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The name of the subject is Informatics. We care about your future

This textbook is focused on the specifics of technical higher educational institutions... It successfully combines panoramic coverage of cultural issues with the clarity and rigor of the presentation of the basic concepts and principles. Along with the lecture material, the textbook presents a selection of original texts compiled by topics, given Control questions, bibliography, topics of abstracts and a short cultural dictionary. All this will help to organize studying proccess both with full-time and distance learning... In work on the course, which was tested at the Department of Sociology and Cultural Studies of the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E.Bauman, authors, not considering possible within the framework training course show adherence to any one version or school of cultural studies (while maintaining individual scientific preferences), and realizing the impossibility of a "final" definition of culture, consider culture in the broadest sense of this concept - as the content of social life and the activities of people who create different kinds artifacts. The authors believe that the acquaintance of students with the widest possible range of concepts and ideas about culture that have developed in world science, makes it possible to more fully realize the goals of liberal arts education. The authors proceed from the principles of comparative culturology, which is based on the idea of ​​a dialogue of cultures that distinguishes the Russian scientific school, and rely on interdisciplinary approaches, involving data from related sciences: history, psychology, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, ethnography, linguistics, etc. the fifth edition of the textbook, has undergone significant revision. The lecture topic is supplemented by topics on economic culture and morality and law as cultural phenomena with appropriate textbook accompaniment. The block "Methodology algorithms" has been expanded, which includes the course program, recommendations for conducting seminars and tests for self-control, the volume of the dictionary has been increased. The textbook includes following sections, topics and chapters: "Introduction" (N. G. Bagdasaryan), "Peace through culture": "Topic 1. Culturology as a science" (N. G. Bagdasaryan, I. G. Tikhaya-Tishchenko, I. E. Chuchaikina), "Topic 2. Essence, structure and functions of culture" (N. G. Bagdasaryan), "Topic 3. Typology of culture" (A. V. Litvintseva), "Topic 4. Socio-cultural dynamics "(N. G. Bagdasaryan, G. V. Ivanchenko)," Topic 5. Language of culture "(N. G. Bagdasaryan)," Topic 6. The world of man as a culture "( N. G. Bagdasaryan, A. V. Litvintseva), "Topic 7. Economic culture" (N. G. Bagdasaryan), "Topic 8. Morality and law as cultural phenomena" (N. G. Bagdasaryan), Topic 9. Art as a Cultural Phenomenon (I. E. Chuchaikina), Topic 10. Religion and Science in the Context of Culture (N. G. Bagdasaryan, Yu. P. Pouektov, I. G. Tikhaya-Tishchenko), "Topic 11. Technology as a socio-cultural phenomenon" (A. V. Litvintseva), "Topic 12. Culture and civilization" (N. G. Bagdasaryan, A. V Litvintseva), "Culturology through texts" (compiled by N. G. Bagdasaryan, I. Ye. Chuchaikin, A. V. Litvintsev, A. V. Chernysheva) (chapters: "Culturology as a scientific discipline. The essence and meanings of culture "," Typology of culture. Sociocultural dynamics "," Language of culture "," The world of man as culture "," Economic culture "," Morality and law as phenomena of culture "," Art as a phenomenon of culture "," Religion and science in the context of culture "," Technology as a socio-cultural phenomenon "," Culture and civilization ")," Methodology algorithms "(N.G. Bagdasaryan, I.E. Chuchaikina) (sections:" Program of the course "Cultural studies" self-control "," Brief terminological dictionary "(I. A. Akimova, N. G. Bagdasaryan, I. E. Chuchaikina). General edition of the textbook: N. G. Bagdasaryan. The publication has a stamp: Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions studying in technical specialties. For teachers and students of technical and natural science specialties of universities. The textbook can be used for humanitarian faculties of universities, students of senior classes of secondary schools, colleges, lyceums. For specialists research comrades selected issues cultural studies, religious studies, philosophy, moral theology, pastoral theology, sociology, ethnography. To a limited extent, the textbook can be used in the study of subjects: "General History", "Religious Studies" - for pupils, students and teachers of theological educational institutions, teachers, students and graduate students of theological and historical universities and faculties.

Informatics. Grade 10. A basic level of. Bosova L.L.

Moscow: 2017 - 288 p.

