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We set up speakers on the computer - software, control panel. Why is a computer speaker buzzing how to fix

Speaker phasing improves sound quality.

Out-of-phase wideband acoustic systems (speakers) leads to a clearly noticeable sharp drop in recoil at low and medium frequencies. At the same time, the recoil of high frequencies decreases somewhat, and the frequency response of the system in this area has pronounced peaks and dips, that is, a large unevenness. Voices and instruments take on a harsh, unpleasant timbre. By ear, the imbalance of low and high frequencies in the sound material is noticeable, the speech becomes "barking".

In two-way acoustic systems, in the absence of phasing between the low-frequency and high-frequency speakers, the same picture is observed.

When the subwoofer is out of phase with respect to the tweeter, a dip in the frequency response appears in the band of joint operation of both loudspeakers. The width of this dip will be determined by the properties of the crossover filter. The presence of a dip can result in a distinctly audible split between the woofer and tweeter.

To identify the causes of deterioration in the quality of loudspeakers with incorrect phasing, it is necessary to understand the operation of the emitter. It was found that when the moving system of the loudspeaker head oscillates, there is a periodic change in the pressure of the air in front of it (the front side is the surface of the diffuser facing the listener).

So, when the system moves forward, an increase in pressure occurs, while moving backward, a decrease. The occurring pressure change causes the vibration of air particles, that is, the propagation of a sound wave. It is quite obvious that if two moving systems oscillate, then they must oscillate in phase (forward and backward movement of both systems must occur simultaneously, for example, when the S-90 is working, then "the curtains are already moving"). Otherwise, one of them will create an increase in pressure, and the other - a decrease. Thus, there will be mutual full or partial compensation of overpressure.

Simultaneity, or in-phase, oscillations of moving systems is ensured if the direction of the current in the voice coil and the polarity of the magnet in both heads are the same.

Since factories wind coils and magnetize permanent magnets in a certain way, the whole question comes down to the correct inclusion of the ends of the voice coil windings. When the heads are connected in series, the end of one and the beginning of the other winding must be connected; when connected in parallel, the beginning and end of the windings are connected together.

To facilitate the determination of the beginning and end of the windings, the manufacturer uses a special color for the output ends.

The phasing of the loudspeaker heads can be performed both by ear and by observing the displacement of the moving system.

The above applies to columns that do not contain additional elements (filter, matching transformer). In the latter case, the phasing process becomes more complicated, since this requires a certain set of special measuring equipment. Let's consider examples of column phasing.

Phasing single-sided speaker systems.

One way to check if the phasing is correct is the background test. To do this, a low frequency voltage of 50 or 100 Hz is applied to the column.

Low-frequency hum can be obtained by grasping the input circuits of the amplifier. Finally, an audio frequency generator can be used as a low frequency voltage source.

Listening to the level of the low-frequency oscillation reproduced by the speaker, they change the connection of the audio ends of one of the speakers to the opposite. If the volume of the reproduced tone drops, then the first activation of the speakers was correct and should be left. If the level increases, the second activation will be correct.

For greater confidence in the result obtained, three or four such switchings should be made, following one after the other. The final position of the audio ends must be marked, ideally directly at the speaker output terminals.

Phasing two-way speaker systems.

In this case, you need to check the phasing of the low-frequency and tweeter speakers with each other, if there are several of them in the link, then check the phasing of the links in relation to each other and, finally, phase the low-frequency links with respect to the high-frequency ones.

From the above operations, it can be seen that the phasing of two-way speakers using the commonly used method "by ear" is difficult and questionable in terms of results.

In the industry, special attention is paid to control over the correct and uniform arrangement of the ends of the windings, the color marking of the lead ends and the polarity of the magnet. Therefore, new speakers, as a rule, do not require checking the phasing of the heads, which should be done only if listening to them raises doubts about the correct phasing.

In all cases when it is required to check the phasing of two-way speakers, only one reliable method can be recommended - visual. The direction of displacement of the moving system is checked for the speakers when a constant voltage of 1.5 - 4.5 volts is applied to the voice coil, the source of which can be a finger or square battery: if it (displacement) is the same for all heads, then they are phased. It is usually customary to apply the "+" of a direct current source (batteries) to the beginning of the sound winding, which is indicated on the speaker output terminals by a colored dot or a "+" sign, applied near the terminals and contacts with indelible paint (previously it was indicated by the number "1" or the letter "H" ). In this case, the moving system must move forward, that is, the coil must come out of the gap. But there are also such copies on which the "plus" is not indicated in any way.

