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Gluing protective glass to a smartphone. How to stick protective glass on your phone at home

Since the days of plastic phones, resistive films have been a means of protecting the screen. They protected the display from scratches, but if dropped, the sensor could be damaged. In addition, the film impairs the view, and on the touch screen it also slows down the movement of the finger. The development of technology has led to the emergence of an oleophobic coating from which safety glasses are made. How effective are they really?

Tempered glass is a coating that has undergone chemical treatment. It is several times superior to film. The surface hardness is 2-3 times greater than that of the film. Its thickness is 0.26 mm, 0.33 mm, even 0.5 mm. This layer is invisible to the eye and difficult to feel with your fingers, but it does not interfere with the use of the device. Through the transparent protective glass on the phone, a clear image is transmitted. The finger glides easily on the smooth surface.

The glass has a five-layer structure:

    a silicone base that fixes the glass on the display; a holding layer that holds back a broken screen; an anti-glare layer that prevents fading in bright light; a protective layer that is responsible for the absence of damage; an oleophobic coating that protects the screen from grease stains, fingerprints and moisture.

The manufacturing process involves heating the surface to a high temperature and etching it in reagents. As a result, the structure of the glass changes, increasing mechanical strength and hardness. Despite all these advantages, safety glass has one serious drawback. Increased stability reduces the ability to withstand blows to the end. The screen can withstand being dropped flat on asphalt, but may crack if hit at an angle. Even in the event of such an impact, the touchscreen still remains undamaged.

Each new generation of flagships is equipped with oleophobic coating. However, the protective glass on your phone offers protection from scratches and abrasions. And even for this reason it is worth using.

How to choose and glue protective glass to your phone - tips

Before you stick the protective glass on your phone, you should choose the right glass based on the screen parameters. Let's look at them in more detail.

OGS displays with 2.5D touchscreen

OGS is a touch screen that is firmly glued to the module with transparent adhesive. 2.5D is a type of touchscreen without the usual edges, that is, with ground chamfers. Such screens were used by Apple in the iPhone. Since the sensor smoothly transitions into the frame, it is impossible to glue the glass. It will hang over the edges, forming an air gap, or leave the edges unprotected.

The behavior of glass on such a device depends on its quality and impact characteristics. If dropped from a great height with the sensor facing down, the low-quality glass will break without affecting the touchscreen. But high-quality glass will remain intact, but the sensor may be damaged. Fitting close to the screen, glass is more durable than a touchscreen. But high rigidity does not allow shock absorption.

OGS displays without 2.5D

Such sensors do not have polished edges. The glass will cover the edges of the sensor. In the event of a fall from a height or a side impact, the display is less likely to be damaged. Therefore, protective glass must be glued to such screens.

On such displays, the sensor and matrix are connected around the perimeter, and there is a layer of air of 0.1-1 mm between the surface. When hit, this structure bends faster. Therefore, a protective glass should be glued to the screen. Considering that such displays are installed on budget models, the smooth surface will also enhance the sliding of the finger across the screen.

Before sticking the protective glass on your phone, you should prepare a napkin, alcohol, medical gloves, and a silicone suction cup (if you have one).

Usually they come complete with glass. Otherwise, you will have to buy all the parts separately. You should do the gluing in a well-lit room, since if a speck of dust gets in, you won’t be able to separate the screen. Therefore, you should learn in advance how to properly stick protective glass on your smartphone:

    1. Degrease the screen. Wearing gloves, moistening a cloth with alcohol, we wipe the screen from streaks. 2. The screen should be grasped by the edges with your fingers. The sticky layer should remain intact. Otherwise, the reliability of adhesion will deteriorate. The ideal option is to grab the glass with a suction cup. 3. Remove the protective film from the bottom side. We keep the glass at a distance of 5-10 cm from the screen to prevent dust from sticking. 4. Slowly bring the glass to the screen. As soon as it begins to set, we run a napkin in the middle (from the speaker to the buttons). 5. As soon as the center sticks, blow out the air, moving the napkin from the middle line to the edges. 6. When the glass is completely glued, you can remove the top film.

You won’t be able to stick the protective glass onto your smartphone correctly the first time. If dust gets in, you need to peel off the edge from the corner closest to the bank card bubble. A gap of a couple of millimeters is enough to pull out the dust with tweezers or blow it out.

How to stick a protective glass on an iPhone

You can properly glue the protective glass onto an Apple smartphone just like on any other phone. First, you should disinfect your hands so that there is no dust left on the film. Then you should place the glass on the device and try on the boundaries. Then remove the glass and wipe the screen with a napkin and a damp cloth. Remove the protective film and lower the glass towards the screen so that all the cutouts line up exactly. Smooth the surface with a napkin from the center to the edges to remove bubbles and dust. The whole process takes 10 minutes. However, not everyone succeeds in gluing glass perfectly the first time. Air bubbles usually remain. To get rid of them, simply apply a dry cloth to the area and push the air out.

How to properly glue original glass

Before you stick the protective glass on your phone, you need to remove the old one.