The educational publication is intended for studying informatics on basic level in the 10th grade of educational organizations. Includes questions related to information and information processes, mathematical foundations of computer science, hardware and software computer support, information technologies. The content of the educational publication is based on the material studied in grades 7-9 of basic school. The educational edition allows each student to master key concepts and the laws on which it is built modern informatics, learn how to complete the tasks of the exam of the basic level of complexity. A motivated student will learn to complete a number of USE tasks increased level difficulties. Complies with the federal state educational standard of secondary general education and the approximate basic educational program of secondary general education.

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Table of contents
Introduction 3
§ 1. Information. Information literacy and information culture 5
§ 2. Approaches to measuring information 16
§ 3. Informational connections in systems of different nature 30
§ 4. Processing of information 35
§ 5. Transfer and storage of information 50
§ 6. Development history computing technology 62
§ 7. Fundamental principles of the computer 72
§ 8. Computer software 82
§ 9. File system computer 90
§ 10. Representation of numbers in positional number systems 99
§ 11. Converting numbers from one positional number system to another 110
§ 12. Arithmetic operations in positional number systems 120
§ 13. Representation of numbers in a computer 129
§ 14. Coding of text information 138
§ 15. Coding graphic information 145
§ 16. Coding audio information 159
§ 17. Some information from set theory 166
§ 18. Algebra of logic 174
§ 19. Truth tables 189
§ 20. Conversion logical expressions 197
§ 21. Elements of circuitry. Logic 209
Section 22. Logic tasks and ways to solve them 219
Section 23. Text documents 233
§ 24. Objects computer graphics 253
Section 25. Computer presentations 276

Dear high school students!
You already know that computer science is a scientific discipline about the patterns of information processes in various environments, as well as about the methods and means of their automation. Methods and means of informatics every day more and more penetrate into all spheres of life and areas of knowledge. Studying computer science in school isn't just important for those of you planning to become a computer science professional. Information Technology, it is no less important for those who plan to become in the future a physicist or a physician, a historian or a philologist, an enterprise manager or a politician, a representative of any other field of knowledge or profession.
In high school, computer science (like any other subject) can be studied at two levels: basic and advanced. The results of studying the subject at the basic level are focused primarily on general functional literacy, obtaining competencies for Everyday life and overall development.

Explanatory note

The computer science program for high school is compiled in accordance with: the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary General Education (FGOS SOO); exemplary basic educational program secondary general education (approved by the decision of the federal educational and methodological association for general education; minutes of June 28, 2016 No. 2/16-z).

The program maintains continuity with the federal state educational standard of basic general education; the age and psychological characteristics of schoolchildren studying at the level of basic general education are taken into account, interdisciplinary connections are taken into account.

The program offers the author's approach to structuring teaching material, determining the sequence of its study, ways of forming a system of knowledge, skills and methods of activity, development, education and socialization of students. The program is a key component of the educational and methodological kit on informatics for the basic school (authors L. L. Bosova, A. Yu. Bosova; publishing house "BINOM. Laboratory of Knowledge").

Contribution academic subject in achieving goals

basic general education

The current stage of development of Russia, determined by large-scale socio-economic transformations within the country and global trends in the transition to an information society, presupposes a high level of adaptation of a school graduate to life and work in a high-tech science-intensive environment. The corresponding social order is reflected in the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and international documents.

Formation of fundamental ideas regarding the information component of the modern world, the creation and use of information and communication technologies (ICT) is the prerogative school course informatics. Its study will provide students with broader opportunities for the implementation of individual educational needs; will contribute to an increase in the level of adaptation of school graduates to life and work in a modern information society; will provide additional guarantees for obtaining high-quality free competitive education, which is impossible without knowledge of computer science and ICT; will have a positive effect on the level of training of school graduates who will have the necessary competencies to obtain vocational education.

The main goal of studying the subject "Informatics" at the basic level of secondary general education is to provide further development information competencies graduate, his readiness for life in a developing information society and increasing competition in the labor market. In this regard, the study of computer science in grades 10-11 should provide:

Formation of ideas about the role of informatics, information and communication technologies in modern society;

Formation of the foundations of logical and algorithmic thinking;

The formation of the ability to distinguish between facts and assessments, to compare evaluative conclusions, to see their relationship with the assessment criteria and the relationship of criteria with a certain system values, check for reliability and summarize information;

Formation of ideas about the impact of information technology on human life in society; understanding the social, economic, political, cultural, legal, natural, ergonomic, medical and physiological contexts of information technology;

Acceptance of legal and ethical aspects of information technology; awareness of the responsibility of the people involved in the creation and use of information systems, Spread of information.

Creation of conditions for the development of skills in educational, design, research and creative activities, motivation of students for self-development.

