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Setting up OBS for streaming on Twitch. Setting up OBS Studio to stream to YouTube

This guide is dedicated to the Open Broadcaster Software (hereinafter OBS) program and its settings for streaming the game world of tanks and more on So let's start in order.

1. First, you need the OBS program itself - to do this, go to the website, go to the Download section and download the distribution. We install it following the installer's instructions.

2. Let's launch the program. And let's make settings for the stream on
2.1. To do this we need to go to the program settings - Settings -> Settings

2.2. In the menu that appears, we can change the Language, and we can also immediately name our profile (Profiles are some kind of settings presets, for example, you can create a profile for streaming on Twitch in 720p quality, and create a profile for streaming in 1080p, and switch between them as soon as with a couple of mouse clicks). First, let's create our first profile. To do this, you need to click in the window to the right of the “Profile:” inscription, erase everything that is written there and write your name, for example, I will write “720p Twitch”, and click the Add button.

Let’s also immediately look at the steps required to delete a profile. When you install the program, an “Untitled” profile is automatically created for you; now we will delete it for you. To do this, to the right of the “Profile:” line there is a down arrow (drop-down menu), select the “Untitled” profile there and click the “Delete” button

2.3. Go to the "Coding" tab. This window contains some of the most important settings for your stream; in most cases, the quality of the picture during dynamic scenes will depend on them.
For streams on, you need to set the following parameters: Constant bitrate, accordingly put a checkmark next to CBR (constant bitrate) and also check for the presence of a checkbox for CBR padding (if not, check it!).
Also, for a stream on with a resolution of 1280x720, I would advise using a bitrate in the range of 2000-2500 (at 2000 the picture will be less clear, but fewer viewers will complain about freezes (video freezing), at 2500, on the contrary, the picture will be of higher quality , but viewers may begin to complain about more frequent picture freezes). For example, let's take something average - 2200
For 1080p: 3000-3500
For 720p: 1800-2500
For 480p: 900-1200
For 360p: 600-800
For 240p: up to 500

Below we see Audio settings, everything is simple here, set Codec: AAC Bitrate: 128 Format: 48KHz Channel: stereo

2.4. Broadcast. In this tab we must select the broadcast service and indicate the channel key in it. In our case it will be So we set:
Mode: Live
Broadcasting service: Twitch
FMS URL: EU:London, UK (you can have another one starting with EU:) (This is the server through which your broadcast will be carried out)
Play Path/Stream Key (if available): here we must insert the key for our channel. To get it you need to go to the website, create an account/log in under the already created one, your nickname will appear on the top right (under which you registered on this service), click on it and select in the drop-down menu Information panel

Then, in the panel that opens, open the Stream Key section and click on Show Key

copy the key that appears (starts with live_). Be VERY careful and copy the ENTIRE key, a mistake in 1 character will not allow you to start the stream.
Auto reconnect: Checkmark
Auto-reconnection delay: 10 (can be less, this number determines how many seconds after the stream crashes OBS will try to start it again.)
Delay (sec): 0 (As a rule, the delay is set on the stream of Company or Special battles, the delay is set in seconds, for example, to set a delay of 10 minutes you need to write 600)
Low latency mode: check the box
We leave the rest as is, it should look like this:

Please note that OBS is written in red, this is due to the requirements for streams, which came into force on 09/01/2013. You can click the Optimize button (then OBS will automatically make the necessary adjustments to your settings so that they meet the requirements of After clicking, the red inscriptions should disappear.)

