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Setting up synchronization in 1s ut 11. Examples of typical user scenarios

01/29/2018 - Version Platform, BP, UT

02/01/2018 - Version Fixed a bug from chingis.quiz (thanks again).

02/14/2018 - Version Fixed bugs from Egor5130: transfer of user and document number. Egor5130 - thanks for the bases for the experiments!

02/21/2018 - Version Fixed "regular" errors from Egor5130 (Egor5130 Thank you !!!): VAT was not transferred to the cash settlement and debiting from the account. Fixed bugs: transfer of payment decryption in debit from the account and type of operation in VNO for settlements with suppliers.

02/22/2018 - Version The "regular" errors from Egor5130 (Egor5130 Thank you !!!) have been fixed again: transfer of contact information, numbers of cash flow documents, some details of cash documents.

03/12/2018 - Version Fixed bug from klaus38 - transfer of non-resident counterparties. Platform, BP, UT

4/3/2018 - Version Fixed a bug from ryutao - filling in the YurFizLitsa requisite when creating a partner, fixed an error when creating a counterparty bank - added the Individual type to the parent field. Platform, BP, UT

05/01/2018 - Version Changed document sorting during transfer. Fixed errors in creating invoices for advances received. Fixed other noticed bugs. Platform, BP, UT

05/12/2018 - Version Fixed transfer of contracts with the supplier. Fixed transfer of invoices received - the list displays the "Date of compilation" variable, made it equal to the date of the document, otherwise it is inconvenient to look. Added transfer of invoices to the buyer (in the Order to the supplier, not verified) and invoices for payment to the buyer (in the Order of the client). Platform, BP, UT

08/27/2018 - Version added the transfer of counterparty bank accounts. Bank accounts are transferred when transferring the "Contractors" directory, when the "Update directory details" checkbox is selected. Thanks to Slovar for the base for the experiments.

09.09.2018 - Version BP UT platform Fixed transfer of Return of Goods to Supplier. In the entry of initial balances for mutual settlements, the formation of settlement documents has been added. Fixed bugs. Thanks to user626679_1c for the base for the experiments.

09/25/2018 - Version BP UT platform Changed the transfer of Return of Goods to the Supplier and Return of Goods from the Buyer. Added documents Commissioner ReportAbout Sales and ReportComponentAbout Sales.

09/28/2018 - Version BP UT platform Changed document transfer
"Receipt of goods and services" - if there are only services in the BP, it is transferred to the document Purchase of Services of Other Assets.

01/12/2019 actually from 12/29/18 - Version BP UT platform An interim version, needs to be improved - the error in the delivery of VAT has been bypassed (it is simply not transferred in the nomenclature) and you need to redo the registration of objects for exchange for a new information register.

02/12/2019 Version BP UT platform The VAT rate is transferred depending on the year of transfer. The register "Public identifiers of synchronized objects" is used instead of "Compliance of infobase objects". CCDs are transferred in inventory balances (a small nuance, if there are balances on the CCD account, then lines with balances in the context of the CCD appear in the table of balances, balances on the inventory account are repeated in the table, but are not used in the VNO document). Fixed bugs.

02/19/2019 Version BP UT platform Transfer of balances on GTE and VAT rates in balances. At the cost of truly outrageous efforts, it turned out that there is such an independent register of information "Dates of receipt of goods of organizations", which is so independent that data is recorded in it with documents (including entering balances) and then live their own life (canceling or deleting documents for entering balances already it is not affected). It is in this register that the dates of receipt of the goods of the organization in the context of the CCD are stored, and if you enter the balances of one date, then the CCDs are written off as necessary, according to the results, in order to ensure the write-off of CCD batches according to FIFO, the input of the balances, if there is a CCD, is smeared by dates from the CCD number, THANKS RomaM - without you I would have finished life in a madhouse ...

