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The diagram shows the roads between settlements.

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Released: 2015-2017
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Finished tasks Tasks for Chapter 1 "Mathematical Foundations of Informatics"

1. Fill in the table by writing in the decimal positional numeral system the numbers corresponding to the numbers written in the Roman numeral system:

2. Convert the numbers from the Roman numeral system to the decimal numeral system:

3. Write in the Roman numeral system:

4. Write down the alphabets of the following positional number systems:

5. The alphabets of which positional number systems are shown below? Write down their names:

6. Write down the smallest radix in which the following numbers can be written:

7. Write down the numbers in expanded form:

8. Calculate the decimal equivalents of the following numbers:

9. Calculate the decimal equivalents of the following binary numbers:

10. Write down the maximum and minimum four-digit numbers:

11. The calculator, working in the ternary number system, has five familiarity for displaying a number on the screen. What is the largest decimal number that this calculator can work with?

12. Specify the numbers of numbers in ascending order:

13. Compare the numbers:

14. Calculate the x for which the equalities are true:

15. One wise man wrote: “I am 33 years old. My mother is 124 and my father is 131. Together we are 343 years old. " What number system did the sage use and how old was he?

16. One person had 102 coins. He divided them equally between his two children. Each got 12 coins and one was left superfluous. What number system was used and how many coins were there?

17. Construct a drawing on the coordinate plane, marking and connecting the points in the specified sequence.

18. Construct a drawing on the coordinate plane, marking and successively connecting the points:

19. Construct a drawing on the coordinate plane, marking and successively connecting the points:

20. Convert decimal to binary integers:

21. Convert decimal to binary integers using the difference method:

22. Decode the graphic image by representing the following decimal numbers in binary code (write each binary digit in a separate cell; shade the cells with zeros):

23. How much is 1 in binary notation of a decimal number?

24. How much is 0 in binary notation of a decimal number?

25. Write down the natural integers belonging to the following numerical ranges:

26. Convert integers from decimal to octal:

27. Convert integers from decimal to hexadecimal:

28. Fill in the table, in each line of which the same number should be written in base 2, 8, 10 and 16.

29. Perform the addition operation on binary numbers. Check by converting the terms and sum to decimal notation.

30. Perform the multiplication operation on binary numbers. Check by converting the factors and product to decimal notation.

31. Develop tables of addition and multiplication for the octal number system.

32. Solve the equation

33. The Olympiad in Informatics was attended by 30 girls and 50 boys, and a total of 100 people. In what number system is this information recorded?

34. Find the value of the expression K + L + M + N in octal number system, if:

35. Build a graph reflecting the relationship of basic concepts on the topic "Number systems".

36. Convert the number 1010 from the decimal number system to the binary number system. How many units does this number contain? In your answer, please indicate one number - the number of units.
Answer: 7.
37. Present decimal numbers in unsigned 8-bit format.

38. Write down the direct decimal code in signed 8-bit format.

39. Find the decimal equivalents of numbers by their direct codes, written in 8-bit signed format:

40. Write down the following numbers in natural form:

41. Write down the number 2014.4102 (10) in five different ways in normal form:

42. Write down the following numbers in normal form with the normalized mantissa - a regular fraction with a nonzero digit after the decimal point:

43. Consider a fragment of the ASCII encoding table:

Decode the following texts using the encoding table:

44. Go from decimal to hexadecimal and decode the following texts:

45. An abstract typed on a computer contains 16 pages, each page contains 32 lines, each line contains 64 characters. Determine the information volume of the Unicode article, where each character is encoded in 16 bits.

46. ​​Each hexadecimal digit is assigned a string of four 0's and 1's (binary tetrad):
Decode graphics by replacing each hexadecimal digit with a binary notebook. Fill in the cells with zeros.

47. Calculate the required amount of video memory for graphics mode, if the screen resolution of the monitor is 1024x768, color depth is 32 bits.

48. Calculate the required amount of video memory for graphics mode, if the screen resolution of the monitor is 1024x768, and the number of colors in the palette is 256.

49. For storing a raster image with a size of 128x64 pixels, 8 Kbytes of memory were allocated. What is the maximum possible number of colors in the image palette?

50. An article typed on a computer contains 4 pages, each page contains 40 lines, each line contains 64 characters. In one Unicode representation, each character is encoded in 16 bits. Determine the informational scope of the article in this Unicode representation.
Answer: 1) 20 KB.

51. Write down one true and one false statement from biology, geography, computer science, history, mathematics, literature:

52. In the following statements, highlight the simple ones, marking each of them with a letter; write down each compound statement using letters and signs of logical operations.

