. Clicking the button Tune, you will open the network adapter properties window and you can change them.

By checking the box When connected, display the icon in the notification area, you will enable the display of an icon representing the connection in the panel Windows tasks. This will allow you to monitor the activity of the connection and quickly configure it without using Control Panel.

In the central part of the window, all clients, services and protocols associated with the connection are listed in a list. For the normal functioning of the domain or working group Windows XP requires the following components:

IN Depending on the configuration of your local network and the services used on it, additional clients, services and protocols may be installed.

Once you have selected the component you want, you can click the button Properties to configure component parameters. Please note that some components are not configurable and the button Properties inactive.

All changes to connection component parameters take effect only when you click OK in the connection properties window. Windows XP applies connection component settings without restarting the computer. Depending on what connection parameters you change, their use may temporarily disable the corresponding services or protocols. In this case, all clients connected to the computer through this connection will be disconnected.

At Windows installation XP Professional, to connect to a local network, only one network protocol, TCP/IP, is installed.
If for some reason it is not in the list of used components (for example, it was removed), you can install it again.
To set the protocol, click the button Install, in the list of components to install, select Protocol and press the button Add.

By default it is set to automatic receipt Your computer's IP addresses. This assumes that you have a Dynamic IP Address Provisioning (DHCP) server running on your local network. If indeed this server works on your network, then the TCP/IP protocol does not need additional settings. An IP address will be allocated to your computer by a DHCP server from a pre-configured range (pool) of addresses.

If you are not using it on a local network DHCP server, then the TCP/IP protocol must be configured, i.e. specify the computer’s unique IP address (static IP address), default gateway and DNS server address (when connecting to a domain).


Type of work: frontal

Tools to get the job done:

    hardware: computer with Windows XP installed;

    software: virtual machines: VM-1;

    informational: IP address; Subnet mask; main gate; preferred DNS.

Lead time: 2 hours

Tasks for work

1. TCP/IP.

Start the VM-1 virtual machine and boot into Windows OS.

Launch the console (Start/Programs/Accessories/Command Prompt).

IN command line enter ipconfig /all/more.

Using the information below, create a text document in your folder with the following information:

    computer name;

    primary DNS suffix;

    description of the DNS suffix for connection;

    physical adress;

    DHCP enabled;

    autoconfiguration enabled;

    Autoconfiguration IP address;

    Subnet mask;

    default gateway.

Make sure the stack is working TCP/IP by sending echo requests to IP addresses. To do this, use the ping command:

    send pings to local address computer (loopback) ping (messages should appear on the screen about the received response from node;

    Ping to a different IP address, such as

2. Configure the TCP/IP protocol stack to use a static IP address.

Open the Network Connections window (Start/Control Panel/Network Connections).

Call the local area connection properties. To do this, you can use the context menu.

In the dialog box that appears, on the General tab, open the properties of Internet Protocol TCP/IP.

Click the switch Use the following IP address and enter the following data in the appropriate fields: IP_address; Subnet mask; Main gate; Preferred DNS.

Apply the settings with the button OK.

Close the connection properties window with the button OK(if necessary, agree to restart the computer).

Check the functionality of the protocol stack TCP/IP.

3. Configure TCP/IP to automatically obtain an IP address.

Open the Network Connections window.

Call the properties of Local Area Connections.

Open the properties of Internet Protocol TCP/IP.

Set the switch Obtain an IP address automatically.

Close the Properties dialog box: Internet Protocol TCP/IP with OK.

Apply the settings with the button OK.

Check your protocol stack setup TCP/IP.

Get a different address for your computer. For this:

    launch the console (command line);

    enter the command to reset assigned addresses - ipconfig /release;

    enter the command to get a new address ipconfig /renew;

Check the functionality of the protocol stack TCP/IP.


    Describe the parameters used during setup static address TCP/IP.

    What are the benefits of using the TCP/IP protocol stack?

    Define the concept of TCP/IP protocol stack.

Practical work No. 12 “Working with diagnostic utilities of the tcp/ip protocol”

Target: generalization and systematization of knowledge on the topic “Internetworking”

Type of work: frontal

Lead time: 2 hours

Tasks for work

Task 1. Obtaining reference information on commands.

Display background information for all utilities considered (see table, paragraph 1). To do this, on the command line, enter the name of the utility without parameters and add /? .

Save the help information in a separate file.

Examine the keys used when launching utilities.

Task 2: Getting the hostname.

Display name localhost using the hostname command. Save the result in a separate file.

Task 3. Studying the ipconfig utility.

Check your TCP/IP configuration using the ipconfig utility. Fill the table:

Task 4. Testing communication using the ping utility.

    Verify that TCP/IP is installed and configured correctly on the local computer.

    Test the functioning of the default gateway by sending 5 echo packets of 64 bytes in length.

    Check the ability to establish a connection with the remote host.

    Using the ping command, check the addresses (take from the list local resources on the website and for each of them mark the response time. Try changing the ping command parameters to improve response time. Determine the IP addresses of the nodes.

Task 5. Determining the path of an IP packet.

Using the tracert command, check for the addresses listed below which intermediate nodes the signal goes through. Learn the command keys.



Task 6: Viewing the ARP cache.

Use the arp utility to view the local computer's ARP table.

Add any static entry to the local computer cache.

Task 7: View the local routing table.

Use the route utility to view the local routing table.

Task 8. Obtaining information about current network connections and protocols of the TCP/IP stack.

Using the netstat utility, display a list of network connections and statistical information for UDP, TCP, ICMP, IP protocols.