An interesting moment happened with the numbers of documents for the movement of goods and materials - these numbers, when carrying out documents, were assigned according to the UT number, regardless of the code in the PriRecord documents module:

If It Is New () AND NOT Value Filled In (Number) Then
Set NewNumber ();

It was not possible to catch exactly where the number changes, but one more point became clear - the number of the document in the journal may not correspond to the number of the document in the document !!! (funny - that !!!). The reason is that in requests for dynamic lists the number is deduced from the register of information "Register of documents", I had to add the data there, and control the correspondence of the numbers of documents after the execution ... in general, your affairs are wonderful .... UT))))))) )))))))))))))))) Transferring data from BP 3.0 to Ut 11

Background: Since the distant 2012, the processing of such a transfer has been lying around in the storerooms - one of my first crafts on UV. I was going to bring everything to mind, but my hands did not reach, and then a client with such a wish was formed, tried to transfer it and ... I had to redo almost everything J

I will not argue that everything turned out without jambs, which, if identified, I will try to quickly fix. Also, I hope that the functionality will be increased.

Purpose: The organization kept records in the configuration "1C: Enterprise Accounting" rev. 3.0 (hereinafter BP3.0), for a number of reasons it was necessary to launch trade accounting in the configuration "1C: Trade Management" rev. 11 (hereinafter UT11). The existing synchronization scheme does not imply the initial filling of the UT11 infobase (hereinafter IB) with data from BP3.0. This processing is another attempt to ensure the transfer of leftovers, directories and documents to UT11 from BP3.0, with the possibility of further using standard synchronization between these configurations.

Description: Data transfer is realized through a direct connection from IB BP3.0 at UT11 via COM.

The connection is implemented as in and, only an important difference between the exchange and these processing - there the data is transferred to the "calling" database, and here from processing in BP3.0 the data is written to the open one through COM IB UT11.

The transfer itself can be divided into separate tasks:

  1. Transfer of incoming balances:
  • Remains of inventories of goods and materials,
  • Balances of mutual settlements,
  • Prices established as of the date of commencement of work at UT11;
  1. Transfer of normative and reference information (hereinafter referred to as NSI);
  2. Transfer of documents for the period.

In the block of screenshots, you can see which directories and documents are currently being processed. I would like to note that all transferred objects are recorded in the information register "Correspondence of infobase objects" in both BP3.0 and UT11.

The list of portable directories and documents can be controlled by setting selections using the linker (linker code is borrowed from // site / public / 149404 / from D.Yu. Topchy, Krasnodar)

The first search for directories in UT11 is performed by code (if available in UT11) and name (again, if the name is used). You can change your search criteria in the Search Fields template. Further, the search is carried out according to the correspondence register.

The flag "Update reference book details" determines the rewriting of all reference book details at each call, significantly replaces the work, and it is recommended to use it only if some reference books have been massively changed in BP3.0.

When transferring documents of receipt, sale and movement of funds, invoices entered on the basis of these documents will be transferred (now only for receipt, sale, received and issued advances).

Conclusion: I will be happy to answer all your questions, and I will be wildly grateful for the opportunity to refine the processing on your real bases (remotely, or if you provide them to me for experiments). It is planned to publish for rubles, but later - now there are too few statistics on its actual use ...

In the 1C configuration "Trade Management, edition 11" there are several built-in exchange plans, including those with the configuration "Enterprise Accounting, edition 3.0" (Fig. 1).

It is a set of rules according to which objects from one configuration will be loaded into another. In our instructions, we will configure the exchange between 1C Accounting 3.0 and 1C Trade Management 11 based on the 1C 8.3 platform.

The presence of the plan we need in the list of typical exchanges greatly facilitates the integration process. However, there are a few presets that need to be made, in both configurations.

First, consider the sequence of actions in 1C Enterprise Accounting 3.0. Let's find in the section "Administration - Settings" the item "Configuring data synchronization" (Fig. 2).

Here it is necessary to enable the "Data synchronization" checkbox and be sure to indicate the prefix of our database (Fig. 3). If you wish, you can - before this date, no data will be loaded or changed.