53. The table shows the requests and the number of pages found on them for a certain segment of the Internet.

How many pages (in thousands) will be found by the query CHOCOLATE?

54. The table shows the requests and the number of pages found on them for a certain segment of the Internet.

How many pages (in thousands) will be found by request ZUBR | TOUR?
Solve the problem using Euler circles:

55. The table shows the requests and the number of pages found on them for a certain segment of the Internet.

How many pages (in thousands) will be found by the query FOOTBALL & HOCKEY?
Solve the problem using Euler circles:

56. Some segment of the Internet consists of 1000 sites. The table shows the requests and the number of pages found for them in this network segment:

How many bytes will be found by the query BLUEBERRY | RASPBERRY | BRUSNIKA?
Solve the problem using Euler circles:

57. Build truth tables for the following logical expressions:

58. Carry out the proof of the logical laws of general inversion using truth tables:

59. Three numbers are given: A = 11000 (2), B = 18 (10), C = 27 (10). Convert A, B, and C to binary and perform bitwise logical operations (AvB) & C. Give your answer in decimal notation.

60. Find the value of the logical expression for the specified values ​​of X:

61. Fill in the table with boolean values:

62. Three friends were playing football in the yard and broke the window with a ball. Vanya said: "It was I who broke the window, Kolya did not break the window." Kolya said: "It was not me or Sasha who did it." Sasha said: "It was not me or Vanya who did it." And the grandmother sat on the bench and saw everything. She said that only one boy told the truth both times, but did not name who broke the window. Who is this?

63. The case of embezzlement is being investigated. Bragin, Kurgin and Likhodeev are suspected of this crime. Each of them gave the following testimony.
Bragin: “I didn't do it. Likhodeev did it. "
Likhodeev: "I am not to blame, but Kurgin has nothing to do with it."
Kurgin: “Likhodeev is not guilty. The crime was committed by Bragin. "
The investigation clearly established that the theft was committed by two, in addition, the suspects were confused in the testimony and each of them did not give completely truthful testimony. Who committed the crime?
Solve the problem by completing and analyzing the truth table:

64. During the trip, five friends - Anton, Boris, Vadim, Dima and Grisha - got to know their fellow traveler. They asked her to guess their last names, and each of them made one true and one false statement:
Dima said: "My surname is Mishin, and Boris's surname is Khokhlov."
Anton said: "Mishin is my surname, and Vadim's surname is Belkin." Boris said: "Vadim's last name is Tikhonov, and my last name is Mishin."
Vadim said: "My surname is Belkin, and Grisha's surname is Chekhov."
Grisha said: "Yes, my surname is Chekhov, and Anton's surname is Tikhonov."
What is the last name of each of your friends?

(Dm (¬Bx) + (¬Dm) Bx) * (Am (¬Wb) + (¬Am) Wb) * (Bm (¬W) + (¬Bm) W) * (Wb (¬Gh) + ( ¬Vb) Gh) * (Gh (¬At) + (¬Gh) Am) = 1
The expression is true when all the sums are true. Suppose that Dm = 1, then Am = 0, Bm = 0; But then Wb = 1 and W = 1, which is impossible. Hence, Bh-truth. Then Bm is false, W is true, Am is false, Gch is true, Wb is false, Am is true.
Answer: Boris Khokhlov, Vadim Tikhonov, Grisha Chekhov, Anton Mishin, Dima Belkin.
65. Three friends, football fans, were arguing about the results of the upcoming tournament.
Yuri's opinion: “You will see, Barcelona will not be the first. Zenit will be the first. "
Victor's opinion: “Barcelona will be the winner. And there is nothing to say about Zenit, it will not be the first. "
Leonid's opinion: "Real Madrid will not see the first place, but Barcelona have all the chances to win."
At the end of the competition, it turned out that each of the two assumptions of two friends was confirmed, and both assumptions of the third friend turned out to be incorrect. Who won the tournament?
Solve the problem by constructing and transforming a boolean expression:

66. Find out what signal should be at the output of the circuit for each possible set of signals at the inputs. Fill in the schema work table. What logical expression describes the scheme?

67. For which of the given names is the statement true:

Assignments for Chapter 2 "Modeling and Formalization"

68. Write down one example of the verbal patterns discussed in the lessons:

69. Remember the fables of I. A. Krylov. What character traits of people and relationships between people did the author modeled in them?

