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Setting up a satellite dish tricolor siberia yourself. How to properly install a tricolor operator's satellite dish yourself

Tricolor TV is the largest satellite television operator in Russia. Over the 9 years of its existence, Tricolor has gained popularity among the inhabitants of the Russian Federation, and the number of subscribers has approached the mark of 15 million. In mid-2012, the operator launched an HD multi-complex, and the number of available channels is only increasing every year. In addition to standard channels, Tricolor TV subscribers can subscribe to additional service packages. For radio amateurs, the Radiopacket is available with 33 popular radio stations in Russia, and fans of Russian football can connect the Our Football package. As a rule, authorized centers will help you install and set up a satellite dish for an additional fee, but you can do it yourself. How to install Tricolor TV?

When you purchase a Tricolor TV set, you will automatically activate a card with services connected to it. You will have to do the most important thing - install and configure a satellite dish to receive a signal.

First of all, open the instructions that come with the Tricolor and assemble the antenna. Then you need to decide on a place to install the dish (antenna). Nothing should block the antenna from the satellite signal. Nearby trees and walls will only muffle the signal. If you install the antenna in an apartment building, then try to raise it higher so that the trees surrounding the house do not cover the antenna mirror.

Having chosen a place, fix the bracket on the wall of the house with anchor bolts, install the converter in a plate and connect the stripped cable to it using a special F-connector. It is better to wrap the junction of the cable and the converter with electrical tape and seal it with silicone so that moisture does not get in.

There remains an important step in the installation of the antenna - this is the adjustment of the mirror relative to the satellite. Set the approximate azimuth according to the data of your city. You can find out the angle of inclination and azimuth for your locality using the service Now you know how to install Tricolor TV yourself. It remains only to adjust the antenna for high-quality signal reception.

Connect the other end of the cable to a digital receiver (receiver) and insert the card into a special slot. Then connect the receiver to the TV with “tulips” or an HDMI cable, turn it on.

Open the "System Settings" item in the digital receiver menu, enter the standard pin code "0000" and run "Antenna Setup". At the bottom of this mode, two scales will be displayed indicating the quality and level of signal reception. Start slowly rotating the plate until both scales are 60-70 percent full. Fix the antenna in this position and reset the factory settings via the antenna menu.

In the "Antenna Installation" menu, at the first stage, we indicate the "Russian language" and the operator. Then click the "OK" button on the remote control.

At the next stage, we indicate the region - "Main" or "Tricolor-Siberia" depending on your location.

The channel search will automatically start, after which you will see a window with information about the found TV channels and radio stations. Press "OK" on the remote control and wait for the "zero" channel to load.

When you first connect, you will have to wait from 1 to 8 hours until the satellites "find" your antenna. To do this, leave the receiver turned on on any channel for several hours. TV in this case can be turned off.

Do you doubt that you can install Tricolor TV yourself? Seek help from specialists, thereby saving both time and nerves. And be sure to watch this video from Tricolor TV, which describes the process of installing and configuring equipment:

to the territory of the European part of Russia is carried out from a satellite Eutelsat W4 (36.0E). This satellite is stationary at 36 degrees east longitude (36.0E). From the same satellite, NTV-plus channels are broadcast. For St. Petersburg, the exact coordinates of the position of the satellite dish are: azimuth 174 degrees, elevation 22 degrees. It turns out that the antenna is directed to a certain point in the sky, 6 degrees to the left (east) of the south and 22 degrees above the horizon.
2. A satellite signal is like a thin beam of a spotlight. On the territory of St. Petersburg, this searchlight shines from the south, and rises above the horizon by about 20 guards. There should be no obstacles on the path of the beam to the antenna (focusing lens) - even the foliage of trees obscures this beam and reception becomes impossible.
3. Whole The North-West region is in the zone of reliable reception of "Tricolor TV", therefore, you can install an antenna of any diameter, even the smallest one.
4. The larger the diameter of the antenna (lens), the stronger the signal collected by it ... and the harder it is to set up.. Besides, large antenna has a high "sail" (highly exposed to wind), which is especially important for our stormy region.
5. Antenna - Very accurate lens. A deformed antenna will not work. The antenna picks up a signal from a very narrow sector in the sky. Its orientation is a ray in the form of a cone with an angle at the top of 1-2 degrees.
6. To facilitate self-tuning of the Tricolor TV satellite dish, you can use the special device SatFinder Professional (Satellite Finder) to search for a signal from the Eutelsat W4 satellite (purchased or rented in our office).
7. Your main task is to change the position of the antenna, slowly, to find the satellite we need with this cone. You need to find a signal from a specific satellite, namely Eutelsat W4 (36.0E), because there are many television satellites, and Tricolor TV broadcasts from only one of them. Accordingly, the antenna must be directed in a certain direction, where the satellite is located.