Now go to the "Data Synchronization" tab and set up the exchange itself (Fig. 4). There can be several exchanges. For each, its own line is created (a button with a plus sign "Configure data synchronization"). We already have two entries in the 1C Accounting demo database. Let's check the settings of the latter (button with a pencil "Configure rules ...").

We only fill in the tab “Rules for receiving data” (Fig. 5), since we will not send anything. On the “Rules for sending data” tab, set the checkboxes “Do not send”.

It remains to check the connection parameters (Fig. 6). We select "direct connection", specify the address of the base on the disk, from which we will receive data, and the user / password of the same base. The user must have full rights or at least the right to perform synchronization. Sometimes a virtual user is created specifically for exchanges.

For details on the settings in this section, refer to Help (F1).

Similar settings are made in the "1C Trade Management 11" database.

Setting up an exchange from the side Trade management 11

In different releases, the section we need may have a different name. In our example, this is the item "Integration settings - Other programs" (Fig. 7).

The rest is similar. The same "Data Synchronization" checkbox, the same item and similar settings. (Fig. 8).

Only the prefix is ​​different. It is important!

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Go to the "Data Synchronization" tab and create a new exchange. You can select the configuration with which we want to exchange, you can click on the "Configure data synchronization" button, the exchange itself is created using the "Configure" button (Fig. 9).

From this moment, the differences from the previous setting in BUX.3.0 begin. We need to fill in the "Data submission rules" tab (Fig. 10). And the main thing that needs to be done is to determine the composition of the sent data.

There are several ways to select the data that we are going to transfer (Fig. 11). All of them are collected in the "Register" section. You can select either one object or a list. Or all at once.

Let's return to the previous tab and perform one more important point, already familiar to us - we will indicate the connection parameters (Fig. 12). The parameters are configured in the same way as for accounting. Only this time we are using a virtual user named "Exchange".

Launching and checking the exchange between 1C Accounting 3.0 and 1C Trade Management 11

The exchange is carried out by clicking the "Synchronize" button, which is located on the first page of the settings (Fig. 13). This button can be found on other pages as well. Moreover, there is not much difference in which of the two configurations to press this button. The exchange is two-way.

We press the button and go to the next step.

If the exchange is performed for the first time, then you will have to perform manual synchronization, that is, compare the same objects of two configurations, if any (Fig. 14). If this is not done, duplicates may appear.

At the next step, it will be possible to select the organizations for which the data will be transferred, and some other selections (Fig. 15).

A description of all selections appears in a special window, and a complete list of objects that will be sent can be obtained in the report on the composition of the sent data (Fig. 16).

The exchange can take a long time, the time depends on the number of transferred objects. After completing the process, we get a picture of the following form - Fig. 17. By clicking the "Configure" button, you can configure the schedule according to which the exchange will be carried out automatically.

Print (Ctrl + P)

Typical scenarios of joint use of UT 11 and BP

Documents and reference information can be created in UT and migrated to BP. Only the information that is necessary for bookkeeping and tax accounting is uploaded from the UT to the BP. Reverse migration of documents and reference information is also possible. For example, information about payments is entered into the BP, after which it is sent to the UT.
From the BP to the UT, documents related to the operations of the movement of cash and non-cash funds (Receipt cash order, Expense cash order, Receipt to the current account, Write-off from the current account) are unloaded, as well as reference information.

Before you start setting up data synchronization, you must perform the following preliminary actions in the UT and in the power supply unit.

  1. In the UT and in the BP, information about those organizations for which it is necessary to synchronize data must be entered. Including must be
    filled in accounting policy settings.
  2. The BP must be correctly filled in, ensuring that the default accounting accounts are filled ( Item accounting accounts, Accounts for accounting settlements with counterparties).