The movement of the moving system of full-range speakers or woofers is clearly visible on the displacement of the cone. In extreme cases, in poor lighting conditions, this movement is well noticed with your fingers, which in a calm state should lightly touch the surface of the diffuser near the corrugation.

For the same test of tweeters, two methods can be recommended. According to the first of them, a circle of paper (for example, newsprint) covering it is superimposed on the hole in the lower flange, which connects the head to the horn. When a constant voltage (battery) is connected with an impulse, the circle will fly off or jump slightly, if the plus was at the beginning of the winding.

In the second method, it is necessary to remove the protective cover, and the movement of the diaphragm can be easily observed. It should be remembered that the correct phasing will be provided that the diaphragm moves towards the magnetic circuit (the coil is pulled into the gap), since the radiation of the head occurs through the core.

Most 2-way loudspeakers contain crossover filters, matching transformers, or both. In this case, the phasing should be checked by the position of the Lissajous figure * on the oscilloscope screen.

* If two voltages from the measured object are simultaneously applied to the vertical and horizontal deflection systems of the oscilloscope, then figures in the form of a circle, an ellipse with an inclination to the right or left, etc., called Lissajous figures, appear on its screen.

Any new device requires some kind of customization, such as adjusting sound parameters. All models on the market today are equipped with a built-in sound card.

As a rule, most ordinary users are heady for the characteristics, quality and range of configurations of a discrete system. Sound lovers who want to achieve maximum results buy a separate card with additional settings and capabilities.

Regardless of the stuffing of the device, every modern user should know how to set up speakers on a Windows 7 computer.

Standard add-in options

During the installation of Windows 7, it automatically configures all systems on the computer. If for some reason the process was interrupted or did not give the desired result, you need to go to the "Device Manager" panel and make sure that the necessary components are active, that all drivers are present.

When an icon with an exclamation mark is lit next to the speakers, it means that there are no drivers (you need to download the files from the official site, then install them on your computer).

When a red cross is indicated next to the audio player icon, this indicates that the device is not active. To enable, right-click on the icon and activate the "Enable" field. The speaker, located in the right corner at the bottom of the Windows 7 desktop, is evidence that the parameters of the norm and the speakers are turned on.

Next, you need to adjust the playback of music on the PC. To do this, go to the "Start" system menu, then to the "Control Panel".

Find "Sound" here. All further actions are performed in this section.

How to set up speakers on a Windows 7 computer

In the "Sound" section you need to find the "Playback" menu and click on "Configure". A window will open in which you can check the correctness of the sound of the speakers by clicking with the mouse on the picture of the speakers.

Make sure all speakers are working properly and click next. Another window will open, where you need to mark the line of parameters for wide and surrounding formats (when available). Then comes “next” and “done”. This is the final step and completes the normal speaker tuning.

For convenience, you can calibrate the sound effects for playback on a PC. In the same section "Sound" in the "Playback" menu, find the speaker and click on "Properties". In the window that appears in the "General" menu, the available inputs are displayed, in the "Levels" a convenient scale of playback through the speakers and microphone recording is adjusted.

In "additional features" you can select, activate or delete unnecessary options. After selecting the parameters, it is important not to forget to save everything and click "OK".

Adjusting the sound on your laptop

Adjusting the parameters on a laptop may differ slightly from a PC. The fact is that, unlike a stationary model, a laptop has only integrated speakers for playing music. Despite the differences in equipment, the process diagram on the devices is similar.

  1. First you need to go to the "Start" menu.
  2. "Control Panel".

In the last section, the same steps are performed as in the case of a PC.

Notebooks have an unusual but handy Fn key on their keyboard. It is not difficult to find it, it is usually located near the Windows button. Study the keyboard carefully, some of the keys (located at the top) have different meanings.

To configure, you need to find the speaker icon. If you simultaneously press "Fn" and the button with the crossed out speaker, the sound on the device will be muted. Using similar keys (arrows are drawn), you can change the playback level. There is nothing difficult in the adjustment process.

