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Setting up WordPress is the most important and essential for a quick blog start. Initial WordPress setup

This article will show you how to create a WordPress website. With the help of a step-by-step guide, you will make a high-quality and functional resource suitable for attracting and converting traffic.

Why WordPress - what it is and 5 reasons to use it for your website or blog

WordPress is the most popular Content Management System (CMS). According to Web Technology Surveys, 32.3% of the total number of existing sites, as well as 59.5% of sites using CMS, are powered by this engine as of November 2018. In 2015, WordPress was using only 24% of CMS resources. Below are the main reasons why WordPress is so popular.

Free "engine" CMS WordPress is distributed under the open license agreement (GNU GPL). You are free to use this product for any purpose, including commercial. Almost unlimited possibilities With WordPress, you can create an online store, personal blog, corporate website, information portal, industry resource, multimedia gallery. Flexible customization of appearance and functionality Free and paid templates are available to WordPress site owners, with which you can customize the appearance. And with the help of plugins, you can solve technical problems, provide the necessary functionality of the site. Ease of Administration No special knowledge is required to work with WordPress. The principles of working with the engine are intuitive. The ability to create a website and publish the first content within 5 minutes Of course, you will have to spend a lot more time to turn a template product into something new and interesting. But spend no more than 5 minutes on the first publication.

Well, have you decided to make a website on WordPress? Then skip to the step-by-step guide.

Step # 1: how to choose a hosting and register a domain

If you have a non-commercial project, choose free hosting. For example, you can share photos of cats with the world or keep a diary of a young bodybuilder on the WordPress platform. The site address will look like this: If you are implementing a commercial project, for example, creating a thematic blog, corporate website or planning to make money using the resource in any way, choose paid hosting.

To choose a reliable hosting provider,. If there is no time for this, use the services of one of the following companies:

The choice of the domain zone does not affect the technical characteristics of the resource or the position in the search results. However, in theory, this parameter can influence audience trust. All other things being equal, users are more likely to trust sites with the address or than resources like or Therefore, for commercial projects, try to choose top-level domains, for example, .com, .info, .org, .net, .ru, .ua, .by, etc. Take a look at the recently launched first-level domains such as .club, .guru, .ninja, .expert and others.

Step # 2: how to install WordPress yourself

After purchasing hosting and registering a domain name, install WordPress. Please note that some hosting providers offer plans with a pre-installed CMS. If you have chosen one of them, skip straight to the third step of the guide. If you purchased hosting without the engine installed, follow the instructions:

Go to your WordPress site and download the distribution.

Unpack the archive.

How to Russify a WordPress theme

It is convenient to Russify the theme using the free program Poedit. Download and install it on your computer. Then download the language files of the selected template to your computer. This will require FTP access. It can be obtained using an FTP client such as FileZilla, as well as using plugins such as File Manager. If you have installed this plugin, follow the algorithm described below.

In the console, select the FileManager - Configuration menu. Set up the configurations as shown in the illustration.

From the FileManager - FileManager menu, select the wp-content - themes folder.

Select the theme folder you want to Russify. In it, open the languages ​​folder.

Download the and en.po files to your computer. If there are no such files, download the .pot file to your computer.

Open Poedit and select the "Create New Translation" option.

Open the translation file and enter the language code.

Start translating. In the "Source text" field, the program displays text in English. In the field "Translation" you need to add the text in Russian.

Save the translation. The program will download two files to your PC hard drive: and ru_RU.po. Use the Upload files function to upload the files to the languges folder of your template.

You have Russified the template.

Loco Translate plugin can be used instead of Poedit PC software. After installing and activating the add-on, the interface for translating templates appears directly in the site admin panel.

Step # 5: solving practical problems with WordPress plugins

Plugins are one of the ills of aspiring WordPress site owners. Having barely registered a resource, newly minted webmasters are looking for articles like “100 best plugins for WordPress” in Yandex. They install dozens of extensions. This negatively affects the development of the resource. It's not about slowing down your site, although having too many plugins can cause this problem.

The question is in the concentration of attention and efforts of the site owner. Instead of creating and publishing quality content, he spends hours searching for plugins, installing and configuring them. Such a webmaster does not see the forest for the trees: he forgets that plugins are needed to solve specific practical problems.

To successfully develop your site, use plugins with care. Install extensions only when you want to solve a specific problem. Using plugins, you can do the following:

  • Ensure the safety of the site.
  • Fight spam.
  • Optimize the resource to the requirements of search engines.
  • Increase functionality and improve usability.

How to use plugins to secure your WordPress site

The site is exposed to two global threats. The first is yourself. The pursuit of excellence and innovation can force a webmaster to undertake risky experiments with code and programs that can lead to loss of information. You can protect against this by using plugins that create site backups.

The second threat is unauthorized access to the resource. Attackers can try to gain access to your site in order to install malicious code on it or simply steal it.

