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Do we really need such powerful smartphones? What is a smartphone and what is it for?

So the era of conventional phones is coming to an end, and modern smartphones appear on the market instead. Many users are very interested in the topic: a smartphone - what is it (for dummies), because there are still people who are not familiar with modern mobile technologies. Let's take a look at the main differences from the previous “generation” together.


Such a device is a familiar mobile phone that has a very powerful OS (operating system). It is able to work with several applications at once. In other words, a smartphone is an alternative to a familiar computer. He is able to cope with all those tasks for which a simple PC (personal computer) serves.

How are these devices different from each other? The most important difference is the operating system. Today we can highlight the following:

  1. Android.
  2. WP (Windows Phone).

Of course, there are many other operating systems, but these are the most popular. We also want to draw your attention to the fact that there are a small number of mobile devices that are able to work on different operating systems, but we will not dwell on any exceptions.

Smartphones can greatly simplify the life of its owner by performing a large number of diverse tasks. Today's arms race among smartphone manufacturers has made the word "phone" not the most relevant, since now everyone has a pocket computer in their pocket:

  • With the help of such smart gadgets, you can always call and send SMS, but also let's not forget about checking mail, watching movies, listening to music and just surfing social networks.
  • Such devices are very good precisely because they never had a certain functionality, because it is regulated by the installed applications.
  • Today, anyone can access the Internet from almost anywhere in the world and transfer a huge amount of information.

Smartphone - what is it. For dummies, a whole idea has already been formed, so we recommend that you soberly evaluate the disadvantages of such devices.

Cons of new gadgets

Perhaps the only significant drawback in open operating systems is the susceptibility to computer viruses. Yes, your phone can get infected too.

Usually virus software (software) takes the form of a necessary program that you want to install. Unfortunately, the output is not a program, but a continuous “headache”, which, at times, is very difficult to get rid of.

You should always monitor the status of your mobile device and use antivirus software. But this will not be a problem for you if you use our.

Important! If you need a device for calls and simple operations, choose for yourself. For businessmen or young people, expensive functional equipment is recommended for purchase.

Apple technology

If you understand the terminology a little, then you can immediately get acquainted with the iPhone. This device is the most expensive and popular, but what is all this for?

I would like to start with the fact that a caring developer always equips his equipment with the best current features that simply turn the whole market upside down.

Important! If you go into the whole story, then the iPhone is a series of mobile devices that run the aforementioned iOS. The first model was released back in 2007. The device has been on sale since June 29 of the same year. Upon entering the market, he immediately won all the laurels in the United States.

A year later, an updated version of the phone came out with a new version of the OS, which also made a splash in the community of that time. Well, then a wonderful conveyor began to work, releasing new items every year that amaze fans with their magnificence.

But what is the main difference from a simple smartphone? Usually, Apple appliances are more expensive, but have slightly worse characteristics. Many are mistaken that the high cost is the merit of only one high-profile brand, but do not forget about the following advantages:

  • Very high quality display. The touchscreen has always pleased with its comfortable and long-term work. Comparing the iPhone with a budget phone, this difference can be felt immediately.
  • Application optimization. On iOS, there are much fewer problems during operation, which millions of users have tested on their own skin.
  • Continuous support for new versions of operating systems. The developer tries to release updates for its outdated models for the longest time.
  • The quality of the assembly materials is also on top.

If you want to understand the "apple" technique in more detail and find out what disadvantages it has, we recommend that you read our article.

Important! Many people are reluctant to purchase such phones because they are put off by the monolithic battery, the lack of a memory slot, and the high price.

And in the last 5-10 years, a breakthrough in the field of cellular communications has been the emergence and then widespread use of smartphones. What is a smartphone, how does it differ from ordinary mobile phones and how to choose it? That's what we'll talk about now.