How to set up speakers on a Windows 7 PC programmatically

Adjusting playback on a PC is not limited to standard methods. Often, the developers of sound equipment implement special programs - software. They are used to fine tune the playback.

The most famous variant is Realtek. This program serves as the standard option for advanced adjustment in Windows 7.

To open the programs, type in the search engine of the system "Realtek HD" and press enter. In this software, all points are collected in a single menu to simplify the process. The types of inputs and active devices are also displayed here.

The volume is adjusted by moving the slider, and next to it there is a change in the balance of the speakers. Choose convenient parameters from the additional list, then listen to the finished result right away. Next, go to the "Sound Effect" menu.

Here the general setting is regulated, and the genre for playing is selected in the "Equalizer" section. Tailor everything carefully and save the result. The same software is used to configure the microphone.

Using such programs greatly simplifies the process.


In fact, there is not much difference between the configuration of a laptop and a PC. All devices on the same system are similar. The whole process is carried out in the same way, with the exception of some nuances.

The most convenient method for adjusting playback is to use additional software from the developer. It is usually installed along with the drivers. The advantage of such programs is that everything is collected in one section.

This approach is much more convenient. Finding the required parameter in standard tools is more difficult, everything will take more time.

In most cases, modern built-in maps allow you to not bother yourself and use automatic configuration. It gives a good result for the music played.

The end result is sufficient for most of the everyday tasks of an ordinary person. Most users only use volume control, but for some people it is important that the sound quality is at its maximum level.

They try to squeeze everything out of the device and make optimal adjustments to the configurations, squeeze everything out of their device.

Today the computer plays an important role in the lives of most people. It is used in various fields of work, for hobbies or leisure. But in any case, sooner or later, each user will want to enjoy the soundtrack - favorite music or movie, exciting sounds of a computer game. And for this you need to correctly configure the speakers. And you can read about how to set up speakers on a computer in our article.

How to set up columns: initial parameters

Initial sound setup on a personal computer or laptop begins with the installation of drivers for the sound card. Of course, the latest modern operating systems, such as Windows 7, themselves are able to determine the model of the sound device, regardless of whether it is built-in or separate, and install the necessary auxiliary software. Of course, this option is not suitable for owners of sound cards that came out quite recently.

If the OS hasn't installed the drivers automatically, then don't despair. We need to start from the very beginning, namely, to understand exactly which sound card is installed on your personal computer. They exist of three types: 2.1, 5.1, 7.1. At the very beginning, when installing special drivers using the tooltips, you can easily determine this. And depending on the type of sound card, you will be able to start adjusting the sound on your computer, knowing what kind of sound you should get as a result.

How to set up speakers on a computer: step by step instructions

First, you need to turn off your computer by completely disconnecting it from power. Then connect the speakers to the connectors that match the colors with the cords (usually green). Also, Line Out may be written on the connector.

After connecting the cords, you need to turn on the computer. Then, regardless of whether you have Windows 7 or Windows XP installed, you select "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Sound".

In the Sound menu, you need to find the Audio Speaker Settings tab. There you can choose the correct speaker layout (left, right), and also confirm that their appearance matches the type of sound card. All these parameters are also easily configured using video tutorials:

Speakers on the computer do not work - what should I do?

If there is no sound on your personal computer, it is rather bleak. Here, advice on how to set up speakers on a computer will not help you. You need to thoroughly understand the nature of the problem.

First, you need to exclude the possibility of damage to the equipment itself - headphones, speakers. To do this, you can connect them to a different audio source. Then you should pay attention to the software (since hardware faults are best left to a specialist). In the "Control Panel" you need to select "Administrative Tools" and find the Windows Audio service there. It should be in a "Running" state. If everything is in order, but there is no sound, it is worth contacting a specialist. Setting up sound on a computer is a fairly simple and intuitive procedure. However, if you are not sure of your knowledge, then you may need to seek help from a more experienced friend who will help you set up the speakers.

Setting up the speakers on your computer can help you get the most out of your movie or music experience. Incorrectly configured speakers tend to have uneven sound and do not support stereo sound.

The speakers are configured using the configuration program that comes with the drivers for your sound card or speakers.

To set up the speakers on your computer for yourself, you need to determine the type of sound video card installed on your computer.

