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We set up widgets on the Yandex start page. Yandex.Time - find out the exact time and time difference between cities

All modern computers are equipped with multifunctional operating systems that are pleasing to the eye and offer many opportunities. A clock on a computer is an integral and often simply necessary thing. This is probably why software developers offer many alternatives to standard clocks. The programmers also paid attention to the virtual store of the Google Chrome browser, which presents a huge selection of functional and beautiful watches for the user. Today we present you a selection of 15 such extensions.

This application has several more functions than just showing the time. The application has a stopwatch and a countdown timer. The application can be moved around the screen and placed in a suitable place for you.

These watches show the time in all major cities of the planet. The application is invoked by clicking on the icon in the Google Chrome toolbar.

Convenient browser extension. The time is displayed in the pop-up interface. To find out the time, simply click on the application shortcut, which is located immediately after the address bar.

Just like the previous application, Clock is called when you move the mouse over the icon. Also, the label itself plays the role of a scoreboard and displays the time. You can also select the analogue version of the clock to display.

An interesting application with a simple name. The clock is conveniently located on the toolbar. Among the functions you will find the clock color adjustment, changing the format and type of time display.

A beautiful and handy clock display application. The clock is hidden just to the right behind the address bar. When you click on the shortcut, you will have access to a calendar, weather, stopwatch and other goodies.

Ambiguous clock extension. Clicking on the shortcut opens a full-page browser window. You can adjust the color and font. When you hover over the shortcut, a small window with a clock pops up.

Rich extension. In addition to the usual hours, the application can inform you about upcoming planetary events. Also, the plugin will show you the time left until sunrise, when to expect a lunar eclipse and wind speed on the sun. If you are interested in this topic, then this is definitely your choice.

This app stands out from the rest. A large window displays a photo of your friend and the time left until his birthday. Below is a ribbon of small photos of friends and the dates of their holidays. Beautiful design, easy control.

Full screen analog clock display app. The design is poor, but maybe someone will like it.

This watch is not for all users. To understand the time reflected by them, you must at least remember the binary system of calculation.

Digital Clock is a standard clock with a simple design. In addition to the time, you learn the day of the week, month and year. You can change the background color.

Need an accurate clock for your website? Date, time of sunrise and sunset, longitude of the day? Just select the options you want and copy the code. And it's free!



New York, USA
If you need a different location, use the search box in the upper right corner.

What to show

Time Format

Date format

Color and size


Clock widget code for your website:

New York:

Terms of Use

  • The link to the site must be clearly visible on your page. You can paraphrase or translate the text of the link, then it should include site, time, location name ( New York) or the name of the time zone ( EDT). Acceptable options for link text: "Time to New York", "New York", "Time is now". A link like this is not allowed: "Press here".
  • Your page should not automatically update.
  • Use in applications and scripts is not allowed.
  • The widget is distributed without any warranty.
  • The widget is free if the main theme of your site is not this widget.
  • the site will block your widget if these conditions are not met.

Additional features

There are two widget scripts: a simplified version, t.js, which displays only the time, and the main script of the widget, en.js, which can display time, date, sunrise and sunset time, day length. The main widget script is available in several languages. For other languages, replace en in the name of the script to the code of the desired language. (For instance, pl.js for Polish and tr.js for Turkish.)

init function parameters:

Parameter Valid values Default value
time_format hours, minutes, seconds, 12hours, AMPM hours:minutes:seconds
date_format dayname, dname, daynum, dnum, day_in_y, week, monthname, monthnum, mnum, yy, year year-monthnum-daynum
sun_format srhour, srminute, sr12hour, srAMPM, sshour, ssminute, ss12hour, ssAMPM, dlhours, dlminutes srhour:srminute-sshour:ssminute
coordinates Latitude and longitude of the location. Required to display the time of sunrise, sunset, and longitude of the day.
id To determine the location and time zone on the server side. Required if the location name contains non-ASCII letters and if you have changed the id value of the HTML element.
callback Optional parameter: the name of the function that will be called every second with the parameter template.

Parameter names and their values ​​are case sensitive. You can use HTML and other content in the parameters template, time_format, date_format and sun_format.

You can create multiple clocks like this:

UTC time:
New York sunrise time:
Tokyo sunrise time:
Find the


Parameter values time_format, date_format, sun_format and template are inherited so you don't have to repeat them if the value is the same as for the previously defined widget.

Yandex is a huge portal that millions of people visit every day. The company's developers take care of the users of their resource, allowing each of them to customize its start page to suit their needs.

Unfortunately, the function of adding and creating widgets was suspended indefinitely, but the main information islands were left suitable for change. Let's take a look at the page layout first.

Now let's move on to customizing certain widgets. To open access to the parameters, click on the gear icon located next to some columns.


This widget displays a news feed, which is divided into categories. Initially, it displays materials on all topics from the list, but still provides access to a selection of them. To edit, click on the settings icon and in the pop-up window opposite the line "Favorite section" open the list of news topics. Select the position you are interested in and click "Save". After that, the main page will provide the latest news from the selected section.


