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Outdoor active antennas for TV. Antenna types and characteristics

We are so used to the flow of information that we feel insecure without it. Therefore, outside the city, having equipped more or less a house, the first thing to do is TV. And in order for it to work in rural areas, a television antenna is needed for the dacha. It is selected depending on the location of the nearest repeater - TV tower and the type of TV signal that you will "catch".

Today there are several types of signals, and, accordingly, the same number of types of antennas:

Air TV antenna: what to choose for a summer residence

To say exactly which antenna to put in your summer cottage can only be applied to each specific case. When choosing, it is taken into account:

  • location - plain, hill, lowland;
  • the presence or absence of forests and large trees near the house;
  • distance to the nearest repeater.

The main thing is the distance to the TV tower and how much. height you can raise the antenna. Sometimes every meter counts.

Indoor or outdoor

Indoor antennas can only be installed if the repeater is in your line of sight. If a TV tower is visible from your summer cottage, you can try. In order not to waste money, you can make the most simple antenna with your own hands: take a piece of wire, connect it to the corresponding TV connector, and walk around the room with this “antenna”, climb higher to the ceiling, closer to the window, etc. If any signals are caught, you can try or buy.

Outdoor antennas "catch" tens of kilometers from repeaters

If during all movements there are no signs of a clear signal, you need an outdoor antenna, but for a zone of reliable reception (with a lower gain). For all other cases, when the distance to the tower is tens of kilometers, a uniquely external antenna is needed.

Broadband or narrow beam

Since terrestrial television is broadcast in two ranges - decimeter and meter, there are antennas for these ranges. If the receiver "catches" the signal in only one range, they are called narrowband. They are available only for UHF or only for MW frequencies.

There are also broadband (also called all-wave) - their design is designed so that it is possible to normally receive a signal at all frequencies. They are, as a rule, more bulky and heavy, have a long barbell. But they put up with it - a broadband TV antenna for a summer residence can "catch" more channels. Therefore, they are most often bought.

Active or passive

More attention should be paid to whether it is better to install an active or passive antenna. An active device is a device with an amplifier built into the body. Passive - these are just pieces of iron for which you need to buy an amplifier separately.

Active receivers with a built-in amplifier are cheaper, receive more channels, but they have a significant drawback: amplifier boards often break. Any more or less serious thunderstorm, and channels that were previously clearly received, begin to "snow" or disappear altogether. Replacing the board can help the trouble. To do this, you need to climb on the roof, remove the antenna, change the board, install and configure it again. This procedure can be repeated after every thunderstorm.

Even if thunderstorms did not affect the performance of your summer cottage antenna, after a year and a half, the number of well-received channels decreases. The quality becomes gradually worse, and sooner or later, you notice that it is no longer possible to watch. The reason is the oxidation of contacts and elements on the board. The receivers on the antenna are far from sealed and dust, moisture gets inside, destroying the contacts and tracks. Therefore, the average life of an active antenna is about a year. Not a thunderstorm, so oxidation will finish it off.

The best antenna for a summer residence: inactive with a separate amplifier

There is nothing to help business with a thunderstorm, and oxidation can be significantly slowed down if you pour silicone on both sides immediately after purchase. This will protect contacts and elements from oxidation. Nobody will repair it anyway, if the board has "departed", buy a new one and put it back in place. That's the whole repair. It is also useful to seal the cable connection point. Here, too, due to oxidation, there are large signal losses.

Passive antennas with separate amplifiers are good because the "piece of iron" is installed above the roof, and the amplifier is in the attic. Replacing the board in the attic is much less of a problem than on the roof. Especially in winter. They "catch" fewer channels, but the picture is "cleaner".

There is one more plus: individual amplifiers have two adjustments - separately for the UHF range and MV. This is useful, because sometimes some signals come with a much higher level and they "block" weaker ones. Then there is an overlap of sound and / or image, in some cases, if some signal is very strong, it is generally snowing. By adjusting the sensitivity of the ranges, you can save the situation. So passive antennas with separate amplifiers for giving are the best choice.

Samsung and LG TVs generally have a “weak signal” function. In this case, you may not need an amplifier at all. Put a passive antenna in the country, turn on the mode, and tune the channels. It should be good to show at least 5-6 channels.

To ground or not

Another problem that needs to be addressed is whether the television antenna should be grounded for the summer cottage. On the one hand, this is often the highest point. On the other hand, if it is grounded, it will catch any lightning strike that is nearby. Accordingly, every time you have to change the board, as it will fail.

For this reason, "antenna operators" insist that they do not need to be grounded. Especially if the device is located below the power supply wires. Lightning will then strike the highest grounded point. The main thing is that it is not your antenna.