70. Make mathematical models and solve the following problems with their help.
a) The motor boat passed 255 km against the river and returned to the point of departure, spending 2 hours less on the way back. Find the speed of the boat in still water if the current is 1 km / h.

b) The barge left point A at 10:00 from point A to point B, located 15 km from A. After staying at point B at 1 hour 20 minutes, the barge set off back and returned to point A at 16:00. Determine (in km / h) the speed of the river if it is known that the proper speed of the barge is 7 km / h.

71. It is required to design an electronic circuit showing the result of the secret ballot of a commission consisting of three members. When voting "for", each member of the commission presses a button. A proposal is considered accepted if it receives a majority of votes. In this case, the lamp comes on.

72. Make a logical model and use it to solve the following problem.
Athletes from Germany, Italy, China, Russia and Ukraine took the first five places at international diving competitions. Even before the start of the competition, the experts expressed their assumptions about their results:
1) the first place will be taken by an athlete from China, and an athlete from Ukraine will be the third;
2) Ukraine will be in last place, and Germany - in the penultimate;
3) Germany will definitely be the fourth, and China will take the first place;
4) Russia will be the first, and Italy - the second;
5) no, the athlete from Italy will be the fifth and the athlete from Germany will win.
At the end of the competition, it turned out that each expert was right in only one statement. What places did the participants take in the competition?

73. Establish a correspondence between examples of information models and their types:

74. Set the correspondence:

75. Give an example of a system, the model of which can be represented in the form of a graph. Draw the corresponding graph.

76. How many three-digit numbers can be written using the digits 0, 1, 2 and 3, provided that the number should not contain identical digits? Write down all such numbers.

77. For making chains, beads are used, marked with letters: A, B, C, D, E. In the first place in the chain is one of the beads A, C, D. At the second - any consonant, if the first letter is a vowel, and any vowel if the first consonant. In third place is one of the beads C, D, E, which is not in the first or second place in the chain. How many chains can you create using this rule?
Build and analyze a tree to solve the problem.

78. The diagram shows the roads between four settlements A, B, C, D and indicates the length of the roads.

You can only move along the roads indicated on the map. Determine the shortest distance between the points farthest from each other. To solve the problem, fill in the table:

79. The diagram shows the roads between four settlements A, B, C, D and indicates the length of the roads.

It is known that the shortest distance between the points farthest from each other is 7. Determine at what x it is possible. To solve the problem, fill in the table:

80. Six retail outlets A, B, C, D, D, E are connected by one-way roads (direction of movement is indicated by arrows, length of roads in km - by numbers).

81. At orienteering competitions, the participant must run from start to finish, gaining the maximum possible number of points (their possible number for overcoming a particular section is shown in the picture). What is the most points an athlete can score?

82. The executor The calculator has two commands, which are assigned numbers:
1 - add 2,
2 - multiply by 3.
The first of them increases the current number by 2, the second multiplies it by 3. For example, program 112 converts the original number 1 to 15:
1+2=3, 3+2=5, 5*3=15.
How many different programs are there to convert 1 to 15?

83. The executor The calculator has two commands, which are assigned numbers:
1 - add 4,
2 - subtract 3.
How many different numbers will be obtained if the executor executes all possible programs consisting of four commands?

84. The executor The calculator has two commands, which are assigned numbers:
1 - add 1,
2 - multiply by 2.
How many different programs are there to convert 1 to 10?
Build and analyze a tree to solve the problem.

85. Two players play the following game. A pile of 6 stones lies in front of them. Players take stones in turn. In one move, you can take 1, 2 or 3 stones. The one who takes the last stone loses. If both players play flawlessly, who wins - the player making the first move or the player making the second move? What should be the winning player's first move? Justify the answer by building a game tree.

86. Two players play the following game. In front of them are two piles of stones, in the first of which there are 1, and in the second - 2 stones. Each player has an unlimited number of stones. Players take turns. The move consists in the fact that the player either increases by 3 times the number of stones in some heap, or adds 2 stones to some heap. The player wins, after whose turn the total number of stones in two piles becomes at least 17 stones. If both players play flawlessly, who wins - the player making the first move or the player making the second move? What should be the winning player's first move? Present the solution in tabular form.

87. The table shows the cost of transportation between neighboring railway stations. Build the schema corresponding to the table:

88. Roads have been built between settlements A, B, C, D, D, the length of which is given in the table.
Determine the shortest path between points A and D (provided that you can only move along the constructed roads). To solve the problem on the table, build a diagram, from the diagram go to the tree.

89. Transportation between settlements A, B, C, D, E is carried out by three companies that have presented the cost of their services in tabular form. Which company provides the lowest fare from A to B?