To regularly back up your site, use one of the following plugins:

To install the selected plugin, go to the "Plugins - Add New" menu. Enter the name of the extension in the search box in the upper right corner and press Enter. You can also download the plugin from the developer's site and install it using the "Download plugin" function at the top of the admin panel screen.

Click the Install button. After installation, activate the plugin. Now configure your backup options. Select the Tools - WP DB BackUp menu. Click Create New Database BackUp. You have created an on-demand backup.

Set up regular scheduled backups. Go to the Sheduler tab, enable automatic backups, select the frequency of archiving.

On the Destination tab, enable automatic saving of the archive to Google Drive or sending by email.

To protect your site from unauthorized access, use the Loginizer Security plugin. The add-on reliably protects the site from hacking by brute force or brute force.

How to deal with spam on your WordPress site

Anti-spam plugins are useful if you are using the default WordPress commenting system. Third-party commenting systems, for example, Disqus, protect themselves from spam on their own.

You can protect yourself from spam using plugins such as Akismet or Antispam Bee. After installing Antispam Bee plugin works in the background. Usually the default settings are suitable, but if you need to change something, go to the admin menu "Settings - Antispam Bee".

How to provide SEO for a WordPress site

WordPress is the default SEO friendly CMS. But there are tasks without which the site cannot be considered fully compliant with the requirements of search engines. Here they are:

  • Creation and updating of the sitemap.
  • Canonicalization of the URL.
  • Optimization of page title.
  • Automatic generation of page meta data.
  • Blocking the indexing of duplicate content.
  • Creation of micro-markup of pages.

To solve these problems, you will install one SEO plugin from three groups: programs for creating a sitemap, programs for technical resource optimization and programs for creating micro-markup. Use one of the following plugins to create a sitemap:

  • Google XML Sitemaps.
  • Simple WP Sitemap.
  • Google Sitemap.

Google XML Sitemap. To configure the plugin, go to the "Settings - XML-Sitemap" menu.

Novice webmasters are better off leaving the default settings. After activation, the plugin created a sitemap, added its address to the robots.txt file and prepared to notify search engines about resource updates.

If you consider yourself an experienced webmaster, you can change the plugin settings. In the Additional Pages section, you can manually include URLs in your sitemap that were not automatically included in the sitemap. In the "Article Priority" section, determine how the content indexing priority is calculated. In the sections "Change frequencies" and "Priorities" you can recommend the most priority content types in your opinion to search robots.

For technical optimization of the resource, use one of the following plugins:

  • All in One SEO Pack.
  • WordPress SEO by Yoast.
  • Platinum SEO Pack.

Install and activate the plugin of your choice, for example, All in One SEO Pack. Use the default settings if you're new to WordPress. If you consider yourself an advanced webmaster, you can change some settings of the SEO module. To do this, select the All in One SEO menu in the engine console.

Pay attention to the settings listed below.

In the "General Settings" section, uncheck the box next to Use Markup. It is better to mark up the page using a separate plugin.

If you are using the records page as your home page, specify title, description, and keywords in the “Home Page Settings” section. If you are using a static page as the main page, select the Enable check box.

In the "Webmaster settings" section, specify the resource verification code in the Google webmaster account. To do this, add a new resource to the "Tools for Webmasters", select alternative verification methods. Copy the part of the HTML code shown in the illustration.

Paste it into the Google Webmaster Tools field on the plugin settings page.

Save the plugin parameters. In the webmaster's dashboard, click the "Confirm" button.

Use one of the following plugins to mark up your pages:

Binding WPSSO and WPSSO JSON The first plugin is basic, and the second is an extension. With a basic solution, you can add Open Graph markup to your site. The latter implements the markup using JSON-LD. WP SEO Structured Data Schema This plugin allows you to add several types of markup to your site, including Article, BlogPosting and Review. The markup is implemented using JSON-LD. Schema App Plugin With this program, you can add different types of markup to your site. It is implemented via JSON-LD. The free version supports basic markup types. You can also implement markup using the online JSON-LD Generator.

Install and activate the WPSSO and WPSSO JSON plugins. In the console, on the Plugin Settings page, under Essential Settings, provide site information as well as Open Graph markup information. Do not change other settings.

Go to the Schema Markup section. In the Organization Logo Image URL and Organization Banner URL fields, specify the URL for the website logo and banner. These images can be used on the search results page.

Use the dropdown menu to select the base markup type for your blog posts page, static master page. You need the following types: Blog and Website respectively.

Select the type of markup for publication pages, static pages, and media pages. The Article and BlogPosting markup types are suitable for post pages. The choice depends on the format of your blog posts.

The BlogPosting markup type is derived from Article. Besides BlogPosting, the particulars Article includes the News Article markup type or "News". That is, BlogPosting contains all the semantic markup data for Article.

Use the BlogPosting type if you are posting short notes, personal observations, and impressions. Use the Article type if you publish reviews, analytical articles, guides. Here is an example: for posts on the Texterra blog, the Article markup type is suitable, and for Ekaterina Bezymyannaya's diary in LJ, the BlogPosting type is suitable. For static pages and media pages, specify the WebPage markup type.