2.5. Video tab. Here we select the resolution in which viewers will see our picture. In Basic resolution: select Custom: and enter 1280 and 720.
Scale Resolution: No (1280x720)
Frames per second (FPS): set to 30
You can also check the box next to Disable Aero at startup - this function will disable themes in your Windows Aero (window transparency, and other beauties that require resource expenditure, thereby freeing up these resources for the needs of OBS)

2.6. Audio. Microphone and sound settings in general. Select the audio playback device (usually Speakers) and also select Microphone
N&G delay (ms): 200 (if viewers complain that the endings of your phrases often disappear, then you can increase this value (but do not overdo it, I advise you to increase it by 200 and conduct tests. Personally, everything is fine with a value of 200)
Application boost (multiplier): 1 (this setting increases the sound of all applications, I advise you to leave it at 1, but if suddenly by setting the sound in the game to maximum, viewers complain that they cannot hear the sound, you can change this value (I advise you to add 1 at a time) (I have everything good even with value 1)
Microphone gain (multiplier): 1 (this setting increases the sound of the microphone, I advise you to leave it at 1, but if suddenly by turning up the microphone volume, the audience complains that they cannot hear you, you can change this value (I advise you to add 1 at a time) (I’m fine even with the value 1)
Microphone offset (ms): 0

2.7 Hot keys. Here you can configure the keys to start/stop the stream, Push To Talk, etc.
In our case, I'll show you how to set up Push To Talk - this feature will allow you to enable the capture of your speech only when you press (and hold down a specific key, in our case I assigned “Q”)
Check the box for Use Push-to-talk
Click in the window to the right Push-to-talk Hotkey: and press the key to which we want to assign this action (for example Q)

2.8 Advanced tab.
Multi-threaded optimization: checkbox
Process priority: Medium
Scene buffering time (ms): 700
Preset x264 CPU: Veryfast (for owners of super-powerful processors, you can set faster or fast, I do not recommend it, because the load on the CPU will increase very much)
Encoding profile: main (Twitch requirement)
Keyframe interval (sec, 0=auto): 2 (Twitch requirement)
CFR (Constant Frame Rate) checkbox
Adjust the sound to the timing of the video checkbox (there is a rare bug where the sound lags behind the video and this checkbox fixes it.)

3. Scene and Source Settings
First, let's figure out what a Scene is and what a Source is.
A scene is a profile that contains one or more source(s). Those. for convenience, we can create scenes with the name of the games: "WoT" "WoWP" "CS", etc. and each scene will have its own sources configured, for example, in the “WoT” scene there will be a source with game capture, a source with your webcam, etc. those. Sources are some kind of layers, and the source that is higher in the list will be in the foreground, and the one that is lower will be in the background. Let's get down to business.

3.1. Initially we have a Scene, let's rename it to "WOT" by right-clicking on it and selecting "Rename"

write "WOT" and click ok. we get a scene called WOT

3.2. Next, let's add a source with an image of the game to this scene. To do this, the game must be running! (It is advisable to play in Windowed mode (to avoid many problems, yes, most streamers play in windowed mode)
Right-click in the empty Sources: window and select Add -> Game
Enter the name, for example World Of Tanks.
We have a window. In the Application: we should find our game in the drop-down menu: WoT Client
We also check the box “Stretch image to full screen” and “Capture mouse” and click OK

Also in the sources you can add a Slide show (several pictures changing periodically) Image (static picture or gif animation) Text (any text) Capture device (Web camera).
You can view the result of the image by clicking on the "Preview" button.

You will have a video with your layers. As I wrote above, the source that is higher is in the foreground, and the one that is lower is in the background. If you plan to overlay pictures/text on top of the game, then the game should be at the very bottom of the list of Sources.

In order to adjust a particular layer (its size or position on the screen) - WITHOUT leaving the Preview mode, click on Scene Change and click on the source you want to edit. A red frame will appear around the selected source, by stretching it you can change the size of the source itself. You can also move the source to any location.

We also see red “bars” that will help you adjust the volume balance between the microphone and other sounds (I’m not your advisor here, this is very individual and needs to be agreed with the audience.)

Well, the finish line, in order to start the broadcast, stop the preview and click Start broadcast.

It is very important that you do not experience frame loss when streaming. If you have frame loss, then perhaps you have problems with the Internet or you simply do not have enough of your channel for the current stream settings. Try reducing the bitrate.