Which antennas are better

As usual, in addition to the type of equipment, you have to choose a manufacturer. And this, perhaps, is not at all simpler. Recommendations can help. There are several popular manufacturers on the forums:

  • Lokus (Locus). Antennas made in Russia. Wide assortment, low prices (from 480 rubles to 1.7 thousand rubles). There are both active - with a built-in amplifier, and passive.
  • Harpoon. Also a Russian-made antenna. Accepts in the UHF and MW bands. They are produced only in passive form, intended for installation in areas of poor reception. Retail price - Harpoon-0416 - 1500 rubles, Harpoon-1028 - 2300 rubles.
  • Delta antennas manufactured by NPP OST CJSC. The assortment here is very wide. There are both narrow directional only for MV or only for UHF bands, and broadband. Moreover, UHF antennas can be used to receive a DVB-T2 digital television signal. Many models are equipped with an F-connector - a device through which the cable is connected: during installation, you do not need to disassemble it to connect it. Insert the stripped conductor into the socket. Everything. The cable is connected.
  • GoldMaster (GoldMaster). There are few reviews, but according to the available ones, it accepts reliably even in the area of ​​uncertain reception. Even when it rains, the signal quality hardly drops. The picture is still clear, without "snow".

All other manufacturers are not very popular.

For inactive antennas, amplifiers are also needed. There are also preferences here:

  • House amplifier LHA;
  • TERRA (Terra);
  • Powerful amplifiers with low noise Breeze, Alcad (Alcad).

Antenna installation

Before starting all work, it is useful to grease all screws, nuts, antenna connections with "Movil" or "Litol", something similar in properties. If an active antenna is chosen, it is better to seal the board with silicone. After such processing, the antenna will last not a year, but much longer.

About which cable to use for connection. It is better not to try to save money here: there will be too large losses. Therefore, take branded SAT 50 or SAT 703. The picture depends on the quality of the cable and the quality of the connections as much as on the reception.

TV antenna for summer cottages: where and how to install

The installation location is selected taking into account where you will need to point the antenna. If the roof and wind loads allow, it can be fixed on the roof. In order to raise the receiver higher, the antenna is attached to the mast. There are special clamps for this.

In some cases, you have to raise the antenna as high as possible - in lowlands or if trees block the reception. Then the telescopic rods come in handy.

There are prefabricated metal masts, telescopic - folding. This type is more convenient, especially if an antenna with a receiver - you will periodically need to change the board, and completely dismantling the mast every time is a pleasure. Telescopic masts can be lowered by unscrewing the locking ring. The top-mounted antenna will lower with the top of the boom.

If you do not need to raise it high, you can use a wooden bar or a skinned trunk of a young pine tree. This is a completely suburban option. You can use a small diameter steel pipe or an angle. There are a lot of options. Selected support need to be fixed. Mounting methods are shown in the figure.

Most often, the antenna is mounted on the pediment. It is the easiest to implement, but only if the decoration or wall material allows. So they do not fix it on siding walls, and it is too difficult. Then the option is to fix the bar to the pipe, to the rafters, or on the guy wires to the roofing material.

When fastening to the pediment, the distance between the fasteners must be at least 1.5 meters. If none of these methods can be implemented for some reason, you can try to install the antenna on a powerful tree growing nearby. You can attach the antenna to the trunk, and cut branches that interfere with reception. Sometimes this is the best way.

Cable fixing

When installing the antenna, the cable is lowered down along the rod. It is fastened with clamps every 50-80 cm. Having lowered the cable to the level of the roofing material, it is brought along the ridge (so that the snow does not come off) to the bracket, with which it is lowered from the roof. The bracket is mounted above the window near the TV. The cable is led into the room through a hole in the window frame. With an upward slope, a hole is drilled with a slightly larger diameter than the diameter of the cable. This prevents rain drops from entering the frame. The cable in front of the frame should sag a little - so we give freedom for temperature changes.

If the television antenna for the summer residence is inactive, the amplifier is installed in the attic, the cable from the antenna is led out to it, and from the amplifier to the TV.

One tip: when laying, sharp bends should be avoided. The minimum radius is at least 5 cable diameters. When fastening with staples, do not pinch it.

How to cut and connect antenna cables, see the video.

Let's describe in a few words the wonderful qualities of digital television. The technology differs from the traditional form of the transmitted signal. Analog systems change the field strength continuously, digital each pixel value is encoded with ones, zeros. An indoor digital TV antenna accepts any signal. Reception does not care about coding, polarization plays a decisive role.