After saving the settings, the plugin will automatically add the selected markup type to the site pages. Including semantic data will appear on existing pages. You can verify this with the Google Structured Data Validation Tool.

What if you publish different types of content: longreads, short notes, and news? In this case, it is better to choose the appropriate markup for each post. Instead of the WPSSO JSON add-on, use the WP SEO Structured Data Schema plugin.

After installing and activating the plugin, an additional section will appear on the post editing page. With it, you can select the type of markup and specify structured data.

The disadvantage of the plugin is the need to mark up each publication manually. Benefits include support for additional markup types such as Review, Product, and Aggregate Ratings. The free version of WPSSO JSON does not support these types.

How to improve the functionality and usability of the resource

It is possible and necessary to constantly improve functionality and usability. As noted above, some WordPress site owners are so addicted to this process that they install dozens or even hundreds of plugins. To avoid this mistake, start increasing functionality and improving usability not with plugins, but by identifying the problems and tasks you want to solve.

Hello dear visitors of the site. In this article, we will consider the initial settings for a wordpress site (blog) that has just been created (meaning the importance of these settings and the need to perform them at the very initial stage of the development of your blog, if your site has already existed for some time, then you can also this material is useful for improving various aspects of the site).

The appearance of the site control panel (or the look of the WordPress admin panel)

To begin with, you can customize the look of the wordpress control panel (admin panel) itself. To do this, click on the top right "Display Options" and in the drop-down menu, leave only the required items. I've disabled everything except “Current Blog Status” and “Recent Comments”:

Change general site settings on wordpress

To change the general settings of the wordpress site, go to the “Settings” item in the admin menu located on the left (this item is at the very bottom):

By default, the "General" sub-item of the blog settings on the WordPress engine is the first, so you will immediately go to the general site settings section:

Here you can change the site title (if you don’t like the one you entered when installing wordpress), set a short description of the site, for example, “My first blog on CMS WordPress!”, This description in the default theme will be under the site title at the top. It also specifies the WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL). If you are, then here you will be registered in both addresses, and if the site was not local, then the site address on the Internet would be indicated - for example, ... There is no need to change these addresses, the general principle is that both fields of these fields must contain the address of your blog, with the exception of some cases, which I do not mention here. The email address will be the one you specified when installing cms. The Membership flag is unchecked by default and should only be checked if you want to allow users to register on the site. I took it off because I don’t need it. If this flag is not set, then the New User Role option is disabled. You can also specify the time zone in the general settings of the wordpress blog - select in accordance with the time zone settings of your operating system so that the time of the local site coincides with the time in the OS. (If the time zone is selected correctly, the correct local time will be indicated to the right of the time zone selection in the “Local time” line - but this will not happen immediately, but only after saving the changed general settings). Actually, for the changes to take effect, you must click on the "Save changes" button. At this stage, we can assume that the initial general settings of the wordpress site are over, and in the future you are unlikely to have to change anything in them.

Setting up human-readable links (CNC) of the blog on the wordpress engine

Setting up CNC (Human-Understandable Urls) is an important point in the initial site settings on the WordPress engine. Download (either from the official site, although the plugin has not been updated for a long time, but just in case you can check for a more recent version), unpack the archive and drop the rus-to-lat.php file into the root_folder of the site \ wp-content \ plugins \ (for example, in the example article on this directory was called Then go to the admin panel of the WP (wordpress) engine, click the "Plugins" menu item, find the RusToLat plugin and click "Activate":

Then go to the admin menu “Settings”, click the submenu Permalinks (CNC), in the general settings of the “permalinks” switch to “Custom structure” and write the format, for example: “/% category% /% postname% / "- in this case, the category (heading) and the title of the article will be written in the address of the blog page. Next, click “Save Changes”:

Setting up an attractive (rather than repulsive) 404 page

If you try to enter the address of a non-existent page of your block, for example (in the case of a local wordpress site created as described in the example above) (it is assumed that you really do not have such a page ), you will be taken to a page with a title something like this: “Page not found | My first blog ":

The content of the page will have a title like “This is somehow unpleasant, isn't it?”, Followed by a search form on the site, the latest entries, the most used headings, archives, etc. - in short, the appearance of a given page will be determined by the current blog theme. When I installed the blog from the archive specified at the very beginning of the article, the kit included two themes: the first - the WordPress team on 1.2: Twenty Eleven (it's the current one), and the second - the WordPress team on 1.2: Twenty Ten. You can see the available themes from the admin panel by selecting the "Design" item in the main menu, the first sub-item "Themes" will be selected immediately, and on the right will be the "Current design theme" first, and then the list of available design themes:

After looking at your current theme, for example, I, as I already wrote, had the theme “Twenty Eleven”, go to the root folder of your site, find the wp-content subfolder there, and in it - the themes subfolder, which, by the way, are stored there all available themes that have been described in the admin panel. We find the directory of the current theme, in my case it is twentyeleven (in the future, if you decide to change the theme to another - for example, to a new theme downloaded from the Internet, then the sequence of actions for setting up the 404 error page is the same), open this directory, and in it find the file 404.php. This is the file that describes the content of the 404 page that will open whenever a visitor follows a link to a page on your site that does not exist. Well, edit this file as you would like your 404 page to look. By the way, when I opened the 404.php file for my theme, I was very surprised - all the text there was in English, while the page was completely in Russian! It turned out that all sentences in English are passed through the _e function, which in turn calls the translate function and performs some more actions, okay, let's not go into the jungle of the wordpress API, so that the article is still devoted to the initial setup of wordpress. In a nutshell, this function _e is responsible for translating the current topic into Russian. So, I think the question about setting up a 404 page can be considered resolved.

I will only add that some templates for themes for wordpress do not have a 404.php page, in this case, if you enable CNC (how to set up a CNC link was written above), then you should definitely create this page - in the root folder of the template, because with enabled CNC links, the wordpress engine will redirect the visitor who entered the address of a non-existent page on your blog, to this very 404 page.

How to create an error page 404-page-not-found if it is not in the current site theme? Each theme template contains a sample page, the file of which is located in the same root folder of the theme (recall the path to the theme folder: root_site_directory \ wp-content \ themes \ theme_folder \), and this template page file is called page.php. If you open this file in a text editor, you will be able to verify this, since the description of the file will say something like the following in English (I added several additions from myself to make it clearer): Sample for displaying all pages. This is a sample (template) that shows the default page appearance of a given theme. Keep in mind that this is a WordPress page template design and that other pages on your WordPress site will use different templates and look differently. In short, create a copy of this file in the same root folder of the theme and rename this copy to 404.php, and then edit it at your discretion and check the appearance of the resulting page along the way - by typing a nonexistent address for your blog in the browser.

It is also possible to control the response to the 404 error through the htaccess file, if the site is running on the Apache web server, in this case, you can write in this file what should be displayed when trying to access a nonexistent page of your site on wordpress. Details can be found in the description of the structure of the htaccess file.

Setting up writing in the WordPress admin area

By clicking on the "Writing" menu item of the admin panel of the wordpress engine and selecting the sub-item
"Writing", you will find yourself on the page of settings for writing content for your blog:

There are several subsections here. In the settings for writing wordpress, you can change the size of the text input area when writing an article and some other parameters, then there are the settings for the remote publication of articles - you can basically do without this at the stage of the initial wordpress settings, but at the end there is a very important point that is worth customize from the very birth of your blog- “Update services”. In general, it briefly says what these update services are for - to quickly notify other sites about new content that has appeared on your site. In the text input field, you must enter the addresses of the ping servers. Here I will immediately make a reservation, if at the moment you are doing, then this field of addresses of ping services must be cleared - it is clear why someone should notify about new content on the local site? After all, no one will be able to enter this local site anyway. And yours will still try to ping the registered services, so it's better to clear the field. If your site is already hosted and available to everyone on the Internet, then in this field you must enter the addresses of the update services. I suggest the following. You can just copy the contents of this text file into the wordpress ping service address field. Finally, you need to click the "Save Changes" button for the wordpress spelling settings to take effect.

Setting up reading for a wordpress site

Wordpress reading settings are located in the engine admin panel (like all other cms settings), in the “Settings” - “Reading” menu item:

Here you can configure the following parameters:

  • what will be displayed on the main page of the blog: either it will be the latest posts, or a static page that you select from the drop-down list "Home" (this option can be used when creating a regular site on wordpress, and not a blog, where it is customary to display the latest published posts ). If you choose a static page as the main page, you can specify the posts page - the latest posts will be displayed on it.
  • the number of posts displayed on the posts page (this will be the default home page if you haven't made it static). If there are more records, the link “Previous records” will appear, ie. all records will be paginated according to the specified number of records.
  • how many recent entries to display on RSS feeds
  • what to display in the RSS feed - an entire article or just an announcement (it is better to indicate an announcement here so that sites with auto-generated content from RSS feeds do not use your content)
  • what encoding to use for pages and rss feeds - it is better not to change this parameter, which is eloquently written in the description of this setting: Encoding of your site (UTF-8 is recommended, but if you like adventures, you can try other encodings)

After configuring the reading of your blog, do not forget to click the "Save Changes" button.

Thank you for your attention!.

Hello friends and all readers! In this lesson I will tell you what is customizationWordPress engine, and how to do it correctly. Let me remind you that in the previous post we. Now we need to figure out the parameters of our CMS.

Let me make a reservation right away that this is a very important thing. After all, its further work will depend on how you set up your site. Moreover, the appearance and convenience of user navigation are important, but far from decisive factors in website promotion.

It so happens that when creating a blog, a person makes literally a couple of mistakes in the settings, and then he cannot understand why his search engines do not index and the number of visitors does not increase from month to month.

So let's get started. To get started, start Denver with the familiar Start Denwer shortcut. Now we need to go to the administrative part or the console (I just say "admin") of the site. To do this, enter in your browser.