Due to the difference in weight, glass is more difficult to remove than film. It is tightly connected to the touchscreen, but not due to glue, but using electrostatic properties. Do not remove glass with sharp metal objects. They can damage the screen, the silicone suction cup can tear off the cables. If dismantling is carried out due to improper installation, then the easiest way to remove the glass is to use a tab in the upper part of the glass. The old surface can be removed by prying the edges with a bank card and gently pulling the surface away with your hands or a suction cup. Broken glass should be removed piece by piece, starting with the largest one. During the installation process, it is easier to hold the new glass using a silicone suction cup. If you don’t have one at hand, you can use regular tape. It is attached to the edges of the protective glass film.

Today, most safety glass comes with cut edges. Such 2.5D sensors are completely adjacent to the screen. But due to their smaller size, they do not cover the entire visible area of ​​the display. It is easier to eliminate deficiencies during the installation process. It is enough to hook the edge of the glass with a bank card.

Original glasses are produced as close as possible to the dimensions of the screen. They cover the entire display. But there are always unglued edges that are visible when the display is turned off.

Full Cover glass with painted frames around the display is made especially for the Apple iPhone. The glass is glued to the screen, completely repeating the shape of the smartphone.

Full Cover glass is also produced for popular items on Android. It is glued around the perimeter and held along the edge. This affects the responsiveness of the display; dust quickly gets under it.

Service life and operation

The lifespan of the protective glass depends on how you use your phone. If the device is constantly located with sharp objects. for example, in a bag next to your keys, the screen quickly gets scratched. This will not render it unusable, but the aesthetic appearance will be compromised. Small particles and metal dust can not only clog the ports on the case, but also get under the glass. Dust and dirt accumulate under the unadhered edges. These particles can scratch the display itself. In general, if you store your smartphone in a closed case, the glass will last for several years, ensuring not only the safety of the gadget, but its aesthetic appearance.


Do you want to protect your phone from damage as much as possible? Then you should think about purchasing and installing protective glass! We will tell you how to glue protective glass yourself in this article!

Why protective glass?

Despite the fact that many manufacturers install special Corning Gorilla Glass on their phones, which in theory should protect the display from scratches and cracking during an accidental fall, as practice shows, they provide little protection and it is better to add additional protective glass.

Protective film or glass

Protective film and protective glass are not the same thing! Glass is much denser than film, does not impair the clickability of the screen and color rendition, better protects the display when the phone falls from a height, and can improve image quality in bright sunlight thanks to the anti-reflective coating. Therefore, when the question is what to choose, film or glass, it is better to give your preference, of course, to protective glass.

By the way, it is worth noting that protective glass is much easier to glue than film!

How to ideally stick protective glass?

If you are going to glue the protective glass on your smartphone yourself, especially for the first time, then it is best to do this in a pre-steamed bath, this is necessary so that all the dust has settled, or in a well-cleaned room, after closing all the windows, turning off the fans and air conditioning .

1 Open the package and remove all the contents; there should be a protective film, a wet wipe (number 1), a dry wipe, adhesive film or tape, and stickers on the table in front of you.

2 Thoroughly wipe the phone display with a damp cloth to remove greasy deposits, and then with a dry cloth, then use an adhesive film to go over the entire screen to completely remove dust.

3 Take the protective glass in your hands and determine its lower part, which will be glued to the phone’s display, and the upper part, on which you will press. The bottom one is marked with the number 1, and the top one with the number 2.

4 Place the protective glass and carefully peel off the bottom protective film (1),
then slowly center the glass and apply it to the phone display.

5 Using smooth movements, preferably with a dry cloth, smooth the glass from the center to the edges of the display and then carefully press it along all bases of the screen. You must do everything quickly so that no dust gets in the first time, otherwise the adhesive layer will hold worse if this is the second attempt.

6 When the protective glass is glued to the phone display, carefully remove the top protective film (2). Hooray! You managed to stick a protective glass on your smartphone!

Watch also the video version on how to correctly and ideally stick protective glass on your phone.

Do you still have additional questions? Write them in the comments about what you did or vice versa!

Good afternoon, dear readers! If you came across this article, then you definitely want to know how to stick a protective glass on your phone yourself. In this article we will look at many nuances, from beginning to end. Go?

What is a protective glass and what does it do for your smartphone?

Let's look at the following before we stick the protective glass on the phone: pros of this glass:

  1. Even if you take a metal object, for example keys, and run it across the glass, there will be no traces left, you can check it yourself.
  2. If your phone falls with its screen on the ground, the protective glass will take the full impact, and the screen itself will remain intact and unharmed.
  3. The protective glass will last you a long time. This film can come off at any time, but the glass lives with your device for a long time.

Now let's look at what they are minuses in gluing protective glass:

  1. You will immediately notice that the phone has increased its weight and become heavier.
  2. Well, don’t forget to prepare about 5ue (in Ukraine), just for gluing the glass. This is if you contact various offices that deal with this.
  3. You need to carefully glue it so as not to buy it again.