Smartphone is a device in which cellular communication functions are combined with . In addition to making voice calls, SMS, voice mail functions, using a smartphone, you can access the Internet, receive and send e-mail, communicate in social networks and chats, edit office documents, listen to music, take photos and videos, and much more. .

Whether all these functions are necessary for a novice user (i.e. "teapot"), it's up to you to decide. In principle, support for a particular feature in a smartphone depends not only on the technical parameters of the device, but also on the type of operating system that is preinstalled in this model, as well as its current version and installed software.

Now there is a "fashion" for smartphones and they are bought by everyone, both schoolchildren, students, and even some advanced pensioners ... Before proceeding with the choice of a smartphone, let's figure it out, do you really need it?

1. Who needs a smartphone?

Today we will consider the question that has been formed under the influence of the continuous movement forward in the mobile gadget market: “Do we really need such powerful smartphones?”. The answer to it is not so obvious and largely depends on the owner, since we all use our devices in different ways.

Sufficiently productive computer. Wait... But it's a phone!

Smartphones have evolved incredibly fast. If we go back at least 4 years ago, we will see a market with only single-core processors at 800 MHz or 1 GHz, which could not fit into modern realities. Considering that modern smartphone models come with eight-core processors at 2.5 GHz, let's answer the question: "How long will such performance be useful to us?"

We've reached the point where when we talk about the technical characteristics of new phones, it seems that we are talking about a very good computer that was released a few years ago. To keep things simple, let's take an example. OnePlus One smartphone with three gigabytes of RAM. Almost the same amount is available in most laptops today. Each core of the Snapdragon 801 processor is clocked at 2.5 GHz, while the Intel Core i3 has a clock speed of 2.4 GHz. Moreover, such a power reserve does not guarantee the excellent operation of the device. In many ways, the smoothness and speed of the interface is determined by the software, and not by the numbers on the part of the hardware. This has already been confirmed by devices from Motorola, the filling of which does not stagger the imagination, but this fact does not prevent them from working smartly. It's all about well-optimized software.

For many manufacturers, the above figures are far from the threshold. Devices with 4 GB of RAM have already appeared on the market, such as the Asus Zenfone 2. Could we have thought before that 128 GB of internal memory would become commonplace for modern mobile devices? For our readers, of course, all these numbers will mean something, but the average owner has no idea how powerful the processor is installed in his smartphone or how much RAM the manufacturer has put there. We believe that thousands of such users will line up for some Samsung Galaxy S7, even if it has a single-core 1GHz processor. The thing is that the majority focuses on the brand and name, and the technical characteristics are of no interest at all.

These users will not appreciate the full potential of the NVIDIA Tegra K1 processor, whose graphics component is comparable to past generation game consoles; they will not ask themselves: “If I have such power in my pocket, then why buy a prefix?”. So we get to the heart of the question: “How many applications, mostly games, can we find on Google Play to take full advantage of all the available performance?”. Two games come to mind: Modern Combat 5 and Asphalt 8. Let's take these as an example. Both offer great graphics, but their "problem" is the freemium distribution model. On the other hand, we cannot ask developers to give away their console-like games, where they cost several thousand, for free. However, the freemium model is a separate topic for discussion.

Pay attention to the people that surround you in line, on the street or in the subway. Most people play simple time-killing games. Such games do not require superpower from the device at all.

Following this logic, none of us need such high performance on a smartphone. As for tablets, here, perhaps, excellent filling can be justified, since these devices with a large screen were originally conceived for consuming content, watching movies, and spending time with resource-intensive games.

We would really like to know your point of view, so leave your conclusions about the power of modern smartphones in the comments.

According to ProAndroid

How buy for yourself ideal smartphone on Android? How to choose exactly what you need? Today a large number of smartphones are sold in stores, ranging from budget to very expensive “elite” models. All devices are very different in technical characteristics and opportunities. It can be difficult for a beginner to understand the technical nuances of each particular model, so he simply removes the first more or less decent one from the shelf. As a result , disappointed in the purchase in the process of using it. Below we will try to talk about the most important points when choosing a smartphone.

one . Phone brand.