90. Four football teams: Italian Milan, Spanish Real, Russian Zenit, English Chelsea met in the group stage of the Champions League. They were trained by coaches from the same four countries: the Italian Antonio, the Spaniard Rodrigo, the Russian Nikolai, the Englishman Mark. It is known that the nationality of all four coaches did not coincide with the nationality of the teams. It is required to determine the coach of each team, if it is known:
a) Zenit does not train with Mark and Antonio;
b) Mark is not the head coach of Milan.

91. The swimming competition was in full swing when it became clear that the first four places would be taken by the boys from the top five. Their names are Valery, Nikolay, Mikhail, Igor, Eduard, surnames: Simakov, Chigrin, Zimin, Kopylov, Blinov (names and surnames are named in no particular order). There were experts who predicted that the first place will be taken by Kopylov, the second - Valery, the third - Chigrin, the fourth - Eduard. But none of the guys took the place that was predicted for him. In fact, Mikhail won first place, Simakov second, Nikolay third, Blinov fourth, and Chigrin did not make it into the top four. State the first and last name of each of the leaders.

92. Four married couples live in Norilsk, Moscow, Rostov and Pyatigorsk (in each city there is one couple). The names of these spouses: Anton, Boris, David, Gregory, Olga, Maria, Svetlana, Ekaterina. Anton lives in Norilsk, Boris and Olga are spouses, Grigory and Svetlana do not live in the same city, Maria lives in Moscow, Svetlana lives in Rostov. In which city does each of the married couples live?

93. Roads have been built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, the length of which is given in the table.

94. The diagram shows the roads between settlements A, B, C, D, E and indicates their length. Determine which two settlements are most distant from each other (provided that you can only move along the roads indicated in the diagram). In your answer, indicate the shortest distance between these settlements.

95. The figure shows a scheme of roads connecting cities A, B, C, D, E, F, G. On each of the roads you can move only in one direction, indicated by the arrow. How many different routes are there from city A to city G?

96. Establish a correspondence between the types of fields and the values ​​of the fields of the relational database:

97. The HOA database has the following structure:

98. Think over and write down the names and types of the single-table database fields:

99. Database "Countries" contains the following information for different countries of the world: name; Population; census date; the percentage of the country's population of the total population of the Earth; area in km2; the mainland on which it is located.

100. A fragment of the "Details" database is presented below in tabular form.

Tasks for Chapter 3 "Fundamentals of Algorithmization"
Assignments for Chapter 4 "Beginnings of Programming in Pascal"
Assignments for Chapter 5 "Processing Numerical Information in Spreadsheets"

209. A fragment of a spreadsheet is given in the mode of displaying formulas. What is the result of the calculations in cell C3?

210. Fragment of a spreadsheet contains numbers and formulas. What value will be in cell C4 if it contains the formula:

211. One of the cells in the spreadsheet contains a formula. Write down the arithmetic expression corresponding to it:

212. Specify the number of cells in the ranges:

213. Fragment of a spreadsheet contains numbers and formulas. Write down the values ​​in the cells of the ranges C2: C3, D2: D3, E2: E3, F2: F3, if they copied the formulas of their cells C1, D1, E1, F1, respectively.

214. Establish a correspondence between the names of functions and the resulting actions.

215. Fragment of a spreadsheet contains numbers. What value will be in cell C4 if it contains the formula:

216. In the spreadsheet, the formula value = SUM (D2: D3) is 6, and the formula value = AVERAGE (D2: D4) is 3. What is the value in cell D4?

217. Fragment of a spreadsheet contains numbers and formulas. Determine the values ​​in cells C2 and C3. What will these values ​​become if you delete the value of cell A1?

218. A fragment of a spreadsheet is given in the mode of displaying formulas. Write down the values ​​in the cells of the ranges C2: C3, D2: D3, if they copied the formulas from cells C1, D1, respectively.

219. A fragment of a spreadsheet is given in the formulas display mode. After the contents of cell B2 were copied into cell B3, a fragment of the table in the results display mode began to look like this:

220. Write down the conditional function corresponding to the block diagram:

221. Given a fragment of a spreadsheet in the mode of displaying formulas. Enter in the cells of the range B2: B9 the values ​​that will appear in the spreadsheet after copying the formula from cell B1 to B2: B7.

