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Setting up a satellite dish tricolor yourself. Self-tuning "Tricolor TV" on a satellite dish

The article discusses the issues of assembling, setting up and adjusting the Tricolor antenna with your own hands.

Having bought the Tricolor antenna, everyone can carry out their own tuning, subject to certain rules.

Tricolor satellite TV installation kit.

For work you will need:

To secure the base, you need to select fasteners. It should be fixed on a wooden surface with the help of plumbing "wood grouses". In other situations, anchor bolts 10x100 are suitable.

The cable used to connect the antenna to the TV must have a thick copper core and double braid. The cable length is no more than 100 m. If it is required to lay more than this length, then signal amplifiers are additionally located.

Choosing a place to install the antenna

Since the dish receives a signal from the satellite, the main criteria for choosing a location are:

Adherence to the criteria will ensure that there are no mistakes in independent work.

Antenna assembly

The equipment comes with assembly instructions, following which you can do everything quickly. The structure for receiving a signal is formed by the elements:

Assembly diagram:

Assembly work completed.

Antenna alignment

Adjustment should be carried out in good weather (no snowfall, rain, dense clouds). The stage involves the creation of a certain position of the equipment for the clarity of the broadcast. They depend on the elevation and azimuth angle. To calculate the elevation angle, draw a horizontal line from the installed dish in the direction of the satellite and measure the angle formed by this line and the signal receiving line (the vertical angle formed when the mirror is turned up and down).

Azimuth is the angle of the horizontal plane between the guide line to the north and the guide line from the dish to the satellite (the horizontal angle corresponding to the rotation of the dish left-right).

There is a table showing the elevation and azimuth for different cities. If the plate is not installed in a city, then you need to focus on a nearby city.

The azimuth angle is set by the compass. You can use a protractor and a plumb line to determine the elevation angle. The plumb line is located at the zero point of the protractor and serves as a conditional horizon line. The required angle is shown on the protractor scale.

Different manufacturers design the antenna at different angles. Supral products are characterized by an accurate vertical position of the antenna at an angle of 26.5 °. When placing equipment with such an angle in Moscow or Kaliningrad, it is not necessary to change the elevation angle. For other cities, it will be necessary to tilt the structure forward or backward so that the angle corresponds to the required value.

Mounting the TV connector

The TV connector is connected to the converter in accordance with the diagram:

With regard to the antenna wire used, there are two ways to install the receiver to the TV:

  • High Frequency Antenna Cable (HF) - Plugs into the antenna socket on the TV and into the RF Out port of the receiver. After switching on, the combination "BOOT" and the channel number appear on the TV screen. When the channel search function is turned on, the notification “No signal” is displayed, which means that the receiver is functioning normally.
  • Low-frequency cable with connector (LF) - similar to HF. When connected, “BOOT” appears on the TV screen. Then it is necessary to press the button "A / B" on the control surface of the receiver. As a result, the notification "No signal" should light up. The appearance of other information indicates the incorrect assembly of the equipment.

After the steps taken, you can start setting up the channels.

Adjusting the TV signal level

Tuning must be done by changing the position of the antenna and monitoring the signal level on the television screen. First open the menu "Antenna installation":

After the two scales "Signal" and "Quality" are displayed, the equipment location should be adjusted:

Watching TV, analyzing the content of the scales:

The presetting ends with fine tuning when, when the cymbal position is changed from left to right and up and down, both scales are filled at 80%. Such values ​​will help to transmit an accurate signal in bad weather (rain, snow, cloudy).

After fine-tuning the telecast, you should firmly fix the equipment on the street and exit the setup menu by pressing "Exit" twice on the remote control.

Receiver registration

Receiving a television picture occurs after the registration of the equipment. Registration is carried out in one of the following ways:

  • On the Tricolor website;
  • At the sales office or authorized center (usually, after the purchase at specialized points of sale, the receiver is registered);
  • Through the technical support department, when you have a subscription agreement.

When registering, the user must indicate the receiver model, unique identification number (ID), personal data. The model name can be seen on the front of the equipment.

The identification number is a sequence of 10-12 digits. The number can be found on the package sticker or on a sticker on the receiver body. Some packages and cases do not have an inscription, so you need to go to the receiver menu. By clicking on the "Status" submenu, the user will see the ID.

To conclude an agreement, it is required to provide the user's personal data (full name, passport, date of birth, place of installation, contact information).

