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What types are cloud technologies divided into. Types of cloud technologies

The concept of cloud computing (computing) or cloud (diffuse) data processing was first proposed in the 1970s. The idea was officially published and scientifically substantiated in 2006, when the company Amazon presented its web services infrastructure (Web Services), which provides not only hosting, but also the provision of remote computing power to the client. Similar services following Amazon presented Google, Sun and IBM and Microsoft. And Microsoft presented not just a service, but a full-fledged cloud operating system Windows Azure.

Cloud computing(eng, cloud computing)- technology of distributed data processing, in which computer resources and capacities are provided to the user as an Internet service. As a rule, the term "cloud computing" used today is applicable to any services that are provided over the Internet. The term "cloud" itself came from the accepted graphic designation of the Internet, which is depicted in the form of clouds. Thus, cloud computing is a new paradigm for distributed and remote processing and storage of data.

Today, a cloud service includes three main characteristics that distinguish it from a regular service:

  • regime of "resources on demand";
  • elasticity;
  • independence from infrastructure controls.

As a simple example, reflecting the differences between cloud systems and conventional systems, one can cite resource provision services on web servers. In the case of a conventional system, the provider charges a fee for the provided capacity and resources, regardless of their use. As for the cloud structures, the payment is charged only for the used capacity and resources, thereby saving the user's money.

Cloud services can be divided into five categories:

  • 1) software as a service;
  • 2) platform as a service;
  • 3) infrastructure as a service;
  • 4) data as a service;
  • 5) workplace as a service.

Software as a Service (Software-as-a-Service - SaaS) - a model in which the consumer is given the opportunity to use the provider's application software, which operates in the cloud infrastructure and is accessible from various client devices or through a thin client, for example, from a browser (for example, web mail) or a program interface. Control and management of the underlying physical and virtual infrastructure of the cloud, including control of the network, servers, operating systems, storage, or even individual application capabilities (with the exception of a limited set of custom application configuration settings) is carried out by the cloud provider.

Platform as a Service (Platform-as-a-Service - PaaS) - a model when the consumer is given the opportunity to use the cloud infrastructure to host the underlying software for the subsequent placement on it of new or existing applications (own, custom-developed or purchased replicated applications). Such platforms include tools for creating, testing and executing application software - database management systems, middleware, runtime programming languages ​​- provided by a cloud provider.

Control and management of the main physical and virtual infrastructure of the cloud, including control of the network, servers, operating systems, storage, is carried out by the cloud provider, with the exception of developed or installed applications, as well as, if possible, configuration parameters of the environment (platform).

Infrastructure as a Service (Infrastructure-as-a-Service - laaS) is provided as an opportunity to use the cloud infrastructure to independently manage processing, storage, networking and other fundamental computing resources, for example, a consumer can install and run arbitrary software, which may include operating systems, platform and application software. The consumer can control the operating systems, virtual storage systems and installed applications, as well as the set of available services. Control and management of the main physical and virtual infrastructure of the cloud, including control of the network, servers, types of operating systems used, storage systems is carried out by the cloud provider.

In terms of infrastructure, the following deployment models are distinguished:

  • private cloud;
  • public cloud;
  • hybrid cloud;
  • public cloud.

Private cloud(eng, private cloud) - infrastructure intended for use by one organization, which includes several consumers (for example, divisions of one organization), possibly also clients and contractors of this organization. A private cloud can be owned, operated and operated by the organization itself or by a third party (or some combination of these), and it can physically exist both inside and outside the owner's jurisdiction.

Public cloud (public cloud) is an infrastructure intended for free use by the general public. The public cloud can be owned, operated and operated by commercial, academic, and government organizations (or any combination of these). The public cloud physically exists in the jurisdiction of the owner - the service provider.

Hybrid cloud (hybrid cloud) is a combination of two or more different cloud infrastructures (private, public or public) that remain unique objects, but are interconnected by standardized or private technologies for transferring data and applications (for example, short-term use of public cloud resources to balance the load between clouds).

Public cloud (community cloud) - a type of infrastructure intended for use by a specific community of consumers from organizations with common objectives (for example, mission, security requirements, policies and compliance with various requirements). A public cloud can be co-owned, operated and operated by one or more of the community organizations or a third party (or some combination of these), and it can physically exist both within and outside the owner's jurisdiction.