What types of speakers can your sound card support: 2.1, 5.1, 7.1. When installing drivers for a sound card, updating or installing drivers for speakers, tooltips will help you determine which type of speakers your sound card supports.

Also, you yourself can determine the supported standard of your sound card, for this you need to compare your connectors with the pictures below.

When setting up the speakers, their correct placement is also very important, this allows you to get better sound quality and a good impression of their sound.

Scheme of connecting speakers to sound cards

Below are the connection diagrams for 5.1 speakers for an internal sound card on a computer.

This is how the connection of the built-in (integrated) sound card looks like on a computer with 2.1 acoustics

Connection diagram of the built-in (integrated) sound card on a computer with 5.1 acoustics

Connecting speakers or headphones to your laptop is very simple. But just in case, we took a screenshot with a diagram of turning on a microphone, headset or speakers to a laptop.


First, you need to determine the cause of the appearance of extraneous noise in the speakers. Most often, this can be poor shielding of the amplifier and / or cable. To check this, take the cable in your hand. If the noise becomes louder after this, simply wrap the cable with foil or replace it with a new shielded one. As for the latter, this is the most optimal option, since no magnetic fields will interfere with the sound from the speakers, and the sound itself will be cleaner.

Loudspeaker noise may occur due to lack of grounding. Low-cost enclosures often leak electrical signals that cause interference throughout the system. To resolve this issue, it is recommended that you ground your computer. The simplest option is to connect the case to a battery, for example. Thus, the voltage from the case will be removed, and the noise will disappear.

Try setting up your speaker mixing system. To do this, go to the menu "Start -" Control Panel - "Sound. In the "Playback" tab, find your speakers, right-click and in the menu that appears, select the line "Properties. Then in the window that opens, find the "Levels" tab and disable the "Line in" function in it.

If all of the above methods do not help to fix the problem, there is only one thing left - to purchase new speakers.

Most speakers that are specifically designed for the center channel are magnetically shielded in advance, but if you use full range or unshielded floor standing speakers for the center columns, you will inevitably encounter the unpleasant phenomenon of "color spots" on your TV screen. This effect is possible when the distance between the front speakers and the TV is too small.


Use any magnetically conductive material for shielding, such as steel., In the form of a cylinder or glass. This can be either a piece of pipe with a suitable diameter and wall thickness (by the way, it should be within 1-3 mm), or a steel flask or glass, which can be found at a factory where there is a corresponding material or

Good day, dear pikabushniki!

He brought me in repairs, our dear @HalfEye pick-up, the speakers, says they are buzzing. The hum increased with increasing volume.

For the ardent haters, I will leave comments for the minuses, as many as 5 pieces, so that they can wipe out their anger.

These are the columns.

Microlab solo model 3.

I noticed that if you touch the radiator, the hum intensifies.

It is immediately clear that the ground has come off the amplifier chip.

Let's open the column.

Hehe ... The board is one-sided ...

There are 3 common reasons.

1. twisted wire.

2.bolted capacitors

3. somewhere the ground fell off.

The capacitors are not swollen.

The layout of the board shows that the ground is in contact with the radiator, only in one place.

It can be seen that the board is covered with an unknown Khovn ... Let's go over it with alcohol and a brush.

Unscrew the screw, use a screwdriver to scratch the spots and tighten the screw back.

Checking on snot ... The hum passed ...

Hehe .. It's funny how the diode bridge was unsoldered.

We collect, check. They work.

Then I decided that they sounded so-so ... I need to add softness to the sound ... *

Let's finalize them ...

We crush them to the base.

Putting it all back. We turn on and enjoy the new and "tasty" sound of the speakers.

He piled me with all sorts of rubbish, while I suspend the reception in repairs (phones and tablets), I will take the Notebooks. You really doh .. a lot, but I'm alone. The people have been waiting for a long time. As I finish, I'll start accepting applications again ...

I will write the mail ONLY(with laptops, you can bring them to the repair shop) for questions and advice ...

I don't take Lenovo laptops, tablets and phones. Because while you fix one, the other breaks. * Anything below the asterisk in this post is just a joke. While you fix something else, something else will break. Well, their forest ...

I take laptops only from St. Petersburg, well, or you yourself, pass it on through someone. A lot of fiddling with them at the post office ... Anyway, they won't read it here.