Registration actions end with the confirmation of the equipment by telephone conversation with the Tricolor service. You should indicate the purpose of the appeal, name, identification number.

Questions from subscribers

"Do I need a special device for tuning satellite dishes?"

A self-tuning tool is not required, but it can make it easier to find the satellite signal.

"What parameters should I use to tune the satellite dish?"

Azimuth and elevation.

In order to independently, without any practical knowledge, assemble and install a set of satellite television at home, you need to follow a certain step-by-step sequence of work.

Consider the main points that you should pay special attention to when assembling a plate, wiring diagrams, and also focus on common mistakes that inexperienced installers make.

Installation materials

Let's start with the required materials. To build you need:

Without them, in the presence of several heads, you will get such a tree.

It will be required if you want to simultaneously connect several TVs from one dish.


To begin with, it is worth considering the converters themselves in more detail.

They differ in polarization. There are models:

  • linearly polarized (vertical and horizontal)
  • circularly polarized

With circular, they are used to receive Tricolor TV and NTV + channels from the satellite at 36 degrees. To receive MTS and Telekart, you will need linear polarization of the Ku band.

You can distinguish them by marking. On the left in the figure, circular, on the right - linear.

They can also have a different number of outputs:

The converter itself consists of three main elements:

  • irradiator
  • waveguide
  • the electronic unit

A dielectric plate can be seen under the cover of the feed. Its presence indicates that it is a circular polarization converter.

That is, it can be used to receive the Tricolor and NTV Plus channels. To turn such a converter into a linear one, to search for other satellites, it is enough to pull out and remove the plate.

By the way, the loss or deterioration of the signal can sometimes be associated with damage to this plate. Due to temperature changes outside, it gradually collapses and crumbles.

Special converters for multiswitches have 4 outputs.

However, they are all not the same. One is vertically polarized, the other is horizontally polarized. Plus two sub-ranges - upper and lower. This is important when connecting cables through a multiswitch.

Multiswitch connection diagrams

The multiswitch itself must be selected depending on the number of cables and TVs in your home. The wiring diagrams for the most popular satellites are as follows:

If you also have a conventional television antenna, then the multiswitch must have a TerrTV input.

Connection diagram via a multiswitch ABS-2A satellite for receiving a package of channels from MTS:

Keep in mind that when using the multiswitch, Diseq = Diseqc is no longer needed.

Assembling a satellite dish

From the assembly tool, a pair of open-end wrenches for 10 and 13 are usually enough, plus a Phillips screwdriver. For wall mounting, you need a hammer drill and anchor bolts.

When you have decided on a complete set, first of all you need to correctly assemble the plate itself. There are several nuances here.

So, for example, when assembling the traverse, note that the transverse bar, which is attached to the plate mirror itself, must be superimposed on top of it.

If you screw it on the other side, but physically it is possible, then:

  • first, you will have poor hole alignment
  • secondly, the opposite end of the traverse, where the heads cling, will go out of focus

As a result, it will initially be difficult to catch at least some signal. In addition, the mount that goes to the bracket, when adjusting the satellites above the horizon (relative to your geographic residence), should cling to the adjustable part down.

And for satellites below the horizon - on the contrary, with the adjustable part up.

Since in this case, you will no longer need to raise, but lower the mirror.

How to build a multifeed

Building a multifeed also comes with some peculiarities. In the collapsible set, there are initially two different "ears". One is more, the other is less.

The little one is put on a tube assembled with plastic.

The large one is attached to the central traverse. In this case, both ears can be positioned relative to each other in two different ways.

On the same level or in different planes. Most installers locate exactly in one plane.

However, if you do the opposite, it will make it easier to perform the very initial setup of the satellite dish and save time when looking for additional side satellites.

The assembled heads will be at different levels, one higher, the other lower.

Actually, like the satellites themselves fly along the horizon.

But this is of course true if your converters will catch three different satellites. When two heads catch one satellite, for example Eutelsat 36E, but with different software packages, then place them in the same plane.

But mount the third head as described above. The spread between the converters also depends on the diameter of the mirror. The smaller its size, the closer the heads will be located relative to each other.

After the bar is screwed on, try at least by eye to set the head so that the central axis of the plastic (where the two halves of the casting converge), and this very attachment to the traverse, are at an angle of 90 degrees. Further, everything will be regulated in relation to this initial position.

