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  • Setting up a VPN connection on Android devices. VPN services that work in Russia and Ukraine! Compatibility: Mobile & Desktop, Expansion

Setting up a VPN connection on Android devices. VPN services that work in Russia and Ukraine! Compatibility: Mobile & Desktop, Expansion

There is another point: on smartphones, people usually communicate a lot via Skype, ICQ, in social networks. Do you want the secret of your personal communication and correspondence to be violated by someone unknown? I think not. And of course, mobile surfing on the Internet, it must also be safe and confidential.

That's all the arguments in favor of installing a VPN service on your smartphone or tablet. Well, now let's get down to business.

First, I installed the program "OpenVPN for Android". It's free, available on the Google Play Store, and doesn't require root access, so it can be used on any Android device.

Then I launched this program on my smartphone Samsung i9300 Galaxy S III. VPN Settings(I chose a subscription through a server in USA-Florida) can be downloaded in your user account on TheSafety.US as Zip archive. This archive you need to unpack it into a folder, and copy the folder to your mobile device.

As a result of these actions, my subscription appeared in the "Profiles" section of the "OpenVPN for Android" program.

Then, you can go to the settings section (see the button to the right of the subscription name) and enter your login and password (which you set for this subscription in your workspace).

Well, now let's establish a connection through the VPN tunnel:

When the VPN connection is configured and connected, you will have a picture like this, see below.

Now you can start mobile surfing, start your journey on the Internet, as always from the site (to check your new IP), so the IP shows my location ... in the USA (Florida).

It's no secret how important Internet security is when using mobile devices, especially when connected to unsecured WiFi networks. Read on to find out everything you need to know.

Internet security for mobile devices

All users of mobile devices should understand how great the risks are when using a mobile device. Any phone or tablet can become a source of threat to your Internet security. Forewarned is forearmed, so users of mobile devices with Internet access need to take into account all potential threats and vulnerabilities. There is a significant difference when it comes to Internet security for desktop, home or office computers and portable mobile devices. Experts name four main types of threats to the Internet security of mobile devices, which mainly come from web-based applications, from the Internet, from intruders and the possibility of physical destruction.

Smartphone internet security threats

1. Threats from downloadable apps

Most mobile devices have a variety of functions only due to the applications downloaded to them. At the same time, it is downloaded applications that pose the greatest risk to mobile device users, primarily due to the increased activity of cybercriminals.

  • Malware - malware

If malicious software is injected into the downloaded application, it can provide access to accounts Email, spam your contacts, or worse... give control of your phone to a third party. There are widely known cases of Internet extortion and blackmail, which are most often used by cyber scammers on mobile devices. The malware locks your device, the cybercriminal demands a ransom from you so that you can regain control of your device.

  • Spyware - spyware

Spyware embedded in the application is designed to monitor devices and track the actions of their owners. It may collect user data and any stored information on a phone or other mobile device that is transmitted over the Internet.

  • Confidentiality

The loss of privacy can also be unintentional, as many websites and some applications collect information about their users, and this information is often weakly protected from the threat of theft. Your personal data, including passport data, TIN, passwords and bank accounts, are under attack.

  • Vulnerabilitieszero day

This term refers to a problem that was not taken into account during the development of the application and was already discovered during the use of it. While a user is using an application with a real vulnerability, hackers can do significant damage to you by gaining easy access to your device and injecting malware or spyware into it.

2. Common Threats to Internet Security

Now that users are accustomed to not parting with their mobile devices and having constant access to the Internet, the number of risks and threats to Internet security increases many times over.

  • Phishing Scam - Phishing Scam

Phishing is a scam designed to inattention or gullibility of the user. Attackers can use email, exchange text messages and even social media notifications to trick you into getting your personal information or planting malware. Many phishing sites are almost indistinguishable from real ones, and the small screen size of a mobile device and the inability to display the full URL of the link further complicate and mislead the user.

  • Social engineering is the latest innovation in mobile attacks

Cyber ​​scammers destinations social engineering use the so-called "human factor": people's curiosity, their gullibility and openness. A simple example: by downloading information from a gift flash drive, a user can inadvertently infect their device with malware, which is what the attacker wanted to achieve.

  • Drive By Download

Many websites are set up to automatically download apps to your device without your knowledge. Most often, these applications may be innocent, but it is possible that they may contain malware.