Important additional information.

1. We draw your special attention to the fact that the viewing of Tricolor TV programs is controlled using the receiver and the remote control from the receiver. The TV remote control is only needed to turn the TV on and off. Switching channels, calling up information, settings are made only on the receiver itself and only with the help of the receiver's remote control.
2. The receiver's remote control, like other electronic equipment remotes, is infrared and operates in line of sight from the device at a distance of about 5 meters. To control a receiver located in another room (room), you must additionally purchase a radio remote control for satellite equipment (specifically for your model of satellite receiver). The radio remote control operates at a distance of up to 100 meters.
3. The encoded signal coming from the satellite is processed by the receiver, not the TV. The TV only serves to display the image from the receiver on the screen. But, you can connect several TVs to one receiver, so:
but) To view the same channel included on the receiver, you can connect several TV points (all TVs will show the same channel).
b) To watch different channels on different TVs, each TV needs to be connected to its own receiver.
4. Updated signal decoding keys are sent from the satellite to the receivers every weekend, so it is recommended to leave the receiver running (not turn off) from Friday to Sunday. If you could not do this or simply did not use your receiver for a long time, then some channels (or all) may not show (the receiver does not have updated keys to decode them). Then the actions are quite simple: turn on the receiver on a channel that does not show (encoded DRE channel) and leave until the picture appears. Usually the picture is determined in an hour or two, but it can take about a day. After this procedure, all channels should be determined.
5. The inscription on the TV screen “Encoded channel DRE” means that the signal from the satellite is received by the antenna and transmitted to the receiver, but there are no keys to decode this signal. You need to turn on the encrypted channel and wait for the picture to appear.
The inscription on the TV screen "No signal" means that the signal from the antenna is not received by the receiver. To identify the cause and then eliminate it, you need to check the cable connecting the antenna and the receiver and check the position of the satellite dish itself (whether it is physically shifted even a centimeter or two from the direction to the satellite).
6. Registration of the receiver and activation of the "Start" card of additional channels of the "Optimum" package is necessary for decoding the channels, i.e. to start showing the channels. The search for a signal from the satellite is carried out on the equipment itself, which will receive it regardless of the registration. Therefore, we recommend that you first catch the signal and only then register.
7. We ask you to periodically carefully monitor the messages on the information channel "Tricolor TV" and in the "News" section on the official website of the Tricolor TV company (reports about the possible absence of broadcasting due to equipment maintenance, innovations in channels and services, etc.).

1. Connecting the satellite receiver to the TV.

but) By high frequency (HF), using an antenna cable.
Connecting the receiver to the TV via the antenna cable through the antenna socket on the TV and the “RF Out” connector on the receiver. We turn on the receiver's power cable to the 220V electrical network, turn on the power switch on the rear panel of the receiver. The display of the receiver lights up the inscription "BOOT" and after a few seconds the channel number lights up. If the receiver is in standby mode (off), then the time on the receiver’s display lights up (for example, “13-40” or any other). Then press the Power button on the receiver's remote control. The channel number lights up on the receiver's display (for example, "0001", because all our receivers are already set up, the channels are programmed and the equipment is ready for operation). Click on the TV remote button "0" (or any other - this will be the channel on which your TV "Tricolor TV" works) and start the search for channels (tuning channels, scanning the frequency - the description is in the instructions for your TV). Scanning will automatically stop at the frequency of the receiver. On the TV screen you will see the picture:

TV screen writing "No signal" on the receiver's remote control
b) By low frequency (LF), using a cable with a Scart connector or with a “bells” (“tulips”) connector.
We connect the receiver to the TV with the appropriate cable. We turn on the receiver's power cable to the 220V electrical network, turn on the power switch on the rear panel of the receiver. The display of the receiver lights up the inscription "BOOT" and after a few seconds the channel number lights up. If the receiver is in standby mode (off), then the time on the receiver’s display lights up (for example, “13-40” or any other). Then press the Power button on the receiver's remote control. The channel number lights up on the receiver’s display (for example, “0001”, because all our receivers are already set up, the channels are programmed and the equipment is ready for operation). Click on the TV remote the “A/V” button to switch to video mode or select the appropriate connector for connecting additional equipment in the TV menu (the description is in the instructions for your TV). On the TV screen you will see the picture:

