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Many channels have disappeared on NTV what to do. What to do if there is no NTV-plus signal

All Tricolor TV subscribers know that if their paid term has expired, then 10 basic channels remain, which they can constantly watch. But if Tricolor TV does not show a package of basic channels (there is an inscription “no signal), what to do? In this case, clients immediately have many questions, many do not know how to solve the problem and whether it can be done on their own.

To begin with, you should carry out all the diagnostics of the equipment. There are situations when the whole problem lies in a loose cable, in which case you can solve all this on your own and without outside help.

How to check the functionality of the entire system?

For a start, you can use the most standard method- restart the receiving device. To do this, you must turn off and then turn on the electricity. It is advisable to do this for 5-10 minutes. In this case, all channels will probably recover by themselves.

The second step is to check if the main information channel Tricolor TV is working. He has to work constantly. But what if this channel stopped broadcasting and shows the inscription "no signal"? Why might this be happening?

Perhaps the settings are lost and because of this the channel does not show. In this case, you can reset the settings to factory settings. This can help restore the signal and the channels will be shown again.

What if you don't know how to reset to factory settings? Tricolor TV recommends doing this in almost all problem situations, so each subscriber should know how to do it. To reset the settings to factory settings, you need:

  • open the main menu of the TV;
  • find the item "Settings";
  • enter your Tricolor TV pin code (it must be indicated on the back of your smart card);
  • select the item "Factory settings";
  • confirm your choice by pressing the "OK" button;
  • then you will receive a warning about resetting the settings, it should be confirmed again.

After all these steps, the receiver will restart and the settings will return to the factory values. Perhaps resetting the settings will help fix the problem, and instead of the “no signal” message, you will be able to watch your favorite TV channels in HD format again.

Now you need to re-configure the channels with automatic search... Tricolor TV will independently find required package, and you only need to save installed TV channels... If your paid period is not valid at this moment, then, most likely, Tricolor TV will remove all free channels to the end of the list. For many, they start at about channel 101.

The information channel is working, but the basic ones are not working.

Why is the information channel working, but the basic ones do not show (only the inscription "no signal" is visible, and what to do in this case? This situation is possible if the subscriber has not confirmed his data or if the smart card is installed incorrectly and the receiver does not see it.

If the problem arose due to unconfirmed data, then they must be confirmed. There are several ways to make a confirmation:

  • call the company's call-center and ask the operator to do it;
  • do it yourself in the "Personal Account" on the official website of Tricolor TV.

In addition, the “no signal” inscription may indicate that the receiver does not see the smart card. You can check this in the menu by going to the section called " Conditional access". Then you need to go to DRE module... The number of the ID card will be indicated there and it must match the number of the card that is installed in the receiver. If the number is not displayed, it means that the receiver does not see the smart card. In this case, you need to contact the customer support center and replace the card.

Basic package price changes

The appearance of the inscription "no signal" or "no access to viewing channels" may appear due to a change in prices for the company's services. The fact is that since 2015, Tricolor TV has changed the data on tariff packages HD. This means that if you have previously activated the package of services "Optimum", "Super-Optimum" and "Maximum HD", then you will have new tariff- "One".

In addition, Tricolor TV removed all tariff divisions and price gradations. Now you can not choose a package of services as before for 600, 900 and 1200 rubles. On this moment there is only one package of HD TV channels for 1200 rubles. This price applies to both new equipment and old ones.

But there is a slight difference. If you do not want to pay the entire amount for the package at once, you can pay in installments. For six months of watching TV channels in HD quality, you will need to pay 600 rubles, and for 9 months - 900 rubles.

Also, since 2015, Tricolor TV does not guarantee that if the subscriber has not paid for the package, then 10 basic channels in HD quality will work for him. Previously, this was clearly spelled out in the documents, but now Tricolor TV has removed this item about tariff packages from the agreement. Thus, if you have not paid in time the payment of 1200 rubles for watching TV channels in HD format, then instead of a “picture” on your TV screen, the message “no signal” will appear.

Software update problem

This is another problem why you may stop working. basic channels. If you do not update the software in time, it may cause the channels to malfunction.

