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Configuring COMODO Internet Security Premium to work without notifications - RAADDIST. Optimal settings for Comodo Internet Security

Executes only computer-safe applications

Prevention-based protection

Stops viruses and malware before they enter the system. Thanks to this, it is not too late to remove them.

Auto Sandbox Technology

Sandbox is a virtual operating environment for unfamiliar programs that isolates viruses and other malware

Powerful and high quality virus detection and elimination software

It offers antivirus protection that outperforms expensive programs offered by other companies.

Quarantine system for isolating suspicious files

Suspicious files are first sent to the sandbox to ensure they are safe.

Personalized protection

Conduct scheduled virus scans when it suits you

Spyware scan

Spyware scanner detects and cleans malicious files in the PC registry and drives

Cloud whitelisting system

Cloud-based whitelisting system easily identifies the safe status of a file and publisher

Game Mode

Suspends operations such as alerts, antivirus updates, or scans that might interfere with the user while playing a computer game

Application management

Allows users to lock PCs to use only secure applications

Scan for viruses in one click

Make sure your computer is clean with one keystroke

Uncluttered, easy-to-use interface

Just install and don't worry. Let Antivirus do its job

Instant access to real-time virus definitions database

Leverage current data to protect against new virus threats

The presence of a unique slider to change the current level of protection

Change Anti-Virus behavior at your own discretion

Why does my computer need an antivirus program?

Any virus can adversely affect the operation of your computer. Viruses slow down the work of the PC, up to a complete stop, delete the most important files and applications, and, as well, can render the computer completely unusable.

What is Anti-Virus used for?

Our program offers the highest quality full protection for free. Real-time scanning, online updates, quarantine protection, total virus removal in one program

How does antivirus protection work?

Just click on the button if you want to scan for viruses. If the program detects a virus, it instantly removes it.

What is "quarantine" protection?

When Anti-Virus finds a file and thinks that it may be a carrier of a virus, it immediately sends it to an isolated environment, from which a malicious file cannot harm. This is additional protection for more sophisticated viruses.

What does personalized protection mean?

Antivirus allows you to schedule scans when it is convenient for you. The same can be done with updates of information about the latest viruses.

Do you offer an upgrade?

Yes. Comodo Internet Security (including Antivirus) is also available in Plus and Pro versions, and offers 24/7 tech support, TrustConnect and a Virus Free Warranty.

Does the Sandbox run normally?

Yes. Applications in the Sandbox run under a carefully selected set of privileges and are written to the virtual file system instead of the real one. This means that untrustworthy (but harmless) applications can operate normally while denying access to malware.

Do programs stay in the Sandbox forever?

No. Sandbox is the first part of the engine for making the right decisions. After an unfamiliar application has been submitted to the Sandbox, Internet Security also automatically sends it for confirmation to the Comodo laboratory, where it is analyzed by our experts. If the application is considered harmless, then it is added to the so-called. a global safe list that will be downloaded by all Comodo Internet Security users in the next system update. Once an app is added to the safe list, it no longer goes through the Sandbox. If an application is found to be malicious, then it is added to the Comodo malware list and will be removed in the next system update.

For more information, see the Antivirus instructions for use, visit our forums or send an email

Download User Manual

Here you will find detailed technical information about the free version of Antivirus

Visit the knowledge base

The support forum contains answers to many common questions

Email support

If you cannot find the answer in the instructions or in the knowledge base, please send us an email to [email protected] for further assistance

Report Malware

Submit malicious files to our anti-virus lab for analysis

Meet the latest known threats

Our antivirus labs publish existing, recently discovered and modified virus definitions

Report false positive virus scans

Use this form to report a file that you think has been classified as suspicious

Verified sellers

Please request that your software be added to the Verified Vendor List that comes with Comodo Antivirus

* Please note that telephone support is not available for free products

Good day, dear readers, readers, admirers and other personalities.

It has long been no secret that any modern person cannot do without a computer and. The World Wide Web has become an integral part of the life of most of us, for it is a storehouse of information, a way (or means) and much more.

The computer is the tool with which we gain access to the World Wide Web. Therefore, everyone has a natural desire to protect their iron friend from the dangers that she conceals behind her.

One of these tools is Comodo Firewall Free- a program that will help us protect our computer from various computer infections, which are numerous on the Internet.

Questions in the style of "What is a firewall and what is it for" have already been discussed earlier on the site in the articles: "", ", and other others, that is, if you just need a theory about what kind of firewall it is ( which is so cleverly bypassed in films), then you should start with them (at least with the first two).

