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Found an iPhone - how you can unlock it and keep it for yourself. Official iPhone unlock

At the moment, there are so-called tethered iPhones. This binding is carried out by the operator in whose network this device is to be sold, and is aimed at eliminating the possibility of using such a device in the networks of other operators. But why is this done, you ask? The answer to this question was given by the specialists of the Apple service center in Kiev, Ukrainian iPhone Service.

Operator binding iPhone

It's pretty simple. The fact is that in Europe and North America, phones are not sold by themselves, as we do. They are an integral part of the service and are sold in addition to it.

This means that if you came to sign up for a connection, then, subject to the conclusion of a contract, you can be given a substantial discount on the phone you are selling. The iPhone is no exception in this situation. Not only that, Apple has done a good job of ensuring that this locking mechanism cannot be bypassed using a variety of technical means.

The operator blocks the iPhone so that it is possible to earn money on the sale of its services during the period stipulated in the contract and prevent the subscriber from unauthorized transfer from the iPhone to the network of another operator.

Our compatriots are often tempted by the price of a connected iPhone and bring it to their homes in the hope that they will be able to use it here. However, the reality turns out to be completely different. It is impossible to untie such an iPhone by technical means. But there is another way out.

The fact is that the method of decoupling through an operator has been practiced for a long time, but not directly, but through intermediaries. Now a fairly large number of companies offer services of this kind.

Unlink from operator

The mechanism for unlocking the iPhone is quite simple. On the operator's side, there is a certain group of people who have access to the registry of iPhones that are sold with connectivity. With a high degree of probability, these people can make changes to this list and, for a certain reward, they can change the status of your phone from locked to untethered. After such manipulation, you can use your iPhone with any SIM card.

However, there are some limitations here. Sometimes locked iPhones are sold under the guise of untethered iPhones and their fate is unknown. These iPhones may be stolen, the contract with which they were purchased may be in arrears, and so on. In this case, it is either impossible to unblock them in principle, or it is too expensive. This point is worth considering when you buy an iPhone hand-held.

So, the advantages include the ability to work with any SIM card worldwide and the ability to install iOS updates without hindrance. The disadvantages include the price of the service and the timing of its implementation.

Phones of the "IPhone 5s" series, 8-megapixel monsters, with a gigabyte of RAM and a fingerprint scanner, are incredibly popular even today, when the "sixth iPhone" was born. However, it is not surprising, because this model is really excellent in all respects, but like all other models, it also has one drawback - the price ...

Briefly about the unlock: What is it, and how does it manifest itself?

Trying to save money, many buy a phone from abroad, not thinking about the possible consequences of such a purchase, dreaming only of the earliest possible picking up of the device. And everything would be fine, but only more often than not, such foreign devices ultimately turn out to be incapacitated due to being tied to a foreign country, or rather, to a foreign operator, from which it was once bought by the previous owner at a discount under a contract. From the moment this problem was discovered, a series of new troubles began, the main one of which was the need for unlocking.

In general, unlocking the IPhone 5s is not an easy procedure, and it requires a lot of time and financial investment. A simple user will not be able to cope with it, because for this you need to contact the operator on which the device is locked, and this can be an English operator, American, French or some other one, and then also ask for unlocking in "special" ways. Plus, such an iPhone 5s jailbreak is available only when the device has a clear IMEI, when the operator it is locked to is known, and when the contract has already expired. Otherwise, the procedure becomes much more complicated ...

IPhone blocking symptoms ...

It is quite simple to find out what is required as such to unlock the iPhone 5s, and you do not need to take any action for this, because the phone simply gives an error when the SIM card of the national Russian mobile operator is connected to it - “ SIM card is invalid". At the same time, the error will not allow you to activate the phone through iTunes - you will need additional information and a native (contract) SIM card.

How to unlock iPhone 5s?

In total, there are two ways to unlock Iphone 5s:

1 way

With a request to unlock the iPhone 5s, an initial IMEI check and check for its presence in the "black list", a contract check (checking the operator, if unknown), and other related procedures. The terms of such unlocking can even reach a month, depending on the operator, while the price reaches quite considerable numbers. But if the "Unlock 5s" status is there, then no one and nothing can cancel it. An example of the cost of services in our service center:

Operators Cost, rub Average term
USA AT&T from 1000 from 3 hours
USA Sprint from 2000 3-15 working days
USA T-mobile from 4500 10-20 working days
UK Vodafone from 2600 10-20 working days
UK Orange / T-Mobile / EE from 2000 10-2 0 working days
UK O2 from 2000 4-15 working days
Japan Softbank from 5000 10-25 business days

- The list of operators is incomplete

Contact us. We will help you find the best solution to the problem.