Current OBS version at the time of writing: 0.632b

This guide is dedicated to the program Open Broadcaster Software e (hereinafter OBS) and its settings for streaming on And So let's start in order.
1. First you need the program itself OBS- to do this, go to the website and go to the section Download and download the distribution. We install it following the installer's instructions.
2. Launch the program. And we’ll make settings for the stream on
2.1. Next we need to go to the program settings - Settings -> Settings

2.2. In the menu that appears, we can change the Language, we can also immediately name our profile (Profiles are some kind of settings presets, for example, you can create a profile for streaming on Twitch in 720p quality, and create a profile for streaming on Cybergame in 1080p, and switch between them with just a couple of mouse clicks). First, let's create our first profile. To do this, you need to click in the window to the right of the inscription " Profile:" erase everything that is written there and write your name, for example I will write "720p Twitch", and press the button Add.

Let’s also immediately look at the steps required to delete a profile. When you install the program, a profile is automatically created for you " Untitled", now we will delete it with you. To do this, to the right of the line " Profile:"there is a down arrow (drop-down menu) select a profile there" Untitled" and press the button " Delete".

2.3. Go to the tab " Coding". This window contains some of the most important settings for your stream; in most cases, the quality of the picture during dynamic scenes will depend on them.
From September 1st began to require streamers to set a Constant bitrate, accordingly we put a checkmark next to CBR (constant bitrate) We also check for the presence of a daw CBR padding(if absent, put it in!).
To stream on with permission 1280x720 I would advise using a bitrate in the range of 2000-2500 (at 2000 the picture will be less clear, but fewer viewers will complain about friezes; at 2500, on the contrary, the picture will be of higher quality, but viewers may begin to complain about more frequent friezes in the picture). For example, let's take something in between - 2200
Below we see Audio settings, everything is simple here, set Codec: AAC And Bitrate: 128.

2.4. Broadcast. In this tab we must select the broadcast service and indicate the channel key in it. In our case it will be So we set:
Mode: Live
Broadcasting service: Twitch /
Server: EU:London, UK(you can have another one starting with EU:)
Play Path/Stream Key (if available): here we must insert the key to our channel. To get it you need to go to the Twitch website, create an account/log in and follow the following link On the right you will see a button " Show Key"

click on it and copy the key that appears (starts with live_). Be VERY careful and copy the ENTIRE key, a mistake in 1 character will not allow you to start the stream.
Auto reconnect: Checkmark
Auto reconnection delay: 10(It can be less, this number determines how many seconds after the stream crashes OBS will try to start it again.)
Delay (sec): 0(As a rule, the delay is set on the stream of Company or Special battles, the delay is set in seconds, for example, to set the delay in 10 minutes need to write 600 )

Please note that OBS writes in red, this is precisely due to the new requirements which came into force on 09/01/2013. (we will fix this below)
2.5. Tab Video. Here we select the resolution in which viewers will see our picture. IN Base Resolution: select Custom: and enter 1280 and 720.
Frames per second (FPS): put 30

2.6. Audio. Microphone and sound settings in general. Choose playback device sound (usually Speakers) we also choose Microphone if you want to use the Push To Talk system (so that what you say can be heard on the stream only when you press a certain button), then check the box next to Use Push to Talk and to the right, select the window and press the button to which we want to assign this function (for example, I assigned it to Q)
NiG Latency (ms): 200(if viewers complain that the endings of your phrases often disappear, then you can increase this value (but do not overdo it, I advise you to increase it by 200 and carry out tests. Personally, everything is fine with a value of 200)
Hotkey Enable/Disable microphone And Hot key Enable/Disable sound- you can set hotkeys for these actions (they will mute the microphone and sound on the stream)
Application gain (multiplier): 1(this setting increases the sound of all applications, I advise you to leave it at 1, but if suddenly by setting the sound in the game to maximum, viewers complain that they cannot hear the sound, you can change this value (I recommend adding 1 at a time) (I’m fine with the value 1)
Microphone Gain (Multiplier): 1(this setting increases the sound of the microphone, I advise you to leave it at 1, but if suddenly by turning up the microphone volume, the audience complains that they cannot hear you, you can change this value (I advise you to add 1 at a time) (I’m fine with the value 1)