TV screen writing "No signal" means that the receiver is connected to the TV correctly. Please note that the inscription should look exactly like this, because this is the picture that the satellite receiver produces in the absence of a signal from the antenna. To be sure, you can click on the receiver's remote control press the MENU button, a dotted rectangle lights up on the receiver's display, and the receiver's menu appears on the TV. Press the "EXIT" button on the receiver's remote control and the menu disappears.
2. If the inscription looks different, then the TV does not see a signal from the satellite receiver, i.e. You connected something wrong.
3. Press on the receiver's remote control 01st channel (buttons "0" and "1"). By this action, we turn on the open (FTA) information channel of Tricolor TV, which will immediately start showing a picture as soon as you catch a signal from the satellite. Automatically at the bottom of the TV screen on the blue field, information about the switched on channel is displayed (channel name, channel number according to the general list, current program, broadcast time).
4. Press on the receiver's remote control double red button "i", we see two scales "Signal strength" and "Signal quality". Initially, the scales are empty, they show 0%, because. signal in this moment no. Using these tuning scales, when searching for a signal from a satellite, we will focus on the quality of the caught signal.
A picture is visible on the TV screen: the top block displays information about the current program and the tuning scales of interest to us, the bottom block displays information about the name of the included :

2. Selecting the location of the antenna.

The main criterion choosing a place to install a satellite dish is a free view in the direction of the satellite Eutelsat W4 (36.0E), i.e. South. Free view means the absence of obstacles (trees, buildings, etc.) on an imaginary line connecting the satellite and the antenna. Approximate data on the length to the obstacle and the height of the obstacle are shown in the figure:

Antenna Installation close to the location of the TV and accessible to the user simplify the process of installation, setup and possible subsequent maintenance. Usually the antenna is mounted on the wall next to the window, balcony or loggia, on the roof of the house. You can even install an antenna on the ground))) Installation indoors, under a roof, behind glass is excluded, because no signal will be received.
If you use a high-quality cable with a thick copper core and double braid, which has minimal signal attenuation and sufficiently high protection against external influences, then length of cable from the antenna to the TV should not exceed 100m. For longer lengths, the installation of signal amplifiers is recommended.

3. Assembly of the antenna.

Assembling the antenna according to assembly instructions. Converter in the holder must be placed with the connector down, so that precipitation does not get inside. Coupling holder is attached closer to the working part ("head") of the converter. We tighten all the adjusting bolts on the antenna, but so that the position of the antenna can be changed within small limits.

4. Mounting the antenna to the wall.

Consider the fact that when tuning the antenna, you will have to turn in the vertical and horizontal planes, and the surrounding objects (wall of the house, balcony railing) should not interfere with this movement.
1. We make markup on the surface for attaching the antenna bracket. Drilling holes using a perforator. We fasten bracket to the wall. Fasteners can be chosen by you independently depending on the wall material, antenna dimensions, wind load.
2. We install the assembled satellite dish on the bracket.
3. Prepare the cable (both ends).

but) We clean 15mm of the upper PVC insulating layer from the edge of the cable without damaging the shielding braid.
b) The shielded braid, together with the foil, is threaded in the opposite direction.
in) The inner insulation is cut off by approximately 10mm.
G) We screw the F-connector onto the cable until it stops.
e) We cut off the central core (conductor) so that it protrudes 2 mm beyond the edge of the connector.
4. We fasten the prepared cable to the converter. You can additionally insulate the connection from moisture with electrical tape and silicone sealant.
5. Additionally, so that the cable does not hang out, you can attach it to the bracket with plastic ties or the same electrical tape.
6. We fasten the other end of the cable to the LNB IN connector of the receiver.

5. Tuning the antenna to the satellite.

Attention! the search for the Tricolor TV signal from the Eutelsat W4 (36.0E) satellite is carried out using equipment (antenna, converter and receiver) and is in no way connected with the registration of this satellite equipment.