General characteristics of the subject

Informatics is a scientific discipline about the laws governing the flow of information processes in various environments, as well as about the methods and means of their automation.

The general education subject of computer science reflects:

The essence of computer science as a scientific discipline that studies the patterns of information processes in various environments (systems);

The main areas of application of informatics, primarily information and communication technology, management and social sphere;

The interdisciplinary nature of informatics and information activities.

Methods and means of informatics every day more and more penetrate into all spheres of life and areas of knowledge. Studying computer science at school is important not only for those students who plan to become specialists developing new information technologies; it is no less important for those who plan to become in the future a physicist or a physician, a historian or a philologist, an enterprise manager or a politician, a representative of any other field of knowledge or profession.

The computer science course of the secondary school is the final stage of the continuous training of schoolchildren in the field of computer science and ICT; it draws on the content of the basic school computer science course and experience permanent use ICT provides theoretical understanding, interpretation and generalization of this experience. According to the Federal State Educational Standard of secondary (complete) general education, the course of computer science in high school can be studied at a basic or advanced level.

The results of the basic level of studying the subject are focused, first of all, on general functional literacy, obtaining competencies for everyday life and general development. They include:

Understanding of the subject, key issues and the main constituent elements of the studied subject area;

Ability to solve basic practical tasks typical for the use of methods and tools in a given subject area;

Awareness of the scope of the studied subject area, the limitations of methods and tools, typical connections with some other areas of knowledge.

All students studying computer science at the basic level must master the key concepts and patterns on which the subject area of ​​computer science is built.

Each student who has completed a basic level computer science course can learn to complete tasks of a basic level of complexity included in the exam.

A motivated student who has completed a basic-level computer science course should be able to learn how to complete most of the tasks of an increased level of complexity included in the exam.

A particularly motivated student who has taken a basic computer science course should be able to learn how to complete individual tasks high level difficulties included in the exam.

Place of the subject in the curriculum

According to the approximate basic educational program of secondary general education, 70 hours of study time (1 + 1 lesson per week) are allocated for the study of informatics at the basic level in grades 10-11.

In addition, the curriculum provides an elective course -

"Mathematical Foundations of Informatics"

Planned results of mastering the subject "Informatics"

The federal state educational standard of secondary general education establishes the requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program by students:

Personal, including the readiness and ability of students for self-development and personal self-determination, the formation of their motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity, a system of significant social and interpersonal relations, value-semantic attitudes reflecting personal and civic positions in activities, legal awareness, ecological culture, the ability to set goals and make life plans, the ability to understand Russian civic identity in a multicultural society;

Metasubject, including interdisciplinary concepts mastered by students and universal educational actions (regulatory, cognitive, communicative), the ability to use them in cognitive and social practice, independence in planning and implementation learning activities and the organization of educational cooperation with teachers and peers, the ability to build an individual educational trajectory, possession of the skills of educational research, project and social activities;

Subject, including the skills mastered by students in the course of studying a subject area, specific to a given subject area, activities for obtaining new knowledge within the framework of a subject, transforming it and applying it in educational, educational-project and social-project situations, the formation of a scientific type of thinking, knowledge of scientific terminology, key concepts, methods and techniques.

Personal results, the formation of which is influenced by the study of a computer science course, include:

- orientation of students to the implementation of positive life prospects, initiative, creativity, readiness and ability for personal self-determination, the ability to set goals and make life plans;

- acceptance and implementation of the values ​​of a healthy and safe lifestyle, careful, responsible and competent attitude towards one's own physical and psychological health;

- Russian identity, the ability to understand Russian identity in a multicultural society, a sense of belonging to a historical and cultural community Russian people and the fate of Russia, patriotism;

- the readiness of students to constructively participate in making decisions affecting their rights and interests, including in various forms of social self-organization, self-government, socially significant activities;

- moral consciousness and behavior based on the assimilation of universal human values, tolerant consciousness and behavior in a multicultural world, readiness and ability to conduct a dialogue with other people, achieve mutual understanding in it, find common goals and cooperate to achieve them;

- development of the competencies of cooperation with peers, young children, adults in educational, socially useful, educational research, project and other activities.

- worldview corresponding up-to-date development of science, the significance of science, readiness for scientific and technical creativity, possession reliable information about the advanced achievements and discoveries of world and domestic science, interest in scientific knowledge about the structure of the world and society;

- readiness and ability for education, including self-education, throughout life; a conscious attitude towards lifelong education as a condition for successful professional and social activities;

- respect for all forms of property, readiness to protect their property,

- conscious choice future profession as a way and a way of realizing one's own life plans;

- the readiness of students to work professional activity as an opportunity to participate in solving personal, social, state, national problems.