As a result, the broadcast of channels in HD quality will be paused, and the message "no signal" will appear on your TV screen. Therefore, it is recommended as soon as it comes out. This will help to avoid problems in the future with the broadcast of HD channels and the lack of signal. The update can be done independently through the Tricolor TV settings.

    if the basic Tricolor TV channels do not work, THERE IS ONE CONCLUSION: - Tricolor TV is a very greedy organization, it is not for nothing that N. Mikhalkov says that the problem in Russia is not to feed the poor, but THAT THE RICH CANNOT EAT !! !

    the federal law Russian Federation dated July 13, 2015 No. 257-FZ "On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation" On Funds mass media"And the Federal Law of the Russian Federation" On Communications "" Is there no such law for Tricolor TV?

    GS 8306 payment for the year was confirmed on April 22, and on May 9 they turned off everything and ruined the holiday. Thanks! And to them the same for our money. I ended up in a remote village without an information channel, but with 2 “film screening” channels. In general, all that is not clear to me.

    ID 331308013296. Single paid package, for the 3rd week already, from May 15, 2017, on the screen - a coded channel !! Federal channels does not work.
    Impossible to get through !! Finally, make a normal call center, to whose operators you can call and get a normal consultation !!!
    And so - you get money for non-rendered services, you have a great job!

Popularity satellite TV promoted by a number undeniable advantages, ranging from low subscription fees, ending with a variety of various channels and the ability to watch multidirectional TV content. Unfortunately, subscribers of Tricolor TV and NTV plus channels periodically experience partial degradation of the image and the disappearance of some channel groups. Instead of clear video content, the subscriber has to contemplate the inscriptions about a weak signal or its absence. Most vulnerable to weak signal NTV plus channels. Tricolor TV is not immune from image deterioration. For the channels to start to disappear, it is enough for the signal to weaken by 15-20%. On NTV Plus, as a rule, free channels initially disappear, but they are not insured against deterioration in the quality of transmission and the channels for which the subscriber pays. This is explained by the fact that the channels are broadcast by different transponders and with different signal strengths, and as a result, channels transmitted from a weak transponder are lost first of all.

Top 5 Reasons for Image Degradation:

1. Atmospheric influences. Strong winds, rainstorms and even light snowfall can temporarily degrade the picture and sound. Discomfort while watching satellite TV usually disappears as soon as the weather returns to normal. This problem is solved by installing a dish of a larger diameter, or if you already have a large dish, then you need to more accurately point it to the satellite using a special device for tuning satellite dishes.

2. Malfunction of the plate converter. There are several main causes of malfunctions - the converter's service life has expired, or it has been damaged due to the impact of a thunderstorm. Also, a malfunction can be provoked short circuit and overvoltage. A converter malfunction can also lead to the disappearance of not all channels at once, but only certain groups.

3. Obstacles in the form of vegetation. Most often, trees obstruct the signal. When installing the plate, it is important not to forget that the trees do not stop growing throughout the year. When installing a plate in winter, you need to remember that dense foliage can also become an insurmountable obstacle to the signal. With this in mind, the plate should be positioned.

4. Problems with the cable. If the cable was purchased inadequate quality(often poor quality distinguishes chinese cable), then over time it self-destructs. The reason for its destruction is the difference in air temperatures, ultraviolet light, moisture (precipitation). Usually the part of the cable that is located on the street is destroyed, the first meters coming from your satellite dish - the cable becomes rigid, easily cracks and circular cracks appear in its outer insulation. Inadvertent mechanical damage to the cable is also possible, which was not noticed in a timely manner. The cause may be a violation of the integrity of the coaxial cable connection.

5. Mechanical impact on the plate. Even touching the plate a little by negligence, you can face a deterioration of the signal and even its complete loss. It is worth slightly damaging the mirror, or slightly shifting the direction of the dish, as the subscriber has discomfort when watching satellite TV. Or, for example, when a satellite dish is attached to the window of the 25th floor, where it is constantly exposed to strong winds and as a result of which the antenna mirror loses its shape over time and in the future it may need to be replaced or reconfigured - in such places it is better to install perforated satellite dishes, they provide a lower wind load.