Reason for mastering digital broadcasting

The digital signal is very stable. The ones and zeros are sometimes additionally encrypted with a code known to the recipient. Against the background of noise, the equipment is scanning the received signals, the correspondence of the sample to the incoming wave gives a peak that is many times higher than the noise level. Digital broadcasting will allow the power of the transmitters to be reduced.

It is clear that in conditions of an increased background of electromagnetic radiation, quality is very important. This explains the obvious fact: digital television is gaining popularity.

Let's discuss quality separately. The encoded signal faithfully reproduces the colors of the pixels. The picture looks real, similar performance is difficult to achieve using analog transmission. Billions of colors can be recognized from the signal received by the antenna for digital television. You may not notice the differences on the screen just because it is not profitable for free channels to increase the cost of equipment, purchase a double frequency band in order to please the user with the Diamond Color shades presentation system.

Digital television has succeeded in narrowing the signal spectrum. Let us discuss the physical meaning of the spectrum. The fact of conversion means: previously there were 10 analog channels, now there will be about 35 digital standard definition.

There are three side effects that are useful to both sides of the client-provider property link:

  1. Protection of the channel from viewers who have delayed the subscription fee. A valuable plus given by digital television antennas. Watch the necessary, cutting off the unnecessary.
  2. Integration of broadcasting with the Internet. Now it is permissible to use special provider keys without buying additional equipment (receiver). The satellite passcode is transmitted by the internet network by the service provider's server. Usually there is a free test mode for watching satellite digital television.
  3. We will consider interactivity as a novelty of video playback technologies. Digital options given out on DVD live.

A dozen of advantages are demonstrated by digital TV antennas. If logical arguments do not convince you to choose a number, know: by 2015, 100% of broadcasting was planned to be digital.

Why conventional antennas cannot be used

Wide-range devices underestimate the gain by catching a larger spectrum of frequencies. Lack does not always turn into a disaster. Residents of problem regions with a weak signal will have to think.

Signal polarization

A constant electric field is not carried by the ether. Only dynamic systems are characterized by the property of mobility. The world allows a change in the electric field to cause an adequate magnetic response. It turns out a wave that resembles a New Year's garland twisted, cut along the paper. It narrows and expands.

The electromagnetic wave, detect the phenomenon of the human eye, looks similar. Two school sine waves, mutually perpendicular. The first chose a horizontal plane, the other - a vertical one. One is the amplitude of the electric field, the other is the magnetic. It is customary to divide the polarization:

  1. Vertical.
  2. Horizontal.

Polarization is characterized by a spatial figure that describes the vector of the electric field amplitude. Owners of smart TVs catch the horizontal or vertical (radio) plane. Digital broadcasting uses the simplest waveform.

The polarization formation process is performed entirely by the transmitting antenna. The reception area must have equivalent characteristics. Identity is called electromagnetic compatibility.

The case is not limited to the considered case, spiral antennas are circularly polarized, right-left. Determined by the direction of the twist of the turns. Helix antennas are not compatible with linear antennas.

Elliptical polarization occurs, circular is considered a special case. You see - simple information. It remains to add - the vectors of the amplitude of the electric, magnetic fields do not occupy perpendicular planes, continuously rotating. It resembles a picture of a human DNA strand.

Frequency band

Let's consider the concept of frequency. Schoolchildren saw a sine wave. The period of the function is contained in the denominator, the unit is in the numerator, together the frequency is obtained. Shows the rate of change of the amplitude of the electric, magnetic fields. Occupies perpendicular planes. Circular polarization is characterized by frequency, the relationship is more complex.

Real signals differ from sinusoidal waveforms. A short time interval allows you to consider the field approximately (short time). The real satellite signal occupies a fixed frequency interval. The total is summed up by adding the elementary harmonics (sinusoids). The graph represents the process as a function of the amplitude of single sinusoids (volts) versus frequency (hertz). The representation is called the spectrum of the signal, the horizontal segment occupied is the bandwidth of the signal. Let's add - in digital television, harmonics are separated by a strictly defined distance. The spectrum is discrete.

Antenna for receiving digital television is characterized by polarization, operating frequency band. You cannot use arbitrary modification. It is impossible to cover the frequency band occupied by digital television with one antenna.

Digital broadcasting is satellite, terrestrial, cable. Today the second type of television is being touched upon. The satellite signal is received by parabolic, toroidal antennas.

Nominal broadcasting frequencies are prescribed by GOST 7845-92. According to the manuscript, 5 bands are assigned to digital television. Stay within the range of 48 - 790 MHz. This swing corresponds to sixty channels. Antennas for digital terrestrial television can overlap this list 100% or catch one broadcast, VHF or UHF.