And be sure to join the VK group - there you will be given wonderful advice.

It has been successfully existing for a long time and as practice has shown, our clients need a decoupling not only from American mobile operators, but also from other communication providers around the world.

Unlock iPhone not always as easy as it seems. Most operators have serious requirements, after which you can unlock your iPhone.

We have quite a lot of experience in the field of iPhone unlock and are ready to offer you a service that allows you to untie iPhone from almost any operator in the world. Naturally, we will not deviate from the established scheme and our client will receive a full-fledged, self-sufficient service with accompanying consultation.

Quality service is the key to our success. Nowhere else on the web will you get such a quick and full-fledged result. This is the hallmark of our service.

Service - unlock iPhone from all operators in the world provides full unlocking, no problems with the network or updating to the official firmware from Apple (other services that allegedly "unlock" the iPhone very often sin with this).

What do you get by contacting us for unlock?

- impeccable service. Instant answers to all your questions. High quality and specialized support;

- 100% guarantee. Our service is tuned to the result, if for some reason the operator refuses to unlock, we guarantee the return of your money, no payment will be charged for the work;

- multilevel preparation of your phone for unlock. We undertake all the costs of checking the database. We check the imei of your iPhone by the operator's base, whether it is on the black list, if necessary, we exclude it from this list. We clarify the imei activation status on the Apple server. All these operations are provided to our clients absolutely FREE OF CHARGE;

- full-fledged official iPhone unlock. No pitfalls, everything will work perfectly. This distinguishes our service from others, we give guarantees for our service.

And remember, now you are on the most reliable resource of the Russian Internet, providing iPhone unlock services.

List of operators that can be unlocked through our service.

Unlock iPhone Verizon all models


(all models) no contract

(all models) no contract


Many, before buying a gadget from America, are wondering whether it will work with domestic mobile operators? Probably everyone knows that the modern Russian smartphone market is at a primitive level of development, and therefore the American company Apple does not risk investing its funds and keeps companies that have received permission to sell their equipment under strict trade. Because of this, the cost of equipment from this manufacturer is at a very high level.

"Gray" iPhones - an affordable option for everyone

It is for this reason that the market for "gray" - unofficial iPhones, which are blocked on their native (American) cellular dealer, began to develop so actively. Such phones have a lot of undeniable advantages, the main of which is its low cost. For example, the iPhone 4, which was bought from Russian suppliers, costs about 20,000 rubles, but a similar product brought from the states costs about 12,000 rubles, which, as you yourself understand, is a significant difference for the average Russian.

With one big "But!" American devices are that they are locked to a specific operator and will not work with Russian ones without a special unlock.

What needs to be done in order for the device to work with domestic networks?

First of all, it is necessary to unlock the iPhone, that is, to untie it from the American representative. In 90% of cases, phones are tied to the largest American cellular operator AT&T. The only reasonable and reliable way to unlock such a gadget is the official AT & T unlock.

Should you buy iPhones from America?

The answer is unequivocal - of course it's worth it! When buying such a device, you save a significant amount, because do not overpay to Russian customs. In addition, do not forget that the quality of products abroad is much higher than the phones assembled for the Russian market. After the purchase, all you have to do is unlock it and enjoy its work.

How is the procedure for unlinking a smartphone and who is better to contact?

So how to unlock an iPhone brought from America? The unlocking process itself is simple: a service center specialist submits a request to AT&T, after which the employees of the American company use IMEI to check whether this mobile phone is stolen, is not on the wanted list, after which, if the result is positive, the phone is unlinked, and you can use the services of a Russian operator. Do not forget that it is better to contact a proven service center in St. Petersburg, which provides 100% results and technical support for the entire unlocking process. According to statistics, in 97% of cases, users receive a positive result of contact, but on condition that you have turned to genuine professionals - to us.

If before you did not encounter SIM-Lock blocking on iPhone, imei- server will explain to you what it is and how to make an iPhone accept SIM-cards from any operators in the world. If the iPhone is locked (hereinafter we will use the word “locked”), then a notification will be displayed on the screen - “ SIM- card is invalid ».