222. The results of the regional programming competition were entered into a spreadsheet.

223. A fragment of a spreadsheet is given.

224. A fragment of a spreadsheet is given.

225. A fragment of a spreadsheet is given. A diagram is built based on the values ​​of the range of cells B1: B4.

226. A fragment of a spreadsheet is given. A diagram is built based on the values ​​of the range of cells B1: B4.

227. A fragment of a spreadsheet is given.

228. A fragment of a spreadsheet is given in the mode of displaying formulas.

229. A fragment of a spreadsheet is given:

230. A fragment of a spreadsheet is given:

Assignments for Chapter 6 "Communication Technologies"

231. The data transfer rate through the ADSL connection is 6144 bps. The file transfer over this connection took 32 seconds. Determine the size of this file in kilobytes.

232. Transferring a 1250KB file over a connection took 40 seconds. Determine the baud rate of this connection.

233. The data transfer rate through the ADSL connection is 64000 bit / s. Determine the time it takes to transfer a 64K file over this connection.

234. A 320 KB file is transmitted over a connection at a speed of 4096 bps. Determine the size of the file (in bytes) that can be transferred in the same time over another 512 bps connection.

235. The file transfer through a certain connection was carried out at a speed of 2048 bps and took 1 minute 4 seconds. Determine the size of the file (in bytes) that can be transferred in the same time over another 256 bps connection.

236. Write down the 32-bit IP-addresses of computers in the form of four decimal numbers, separated by periods:

237. Write down the IP-address from four decimal numbers in 32-bit form:

238. An employee of the firm was dictated by telephone the IP-address of the computer. The young man wrote down the address, but did not put the dividing points: 115628382. Restore the original IP address.

239. The service technician wrote down the IP-address of the computer on a piece of paper, which was torn into several parts by mistake. Recover the recorded IP address.

240. Establish a correspondence between top-level domains and the types of organizations to which they belong:

241. Set the correspondence between top-level domains and country names:

242. Specify all possible routes for delivering Internet packets I (source) to server P (receiver) through servers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 with the condition that the packet cannot pass through the same server twice:

243. Establish a correspondence between the names of the protocols and their purpose:

244. There are several requests to the search server:

245. There are several requests to the search server:

Graphically plot the number of pages that the search engine will find for each query.

246. There are several requests to the search server:

Graphically plot the number of pages that the search engine will find for each query.

247. Address of a document on the Internet
Write down the fragments of the address corresponding to the following parts:

248. The server contains the inf.rar file, which is accessed via the http protocol. Fragments of the address of this file are encoded with the letters A, B ... G. Write down the sequence of these letters, which encodes the address of the specified file on the Internet.
249. The mailbox is located on the server. Fragments of the corresponding email address are coded with letters A, B, C, D. Write down the sequence of these letters that encodes this email address.
Answer: WBA
250. A 2 Kbyte file is transmitted over some connection at a speed of 1024 bits per second. Determine the size of the file (in bytes) that can be transferred in the same time over another connection at a speed of 512 bits per second.
Please provide one number in your answer - the file size in bytes.

Answer: 4096 bytes (see # 234-235)
251. The html.doc file located on the server is accessed via the ftp protocol. Fragments of the address of this file are coded with letters A, B ... G. Write down the sequence of these letters, which encodes the address of the specified file on the Internet.
252. There are several requests to the search server:
Arrange query designations in descending order of the number of pages that the search engine will find for each query.

went down D Kan steps into the party door to the basement and saw in front of them the door to the apartment. It is raining behind them a narrow beam of Light and the darkened corridor is thinning. A photography commissioner and a hat stands at the ear of the door. We heard the jaw plate and shrill screams. We went out on a subordinate CPRE and relatives at the si quietly out the window, kt Rego sill to be a few centimeters in the aboveground. Crouch down the walls and then gently release the door frame behind one eye and cheek.

Window to be open and in the background of the hand. Poorly he keeps the Big street of oilcloth. He is wearing a gray-haired man in a shirt without bones and a vest. Big, hard work worn palms you squeeze in five. spread out in front of him to the book of ki, apparently, this interferes with the background, because every moment tightens strongly the palms, and Bela's ankles. In the STA table

a slender boy, about fifteen years old. His winding duckling blade is his wife's head in an upward d to a sculpture in the form of a cone. small eyes g deeply indented than in the eye sockets surrounded by dark circuits. After dinner, stick both palms in dirty plates and move these dishes on the table. The taps are at the same time each other, most likely a ringing sound. All the fun, apparently, will be a boy of good fun, because the sound is at hand in the hit of the dishes so that every moment of his merry squeak.