2.7. Advanced tab.
Multi-threaded optimization checkbox
Process priority Medium
Scene buffering time (ms): 400
Preset x264 CPU: Veryfast(for owners of super-powerful processors you can install faster or fast, I don’t recommend it, because... the load on the CPU will increase greatly)
Keyframe interval (sec, 0=auto): 2(Twitch requirement)
CFR (Constant Frame Rate) checkbox
Adjust sound to video timing checkbox(there is a rare bug that the sound lags behind the video and this checkbox fixes it, one of our streamers encountered this)

3. Settings for
3.1. Create a profile - to do this, go to the tab Are common. to the right of Profile: write the profile name, for example: " 1080p Cybergame" and click Add.

Note! If you have selected a profile (for example, 720p Twitch) and you create a new one, then it will completely copy all the settings of the previous profile, and you will only need to adjust it a little.

3.2. Coding. To stream on it is not necessary to use CBR (constant bitrate) but we still use it because We use restreaming on
Maximum Bitrate (Kbps): 3700(For 1080p stream on I recommend using bitrate 3500-4000 (since the service broadcast servers are located in Russia(y coming in Europe) then the bitrate can be set higher, for example, if you make a 720p stream on Twitch, you use a bitrate of 2000-2500, then for the same stream on you can use a bitrate of 2500-3000))
Audio: AAC - 128

3.3. Broadcast
Mode: Live
Broadcast service: Custom
Server: In order to find out the server, you need to log in/register on the website - go to your account using the link, select the "Channel" tab and copy what is next to Broadcast settings:(For example rtmp://
Play Path/Stream Key (if available): And here we copy what is next to Stream Name (Path):(but first you need to click the Display button so that numerous stars disappear) usually starts with your nickname. (copy from the same page from which the Server was copied)

3.4. Video
because We plan to stream in 1080p, then we write in Custom: 1920 1080
Frames per second (FPS): 30

3.5. Settings Audio And Expanded you can take exactly the same ones as for streaming on

4. Settings scenes And Sources
First, let's figure out what a Scene is and what a Source is.
A scene is a profile that contains one or more source(s). Those. for convenience, we can create scenes with the name of the games: "WoT" "WoWP" "CS", etc. and each scene will have its own sources configured, for example, in the “WoT” scene there will be a source with game capture, a source with your webcam, etc. those. Sources are some kind of layers, and the source that is higher in the list will be in the foreground, and the one that is lower will be in the background. Well let's get down to business.
4.1. Initially we have Scene let's rename it to "WOT" To do this, right-click on it and select "Rename"

we write "WOT" click ok. we get a scene with a title WOT
4.2. Next, let's add to this scene source with a picture of the game. To do this, the game must be running!
Right-click in an empty window Sources: and choose Add -> A game

Enter a name, for example WOT.
We have a window. IN Application: we should find our game in the drop-down menu : WoT Client
also check the box "Stretch image to full screen" And "Mouse Capture" click OK

Also in the sources you can add Slide show(several pictures changing periodically) Image(static picture or gif animation) Text(any text) Device(Webcam).
You can view the result of the picture by clicking on the button "Preview"

You will have a video with your layers. As I wrote above, the source that is higher is in the foreground, and the one that is lower is in the background. If you plan to overlay pictures/text on top of the game, then the game should be at the very bottom of the list of Sources.

In order to adjust a particular layer (its size or position on the screen) - WITHOUT leaving the Preview mode, click on Scene change and click on the source you want to edit. A red frame will appear around the selected source, by stretching it you can change the size of the source itself. You can also move the source to any location.