Examples of typical user scenarios

Purchase of goods under a sales / purchase agreement

User actions in UT

  1. Purchasing manager draws up Supplier order and Applications for spending funds based on the Order to the supplier.
  2. The accountant registers a non-cash payment to the supplier (document Write-off of non-cash DS, operation Pay to supplier). Registers the execution of a payment by the bank (entering a document Current account statement and adding to it the posted document Write-off of non-cash DC
  3. The purchasing manager sets the K status of the order to the supplier
  4. The storekeeper accepts the goods according to the document Receipt order for
    products(without accompanying documents)
  5. Receipt of goods and
    services and indication of the data of the Invoice received
  6. The purchasing manager draws up the return of goods to the supplier (input
    document Returning goods to a supplier, operation Return goods to supplier). It is also possible to draw up a document Invoice issued.
  7. Accountant prepares a document Admissionnon-cash funds based on the Return of goods to the supplier, created at the previous stage (operation Return of the DS from the supplier)
  8. Current account statement and adding the posted document to it
    Receipt of non-cash DS from the previous paragraph)
  1. In BP, action No. 2 Write-off of non-cash DC, operation Payment to the supplier is reflected in the document Write-off from the current account(operation Pay to supplier).
  2. In the BP, action No. 5 Receipt of goods and services is reflected in the document Receipt of goods and services (operation Purchase, commission)
  3. In BP, action No. 6 Return of goods to the supplier is reflected in the document
    Returning goods to a supplier(operation Purchase, commission) and document Invoice issued
  4. In BP, action no. 8 Current account statement is reflected in a document (operation Return from supplier).

Note that the number of user actions in the UT is greater than in the BP. This is due to the fact that the BP does not keep records of orders and there are no warehouse orders for goods.

Wholesale by order of the buyer

User actions in UT

  1. The sales manager registers and approves the customer order and
    issues an invoice for payment
  2. Accountant registers non-cash payment from the buyer
    (registration and execution of the document Receipt of non-cash DC, operation Receipt of payment from the client)
  3. The accountant registers the payment by the bank (entering the document Current account statement and adding to it the posted document Receipt of cashless DC from the previous paragraph)
  4. The sales manager transfers the Customer's order to the status For shipment
  5. The sales manager ships the goods to the client (document entry
    Sale of goods and services, operation Implementation to the client). Document execution is also possible Invoice issued.
  6. Sales manager issues requests for the return of goods from
  7. The sales manager processes the return of goods from the client to
    Based on the Request for the return of goods from the client, created at the previous stage (entering a document Return of goods from a customer, Return operation
    goods from the client)
  8. Sales manager draws up Applications for spending money
    funds on the basis of the Return of goods from the buyer, created in the previous paragraph (operation Return payment to the client) and its approval
  9. The accountant registers the non-cash payment to the buyer (execution and execution of the document Write-off of non-cash DS, operation Refund
  10. Accountant registration of making a payment by the bank (entering a document Current account statement and adding to it the posted document Write-off of non-cash CR from the previous paragraph).

Result of data synchronization with PSU

As a result of data synchronization on these completed actions by users in the UT, the following documents are automatically generated in the BP:

  1. In the BP, action No. 1, the agreed Customer Order, is reflected in the BP by a document Invoice for payment to the buyer
  2. In the BP, action No. 3 cashless payment of the buyer is reflected in the document Receipt to the current account(operation payment from buyer)
  3. In BP, action No. 4 Shipment of goods to the client is reflected in the document Sale of goods and services(operation Sale, commission) and document Invoice issued
  4. In the BP, action # 7, the return of goods from the client is reflected in a document (operation Sale, commission)
  5. In the BP, action No. 9 Statement on the current account for the return of payment to the buyer is reflected in the document Write-off from the current account(Operation Buyer Returns).