The brand of the phone plays quite an important role. Manufacturers are trying to make their smartphones better and more productive solutions from competitors. Now the main manufacturers - Samsung, HTC, LG, Sony. It is better to make a choice from well-known brands - they will not refuse to work with them at the service center (if a breakdown occurs), there are always spare parts for them. Eminent brands are constantly monitoring the release of updates for their smartphones, releasing fixes and additions. Under these brands, it is easy to find covers, films on the screen and additional accessories.

2. Processor.

The days of single-core processors in smartphones are long gone. There are dual-core and quad-core models . Certain "top" smartphones have more than four cores, but they work alternately. In fact, now all models have quad-core processor . Differences only in the manufacturer. Snapdragon and Qualcomm will work better and more stable. Less stable, but much less expensive processors are from Mediatek. What can I say, most budget models are built on the MediaTek platform.

3 . RAM .

This indicator is very important. If you have a powerful processor but little RAM, you won't see the full benefits of a fast processor. The phone will slow down, applications will freeze. You will not achieve good work with a small amount of RAM. It is better to take devices where the amount of RAM will be 1 gigabyte or more. It should be remembered what phones are not personal computers. You will not be able to upgrade by inserting additional RAM or changing the processor. Therefore, you need to take a powerful smartphone with the expectation of the future.

four . The internal memory of the device.

When buying a new gadget, users usually load it to its full potential. Many put a set of their favorite applications, games, maps. Music and videos always take up a lot of space in the device. At such moments, it is very important to have a large amount of internal storage. You can buy a memory card and put programs on it, but almost all programs write some of their information to internal memory. The system itself also takes up almost half of the memory space. Sooner or later, but you will run into a lack of space in your phone. According to this indicator, it is better to take a phone with 8 gigabytes of internal memory. 4 gigabytes is a very small amount (by modern standards).

5 . Screen .

One of the most important components of the device. All the time we work with the device, we actually work with the screen. If the screen is of poor quality , it will annoy the user . IPS screens are considered the best. The color reproduction of such matrices is more natural and calm, the eyes do not get tired during long work. with an Android smartphone. Amoled matrices have very juicy acid colors. These types of screens are suitable for those who like to see the picture bright and saturated. TFT and LCD screens now actually cease to exist. Devices on this type of matrices are less and less every year.

6. Screen resolution and size.

Users need different devices for different purposes and tasks. It is most convenient to read books and surf the Internet from a large screen. For calls, music and SMS, a small screen is suitable. The larger the screen diagonal , the higher its resolution . Comfortable values ​​​​for work are represented by a diagonal from four to five and a half inches, and a resolution from 800x480 to 1920x1080 pixels.

7. Sensor responsiveness.

An important parameter that many do not pay attention to. In the store, it is desirable to check not only the main clicks on the screen, but also its responsiveness in operation. When working with a smartphone in normal mode, when the device is not loaded, you will not notice anything annoying. The sensor can work responsively and quickly. But during active work with the device, various inaccuracies in the operation of the sensor, erroneous clicks, slow response, periodic freezes are possible. Necessarily when buying, print a small text to check the operation of the sensor.

eight . LTE support.

One of the parameters for which the manufacturer greatly increases the price of devices. In fact, the LTE mode does not always work and is not necessary for everyone. Data transfer at high speed is currently possible only in large cities. In all other cases, you will not see any real benefit from LTE.

9 . Equipment .

A charger , headphones and , in some cases , a cover must be included with the device . Only eminent manufacturers put the case in the box. The charger is usually represented by a USB cable and a 220v adapter.

ten . Hull and materials.