Video on how to stick protective glass on your phone

How to stick a protective glass on an iPhone

For those who don’t know how to stick protective glass on iPhone versions 5,6,7,10, xs, etc., the essence is the same as with other phones. Usually, when buying glass, the box always contains the same contents. Namely, it contains the protective glass itself, a cloth/microfiber, and an adhesive film to remove dust particles.

If something is missing, you can always look for improvised means at home, such as rags, etc. and use them.

Before gluing the glass to your phone, first prepare a flat surface, and also do not forget about good lighting so as not to let in and see air and dust particles during gluing.

The entire process will take you about 10 minutes. Beginners don’t always succeed in gluing it correctly the first time; air bubbles always appear, which can be removed with a dry cloth.

Also, if you get dust particles, you can take adhesive tape/tape and use it to remove them.

I don’t think there’s any point in continuing, you saw everything in the video tutorials, and I hope you glued the protective glass to your smartphone yourself or whatever you have) Friends, don’t forget to ask your questions and suggestions in the comments. I help each of my readers. Peace and goodness to everyone!

The Samsung i9190 Galaxy s4 mini was chosen as the “experimental” phone. The glass of the device was cracked, which has not yet been replaced. To protect the screen from dust and moisture getting inside, as well as from further cracking, it was decided to temporarily stick a protective glass on the phone.

Glass has a number of advantages over film:

  • the ability to protect the glass of the device from cracking when dropped with the display facing down;
  • scratch resistance;
  • ease of gluing;
  • excellent fixation with the screen;
  • aesthetic appearance.

Preparation of the workplace.

In order to save money, glass was ordered from one of the Chinese sites. It came with two napkins in individual packages:

1. wet, with cleaning and degreasing impregnation;

2. dry non-woven.

If such wipes are not included in the kit, they can be replaced with a regular alcohol wipe (or a cotton pad soaked in vodka or alcohol) and a microfiber cloth. You may also need clear tape to remove tiny fibers from the screen.

The work area should be firm (such as a kitchen table) and well lit. Otherwise, dust and stains may go unnoticed when gluing glass.

Preparing the phone glass

1. Wash your hands to avoid accidentally leaving greasy fingerprints on the glass and phone.

2. If there is a protective film on the phone, remove it.

3. Take an alcohol wipe (in our case, it’s the wipe from bag No. 1) and wipe the entire phone screen centimeter by centimeter, without missing a single spot.

4. Take a microfiber cloth (we used a tiny cloth from package #2) and wipe the glass dry.

5. Look at the phone in the light to see if there are any untreated areas, dust particles or lint left on it. If any are noticed, they can be removed using the sticky side of ordinary transparent tape, followed by microfiber treatment.

Glass gluing

  • The glass has a protective film on one side, which must be removed by pulling the tab before gluing. The glass must be held by the sides at all times to avoid leaving marks on it.
  • Having freed the film from the film, this side of the glass needs to be brought to the phone screen, aligning it as much as possible with the edges of the display, buttons and speaker.
  • After making sure that all the guidelines are met and the glass is aligned with the edges, lower it onto the screen. The silicone coating of the protection promotes self-adhesive glass.
  • If you find any air pockets under the glass, remove them with a napkin by smoothing them through the adhesive protection.

Having picked up a brand new, cutting-edge smartphone for the first time, the new owner of a convenient, functional communication device understands: the display is the most vulnerable area. But it is he who is the main center of communication between the device and the user. How to protect the display from mechanical damage? If we are talking about a smartphone, for example Xperia, experts do not recommend gluing the film for the reason that special protective glass can be purchased for the vast majority of models of modern smartphones. Currently, many variations of this accessory are presented in abundance on the most advanced trading platforms.

As practice shows, no matter how reliable the standard smartphone display glass is, extra protection will not hurt it. Accidental impacts and falls, active use, carrying the device in a pocket or bag - all this will invariably lead to scuffs and cracks appearing on the glass.

Protective glass, the thickness of which varies from 0.2 to 0.3 mm, consists of five layers:
Oleophobic layer. Allows your finger to glide across the screen freely and smoothly. The layer effectively repels moisture. Fingerprints can be easily removed with an ordinary cloth.
Protective layer (hardness 9H). Gives glass resistance to mechanical stress (impacts, scratches).
Anti-blocking layer - prevents the screen from fading.
The so-called containment layer. Even if you somehow manage to break the screen, this layer will prevent it from falling into pieces.
Silicone base. Reliably fixes the protective glass on the screen.

The process of sticking such a protective glass onto the smartphone screen is very simple; you just need to follow the recommendations specified in the instructions. Usually, the protective glass kit includes everything necessary to fix it on the smartphone screen:
cloth for pre-cleaning glass;
wet and dry wipes for degreasing and wiping;
adhesive strip designed to remove settled dust;
a couple of small adhesive strips to properly fix the glass on the device display.

The protective glass is glued to the smartphone very quickly. To do this, you just need to use all the materials at hand for their intended purpose, following the instructions exactly. If during the process of attaching the protective glass an air bubble has formed under it, you just need to gently push it with your finger, move it to the edge and remove it.

We invite you to watch the video instructions on how to stick protective glass on a smartphone, using the example

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