Sale of goods accepted for commission

User actions in UT

  1. Purchasing manager accepts goods for commission (document input
    Receipt of goods and services, operation Admission to commission)
  2. Purchasing manager draws up sales of commissioned goods
  3. Accountant prepares a document Report to the principal onsales... Execution of documents Invoice issued for the amount of commission
  4. Purchasing manager prepares the document Receipt of non-cash
    Money(operation Receipt of payment from the client) for the amount of the commission. Bank statement registration.
  5. Accountant prepares a document Write-off of non-cashMoney(operation Payment to supplier) for the amount of proceeds from sold commissioned goods. Registers a bank statement
  6. The purchasing manager draws up the return of goods to the consignor (input
    document Returning goods to a supplier, operation Return of goods to consignor)

Result of data synchronization with PSU

As a result of data synchronization on these completed actions by users in the UT, the following documents are automatically generated in the BP:

  1. In BP Action No. 1, the operation is reflected in the document Receipt of goods and services(operation Purchase, commission), contract of the counterparty With the consignor. Note that during posting, accounting accounts for commission goods are substituted.
  2. In BP Action No. 3, the execution of a report to the consignor on sales is reflected in a document Sales report to the consignor and document Invoice issued
  3. In BP Action No. 4 Receipt of payment from the client on the commission is reflected in the document
    Receipt to the current account, operation Payment from the buyer, contract of the counterparty with the consignor).
  4. In BP Action No. 5 Write-off of non-cash funds for payment of commission goods to the consignor is reflected in the document Write-off from the current account (operation Payment to the supplier, contract of the counterparty with the consignor)
  5. In the BP Action No. 6, the operation is reflected in the document Return of goods postaiku,
    operation Purchase, commission, contract of the counterparty With the consignor

Transfer of goods for commission

User actions in UT

  1. The purchasing manager transfers the goods to the commission (document entry Sale of goods and services, operation Transfer to Commission)
  2. The sales manager draws up the documents The commission agent's report on sales, the document Invoice issued (for goods sold by the commission agent) and filling in the parameters of the invoice received (for the commission agent's commission)
  3. The accountant draws up the document Receipt of non-cash funds (operation Receipt of payment from the client) for the amount of proceeds from the sold commission goods. Bank statement registration.
  4. Accountant prepares a document Write-off of non-cash funds(operation Pay to supplier) for the amount of the commission.
    Bank statement registration
  5. Purchasing manager Registration of the return of goods from the commission agent (input
    document Return of goods from the buyer, operation Return of goods from the agent).

Result of data synchronization with PSU

As a result of data synchronization on these completed actions by users in the UT, the following documents are automatically generated in the BP:

  1. In BP, action No. 1 Transfer of goods to the commission is reflected in a document Sale of goods and services, operation Sale, commission, contract of the counterparty With a commission agent
  2. In the BP, action No. 2 Registration of the Commissioner's Reports on
    sales reflected by document Sales agent report and
    document Invoice issued
  3. In BP, action No. 3 Registration of the document Receipt of non-cash
    cash on commission is reflected in a document
    Receipt to the current account(operation Payment from the buyer, contract of the counterparty With the commission agent)
  4. In BP, action No. 4 the operation to pay commission goods to the consignor is reflected in a document Write-off from the current account(operation Payment to the supplier, contract of the counterparty With the agent)
  5. In the BP Registration Clearance of the return of goods is reflected in the document Return of goods from the buyer, operation Sale, commission, contract of the counterparty With a commission agent

Inventory of goods

User actions in UT

  1. Storekeeper draws up a document Inventory order
  2. The storekeeper draws up the results of the inventory (entering a document Recalculation of goods)
  3. The storekeeper draws up the posting of surplus goods identified as a result of the inventory (document entry Posting goods based on document Recalculation of goods, created in the previous paragraph)
  4. Storekeeper Writing off the shortage of goods identified as a result of the inventory (entering a document Posting goods based on document Recalculation of goods created in the previous paragraph)

Result of data synchronization with PSU

  1. Action No. 3 The posting of surplus goods is reflected in the BP document Posting goods... In order for the Income Item to be correctly substituted into the BP, the Income Item must also be filled in in the UT in the document, and it must fill in the corresponding account, then, when loaded into the BP, it will always participate in filling out the cost analytics
  2. Action No. 4 Writing off the shortage of goods is reflected in the BP with a document Write-off of goods

Let's take a look at a simple real-life example. Let's say we have a company that is engaged in wholesale and retail trade, as well as in this company, as in any other, accounting is conducted. The enterprise has two standard bases, these are UT (trade management) and BP (enterprise accounting), respectively, each of the bases maintains its own accounting, in the management UT to reflect all transactions related to trade, in the accounting BP. In order not to do double work, i.e. do not create the same documents in two bases (after all, the movements should be for management and accounting) we will just set up the synchronization between these bases.