  • Browser errors

Some websites and applications may exploit flaws in your browser software or the programs you use, such as Flash, PDF, or the browser's media applications. Visiting an infected web page can automatically infect your mobile device.

  • Operating system errors

The efforts of many hackers are aimed at identifying defects in the operating systems of mobile devices, such vulnerabilities are the main goal hacker attacks. The number of attacks on IoS devices has doubled over the past few years. Last year, a team of experts discovered a flaw in the firmware for viewing email messages, recording audio, and tracking the movement of iPhone and iPad users. Earlier that year, a Linux coding flaw exposed more than 1.4 trillion users to the risk of information theft. Android users.

  • Data storage

We often store too much data on our phones and the volume of this information is increasing every day, which can undoubtedly cause great harm in case of loss or hacking of a mobile device. Most phones are partially protected by encryption methods, but this is not a significant barrier to hackers, which means that the information on our mobile devices is not secure.

3. Threats from the use of WiF and Bluetooth

Mobile devices typically support a minimum of three networking capabilities, making them three times more vulnerable to network attack. Networks commonly found on mobile devices are cellular, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth.

  • Network exploits

No network is reliable, there are flaws in any system and they can be used by hackers to download malware onto your device. Bluetooth is especially vulnerable. Hackers can run programs to find any available Bluetooth connections within range and connect to them.

  • WiFi

Most websites do not provide adequate Internet security when transmitting information over the Internet, making it susceptible to interception. Mobile devices using public Wi-Fi networks are constantly exposed to the threat of hacking or attack. Attackers can scan the radio, trace the movement of data from the entry point to the destination, get your data and steal it. They can also infiltrate your connections from other mobile devices and load them with malware for the same purpose - to steal your personal data.

  • Cross platform attacks

Hackers can deploy special spyware to your computer, such as to steal bank details. After the attackers steal the pop-up message, they prompt the Internet user to download the application for " additional security on your mobile device" for which you need to enter your phone number to receive an SMS with a download link. As soon as the user downloads such an application, control of the laptop and phone passes to the hacker.

  • External influence

Hackers bring their own devices with malware and attack corporate networks. These devices not only pose a risk of infecting the system with malware or a Trojan horse, but are also used to carry out fraudulent phishing scams designed to unlock confidential information about company. Experienced hackers can purposefully install an infected device in the perimeter local network Wi-Fi with the aim of attacking compatible devices bypassing the firewall and other security systems.

4. Threat of physical destruction

Unlike desktop computer installed in a dedicated room, or even a laptop in a bag, the mobile device is exposed to many everyday physical threats.

  • Loss or theft is the most common potential physical threat for the security of your mobile device. The device itself costs money and can be sold on the secondary market, although the information from the mobile device can be stolen for the purpose of sale.

How to ensure Internet security and privacy of mobile devices?

Issues of ensuring mobile security - the safety of a mobile device and information on it have to be addressed by each user individually. According to Symantec, more than half of mobile device users have no idea even about the existing security features, can you imagine what easy prey for intruders they are? As the number of users of mobile devices and the scope of mobile phones expand regularly, the types of threats and their impact will only increase over time. Here are some tips on how to keep your mobile devices secure.

  • Always password protect your phone

Use passwords and, if possible, fingerprints. This way, if your phone is lost or stolen, whoever gets it in their hands can't easily access your personal information.

  • Download only safe apps

The easiest method to introduce malicious hacking into your mobile device is by downloading applications. That is why we advise you to download applications only from trusted sources such as Google Play app Store or iTunes App Store, and even then, taking into account the reviews of other users.

  • Be sure to read the terms and privacy policy

All applications collect and use user information to some extent. To be safe, it's a good idea to read the terms of use and privacy policy so you know what information about you will be known and how it will be used.

  • Turn off Bluetooth

This a good idea- turn off Bluetooth on your mobile device when it is not in use. In addition to reducing potential entry points, you will also get significant savings in battery usage.

  • Phone encryption

in the majority modern phones an encryption program is installed or there is an automatic encryption function that can be enabled. Use this technique for your own safety.

  • Use the remote detection setting + function remote erase memory

Most phones have special settings, which allow you to remotely determine the geographic location of the device and erase information from the phone's memory. This feature is especially useful if your phone is stolen or lost with no hope of getting it back. By combining this feature with a protective phone password, you can minimize the damage from the loss of information from the device.

  • Data backup

Most mobile device users create backups data only in the event of an operating system update, i.e. not too often. Do not neglect this simple method, it will allow you not to lose important data, contacts, photos, etc.