The meta-subject results of mastering the basic educational program are presented by three groups of universal educational actions (ULE).

Traditionally, the section of the course "Algorithms and programming elements" is focused on the formation of this group of universal educational actions. Namely, the graduate will learn:

- independently determine goals, set parameters and criteria by which it is possible to determine that the goal has been achieved;

- evaluate possible consequences achieving the set goal in activities, one's own life and the lives of people around, based on considerations of ethics and morality;

- to set and formulate their own tasks in educational activities and life situations; - evaluate the resources, including time and other intangible resources, necessary to achieve the goal;

- choose the way to achieve the goal, plan the solution of the assigned tasks, optimizing material and non-material costs;

- organize efficient search resources necessary to achieve the goal;

- to compare the obtained result of activity with the goal set in advance. Such thematic sections of the course as “Information and information processes», « Modern technologies creation and processing information objects», « Information modeling"," Information processing in spreadsheets", As well as" Network Information Technologies "and" Fundamentals social informatics". When working with the relevant course materials, the graduate will learn:

- to look for and find generalized ways to solve problems, including, to carry out a detailed information search and set new (educational and cognitive) tasks on its basis;

- critically evaluate and interpret information from different positions, recognize and fix contradictions in information sources;

- use various model-schematic means to represent essential connections and relationships, as well as contradictions identified in information sources;

- find and give critical arguments in relation to the actions and judgments of the other; calmly and reasonably treat critical remarks in relation to one's own judgment, consider them as a resource for one's own development;

- go beyond the academic subject and carry out a targeted search for opportunities for a wide transfer of funds and modes of action.

When studying the sections "Information and Information Processes", "Network Information Technologies" and "Fundamentals of Social Informatics", a number of communicative universal educational actions are formed. Namely, graduates can learn:

- carry out business communication with both peers and adults (both within the educational organization and outside it), select partners for business communication based on considerations of the effectiveness of interaction, and not personal sympathies;

- to coordinate and carry out work in conditions of real, virtual and combined interaction;

- Explicitly, logically and accurately state your point of view using adequate (oral and written) linguistic means.

Subject results of mastering the academic subject "Informatics"

  • Information and information processes

- to use knowledge about the place of informatics in the modern scientific picture of the world;

- construct non-uniform codes that allow unambiguous decoding of messages using the Fano condition.

- to use knowledge about codes that allow detecting errors in data transmission, as well as about error-correcting codes.

- to justify the choice of software and technical means of ICT for the solution of professional and learning objectives using knowledge about the principles of building a personal computer and the classification of its software;

- apply antivirus software to provide stable work technical means of ICT;

- use ready-made applications computer programs in accordance with the type of tasks to be solved and according to the chosen specialization;

- comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements when working at a personal computer in accordance with the norms of the current SanPiN.

A graduate at a basic level will have the opportunity to learn:

- to classify software in accordance with the range of tasks performed;

- understand the basic principles of a modern computer and mobile device electronic devices;

- use the rules of safe and economical work with computers and mobile devices;

- understand the principle of control of a robotic device;

- to consciously approach the choice of ICT - means for their educational and other purposes;

- diagnose the state of a personal computer, or mobile devices for their infection computer virus;

- use information about the history and development trends computer technology; get acquainted with the principles of distributed computing systems and parallel data processing;

- find out what tasks are solved with the help of supercomputers; find out what are the physical limitations for the characteristics of the computer.

  • Presentation of information in a computer

A graduate at a basic level will learn:

- translate the given natural number from binary notation to octal and hexadecimal, and vice versa; compare numbers written in binary, octal and hexadecimal systems dead reckoning;

- define information volume graphic and sound data under specified sampling conditions

A graduate at a basic level will have the opportunity to learn:

–Use knowledge about data sampling in scientific research sciences and technology.

  • Elements of set theory and algebra of logic

A graduate at a basic level will learn:

- build a logical expression by given table truth; solve simple logical equations.

A graduate at a basic level will have the opportunity to learn:

- perform equivalent transformations of logical expressions using the laws of logic algebra, including when compiling search queries.

  • Modern technologies for creating and processing information objects

A graduate at a basic level will learn:

- create structured text documents and demo materials using the capabilities of modern software tools.


