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Setting up ip television via a router. Step-by-step configuration of iptv for routers

Increasingly, Russian providers, in addition to basic services, provide the ability to view TV channels on the IPTV standard. This is digital television that is broadcast over an internet connection. In other words, you can watch TV channels on your computer or TV. Let's take a look at how to set up IPTV over a Wi-Fi router.

IPTV setup

It should be noted right away that a special set-top box is usually used for IPTV operation. The bottom line is that you connect an Internet cable to this set-top box, and a composite or analog output comes out of it to the TV. That is, in simple terms, a set-top box is a kind of digital-to-analog signal converter.

But, if you have a Wi-Fi access point, then you can set up a wireless IPTV broadcast directly from the router to a TV (if it supports SMART TV), laptop, phone, and so on. This is done very simply. You just need to put one check mark. But, it is worth noting that the router must support IGMP technology - Internet Group Management Protocol. This is a protocol that is required to control multicast information transmission in local and global networks, implemented on IP technology.

Essentially, IGMP opens up support for streaming video (live streaming online). On some routers, this protocol is carried out separately. That is, in the local network settings, you just need to put a tick in the "IGMP" line and save the settings. On other routers, this feature is called Enable Multicast Routing.

Let's look at how to enable this protocol using the example of the D-Link Dir-320 router. It is worth noting that although other routers have differences in the design of the interface, the basic settings remain unchanged. That is, on any router, we need to perform almost the same actions.

IGMP activation

So, in order to configure IPTV broadcasting via a wireless Wi-Fi router, you first need to enter the router parameters. To do this, you need to find out the IP address of the access point. As a rule, it is indicated on the factory sticker on the body of the device.

If this sticker is erased or you cannot find it, then the necessary information is contained on the box and in the instructions for the router.

If there are no instructions, and you threw away the box, then you can find out the IP address of the router as follows. Connect to it via Wi-Fi (or cable). Press two keys at the same time: + [R]. In the window that appears, write CMD and click "OK".

A command prompt will open. Enter the following ipconfig command in it and click. Find the line "Default gateway" - this is the address of your router.

Now launch any browser and write down the router's IP in the address bar (the one that we already learned on the command line). Click. Now we got to the login page. Here you need to enter your username and password. On some models of routers, you must additionally enter a captcha. Sometimes the password field needs to be left blank, while captcha is entered in capital letters.

In the settings menu of the router, go to the "Advanced settings" tab. Here we open the section "Advanced network settings". Find the heading "Multi cast routing". Below we put a tick in the line "Multicast streams". Save the settings and reboot the router.

On some models of routers, in the advanced network settings (or just in the network parameters), you need to check the IGMP line and save the settings. This completes the setup. Your hotspot will now support IPTV streaming.

Remember that in order to watch channels on a computer, you will need to install a special player, which will also need to be configured accordingly. The main thing is to indicate the list of channels. As a rule, the provider's website contains instructions on how to do this. The fact is that each provider has its own characteristics, according to which the player is configured. Remember that you can always contact online support or call the operator who will help you in the player settings.

Setting up IPTV through a router: Video

IPTV service from the provider

More and more Russian providers, in addition to providing Internet access, offer the opportunity to watch television of the standard IPTV... Let's see what advantages we get from using this standard.

Advantages of IPTV over conventional terrestrial TV

  • No need for a TV tuner installed on your PC.
  • The ability to pause the playback of a channel for a specific time.
  • IPTV can provide additional services such as Video On Demand (VOD).

You can receive television in IPTV format in two ways - through a special set-top box, which is provided by the provider or purchased separately. Also IPTV can be played with a software player such as IP-TV Player... This application is an add-on for the popular VLC player. To display channels, specify the city and the provider providing the IPTV service. As a result, the list of channels will be loaded into the program, and you can watch the video.

Software players for IPTV playback: VLC, IPTV Player, PC Player, etc.

The most pressing problem for users when setting up IPTV via router- this is to correctly configure this standard in the web interface of the wi-fi router for smooth operation. Not all routers are suitable for this purpose.

Attention! List of routers with IPTV support you can find out by calling your provider or by looking at the official website. Or use it.

Routers for IPTV: 54Mbps wireless routers (G series), 150Mbps wireless routers (N series), 300Mbps wireless routers (N series) and later.