  • Operating system update

In the event that you receive a message that you need to update the OS, be sure to do so.

  • Download antivirus

Antivirus is used to protect against downloading malware. Yes, such antivirus programs many, including those for Android devices, you can get them from a range of sources.

  • Use public Wi-Fi with care

Public Wi-Fi networks are widespread, they attract users with their availability, but they are poorly protected and hackers and intruders actively use this shortcoming. One way to protect against negative influences is to access the Internet through Wi-Fi networks with VPN.

— virtual private network. This technology uses software to encrypt the data in the device before sending it on a journey over a wireless network, and then sends the data packet through a digital "tunnel" that is very difficult to detect and almost impossible to trace.

Problems of using mobile VPN and best VPNs applications

Modern VPN technologies recently made available to the market mobile communications. VPN connections provide the highest level of security, privacy and anonymity available on the Internet today. Of course, it is much easier to install and use a VPN on stationary devices: desktop computers, routers, or a laptop that is used in the same place. Mobile devices travel with their owners around the world, changing location and IP address, so Mobile VPN communication must be adapted to any kind of movement of the device and reliably perform the task of maintaining the integrity of the connection.

The best solution to the issue of individual security of mobile devices is to install and use the Le VPN iPhone or Le VPN for Android application from a reliable VPN service provider. This VPN app allows you to encrypt data and provides reliable connection mobile device with the Internet without any manual setting. You can select any country through which you want to connect to the Internet and save it in the Favorites menu.

VPN application for mobile devices will provide secure and reliable connection your device to the Internet anywhere and anytime, and alert you if the connection fails. Thus, you will receive a guarantee of security when using weakly protected Wi-Fi networks in public access points and stop worrying about the safety of your personal data, because even if this data is stolen by intruders, it cannot be decrypted. In addition, when you connect to a VPN network, your IP address is masked, which allows you to avoid unwanted tracking of your mobile phone.

Usually VPN providers offer their customers . When you enter the network, you select a server located in any country you choose and get the IP address of this server. This allows you to unlock geo-restrictions and, for example, enjoy watching US or UK TV.

Le VPN is a leading VPN provider for mobile devices and offers customers dedicated apps for Android and IoS. Software can be downloaded directly to your phone and controlled with a touch. VPN supports various protocols with different levels security that are designed for a variety of purposes, including IKEv2, OpenVPN, L2TP over IPSec, and PPTP. Once downloaded, all you have to do is open the app, enter your username/password, select a server to connect to and connect.

A single tariff is good for multiple devices with 2 simultaneous connections at any time and without any restrictions on bandwidth. The cost of a VPN app subscription is about $5 per month.

Without a doubt, mobile devices have come into our lives to stay in it for a long time and every day they do everything. more features and are becoming more widespread. The development of technology entails an increase in the number of threats. To reduce possible risks, it is imperative to use the latest security technologies, which are VPNs for mobile devices.

For your mobile device and protect your data wherever you are.

The development of mobile Internet technologies has made it possible to fully use phones and tablets for surfing the Web. Mobile gadgets are used not only for search necessary information, with their help: communicate in social communities, make purchases, conduct financial transactions, work in corporate networks.

But what about a reliable, secure, anonymous Internet connection? The answer is simple - use a VPN, for example

What is a VPN and why is it needed on the phone

Technologies that allow you to create a logical network with one or many connections have received a generalized name Virtual Private Network (VPN for short). Literally translated, this expression sounds like a virtual private network.

Its essence is to create a secure connection (a kind of tunnel) over or inside another network through which, thanks to the application installed on the gadget, the client can access the VPN server. Within such a connection, all transmitted data is modified, encrypted and protected.

Why have services that provide the opportunity to use such virtual networks become so popular and is it necessary to have them on a tablet or smartphone?

On tourist and business trips, it is often necessary to use the Internet: to enter mobile office, business correspondence, ordering and paying for tickets and communicating via Skype and more. It is convenient with the help of a device at hand to check mail, analyze quotes, study news. But for this you have to resort to Wi-Fi services, which is now free in many stations, airports, cafes and hotels.

Of course, the ability to access the Internet anywhere is a useful and convenient thing, but how safe is it. Information security experts claim that through an unsecured Wi-Fi connection, you can easily and easily access all the data on the gadget.