Blocking iPhone may appear suddenly (after updating via iTunes), even if the phone previously worked successfully with other SIM cards. This means that the phone you were using was initially locked, then the unlock was carried out, but the unlock "flew" and iPhone re-locked on the same operator. In any case, whatever the reason for blocking, the sequence of your unblocking actions will not change. Here's what to do:

1. Determine the type of blocking .

Simply put, we need to find out which operator / country or region your iPhone is locked to. The only way to get an accurate answer to this question (if the iPhone was bought hand-held) is to order a GSX-report by IMEI:

    Slow check -

    Quick check -

Any of these checks will clearly show who locked your phone. The required information will be displayed in the "Next Tether Policy Details" line. If the result that you received seems incomprehensible to you, consult with us via Online chat or mail [email protected] website and we will quickly answer all your questions and select the required service.


    If you know that this phone used to work, for example, in the USA and the former owner used it with Verizon SIM cards (or any other operator - AT&T, T-mobile, Sprint, Cricket...), then it does does not mean (!) that your phone is locked to this particular operator. There is the concept of REGIONAL blocking, in which the phone can accept a SIM card from any operator in a certain region (country or several countries). Just because the former owner used exclusively AT&T doesn't mean he couldn't use Sprint. As a result, your false belief that you “know” the operator even without checking may turn into a wrong choice of service for you.

    For unlocking from the operator, checking by IMEI is recommended, not mandatory. You can order a check anywhere, the main thing is that you must be confident in the information received. When ordering a jailbreak without prior consultation and without preliminary checks (or if checks were ordered on another site), the user assumes full responsibility for the accuracy of this data.

2. Choosing the service you need .

At this stage, you have already defined the type of blocking and you know your operator and country. It remains only to choose the desired service ... In our list of services, jailbreak is divided into categories - countries. Choosing a service, you may find that there is a concept of unlock iPhone Clean and iPhone Blacklist... How are these services different?

  • iPhone Clean - in most services it involves unlocking devices without an active contract or debts.
  • iPhone Blacklist- designed to unlock any phones, including debts, an active contract, and in some cases, lost phones. You can learn more about the concept of a "black list" in the article - It describes in more detail what types of black lists are and how serious it is.

To check your phone for blacklisting, you can order a preliminary check in the section - . The result of such a check will show whether there will be difficulties with unlocking the device, and will help to unambiguously select the desired service.


  • If you order a clean phone through the blacklist, it will be unlocked. But if you register a phone on the black list as a clean one (depending on the service), or get a cancellation, or lose money for an incorrect order.

3. Place an order .

Having on hand the results of two checks (GSX by IMEI and check by Blacklist), you can place your order. Before placing an order, carefully read the description of the service:

By ordering the service, you can track the status of your order through on the site. After completing the order, you will receive a notification by mail that youriPhoneunlocked. As long as the order is “in progress,” it doesn't matter if the phone is turned on or not. No action is required from you, except to wait for a notification by mail about the successful unlocking.

4. What happens after ordering a service?

While you are waiting for the result, the order is “in progress”. What is behind this term?

As a reminder, iPhone unlocking is carried out remotely via IMEI through an Apple server or an operator. You don't need to enter any "codes" into your phone. The iPhone does not ask for codes, because all the data about its "binding" to a specific network is registered not in the device itself, but on the companies' servers.

In simple words, the unlocking process can be explained as follows.

    At the moment of turning on, the iPhone “knocks” on the server and sends a data packet “about itself” - this is simple information about “who he is” - what time zone he is in, what network he can connect to, and so on. When iPhone"Knocks", the server recognizes it, compares the available data and responds - " oh, sorry friend, you can't work in this network. You are locked». iPhone answers - " Understood. My answer is that the SIM card is invalid».

    At the time of unlocking, the information on the server for a specific IMEI is updated. New data on the blocking status is registered. Now the same phone is “knocking” on the server. The data is matched and the server responds - " all right, here's access to the network.»Thus, by turning on the phone again after unlocking, the server already sees the new status and your iPhone will work correctly with any SIM-cards. In rare cases, an update via iTunes may be required.

This is how, simply and effortlessly, you can unlockiPhone... Be careful, read the descriptions, consult with us on any questions and the results obtained will always delight you.

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