The standard clearly indicates the carrier frequencies for picture and sound. The polarization in digital television antennas is horizontal, but the standard also regulates the use of vertical polarization. But in any case, linear. The image carrier is modulated in amplitude and the carrier in frequency is modulated. In this, digital television is not far from analog. The lower sideband is suppressed to save power and reduce the bandwidth of the transmitter and receiver paths.

A 75 ohm coaxial cable is required for device connections. Accordingly, both the input and output resistances of the devices are close to this value.


Antennas for digital television follow the requirements specified in the previous section. Available models:

  • room;
  • street;
  • hybrid.

Which antenna you need for digital television is relatively easy to choose. If the repeater is outside the window, then the indoor option is preferable. It is enough to buy a couple of meters of coaxial wire in addition, and this is enough for the installation of equipment. An indoor antenna is cheaper, equipped with a stand, often instructions allow placing it near the window.

Outdoor options are required where the signal is relatively weak. On the rooftop, the reception is incomparably better, and this fact can be used to enjoy digital broadcasting. Passive antennas for the street did not come across, but if there are any in nature, then it is worth considering that the signal level at the TV input will greatly depend on the length of the cable. Those living on the second floor are more likely to need an active antenna.

Hybrid options allow you to install yourself both in the room and on the roof without sacrificing quality. Well, and the price, of course, will be higher than that of the room.

When choosing your equipment for receiving a signal, make sure that the antenna and broadcast bands match. Check with your digital TV provider for the latter. They produce both varieties that completely cover the channels and selective antennas.

NPP Ost manufactures a product that is attractive to Russians. Delta is an antenna for digital television, but looking for products through Yandex is a bad job. The St. Petersburg manufacturer distributes products through dealers. And everything that the consumer only needs is available.

Moreover, there are any performances on the counter in terms of installation locations, but also the construct shines with variety. It is based on logarithmic and frame elements, but the external form is so amazing that it is recommended to visit the site at least to simply admire this splendor. The wealth of engineering solutions is striking. Unlike foreign products that look the same.

Self-taught people have chosen the simplest method of making devices. Coaxial cable is chosen as the material. Use a television characteristic impedance of 75 ohms. Enough to ensure reliable reception of a single broadcasting frequency. Three multiplexes are available to Muscovites, the spectrum is constantly expanding.

Good luck! Read our reviews, watch digital TV.

Buying an expensive high-end TV will not always provide picture quality. An important element of TV broadcasting is a signal receiver capable of ensuring the quality of its transmission. To determine its type, it is necessary to make a choice regarding broadcasting TV channels. So, for satellite TV only option is possible. And how to choose an antenna for a TV with broadcasting of analog and digital television?

Signal reception can be different. Much depends on the distance of the TV tower and the direction of the signal: direct or refracted. Also, the channels are broadcast at a certain frequency, some in the meter range, some in the decimeter range. In this regard, the classification of antennas is as follows.

By location

The latter type of antennas is very popular due to its compactness and functionality.

By the size of the received frequency range

Each channel has its own frequency range, the connection to a particular frequency depends on the number of TV channels used. Broadband models catch most broadcast stations. The design of such receiving elements consists of framed telescopic wires. Narrow band design can be installed when there is an accurate understanding of the presence of channels in a given area and their frequency. The receiver is made in the form of telescopic rods or has the form of a frame, i.e. the signal is directed to receive a specific limited range. The operation of this version of the device is more common in rural areas.

Depending on the design, the antenna can be tuned to a different range.

The task of the device is to receive the optimal signal variant for obtaining the best picture quality. The direct wave is the strongest and ensures perfect video playback. But, if the terrain is relief, and there are many buildings between the house and the tower, there will certainly be a refraction of radio waves or their reflection.

Antenna selection criteria

The same structure may react differently to radio waves due to its location. When moving or rearranging in an apartment, it may happen that the equipment is the same, and when the TV channel is playing, problems begin. Violations can be of the following nature:

  • extraneous noise;
  • freeze frame;
  • bifurcation of a fragment;
  • flickering;
  • the signal disappears for a few seconds and the background screen appears.

All of the above errors are caused by noise,. To find out which antenna to buy for a TV, it is necessary to determine the location of the repeater, and designate the range of watched TV channels. When the tower is not in the field of view and there can be no talk of a direct signal, the easiest way is to find out on which antenna the neighbors' equipment, located in one part of the house, works. In the absence of such an opportunity, the information of interest can be easily obtained through Google.

Caution should be exercised when using an amplifier... Its use will be justified if the broadcasting station is located at a great distance, more than 50 km. In a small range from the tower, there is a possibility that the antenna will pick up the direct signal and reflected elements, which will eventually cause interference and create confusion. Therefore, not in all cases an expensive and multifunctional device will be useful.