We also see red “bars” that will help you adjust the volume balance between the microphone and other sounds (I’m not your advisor here, this is very individual and needs to be agreed with the audience.)

Well, the finish line, in order to start the broadcast, stop the preview and click Start broadcast.

It is very important that when you stream you don’t have Personnel loss. If you have frame loss, then perhaps you have problems with the Internet or you simply do not have enough of your channel for the current stream settings. Try reducing the bitrate.

Guide prepared neRRReQuCb especially for ACES TV viewers.

Setting up OBS correctly is not as difficult a task as it might seem. But if you have difficulties, then read our detailed guide.

Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is the most popular program for making a stream on Twitch. It's free, has good functionality and allows you to make high-quality streams - what else do you need to be happy?

Let's start setting up OBS for streaming on Twitch

It is best to download the program from the official website, and not search somewhere on torrents and file hosting sites. This way it is more reliable and guaranteed that you will install a clean program without unnecessary viruses and other dirt.

After installation, we begin the initial setup process. To do this, select “Settings -> Settings” in the top menu.

General settings

Here we select the interface language and add a profile for broadcasting. Profile – will store all settings. In essence, we are setting up a profile. Accordingly, there can be several profiles with different settings. This is convenient so that in the future you don’t have to change all the settings, but simply switch the profile to the desired one.

Several profiles can be useful if you plan to periodically stream to different platforms, and not just Twitch.


One of the most important points in the settings. The quality of picture and sound on the stream will depend on these values ​​in the future.

Twitch has long required streamers to set a constant bitrate, so both CBR checkboxes must be active.

Depending on what stream resolution you plan to set, you need to enter the bitrate value. Twitch recommends setting the following values:

  • 1080p: 3000-3500
  • 720p: 1800-2500
  • 480p: 900-1200
  • 360p: 600-800
  • 240p: up to 500

The buffer size should have the same meaning as the bitrate. Keep in mind that the higher the bitrate, the better the quality of the picture will be on the stream, but at the same time there will be a greater load on your computer, network and viewers’ computers. Not all viewers have enough internet to properly watch a 1080p stream with the maximum bitrate. Therefore, this indicator needs to be tested.

Audio encoding is better to use AAC and bitrate in the range of 64-128. Twitch recommends this and again we trust it.


Everything is quite simple here. We select the mode “Live”, the service – “Twitch /”, it is better to choose the nearest server, but here you need to test and watch. The geographically closest server will not always show the best results.

Auto-reconnection must be left enabled. It is recommended to set the auto-reconnection delay within 5-10, but everyone sets it to 10 and that’s normal.

Delay is a cool thing if you're playing a game and don't want your opponents to burn something important. For example, when playing Dota, you usually set a delay for the duration of the wards, so that opponents who will be quietly attacking the stream do not see where the wards are. But look and decide for yourself whether to do this or not. Considering that the delay is set in seconds, so if you need to set a delay of 5 minutes, you need to enter 300 in this field.

Also pay attention to all the lines that OBS writes in red. There are some sensible tips and comments there.

You can set the remaining settings at your own discretion - they do not affect the quality of the stream. For example, you can additionally save the stream to your computer, this will ensure that the stream is saved, because anything can happen on Twitch and the recording can be deleted. Therefore, if, in addition to streams, you also post recordings on YouTube, it is better to check this box and save everything on your computer. There is always time to remove what is unnecessary.


Here you need to choose the resolution and frame rate for your broadcast, which will reach the audience. You need to rely on the quality of your hardware and Internet connection. The optimal values ​​are 720p and 1080p at 60fps. If even 720p lags at 60 frames per second, then set it to 30 frames, the picture will be very good, but still not ideal.

It is better to never enable scaling, as it greatly reduces the quality.


An important section for beginners, because very often on their streams everyone complains not so much about the video quality as about the sound quality. So let's try to figure out what to do. So.