The situation when there is no NTV Plus signal is not very common, but if this happens, each client of the TV operator first of all tries to figure out what this annoying misunderstanding is.

In most cases, the loss of communication with the satellite is a "disease" available in free access channels, however, it happens that the channels for which the subscriber gave their "blood" are not shown.

First of all, if NTV Plus does not work, just in case, call the support service (it works around the clock) and ask if the breakdown lies directly in the satellite, or you have a trivial debt to pay for services.

Such situations, although very rare, and basically the source of the problem is still in the equipment, it is worth checking. But back to equipment breakdowns that lead to signal loss.

There are five possible ones that need to be checked first of all, let's consider them:

  1. Cable. Frequent culprit for loss. Problems can arise due to various factors: damage, weather changes, poor quality of the cable itself. It is also necessary to check the strength of the F-connectors - the reason that NTV Plus does not show may be hidden there too.
  2. Physical impact. The cymbal tuning is very delicate and, if it is even slightly touched, a number of individual channels or channels may disappear. Another reason for the loss may be a foreign object that has fallen into the plate.
  3. Trees. That's right, one of frequent problems when NTV channels are not shown, ordinary vegetation appears, standing in the way and interfering with normal reception. Often this problem arises for users who have installed the antenna and equipment in winter, and have forgotten that in summer time will appear on the trees a large number of sheets, which will greatly jam the received data.
  4. Weather. Another common cause of loss in image quality. Wind, hail, rain, severe frost can be the culprit for the complete disappearance or deterioration of the image. But this problem usually temporary, and once the weather returns to normal, the sound and picture are crystal clear again. To avoid the influence of bad weather, it is recommended to install satellite dishes with a large diameter.
  5. Converter satellite dish... The main and most common reason why NTV does not show. Breakdowns can be of a different nature - short circuit, overvoltage, expiration, weather and much more.

Another not uncommon situation is the loss of only one or even a number of channels.

The factors here are slightly different:

  1. The plate has shifted slightly.
  2. Poor operation of the console, equipment breakdown.
  3. Preventive work on the channels.
  4. The subscriber has installed incorrectly, forgot to put the access card.
  5. The settings have flown.
  6. The missing channels were moved by the operator to a different broadcast format. To avoid problems in in this case, it is recommended to use a new generation of prefixes. Ideally, a novelty from the operator - an interactive set-top box.
  7. Well, banal, but pretty common reason- the payment period for these channels has simply ended.


There are a lot of reasons for the loss of reception of NTV channels, and if the above situations did not help to correct the situation, instead of a high-quality picture you see an annoying inscription "no signal", we advise you to contact the specialists.

They will conduct full diagnostics equipment, find malfunctions and, if necessary, replace, repair the equipment.

Tricolor TV has one package of HD channels for all subscribers "Ediny", the cost of which is 1200 rubles. per month. But at the same time, any digital television operator under the Federal Law is obliged to broadcast free channels that are available for everyone to watch. Why, then, users may have an inscription "no signal" on free programs... How to diagnose and fix the error.

The "basic" channel package is automatically connected to customers free of charge. The Tricolor TV website contains the following list of TV programs:


  • Russia 1;
  • Match;
  • Fifth;
  • Russia 24 and Culture;
  • Carousel;
  • ORT and TVts;
  • RetTV;
  • Saved;
  • STS and Domashny;
  • TV3 and Zvezda;
  • TNT and Friday;
  • First and Mir, as well as MuzTV.
  • And also 4 promo channels from Tricolor TV.

However, there is information that since 2017 the list free broadcasting will significantly decrease to only 8 TV programs. In the "Basic" package: three informational, Orthodox channel, two promo and TV-TV, TV2-TV.

Let's see why a malfunction may occur and how to fix it. First of all, it is worth checking the performance of the equipment itself.

How to check the correct operation of the equipment

If the "Basic" package has stopped working for you, the error may be related to incorrect operation of the equipment. Follow these steps to diagnose and fix the problem:

  1. Perform a functional check of the equipment from the beginning. The very first option is to restart the set-top box for power, that is, pull it out of the socket for 10 - 15 seconds, then start it again.
  2. If the first method did not give positive changes, proceed to checking the Promo channels, which should function even with the Smart Card pulled out. Even if he writes: "no signal", reset the hardware settings.