Leave him, - said Moderately human to the boy. - because daddy's head hurts.

the barrel of the pistol is the wing of the window, while this will bump up the pot. in an open window and action by men m. In accordance with the laws of fasting a criminal case must be taken here on the day in the company, at least s.v. h witness outsiders in the landlord and at home, and in his absence ask you about his transfers or the older tenant's corner Rego. Revision of the night must be justified in the protocol. And the only excuse kt fits him And on his mind, it sounded "choose a night because I have epilepsy." Now he can do everything, Will expose about him the future of those who are on disciplinary investigation. But the prescribed fasting Seriously in the background is already useless at this point. Feel the Commissioner's Bitterness in the throat. there was a taste of disappointment. The man at the table doesn't like the ultramarine outlaw of the plant.

Answers in Informatics grade 9 Bosov

Move Sweat in the window and put the Geranium Stop on the windowsill. Looking at its thin silk, Feel the sock Disgust that in this new, clean needles, beige suit, that in this noble, expensive underwear must grovel for which Smelly more holes - and, moreover, a window to the city to watch her live with. grab si one arm frame and on the windowsill. You are a knockout jump on the board floor. si one cloud of dust, kt rice settles on his shiny bronze smokers boots.

Nevertheless, holding the sight of two men m, approached a filler rod in the kitchen, an angle on a chair standing on the back of his head with light water. A ladle thrown over a towel. once, the second time the dowel and hanging towel dust from the nose in the shoe a.

Dirty towel me - you said the man slowly and sat back in the chair.

cursed in the spirit of his investigation, who seduces his background and drops his head this time, when already - they promised and the end meet. He leads him bitterly and unsuccessfully - contrary to instructions, unlike the customs police, even against honor. He uses help to cut off a visa a thief a, b and despises innocent people just to get a hint that Lep is causal, but promises without a cap. In fawning dirty holes, leaning in motion Onin smokers, wearing dirty clothes and conscience - so, you are not in such an order! - and pond si part c, falls in getting more complaints, who are getting drunk pole is debauchery. Wouldn't it be very common now. For what purpose, kt chen forbids him to wipe summer, expensive shoes on his dirty rags!

1. Internet connection speed

Determining the speed of your Internet connection. The usual and fastest method.

2. Average internet speed

Determining the speed of your Internet connection. A method that gives more accurate results and takes a long time.

3. File upload time

A test of the time it takes to download a file of your specified size.

4. The size of the downloaded file

Calculating the size of a file that you can download in a specified time.

5. Information about the IP address or domain

Search for available IP address information.

6. IP of the Internet resource

Determining the IP address of the site you are interested in.

7. The response time of your computer

Determining the reaction time of your computer, in other words, ping.

8. Content Management System (CMS)

Site management system definition service.

9. Site hosting

Determination of the hosting that hosts the site.

10. Distance to the site

Determination of the distance from you to our site or the distance between two IP addresses with the display of the result on the map.

11. Site information

Full site analysis. Search engine data, availability in catalogs, data volume, download speed, hosting, cms,

presence of IP in spam databases and much more.

12. Sites on one IP

Information about sites hosted on one server, i.e. on one IP address.

13. All domains of the same owner

Information about domains belonging to the same owner.

14. Site availability

Checking the availability of the site at a given time.

15. Website traffic

Site traffic statistics for today, yesterday and for the month.

16. Availability of IP in SPAM databases

Test to check if your IP address is in the largest and most well-known spam databases.

17. Checking for the existence of an email

The test checks if a specific email address really exists.

18. Security of your computer

Test your computer's security. Checking for open ports with recommendations for closing them.

19. Port check

Checking the computer port you selected.

20. Scanning a file for viruses

After downloading a file from your computer or from a specified source, you can scan it for viruses.

21. DNS domain parameters

Determining the DNS parameters of the domain.

22. Checking the site for viruses

Checking the site for malicious code.

23. Checking the relevance of the browser

Checking the relevance of the browser.

24. Converter punycode for .рф domains

Punycode converter for .рф domains.

25. Server response

Checking the response of the server hosting the site of interest to us.

26. Domain name search

Checking the availability of a domain name in various zones.

27. Determination of the IP address by E-mail

Determining the IP address of the sender who sent us an E-mail.

The lesson is devoted to how to solve the 3rd task of the exam in computer science

The 3rd topic is characterized as tasks of the basic level of difficulty, the execution time is about 3 minutes, the maximum score is 1

* Some images of the page are taken from the materials of the presentation by K. Polyakov

Information structuring and information models

Let us briefly consider the concepts necessary for solving 3 tasks of the exam.

Structuring information is the establishment of the main elements in information messages and the establishment of links between them.

Structuring is done with aim facilitating the perception and search for information.