We will set up data exchange one-way, from UT ---> BP. It is also possible to set up a two-way exchange, but in practice this is not so often required, so we will not consider it in our example.

Preparatory steps for setting up the exchange in the BP

Let's start setting up synchronization, first go to the 1C "Enterprise Accounting 3.0" database (receiver), we need to check if synchronization is enabled for this database, in order to do this we first need to go to the database. As soon as the base opens, go to the tab "Administration" ---> "Data synchronization settings"

A new tab opens in front of us, it must be filled in the same way as in the screenshot below, with the exception of the infobase prefix. The prefix should consist of two letters, you can set any one, but according to the 1C standard it is better to set the prefix by the name of the configuration, that is, for "Enterprise Accounting" the prefix will be "BP". If you set up complex exchanges and there are several accounting bases, then the prefixes should clearly differ from each other, here you can use the first two letters of the organization's name as an abbreviation.

We continue to configure data synchronization in UT

After we have done all the necessary actions in the receiver base (BP 3.0), in order to continue setting up the data exchange, we need to open the source base (UT 11.1). We go to the "Administration" tab, on the left in the menu, select the item "Data synchronization settings"... If synchronization is not enabled, then enable it using the checkbox, and do not forget to specify the prefix of the source base. Once we have completed all points 1-4 as shown in the image below, you must click on the "Data Synchronization" hyperlink (point 5).

In the new window that appears, you need to click on the green plus sign (Configure data synchronization), in the drop-down menu, select the item "Enterprise Accounting 3.0".

Configuring important points in the exchange of data between UT and PSU

Now we see a window with setting up data synchronization in 1C, select the item "Specify settings manually" and click "Next".

We continue to configure the exchange of data in 1C, on the next tab we need to select the option for connecting to the receiver infobase (direct connection to the program), connection parameters (on this computer or in the local network), the directory where the receiver base is located, as well as the necessary authentication data ( username and password in the database).

On the next page, we must fill in the rules for sending and receiving data from the BP 3.0 configuration (receiver). Click "change the rules for uploading data."

Before us opened the "Rules for sending data" window, in it we set the following parameters:

  • Which reference data will be sent (in our example, we are only interested in documents and the reference data used in them, so we went to the appropriate item, if you select the first item "Send all", then all directories will be loaded along with the documents, often if the information is not used in the documents, then it is useless for the receiver, because it does not affect the accounting in any way)
  • From what date to send all information (we will not consider manual synchronization in this article)
  • For which or which organizations to send data to (in our example, we chose one organization IE "Entrepreneur")
  • Rules for the formation of contracts
  • Generalized warehouse
  • Whether to fold documents in the warehouse

After we have made the settings, click "Save and Close".

Since in our example we are setting up and using a one-way exchange, from UT to BP, then the settings of the rules for obtaining data from "Enterprise Accounting 3.0" are not of interest to us, so click "Next".

In a new window, we are invited to configure the rules for the receiver base (BP). In point 1, we call our base some name, give it a prefix. The PREFIX should be the same as we set it in the BP database itself at the beginning of this article, if the prefixes differ, data synchronization in the 1C program will not work. After that we press point 2, and then point 3.

In paragraph 3, we need to allow documents to be posted when they are loaded into the database. Click "Save and Close".

Now the window should look something like the one shown below, click "Next".

This window contains reference information about the created synchronization in 1C. Just click the "Next" button. If the program displays an error when setting up data synchronization, then you need to contact us so that our 1C specialist will help you right now!

In the next step the program will offer to perform synchronization immediately after creating the data exchange settings... Let's agree with this and click "Finish".