In this case, the choice of VPN services will be the best opportunity to protect the user from the theft of his confidential information. However, not only for security, you can use these virtual networks. Their use allows you to get the opportunity to go to a web resource that is not available in a certain region, to bypass the restriction corporate network, And so on.

Features of mobile technologies

In order for the owners of mobile gadgets to take advantage of these cloud technologies many VPN servers have been adapted to work with such devices. The communication channels used by smartphones and tablets to access the Web often change, it can be Wi-Fi, and then a 3G or 4G connection. This greatly complicates the ability of a regular VPN server to maintain a stable connection on a dedicated channel.

This is due to the fact that he sees gadgets addressing him with different subnets and IP addresses, which leads to the loss by applications installed on devices active connection. To avoid this, on specially adapted servers equipped with VPN technology, they began to use special ways authorization. Which make it possible to carry out two-way data transfer from the server to wearable gadgets, where the device periodically changes network settings.

How to use correctly VPN features on the phone

There are paid VPN server services and their free counterparts. What is better to choose is up to each user individually. If you managed to decide on the choice of service and server, you need to proceed to the settings. Now the most popular mobile gadgets are devices on the iPhone and Android.

VPN activation on iPhone

There are two ways to set up the use of these technologies on iPhone. The first is to choose the most suitable application for this from App Store and install it. Then do the following:

  • Visit the settings section.
  • Open the VPN tab and activate it with the slider.
  • Then select the installed service.

The second is to set up the VPN manually. To do this, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  • After entering the settings section on the device, activate the VPN and click on the “add configuration” icon.
  • Then select the type of protection: L2TP, IPSec or IKEv2 and activate the required configuration.
  • Then you need to fill in the settings information private network: description of the remote identifier, server and fill in the information necessary for registration - nickname, password.
  • If you have a proxy server, you should choose, based on your preferences, its use: auto or manual.
  • By clicking the "Finish" button and switching the status slider to the desired position, you can start surfing the Internet.

Now all traffic from the iPhone will go through the VPN.

Setting up a VPN on Android

Here it is much easier to connect the selected VPN service. For this, you need to:

  • Activate the "Settings" section, where in the line " Wireless networks» Click on the inscription: «Additional».
  • After that, after opening the “VPN” subsection and clicking on the + sign, data on the available protocols for connecting such services will be provided.
  • Selecting and saving required connection, it remains only to enter to create the credentials necessary for work: login and password.

Of course for construction different smartphones may differ, but the basic steps are largely the same.


It is difficult to argue that the use of VPN in mobile devices is becoming an increasingly popular service. Thanks to such services, a lot of opportunities open up for users: when going on a trip, to be able not to break away from the work process, knowing that all its data is constantly protected, being in a different region to get access to the necessary resources and other preferences.

VPN or Virtual Private Network- a tool for a truly free and secure Internet. It is a virtual private network between end user And world wide web. The technology allows you to access the network from a foreign IP address, which is required to access resources blocked in your home region. In addition, VPN should be used in public Wi-Fi networks to anonymize and protect against interception of transmitted data. VPN applications are the easiest way to enjoy all the benefits of the technology, about them under the cut.

Opera VPN - a client from the notorious Opera Software, created after the takeover of SurfEasy - one of the leaders in this area.

Appearance The application is at the proper level: it looks modern, it works smoothly. I was pleased with the mascot - a Scandinavian warrior, which symbolizes the security of VPN networks and notifies about the state of the application.

Connecting to a secure network is done in one click. By default, the nearest VPN server is used. List available regions Next: Germany, Canada, Netherlands, Singapore and USA.

A separate section is devoted to security WiFi connections. The developers recommend activating VPN on public Wi-Fi networks to anonymize and prevent traffic interception.

An interesting feature of Opera VPN is blocking ad trackers that collect network activity users for advertising purposes.
The service is provided absolutely free of charge, without restrictions on the amount of traffic. There are no paid rates. The application has built-in unobtrusive ads.

To test the service, we used the recommended VPN network located in the Netherlands.

Speed ​​measurements were carried out using the service in two stages. First of all, the speed was tested to the server closest to the VPN network, located in Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands. After that, the connection speed was measured with the server closest to the actual location.

Connection speed without VPN.

Much more interesting testing in real conditions. Here Opera VPN shows itself extremely positively. Connecting to the network hardly affected the responsiveness of web pages and applications, however, from time to time the access speed drops, this manifests itself in noticeable delays. At the same time, through VPN it is possible to watch online video up to 1080p.