Structuring is possible using the following structures (information models):

  • lots of:
  • enumeration of items collected by characteristic;

    Vasya, Petya, Kolya 1, 17, 22, 55

    In a set, the ordering of elements is not necessary, i.e. the order is not important.

  • linear list
  • The ordering of the sequence of elements is important.

    The tables are highlighted objects(separate table entries) and properties(column names or row names):

  • tree or hierarchy of objects
  • Consider family relationships in the tree:

  • "Sons" A: B, C.
  • "Parent" B: A.
  • Descendants A: B, C, D, E, F, G.
  • "Ancestors" F: A, C.
  • Root- node without ancestors (A).
    Sheet- node without descendants (D, E, F, G).
    Height- the greatest distance from the root to the leaf (number of levels).

  • file system (hierarchy)
  • Let's say there are the following folders (directories) with files on the hard disk of your computer:

    We get a tree:

  • graphs
  • It is sometimes very difficult to structure information with the structures described, due to the complex "relationships" between objects. Then you can use the graphs:

    Is a set of vertices and connections between them, called edges:

    Graph showing roads between villages

  • matrix and adjacency list
  • Is a graph, between any vertices of which there is a path.

    Wood Is a connected graph without cycles (closed sections).

    Tree is a connected graph without cycles

  • weighted graphs and weight matrix
  • Weighted graphs have the "edge weight" specified:

    From weighted graphs, a weight matrix is ​​obtained; the inverse transformation is also possible.

    Finding the shortest path (brute force)

    Finding the shortest path between points A and D

    • In the tasks of the exam on this topic, two information models are most often used - tables and diagrams.
    • Information in the table is built according to the following rules: at the intersection of a row and a column, there is information that characterizes the combination of this row and column.
    • In the diagram information is built according to the following rule: if there is a connection between the objects of the diagram, then it is displayed by a line connecting the names of these objects on the diagram.

    Solving the 3 Unified State Exam in Informatics

    Unified State Exam in Informatics 2017, task from the collection of D.M. Ushakov, option 1:

    In the figure, the road map of the N district is shown in the form of a graph, the table contains information about the lengths of these roads (in kilometers).

    Since the table and the diagram were drawn independently of each other, the numbering of settlements in the table has nothing to do with the letter designations on the graph.
    Determine how long the road is from the point D to point TO. In the answer, write down an integer - as it is indicated in the table.

    ✍ Solution:
    • Consider a graph and count the number of edges from each vertex:
    A -> 2 ribs (D, C) B -> 4 ribs (A, D, K, D) D -> 4 ribs (A, B, K, E) B -> 2 ribs (D, K) K -> 5 ribs (B, D, C, D, E) E -> 2 ribs (K, D) D -> 3 ribs (B, K, E)
  • We have selected the vertices with a unique number of edges: 3 edges correspond only to the vertex D, and 5 edges correspond only to the vertex TO.
  • Consider the table and find those rows or columns with 5 values ​​and 3 values: This P2 and P4.
  • We get P2 corresponds to D, a P4 corresponds to TO... There is a number at the intersection 20 .
  • Result: 20

    In addition, you can watch a video of the solution to this task of the exam in computer science:

    3 task. Demo version of the Unified State Exam 2018 Informatics (FIPI):

    In the figure, the road map of the N district is shown in the form of a graph, the table contains information about the length of each of these roads (in kilometers).

    Since the table and the diagram were drawn independently of each other, the numbering of settlements in the table has nothing to do with the letter designations on the graph. Determine the length of the road from the point A to point G. In the answer, write down an integer - as it is indicated in the table.

    ✍ Solution:
    • Let's count how many edges each vertex has:
    A -> 3 (C D E) B -> 1 (C) C -> 4 (A B D E) D -> 4 (A C D K) E -> 2 (A D) E -> 1 (C ) K -> 1 (G)
  • Only one vertex has three edges - A, so only A can correspond P3.
  • The vertex also has a unique value for the number of edges. D, - two edges. At the top of the table D will match P4.
  • Tops G and V have on 4 ribs. Consider a matrix, in it 4 numbers correspond to points P2 and P5.
  • With paragraph D only the top intersects G(G -> 4 (A C D K)). In a weight matrix with a vertex D suppressed P5... So the top G corresponds to P5.
  • V P5 at the intersection with P3 is the number 6 .
  • Result: 6

    For a detailed solution to this 3 task from the 2018 USE demo, see the video:

    Solution 3 of the Unified State Exam assignment in informatics (control option No. 1 of the 2018 examination paper, S. S. Krylov, D. M. Ushakov):

    Between settlements A, B, C, D, E, F roads were built, the length of which is given in the table (if the cell is empty, there is no road).