Registration of a satellite receiver and activation of the "Start" card of additional channels of the "Optimum" package is necessary for decoding television broadcasting channels, i.e. so that the channels start showing the TV picture. We highly recommend first catch the signal and only then register.
Setting up a satellite dish easier to produce with an assistant, because You will have to navigate in the perfect actions by the image on the TV. If the TV is close to the antenna installation site, and you will see an image on it, then you can adjust it alone.
The process of self-configuration greatly facilitates the SatFinder Professional (Satellite Finder) device, which is used to search for a satellite signal (purchased or rented in our office).
1. Determine the direction to the South. For this:
but) You can use a compass (the best and most accurate option).
b) You can focus on the direction of the neighbors' satellite dishes if they use Tricolor TV (a conditional definition, and therefore the tuning sector will be large and you can search for a signal for a long time).
in) Perhaps an approximate determination of the direction to the satellite by the sun. For St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, the direction to the satellite coincides with the position of the Sun, approximately at 13:30-13:45 summer time or 12:30-12:45 winter time (conditional definition, and therefore the tuning sector will be large and you can search for a signal for a long time).

2. Check that there are no obstacles in this direction.
3. Position the antenna vertically and slowly begin to move it horizontally to the left (east). Keep in mind that the signal delay is 2-3 seconds. After moving the antenna by 1 cm, you need to wait 2-3 seconds. Turning the antenna quickly, you risk never seeing the signal!
4. We look at the TV screen at the “Signal Strength” and “Signal Quality” tuning scales.

but) If the values ​​of the tuning scales are empty, then you have not yet caught the signal. Then we continue to turn the antenna.
b) If one bar is full and the other bar is empty, you have picked up the wrong satellite or there are obstructions. Then we continue to turn the antenna.
in) If the scales are filled, and there is no picture in the background, first check the switched on channel (the Tricolor TV channel must be switched on). If this is an open information channel "Tricolor TV", but there is no picture, then you have caught another satellite and you need to continue to turn the antenna. (To check, press the "OK" button on the receiver's remote control and select the information channel in the list).
G) As soon as you catch a signal from the Tricolor TV satellite Eutelsat W4, on the screen (in the background, behind the blue information fields of the menu) TV picture will appear open information channel "Tricolor TV", and the tuning scales will be filled. The picture on the TV screen will look like this:

5. After finding the signal, we fine-tune to the satellite. We turn the antenna with a smaller amplitude (a few millimeters) horizontally (left - right) and vertically (up - down). We achieve maximum readings in the tuning scales (with self-tuning, you can achieve 80% of the wave on both scales). Please note that signal strength is subject to weather conditions. In high cloud cover, heavy rain or snowfall, the signal level can be greatly reduced down to 0%. Therefore, in clear weather, you should make sure that the tuning is accurate and periodically clean the antenna from snow and ice.
6. Tighten all adjustment bolts firmly so that the antenna no longer rotates.
7. The search for the Tricolor TV signal from the Eutelsat W4 satellite is simplified when using a special device SatFinder Professional (Satellite Finder). This device is purchased or rented from our office.

6. Satellite receiver registration and activation .

After finishing the antenna tuning, press the “Exit” button on the receiver’s remote control twice to remove the menu.
It's time to register the receiver and activate additional channels ».

Please note thatsatellite receiver registration and card activation"Start" of additional channels of the "Optimum" package is necessary to unlock the channels, i.e. so that the channels start showing the TV picture. The search for a signal from the Tricolor TV satellite is carried out using equipment and is in no way connected with registration.

We highly recommend first catch the signal and only then register.
Registration of equipment is carried out in our office (address: St. Petersburg, Podezdnoy lane, 5A, Pushkinskaya metro station) according to working hours (Mon-Tue from 11 to 17, Wed-Fri from 11 to 19, Sat-Sun days off) .
Attention!!! From June 1, 2010, registration is possible only with passport data (with the receiver's DRE ID and the secret code of the Start card) with the signing of an agreement for the provision of broadcasting services.
The receiver's unique 12-digit DRE ID can be found on a sticker on the shipping box; on a sticker on the receiver case; in the general menu of the receiver in the “Status” submenu. The secret code of the "Start" activation card for viewing the "Optimum" package for the first year is under a protective layer.
Attention!!! After registering the equipment, it is necessary to pass its confirmation within 1-2 (One-Two) days. Confirmation is carried out to verify the registered user data (full name and DRE ID of the equipment). The user needs to call from the contact (mobile) phone number specified during registration to the free federal number 8-800-333-13-11 (daily from 10 am to 10 pm Moscow time) and inform the operator about the desire to "Confirm registration". You will be asked for the full name and DRE ID of the receiver.