For distribution of IPTV over a wireless connection without a prefix (it is possible to use such a connection only when the signal is not encoded) theoretically, you can use a huge number of routers, but in practice, uninterrupted operation from a router can only be achieved with an alternative firmware. Netgear WNR 3500L works stably with IPTV with tomato firmware. Asus WL520g with oleg's firmware. I draw your attention to the fact that IPTV over cable and over the air are different methods of implementing IPTV in an apartment, IPTV over the air must be able to handle your router and in order to get IPTV to work, you have to interfere with the router's firmware.

Also, do not forget about the coverage of the wireless network, someone will need to optimize the network, and someone will face "lags" and image artifacts when the client (PC, laptop, TV) is removed from the router. In some cases, it becomes necessary to convert UDP multicast stream IPTV in TCP unicast. This procedure is possible using a special utility UDP to HTTP that will convert traffic. This application must be active on a PC with IPTV connected via twisted pair, but this requires a constantly active computer (server or network client), or choose a router that can convert traffic (with support udpxy). In this case, the conversion of the stream will be carried out by the router.

UDP-to-HTTP Proxy designed to convert udp multicast IPTV traffic to tcp-unicast (specifically http) traffic. This is useful for comfortable viewing. IPTV over Wi-Fi, NAT, on PDAs, consumer players and game consoles.

IPTV via router

Often for work IPTV on a computer via a wi-fi router, you do not need to configure anything on the device itself. Update the firmware version of your device and subsequently the IPTV support on the router will be enabled automatically. You just need to select a device (router) with IPTV support ( IGMP protocol).

IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) is a multicast control protocol for data transmission in IP-based networks. IGMP protocol used by routers to organize network devices into groups. Anyone who was looking for information on forums, more than once came across the concept multicast... IGMP is used to support streaming video, which effectively affects the implementation of IPTV streaming. Check immediately if a firewall, firewall or antivirus is blocking this protocol. Multicast usually activated by the option Enable multicast routing.

Attention! Active multicast in some models of routers, it often "clogs" the local network, especially wi-fi.

IPTV via set-top box

For IPTV operation through a set-top box, it is recommended to use the function "Bridge"... Thus, we configure LAN ports to switch mode with WAN. Plus, we get the opportunity to connect the provider's cable not to the WAN, but to the LAN port that is combined with the WAN. I note right away that not all routers support this function. For example, in TP-LINK routers, this function is present in the menu Network - Bridge(Network - Bridge), in Asus it is called Choose WAN Bridge Port etc. For the functioning of IPTV, you just need to select the LAN port, which we will use to connect IPTV set-top boxes.

For those who want to use more set-top boxes, it is possible to choose two ports (For example, LAN3 and LAN4, if you have two set-top boxes). If your wi-fi router model does not support "Bridge" and there is enough support for your provider multicast (IGMP protocol), you will be able to watch IPTV through the set-top box.

In order not to look for problems with the transmission of your IP TV where it is not there, check if the TV works without a router. To do this, connect your computer to the provider's cable directly. If IPTV does not show vital signs, then most likely the problem is with your provider. Please contact technical support. And in the positive case of a direct connection, you should find out from those. support, is there enough multicast for IP television.

For users whose router models do not support functions Bridge, but the television works intermittently (the picture "crumbles" and the sound "stutters") it is worth paying attention to the workload of their routers. This is especially true for those who have a high download speed, excessive load (a large number of active torrent downloads, work in DC ++, etc.). You can solve these problems by limiting the download speed, limiting the number of simultaneous connections to 50. For those who use models without support Bridge it is recommended to connect no more than one IPTV set-top boxes... If you use two (or more set-top boxes), and the router does not support Bridge functions, then you can use a regular switch. Switch must be installed in front of the router. Two IPTV set-top boxes will be connected to the switch, the cable of your provider, and the cable from the router to the WAN port.

How to set up IPTV

For instance, IPTV setup on the D-Link DIR-300 router and similar models, it comes down to setting only one checkbox in the "Enable multicast streams" item:

Personally for me, setting up IP television over a wired connection, it boiled down to several steps (for example, the Asus 520GU router):

  • You must go to the sectionWAN, after activating DHCP
  • go to tab General
  • find item IPTV STB port selection- select from the list the port to which it will be connected IPTV set-top box.
  • Push Apply that's all.