    A B C D E F
    A 7 3
    B 7 2 4 1
    C 3 2 7 5 9
    D 4 7 2 3
    E 1 5 2 7
    F 9 3 7

    Determine the length of the shortest path between points A and F .

    ✍ Solution:

    Result: 11

    Video analysis of the task:

    Solution 3 of the USE task in informatics (version 11 of the GVE in informatics of 2018):

    Roads have been built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, F, the length of which is shown in the table. The absence of a number in the table means that there is no direct road between the points.

    A B C D E F
    A 3 7 6
    B 3 4 4
    C 7 5 9
    D 4 5 5
    E 6 4 8
    F 9 5 8

    Determine the length shortest path between points A and F provided that you can only travel along the roads indicated in the table.

    ✍ Solution:

    Result: 12

    Solution 2 * assignments for the Unified State Exam in Informatics 2018, option 10 (FIPI, "Unified State Exam Informatics and ICT, Standard Exam Options 2018", S. S. Krylov, T. E. Churkina):

    Between settlements A, B, C, D, E, F, Z one-way roads were built. The table shows the length of each road (the absence of a number in the table means that there is no direct road between the points).

    A B C D E F Z
    A 3 5 14
    B 2 8
    C 2 7
    D 1 4 4
    E 1 5
    F 12 1 9

    How many such routes exist from A v Z, which pass through five or more settlements? Points A and Z when calculating, consider. You cannot go through one point twice.

    * in the new textbooks, tasks 2 and 3 were swapped: now 2 - Finding the shortest path, and 3 - Algebra of logic

    ✍ Solution:

    Result: 6

    Analysis of 3 tasks of the exam, option No. 1, 2019 Informatics and ICT Typical examination options (10 options), S.S. Krylov, T.E. Churkina:

    The figure shows a scheme of roads in the N district, in the table an asterisk indicates the presence of a road from one settlement to another, the absence of an asterisk means that there is no such road. Each locality on the diagram corresponds to its number in the table, but it is not known which number.

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
    1 * * *
    2 * * *
    3 * *
    4 * * * * * *
    5 * * *
    6 * * *
    7 * * *
    8 * * *

    Determine which numbers of settlements in the table can correspond to settlements D and E on the diagram? In your answer, write these two numbers in ascending order, without spaces or punctuation marks.

    • First, let's find unique vertices - which have a unique number of edges: this is A(2 ribs) and H(6 ribs). In the table they correspond to numbers 3 and 4:
    • 1 2 A H 5 6 7 8
      1 * * *
      2 * * *
      A * *
      H * * * * * *
      5 * * *
      6 * * *
      7 * * *
      8 * * *
    • According to the scheme, we find that adjacent vertices for A are B and G... In the table we determine the corresponding numbers - 1 and 2. Since they are not of interest to us according to the assignment, we will designate them together:
    • B, G B, G A H 5 6 7 8
      B, G * * *
      B, G * * *
      A * *
      H * * * * * *
      5 * * *
      6 * * *
      7 * * *
      8 * * *
    • Both vertices B and G are adjacent to the already known A and H and, in addition, the vertices F and C... In the first column or in the first row, we find that F or C will correspond to the number 7, and in the second line - to the number 8. Let's designate them in the table:
    • B, G B, G A H 5 6 F, C F, C
      B, G * * *
      B, G * * *
      A * *
      H * * * * * *
      5 * * *
      6 * * *
      F, C * * *
      F, C * * *
    • As a result, we get that the required vertices - D and E- the numbers correspond 5 and 6 ... Since it does not matter which digit this or that vertex should correspond to, in the answer we will simply write these numbers in ascending order.

    GIA grade 9

    A4. Information models. Reading diagrams, plans, maps.


    The diagram shows the roads between the four settlements A, B, C, D and indicates the length of these roads. Determine which two points are most distant from each other (provided that you can only move along the roads indicated on the map). In your answer, indicate the shortest distance between these points.


    We enter the data from the schema into the table:

    Answer: 3.

      The table shows the cost of transportation between five railway stations, marked with the letters A, B, C, D and E. Indicate the scheme corresponding to the table.

      The diagram shows the roads between the four settlements A, B, C, D and indicates the length of these roads. Determine which two points are most distant from each other (provided that you can only move along the roads indicated on the map). In your answer, indicate the shortest distance between these points.

      There are daily flights between four local airports: VOSTORG, ZARYA, OZERNY and GORKA. There is a fragment of the flight schedule between them:

    Departure airport

    Arrival airport

    Departure time

    Arrival time

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