Reflector design effective in areas with densely located multi-storey buildings. If there is an obstacle between the repeater and the signal receiver, it is necessary to place the device in the direction of the high-rise, which is located behind the TV tower. In this situation, the signal will be reflected. It is, of course, weaker than the direct one, but sufficient for viewing channels.

An important point is the accuracy of the reflectors, capable of collecting small signals bit by bit and focusing them into one.

The complexity of choosing a receiver also lies in the fact that your favorite channels can be broadcast in different directions and at different distances. In this case, it will do outdoor universal antenna installed at the highest possible height. Ideally, this is the roof of the house.

To ensure comfortable viewing of TV channels, the device must be properly assembled and installed, as well as focus the direction and make the correct connection. To eliminate technical errors, it is better to use new plugs and a one-piece cable. If you have certain technical knowledge, then it is quite possible not only to install, but even to design. In the absence of experience in the selection and tuning of the antenna, you can contact a specialist who will professionally perform the work and tune all possible TV channels.

The modern world is badly imagined without television, because it is an integral part of the daily life of every person. It is important that the quality of the transmitted signal remains at the highest level, for this it is convenient to use modern devices. How to choose the right technique to get a high-quality picture on your TV?

What is the difference between the antenna for receiving digital television from the usual

The main difference between modern TV equipment and conventional equipment is that they pick up different signals and frequencies. The new standards offer a more stable image, there is no noise and the colors are very clear. This is especially good for owners of large-format screens, which can convey all the brilliance of the image. Modern TV provides a large number of channels, while you can set protection for programs that you would not want to watch, or vice versa, pay extra for additional services.

Professional antennas for digital TV

  1. Combined all-wave device Funke DCRS.1760 / 1-69 /. The body of this device is made of aluminum, anodized with a gold alloy. It has three outputs, amplification in the ranges from 5 to 15db. Installed outside the premises, in private houses.
  2. Combined all-wave apparatus Funke DCRS.1753 / 1-69 /, made of aluminum, mandatory anodizing with an alloy with gold in the composition. It has two outputs and amplification in the ranges from 3 to 14.5db.
  3. The combined all-wave apparatus Logo P-14 is used in multi-storey buildings. Installed outside the premises. The construction is made of ferrous metal, which makes it more robust and durable.
  4. The device of the UHF range Funke BM4591 / 21-69 /. The structure is made of aluminum, on top of which is anodized with an alloy with gold. The gain is 16.7db, and the device also consists of 91 elements.

Indoor antenna for digital TV

  1. Delta. TV room model for private use, receiving television programs that are broadcast in the UHF wave range from 470 to 790 MHz, channels from 21 to 60. Horizontal polarization of receiving electromagnetic waves. Such a device is installed exclusively indoors.
  2. Delta DIGITAL 5B. Designed to receive DVB-T and DVB-T2. The set includes a signal amplifier when it is attenuated in the cable, it is used only indoors.
  3. Indoor antenna for digital television Delta K131 for receiving television programs that are broadcast in the UHF wavelength range from 470 to 790 MHz. The device is designed to be installed inside an apartment or house.
  4. Uralochka. Modern development for receiving DVB-T2 and analog TV, without power supply, with built-in amplifier. The long cable allows you to place the device on a wall, window or even an attic.

Outdoor antenna

  1. Delta H3111.02. It is intended to receive television analog waves of the range from 21 to 69 channels and television DVB-T, installed on the street. The polarization of the received signals is horizontal.
  2. Decimeter antenna for digital television Delta H181 outdoor installation. Receives television analog waves from 21 to 69 channels and TV DVB, with an amplification of 8.5-11 dB. Street model ideal for private houses and summer cottages.
  3. Delta Н111А.02F. The device is external installation, receives signals in horizontal polarization and frequency range from 470 to 790 MHz. The kit includes an amplifier, a splitter.

What should be a good digital antenna

It is necessary to decide on the type of device: what kind of antenna is needed for digital TV? Depending on the place of installation, the device can be outdoor or indoor. Next, decide on the strength of the transmitted signal, how accurately it will arrive, and whether an amplifier is needed. In some cases, such an additional function is completely unnecessary, and its presence, on the contrary, distorts the image and sound. Pay attention not only to the model itself, but also to the instructions that are attached. It should contain clear information with a full description.

Antenna for digital TV with your own hands is a reality for those who love to design various devices, devices, regardless of their complexity. To do this, it is not necessary to invent a new apparatus, you can use a conventional analog antenna or create your own unique design, complementing an inexpensive basic model. The main thing is to correctly tune it to the required broadcast ranges.