The order in which the multifeeds are rotated also matters. The first and closest to the plate should be the multifeed, the satellite position of which is closer to your place of residence.

For example, if you live above 40 degrees, then first on your plate should be Eutelsat 36.0E, then Hotbird 13E, and the last Astra 5.0E. The same is true by analogy with other satellites.

After fixing the cymbal on the wall or roof, lay coaxial cables from this place to the tuner or switch.

You sign each end from which head it comes from.

If you have a disec, there will be one output cable.

F connector connection

To connect coaxial cables, you need to strip them and put them on F-connectors. This can be done in two ways.

Method 1 - cut only the outer sheath of the cable with a knife at a distance of 20-25mm. The screen cannot be damaged.

Bend all the wires gently onto the shell.

Now you need to remove the insulation from the central core. It should protrude from the screen by a maximum of 2mm.

Then screw on the F connector.

You shorten the excess supply of the central core, leaving no more than 5 mm from the plane of the connector.

The 2nd way is simpler. Take the clerical knife again. Step back about 1cm from the edge of the cable and cut off all the insulation. Including outer and inner, up to the central vein.

Then, stepping back 3mm, cut off only the outer sheath.

Make sure that no lint or wire is trapped between the braid and the center conductor.

You do not need to remove the insulation anymore and do not need to bend anything. Just insert and screw on the f connector from above.

Next, do the cabling throughout the apartment in all rooms where you have TVs. You also sign all of them.

At the same time, it is much safer to run the cable directly into the device, rather than connect it through a satellite TV outlet. This can be associated with both a loss of quality and a loss of signal altogether.

The wiring diagram when using a multiswitch may look like this:

Diseqc connection

If there is only a dysik, the connection and configuration of satellites is carried out in the following sequence.

Remember that any self-respecting store of satellite equipment and similar systems always sells tuners already pre-installed on certain channels and satellites. Otherwise, competitors will simply survive from the market.

At the same time, when buying, be sure to ask the seller to write you the Diseqc switch ports, since they were exposed to them during the settings. It is on these ports that you will have to make all the cable connections.

During installation, you first connect the cables to the heads, and then wind them onto the dyseik. Just the same on it, it is advisable to connect everything initially with the “factory” tuner settings.

If you have any satellite in the receiver set to the first port, accordingly, it should not go to port number 1. If it is on the second, then the switch uses port # 2, and so on.

All input ports are always signed. The center single jack is the output to the tuner itself.

Search for satellite and channels

Setting up and searching for a satellite can be performed without fancy devices using the receiver itself.

True, you will have to drag the tuner itself + some small TV to the roof.

Unless, of course, you will install a motorcycle suspension.

Another such setting is done together. One person on the roof is moving a plate, another is monitoring the signal of the house on the TV using a cell phone.

If you are not satisfied with either one or the second option, you can buy a cheap portable device for tuning and analyzing a satellite signal from the Chinese - or here.

Then the setup will not be difficult at all. By the way, it will be useful in the future, if after a strong wind your signal deteriorates or you want to add a satellite over time, or maybe even change the heads. Set up satellites with MTS and Tricolor, instead of Amos, Astra, etc.

Start the adjustment from the center head. Initially, expose the plate with a slight rise to the horizon. In order to orient yourself in the direction, look at the nearest neighbors.

Nowadays, you will clearly not be a pioneer, and finding a pair of three tuned cymbals will not be difficult. Sometimes there are so many of them that they interfere with each other.

As a last resort, you can use programs on smartphones - Satellite Director or SatFinder.

Install the program, launch it and start turning the smartphone in different directions in search of the desired satellite. The coordinates of most of them are already crammed into the program and you do not need to look for anything.

The icon marked with a circle or a cross will show the correct direction for the satellite dish. Check it out.

Turn on the tuner, select the satellite from the central converter and look for at least some signal from this head. The search is performed by raising, lowering and turning the antenna itself.

The signal quality is indicated as a percentage scale and is located at the bottom of the screen. You need to achieve the highest possible value.

To do this, very, very slowly, begin to turn the plate in different directions. At the same time, the mirror itself cannot be closed.

If there is no signal, or it is of very poor quality, the cymbal lowers a little. Further, the process of turning on the sides is repeated. As soon as a good quality signal is found in height, the dish is preliminarily fixed vertically.