Everything is simple here - enter in a special field the name of the settlement, the weather of which you need to know, and click on the button "Save".


This widget shows user requests for the services you select. Go back to "Settings" and tick off the resources that you are interested in, then click on the button "Save".

TV program

The program guide widget is configured in the same way as the previous ones. Go to the settings and check the channels you are interested in. Below, select their number displayed on the page, to fix it, click "Save".

In order for all the changes to be applied, in the lower right corner of the screen, once again click on the button "Save".

To return the page settings to their original state, click on "Reset settings", then agree with the action with the button "Yes".

Thus, by customizing the Yandex start page to suit your needs and interests, you will save time searching for various information in the future. Widgets will provide it immediately when visiting the resource.

A service with which you can find out what time it is in any city in the world and the time difference between cities.
The service helps to keep track of time in four cities at once. By default, this is the city where the user is located, and the three largest exchange capitals - London, New York and Tokyo. If desired, the user can select any city and keep before his eyes the current time in the most important places for him.

There are two designs of dials - day and night (the night lasts from 10 pm to 6 am). In addition to time, the weather is shown on the dials.

A person visits the site, selects the cities of the world and finds out where it is already tomorrow, and where it is yesterday.

Difference in time
To find out the time difference between two cities, you need to enter their names in the search bar. Both Cyrillic and Latin are acceptable. As you enter the name, suitable cities are offered in a drop-down list. It can be navigated with the cursor, the selection is confirmed with the Enter key.

Of course, you can simply enter in the search the query "what time is it" or "what time is it" and you will also find out what you wanted to know.

You can install a time widget on your website. Specify the city or country, and then place the proposed code on your page.

Many owners install various third-party informers or widgets to improve their site. An informer is an “informer” that is designed to convey additional information to the visitor.

As a rule, all CMS allow you to place informers on the site.

Popovers are small, auto-updating buttons or blocks that you code on your site. The graphical capabilities of the informer allow you to customize it in accordance with the style of your resource.

Usually, informers are provided free of charge in exchange for setting a backlink. The link is part of the informer.

Informers perform two main functions on the site. First - they allow you to diversify the text content of the site, it becomes more dynamic and practical. The second feature is that on many sites information is updated very infrequently, and widgets will automatically update, providing the site visitor with fresh, useful information that can interest him.
To install an informer on a web resource, you need to select it from a trusted source, configure it in accordance with your requirements and site design, save the proposed html code and paste it on the site page.

Informer installation rules:

    It is desirable that the informer coincides with the theme of the site and complements it, and does not "interrupt". For example, if you sell imported goods, it would be appropriate to place the “exchange rate” informer, and if you are a camp site or a hotel, then a weather widget on the site will not interfere.

    Trust only reliable sources of informers, as informers from unverified sources may contain viruses.

    Do not overload your site with informers - there is a danger of defocusing the attention of visitors, distracting them from the main information. An overabundance of informers is fraught with inhibition of loading the main content.

Types of informers:

The subject of widgets is very diverse: a site visitor counter, date and time, an online consultant, traffic jams, news feeds, program guides, an informer for exchange rates, weather, etc. When choosing an information widget for your web resource, remember that it , may affect the popularity of your site among certain visitors who will be interested in this information.

Informers and widgets of the exchange rate

The exchange rate informer will be useful for companies whose prices for services or goods are tied to the exchange rate. Such widgets can provide information about stock quotes, price fluctuations. Currency informers can be taken on the website, ExDex or forex-informers.

Weather informers and widgets

Weather widget on the site should be placed by companies that provide tourism, fishing, hunting and accommodation services, such as camp sites, guest houses and hotels. Perhaps such informers will also suit stores that sell seasonal items, such as winter sports equipment. You can use the services Gismeteo or Yandex.Weather. Gismeteo. They are detailed and short. They give information about the current weather and a forecast for several days.

News informers and widgets

The news informer on the site is useful for thematic sites, although it is worth posting only news feeds on the same or similar topics as your site. Almost all news widgets allow you to post news of certain categories: politics, finance, culture, sports, and more. You can easily find a suitable news informer for the subject of your site. For example, Yandex.News or New2world .

Yandex.Schedule informer

Informers and calendar widgets

Informer calendar for the site will be convenient for site visitors if they need to see some dates, for example, the start of the tour, excursions or the start / end of the acceptance of any documents. Very comfortable calendar service offers Google. they describe instructions for placing the calendar informer on the site. There are also the following services:,

Attendance counters informers

Attendance counters also have informers, they reflect data on site attendance, they are usually located in the side columns of the site or in the footer.

Most often they are set for potential advertisers so that they can see information about the number of site visitors and page views. Widgets for TIC and PR indicators are also common, which notify about the popularity and citation of the resource. It should be understood that by opening this data to everyone, your competitors will also see it.

Informers and widgets of social networks

Widgets for social groups and communities inform site visitors that you have a community and you communicate with visitors within social networks, it can also be useful for business, because if a visitor sees his friends among the group members, his trust in your site and the company will improve, and he will be more willing to become your client.

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