Where to buy and how much does it cost

It will not be difficult to acquire equipment for broadcasting the desired TV channels. Such devices are presented in specialized stores, on the market for household appliances and accessories, and also in online stores. Prices for different models are presented in the table, they will depend on the place of purchase.

Everyone and everyone has long known about the purpose of television antennas - these are devices designed to receive and transmit a digital or analog signal to TV equipment. Traditionally, antennas are divided into three types: indoor, outdoor and hybrid, combining features of both types at the same time.

Initially, when television broadcasting was just beginning to develop, and televisions did not have such multifaceted functionality, the signal quality (especially at a considerable distance from the source) left much to be desired. Passive antennas, serving only as a receiver, could not provide pictures and sound of a proper quality, which left a strong imprint on the popularization of media technology and television broadcasting in general. It was then that the antennas began to be equipped with special amplifiers, which greatly increased the quality of the signal entering the TV receiver.

Today, a huge number of companies around the world are engaged in the development of antennas, however, not all are suitable for domestic data transmission standards and requirements for perceived frequency ranges. We have selected seven of the best TV antennas in three main categories for our purchase recommendation, which received the highest consumer ratings.

The choice of devices was made taking into account:

  1. Technical characteristics
  2. Customer Reviews
  3. Antenna cost (value for money)
  4. The opinions of experts in the electronics market
  5. User voting results

Best indoor antennas for digital TV

Indoor antennas work in the decimeter or meter range, receiving a signal at a distance of up to 30 km. Such devices have some restrictions on the quality of TV waves, and need careful tuning. However, they are compact, inexpensive, and can be moved anywhere without too much trouble. The leader in the market for indoor digital television antennas is the manufacturer Remo.

5 Remo Inter 2.0

Best desktop antenna
Country Russia
Average price: 870 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

The four best indoor antennas for digital television are closed by Remo Inter 2.0. The device has a fairly affordable price, while possessing good functionality, which makes it one of the best on the market. The receiver is capable of working with 20 digital, 10 analog and 3 radio signals, in contrast to competitors that work only with digital. Convenient antenna control will allow you to set the required signal gain level and achieve maximum quality.

Among the strengths of this device in the reviews, buyers highlight the low cost, excellent design and ease of installation. The antenna body itself is collapsible, but it can be assembled literally in no time. Separately, it should be said about the power cables and antennas - they not only have high-quality insulation, but also the same length, thanks to which the device can be installed in the right place. The weak sides include not always stable signal reception and poor-quality plastic of the case.

4 RA-A30

High quality, balanced indoor antenna
Country: China
Average price: 990 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

One of the typical representatives of Chinese indoor antennas for receiving a digital signal, showing good results in the component of picture stability. Despite the poor appearance of the "pin", which strongly resembles the antennas of standard portable tape recorders, the reception quality remains at a high level. The reason for this is a good standard amplifier (with a coefficient of the order of 28-30 decibels), closed in a sealed plastic case.

As for the aesthetic component, consumers, on the whole, are satisfied with the external data of the RA-A30, noting only the strong soiling of the front panel. The reliability parameters here are not the most optimal, but for stable operation for several (and with proper care, for 5-7) years it is quite enough. Thus, this antenna is a great option for those looking for an inexpensive solution for the home coupled with good performance.

3 Hyundai H-TAI320

Excellent adaptability to the setting of structural elements
The country:
Average price: 680 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

An interesting example of a home antenna for analog and digital television, showing, in general, similar results with models such as HARPER ADVB-2120. The closed loop of the original form is combined here at once with two "horn" antennas (articulated with the body), due to which extensive tuning possibilities for normal signal reception are provided. By the way, Hyundai H-TAI320 is capable of operating both in the VHF frequency range (87.5-230 MHz) and in the UHF range (470-862 MHz), and with a sufficient degree of picture quality.

Good quality is achieved, first of all, due to the presence of a built-in amplifier, the gain of which is quite good 30 dB. There is a possibility of receiving digital signals of the DVB-T and DVB-T2 format, as well as FM and DAB. The key advantage of Hyundai H-TAI320 is the ratio of cost to quality. Having performance indicators identical to competitors, this model has a disproportionately large tuning radius of the receiving elements, which is especially important in conditions of interference concentration.


The optimum ratio of price and quality
Country: China
Average price: 570 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The second line of the rating of the best indoor digital TV broadcasting antennas goes to HARPER ADVB-2120. This model has a whole range of optimal characteristics, supported by a huge number of complementary reviews from domestic consumers. A wide range of captured frequencies (from 87.5 to 862 MHz) and the ability to amplify not only digital, but also analog channels (FM, VHF and UHF) are included in a pleasant "synthesis" with an original design, thanks to which the antenna can fit into any interior. It is also important that the signal amplifier is powered directly from the receiver or TV, since it does not have an external network adapter. This imposes some restrictions on the use of the antenna (since not all models of digital equipment support the possibility of direct power supply), however, it has a positive effect on its compactness.