After that, again you can twist it to the right and left to find the highest possible quality. There will never be 100%, just look for the highest possible number - 68-75%, etc.

Having found the best position, finally clamp the swivel mechanism to the right-left. Just do not tighten one bolt at once to the end, otherwise the plate will be taken to the side by a couple of degrees. Tighten the nuts evenly, like on a car wheel or on an engine head.

When the corners are all set, it is necessary to adjust the entire structure in height again. Having loosened the fasteners, you begin to raise or lower it vertically, all the while controlling the signal.

Remember that the maximum is always sought by going down.

What is it for and what does it give? During long-term operation under the weight of snow, wind, rain, the saucer will still go down a little, worsening the signal.

You also need to put it on a stretch. This will preserve the signal quality for a long time.

Keep in mind that the plate should initially be mounted on a wall or roof at exactly the same level.

If this is not the case, then having found the maximum of the signal along the horizontal, you will start looking for the max along the vertical. And in the process, the horizontal position will go away. You will have to adjust the horizontal-vertical several times.

Then proceed to the next stage of the setup - scrolling around its axis of the central converter clockwise or counterclockwise. Here you can also achieve an improvement in the signal by a few percent.

This will set up the cymbal itself and the center head. Let's move on to setting up side converters from other satellites.

Switch the tuner to the next satellite and call up its information line. The converter of this satellite, also thanks to the multifeed, can be rotated up and down, zoom in or out from the dish.

As with the middle head, first look for the maximum on the vertical, and then move the side converter closer or away to the central one. At the end of the settings, rotate it around the axis.

When tuning satellites from side converters, pay special attention to where you are standing in relation to the dish. On the side heads, the signal from the satellite enters the center of the mirror and is reflected, as in a billiard, to the converter.

So, in order not to block this signal with your body, you should be located on the closest side of the adjustable head, and not on the opposite.

After searching and tuning the satellite from all three converters, the process can be considered complete. Hide and seal the dysik from rain and precipitation, and also secure the satellite cables with cable ties so that they do not dangle in the wind.

Installation and connection errors

1 Incorrect assembly of the crosshead

At the very initial stage, do not make the mistake of attaching the traverse to accommodate the converters. It should be installed under the bracket, not on top of it.

Otherwise, there will be big problems with finding a signal even on the central head. The wrong focus will be to blame.

2 Using loop-through sockets

Pass-through sockets are the first enemy of satellite television. From such devices, there may not be a signal at all.

Therefore, only terminal can be used. They are often paired with television.

3 Splitters

They can only be used for analog television. Satellite TV should not have any splitters. The fact is that the transmission of channels usually occurs at two polarizations.

And the splitter is not able to simultaneously pass them through itself. As a result, some of the channels on some TV will simply be absent.

4 Large number of connections

Any connection is a loss of signal quality, including at seemingly convenient sockets.

Take special care that there are no connections in places of high humidity - attics. In bad weather, the signal will disappear altogether because of this.

5 Cheap cable

Do not buy a Chinese cable of dubious production. Almost half of the signal level that reaches from the cymbal to the receiver can depend on the quality of the cable.

6 Incorrect Diseqc insulation

Never wrap a dysec in a plastic bag. Even if this will save you from direct raindrops, condensation will still form inside over time.

And it is he who will cause the switch to fail, which necessarily requires ventilation and communication with air. The easiest and cheapest option is an empty plastic bottle, which also doesn't help much.

Therefore, it is best to place a waterproof box next to the plate and install the switch in it.

7 Insulating F-connectors

Also, do not tape the F connectors. Such insulation does not help much against rust, and only worsens the situation, since sooner or later moisture will still penetrate under the electrical tape.

And instead of gradually evaporating or rolling off the connector surface, it lingers on it and accelerates the corrosion process several times. Also remember to put the insulating cap on the free Diseqc port.

class = "eliadunit">

After installing the dish, you will need to set up the Tricolor receiver in order to get access to high-quality satellite TV. The setup can be done by a master, but this is not financially beneficial for subscribers. You can make the settings yourself, there is nothing to be afraid of, the procedure is quite simple, and the instructions described below are detailed.