This article will be entirely devoted to a separate product - Comodo Firewall. This program is free, and many people reasonably consider it number one among similar products. At the same time, the product in question copes with its tasks no worse than most of the paid counterparts from other software manufacturers. At the same time, it is important that there is an excellent Russian-language version of this firewall.

Let's see what he can do, install, configure and all that jazz.

Download and install Comodo Firewall

Installation Comodo Firewall does not conceal any special difficulties, but nevertheless there are some nuances in it that should be taken into account. We will talk about them in the first part of this article.

You can download this miracle of a programmer's thought from the developer's website by clicking on the appropriate button:

After downloading, run the previously downloaded file to start the installation process, which, however, will begin by unpacking the files necessary for the installer:

Thereafter Comodo Firewall will prompt you to select the installation language. Choose the one that is closest to you (in our case, Russian):

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Next, you will need to uncheck the " I want to use cloud analysis of application behavior by passing unrecognized programs to COMODO"as well as" Anonymously send data on the use of the application to COMODO to make changes that improve the operation of the program ", because there is no need for them, as well as an e-mail subscription.

However, if you think that you need them, then you can leave them. Further it would be useful to click on the button " Customize installation"and not just poke at the button" Forward". This very button will allow us to configure the elements for installation (more precisely, the components) Firewall"a:

Each element has its own description by which you can make a choice yourself, but we recommend unchecking the " Install COMODO GeekBuddy", which allows you to get some kind of remote support and other tails and install only the part with the firewall.

Installation configuration

If you are not very well versed in working with firewalls, then a tick here, perhaps, is just worth leaving. This will allow you to avoid unnecessary configuration and notifications, but at the same time some of the solutions Comodo Firewall will take for you based on statistics (for example, allow connections for known normal applications - like - and deny known malicious or suspicious).

Well, the last tab allows you to select the location of the firewall installation files. You can, traditionally, leave the default, or specify your own. Next, click on the " Back"and return to the last step, where we removed the first check marks and pressed the button" Customize installation", where, in turn, press" Forward".

Next, we will continue to fight with the checkboxes, because we will be prompted to install the elements Yandex, do Yandex. the main thing and everything else. Traditionally, take off all the checkboxes, unless of course you Yandex. is not necessary, and we press the button " I agree. Install".

After that, the process of obtaining a free license and installation will begin COMODO Firewall.

The end of the process, in fact, will have to wait, after which the firewall will start and start screaming urgently and demanding attention, rebooting and other things, and doing this in several windows at once:

Well, you will have to give in to concessions and allow a restart (after closing everything you need and saving the work process), otherwise the firewall will not work normally, and, in general, it will not let you.

After the reboot, we will deal with the use and further configuration.

Initial start-up and setup

After installation, most likely, you will immediately see a small (side) window of the program, a notification about how you are protected Comodo and the automatically opened developer site. If everything went well, then everything will look something like this:

Checkmark " Don't show this window again"you can put it right away, since there is no need for it, apart from self-education, there is no:

Also, most likely, you will immediately receive a notification about the network in which you are with a set of items, from the choice of one of which a certain level and internal settings will depend:

The choice should be made wisely, or rather, honestly confess where you are. Or, if you have some concerns and you are worried about the level of confidentiality, then choose the third item, ie " I'm in a public place"as the most powerful in terms of protection.

Comodo Firewall Request Handling

The second type of notifications will be about attempts by various programs to connect with something or someone, as well as about doing something for some reason. It looks something like this:

The logic for processing such requests is simple: if you know what kind of program (for example, a browser) is trying to connect to something or perform something, then allow the action to be performed, if you do not even know what the hell is going on (even after how they used the search on the Internet, etc.), that is, it makes sense to block or process according to one of the application rules.

Then it makes sense to go to the main window of the program. This can be done using the small window (right mouse button - " Open") or the tray icon (the latter can change to display traffic or the firewall logo):

The main window of the program looks quite clear, moderately laconic, and, in fact, contains most of the necessary information. It is possible that it makes sense to start with the update process, although if you installed the program from the developer's website, then the version should be the latest initially:

The buttons are all standard and each is responsible for the corresponding functionality. For example the button " Scanning"will allow, in fact, to scan the computer for threats and will give a detailed list-report about what kind of files live in the system and whether they should be trusted:

We have already talked about updates, so we will not do too much, since the update is responsible for updating and there is nothing complicated about it.