7. Your next steps:

Now we turn it on using the channel switching buttons (“CH” and two “+” and “-” buttons) or using the number buttons of any of the channels of the free Basic package (for example, “ORT”, “Russia-1″ or “NTV” ) and see the picture on the TV:

You leave the channel on (you can turn off the TV, but you can not touch the receiver) for a period of several minutes to several hours until the broadcast picture appears (we recommend leaving the receiver on overnight). Periodically look at the TV and wait for the broadcast to start. At this time, the Tricolor TV technical center will process information on registering your satellite receiver and activating the Start card for additional channels of the Optimum package. Further, the information is transmitted to the Eutelsat W4 (36.0E) satellite and will be sent from the satellite to your receiver. Your receiver will receive the signal unlock codes and the broadcast picture will appear on the TV screen.

After the start of broadcasting the channels of the free Basic package ("ORT", "Russia-1" or "NTV"), you turn on using the channel change buttons ("CH" and two buttons "+" and "-") or using the number buttons any channel of the Optimum additional package (for example, Kinopokaz, Telenannya, ZooTV) and see a familiar picture on the TV:

You again leave the channel on (you can turn off the TV, but you can’t touch the receiver) for a period of several minutes to several hours until the broadcast picture appears (we recommend leaving the receiver on for the night). Periodically look at the TV and wait for the broadcast to start. At this time, the Tricolor TV technical center will process information on registering your satellite receiver and activating the Start card for additional channels of the Optimum package. Further, the information is transmitted to the Eutelsat W4 (36.0E) satellite and will be sent from the satellite to your receiver. Your receiver will receive the signal unlock codes and the broadcast picture will appear on the TV screen.

There is nothing difficult. Setting in the absence of obstacles takes about 15-30 minutes, activation of channels from several minutes to 8 hours. And then it remains to enjoy watching your favorite shows.

Enjoy watching!


Channels of the "Basic" package will not be activated:
but) If you first registered the ID of the satellite receiver and activated the "Start" card of additional channels of the "Optimum" package, but could not independently catch a signal from the satellite within 5 days after registration.
b) If you registered the receiver and activated the "Start" card, but did not turn on the receiver within 5 days after registration.
At the same time, the paid package "Optimum" of additional channels is activated independently. If the channels of the "Optimum" package do not show, you must turn on the coded channel of this package (for example, "Telenyannya" or "Film screening") and wait for the picture to appear.
To activate the "Basic" package need to be produced reactivation. Write a letter to the technical support service "Tricolor TV" by e-mail [email protected] or call 8-800-333-13-11 (daily from 10 am to 10 pm Moscow time). Ask the operator for reactivation and provide your registration data (DRE ID of the receiver). The Tricolor TV technical support service will process your application and reactivate the packages for 5 days. You turn on the encrypted channel of the free package (for example, ORT, Russia-1, NTV) and wait for the picture to appear.
While waiting for the activation of any channel of any package, it can take from several minutes to several hours, because. time depends on various conditions, such as the number of subscribers in the network.

First of all, I advise you not to fuss. First, make sure that no preventive maintenance is being carried out on the channels or at the operator and that the problem is in the antenna or receiver, and not at the opposite end of the screen. Do not rush to knock down the settings. If this is a preventive measure, you just have to wait.

If you know for sure that it is not a matter of prevention at the operator, the satellite is in place, then make sure that you have paid for access to packages. How to identify a problem with payment: when the receiver shows "Scrambled channels", but the info channel works. You can check the payment in your personal account Tricolor TV.

If everything is fine with the payment, then the third thing to do is reset the receiver to factory settings. To do this, simply disconnect the receiver from the network, and then reconnect it. After that, you will need to reconfigure the Tricolor channels. Then you should just leave the receiver turned on on the encrypted Russian channel and wait until the keys arrive.

If this does not help, you need to check the receiver for a physical malfunction or outdated firmware.

So, if the channels do not work, then you need:

  1. Check with the operator for prevention;
  2. Check balance. Are services paid?
  3. Make sure that the signal is not affected by weather conditions (the converter is not covered with snow);
  4. Check if the antenna connection to the TV and receiver is broken;
  5. Reset settings and register channels;
  6. Check if the receiver is working

Setting up an antenna for Tricolor satellites

To tune the antenna to the frequencies of the Tricolor channels, you need to aim at the Eutelsat 36A / 36B satellite 36 ° east longitude.