We set up the Tricolor TV receiver yourself

  1. It is necessary to connect the cable to the LNB in ​​jack and to the TV (RF out or SCART). If the subscriber connects the receiver for the first time, then the "Language setting" section will appear on the TV screen - click "Next". After that, the section "Setting AV output" will appear, if necessary, then you need to change the settings, if not, go to the next stage by clicking "Next".
  2. The system will transfer the subscriber to the channel search section, where the satellite tuning scale (signal strength and quality) is located in the lower right corner. In the case when the dish is not tuned to the Eutelsat W4 satellite, you will need to adjust the scale on the screen.
  3. To do this, you need to select "Search type" - "Tricolor TV" click "Next", this will turn on the search for channels, after the end of the search, the message "Save found channels?" - you need to click "Yes", otherwise, when you turn off the TV, the channels will disappear, and you will need to tune them again.
  4. Then the “Time setting” table appears on the screen. "UTC offset +03.00", "Update from satellite?" - "yes", "Year" - the current is set, "Month" - the current is set, "Day" - the current is set, "Local time" - the current is set.
  5. To save the settings, you need to click "OK". Tricolor TV channels are saved.
  6. Next, on the remote control from the receiver, you need to press the "Menu" button - on the screen, go to "Settings" - you must enter the PIN code (by default it has a combination of 0000, then it is recommended to change the password to another so that no one except the subscriber can access the receiver ) - you need to click on the "Automatic search" option - a table of settings will appear, where in the "Search type" folder you need to select "Fast", click "Start search" - "Save found channels?" - "Yes".
  7. "Menu" - "Settings" - PIN 0000 - "Manual search" - should remain unchanged, except for "Frequency" - you need to enter 12174, "Polarization" - Left, "Flow rate" - 4340, "FEC" - 3/4 "Start Search" - "Save Channels" - "Yes".
  8. In the "Frequency" section, change the value to 12207, "Polarization" - Right, "Flow rate" - 27500, "FEC" - 3/4 - "Start search" - "Save channels" - "Yes".
  9. After that, again in the "Frequency" section, change the value to 12360, "Polarization" - Right, "Flow rate" - 27500, "FEC" - 3/4 - "Start search" - "Save channels" - "Yes". The last stage is to press the “Exit” button on the remote control three times.

Updating the module software

Over time, subscribers will need to independently update the software of the receiver module, this is done is elementary, you just need to follow the instructions:

We update the software:

  1. It is necessary to reboot the receiver, if it works, if not, turn it on.
  2. Then on your TV you need to turn on the Tricolor TV channel.
  3. The provider saves the time and energy of its subscribers, so there is no need to search for the update window, it will appear itself a few seconds after the receiver turns on.
  4. In the update menu, click on the "Yes" button. In this way, the update will be launched, you can watch the process on the TV screen. The average update time is 5 minutes.
  5. After the automatic installation of the latest update, the receiver will restart itself, you should not be afraid of this, there are no problems, you do not need to turn it on after turning it off, it will turn on itself again.
  6. Next, you need to check if the update was successful. To do this, you need to go to the Tricolor website from a computer and watch the latest version, check it by turning on the TV on the Tricolor channel.
  7. If the subscriber has completed all the steps correctly, and the information on the update versions coincided, then in the near future you can forget about the problems in the broadcast of the channels.
  8. If, after flashing the module, the subscriber cannot turn on the TV from the remote control, there is no need to panic, this is not a failure or breakdown. You need to turn on the TV from the main button located on the TV itself.

If the subscriber, for some reason, could not independently perform the firmware (forgot, did not have time and missed the previous one), you need to contact technical support, since he will not be able to update the program on his own.

class = "eliadunit">

We update the list of Tricolor channels

Tricolor subscribers need to update the channel list from time to time, as some may disappear over time. If the subscriber turned on the TV and did not find any of the channels, there is no need to set up the receiver. The fact is that the Tricolor provider is constantly updating the channels. The old ones remain, but they can disappear, new ones come in their place, no less interesting. If some old channels disappeared, it means that they have moved to the list of free ones (if the subscriber uses a package tariff with a monthly fee), or, conversely, became paid (if the subscriber chose the simplest package with payment once a year).

So, you can get new channels at your disposal, even if none of the old ones disappeared, using the following instruction:

  1. A convenient and simple method of updating TricolorTV channels, which can be handled by a person who has never encountered independent settings and updates - using the control panel or the receiver menu: during the first setup, a subscriber, or a specialist from Tricolor, performed the initial automatic tuning of television channels. and radio broadcasting, the same method can be used in the future.
  2. With automatic tuning, the list of channels will be automatically updated, while the channels already in the list will remain in it, new ones will be added to the list.
  3. Through the menu of the receiving device, you can update as follows: in the menu there is an option "Channel setup", you need to go to it, then - "Automatic setup". All that remains is to wait until the program finishes updating.