Isolated environment and more details

A button with a virtual desktop will launch an isolated environment in which you can walk to dangerous places.

In terms of logic and principle of operation, it resembles such itself based on Windows functionality, and it is also extremely similar to a sandbox (sort of) in its expanded, moderately adult form. An extremely useful thing, we recommend it for the paranoid.

It will be possible to switch between desktops with the appropriate button, quickly and painlessly enough, which is convenient. By the way, the installation of all of the above ( Silverlight and Comodo dragon) is not a necessary functionality for full-fledged work, but recommended as such.

The quarantine tab is responsible for quarantine, online support for online support. In general, there is nothing unusual and we will not stop there. The button in the upper left corner allows you to see a detailed summary of what is happening:

Ie, see the number of incoming-outgoing connections, blocking processes, enable or disable any Auto- Sandbo x, HIPS and Viruscope, and already manage what is already unblocked, isolated and so on.

Clicking on the firewall link, for example, will allow us to open a tab with settings and a corresponding sub-tab, but here we can manage all of them in general by going to where we need to (for example " General settings" - "Interface Let's go over them briefly.

Advanced customization and use

The tab with the interface is responsible, oddly enough, for the interface. Optionally, you can customize the theme, again, the language and other tails. It is recommended to turn off the long-suffering sound, greetings, all kinds of notifications and other annoying functionality here:

The tab with updates is responsible for the frequency of updates, and the log, for, which is logical, the size of the log, its re-creation, and so on. It's all logical, simple and elementary to configure, fortunately in Russian, I think you can figure it out.

On the configuration tab, you can enable or disable any of the ready-made configurations. This is very, very convenient, and when switching it allows you to save an already existing and changed configuration, that is, you can change the security level, depending on the circumstances. True, switching requires a reboot, which, in general, is logical.

Hips and Sandbox at Comodo Firewall

The protection is inhabited by the aforementioned HIPS(proactive intrusion prevention system), Sandbox(a sandbox that is responsible for virtualization and protection based on it) and VirusScope(a system that allows you to dynamically analyze running processes and keep a record of their activity).

For HIPS"but it would be nice to include detailed explanations (if you don’t understand), set the time for displaying notifications and, ideally, tick the box" Adapt the operating mode at low system resources"so that it does not eat up productivity so much. In principle, it would be possible to turn on the enhanced protection mode, but it is already very paranoid and gluttonous.

In settings Sandbox you can uncheck the first checkbox if you do not need it, and it would also be nice to protect your desktop with a password. But much more important here is the presence of an automatic Sandbox"and based on a given policy:

This increases safety by an order of magnitude, provided that you understand how it works Sandbox in general, as well as be aware that it is chewing on resources. If not, then it is recommended to read at least.

V Viruscope it makes sense to disable the display of notifications, provided that you trust the automation. In general, the logic of its work is quite adequate, but it requires periodic control and verification of what is happening in case something stops working for you.

On the tab from the firewall, it would be good to lower the level of notification frequency, enable filtering IPv6-traffic, protection from ARP-spoofing and creating rules for secure applications.

On the sub-tabs, you can set and adjust rules for applications, as well as edit those that you have already created by clicking the block / allow buttons for the corresponding firewall requests above.

Here you can also create sets of rules and even activate a content filter by blocking and or allowing certain sites and categories (created independently). With the proper approach, you can collect such parental controls.

This completes the setup. As for the use, it makes sense to start with the training mode (it is turned on next to the firewall line in the extended view of the main program window), later switching to the custom set or, if you are too lazy to configure and train, then the safe mode.

In a nutshell, perhaps, somehow it is like this. We will not describe more fine-tuning and use here, because part of any article will not be enough then, besides, part of the logic has already been described in the corresponding materials on other firewalls (see the beginning of the article), and.

So, actually, let's move on to the afterword.


So this heroic epic about the brave struggle of the valiant firewall against the overwhelming army of computer pests has come to an end. With your skillful control, this struggle will always end with the victory of the forces of good;)

On this I say goodbye to you. Let viruses and other malware bypass you! As always, if you have any questions, additions, thanks, etc., then welcome to the comments to this article.

This is especially true of add-ons, because for sure those who sit on Comodo Firewall tightly and for a long time, in fact, there is something to say smart and to the point.