The most practical material is ordinary plastic. It is strong enough to withstand small force impacts such as falling from a small height. Plastic cases have different features. They come with a rubberized coating , colored , glossy and matte , with patterns or ornaments . Devices in a plastic case are slightly cheaper than those in steel or glass.Of the minuses, it is worth noting only soiledness and quick coverage with scratches.

The case made of metal looks stylish and expensive, has a solid weight. When falling from a small height is not subject to cracks. But if you carelessly drop such a smartphone, it is likely that a small dent will form. It will not interfere with work, but it will cause negative emotions.

The most expensive and impractical case is glass. You have to handle it very carefully, although it looks amazing. If dropped or carelessly handled, chips or cracks cannot be avoided. Replacing the glass body is very expensive.

That's all . Take all of the above recommendations into service and go choose your electronic assistant. Do not forget - the seller will never be particularly spread about the shortcomings of a particular model, because he needs to sell his product at any cost. In choosing, you will have to rely only on yourself!

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Today, even a child has a smartphone. Previously, this gadget was a real curiosity and not everyone could afford to buy it. But everything has changed and now you can buy it at a very affordable price. It is very rare to meet a person who still uses a regular mobile phone. Modern smartphones perform dozens or even hundreds of functions - it all depends on the model and price. But still, some people have a question - why do we need this gadget and is it worth spending money on buying it?

Why you need a smartphone: advantages

There is everything here - the ability to install games, use a pedometer, watch movies and surf the Internet ... Anything you want! But if you already have a tablet or you always take a laptop or netbook with you, does it make sense to buy this gadget?

Check out our article Why you need a tablet

No wonder the smartphone has such a name, it can really be called a smart phone. After all, modern models are so powerful and multifunctional that they can even replace a tablet or laptop. But not everyone needs the functions presented, and for a certain category of people it is important that the phone rings, and this is quite enough.

Why do you need a smartphone if you have a tablet? This question interests many. In fact, a smart phone is much more convenient, as it takes up less space and performs more functions. In addition, it is unlikely that you will find such a high-quality video and camera in a tablet. But he also has a drawback - even the most powerful battery does not last as long as the tablet battery.

The gadget looks stylish, as manufacturers are trying to keep up with progress. Clamshells and “shells” have gone into the distant past, now modern devices are made in the form of monoblocks equipped with a super-sensitive sensor.

Like ordinary mobile phones, smartphones perform the most important function - you can make and receive calls, send text messages.

How is a smartphone different?

It differs from conventional mobile and tablet devices by the type of operating system installed. Depending on the manufacturer, the system installs Android (smartphones) or iOS (iPhones). Thanks to them, the gadget does not slow down and responds to your commands as quickly as possible.

What features are most requested by smartphone fans:

  • Internet availability - you can connect via any Wi-Fi point
  • The ability to install useful applications (for example, a pedometer, etc., it all depends on your interests and preferences)
  • Ability to watch videos, listen to audio, read books
  • enjoy games
  • Communication with loved ones through social networks. Today we spend most of our time at work or at home. If there is no time to meet, we communicate with relatives and friends through social networks, which is very convenient and saves time.
  • Use instead of a camera - modern gadgets take great pictures and shoot high-quality videos
  • GPS navigator - convenient for drivers and travelers, will help you not get lost in unfamiliar areas
  • Work with documents - if your work needs to send emails or edit files of different formats, a quality smartphone will help you cope with the task.
  • Organizer - now you do not need to carry a notebook with you, write down the schedule for the day or for the week in your gadget, and you will definitely not forget anything!
  • Helps burn calories. The gadget is so smart that it will help you lose weight! You only need to use a pedometer that will automatically calculate the calories burned.

And what about prices?

High-quality multifunctional smartphones are several times more expensive than a tablet. But if you need a simpler and more budget model, you can easily find an option even for 3000 rubles.

Smartphones have replaced computers, tablets, players and game consoles. Now you do not have to carry a lot of devices with you, just do not forget your favorite gadget at home and you will be in a good mood for the whole day!

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