How to reset your receiver

It is recommended to reset the equipment to factory settings in almost all malfunctions associated with the broadcast of HD Tricolor TV channels. To carry out this operation, you must:

  1. Go to the menu;
  2. Enter pin code.
  3. Go to the factory settings.
  4. And confirm your decision (twice).
  5. Then, re-enter the desired region and click on the autosearch of channels.
  6. Save the settings.

According to the rules of digital television broadcasting, even with an unpaid package, federal free channels must be turned on, only they will be transferred to the end of the list and the numbering will start from 100.

If, after all the operations, nothing has changed for you and the package is still unavailable (a message is written that there is no signal), check the integrity of the cable to the antenna for mechanical damage or pinches. And also re-tune the antenna according to the instructions included in the kit. If it doesn't work out on your own, call the wizard.

If promotional channels from Tricolor TV work, but there are no basic ones

Users may wonder why promo channels work, but the basic ones are not broadcast and show "no signal", and what to do to solve the problem. There can be three reasons for the malfunction:

  1. You have not confirmed your subscription data registration.
  2. The receiver does not recognize the Smart Card.
  3. The card is incorrectly installed.

In the first case, you just need to call Tricolor TV on toll free number 8-800-500-01-23. Or register through the official website of the company, where to receive a password from personal account you will need to enter the equipment ID.

Faults in reading or recognizing the card

What to do if the equipment is registered, promo HD channels are shown, but everyone else writes that there is no access or an encrypted channel? Why does this situation arise?

First of all, you should check if the receiver sees the card. To do this, do the following:

  1. Go to the menu using the console from the console, click on the "Conditional Access" item.
  2. Select the module, this is how the card ID should be registered, if it is not there, then try reinstalling the smart card into the equipment.
  3. Turn off the set-top box, then pull out the card.
  4. Wait a little, insert it back in the correct position until it stops.
  5. Start the receiver.
  6. If the actions did not correct the errors, contact the service center.

There is one more situation that answers the question why the basic channels are not shown - this is the outdated receiver software.

How to update software

To make updates, you need to go to the Tricolor TV menu, select the update item and click update.

Attention! Do not turn off the equipment during the process of loading new modules, otherwise the equipment will malfunction.

And it can also be completely simple reason, why are they not showing basic or some HD channels - there is a planned update on the TV channel itself, then you just have to wait a while. You can find out information on prevention through the service technical support or by calling friends who also have Tricolor TV installed.

Nuances of Tricolor TV

V recent times it was reported that Tricolor TV subscribers will not be able to view free channels without paying for the "United" package. Technical support operators justify such disregard for the digital television the fact that the contract for the provision of services stipulates that the operator is not responsible for the correct operation of the basic channels in case of termination of the contract.

Tricolor TV can terminate the contract in unilaterally if you don’t contribute subscription fee in time. Thus, you can lose even basic TV programs without paying for the package.

The article describes how to solve the problems associated with the lack of display of basic Tricolor channels.

The Tricolor company provides its clients with the opportunity to view free TV channels with the appropriate equipment. They are called basic. The package contains 20 television channels general purpose, radio stations, information channels and a channel broadcasting in a teleshop format.

TV channel Radio Info TV shop
First channel Vesti FM INFO channel Shop 24
Russia 1 Lighthouse Promo TV
Match Radio Russia Tv tv
Russia Culture TV instructor
Channel 5
Russia 24

Broadcasting free channels general purpose is approved at the legislative level. But sometimes the list can change.

It should be borne in mind that access to free channels is provided when connecting to paid packages.

Information channels are broadcast by the operator himself. They show information about Tricolor services, ongoing promotions, troubleshooting methods.

The TV shop allows Tricolor subscribers to make purchases without leaving their homes.