We update the channels from the remote control:

It is necessary to click the "Menu" button on the control panel, select "Search" in the window that opens, press OK. The device prompts you to search for updates. Controlling the arrow on the remote to the left, you need to click on the "yes" button, then click OK. The list of channels will be generated automatically, the subscriber will need to save them. Saving is also easy, you just need to confirm the operation with the OK button on the display.

There is also another way - use a computer to change the program of the receiving device. This option is more complicated, and not everyone will cope with it, since in order to successfully complete the task in this case, you will need a pre-prepared list of Tricolor TV channels and an algorithm for data exchange between the computer and the receiver. It is not always possible to provide such conditions at home.

It is possible to transfer an already tuned and updated list of channels from one receiver to another. Example of work: friends, acquaintances or relatives have a receiver of the same model, you can transfer the channels stored in it from one receiver to another.

Tricolor TV is the leader among Russian satellite operators, as evidenced by the high demand for a set of equipment for connecting satellite television of this operator. A detailed video instruction for installing the equipment allows you to install the antenna, connect it and configure it yourself, without involving specialists. So, below will be listed the stages, adhering to which you will avoid mistakes and save finances.

The first and most important stage is the choice of the place where the antenna will be installed:

An important requirement is that there should be no interference in the form of buildings, various metal structures, trees, etc. on the line between the antenna and the satellite. Optimal places for the location of the antenna are the outer part of the wall of the house, loggia or balcony, and the roof. It is not recommended to carry out installation in the immediate vicinity of the drainage system and also under the slope of the hipped roof, as this is fraught with strong interference in the future and its quick failure, since the equipment will not be protected from atmospheric precipitation. Also, the manufacturer does not recommend installing the antenna inside the glazed loggias, since glass structures serve as an obstacle to the signal from the satellite.

Stage two - antenna assembly:

Assembly instructions are supplied with the equipment. We recommend that you strictly follow the instructions, otherwise the manufacturer does not guarantee the high-quality operation of satellite channels. After completing the assembly stage, you need to attach the antenna bracket to the location of your choice on the wall. The choice of the type of fastener directly depends on what material the wall is of and how strong the wind load on the equipment will be. It is important to use all antenna holes for fasteners. For the role of fasteners, you can choose both anchor bolts and screws, studs, nuts, etc.).

Next, install the converter into the holder. It is important that the converter connector must be at the bottom, otherwise moisture can get into the converter during precipitation. It can damage the converter. After installing the converter, you need to connect the cable to it. The F-connector is intended for this purpose. The cable should be fastened using either insulating tape or a special plastic tie. Using heat-shrinkable tubing or insulating tape (always in 2 layers), the F-connector must be sealed. It is important to use a silicone sealant.

Next, the antenna is installed on the bracket and the adjusting nuts are tightened. It is not recommended to tighten the nuts all the way. You should leave the opportunity to move the antenna (always with force) in both planes (horizontal, vertical). Use electrical tape or plastic ties to secure the cable to the bracket. It is important to leave a margin of about 1 meter of cable. Don't forget to attach it to the bracket as well.

Stage three - antenna tuning:

The azimuth and angle of the equipment must correspond to the data of your locality or the city that is closest to you - they can be obtained on this website You can use a compass to set the azimuth. Following the instructions, the cable coming from the converter is connected to the digital receiver, which in turn is connected to the TV.

Stage four - setting up a TV show:

The antenna mirror must be slowly rotated until a clear and, most importantly, stable signal from the satellite appears. The rotation of the mirror must be carried out in one of the planes, or in both (in each case it is individual). At the moment when a clear and stable signal was received, you can safely tighten the adjusting nuts. It is undesirable to tune the TV broadcast in bad weather, since during precipitation, wind and excessive cloudiness, the signal significantly weakens and even disappears. If the signal is less than 70%, inspect the cable connection and the antenna alignment to the satellite. It is possible that the cable was not connected correctly and the antenna is not accurately pointed towards the satellite.

We also bring to your attention the most detailed video instructions for installing, assembling and registering sets of satellite television Tricolor TV !!!