Friends, a lot of letters have come with a request to make a review free antivirus Comodo internet security... In my opinion, the antivirus is good and I will recommend it to all my friends, but it has a lot of settings and, most importantly, you have to configure this antivirus when you install it on your computer. I assure you, there is nothing difficult in this and you will succeed. Let's take a look at all the settings of this antivirus together and see how it deals with malware. For our article, let's take a Windows 8 computer infected with viruses, which my acquaintances brought to work.
Note: The Windows 8 operating system has its own built-in "Windows Defender" antivirus, which many users do not know about, details in our article "" A description of most of the existing antiviruses and their rating is described in our other article -.

Letter. Hello, I would like to consult with you about a free antivirus. I bought a new laptop with a preinstalled Windows 8 operating system, I am thinking of installing myself a free antivirus comodo internet security. This antivirus program is installed on my friend's computer and for a year now he has not had any problems with viruses. I read all your articles about free antiviruses, that's why I decided to consult with you. On the Internet, as usual, opinions were divided, who scolds (especially difficult antivirus settings) and who praises. You know, there is even such a service as the help of an expert, that is, a specialist from Comodo can personally help you, but I don’t know if this is available in the free version. What is your opinion?

Free antivirus Comodo internet security

A fairly good antivirus program, or even a whole complex of computer security. Born in the USA, the developer is the American company Comodo Group Inc. This free antivirus carries on board everything a real modern antivirus should have. Particularly good (can be installed separately) and the updated "sandbox", which is now called the Virtual Kiosk. A virtual kiosk is a virtual environment isolated from the main operating system, I would compare it to a small virtual machine that even has its own desktop, which is very convenient. Many applications can now be checked for malware by running inside a virtual kiosk (sandbox), without the risk of infecting the main system.
  • Personally, I do not use any special test programs to test any antivirus for performance. In this article, we will install with you free antivirus Comodo internet security to a computer with Windows 8 infected with malware. Of course, you must understand that everything is relative and you can only know the quality of an antivirus program one hundred percent while working with it.
Also, one friend shared with me a "novelty movie", which he downloaded from one of the malicious sites. The film has an exe extension, which is strange for video files, and upon closer examination it turned out to be nothing more than a Trojan.Winlock banner ransomware, a malicious program blocking the desktop and requiring money to be transferred to the attacker's account. If you double-click on the "movie" with the left mouse, then there will be no "Kina", and the desktop will be blocked with a message about the need to urgently transfer money of 2500 rubles in the form of SMS to such and such an account. So, we will start watching this movie in the Virtual Kiosk (sandbox) and check if this sandbox works as well as the developers say.
Another free antivirus comodo internet security protects you from viruses, worms, rootkits, spyware (Anti-Spyware). It has a powerful firewall, an autostart analyzer, a whole set of computer security tools - COMODO Cleaning Essentials, and a unique process monitoring system - COMODO KillSwitch.
This antivirus solution supports Windows 7, 8, Windows Vista and Windows XP (32 and 64-bit versions).
So let's go. We go to the official website, select Comodo Internet Security

Free Download

Launch the installer.

Very easy installation.

We accept the license agreement.

If you don't need Yandex. Uncheck the bar.



Choosing the Russian language.

Entering an email address is optional.
"I want to get additional security on the Internet by going to Comodo's SecureDNS service"In the first paragraph, you do not need to tick the box, if you still tick this item, then after installing the free Comodo internet security antivirus, you will change the DNS server settings to and Internet, you will travel through a kind of filter of the Comodo company, that is, they will decide for you where you can be and where not. On the one hand, this is good and you will avoid many malicious sites, and on the other, glitches with the Internet are possible. Therefore, before put a tick in the first paragraph, consult with your provider
In the second paragraph, we note - I want to use Cloud Application Behavior Analysis Comodo Internet Security uses analysis of the behavior of unidentified files in the cloud and any unrecognized file will be sent to Comodo Instant Malware Analysis (CIMA) for further analysis. According to the developer, the result will be known in 15 minutes.
The third point is clear, check the box and after installing the antivirus, the Home page will change in some browsers.

Read the User License Agreement before clicking Agree, Install.
Push Customize installation... We read carefully which component and why. This is where all the checkboxes come in handy.

Configuration options. If you want to communicate less with the antivirus, you can leave the checkmark, but be aware that in the process of work, sometimes you will not understand why this or that program does not start or this or that archive does not open. I personally unchecked the box, since information about what is happening on my computer will not be superfluous

File location. Antivirus installation path - I advise you not to change it.

The first is the Comodo internet security antivirus widget (you can configure the information content of the widget, check the items you need)

and icons of utility programs, then the main window of the program.
At the same moment, comodo internet security warns us that it has detected a new network. Join the new network, choose - I am in the public area (it is more secure).