Remember that the standard login to the WordPress site admin area is done by assigning the domain name "/ wp-admin", as shown above.

If the last time you saved your password / login, then you will not have to enter them again. Otherwise, enter this information and go to the console.

Setting up a WordPress user profile

First of all, let's get our profile set up properly. You can find it in the admin panel along the path Users → Your profile:

In the "Nickname" line, indicate what you would like to be called. Further, in the "Display as" section, you can choose under what name the site visitors will see you when you comment and indicate the authorship of articles.

It is advisable for users to show a Nickname that is different from the one under which you enter the admin panel, that is, the login. This is for added protection for your blog.

The e-mail address should be entered up to date, which you often check, since important letters concerning the operation of the site come there.

It is not necessary to write your biography, since everything you need to know about yourself can be told on a special page "About the author".

Setting up WordPress

Now let's move on to the main, main tab, which interests us in this lesson. These are "Settings":

General setting

Go to the "General" item. As you can see, there is already some data there. You can change the name of the site (do not make it too long), in the brief description, concisely indicate the main topics of your site.

In the "E-mail address" item, enter the same email address as in the profile settings. All important notifications related to your site will be sent here.

If there is a tick in front of "Membership" - remove it, since you definitely won't need it, but you will increase the risk of hacking by this tick many times over.

Specify the "time zone" according to your place of residence. This is also important, since this is the time that will be indicated in the comments and publication dates of posts. Set the time and date format as desired.

Setting up WordPress "Writing"

We'll come back to this setting when we start creating categories. The fact is that here, in the "Main heading" item, you can specify a category, to which, by default, all posts in which you accidentally or deliberately do not specify a category will be linked.

Leave everything else as it is, and pay attention to only one important setting, which is called "Update Services":

By the way, many do not even know that this particular item can significantly speed up the indexing of your site and have a positive effect on it. So, in this window, you need to register the following:


You can just copy these four addresses and paste into the corresponding field.

Reading setting

In this menu, friends, you can specify that "Display on the main page". If you leave the mark as it is, that is, on the item "Your latest posts", then each new post will be displayed on the main page at the very top, and old articles will gradually move down.

But you can also specify a static page as the home page, that is, one that does not change. Of course, except in rare cases, it is better not to touch this setting up WordPress and leave her as she is.

In the field "Display no more on blog pages" you can specify how many posts to display on one page of the site. The standard number is 10. If you have big announcements and 10 articles seem a lot to you, you can always reduce this number to any acceptable amount.

Now pay attention to the item "Visibility for Search Engines". You should be aware that the WordPress engine has such a feature. It allows you to prohibit the indexing of the site by search engines. Most likely, now you do not understand why the possibility of such a ban is needed, but this is sometimes an irreplaceable thing!

At this stage, you just need to know about the existence of this setting, and that's it. Naturally, this mark should not be, so if it is, we remove it so that search engines will notice the appearance of our site on the network!

WordPress "Discussion" setting

Parameters related to comments are set here. Make sure they are identical to the settings shown in the figure below:

At the bottom there is (not always) the "Avatars" tab. Don't touch anything there.

Media settings

In principle, there is no need to change anything here either - let everything remain in the standard form. Just remember when uploading any images that they must be the size you want.

For example, if the post thumbnail (the picture that is displayed on the main page and in the headings along with the article announcement) has a size of 100px by 100px, then before uploading this file to the site, crop it using any graphic editor.

Never rely on automatic image adjustments, as it can seriously let you down one day.


On this WordPress setup tutorial ends. But a separate article will be devoted to the last item of the "Permalinks" settings, since this is a very important detail in the work of a blog.

I hope that you have not lost the desire to create a WordPress site on your own, because it is easy and interesting, isn't it? If you are not tired yet, skip to.

In 90% of cases, you can completely install WordPress very quickly, literally in 5-10 minutes, but this is provided that you already have hosting and a domain. What's more, many hosting providers offer automated WordPress installation tools. But, when you know - everything is easy, but you have to start with something ... This manual describes all the points related to the installation. And some of them will be useful even for users who already have experience with installing WordPress.

This tutorial will walk you through installing WordPress on a remote server. On the local server, everything is done in the same way. So let's go ...

Preparing for installation

Before starting the installation, which is quick and easy, you:

You definitely need:

    Have a local or remote server ready to go. You must have access to files / folders on the server. Usually this is shell or FTP access, which is provided by the hosting provider. Or is it a hosting control panel, which is provided by a provider for managing files on the server and the server as a whole;

    Make sure the server is suitable for WordPress. In general, 90% of providers are suitable for WordPress and you shouldn't worry too much about this. WordPress requires:

    • PHP version 5.2.4 or higher (5.6 recommended).
    • MySQL version 5.6 or higher (5.6 recommended).
    • 50 megabytes of server space.
    • 32 megabytes of RAM on the server.

    You can find out this information from your hosting provider.