Hola is one of the most widely used VPN services. except android apps, plug-ins are available for various browsers.

The application interface is made in a modern flat style. Unlike other clients, the VPN connection is opened for specific application. At the same time, other programs continue to transfer data directly.

In addition, the Hola client application has been enhanced with a built-in browser that allows you to visit web pages with the desired online location without creating a system-level VPN connection.

The list of available regions is the widest, among free VPN clients. Among them are the familiar Netherlands, Germany, the United States, as well as Angola, Indonesia, Italy, Estonia and others.
The service is provided free of charge and without restrictions on the amount of data transferred.

There are no banner ads in the application, however, unlike other solutions, Hola works on the principle of a peer-to-peer network. Each connected smartphone is used to transmit the traffic of other participants. This approach allows you to reduce the cost of maintaining the main VPN servers, by placing part of the burden on users.

It is claimed that the resources user devices are consumed only at the time of downtime, when connected via Wi-Fi. To disconnect from the P2P network, you will need a paid Hola Premium subscription, costing $5 per month.

The connection speed was tested when connecting to the Netherlands server. The VPN network shows excellent latency performance, especially when working with the server closest to the actual location.

When connecting to the network of other regions, the trend continues. Germany.

United States of America.

Hola is a service originally designed to work with services: hulu, Netflix, Pandora, Spotify. Thereby, streaming video plays without problems, including 1080p. There is nothing to say about web pages, they work as expected.

CyberGhost- VPN service with an unusual client application targeted at the average user.

The main menu is divided into 4 banner sections with preset usage modes.

The first one is Secure Wi-Fi Hotspot designed to work in public networks. After its activation, the possibility of intercepting traffic, as well as malicious sites, is blocked. Changing the region is not provided, the default is the most optimal.

I liked the ability to automatically activate protection when connected to selected networks.

Safe Streaming- catalog of services with regional binding.

The corresponding online location is used to connect.

Anonymous navigation - VPN connection with options for anonymity and security. The service can compress data on the fly to save traffic on mobile networks.

By default, the optimal VPN server is used, the list includes Germany, Canada, the Netherlands and Ukraine.

Last tab- connection to a VPN with the ability to select a server manually, based on load data.

Anonymization and protection against malicious sites can be activated separately.

The free plan includes unlimited traffic and access to VPN servers in 30 regions. For 229 rubles per month, you can get a higher connection speed.

The application has the function automatic selection suitable server, during testing, the recommended server located in Ukraine was used. The service demonstrates a high connection speed.

The remaining regions show comparable figures. Netherlands.

In real operation, the service shows itself positively. Web pages load quickly, however, there is a slight delay associated with high ping. Video content is given without problems.

Turbo VPN- an alternative service that provides access to a secure channel without traffic restrictions.

The application interface is made in material design, looks relevant. It was not without a talisman, the developers used a hare.

None additional features, except directly VPN is not present. Servers located in the following countries are available for connection: Germany, Canada, United Kingdom, Netherlands, France, United States, India and Singapore. By default, the most optimal server is selected.

Using the service is absolutely free, the amount of traffic is not limited. There are no paid rates. The application is filled with ads, including full-screen ones.

In mode everyday use the feeling is similar: web pages load without significant delays. Online videos in 1080p work, rewind delays are comparable to connecting directly.

TouchVPN - free VPN service no traffic restrictions from North Ghost.

The style of the client is reminiscent of MIUI. The interface is focused on connection in one click.

An unusual feature is the statistics of the current session. The application also draws graphs, but their informativeness and usefulness is a big question.

The list of available servers includes 19 countries, including: Germany, Russia, Hong Kong, Italy, Sweden and Japan.

Among additional options attention should be paid to the warning about connecting to insecure network, which fires when using public WiFi networks.

The service is provided absolutely free of charge without restrictions on traffic and connection time. There are no paid rates. The client uses full-screen ads.

The client considers the Russian server to be optimal, it does not make much sense. Therefore, a VPN server located in France was used for testing and speed measurements. The connection speed was amazing! However, on the network is unstable, and it was not possible to get speed results to the server closest to the actual location. Changing the region does not change the situation.

The unstable operation of the speed measurement service does not affect normal web surfing in any way, even heavy sites load normally. There were no problems with online videos.

Hideman Free VPN - free version famous service, not limited by the amount of transmitted data.

The application interface looks minimalistic, the main menu is the choice of the region for connection. IN free version available: Canada, Ukraine, Moldova, Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria.