Select a device for sound playback (speakers, speakers or your own headphones) and a microphone.

Next, if you want the sound to be recorded from the microphone not constantly, but only at the moments when you press a key, check the necessary box and in the field to the right of it select the key that will do this. You can select 2 different keys, but this makes little sense.

The N&G delay allows you to record sound into a buffer rather than broadcast it immediately online. This is necessary if your Internet is not very good, and viewers complain that the endings of phrases are simply cut off. Here it is best to increase gradually by 100 ms if the problem is serious and test.

The keys to turn the microphone and sound on/off are understandable.

Strengthening default applications 1. You need to increase or decrease this value if you want the stream to also have sound not only from the game and microphone, but also from other applications. For example, from Skype or with some music playing in the background. With amplification you need to be careful, increase by 1 and watch. High magnification can make things louder, but can also greatly distort sounds, reducing quality.

Microphone gain is the same as the previous one, only for your microphone.

Offset allows you to eliminate synchronization in audio and video. We need to test it. Some people play without it, while others, on the contrary, get a bad stream without this setting. Test, check, adjust.

Please note that the changed parameters will be used only for the next launch. Accordingly, if there are any problems with the sound, then simply changing something in the settings will not work. You will have to restart the stream for them to take effect. Therefore, it is better to first practice and set everything up well, and then go with your stream to the masses.

Advanced settings

An important point, but here it is ideal to leave almost everything by default. We set multi-threaded optimization actively, the buffering time is 400 ms (this is a Twitch requirement). Process priority – Medium.

The default x264 CPU preset is best left as veryfast. But, if you have a very powerful top-end processor, then you can reduce this value. The quality of the stream will increase, but the load on the CPU will also increase significantly.

Keyframe interval – 2 (Twitch requirement). CFR checkbox. The rest can be left untouched.

Some people check the box to adjust the sound to the timing of the video, but this is rather optional and not necessary. It will only be needed if the sound is very behind or ahead of the picture.

Noise gate

Here you can set the limits within which the microphone will operate and perceive sound. This allows you to filter out unnecessary sounds and noises that may get into the stream (noise from neighbors, sounds from the street, etc.). You need to test and adjust it to suit yourself, because they stream with different emotions and, accordingly, different sound indicators.

Setting up OBS for streaming on Twitch

This completes the basic OBS setup. Next, in order for the streamer to turn out well, you still need to make a scene and , but that’s another story and will be discussed in another article. If you have any questions, ask in the comments.

OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) is a convenient program for streaming. In this guide, you will learn how to properly configure this utility.

Start over:

Click " Show Key". Your key will appear. Copy it and paste it into the line Play Path/Stream Key in OBS.

Let's continue setting up.

Auto reconnect: check the box.
Auto reconnection delay: You can leave the standard value - 10. This number shows how long it will take for the stream to resume if it turns off.
Delay (sec): set the required value. For example, for games in Dota 2 they usually set it to 2 minutes (120 seconds).

Click "Apply". If red text appears at the bottom, click "Optimize".

2.4. Go to the "Video" section.

Set the required resolution. Frames per second (FPS) - 30.

2.5. "Audio" section.

Everything is simple here. Select the playback device and microphone. There is no need to change any other settings.

2.6. "Hot Keys" section.

I don’t think it’s worth explaining much. Assign hotkeys as you wish. For example, you can set a key to turn the microphone on/off.

2.7. Go to the "Advanced" section.

We won’t focus on these settings for a long time. Place it as shown in the screenshot below.

3. Now let's start setting up "Scenes" and "Sources".

"Scene" is a profile that contains one or more sources. You can call it the game you are going to stream. For example - "Dota 2" or "Overwatch".

Then you need to configure the sources for each scene.

Example: In the "Dota 2" scene there will be a source with a capture of the game itself, then a source with your webcam, a source with the team logo, a source with text, etc.

The sources are arranged in this order: the topmost will be in the foreground, and those lower in the background. And so on in order.