    Need WordPress itself:

    • The latest Russian version of WordPress:

    • Latest english version of WordPress:

It is necessary, but not required:

    A normal text editor to modify files. I recommend downloading Notepad ++. It will come in handy in one way or another when working with the site.

  1. FTP client is a program for uploading files to a server. I recommend filezilla. However, you can do without the program, modern hosting providers provide a convenient web interface for working with files on the server.

Installation in 5 minutes

Installation without creating a wp-config.php file and other files, everything is done by WordPress itself. But for such an installation, the server must allow the creation and editing of files in folders.

In any case, try first to install this method, if it does not work, then use the next method, where the wp-config.php file must be created manually.

Stage: database creation

WordPress needs a MySQL database. The database can be created in different ways, depending on which server you are using.

If you use the services of a hosting provider, then check with the provider, perhaps the database has already been created for you.

If you need to create a database yourself, then the general principle of action for all hosting providers is as follows:

    Find somewhere in the menu the section "Databases" or "MySQL"

    Create a database in this section. For the database, you need to specify its name, and also for the database, its user is indicated. If there is no user, then it must be created. For the user, specify the name and password.

  1. All data must be saved: database name, username, user password. This data will be used in the wp-config.php file when installing WordPress.

To see examples of how a database is created, below are a few video tutorials on this topic:

Creating a database in cPanel:

Creating a database in ISPmanager:

Creating a database in DirectAdmin:

Creating a database in Plesk:

If your hosting provider has a different panel, then everything is done by analogy ... As a last resort, if nothing is clear, write to those hosting support, they will help you create a database there or they will do it for you.

Creating a database in phpMyAdmin

If the hosting does not have a control panel or it is there, but you cannot create a database there, then phpMyAdmin is installed on all servers and the database can be created there.

Here is a detailed video on how to do it:

Working with the MySQL console

If you have shell access to the web server and are good at command line, and your MySQL user has permission to create other MySQL users and databases, then use the instructions below to create a user and database for WordPress.

$ mysql -u adminusername -p Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with; or \ g. Your MySQL connection id is 5340 to server version: 3.23.54 Type "help;" or "\ h" for help. Type "\ c" to clear the buffer. mysql> CREATE DATABASE databasename; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec) mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON databasename. * TO "wordpressusername" @ "hostname" -> IDENTIFIED BY "password"; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec) mysql> EXIT Bye $

You need to write your values ​​into the following variables:

  • adminusername is most often root, unless you have another account with higher privileges.
  • wordpress or blog are suitable names for your database name.
  • wordpress is a good name for the username wordpressusername.
  • hostname is most often localhost. If you do not know the meaning of this variable, we advise you to ask your system administrator for it.
  • password password - it is desirable if it includes characters presented in upper and lower case, special. symbols, numbers and letters.

Stage: setting up the wp-config.php file

There is no wp-config.php file in the WordPress distribution, but an example of it: wp-config-sample.php. The config needs to be created based on this file, i.e. you need to remove the "-sample" suffix, open the file in a text editor and replace the following lines there:

Define ("DB_NAME", "putyourdbnamehere"); // Database name define ("DB_USER", "usernamehere"); // MySQL username define ("DB_PASSWORD", "yourpasswordhere"); // ... and password define ("DB_HOST", "localhost"); // 99% this line does not need to be changed define ("DB_CHARSET", "utf8"); // usually does not change define ("DB_COLLATE", ""); // usually does not change

Explanations for each parameter:

DB_NAME The name of the created database. DB_USER The username for WordPress. DB_PASSWORD The password that you selected for the user when creating the database. DB_HOST The hostname on which the database is located, almost always localhost and localhost is specified here. DB_CHARSET Database encoding, almost always remains unchanged. DB_COLLATE The type of character comparison in the encoding specified in DB_CHARSET. Most often, the value does not need to be changed and remains empty.

Authentication Keys

Also, be sure to change the authentication keys. These keys are used in various places in the WordPress code to protect against hacking:

Define ("AUTH_KEY", "put your unique phrase here"); define ("SECURE_AUTH_KEY", "put your unique phrase here"); define ("LOGGED_IN_KEY", "put your unique phrase here"); define ("NONCE_KEY", "put your unique phrase here"); define ("AUTH_SALT", "put your unique phrase here"); define ("SECURE_AUTH_SALT", "put your unique phrase here"); define ("LOGGED_IN_SALT", "put your unique phrase here"); define ("NONCE_SALT", "put your unique phrase here");

In order not to compose keys yourself, you can quickly generate them at the following link:

Table prefix

In principle, this prefix can be left alone, everything will work. The $ table_prefix specified in the variable will be used for all created tables. Changing this prefix makes the table names unique and in some cases can protect against hacking or at least create additional complications.

$ table_prefix = "wp_";

Since version 2.6 the wp-config.php file can be moved to one directory. Those. if the file is in the /public_html/wordpress/wp-config.php directory it can be moved to the /public_html/wp-config.php directory.