An interesting feature is support for the UDP protocol. It is faster than the usual TCP, although the latter is more reliable. Additional options include protection against malicious and spyware sites, and Anti-DPI to bypass government firewalls.

Only 6 regions are available in the free version of the service. There are no restrictions on the amount of data transferred. The client uses unobtrusive banner ads.

Along with other services, Hideman proved to be excellent in everyday mode. Internet surfing and streaming video is given without noticeable problems.

About anonymity in public networks

Like any business, public VPNs should not be unprofitable. At the same time, huge funds are spent on the maintenance and support of servers. If the service is provided free of charge, the monetization mechanisms are unclear, and advertising built into customers is hardly capable of recouping a significant part of the costs. Therefore, it is recommended to trust really important data paid services who value their reputation and user anonymity. Free services- nothing more than a means of circumventing regional restrictions. That is, they are provided as is, without responsibility for the private data of users. It is worth treating the developers' statements about data security with skepticism.

In 2015, there was a scandal with the aforementioned service, which was caught selling traffic to third-party companies. In one of the episodes, users turned out to be unwitting members of the botnet. After the scandal, the company changed Terms of use, and those who do not want to share device resources were offered paid subscription Hola Premium.

With the expansion of the list of blocked resources and with the advent of great interest to torrent sites from Internet users, the popularity of VPN services and anonymizers has grown dramatically over the past three years. A special breakthrough in the need for such services was the blocking by Roskomnadzor in April of this year of domestic Telegram platforms. With the growing demand for VPN services, the number of companies that have begun to supply best VPN services grew relatively. Currently, there are about 500 services on the VPN market.

With so many VPN providers on the market, it's hard to find the right one because every user has different needs. Based on this, we decided to make your life easier and make a list of the best VPN services in the following categories: Confidentiality, Server speed, Log policy, Cross-platform, Traffic encryption and access to restricted foreign sites!

Working VPN

  • Site unblocking
  • PC, Mobile
  • Extension
  • Hiding an IP address
  • Country Coverage
  • Speed
  • Polikika logs
  • Refund Policy

VPN services that work in Russia and Ukraine!

Due to the increasing censorship on the Internet, parallel VPN services have gained popularity and even some of the services of such companies have been banned by the government. Many VPN companies have decided to follow the law and stop providing access to prohibited information. And those who are banned by Roskomnadzor quickly change their domain and IP address, and continue to serve users.

We will gradually update this article to provide the user with the absolute best VPN service in the VPN provider market.


One of the main purposes of VPN services issecurityuser data online. However, the most important thing is by whom this security is supplied. If you try to explain plain language, suppose main office your VPN provider is located in Russia, then according to the law, this company undertakes to keep logs of your online activities for 2 years.

You can save yourself from unpleasant consequences by choosing a VPN provider that is located in an offshore zone where there are no requirements from the state. Therefore, your actions remain completely safe!

In short, these VPN services are without logs!

Let's look at offshore headquartered companies that also have high performance.

Based in the Virgin Islands. Serves 94 countries 2000+ server locations. VPN service from ExpressVPN is available in Russia and Ukraine. And even if the domain is banned in these territories, the company always bypasses the blocking by changing the domain. The site page and software are completely in Russian. After purchasing a VPN service, you can use it in 3 devices at the same time!

Compared to other companies on the market, the prices of this service are slightly higher, but you get the guarantee that your actions are accurately saved and the stable and reliable servers offered will fully justify the money spent!

NordVPN is based in Panama, where there are no laws requiring VPN companies to maintain any user activity logs. Therefore, by purchasing a VPN service from NordVPN, your personal data and all your activities will be completely safe. Although the country coverage is not as extensive as ExpressVPN, the company still offers services in 62 countries, 4000+ servers.

NordVPN is not banned in these countries. If you want to access restricted sites through your mobile device, then NordVPN is definitely for you because the performance mobile application will pleasantly surprise the user. With this service you can get speed 30 Mbps!


Not every VPN provider is capable of delivering high rates. So far, we have managed about 20 VPN companies, and found that one provider can provide best result in sector A, and in sector B it lags far behind and one of these categories is the speed of the servers.

To bypass blocking in Russia or Ukraine, it would be more logical to use VPN servers from Europe and America.

SaferVPN is one of the rare companies that can truly deliver high rates with a reasonable cost policy and easy to use software. A pleasant advantage of the service is that the company works perfectly in Russia and Ukraine and how the service is universal VPN solution.