Courier services will not give a ride either, because they bring it when it is convenient for them, and not for me ...

Let me remind you, dear pikabushniks, that I do not work in the Service Center (SC). to entertain the little sofas. This is my hobby, to repair various electronic things ...

How do you know why the speakers are buzzing?

The master's answer:

If any problems arise with sound reproduction on a computer, this does not mean that you immediately need to call a wizard who will determine and eliminate the cause of the malfunction.

If, over time, our equipment for sound reproduction, as a rule, speakers, began to buzz at the time of music playback, then it is worth checking whether the connection of the acoustic wires is correct. To do this, make sure that the wires sit tightly on the speaker terminals, they are not damaged, they are located in their usual places (here, special attention should be paid to the wire that goes from the power supply unit of the main speaker).

It should also be remembered if we recently did something with the sound reproduction settings that relate to the equalizer settings. Did not add various audio effects, did not make changes to the settings of the player program, as well as the speakers themselves. Open the equalizer located in the control panel, then reset the settings, or set its positions in the usual way. We will also go to the next tab, where we will check if any additional settings are applied to playback.

If the speakers are humming already at the first connection to a PC, you need to check whether the devices are compatible in terms of power, and then adjust the settings depending on the parameters. If there are some inconsistencies, we will have to come to terms with listening to music at a limited volume. Another option is to replace your sound card with a more suitable model. This can often be found when connecting good acoustics to a standard sound card. In this case, you need to adjust the settings on both devices to achieve good sound at maximum volume.

The frustrations with sound reproduction vary. As a rule, buzzing of speakers is a minor problem that can be easily fixed. But if all possible actions have already been performed, and this has not yielded results, you should try to contact the specialists of the service center for help, or repair the equipment yourself, if, of course, you have the appropriate skills in working with radio equipment.

It often happens that inexpensive powered speakers begin to hum annoyingly when there is no input signal. In 95% of cases, the fact is that the electrolytic capacitors in the amplifier dry up.

I will demonstrate the analysis and replacement of capacitors in one of these columns. In my case, this is a 10 W F&D speaker.

This is how our patient looks. So let's get down to the autopsy :)

Before you start preparing a column, I advise you to make sure that you have chosen a speaker with an amplifier. It is not difficult to check this, it is enough to make sure that the following criteria are met:

  • This speaker is heavier than the other in this set.
  • The power cable comes out of this speaker
  • All controls (volume, treble, bass, switch) are on this speaker
  • It is to her that the audio cable is connected.
Well, if you are not a complete idiot, you have already figured out which column is to be disassembled :) To be more confident, at the back such a column should look like this:

For disassembly, we need a Phillips screwdriver, with its help you need to unscrew 6 screws - you can see them in the photo. If you don't have a Phillips screwdriver, you can use a slotted slot of a suitable size, a nail file, scissors, and in general any improvised means - we want to disassemble it, a thousand devils ?!

A very important point! Remember where you hid the screws - otherwise you just lose them: D

So, the screws are unscrewed. We take out the amplifier board itself - it is inserted into the case on a wooden sled. Here.

These cylindrical things with an "X" at the end are the heroes of the occasion - electrolytic capacitors. It was they that probably lost in the container, which is why the column began to make noise. The rating of these capacitors is 3300 uF 25 V. I had nothing to check how much the capacitance had dropped (and whether it dropped at all). Therefore, we will trust our intuition and we will consider them to be the culprits of all troubles.

Since we got to the amplifier, it’s a sin not to take advantage of this opportunity and not inspect its board with special care. Alas, we are faced with a not particularly rosy picture. In the next photo you can see that after the skillful Chinese sealed the actual amplifier microcircuits, the flux was not even washed off - this is such a violation of the installation technology.

In addition, inspection revealed the absence of high frequency non-polar capacitors that should have been soldered in parallel to our dry electrolytes. There were holes for them on the board, but the Chinese are very economical people and they did not install them. We'll have to fix this jamb by their own efforts, what really.

So, we take out the flux, solder, capacitors, turn on the soldering iron and wait until it heats up. It just so happened that for the required voltage of 25 V, I had capacitors with a capacity of only 1000 uF each. But we learned physics and we know that when capacitors are connected in parallel, their capacities add up :) So we will add these capacities, yes.

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