Stage: file placement (file structure)

At this step, you need to decide in which folder to place the files. When receiving passwords from a hosting, the letter usually indicates the root directory of the site - this is the folder where the link of your site leads: for example, or If you do not understand where the root directory of the site is located, then find out in those. hosting support.

There are 3 types of WordPress file hosting.

1. WP files in root directory or subdirectory

Move the files from the installation ZIP archive to a directory on the server. Move as is, i.e. the following files will be copied:

Wp-admin wp-includes wp-content index.php wp-config.php ...

Let's say a folder on the sites / / public_html server is responsible for the URL, then all these files need to be copied to the public_html folder and then by clicking on the link the WordPress installation will start.

If you want to place WordPress in a subfolder (let's say blog), then you need to create this folder on the server and copy the files there, i.e. you will copy it to: sites / / public_html / blog /. In this case, the site will be located at the link

2. WP files in subfolder

This option shows how to place WordPress in a separate directory, but leave the site URL to the root directory.

Wp wp-admin wp-includes wp-content wp-load.php ... other files wp-config.php index.php .htaccess

As a result: the site URL will be, for example,, but the files of WordPress itself will be in the subfolder wp, which is located in the folder that corresponds to our URL. Those. WordPress allows you to install WordPress files in a subdirectory, but the site will run in the root directory.

The process for moving WordPress to its own directory is as follows:

    Create a new directory in the root directory of the site. Let's call it / wp.

    Move all WordPress files to the new / wp directory.

    Move the moved files: index.php and .htaccess back to the root directory.

    Open the index.php file (from the root directory) and change the line in it:

    // replace this line require (dirname (__ FILE__). "/wp-blog-header.php"); // to require (dirname (__ FILE__). "/wp/wp-blog-header.php");

    Go to the "Settings" site. The admin area is now located at:

  1. Change options:

    • WordPress Address (URL) - Enter the URL where the WordPress files are located:
    • Blog Address (URL) - Enter the URL of the site itself:
  2. Ready!

3. WP core files in subfolder

For convenience, you can change the structure of WordPress files so that the core files (i.e., which are updated when WordPress is updated) will be in a separate folder, for example, in the wp folder, and all other files in the root of the site. You get the following file structure:

Wp wp-admin wp-includes wp-load.php ... other files ... wp-config.php should not be here, otherwise the site will not work! wp-content index.php wp-config.php .htaccess

For such placement, create a wp folder and copy all files / folders there, except: wp-content, index.php and wp-config.php. Then, to tell WordPress that the structure has changed, open the index.php file (which is at the root of the site) and change the path to the main wp-blog-header.php file (which is in the wp folder):

// replace this line require (dirname (__ FILE__). "/wp-blog-header.php"); // to require (dirname (__ FILE__). "/wp/wp-blog-header.php");

Also, you need to change the paths to the content folder, because we moved the engine, and left the content folder in the root of the site, but WordPress expects it next to the wp-admin, wp-includes folders, you need to specify exactly where the content folder is located. To do this, open the wp-config.php file and add the following lines there (add to the beginning of the file):

// define the wp-content directory $ scheme = ((! empty ($ _ SERVER ["HTTPS"]) && $ _SERVER ["HTTPS"]! == "off") || $ _SERVER ["SERVER_PORT"] == 443 )? "https": "http"; define ("WP_CONTENT_DIR", __DIR__. "/ wp-content"); define ("WP_CONTENT_URL", "$ scheme: // ($ _SERVER [" HTTP_HOST "]) / wp-content");

Or, without a protocol:

Define ("WP_CONTENT_DIR", __DIR__. "/ Wp-content"); define ("WP_CONTENT_URL", "// ($ _ SERVER [" HTTP_HOST "]) / wp-content");

The path and URL should end up looking at the wp-content folder.

Note: if you change the structure on an already installed site, then you still need to change the value of the siteurl option in the wp_options table of the database. There you need to finish off wp, i.e. change from to

You can do this quickly in the General Settings in the admin panel - now the site address will differ from the WordPress address:

Note: after this change, you may see a warning ("PHP Warning"), do not be alarmed, there is nothing to worry about, it will appear once and then everything will work as it should!

There should be no wp-config.php file in the folder for the wp engine. If it is there, then it will work, and not the one that is in the root of the site. This will cause an error and the site will not work.

Stage: start the WordPress installation

After the database is created, the files are copied and wp-config.php is created, you need to start the WordPress installation. During installation, the necessary tables will be created in the database and a user will be created - the site administrator.

To start the installation, you need to go to the site (go to the URL):

  • If the WordPress files are located in the root directory of the server, then the link will be like this:;
  • If WordPress files are located in a subdirectory, then the link will be like this:, where blog is the name of the subdirectory.

In both cases, you should be transferred to the page or

During installation, you will enter the name of the site and your email. Also, during installation, you can "ask search engines not to index the site", for this, check the box next to this item.

Any information entered can be changed in the admin panel in the future. It will not be possible to change only the username of the user.