Compared to others VPN companies, SaferVPN's country coverage is small, but there are enough servers for Russian users!

SaferVPN is one of the rarest VPN services that can really provide high performance not only for PC, but also for mobile devices, plus the whole site and software is available in Russian!

The company also provides a 30-day money-back guarantee! If you want to learn more about this company, then read our review. !

One of the new Swedish companies. And yes, the company is located in a country where logging is required for two years. However, this category is dedicated entirely to the speed of the service.

Since the company is new to the market, the servers are not loaded, so it is quite possible to get absolutely high speed. Especially the speed400 Mbps, which you will receive from the servers of France and Holland will provide all the possibilities to carry out actions without any problems!

Besides, speed in 25 Mbps on the app with mobile connection(4.5G) will provide the smoothest streaming and social media experience.

Downloading torrent files

I don't think you need to be reminded that downloading copyrighted files is illegal. Along with other countries, Russia has also begun to take action against downloading torrent files.

When downloading any torrent file make sure your IP address is hidden, otherwise your ISP can track all your activities. And if the enterprises deem it necessary, then you can be fined a large amount. To prevent such a situation, we recommend changing the IP address using a VPN service to one where such an action is not prohibited by the state, for example, to Amsterdam.

Of course, there are some points that you need to take into account. Before buying a service, make sure that the Internet speed does not drop too much by connecting to a VPN connection.After all, no one likes to wait for hours for a file to download. Therefore, you will make a successful purchase if the VPN service can change the IP address at the same time and is not inferior in Internet speed.

One of the important mandatory factors of a VPN service for torrent destinations is the presence of a function“Autonomous Shutdown”connections. This function provides security when the device is disconnected from the VPN connection while downloading torrent files. In other words, if your traffic is not encrypted, then the download stops.

We already mentioned this provider above! However, the company does not concede its superiority under this category.

We tested it by downloading a torrent file with a value of240 MB. With the VPN service from PrivateVPN, the process took less time than 1 minute. In addition, we managed to extract from our 50 Mbit Internet full power. If you want a VPN provider that doesn't compromise on your internet speed, then PrivateVPN is for you! To view test results, click

SaferVPN is also one of the rare companies that is able to deliver high rates for torrent destinations. File with volume 900 MB managed to download less than in 10 minutes. To view test results, click

Online Games

Contrary to the statement of VPN providers, get more high values Ping when using a VPN service for online games is completely unrealistic. From the side of Roskomnadzor there are no prohibitions against Online Games. However, it is worth considering some points that you may encounter if you do not use VPN services.

  • For users from the dorm and campus, access to Online games such as Steam, Blizzard App and torrent sites is prohibited. Hence, you will have to connect a VPN to your device.
  • Games can be blocked in a certain country for various reasons.

Problems can also arise when using a VPN service:

  • When connected to a VPN connection in instant games like CS GO, Dota, LOL, etc. the ping value can exceed 100. For such games permissible value ping should be around 50 on average.
  • In case of unreliable servers, your connection will be unstable and you will simply lose the game.

Taking into account all the above notes, there are 2 criteria when choosing a VPN service for online games:

  1. Low ping value, from available server in Russia, working with protocol PPTP.
  2. VPN services with a stable and reliable server during the game.

With ExpressVPN, you can play games by selecting PPTP protocol with the most low value ping by connecting to one of the servers in Russia. If you are facing hostel restrictions, you can download and set up the software by opening mobile connection in PC. Then you can already use the service from the hostel's Internet connection.

Especially for game fans MMORPG, with the help of reliable ExpressVPN servers, the service will prevent connection problems. And you don't have to worry about sudden server disconnection.

A Swiss company, VyprVPN has also recently launched a special service for online gamers with low pings. Even “PC Gamer” magazine rated this VPN service as one of the fastest for computer games!

Compatibility: Mobile and Desktop, Extension.

Over time, the number of devices with Internet access is increasing more and more. Previously, we did not leave desktop computers to open the Internet browser, but now the mobile device has taken the lead in our lives. Given this reality, before buying a VPN service, you should make sure that the software is compatible with the devices that are at hand.

Almost all VPN providers offer at least 3 options simultaneous connection devices. For some, this figure goes up to 6. However, only a few VPN companies can provide the same results in all platforms: PC operating systems ( Mac, Windows, Linux), mobile device ( iOS and Android), as well as a browser extension ( Chrome, Firefox, Safari).