Reasons for the lack of display of basic channels

Subscribers may face the problem of lack of broadcasting on basic channels. The message "No Signal" appears. The error is possible in different cases- bad weather, settings failure, malfunction or malfunction of the equipment, the subscription has expired. The causes of hardware problems are divided into categories:

  • No power supply or incorrect completion of automatic settings;
  • Resetting the last settings;
  • Incorrect installation of a smart card;
  • Unconfirmed data;
  • Update failed software;
  • The fee for the package provided has not been paid;
  • Broken cable from the plate to the receiver;
  • Preventive work.

Don't panic when a problem arises. It can be solved in a short time if the solution is approached correctly. But sometimes the reason for the lack of signal may be related to other factors.

For example, TV broadcasts may be interrupted due to the use of outdated equipment. Then you should think about replacing the existing receiver.

Ways to solve the problem

It is worth eliminating the problem of the lack of TV broadcasting of free channels by checking that the cable is connected correctly. If everything is connected correctly, then other actions should be performed.

Checking the correctness of the equipment

To check the functioning of the equipment, a reboot must be performed. Execution scheme:

After restarting, the equipment goes to normal mode work. If this does not happen, then you need to click on the display of the information channel (should show regularly). In the absence of TV broadcasting on the info channel, one can judge the failure of the setting functions. You should proceed to the step of resetting the settings to the factory settings (set by the developer).

Resetting the receiver to factory settings

The provider recommends using the reset operation in all difficult situations of TV broadcasting. When returning to the original factory settings, the equipment will start working again in most cases. Scheme for resetting the tuning functions:

It is worth considering that in the case of the end of the paid subscription period for the tariff, the basic list of TV channels is sent to the end of the entire list. Therefore, they are after channel 100.

If the actions taken did not help, it is necessary to check the cable run from the plate to the receiver. And also pay attention to the strength of the fixing of the plate and its orientation. If a breakage or disorientation is detected, adjust the dish and perform re-search TV channels.

Software Update

In order to improve the display and protect against unauthorized access, the provider recommends regular software updates. If not made on time this operation, the broadcasting of TV channels may be terminated. It is worth updating the software upon exit. new version system support to enable further channel display.

Do not turn off the power while updating the software.

To update, use the "Updates" item in the receiver's menu. The progress of the operation implies that the equipment is turned on to prevent partial overwriting of files. Accidental overwriting will result in equipment malfunction and no broadcasting.

Smart card read error

If there is no number, then the device cannot recognize the used card. This is due to improper installation of the card into the card capture reader, malfunction of the card capture reader itself, inconsistency between the card inside the card and the software used, breakdown of the receiver.

More on smart card problem - .

After checking that the card has been inserted correctly, the ID number should appear. Otherwise, it is necessary to check the operability of the smart card (on other equipment) or to exclude malfunctions in the operation of the receiver.

Data not confirmed

Confirmation of data is required if the user has not done so earlier. To confirm them, the subscriber can use the services of a personal account on the Tricolor website or make a call to technical support, where the operator, when specifying the ID number and contact information, will be able to confirm.

The basic channels are not working, the information channel is working

If the information channel shows, then the problem of the lack of TV broadcasting of the basic channels arises in connection with the non-confirmation of the subscriber's data or the invisibility of the smart card. Data confirmation has been described above. Map visibility is due to correct installation into a working card collector. Information about the solution to the problem that appears due to the inability to read the card was indicated above.

Basic package price change

The company may change the prices for the provided packages, which will affect the lack of broadcasting of TV channels. The prices for the new tariffs are provided for both newly connected subscribers and those who have been using the company's services for a long time. The info channel warns of a change in the tariff policy, so the subscriber must pay the required amount to the account on time.

Tricolor trick (basic channels do not work due to the fault of the provider)

The Tricolor company offers subscribers to pay for the package provided in parts. If this payment method is chosen, then the compound amounts are paid up to a certain date... If there is a lack of funds on the subscriber's account, the company does not give a guarantee for the telecast of the basic channels.

And also in case of unilateral termination of the contract, the user may lose access to viewing basic TV channels. Indeed, the agreement states that the provider is not responsible for the correct broadcasting of free channels.

If all methods have been tried, but the problem has not been resolved, then you should contact the support service. The operator will explain what to do in such a situation.

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