Setting up IPTV on an ASUS router

Now I will describe 2 ways to configure IPTV via RT-G32 B router

Attention! The described instructions for setting up IPTV can be used on other models of Asus routers for clarity, and not only Asus in practical and theoretical application.

1 way... Go to section LAN -> Route and check the box “Enable Multicast Routing” - “Yes”. Save - "Apply".

In this case, the multicast stream for the VLC player will be broadcast to the local network without changes.

The advantages of this method:
1. You do not need to make any additional settings for the VLC player.

1. Ability to connect a computer to view IPTV only through a twisted pair (Ethernet cable).
2. Drop in the speed of the Internet connection on other computers in the local network, at the time of IPTV playback.
3. Heavy load on the router.
4. Excessive multicast traffic within the network.

2 way... It is necessary to configure the “IPTV UDP Multicast to HTTP Proxy” function. Go to section LAN -> Routes and put a checkmark “Enable multicast routing” - “Yes”, and in the “IPTV UDP
Multicast to HTTP Proxy ”select an arbitrary port. For example, 2323. Save changes - “Apply”.

The advantages of this method:

  1. The ability to watch IPTV on a computer via a WiFi connection.
  2. The rest of the computers on the local network do not experience a drop in speed when connected to the Internet.
  3. The router does not overload.
  4. Multicast traffic is not broadcast to the internal network, and the VLC player captures the video stream from the wifi router.


  1. You need to change the playlist for the media player you are using.

Edits that need to be made in the VLC playlist when using the "IPTV UDP Multicast to HTTP Proxy" function:

Open the playlist in a text editor.
Find lines like - udp: // @ and delete the part I have highlighted in bold. Everything needs to be changed.
In place of the removed part udp: // @ insert -, where - the IP address of your wi-fi router, and 2323 - the proxy port you have selected.
The result will be the line -

What to look for when connecting IPTV :

Using IPTV set-top boxes:

Option activation ChooseWANBridgePort and selection of one or more LAN ports of the router for connecting an IPTV set-top box.

Use for viewing IPTV PC (wired and wireless connection)

Activation of the option " Enablemulticastrouting ", which will disable filtering multicast traffic and will become active redirecting it to the internal subnet on LAN interfaces if necessary. Do not forget to allow the activity of the program for watching IPTV in the firewall.

For IPTV users using a wireless connection option to avoid "Lags" and "artifacts" will need an option MulticastRate(Mbps) with which you can limit the bandwidth multicast traffic transmitted to the wireless interface. It is recommended to set the maximum value to avoid interruptions in Wi-Fi connection on other wireless clients when browsing.

If you are a subscriber of Rostelecom, then watching ordinary TV channels will be an everyday matter for you thanks to the “IPTV from Rostelecom” function. This connection allows you to watch TV channels online using a regular Internet connection. You can use this function on a TV, laptop and any other device that allows you to use the Internet. We will look at how IPTV is configured for Rostelecom.

In general, a prefix is ​​used to watch TV channels. But a special IPTV player allows an ordinary user to watch TV programs without a set-top box. One of the main advantages is the high quality of the video.

How to connect the function?

Now there are three main methods of connection:

  1. The easiest one is through a browser. For this, Rostelecom has a special service.
  2. Through the connection "set-top box-TV". For this, a special IPTV set-top box is used.
  3. Through the "player-computer" link.

Bundle "set-top box-TV"

The IPTV set-top box has various advantages, which makes it much more convenient to use.

You can view IPTV playlist, TV program schedule, channel list. Those that you like can be written down. These TV shows can be stored on USB flash drives and in the cloud. The cloud server provides 30 Gigabytes of storage. We recommend using the two best options - cloud storage and connecting an external hard drive. An external HDD doesn't cost too much money, but it has a lot of space for personal files. For ease of use, a keyboard from a computer is connected to the set-top box.

The attachment allows you to pause a movie, rewind, record. You can choose a program in separate categories, where everything is conveniently sorted.

To use IPTV correctly, you need to understand how to properly configure your router (internet router).

Configuring the router

Any beginner can handle setting up a router. It is enough to follow our instructions. It is worth noting that Rostelecom television settings are the same on almost all routers, the configuration is at least very similar. We are considering installing on two routers: and.