How to add a scene: in the “Scenes” section, right-click -> select “Add scene”. We name the scene as we wish. In our case - Dota 2 Click-Storm.

A stream is a broadcast of certain content, which is broadcast from various virtual battlefields

or a conference interesting for Internet users. Having become interested in running their own stream, as well as having become familiar with the basic information and settings of the Twitch resource, many immediately pay attention to a common streaming utility called OBS. Not all users know how to set up this program, since its settings are far from being as simple as it might seem at first glance.

Will it work?

When planning to create your own streaming channel, a person may think about broadcasting a wide variety of content. For example, many people simply start playing a certain online computer game while simultaneously broadcasting on the Internet. The attitude towards such ideas is often quite skeptical, because not all computers, as well as types of Internet connections, have the appropriate characteristics in order to provide the ability to broadcast without lags. But mostly such problems disappear if you use OBS. How to configure this utility to ensure truly high-quality images for any broadcast?

Xsplit and problems with it

In fact, many are disappointed in the idea of ​​​​streaming, since if you use the currently popular Xsplit program, then all sorts of lags can really appear. And many users face this. If we are talking about a computer that is not the most productive, then with low quality the video game process practically turns into a slide show. Of course, the sound is of fairly high quality, but the other disadvantages of this utility make it much less attractive compared to OBS. The user will decide how to set up the utility, since it plays virtually no role, the main thing is to have a powerful computer.

Of course, Xsplit is a pretty good program, which is especially often recommended for those who are just starting to stream. But in fact, it has a fairly large number of shortcomings, and quite significant ones.

What are the disadvantages?

First of all, it is worth noting the fact that there are quite strong restrictions in the settings if you are using a trial (free) version of the program. This does not occur in OBS. How to set up a program normally if there are certain restrictions almost everywhere, and in the end it is simply impossible to achieve a normal picture? In addition, it is worth noting that the user does not have the opportunity to set more than 30 fps. And this is a key point if some kind of massive battles are being considered, or some kind of ultra-modern and demanding game is being filmed.

It is for this reason that those users who, for one reason or another, simply cannot install the Xsplit utility, are recommended to use OBS. We will talk further about how to configure this program correctly.

What are the advantages of this utility?

The program differs from others in its simplicity. It really can work wonders, despite the fact that it has an extremely small amount of free space that it takes up on the hard drive. Today, users are offered two versions of this utility - 32-bit and 46-bit, which will need to be used depending on which operating system you are installing OBS on. You will figure out how to properly configure the program after you install the utility. After all, if you download a file that is not suitable for you, you will not be able to launch it.

In this case, all that is needed to start setting up the stream is to simply unpack the utility from the archive you downloaded. It is worth noting the fact that at the moment there is a full-fledged Russified version of the program, which allows you to configure it quite simply. Ultimately, the utility allows you to achieve a good picture, increase the bitrate and number of frames per second several times, and provides the ability to broadcast in the highest possible resolution. In this case there are also no

How to setup?

Now we'll look at how to set up OBS for Twitch. Initially, you will need the utility itself, which can be downloaded from the official website (in the Download section). We install the downloaded distribution in accordance with the installer's instructions, then launch and open the settings panel for streaming on Now go to the “Settings” section.

Initial settings

In the main window, you have the opportunity to change the language, as well as initially designate your profile in some way. Subsequently, it can be used as a kind of settings preset. For example, you can create a profile that will initially set up how to configure OBS for Twitch so that the broadcast has 720p quality. Then create a profile that will allow you to shoot on the Cybergame service with 1080p quality. After this, you will be able to independently switch between these profiles at any time convenient for you, because all it takes is a couple of mouse clicks.

Create a profile

To create your own profile, you will need to erase what is written there in the “Profile” column and indicate your name so that later it will be easier for you to navigate among the variety of settings you have created.