The modern world is filled with the latest inventions useful for the consumer. A striking example is the emergence of modern satellite television "". In our country, it has gained great popularity and high demand. "Tricolor TV", being a multi-program television, is relevant both in city apartments and in remote villages, townships, places with poor signal reception and in areas far from centralized broadcast points of television signals.

To ensure good operation of Tricolor TV, it is very important, after purchasing and transporting it to a permanent place, the correct choice of the installation point for satellite TV equipment and competent adjustment of the level of the incoming signal. Of course, you can use your nearest authorized dealer to properly install the antenna. But, after carefully studying the instructions included in the kit, and following our advice, setting up Tricolor TV on your own will not take you much time and effort.

Choosing the right place for installation

The main criterion is the selection of the correct location for mounting the antenna. This is to ensure sufficient visibility towards the direction of the satellite, which can be determined by connecting a conventional line between the mounted antenna equipment and the location of the satellite. The signal will arrive unhindered if there are no foreign objects on the line: poles, trees, buildings, etc. Such antennas are installed mainly on the roofs of houses, mounted on external walls, external parts of balconies and loggias. Placing the antenna close to the TV will make it easier to tune.

Antenna assembly sequence

Setting up the Tricolor begins with assembling the antenna. It is necessary to carry out the assembly in accordance with the instructions for its operation. According to the diagram attached in the instructions, the assembly steps are as follows.

1.Using fasteners (nuts, bolts, screws, etc.), the satellite dish mounting bracket is fixed to the selected base (roof, wall). In this case, it is necessary to take into account the strength of the wall and the strength of the prevailing winds.

2. It is obligatory to install the convector in the holder with the holder downwards to avoid the accumulation of precipitation.

3. Connect the cable and convector outputs by means of the F-connector:

  • we clean the outer insulation of the cable by 15-20mm;
  • we place the shielding braid and foil parallel to the cable;
  • we clean the internal insulation by 10-12mm;
  • screw the connector system to the maximum;
  • the conductor protruding beyond the connector by more than 1.5-2mm is removed.

4. We fix the cable body in the recess of the holder arc using electrical tape or other.

5. Using a thermo-insulating tube or several layers of electrical tape, we seal the entire length of the F-connector. Silicone sealant can be used to enhance the seal.

6. Install the antenna in the bracket and fix it with adjusting nuts with gaps for ease of movement in different planes.

7. You can fix the cable on the body of the bracket using plastic ties, electrical tape, etc. For further operation, we leave in stock 1-1.5m of cable near the antenna, and we also fix it on the bracket.

Antenna Adjustment

If you are setting up Tricolor TV yourself, it is important to take into account, when determining the angle of the antenna installation point and azimuth, the orientation of your work with the table data for your city or a nearby settlement. You can also set the correct azimuth using a compass. Almost all suitable antennas can be used for servicing Tricolor TV, therefore, the determination of the angle of the antenna installation point is carried out individually. According to the instructions, we lead the cable from the convector to the receiver according to the previously given scheme, then we connect the receiver connector directly to the TV and make a test switch.

Setting up the satellite signal

By the method of smooth movement of the antenna mirror in horizontal or vertical planes near the place of the alleged location of the satellite, we establish the receipt of a stable satellite signal. The quality of this signal must be monitored using the menu item "Antenna Installation". After that we activate the "Received signal level" mark in the menu. For this:

1. Press the "Menu" button on the receiver's remote control.

2. In the main menu that opens, use the arrow buttons to select "Installation" and by clicking "Ok", confirm your choice.

3. Set your password to 0000.

4. In the next menu, select "System settings" by clicking "Ok".

5. Then select "Antenna Installation" by clicking "Ok".

Depending on your location in the "Sputnik" point, we choose Eutelsat 36A and Eutelsat 36B. To successfully adjust the level and quality of the received signal, use 2 scales in the "Antenna Installation" menu. They fill up not less than 70-75% if the setting is done correctly. If the signal strength is less than 70%, you need to check the cable connections or repeat the antenna alignment.

The signal level during operation may change depending on weather conditions. It is necessary to periodically clean the antenna from possible accumulation of snow or icing. Basically, the assembly, connection, installation and configuration of the Tricolor takes about 2-2.5 hours.

Now the installation and configuration of the Tricolor TV satellite receiver is considered complete. We wish you a pleasant viewing of your favorite TV shows in good quality.

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