Setting up the prefix

A big plus of buying a TV set-top box is that it was initially set up so that a beginner does not have to bother too much. We connect it to the router via a LAN cable, be sure to the port specified in the settings (we have 4). Then we connect to the TV through the appropriate cables, we have HDMI, but there can be three multi-colored cables.

We turn on the set-top box using the remote control, wait for the download, enter the login and password, which are spelled out in the contract.

Setting up IPTV on a PC

Interactive television can be watched on a computer, along with all its goodies (such as an IPTV playlist). You don't need a set-top box and a TV for this. To watch TV, you need to buy a special IPTV player and download it.

Then you need to install the Rostelecom program on your computer. This is not difficult. Open the downloaded file. We choose the location of the installation. We recommend that you uncheck the boxes next to the installation of other elements, such as Yandex and others.

Do not forget that the possibility of viewing IPTV by Rostelecom is possible only after the corresponding service is ordered from the provider.

View from the site

Rostelecom has created a website especially for customers with the Interactive TV service connected, where you can watch TV broadcasts online from any device that allows you to access the Internet.

For those who are not connected to Rostelecom, or for those who have not connected the corresponding service, the use of the site is paid.

You will need to register first. To do this, go to the corresponding tab on the website. We enter all the necessary data. We confirm email. If you have Interactive TV connected, then to set up interactive television, you will need to enter your username and password from the agreement in the appropriate form on the website.

At the final stage, it is worth noting the possibility of using VLAN ID for IPTV Rostelecom. This is a very important feature in multi-layer networks. The function adds labels to the packet headers so that local networks work without restrictions.

If after our instructions IPTV still does not work, then for the correct setup of your interactive TV, we recommend contacting the support service of Rostelecom. Experts will tell in all the details about how to connect, how the set-top box is configured, and so on.

Television broadcasts can be carried out using a variety of technologies. Among those that are confidently gaining popularity in Russia is IPTV. This broadcasting format assumes the use of online channels as the main resource for data transmission. What are the principles of IPTV? What are the nuances of setting up equipment designed to organize TV viewing in the appropriate format?

The essence of IPTV

What is IPTV? This technology allows you to broadcast television signals via an Internet channel. In this case, the use of any additional communication resources - antenna or - is not required. The main advantage that IPTV gives is the ability to form an extremely high quality picture, accompanied by excellent sound.

Also, through various online tools, television in the appropriate format can be interactive. TV broadcasts, which are carried out using IPTV, the viewer can record or, for example, bookmark (if the TV functions allow this).

Any number of channels

What is IPTV? This is the ability to organize the transmission of channels in almost any number (with sufficient bandwidth of the provider's cable). The corresponding broadcast format allows you to watch programs not only through a TV, but also through a computer and many other devices - tablets, smartphones.

Data transmission technology

From a technological point of view, TV broadcasts via IPTV are carried out in one of the popular file formats, for example MPEG4. With the help of special technical means, the corresponding multimedia streams are decoded and converted into signals that can be recognized by a conventional TV. Or, if the device used for viewing is a computer, they are immediately transferred to the player program.

Broadcast specifics

IPTV channels, like Internet sites, have their own addresses. They usually look in this format - udp: //@ x (instead of the corresponding numbers and letters at the end of the address, those set by the provider are written). Broadcasting is carried out in the so-called multicast format: that is, several devices can simultaneously connect to a device that distributes the broadcast stream and receive the same picture quality. This is the difference between this data transfer format and online video viewing, when the provider's limited ability to simultaneously view a video from different devices.

What is IPTV, we found out. Now let's study the nuances related to setting up devices with which the user can view TV channels in the appropriate format.

IPTV via router

Modern providers, as a rule, organize the broadcasting of TV broadcasts in IPTV format through a router - a device capable of "distributing" the Internet, as well as, in this case, "multicast" to different devices - via wires or Wi-Fi channels. What is the specificity of the corresponding mechanism? What is IPTV in a router?

Built-in standards support

Most modern routers include hardware and low-level software support for this TV broadcast standard. All the user needs to do is to correctly use the corresponding function of the device. The algorithm for solving this problem strongly depends on the specific device, on the standards adopted by one or another router manufacturer. Let's study the specifics of setting up some devices of this type popular in Russia.