The role of information and related processes in the outside world. Differences in the presentation of data intended for storage and processing in automated computer systems, and data intended for human perception. Systems. System components and their interaction. The versatility of discrete information representation

Chapter 1 ... Information and information processes

§ 1. Information. Information literacy and information culture

1. Information, its properties and types

2.Information culture and information literacy

3. Stages of work with information

4.Some techniques for working with text information

§ 2. Approaches to measuring information

2.Alphabetical Approach to Measuring Information

3.Units of information

§ 3. Information links in systems of various nature


2.Informational links in systems

3.Control systems

§ 4. Processing of information

1. The tasks of information processing

2.Coding information

3.Search information

§ 5. Transfer and storage of information

1.Transmission of information

2.Retention of information

Chapter 3 ... Representation of information in a computer § 14. Coding of text information

1 ASCII encoding and its extensions

2.UNICODE standard

3.Information volume text message

§ 15. Coding of graphic information

1.General approaches to encoding graphic information

2.About vector and raster graphics

3.Color encoding

4.RGB color model

5. HSB color model

6.Color CMYK model

§ 16. Coding of audio information

1.Sound and its characteristics

2.The concept of sound recording

3.Digitalizing sound

Mathematical Foundations of Informatics

Texts and coding. Uniform and non-uniform codes. Fano's condition.

Chapter 1 ... Information and information processes

§ 4. Processing of information

4.2. Information coding

Number systems

Comparison of numbers written in binary, octal and hexadecimal number systems. Addition and subtraction of numbers written in these number systems

Chapter 3 ... Presentation of information in a computer

§ 10. Representation of numbers in positional number systems

1.General information about number systems

2.Positional number systems

3.Convert numbers from q-ary to

decimal number system § 11. Converting numbers from one positional number system to another

5.Translation of the whole decimal number to the number system with base q

6.Convert an integer decimal number to binary system reckoning

7.Convert an integer from base p to base q

8.Convert final decimal to base q

9. "Fast" translation of numbers in computer number systems

§ 12. Arithmetic operations in positional number systems

1.Adding numbers with base q

2.Subtracting numbers with base q

3.Multiplying numbers in base q

4 division of numbers with base q

5 binary arithmetic

§ 13. Representation of numbers in a computer

1 representing integers

2.Presentation of real

Elements of combinatorics, set theory and mathematical logic. Operations "implication", "equivalence". Examples of the laws of the algebra of logic. Equivalent conversions of logical expressions. Building a logical expression with a given truth table. Solving the simplest logical equations.

Chapter 4 ... Elements of set theory and algebra of logic

§ 17. Some information from set theory

1 the concept of a set

2 operations on sets

3.Capacity of the set

§ 18. Algebra of logic

1 logical statements and variables

2.Logic operations

3 boolean expressions

4. Predicates and their truth sets

§ 19. Truth tables

1 building truth tables

2.Analysis of truth tables

§20 Converting Boolean Expressions

1.Basic laws of the algebra of logic

2.Logic functions

3. Compilation of a logical expression according to the truth table and its simplification

§ 21. Elements of schemes of technology. Logic.

1 logical elements



§ 22. Logical problems and ways to solve them

1 method of reasoning

2.Prints about knights and liars

3. Tasks for matching. Tabular method

4 using truth tables to solve logic problems

5 Solving Boolean Problems by Simplifying Boolean Expressions

Usage software systems and services

Computer - universal device data processing Software and hardware organization of computers and computer systems. Architecture modern computers. Personal Computer... Multiprocessor systems. Supercomputers. Distributed computing systems and big data processing. Mobile digital devices and their role in communications. Built-in computers. Microcontrollers. Robotic production. Choosing a computer configuration depending on the problem being solved. Development trends hardware computers.

Software (SW) of computers and computer systems. Different kinds Software and their purpose. Features of the software of mobile devices.

Organization of storage and processing of data, including using Internet services, cloud technologies and mobile devices. Applied computer programs used in accordance with the type of tasks to be solved and for the chosen specialization. Parallel programming. Installation and uninstallation of software tools necessary for solving educational tasks and tasks for the chosen specialization. Legislation Russian Federation in the field of software. Methods and means of ensuring the reliable functioning of ICT facilities. Application specialized programs to ensure the stable operation of ICT facilities.