Antivirus update starts automatically.

After complete installation, Comodo internet security updates its anti-virus databases and the computer needs to be restarted.

After the reboot, there is a gratitude to the Comodo internet security program, so that it does not appear again, check the Do not show this window again

The main window of the free antivirus Comodo internet security contains the main elements that we will use all the time:
In the middle of this window, you will have access to one or another information about the security status of your computer, in our case, Safe. The main window contains a panel for quickly scanning any file for viruses, drag and drop a suspicious file and immediately get information about the harmfulness of the file of interest.

If you select Yes, assign cleaning to an expert, you can contact a certified specialist if you speak English and have paid for support. Click on the button and here's the price.

If you choose - No, I'll try it myself, then you have the options that are visible on the screenshot, I suggest choosing Neutralize and the virus will be neutralized

If you click on the arrow, the Sandbox panel will open and we can drag the installer of an unfamiliar program into this panel and start the installation of this program in a safe "sandbox".

In the upper right corner of the main antivirus window, you can access the buttons
Communication with a certified professional - if you speak English and paid for support.
By selecting the Help button, you will have access to Online Help, Support service, Support Forums(all in English)
Diagnostics will tell you if all modules of the free Comodo internet security antivirus are working properly.

The antivirus also has its own built-in Comodo Dragon Web Browser

I'm getting ahead of myself, I installed the free Comodo internet security antivirus on a computer infected with viruses. Fast scan (scanning of frequently infected areas and computer memory) It didn't help me, 25 percent of malware was not found.
Full scan - scans all files and folders on your computer(takes a lot of time)
Helped Ranked scan (cloud scan of frequently infected areas and memory)
And then scan the entire drive C: Select P Custom scan (scan custom files and folders)- Scan folder - Local drive (C :)


Virtual kiosk

Let's take a closer look at this tool, in order to get access to all the features of the virtual kiosk, Comodo internet security offers to install the Microsoft silverlight software platform, we agree

A virtual kiosk is launched, it has its own desktop, as I said, it is a virtual environment isolated from the main operating system. In it, we can run unfamiliar applications and files, if they turn out to be malicious, then internet security will warn us about this. Click on the yellow arrow and you will see everything on your desktop.

If you are working on a simple computer, then I advise you to enter the settings of the Virtual Kiosk and select the Normal PC mode, then the control of the virtual kiosk desktop will practically not differ from the control of the usual Windows desktop. We select settings and Normal PC.

I told you at the beginning of the article that my friend downloaded a movie with the .exe extension on the Internet, this “movie” is nothing more than a banner ransomware Trojan.Winlock (Winlocker) - a malicious program that blocks the desktop and requires transferring money to the attacker's account. Video files come in different extensions, mostly avi, mpg, mov or mkv, but not exe, which means an executable file (containing a program) is sometimes malicious.

Let's run this "movie" in the sandbox, downloaded by an inexperienced person in Internet affairs. Click on Computer and find our file in Explorer,

We launch it, as we can see, the sandbox reacted immediately, giving us a warning that the file was malicious. If we ran it in the operating system environment, then our desktop would be blocked by the ransomware banner.

You can also run an unfamiliar program in the virtual kiosk environment, if it turns out to be malicious, the sandbox will inform you about it. You can also go online using a browser. You can exit the virtual kiosk to the operating system and then go back as needed, or you can exit the sandbox altogether.
Quarantined files can be deleted, excluded from the list, or sent to Comodo

Task Manager
It displays everything that the Comodo internet security antivirus is doing now (you can see on the screenshot that an update is in progress)


So, using this arrow, go to the additional antivirus settings, the so-called tasks.

Common Tasks
Scanning. Update . Quarantine. Task Manager . We have sorted it all out. Event log.
What we did not analyze with you is the Event Log (records of events, actions taken and notifications) - displays all information on security events.

Active connections(viewing applications using an active internet connection)

Contains information about all active connections for each application.

Firewall tasks

When a suspicious program is launched, it will display such a window. If we know the program, then we run it without restrictions.

Allow connection... You can enable or disable any application to connect to the Internet.

Block connection... Deny the application from connecting to the Internet

Hidden ports

Manage the visibility of a computer on the network. You can block all incoming connections and make your computer invisible on the network.