ASUS routers: setting up IPTV

What is IPTV in a router, we have defined - it is the hardware and software support of the corresponding broadcast format implemented by the manufacturer of the device. ASUS is one of the global market leaders in the segment and also produces IPTV compatible devices. ASUS RT-G32 routers are widespread in Russia. Let us study the specifics of setting up this device in terms of using the interactive television broadcasting function.

Experts point out several possible ways to customize this ASUS device. To implement the first, you must first enter the online device management interface. As a rule, for this you need to type in any browser the address (or the one that will be indicated in the instructions attached to the router), then enter the username and password, most often both are admin (but there may be others - again, look at the user manual).

On the page of the online interface for managing the router, you must enter the LAN item, then select the "Route" tab. Then put a tick (or, if you prefer, the "radio button") opposite the item on the activation of multicast routing. After that, we save the settings by clicking the "Apply" button. The next step is to determine the port of the router through which the IPTV channels will be broadcast. To do this, select WAN in the window of the online device management interface, then select the "Internet connection" item, and then specify the required port number.

There is another option with which you can set up an IPTV broadcast through the device in question. To do this, you need to go to the LAN section again, and then select the "Route" item. Then we put a checkmark confirming the activation of multicast routing. After that, in the IPTV UDP item, you must select a port number - you can put any. After that, we save the settings by clicking the "Apply" button.

The reviewed device from ASUS is, of course, not the only one that supports IPTV. We now know what it is. We will also study other common routers on the Russian market in terms of the correct setting of the corresponding television broadcasting standard in them. D-Link is among the leaders of the global router market. Among the most popular routers in Russia from this brand are the DIR-615 and DIR-320 models. Let's consider the details of their settings.

D-Link routers: setting up IPTV

Just as in the case of a device from ASUS, we go, first of all, to the online interface for managing the device (the address with which you can access it, as well as the login and password, see the user manual attached to the router). The interface of the router in question, in contrast to the one installed to work with ASUS devices, is in English.

The first step is to go to the Advanced tab (that is, "Advanced Settings"), then to Advanced Network. After that, you need to check the boxes next to Enable UPnP and Enable Multicast Streams. After that, we save the corresponding settings. In principle, this completes the work with the router in terms of activating the required function.

Setting up IPTV in another popular router from D-Link - the DIR 320 model is characterized by some nuances. What is its specificity? We already know how routers support this. The general principles of ensuring the compatibility of the router with the corresponding technology in this case do not differ from those that are implemented in other routers.

However, the interface of this router differs from others in that it does not directly display items called IPTV or Multicast, which allow the user to unambiguously recognize them as those that are needed to set up television in the appropriate format. However, this router fully supports IPTV technology. The D-Link company, which released the device, of course, knew at the time of its launch on the market what IPTV television is, and ensured the device's compatibility with it.

The first thing that needs to be done in the DIR-320 process is by entering the online interface (the way to access it is the same as in the case of previous devices - through the browser at the address, username and password, which are indicated in the manual), find the Internet connection parameters and enable the IGMP and NAT options in them.

After that, experts recommend proceeding according to the following algorithm. You need to delete the existing WAN connection - in order to then configure a new one instead. To do this, go to the WAN item, and then click the "Delete" button. After that, nothing should be displayed in the list of connections. We save the corresponding changes.

Next, select the "Advanced" item in the online device management interface, then - VLAN and Lan. After that, select the Lan port and delete the one that is registered under number 4. Thus, only ports 1, 2 and 3 will remain. After that, save the corresponding changes. Only the remaining ports should be displayed in the VLAN menu. It is necessary to press the "Save" button again - the one located at the top right, after which the device will have to reboot.

What is IPTV? It is primarily distributed separately from the main Internet channel. Therefore, to organize its broadcast, it is necessary to send the provider's signal to a separate port. We add, thus, to LAN at number 4. You must select the "Advanced" item in the online interface for managing the router. A window will open in which there will be a list of ports - of which you need to select the one that has number 4. We add it to VLAN-wan. We save the changes.

After all the actions taken, you need to go to the "Network" item of the online interface, select the "Connection" option there, and then create a WAN connection using the parameters from the provider.