Safety, hygiene, ergonomics, resource saving, technological requirements for the operation of a computer workstation. Designing an automated workstation in accordance with the purposes of its use

Chapter 2 ... Computer and its software

§ 6. History of the development of computing technology

1.Stages information transformation in society

2. Development history of computing devices

3.Computer generations

§7. Fundamental principles of a computer

1.Principles of Neumann-Lebedev

2.Personal computer architecture

3.Prospective directions of development of computers

§ 8. Computer software

1.Software structure

2.System software

3.Programming systems

4.Application software

§ 9. Computer file system

1.Files and directories

2.File system functions

3 file structures

Preparation of texts and demonstration materials. Search tools and autocorrect. Change history. Usage ready-made templates and creating your own. Development of the structure of the document, the creation of a hypertext document. Standards for bibliographic descriptions. Business correspondence, scientific publication. Abstract and annotation. Making a list of references. Collective work with documents. Review of the text. Cloud services.

Acquaintance with computer typesetting of text. Technical means text input. Recognition programs for text entered using a scanner, tablet or graphics tablet... Speech synthesis and recognition programs

Chapter 5 ... Modern technologies for creating and processing information objects

Section 23. Text documents

1.Types of text documents

2.Kinds of software for processing text information

3.Create text documents on the computer

4. Means of automating the process of creating documents

5 collaborate on a document

6. Making an abstract as an example of automating the process of creating documents

7.Other possibilities of automating the processing of textual information

Working with audiovisual data

Creation and transformation of audiovisual objects. Capturing images using various digital devices(digital cameras and microscopes, camcorders, scanners, etc.). Image and sound processing using Internet and mobile applications.

Using online multimedia services to develop presentations design work... Group work, technology for publishing finished material on the web

Chapter 5 ... Modern technologies for the creation and processing of information objects § 24. Objects of computer graphics

Computer graphics and its types

2.Graphic file formats

3 concept of permission

4.Digital photography

§ 25. Computer presentations

1. Types of computer presentations.

2.Creating presentations


Lesson number Lesson topic Tutorial paragraph

Lesson topic

Tutorial paragraph

Information and information processes - 6 hours

Information. Information literacy and information culture.

Approaches to measuring information.

Information communications in systems of various nature

Data processing

Transfer and storage of information

Generalization and systematization of the studied material on the topic "Information and information processes" Testing work.

Computer and its software - 5 hours

The history of the development of computing

Fundamental principles of a computer

Computer software

Computer file system

Generalization and systematization of the studied material on the topic "Computer and its software."


Presentation of information in a computer - 9 hours

Representation of numbers in positional number systems

Converting numbers from one positional number system to another

§ 11.1-11.4

"Fast" translation of numbers in computer number systems


Arithmetic operations in positional number systems

Representing numbers in a computer

Encoding text information

Graphic information encoding

Audio coding

Generalization and systematization of the studied material on the topic "Presentation of information in a computer." Verification work.

10 - 16

Elements of set theory and algebra of logic - 8 hours

Some facts from set theory

Algebra of logic

Truth tables

Basic laws of logic algebra


Converting Boolean Expressions


Elements of schemes of technology. Logic

Logical tasks and ways to solve them

Generalization and systematization of the studied material on the topic "Elements of set theory and algebra of logic." Verification work.


Modern technologies for creating and processing information objects - 5 hours

Text documents

Computer graphics objects

Computer presentations

Implementation of a mini-project on the topic "Creation and processing of information objects"


Generalization and systematization of the studied material on the topic "Modern technologies for the creation and processing of information objects." Verification work


Final repetition - 2 hours

Final testing


Key ideas and concepts of the course


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Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 93", Perm


At the MO meeting

Protocol No. 1


Deputy Director for OIA

M. A. Kataeva


Director of MAOU Secondary School No. 93

L. F. Tokareva

Order No. SED-59-01-10-84 dated 31.08.2018

Working programm

The name of the subject is Informatics.

Class: 10

General education level: Basic

Program implementation period: academic year 2018-2019

Number of hours according to the curriculum: only 35 hours per year; 1 hour per week.

The planning is based on the 10th grade computer science course curriculum for general education institutions.

The working program was made by: N. N. Shelakhova


The working paper was drawn up in accordance with: the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education (FSES LLC); educational program of basic general education MAOU secondary school №93, Perm; curriculum for the 2018-2019 academic year; based author's program Bosovoy L.L. "Program in the academic subject" Informatics "for grades 10-11",

The work program is designed for 35 hours per year (1 hour per week).