Network management

Stop network activity... You can block all inbound and outbound traffic

Advanced firewall settings

You can choose the now popular Training mode, which will allow you to train your firewall for certain of your rules for working on a computer, but I liked it better. Safe mode.
Uncheck the box Don't show alerts, since we need all the notifications
Additionally, we mark the items
Enable IPv6 traffic filtering
Enable filtering of loopback traffic (e.g. 127.x.x.x, :: 1)
Block fragmented IP traffic
Analyze the protocol
Enable ARP Spoofing Protection
ARP spoofing is used by cybercriminals to eavesdrop on the Ethernet network, the goal is to steal your confidential data.

Sandbox tasks

We have already disassembled the virtual kiosk.
Launching in Sandbox. In this window, we can select an application and run it in a virtual environment. We can also create a shortcut on the desktop and next time we can launch this program in the sandbox using the shortcut.

Clearing Sandbox Content... This will clear the contents of the Sandbox.

Shared area (area for recording data of virtual and real applications)
Advanced Sandbox Settings- everything is configured optimally, we do not change anything.

Advanced tasks

Emergency cleaning disc. With this button you will be able to create a rescue boot disk with Comodo internet security antivirus program.

Send files for verification... You can send any number of files to COMODO for verification

View Activity... You can see everything that happens in your operating system using a unique process monitoring system - COMODO KillSwitch. Using the menu, you can stop any unwanted process and so on.

Clean up your computer... You can scan your computer in three ways using the proprietary set of tools for cleaning infected operating systems - COMODO Cleaning Essentials.
Reasonable scanning. Full scan. Custom scan.

Advanced settings

Advanced settings are divided into General settings and Security Settings... Let's consider everything.
General settings . Interface.
Show a greeting at startup - you can uncheck the box.

Updates. Everything can be left as default.

Logging. You can increase the size of the journal or move it to another folder.

Configuration. COMODO - internet security

By default, you should have a COMODO configuration - internet security. What is configuration? This is the preferred type of antivirus protection. The COMODO - internet security configuration aims to protect against malicious attacks coming mainly from the Internet. If you spend a lot of time on the Internet, I advise you to use the COMODO - internet security configuration.

Comodo - Proactive Security
If you choose Comodo - Proactive Security, then the protection of your computer will be based on proactive protection, such protection mainly monitors the integrity of the operating system itself and registry vulnerabilities. We have installed our antivirus on a computer already infected with viruses, which means it makes sense to select this mode during the scan.
Comodo - Firewall Security

Before changing the configuration, you can save the settings of your current configuration by exporting. If in the future you decide to revert the old configuration along with your settings, select import. All changes made to you will take effect after reboot.
Security Settings.
Antivirus. Realtime scan.
In this window, you can increase the level of the Heuristic analysis to medium or high.
Do not show alerts (send to quarantine). I will uncheck this box as I want to know everything that happens in my operating system.

Scan List.
Here you can add your own scan option or change an existing one, set up options and scan schedule.

The folders you specify will be excluded from malware scanning.

Protection - one of the most important parameters.

HIPS settings

The computer we are checking is infected with viruses, so we turn on Paranoid mode

We put a tick on the item Provide detailed explanations in alerts and then everything is like on a screenshot

HIPS Rules and Rule Sets. We leave it as it is.
Protected objects.
As you can see, autoload is protected. Important registry keys are protected.

Behavioral Analysis... The option must be enabled
Automatically launch a detected unknown application in the Sandbox and treat it as Partially Restricted.
Then we leave everything as it is. Set up exceptions if necessary.

Sandbox. We have already configured this, we are not changing anything.

Firewall settings... We also set it up with you, put the check marks, everything is like on the screenshot ..

Application rules... Configured optimally, if you want to change something, do it after fully understanding the question.
Global rules. Rule sets. Network zones. Port Sets... We leave it unchanged.

File rating settings. We put a tick on Perform cloud analysis of unknown files for fast results and save computer resources
Uncheck the items
Trust applications signed by vendors.
Trust applications installed using trusted installers

Trusted files.Unrecognized files.

Sent files. Trusted Suppliers... We leave everything unchanged.

As a result of unsuccessful attempts to force the databases to be updated, I decided to just reinstall Comodo, but the version is lower, in order to test it. Comodo Internet Security is a complete protection that includes antivirus, firewall and proprietary features such as Hips and more.

Before Comodo, I tried various antiviruses. These are Doctor Web, Kaspersky, AVG, Nod32, Avast, Panda, MalvareAntimalvare and even the Chinese Rising, which works surprisingly well.

Most of all I like Kaspersky, which has served me faithfully for several years, but the time has come to find something to replace it, and as a result of a long search, I chose the free Comodo. Now he has been protecting, for several years now, the computer.