The ergonomic characteristics of the HARPER ADVB-2120 are also at a height: the antenna can be easily placed on a plane if there is enough free space. Otherwise, the shape of the closed ring makes it possible to simply and easily hang it on any convenient hook. As a result, given the low cost, all of the above characteristics make this model one of the best in its category.

1 Remo BAS-5310USB Horizon

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 850 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

A quality receiver Remo BAS-5310USB Horizon ranks first in the rating of the best indoor antennas for digital television. The model is distinguished by its original appearance, and this is not its only advantage. It has a relatively small size and a convenient mount, which allows you to install it directly on the TV. When properly tuned, the device is capable of picking up waves from 21 to 69 different channels. The antenna has a built-in amplifier, which qualitatively affects the signal level.

In the reviews, buyers talk about excellent reception quality, convenient connection of an amplifier via USB and the ability to work with a reflected signal as the strengths of the model. The antenna has a sturdy enough body that will save the insides in case of a fall. There are no problems with connecting the device. The receiver weighs only 230 grams. Power is supplied from a 5 volt power supply supplied in the kit. The disadvantages include a short cable and unreliable fastening.

Best outdoor antennas for digital TV

Outdoor antennas for digital television have high power, due to their special design, and can receive a signal at a distance of up to 50 km. In this case, it is worth considering the presence of large obstacles in the path of transmission, which can interfere with the passage of television waves. Devices are capable of receiving a signal at a greater distance, however, in this case, you should pay attention to models with an amplifier.

5 Remo "Dvina-DX"

Best value for money (signal reception)
Country Russia
Average price: 510 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

The next place in the rating of the best outdoor antennas for digital television is taken by Remo "Dvina-DX". Despite its low cost, the device has a decent signal reception level, which makes it suitable for operation at a distance of about 60 km. For better reception of digital and analog waves, the model is equipped with an amplifier. The package includes a 12 volt power supply.

Buyers refer to the advantages of this model in reviews as a good level of signal reception, low cost and ease of use. In addition, during the development of the antenna, special attention was paid to the quality of the materials used. The support bar is made of durable and lightweight aluminum, and the receiving parts are powder coated to prevent premature failure. Heavy-duty mounting bolts will securely fix the structure to the boom. The disadvantages of this antenna include some difficulties with installation and the need to independently upgrade the separator for better performance.


Cheapest digital outdoor antenna
The country: South Korea (made in China)
Average price: 520 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

A simple and unpretentious outdoor TV antenna to provide a stable TV signal at small (up to 8-10 kilometers) distances from relay towers. It has the ability to capture not only analog, but also digital signals in the DVB-T and DVB-T2 formats, for which it often becomes the first choice of city dwellers. It has a modest gain by the standards of competitiveness in the market, which is only 5 dB. Which, however, is quite enough for comfortable work from high masts.

As a fastening element on the HYUNDAI H-TAE100, a bracket with wing nuts is provided, thanks to which the antenna can be easily dismantled without the use of keys and other tools. Judging by consumer reviews, the most controversial characteristic of this model is the reliability parameter, namely the resistance to wind load. This fact quite strictly limits the possible height of placement, but is compensated by the cost of the antenna at the level of standard room samples.

3 REXANT DVB-T2 RX-411 34-0411

High degree of structural reliability
Country: China
Average price: 1279 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

An eight-element outdoor receiver for digital and analog TV signals, which is a bright representative of the average with an optimal balance of price and quality. The built-in amplifier REXANT DVB-T2 RX-411 34-0411 has a gain of 34 dB, due to which it provides excellent picture quality even with weak satellite broadcasting. As for the "ground" operational characteristics, then for urban realities they are more than reasonable, without claims to outstanding performance. It is advisable to install the model on masts with a total height of up to 7 meters from the ground. In case of underestimation of the antenna (apartment variant of placement "near the window"), there is a possibility of encountering a problem of interference, which leads to a periodic failure and "crumbling" of the picture. From the standpoint of constructive reliability, REXANT DVB-T2 RX-411 34-0411 performs very well, and, according to user reviews, it can work properly even in the most severe climatic conditions for 7 years.

2 BBK DA32

The most powerful digital antenna
The country: Japan (made in China)
Average price: 2,000 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

An outdoor antenna for a Japanese TV, the main feature of which is excellent signal reception at a distance of up to 50 kilometers from the nearest repeaters. It has an increased gain (32 decibels), which allows it to easily provide the proper picture quality even with a weak signal from satellites. According to user feedback, the BBK DA32 provides excellent functional performance in the DVB-T (DVB-T2), ATSC and less fancy DSB radio frequencies.