The federal state educational standard of secondary general education establishes the requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program by students:

Personal, including the readiness and ability of students for self-development and personal self-determination, the formation of their motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity, the system of significant social and interpersonal relations, value-semantic attitudes, reflecting personal and civic positions in activities, legal awareness, ecological culture, the ability to set goals and life plans, the ability to understand Russian civic identity in a multicultural society;

Metasubject, including interdisciplinary concepts mastered by students and universal educational actions (regulatory, cognitive, communicative), the ability to use them in cognitive and social practice, independence in planning and implementing educational activities and organizing educational cooperation with teachers and peers, the ability to build an individual educational trajectory , possession of skills in educational research, project and social activities;

Subject, including the skills mastered by students in the course of studying a subject area, specific to a given subject area, activities for obtaining new knowledge within the framework of a subject, transforming it and applying it in educational, educational-project and social-project situations, the formation of a scientific type of thinking, knowledge of scientific terminology, key concepts, methods and techniques.

TO personal results, the formation of which is influenced by the study of a computer science course, include:

- orientation of students to the implementation of positive life prospects, initiative, creativity, readiness and ability for personal self-determination, the ability to set goals and make life plans;

- acceptance and implementation of the values ​​of a healthy and safe lifestyle, careful, responsible and competent attitude towards one's own physical and psychological health;

- Russian identity, the ability to understand Russian identity in a multicultural society, a sense of belonging to the historical and cultural community of the Russian people and the fate of Russia, patriotism;

- the readiness of students to constructively participate in making decisions affecting their rights and interests, including in various forms of social self-organization, self-government, socially significant activities;

- moral consciousness and behavior based on the assimilation of universal human values, tolerant consciousness and behavior in a multicultural world, readiness and ability to conduct a dialogue with other people, achieve mutual understanding in it, find common goals and cooperate to achieve them;

- development of the competencies of cooperation with peers, young children, adults in educational, socially useful, educational research, project and other activities.

- a worldview that corresponds to the modern level of development of science, the significance of science, readiness for scientific and technical creativity, possession of reliable information about the advanced achievements and discoveries of world and domestic science, interest in scientific knowledge about the structure of the world and society;

- readiness and ability for education, including self-education, throughout life; a conscious attitude towards lifelong education as a condition for successful professional and social activities;

- respect for all forms of property, readiness to protect their property,

- a conscious choice of a future profession as a way and a way of realizing one's own life plans;

- the readiness of students for labor professional activity as an opportunity to participate in solving personal, social, state, and national problems.

Metasubject results mastering the basic educational program are represented by three groups of universal educational actions (ULE).

Traditionally, the section of the course "Algorithms and programming elements" is focused on the formation of this group of universal educational actions. Namely, the graduate will learn:

- independently determine goals, set parameters and criteria by which it is possible to determine that the goal has been achieved;

- to evaluate the possible consequences of achieving the set goal in activities, one's own life and the lives of people around, based on considerations of ethics and morality;

- to set and formulate their own tasks in educational activities and life situations; - evaluate the resources, including time and other intangible resources, necessary to achieve the goal;

- choose the way to achieve the goal, plan the solution of the assigned tasks, optimizing material and non-material costs;

- organize an effective search for the resources necessary to achieve the goal;

- to compare the obtained result of activity with the goal set in advance. The formation, development and improvement of a group of cognitive universal educational actions are most focused on such thematic sections of the course as "Information and Information Processes", "Modern Technologies for the Creation and Processing of Information Objects", "Information Modeling", "Information Processing in Spreadsheets", and See also Network Information Technologies and Fundamentals of Social Informatics. When working with the relevant course materials, the graduate will learn:

- to look for and find generalized ways of solving problems, including, to carry out a detailed information search and set new (educational and cognitive) tasks on its basis;

- critically evaluate and interpret information from different positions, recognize and fix contradictions in information sources;

- use various model-schematic means to represent essential connections and relationships, as well as contradictions identified in information sources;

- find and give critical arguments in relation to the actions and judgments of the other; calmly and reasonably treat critical remarks in relation to one's own judgment, consider them as a resource for one's own development;

- go beyond the academic subject and carry out a targeted search for opportunities for a wide transfer of funds and modes of action.

When studying the sections "Information and Information Processes", "Network Information Technologies" and "Fundamentals of Social Informatics", a number of communicative universal educational actions are formed. Namely, graduates can learn:

- carry out business communication with both peers and adults (both within the educational organization and outside), select partners for business communication based on considerations of the effectiveness of interaction, and not personal sympathies;

- to coordinate and carry out work in conditions of real, virtual and combined interaction;

- Explicitly, logically and accurately state your point of view using adequate (oral and written) linguistic means.