To correctly install and configure the antenna, you need to know in which direction the desired satellite is located. This can be done with a compass, the sun, a GPS navigator, or just other plates of your size. Or you can use the special program "Satellite Antenna Alignment".

Be sure to make sure that there are no high-rise buildings, large trees, or anything that would block the dish in the direction of the satellite.

If using a compass, or other navigational aids, determine the bearing to the EUTELSAT 36C and 36B satellites, 36 degrees east longitude, and point the dish at the desired angle.

Elevation - the angle between the ground plane and the direction to the satellite

The program I mentioned will help you find out the azimuth and the required elevation angle for installing and tuning a satellite dish to any satellite at your receiving point. The program settings are saved, so in the future you can use it right away - it remembers your geographic location.

After you enter the coordinates of your location, on the left in the table you will see the angles for calculation azimuth And antenna lift for all satellites at the same time.

Azimuth is the angle between north and the satellite.

If the calculation results in a negative value of the antenna elevation (elevation angle), then the satellite is out of reach (beyond the horizon).

If you have nothing to determine the geographical direction, the program provides the ability to determine the azimuth of the sun. For this:

  • Set your coordinates
  • For calculations, select the height above sea level - 0 m.
  • Select date

And that's it. Now let's look at the data in the table. We are looking for the azimuth value there, as close as possible to the azimuth value to the satellite. We look at what date and time correspond to this azimuth and at this time we direct the antenna at the sun, because the satellite is right there at that time. The elevation angle of the satellite and the sun may not match. If this happens, then solar radiation can "clog" the signal for a couple of days.

When calculating, the time zone is necessarily taken into account (for Moscow +3 hours to GMT).

The red bar indicates the direction to the satellite. Daylight is marked in yellow.

For offset antennas, the focus is shifted relative to the center, if the antenna is installed strictly vertically, then it has an elevation angle (20 ... 25 degrees). To calculate the satellite elevation angle and the actual antenna installation angle (in degrees relative to the ground plane), the antenna dimensions in millimeters (height and width) are entered in the program. The calculation is made only for offset antennas.

To determine the location of the EUTELSAT 36C and 36B satellites, enter the coordinates of your locality into the program (data can be obtained from Yandex) and you will determine their azimuth and elevation.

Next, assemble the antenna according to the instructions, fix the converter on it and install the antenna on the bracket, which should be fixed vertically to the Earth on a flat surface. Connect the antenna to the receiver using a 75 ohm TV cable with the receiver unplugged.

After determining the angles, you will need to assemble and install the Tricolor TV plate according to the instructions. Fasten the converter, install it on the bracket. Use a 75 ohm cable to connect the antenna to the receiver. Attention! The receiver must be turned off at this time!

You need to turn it on only after all the work has been done. After switching on, you will be greeted with the inscription "No signal". To start tuning, press Menu - Settings - Manual Search. You need to adjust according to the signal quality indicator.

After that, you need to adjust the antenna. The antenna plane must be moved in elevation in 3-degree increments from a position where the antenna plane is perpendicular to the ground plane to a position of about 80 degrees to the ground plane in both directions. In this case, it is necessary to rotate it in azimuth on the bracket in the range of twenty degrees from the direction to the satellite, which we determined earlier.

Note! Moving and rotating must be done in turn: first change the elevation angle, and then slowly rotate the dish so as not to miss the direction to the satellite. An error of 2-2.5 degrees can ruin everything. When an image appears on the TV - determine the maximum signal level and tighten the nuts tighter.

If the channels in the receiver are already registered, then you can enjoy watching. If not, the receiver must also be configured.

Setting up Tricolor channels yourself

We have already installed the antenna. Now you can start setting up the receiver.

First, take an HDMI or RCA cable and connect the receiver to your TV. After that, connect the receiver to the mains. In the TV menu, set the display of the video input to which the receiver is connected. Approximately as at connection DVD. After you see the receiver's menu on the screen, follow the instructions to register channels.

Press the OK button on the remote to proceed.

Here you need to select an operator. In the European part of Russia - this is Tricolor TV. For the rest - Tricolor TV Siberia. Next, click continue again and wait until the list of regions loads:

For the European part of Russia, you must select the Urals from the list. Channels with a time shift of 2 hours will be registered in this region.

After the channels are found, the list must be saved.

After saving, on some channels, the inscription "Info channel" will appear. This means that it is not encoded. Let's move on to the encrypted channel. As a result, we get "Error 9". If the receiver is registered, then after a while the encrypted channels will work.