The entire set of "stuffing" of the digital antenna is hidden inside a sealed plastic case with good mechanical strength and high shock resistance. It comes with a factory bracket with universal fasteners, suitable for any installation conditions. The cost of BBK DA32 is slightly beyond the average for the segment, but is fully justified by its performance and practical performance.

1 Remo Hummingbird-A-DX Deluxe

Popular outdoor antenna
Country Russia
Average price: 1299 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The first place in the rating of the best outdoor antennas for digital television is occupied by Remo Kolibri-A-DX Deluxe. The device is placed on a special mast for better signal reception. As an addition, an amplifier is provided, which helps to receive channels at longer distances. The model has a successful design, thanks to which it is able to easily perceive the signal even in areas where there is no direct line of sight to the source.

In numerous positive reviews, buyers talk about high-quality and stable reception, ease of installation and configuration. At the same time, the metal parts of the antenna are covered with powder paint, which protects them from corrosion and meteorological influences. The kit includes a ready-made cable 6 meters long and a power supply for the amplifier. Among the disadvantages are the unreliability of the power supply and the inconvenience of adjusting the amplifier.

The best satellite dishes (dishes)

Satellite antennas (or simply dishes) are the most modern of all types of antennas. They boast a wide range of received signals and good quality. However, their cost is an order of magnitude higher than other types.

2 Lans-65 MS6506

Good signal even in bad weather
Country: China
Average price: 2500 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

The second place in the ranking of the best satellite dishes is the Lans-65 MS6506 model. This cymbal has a rather unusual design with a parabola geometry and special perforation. This combination allows the antenna to clean itself independently, which has a positive effect on the quality of the received signal. In addition, the perforation significantly reduces the wind load of the entire structure and makes it lighter.

Among the advantages in the reviews, buyers point to a pleasant appearance, excellent reception quality and ease of setup. A special powder coating protects the cymbal from premature failure, and the reinforced mount allows for smooth elevation adjustment. The disadvantages of using include periodic signal jumps.

1 AUM CTB-0.6 DF - 1.1

The best signal quality for NTV + and Tricolor TV
Country: Belarus
Average price: 1150 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

The first place in the rating of the best satellite dish antennas is occupied by the AUM CTB-0.6 DF - 1.1 model. The product from the Belarusian manufacturer is recognized as one of the most suitable for working with NTV + and Tricolor TV. The device has a good gain, which allows it to function in cities, even with dense buildings. A distinctive feature of this antenna is not a round, but an ovoid shape, which is done to improve reception.

In the reviews, users talk about high quality workmanship, low cost and ease of customization. For quick installation, the kit includes all the necessary fasteners. If necessary, the standard boom can be easily replaced with a longer one for better reception. The disadvantages include only poor-quality packaging of additional components.

How to choose a good antenna

The choice of television antennas, like many other devices, is accompanied by some nuances that should be inquired about in advance. We strongly recommend that you pay attention to the following parameters:

Antenna type. Depending on the place of application, antennas are divided into indoor, outdoor and hybrid, which can be placed in both conditions. If the received signal is sufficiently stable and confident, a simple indoor antenna can be dispensed with. Otherwise, you should give preference to hybrid or full-fledged street options.

Antenna range. In this case, antennas are divided into two types: broadband and narrowband. The first option is advisable to apply when the frequency of TV broadcasting is not known in advance. This option is suitable for thrifty owners, in case new channels appear on the air. Narrowband antennas are oriented to a certain frequency and it is impossible to rebuild them to other bands without losing the current one.

Strengthening the signal. This function is inherent exclusively in active antennas, in the design of which the presence of an additional module is provided. This embodiment is suitable when the received signal requires amplification to generate a clear and high-quality image on the TV screen.

Antenna directivity. A simple and unpretentious way to improve the quality of the signal by shifting the radiation pattern allows antennas to carry out accentuated reception only at a strictly defined azimuth. This effect allows you to avoid interference caused by the reflection of various signals from the walls of residential buildings and other "initiating" objects.

Antenna internal impedance. It is very important that this parameter matches the resistance of the cable connected to the device. The standard impedance of the equipment for receiving a TV signal is 75 ohms, and for a radio signal it is 50 ohms.

Design. The aesthetic side of the issue when buying a television antenna should also not be left out. Often, a pleasant appearance indirectly affects the improvement of the quality of the applied signal, since the correct geometry and rational arrangement of additional elements affects the physical parameters.

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