It is worth noting the fact that until you figure out how to configure OBS, the utility independently creates an Untitled profile for you. Therefore, it is also worth considering the procedure for its removal. To do this, you need to click on the down arrow a little to the right of the “Profile” line, and then select the profile that you have created. Now that it is selected, you need to click on the “Delete” button.


This paragraph contains some of the most significant settings for your stream. And mostly people who are looking for how to set up OBS are trying to figure out how to correctly complete this step, since the quality of the picture in various dynamic scenes directly depends on it.

It is worth noting that from a certain time the Twitch service itself began to require users to set a stable bitrate, which also became an impetus for the growth in popularity of this utility. After all, unlike other programs, there are options here on how to configure the OBS program so that it maintains a stable bitrate. In particular, this is done using the CBR and CBR padding functions, next to which you need to check the box.

How to adjust bitrate in OBS? If you want to stream on Twitch with a resolution of approximately 1280 x 720, then you should keep the bitrate at 2000-2500. Moreover, the more, the better. In this case, you need to correctly understand that a lower bitrate may slightly affect the quality of the picture, but your viewers will not complain about constant delays. So through practice you will need to find the ideal value. In “Audio” it will be quite enough to install “Bitrate 128” and “ACC Codec”.


This is one of the main points on how to set up a stream via OBS. In this tab you will need to select the service on which you will broadcast. Then indicate the individual channel key in it. If you are going to broadcast on Twitch, then in this case you will need to set the following settings:

  • Mode: Live broadcast.
  • Broadcasting service: Twitch/Channel name.
  • Server: EU: whatever you like.
  • Play Path/Stream Key (if you have one, of course). In this column you will need to insert the individual key of our channel.

To fulfill the last requirement, you will need to go directly to the service website, then log into your account (or create one if you have not done so before), and then go to After this, you will see a “Show key” button on the right.

Now you will need to copy the code that appears. Here you should be especially careful and copy the entire key, since an error even in just one character will not allow you to start the broadcast. It is for this reason that it is highly recommended not to try to enter the key manually.

Ultimately, check the box next to the “Auto reconnect” function, and set the auto reconnect delay to 10 or even less. This parameter indicates how many seconds later the system will restart the stream after it crashes.


This is also one of the most important tabs and has a big impact on how to set up OBS for streaming. Here you should first choose the resolution in which viewers will be able to see your picture. In the “Base resolution” column you will need to set “Custom”, and then enter the values ​​that you consider the most optimal.

Initially, you can set frames per second to 30. But you can increase them if you think that the current value is not enough for you.


Now let's look at it in OBS. This is quite easy to do, so even a novice user can handle it. It’s worth noting right away that in this section you configure not only the microphone, but also the sound of the broadcast as a whole.

As a sound playback device, select the standard “Speakers”, and then click on “Microphone”. If you want to use a Push To Talk system that will allow users to hear you only after pressing a certain button, then you should check the box next to the Push To Talk paragraph. After this, do not forget to assign a button in the column on the right that you will need to click to broadcast in the broadcast.

In the “N&G delay” column you can set 200. If your viewers complain that the endings of phrases are starting to disappear, then this value can be increased slightly. In addition, do not forget to also add hotkeys for actions such as turning the sound on and off or your microphone.

The application and microphone gain can be set to unity. But if viewers have any complaints about not hearing you or the sound in the game, you can slightly change these values ​​in the right direction.


The final stage of the settings, which should look like this:

  • Multithreaded optimization enabled.
  • The process priority is set to Medium.
  • The scene buffering time should be approximately 400.
  • The x264 CPU preset is set to Veryfast. But if your computer has a fairly powerful processor, then you can set the faster or fast parameter. But in reality there is no need for this, and you, in turn, will increase the load on the central processor.
  • The CFR function is activated.

Among other things, don’t forget to also check the box next to “Adjust audio to video timing.” That's all. Now you know how to deal with this program. We hope you now know how to set up such an important utility as OBS. We wish you a successful and exciting stream!

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