If something did not work out and you want to try again - reset everything to the factory settings and go through the procedure again.

Satellite TV channels are in great demand today. Almost anyone can buy the equipment necessary for viewing them. it is inexpensive.

To watch satellite TV, you need to purchase a special antenna, install and configure it. For this, it is not necessary to resort to the help of specialists. You can set up the Tricolor TV plate yourself.

The plate is the main element of the whole system. It is a metal structure of a parabolic shape, concave inward. This shape is made so that the signals coming from the satellites, when in contact with the surface of the dish, are concentrated at one point - a circular convector. Thanks to this, you can get a high quality connection. The signals from the convector are sent via cable to the receiver, where, after conversion, they are displayed on the TV screen.

Place for antenna

How to set up a Tricolor TV satellite dish yourself? The success of the setup depends not only on the quality of the equipment, but also on the correct installation of the dish itself.

Antenna Installation Rules

  1. Select an available trajectory from the dish to the satellite. Those. choose the most suitable place where nothing will interfere with the flow to the plate. To do this, you need to mentally draw a line from the antenna in the direction of the transmitter. There should be no tree branches, buildings, signs, flags on the trajectory line - i.e. any objects and objects that may interfere with the signal. Satellite signal cannot pass through walls.
  2. Install and fix the antenna on a high-altitude point. This can be the roof of the house, the outer part of the balcony or loggia, just a wall, or a special structure (tower) near the house.

Do not install the antenna inside the balcony, as well as in places where snow, water, tree leaves and other debris can potentially accumulate.

The best direction of the satellite dish is considered to be the direction to the equator (i.e. in the northern hemisphere, this is the direction to the south).

When installing, it is best to choose a place that is as close as possible to the TV. This will make the setup work easier.

The external structure of Tricolor TV consists of several parts:

  • bracket;
  • antenna mirrors;
  • coaxial cable;
  • convector.

The bracket must be fixed to the wall or roof with anchor bolts. If the mount is not very reliable, then even a small wind will begin to oscillate the antenna, which will immediately affect the image quality. In this case, it is recommended not to tighten the bolts immediately as tightly as possible, because. most often you have to change the position of the antenna during the tuning process. You can finally tighten the bolts when all other work has been done.

When the brackets are installed, you can mount the plate mirror itself and the convector. The convector is installed on the holder with the connector in the lower position so that it is not flooded with water.

Receiver connection

Stages of connecting cable and convector

  1. Strip the end of the cable. To do this, cut the outer insulating material at a distance of approximately 15 mm from the edge, cut the inner material by 10 mm. Then remove the cut insulation. All this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the shielding braid.
  2. The shielding braid together with the foil must be bent in the opposite direction from the ends, and screwed to the F-connector until it stops.
  3. Behind the connector leave the end of the core with a size of 2 mm.
  4. The cable itself must be fixed on the holder. For this, electrical tape, tape, or nylon clamps are usually used.
  5. The connector must be made airtight to prevent moisture from entering inside. To do this, you can use sealant, tape or electrical tape.

This completes all the main outdoor work on installing the antenna. When the design is installed, you need to configure it. To do this, you need to connect the cable to the receiver, and then configure the receiver.

Connecting the receiver to the TV can be done in two ways:

  • using a high-frequency (HF) antenna cable;
  • using a low-frequency (LF) cable with a connector.

The RF must be inserted into the TV socket, which is designed for an antenna and has a corresponding icon. The other end must be inserted into the "RF Out" connector on the receiver. When plugged into an electrical outlet, the word “BOOT” and the digital designation of the channel should appear on the TV screen. When you turn on the channel search, the answer “No signal” should appear. This means that the device is working correctly.

LF connection is made in almost the same way. Only after the inscription “BOOT” appears on the screen, you need to press the “A / V” key on the remote control, and then wait for the inscription “No signal”. If it appears, then everything is working correctly. Any other inscription indicates that the hardware circuit is assembled incorrectly.

Setting up a satellite signal

How to achieve high quality images?

To search for a signal, you need to do several actions in the satellite TV settings.

On the receiver's remote control, select "Menu" => "Installation" => "OK".

Enter four zeros. In the pop-up window, click "OK" again.

Select the "Antenna installation" column and press "OK" again.

Find two scales - "Signal Quality" and "Signal Strength". They show the level of information flow that the system is currently receiving. It must be at least 70%.