Topic 1 Introduction.

The role of information and related processes in the outside world. Differences in the presentation of data intended for storage and processing in automated computer systems and data intended for human perception. Systems. System components and their interaction. The versatility of discrete information presentation.

Topic 2Mathematical Foundations of Informatics

Texts and coding. Uniform and non-uniform codes. Fano's condition. Number systems

Comparison of numbers written in binary, octal and hexadecimal number systems. Addition and subtraction of numbers written in these number systems.

Elements of combinatorics, set theory and mathematical logic. Operations "implication", "equivalence". Examples of the laws of the algebra of logic. Equivalent conversions of logical expressions. Building a logical expression with a given truth table. Solving the simplest logical equations.

Topic 3Use of software systems and services

Computer - a universal data processing device Software and hardware organization of computers and computer systems. The architecture of modern computers. Personal Computer. Multiprocessor systems. Supercomputers. Distributed computing systems and big data processing. Mobile digital devices and their role in communications. Built-in computers. Microcontrollers. Robotic production. Choosing a computer configuration depending on the problem being solved. Trends in the development of computer hardware.

Software (SW) of computers and computer systems. Various types of software and their purpose. Features of the software of mobile devices.

Organization of data storage and processing, including using Internet services, cloud technologies and mobile devices. Applied computer programs used in accordance with the type of tasks to be solved and for the chosen specialization. Parallel programming. Installation and uninstallation of software tools necessary for solving educational tasks and tasks for the chosen specialization. Legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of software. Methods and means of ensuring the reliable functioning of ICT facilities. Application of specialized programs to ensure the stable operation of ICT facilities.

Safety, hygiene, ergonomics, resource saving, technological requirements for the operation of a computer workstation. Designing an automated workstation in accordance with the purposes of its use

Working with audiovisual data

Creation and transformation of audiovisual objects. Image input using various digital devices (digital cameras and microscopes, camcorders, scanners, etc.). Image and sound processing using Internet and mobile applications.

Preparation of texts and demonstration materials. Search tools and autocorrect. Change history. Using ready-made templates and creating your own. Development of the structure of the document, the creation of a hypertext document. Standards for bibliographic descriptions. Business correspondence, scientific publication. Abstract and annotation. Making a list of references. Collective work with documents. Review of the text. Cloud services.

Acquaintance with computer typesetting of text. Technical means of text input. Recognition programs for text entered using a scanner, tablet PC, or graphics tablet. Synthesis and speech recognition programs.



Number of hours

Working programm

Information and information processes

Presentation of information in a computer

Modern technologies for creating and processing information objects



3 4

Lesson number


Lesson topic

According to plan


1 Week

Objectives of studying the course of informatics and ICT. Safety precautions and workplace organization.

Topic " Information and information processes »

2 week

Information. Information literacy and information culture.

3 week

Approaches to measuring information.

4 week

Information communications in systems of various nature

5 week

Data processing

6 week

Transfer and storage of information

7 week

Generalization and systematization of the studied material on the topic "Information and information processes" Control work.

Topic: " Computer and its software »

8 week

The history of the development of computing

9 week

Fundamental principles of a computer

10 week

Computer software

11 week

Computer file system

12 week

Generalization and systematization of the studied material on the topic "Computer and its software." Verification work.

Topic: " Presentation of information in a computer "

13 week

Representation of numbers in positional number systems

14 week

Converting numbers from one positional number system to another

15 week

"Fast" translation of numbers in computer number systems

16 week

Arithmetic operations in positional number systems

17 week

Representing numbers in a computer

18 week

Encoding text information

19 week

Graphic information encoding

20 week

Audio coding

21 week

Generalization and systematization of the studied material on the topic "Presentation of information in a computer." Verification work.

Topic: " Elements of set theory and algebra of logic »

22 week

Some facts from set theory

23 week

Algebra of logic

24 week

Truth tables

25 week

Basic laws of logic algebra

26 week

Converting Boolean Expressions

27 week

Elements of schemes of technology. Logic

28 week

Logical tasks and ways to solve them

29 week

Generalization and systematization of the studied material on the topic "Elements of set theory and algebra of logic." Verification work.

Topic: " Modern technologies for creating and processing information objects "

30 week

Text documents

31 weeks

Computer graphics objects

32 week

Computer presentations

33 week

Implementation of a mini-project on the topic "Creation and processing of information objects"

34 week

The final test

35 week

Key ideas and concepts of the course

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