Comodo is, as everyone admits, an awesome firewall. In fact, only he alone solves the problem of the security of being on the network. The antivirus is also excellent, but I prefer not to use it, although it works normally. Instead of antivirus, I download a scanner from DrWeb called CureIt and check the computer every few months.

Comodo is highly customizable and comes across as a very professional (and it is) product. In general, I like Comodo and I am happy with it. It just needs to be configured correctly. I am easily versed in any programs, so it was not difficult for me to understand the Comodo settings.

I specially made several screenshots of Comodo for this article, for which I had to go to WinXP, where I have the most recent version of Comodo installed, where I have not visited, probably for six months.

I will not talk about all Comodo settings. You decide whether to leave any updates, messages, notifications for yourself or not. I will only talk about the most basic settings, as well as some tricks in these settings.

What if the browser is infected? Read about it.

This Comodo differs from the 5th version in its improved and beautiful interface.

In my opinion, despite the beauty, the 5th version is nevertheless more convenient. There all the settings are better grouped and informative.

For example, in the new version of Comodo it is not clear when the anti-virus database was updated; no date. In the 5th version, this is indicated by the update date.

The settings for antivirus scan profiles and exclusions are hidden away so that they can only be found by understanding the structure of the Comodo interface from previous versions.

More on this below. Although, let's start right there.

As for the antivirus, here you can leave the setting for scanning the computer memory at startup. By default, there is a checkbox for scanning archives. I always remove it, because often there are tablets in the archives, and the antivirus ruthlessly deletes them.

With regard to cumulative scanning, in this mode those files will be scanned in which changes have occurred since the previous scan. You can select "Scan On Access". It's up to you to decide. I always choose cumulative scanning.

In my opinion, the American developers have made a mistake with the list of scans. The fact is that if you do not know how to configure an antivirus, an antivirus check will occur every time you start your computer. Not everyone and not always need it. And to turn off this automatic scan, you need to know where to do it. Comodo's designs made this unobvious, for some reason. In general, in order to configure how we need to go to the "List of scans" and there we see the default list, and at the bottom a barely noticeable arrow.

This is what we need. We drag it up, the "Add", "Edit" and others windows appear, where we can already do something. We cannot delete the default profiles of the scan list, but we can change them or add our own. In the "Graph" line, set the desired position so that the scan does not start automatically when the system starts. If we needed a scan, then we can always start it manually from the main window of the antivirus by clicking on the "Scan" button.

However, profiles can be configured so that scanning is enabled once a week, for example, at night or during the day. The very idea of ​​a "Full" or "Fast" scan schedule is good, but it should have been done more clearly, and not hidden far into the bowels of the program from the user.

The same situation is with "Exceptions". The developers also managed to hide the setting of this extremely important item behind such an arrow, which is visible at the bottom in the main window when you go along the path "Antivirus ---> Exceptions".

We drag this arrow up and a window with actions will pop up, thanks to which we can already fully work with exceptions.

We enter in the "Exceptions" all those files and folders that, in our opinion, should be ignored by Comodo.

A few words about Proactive Defense. This is a proprietary feature of Comodo, which they consider to be almost the main one in protecting your computer. The version we are considering has a HIPS (Host-based Intrusion Prevention System or simply "Intrusion Prevention System") setting. The settings are on the screenshot below. You can choose "Safe Mode". In it, all unknown actions on the computer will be under control. If you know / are sure that there are no viruses on the computer and it is clean, then you can set the "Clean PC" mode. In this mode, all files are recognized as trusted, and we receive fewer notifications from Comodo. I put in the settings "Clean PC".

HIPS is optional and can be turned off. But if you do, then I recommend that you check the box next to "Create rules for secure applications", specially highlighted in green. This will make it easier for yourself to further interact with Comodo. He will create the rules and once confirming them, you will not receive messages from Komodo on the same occasion.

Well, setting up a firewall, or simply a firewall. Comodo's firewall is one of the best on the market. This is recognized by all specialists and ordinary users. Some people specifically download only the Comodo firewall in order to use it with third-party antivirus software. There is nothing complicated about the settings.

Also, as in the screenshot above, be sure to check the box to create rules so as not to receive constant messages from Comodo. The rest is at your discretion. I am setting "Safe Mode". Even with the default settings, the firewall does an excellent job.