A window will appear in front of you in which you will see information about how the synchronization is proceeding. If the receiver base is not empty, i.e. since accounting has already been kept in it, the user in the 1C program will be prompted to make a comparison of objects manually. Comparison of objects in 1C during data synchronization is a comparison of the same objects of the receiver with the same objects in the source.

Let's consider an example, let's say in UT there is a counterparty with the name "PharmGroup LLC" and TIN 1234567, and BP also has a counterparty with TIN 1234567, but the name "PharmGroup", if we do not compare these two objects when comparing data at the synchronization stage, then after synchronization in the receiver (Enterprise Accounting 3.0), we will have two counterparties with TIN 1234567 and two names "PharmGroup LLC" and "PharmGroup", respectively. In order to avoid such situations, a mechanism for matching objects was invented.

In our example, the receiver base is empty, and therefore the object mapping windows did not open for us. But after performing some operations, the system will certainly prompt the user to add some additional data and display the following window. We do not need to transfer any additional data, we have already configured everything that is needed before, so at this step we select "Do not add documents to sending". Click "Next".

The final stage of data exchange between 1C

At the final stage, the program will display the following window, in which the user will be informed that the synchronization was successful, click "Finish". This completes the synchronization between the bases in the one-way exchange from "Trade Management 11.1" (UT) to "Enterprise Accounting 3.0" (BP).

Many organizations that kept records only in the accounting database grow up and decide to purchase the 1C: Trade Management program, ed. 11. Do this for management accounting, the ability to use analytical reports, management of relationships with customers and suppliers, and accounting for plans for purchases and sales. It is also important to relieve the accountant of the input of primary documents. All these tasks are solved by the Trade Management program.

These conversion rules allow you to transfer data from the program "1C: Enterprise Accounting 8", ed. 3.0 to the program "1C: Trade Management", ed. eleven all types of documents for the period, reference information and balances for all sections of the accounting for the desired date. When new releases are released UT 11 and BP 3.0 promptly update the data transfer. There is an instruction on the transfer, a video demonstration, within 12 months after the purchase of the update, we will send it free of charge, within 3 months - we provide technical support, up to the analysis of your databases.

Features of data transfer:

1) Conversion rules are developed in 1C: Data Conversion"from scratch". Transfer is done using generic processing Universal exchange in XML format, which is built into BP 3.0, and in UT 11.
2) The balances are transferred in cash, mutual settlements, goods, materials in warehouses and investments in non-current assets. All normative and reference information is also transferred. There is a selection by the period of transfer of documents and a filter by organization, you can select the date of entering the balances. If you need to transfer something in addition, then I usually add it to the transfer for free (before buying, agree on the necessary improvements). Watch a video demo with audio - tips for porting and setting up programs.

3) The following types of documents are transferred:

  • Advance report
  • Document "Entering opening balances" (item in warehouses)
  • Return of goods from the buyer
  • Returning goods to a supplier
  • Customs declaration for import
  • Power of attorney
  • Nomenclature complete set
  • Debt adjustment
  • Implementation adjustments
  • Payment by payment card
  • Retail Sales Report
  • Moving goods
  • Admission add. expenditures
  • Receipt to the current account
  • Receipt of goods and services
  • Cash receipts
  • Invoice for payment to the buyer
  • Cash withdrawal
  • Sale of goods and services
  • Write-off from the current account
  • Invoice issued
  • Invoice received
  • Requirement-waybill
  • Setting item prices
  • Sales report of the commission agent (agent)
  • Report to the principal
  • Invoice issued in advance
  • Inventory of goods
  • Posting goods
  • Write-off of goods.

Reasons to buy

1) Self-development and debugging of rules will take considerable time.

2) Provide support, fix bugs promptly (if any).

3) Free technical support for migration is provided for three months after purchase. Transition policy updates are sent free of charge upon request within 12 months of purchasing this program. Periodically I send a newsletter to customers with an update file and a description of the changes made.

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