Modern IPTV solutions

So, we have determined what IPTV television is, learned what are the nuances of setting it up when using popular routers. Of course, the corresponding broadcast format can be implemented in a variety of ways. So, for example, there is such a solution as SS IPTV, or Simple Smart IPTV. This is an application adapted for LG TVs. What is Smart IPTV in terms of basic functions? First of all, it is a tool that gives the user the ability to access the widest range of channels, as well as view them with comfort. What is SS IPTV in terms of additional features? This is a tool that allows, along with television content, to also access videos from social networks and popular hosting.

Classic Instruments

SS IPTV is an example of an innovative solution. Many users are also willing to use "classic" tools such as IPTV channels. What is their specificity? What are IPTV channels? At the beginning of the article, we noted that broadcasts in the appropriate format have their own address, similar to the corresponding attribute of the website. Each of them corresponds to a separate IPTV channel. These addresses, for example, can be used to access broadcasts through a computer.

You can create playlists based on channels. What it is? IPTV? These are lists of channels that the user has formed for himself - just like he can do it in multimedia players or online services for listening to audio or watching videos.


Many fans of Internet TV like to use special set-top boxes for watching channels. What is their specificity? IPTV set-top box - what is it? This is a device that allows you to send a signal from the provider in the appropriate streaming format to the TV directly. Thus, there is no need to configure the router.

Services for organizing TV broadcasts over the Internet are provided by most of the largest Internet providers in Russia. Thanks to them, many citizens know what IPTV is. Rostelecom, TTK and other giants of the IT market are successfully delivering relevant services throughout the country. Internet TV is becoming one of the most popular broadcast formats in Russia.

IP hosts and routers use IGMP control protocol to group network devices. The Internet Group Management Protocol manages multicast (multicast) networks. It is located at the network level and connects the client computer to the local router in order to transfer data between them. The multicast traffic is then routed to the rest of the clients through the PIM protocol. It links the local router to the remote one. Through the use of IGMP, the network resources of a number of applications (online games, streaming video) can be used more efficiently.

The use of the IGMP snooping function allows you to make a decision about traffic broadcasting to certain interfaces. the process of snooping IGMP requests from consumers (hosts) to providers (multicast routers).

IGMP snooping concept and purpose

Translated from English, snooping means eavesdropping. When enabled, an intermediate network device (router or communicator) begins to analyze the transmission of all data packets carried out between client computers connected to it and routers supplying multicast traffic. When a connection request is detected, the port to which the consumer (client) is connected is enabled, in the opposite situation (Leave request) the corresponding port is removed from the group list.

In most communicators, the IGMP snooping function is available, but it must be enabled first.

Why monitor network traffic?

Multicast traffic can also be transmitted to computers that are not interested in it. This is called broadcast relay. To prevent it, in order to reduce the load on the network, IGMP snooping is used. At the same time, this kind of filtering requires additional memory consumption and increases the load on the communicator. However, it is justified.

If the communicator starts broadcasting multicast traffic on all its ports, then:

  • this process is useless;
  • problems may arise in the operation of the final recipient (network device), which is forced to process a large stream of unnecessary data.

To eliminate such situations, there is the IGMP snooping function, which significantly improves the operation of the entire network. It takes into account the needs at the network (third) layer and thus optimizes the data link (second) layer.

Enabling the wiretap function

In order to monitor multicast traffic, you must first enable IGMP snooping and configure it yourself. Let's consider how to do this on D-Link communicators when implementing a multicast data transmission scheme. Commands for activating wiretapping:

In order to exclude a port from a network group when the communicator has received a Leave request from a client, the IGMP Snooping Fast Leave function is used. It allows you to stop the transmission of unnecessary over the network in order to make it work more efficiently. The following command is used to activate this function:

It is used if you need to enable multicast filtering on a switch with a node connected to it and participating in data transmission.

Types of IGMP eavesdropping

IGMP snooping can be either passive or active. How is it shown?

  1. Passive does not filter traffic, it just monitors it.
  2. Active - listens and filters data packets to reduce the load on the multicast router.

The second type of implementation of this function is the most preferable, since it allows you to minimize the amount of transmitted information by filtering requests to connect to and disconnect from the router.

The functionality of the IGMP snooping communicator helps to reduce the load on the network by monitoring the processes of data exchange between providers (local routers) and consumers (client computers) of multicast traffic.

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