Approximately, you already know for which devices you will use the VPN service. If you want to use a VPN service that is compatible with all devices, you can consider one of the providers below.

From our first review, the company contacted us and said that they already have VPN extensions for Google Chrome and FireFox browsers, and are also working on developing a VPN extension for Safari. A pioneer in its sector, ExpressVPN offers its services across all devices: PCs, desktops, browsers, and even tethering.

With the help of the extension, you can get rid of ads, and at the same time get a high speed of the service. We can absolutely recommend ExpressVPN as your VPN service.

SaferVPN has one of the lightest interfaces we've tested. In addition to the multi-platform software, the service has excellent server speed and is also available in Russian.

The software connects with one click on the connect button. We have already mentioned speed performance above.

The company offers extensions for browsers such as Chrome and Firefox. And in development for Safari.

With SaferVPN, you can connect up to 5 devices at once!

VPN Encryption

Along with VPN services, providers integrate protocols with varying degrees of encryption. One of the commonly used examples isPPTP, OpenVPN, Ikev2,L2TP.

Each protocol comes with its own degree of encryption, which affects your connection speed and your security.

For example, using PPTP protocol, which has the lowest encryption value of 64Mbps, you won't even notice that your device is connected to the VPN. On the other hand, by using the OpenVPN protocol with 256-bit encryption, you run a more stable protocol, but the connection speed is quite slow.

In addition to the usual protocols, some providers provide protocols with double encryption: in one server your data is encrypted, and through the second the data is poisoned. Double encryption can reach up to 2048 bits, however, this means that the performance of such a server is much reduced.

In short, with a high degree of encryption, security is in high level, respectively, low speed.

Let's look at companies that can provide such a high degree of encryption.

One of the truly unique VPN providers with total absence logging, diversity VPN protocols, as well as with double encryption and additional service Tor Over Onion, with which you can completely erase all your traces on the Internet.

If we are talking only about user privacy, NordVPN is unquestionably number one, but in the server speed category, it lags far behind the leading providers on the market. For mobile devices server speed (from Germany with 4.5G connection) reaches up to 30 Mbps when, as for desktop devices, the speed of the service for surfing social networks, downloading torrent files and watching videos are faced with an average value.

Access to geo-restricted content

There are times when you want to watch a certain show, but it is only available in a certain country. In such situations, VPN services come to the rescue. For example, for compatriots living outside of Russia, access to such a site as is not possible due to geographical limitations only on the territory of the federation. Therefore, in order to bypass this blocking, users will have to change their IP address to a Russian one.

So far, our ultimate trusted provider for bypassing geo-restricted content has been HidemyAss. With the latest update, the company has separated authorization servers and VPNs. If it is blocked, then the company can bypass it by changing the IP address and servers.

In the same way, you can easily bypass the geo-restriction with a service from VYprVPN. You can read all the details about the company on our page!

One of the advantages of the Hidemyass provider is the wide coverage of countries with a large number of servers. The provider serves almost all countries of the world, so with the help of the service from Hidemyass you can easily bypass blocking around the world.

Do I really needVPNservice?

In fact, the answer to this question is different for everyone. For users from Russia, we can list the reasons why you should use a VPN:

  • Each of your sites is monitored by Roskomnadzor. Just look at the fact that they require encryption keys for Telegram, Linkedin, Viber. You can prevent this interference.
  • You can access all banned sites in Russia and around the world
  • Download torrent files or watch movies in a secure Internet space.
  • Get rid of limited access in a hostel or in government structures (you will have to configure everything manually)
  • Bypass all restrictions on online games
  • Have access to gambling networks

Summing up!

Based on the fact that each user has individual needs regarding the VPN service, we have tried to list the best VPN services under different categories. For those who just want to access restricted content, just choose a VPN provider with high speed and low level of encryption. And for those who want to download a torrent file or use the service for more serious actions, we advise you to opt for providers with high encryption.

For gamers, a service with a lower ping value is needed, while for those who want to make financial transactions, we recommend a provider with double encryption.

The categories have been made based on the different uses of the VPN. We started the list of categories with providers that work in Russia and Ukraine, and then the order of succession is as follows: Privacy > Performance/Speed ​​> Torrent > Games > Encryption > Access to restricted content.

If you want to purchase a VPN service that works in all spaces, then we advise you to take a look at the list above.

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