Control questions:

    Expand the terms: host, gateway, hop, packet lifetime, route, network mask, authoritative/non-authoritative (competent) DNS server, TCP port, a loop feedback, response time.

    What utilities can be used to verify that TCP/IP is configured correctly?

    How ping command checks connection to remote host?

    What is the purpose of ARP?

    How does the ping utility resolve hostnames to IP addresses (and vice versa)?

    What could be the reasons for ping and tracert failure? (request timeout exceeded, network unavailable, packet transmission time-to-live exceeded).

    Is it always possible to find out symbolic name node by its IP address?

    What type of record does the DNS server ask for? simplest form nslookup?

Double-click on the “My Computer” icon and launch “Control Panel” by double-clicking on the corresponding icon with the left mouse button. In the "Control Panel" window, click on the "Network" icon, then, with the cursor positioned on the TCP/IP component, click the "Properties" button. Check "Specify IP address explicitly" and enter the IP address -, subnet mask -

Next, go to the “Gateway” tab and type in the “New Gateway” line -, click the “Add” button. Open the "DNS Configuration" tab, check "Enable DNS", in the "Order for viewing DNS servers" field, type and click the "Add" button, then in the same field, type and click the "Add" button.

Operating system Windows XP/2000

Click the Start button and select Control Panel. Then select “Network & Internet Connections”, then “Network Connections”. Click right click Click on the Local Area Connection icon, and then click the Properties button. In the window that appears, select “Internet Protocol TCP/IP”, and then click the “Properties” button. In the window that appears, check "Use the following IP address" and fill in the fields "IP address" -, "Subnet mask" -, "Default gateway" -, "Preferred DNS server" - 192.168 .1.1, " Alternative DNS server» -

Operating system Windows Vista

In the “Start” menu, select the “Control Panel” section, then “Network and Internet”, then “View network status and tasks”. (If in the "Control Panel" go to classic look, then you need the item “Network and Sharing Center” shared access".) In the window that opens, in the left column, select “Manage network connections.” Next, a window will open in front of you, which will display all the connections available on your computer, including the local network connection. Right-click once on the “Local Area Connection” icon and select “Properties” from the context menu that appears. Next, in the window that appears, select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and click the “Properties” button, which is located just below the item you selected. As a result, the “Properties: Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” window will open in front of you, where you need to check the “Use the following IP address” option and fill in the fields: “IP address” -, “Subnet mask” -, "Primary Gateway" -, "Preferred DNS Server" -, "Alternate DNS Server" -

Windows Seven operating system

In the "Start" menu, select the "Control Panel" section, then "Network and Internet", the "View network status and tasks" item (If you go to the classic view in the "Control Panel", then you need the "Network and Sharing Center" item access.") In the window that opens, in the left column, select “Change adapter settings.” A window will open in front of you, which will display all the connections available on your computer, including the local network connection. Right-click once on the “Local Area Connection” icon and select “Properties” from the context menu that appears. A window will open in front of you: select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and click the “Properties” button, which is located just below the item you selected. As a result, the “Properties: Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” window will open in front of you, where you need to check the “Use the following IP address” option and fill in the fields: “IP address” -, “Subnet mask” -, "Primary Gateway" -, "Preferred DNS Server" -, "Alternate DNS Server" -

Operating system Macintosh English

Open System Preferences or select the icon System Settings", go to Network. The number of interfaces depends only on the computer model. Select the required interface for configuration: for an Ethernet connection - Built-in Ethernet. If the interface is inactive (Wi-Fi (Airport) is not turned on or the Ethernet cable is not connected), then its name is displayed in red. If the interface is active (Wi-Fi (Airport) is turned on or an Ethernet cable is connected), then its name is highlighted yellow. If the interface is active and the TCP/IP settings have been entered, the interface name is green.

Double-click on the name of the selected interface to configure interface settings. In the Configure IPv4 drop-down menu, select the type of receiving TCP/IP settings - Manually. Enter the following values: IP Address -, Subnet Mask -, Router -, DNS Servers -,, and click the Apply Now button.

Operating system Macintosh Rus

In the Apple Menu, click System Preferences > Network. In the “Network” window, select Ethernet in the left side window, click the “Advanced” button, open the TCP/IP tab, then select “Manual” below, enter the IPv4 address -, subnet mask -, router - 192.168 .1.1. Click OK.

In the main “Networks” menu, select “Advanced”, go to the DNS tab, click on the “+” icon under the “DNS Servers” window - in the window that opens, specify the first DNS server -, click OK. Repeat the described steps, specifying the second DNS server - After that, in the “Network” window, in the left side window, Ethernet should light up green (the message “Connected” will also appear). Close the Network window.

To work on the Internet you need to configure network connection. To do this you need to follow these steps:

1. You need to move your mouse cursor to the upper right corner of the screen to display the panel as shown in the figure below. In it you need to select “Search”. If you are setting up a connection on a tablet or computer with touch screen, then to call this panel, you need to touch the right edge of the device screen and move your finger to the left to “pull out” this panel.

2. In the menu that opens, you need to find and select “Control Panel”. We recommend using the search bar on the right top corner and write “Panel” there.

3. Find the item “Network and Internet” and in it “View network status and tasks”

4. Select the item “Change adapter settings”

5. In the window that appears, find “Ethernet” (in Windows 8 this is called “Local Area Connection”), click on it right key mouse and select “Properties”

6. In the next window, double-left-click on “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”

7. In the window that appears, select the “Use the following IP address” option and enter information about the IP address, mask, gateway (should be known to you) and DNS servers:,

8. After entering the data, click the “OK” button at the bottom of the window. Also, for the settings to take effect, you must click “OK” on the next window.
9. The connection is configured.

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