Installation problems

Error 1: "error database connection"

If during the installation process the error “error database connection” “got out”, then:

  1. Check if the name, logs and password are specified correctly in the wp-config.php file;
  2. Make sure the created user has rights to access the WordPress database;

Error 2: "Headers already sent"

If during installation you get errors like: Headers already sent... You may have made a mistake while editing wp-config.php.

How to fix?

Open wp-config.php in a text editor.

  • Make sure the file starts with
  • Make sure the last or penultimate line does not contain?>. If there is such a symbol, delete it.

And why is it needed. In the same publication, I want to talk about those settings of this engine that you will have to do immediately after installing it.

In subsequent posts in this section, I plan to also tell you how to work with the admin panel, how to create new posts, customize comments, add new categories and static pages. I will try to explain all this in as much detail as possible, counting on the user who first encountered WP.

General settings in the WordPress admin area

If your "Control" widget is not activated in your WordPress, which includes a link to enter the WordPress admin panel, then you will need to enter the admin panel in the address bar of your browser:


For my blog, it will look like this:

Https: // site / wp-admin /

You will be prompted to enter your login (admin by default) and the password that the engine generated for you at the stage of its installation.

As a result, a window called "Notice Board" of the WP admin panel will open. In this window there will be a number of panels, the appearance of which and their number you can customize by clicking on the button "Screen settings" in the upper right corner of the window.

In the drop-down tab, you can configure what will be displayed in this admin window and what will not. To do this, it will be enough just to uncheck or check the box in front of the panel name. In my opinion, it makes sense to leave only the first two checkboxes, but, of course, you are free to do as you like best.

In this drop-down design fragment, you can also select the number of columns to display these panels. In general, the appearance of the WordPress admin panel is quite flexible and can always be adapted for yourself.

In the left column of the admin panel there is a menu with which you will work with your blog. At the very bottom of this menu is the area "Parameters" which we will need first.

Select from the drop-down list "Parameters" the first item called "General". In the window that opens, you need to set the title and description of your blog by filling in the "Blog Title" and "Short Description" fields.

In the fields "WordPress address (URL)" and "Blog address (URL)" usually (with the exception of some cases) indicate the same address for your blog like:



Further, in the general settings, you specify your mailing address in the "Email address" field, and in the "Membership" field - check the box only if want to allow user registration on your blog. In most cases, you will not need registration, so it would be better to uncheck this box out of harm's way.

The fact is that there are ways to attack WP, for the implementation of which you need to allow user registration. In the remaining fields of this window, you select the desired time zone, as well as the format for displaying the date and time in the messages of your resource.

Customizing the CNC and 404 error page in WordPress

Now we need to immediately go to the "Permalinks" item, where we can decide on the CNC (human-readable URLs). Why immediately? Yes, because if you decide to set up the CNC that already has N-th number of posts, which, moreover, managed to get into, then the problems will not keep you waiting.

And the posts will most likely get into the index of search engines very quickly, tk. WP has a number of features to speed up indexing (for example). So, a little bit of CNC is to replace the addresses of your blog's web pages with more attractive and informative for a person (and search engines like these Urls more). Also read about that, because you need to do it right away, or never do it.

Let me remind you briefly that for this you will need to find the item in the left menu of the admin panel "Permalinks"... The best option, in my opinion, is the one shown in the figure below:

Let me explain with an example. Without using the CNC, the post address would look like this:

Https: // site /? P = 123

After the transformation, the url of the post will already look like this:


As the saying goes: feel the difference. Url carries a semantic load and a visitor, for example, not understanding the navigation of my blog, can simply erase the end of the link in the address bar to the form:

Https: // site / joomla /

As a result, it will get into the "Joomla" section with announcements of all articles contained in it. Whisper.

Everything is very cool, but only if you heed my advice and set up the CNC in WordPress before you start writing posts. Otherwise, the situation will not be very pleasant. The search engines index will contain web pages of your resource with URLs of the form:

Https: // site /? P = 123

But since If you have turned on and configured the CNC on the blog, it is natural that visitors following such links will not be able to get to the desired web page.

The way out of such a situation will require a lot of time and effort. By the way, by default, when the CNC is turned on, a visitor who comes to your resource using a non-working link will be automatically redirected to the blog's main page, which I think is not correct.

In this case, the visitor should be shown 404 error page, which you will pre-configure so that this visitor can still find on your project what he came for ..

In the "Display no more than on blog pages" area, you can set the number of posts to display on the main page. The rest of the webpages will be accessible via the "Previous Entries" link, or, if used, via the webpage number link.

In the "Display recent posts in RSS feeds" area, you can set the number of recent posts that will be displayed in your RSS feed (read more about and about).

In the "Display for each article in the RSS feed" area, you can choose whether to publish full posts there, or use only article previews.

Yes, don't forget to use the "Discussion" tab to win over future commentators.

It is possible that this bourgeois vision of successful blog promotion will come in handy (the author of the most popular blog on SEO in the bourgeoisie):

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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