If you want to make your computer invisible on the network, you can enable the mode of blocking all incoming connections and hiding your ports for all incoming connections in the Hidden Ports Wizard. But, if you use a home network, which is most often the case, it is better to activate the notification mode for incoming connections and make a separate decision for each port. For the more advanced: in the advanced firewall settings, you can check the boxes everywhere, except for monitoring NDIS other than TCP / IP.

A little about the Sandbox mode. This cool thing, if enabled, isolates all unknown files and runs them in itself (sandbox). In this mode, the files, if they are dangerous, will not harm the system. Not every paid antivirus has a sandbox. Free Comodo has. So use it.

You should be aware that the Sandbox and Protection Plus (Proactive) modes are not required to be activated. Without them, with just antivirus and firewall, you can normally secure your system. But the above modes make the protection even more reliable and powerful.

And I would also like to say about the configurations. There are three of them, by default. These are: Internet Security, Proactive Security and Firewall Security. For many, these things are incomprehensible, but there is nothing complicated here. These are, in fact, a kind of presets, ready-made presets. Firewall Security gives priority to network protection, the activity of the antivirus, as it were, decreases: it seems to work, but it does not seem to be. In general, it is almost invisible and inaudible in this mode. In other modes it is the same: In Proactive, priority is given to proactive protection, in Internet Security, priority is given to anti-virus and network protection. I usually install Internet Security. In any mode, if anything, you can adjust the settings to the desired functionality.

Free (installer). First of all, you need to decide for what purposes you will use this program. If Comodo Internet Security rus will be used as an antivirus and at the same time, then both programs that performed these functions for you should be removed earlier. Remember to disconnect from the Internet before deleting. It is also better to disable the stock Windows Firewall. Double click on the cispremium_installer.exe installer to launch the installation.

The program will automatically select the Russian language, if it suits you, then click Ok.

In the next window, you can leave everything as it is.

But, it is better to activate the checkbox in the first line before Change DNS server settings ..... Click on Installation options... Uncheck the box before Install COMODO GeekBuddy... If you already have a good antivirus, and Comodo Internet Security will be used only as a firewall, then you should uncheck the box and Install COMODO antivirus.

We press Back, and in the previous window, click on Agree, Install.

After installation, you will be prompted to reboot.

We humbly agree.

After rebooting, if you see a window like

do not be alarmed, you are simply disconnected from the Internet and the program, upon encountering an unfamiliar application, cannot ask the "cloud" (database on a remote server) about the reliability of this application. With the Internet connected, such questions will be asked relatively rarely. Therefore, urgently connect to the network, check the box in front of Send files for recognition to COMODO, uncheck Remember my choice and click on Block(This should always be done when you are not sure that you are dealing with a good program, in this case it is ToolbarUpdaterServicek.exe). Even if you make a mistake, then everything can be corrected later. After connecting to the Internet, the anti-virus databases will be updated immediately, after which you will be prompted to scan your computer. If you have used antivirus software before, it will not be difficult to understand the antivirus functions. Comodo Internet Security starts working normally already with settings set by default. If you do not have sufficient experience, then it is better not to change anything. Newbies are more often injected into a stupor with firewall messages like:

It doesn't matter if you don't know what to do. In such cases, our favorite scientific poke method comes to the rescue. At the slightest doubt, be sure to click on Block and do not put a daw in front of Remember my choice... If we made a mistake, then we will immediately understand by the result. In this case, the criterion for an erroneous decision will be the termination of the file download via the torrent client (uTorrent). In case of an error, go to the settings. In the lower right corner of the screen in the tray next to the clock we find the Comodo icon (red shield with the letter C)

Double click on the icon, the program control panel will appear

Go to the tab Firewall

Find the blocked application (C: \ Program Files \ uTorrent.exe) and double-click on it

In line Action change Block b on Allow, click on Apply, we get

We press OK and see if everything works well. If you suddenly get confused with a program, then clicking on the button Delete(Figure above), you can delete the rule for this program and Comodo will start asking its questions again.

When you get a little familiar with the program, I recommend (two clicks on the Comodo icon in the tray? Firewall ?Firewall settings ? General Tinctures):

Check the box before Create rules for secure applications and uncheck the box before Don't show pop-up notifications.

Don't be afraid of firewall alerts. At first, you can simply ignore them (or even turn them off) if you do not know what to do. But it's important to start learning how to work with a firewall. Without it, your computer will be hosted by malicious programs run by bad people.

This program has such a very useful function as. You can familiarize yourself with a detailed program like this.

More detailed instructions for working with Comodo Internet Security rus can be found on the page

If you have any questions, please contact. Good luck in mastering information security!

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