If the quality is below 70%, then the reasons for this may be either an incorrect assembly of the circuit, or an incorrectly selected antenna position. If the cable is connected correctly, then it is necessary to change the values ​​of the incoming signal by changing the position of the antenna design itself.

Such actions must be performed very slowly and carefully. First, move the antenna 1-2 mm, wait a few seconds so as not to lose the signal. The mirror of the plate should be directed as far as possible upwards. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully monitor that the people doing this work do not inadvertently block the signal with their bodies. Move the plate until a clear image appears on the TV screen. When it appears, you can tighten the bolts holding the brackets to the end.

How to set up the Tricolor TV antenna yourself - watch the video:

Some information about the satellite "Tricolor TB"

"Tricolor TV" broadcasts digital television channels in the European territory of Russia from artificial earth satellites "Eutelsat-36C" and "Eutelsat-36B", and in Siberia - from the satellite "Express-AT1".

The question of how to set up Tricolor TV channels on your own, if the settings are lost, can take almost any subscriber by surprise. Fortunately, it is not difficult to cope with the difficulty that has arisen, the main thing is to be patient and calm. Excitement, worry and haste will definitely not help to cope with the task on their own, and then the user will have to spend time, money and call a professional.

To avoid this, it is necessary to prepare in advance the instructions or manual that came with the satellite equipment. It can be very useful and significantly simplify the task facing the viewer. This is especially true for situations where television has to be tuned not automatically, but in manual mode.

What to do if the settings of Tricolor TV channels are lost

Faced with the lack of favorite channels on the TV, you need to find out why they disappeared. Often the cause of the trouble is a turned antenna. In such situations, you should start by returning the cymbal to the correct position.

To achieve stable signal reception from space, you will need:

  • turn on the receiver and open the signal search section (subscribers should see two communication quality scales);
  • invite an assistant who will monitor the change in indicators;
  • gradually rotate the antenna, each time changing its position by a few millimeters;
  • after each turn, you need to pause for 5-10 seconds to understand if a signal has appeared.

A big plus will be the presence of satellite dishes from the neighbors. They can be a clue to the correct position of the antenna.

Automatic setup of satellite TV Tricolor on the receiver

To connect free, public TV channels, users will have to follow the same steps that are required to search for a paid package. The whole procedure takes place automatically and does not require serious intervention of the satellite company's customers.

For automatic configuration, subscribers will need:

  1. turn on the receiver;
  2. open the user menu;
  3. switch to the settings section;
  4. select an item that offers automatic search for TV channels or their settings;
  5. start the process.

From the foregoing, it can be seen that almost any user of Tricolor TV can cope with connecting channels, setting up channels on their own will not cause difficulties.

The main thing is not to rush into making decisions and strictly follow the instructions above.

Free manual tuning of Tricolor TV channels - independently

If the automatic search did not bring the desired results, you can try to connect the desired TV channel yourself.

This will require:

  1. take a pre-prepared user manual and find the frequency of the channels in it;
  2. load the already familiar settings menu on the receiver;
  3. select manual search for TV channels;
  4. enter the correct parameters in the fields that open;
  5. make sure you get the desired results;
  6. save changes.

It is important to note that the final result depends on a lot of factors, the most important of which is the position of the satellite dish. The better the signal arrives at it, the more reliable and clearer the display will be. The image in bad weather conditions also depends on the position of the antenna. The broadcast will not fail if both indicators were previously at the maximum level.

Difficulties and complexities

It is important to note that the various receivers, of which there are a huge number in 2019, have a slightly different order for setting up broadcasts. Only the essence and approximate order remain common, uniform, users will have to figure out the details and nuances on their own.

Those who could not figure out the connection without outside participation should call the Tricolor TV contact center, help in setting up channels will arrive in time without delay. The main thing is to tell the consultants the model of the equipment used. Sometimes it is required to transfer personal data of the client. They are required to identify the identity of the caller.

Additionally, it must be indicated that free channels are not available in situations where the provider or subscriber has decided to terminate the service agreement. In other cases, they must be present in the client's standard TV program.

Tricolor television connection

Assistance in connecting satellite television can simplify the task facing subscribers, but often it is not required. Modern equipment allows users to understand the setup procedure without outside participation and the involvement of specialists. To watch your favorite channels and TV shows, you only need a little patience and attentiveness. If the client has these qualities, a positive result will not be long in coming.

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