While there are obvious benefits, the concept of cloud computing is not without its drawbacks. The main concerns relate to security and the need for reliable broadband Internet access.

Let's consider examples of cloud technologies implementation (in addition to web mail).

For example, a cloud service was launched in the USA OnLive, providing the opportunity to play modern games even on the simplest equipment. Technically, it looks like this: the game itself is located on a remote server and the graphics are processed there, which is sent to the computer to the end user in a "finished" form. In other words, the calculations intended to be performed on the video card and processor of your computer are performed here on the server, and your computer is used only as a monitor.

Also Apple develops cloud technology in the form of a service called MobileMe. The service includes an email client, calendar, address book, file storage, a photo album and a tool for locating the lost iPhone. This service is paid, but the main thing here is different. Apple provides this level of interaction of its set of Internet services and applications on a computer, phone, player and iPad, that the need to use a browser disappears. You use familiar programs on your Mac, iPhone and iPad, however, all data is not stored on them, but in the cloud, which allows you to forget about the need for synchronization, as well as - about availability. At the same time, let's make a reservation, it is not necessary to use the applications - you can simply log into your account through a browser from any computer.

Developed Google operating system Chrome OS is actually one browser through which the user interacts with an extensive network of web services. The OS is focused on netbooks, there are very low system requirements and no need to install programs on your own. In other words, Google provides the benefits of a cloud-based concept to ordinary users. True, the disadvantage of this approach lies in the fact that without the Internet, a netbook based on Chrome OS will be completely useless.

Let's note the advantages and disadvantages of cloud technologies.

Advantages cloud computing:

  • reducing the requirements for the computing power of the user's computer (any computer that can open a browser window gets the huge potential of a real workstation);
  • cost savings on the purchase, support, software and hardware upgrades;
  • scalability, fault tolerance and security automatic allocation and release of the necessary resources depending on the needs of the application. Maintenance, software updates are performed by the service provider;
  • remote access to data in the cloud - you can work from anywhere on the planet where there is access to the Internet;
  • high speed of data processing;
  • payment for services as needed and only for what is used;
  • saving disk space Data and programs are stored on remote servers).

Flaws cloud computing:

  • dependence of the integrity of user data on the companies providing the service;
  • the need for reliable and fast access to the Internet;
  • lack of generally accepted standards in the direction of cloud security;
  • the possibility of the emergence of cloud monopolists;
  • the danger of hacker attacks on the server (when storing data on a computer, you can disconnect from the Network at any time and clean the system using an antivirus).

Despite all the criticism, cloud computing has a bright future. The simplest proof of this is the fact that no matter how the three main giants compete and contradict each other ( Microsoft, Apple and Google), all of them almost simultaneously rushed into this new technology and are not going to leave from there. Moreover, all three companies associate their future with cloud technologies. Two years ago the concept cloud computing seemed just a beautiful idea, a "decoy", a strange experiment. Today, the benefits of cloud technologies can be felt even by those people who are not associated with software development, web technologies and other highly specialized things ( Xbox Live, Windows Live, MobileMe, OnLive, Google Docs are vivid examples of this).

Below is a brief description of several open source cloud projects.

Chef- a relatively new project, which is only a year old, but it is actively being developed, which is evident from the frequency of use of code registrations. It is a build framework for configuration management of all types of / G-infrastructure, in particular among the "cloud" development. First, the source code is written describing how the infrastructure will be built, and then these descriptions are applied to the servers. The result is a fully automated infrastructure. Chef professionally supported and sponsored by the company Opscode.

Eucalyptus is the infrastructure Open source software for the implementation of "cloud" technologies on clusters. Current interface Eucalyptus compatible with interfaces Amazon's EU 2,

S3 and EBS, however, the framework is designed to support multiple client interfaces. Eucalyptus implemented using generally available toolkits Linux and basic web service technologies to facilitate system installation and support. Eucalyptus Systems provide counseling, training and support services.

First of all, the cloud is of interest to end users of information systems. Simplest case: there is a web service serving requests from users. The service is implemented in the cloud. As the number of requests grows and the service ceases to cope with the load, new nodes can be added (dynamically or on demand) to the system and the load can be redistributed between them.

Secondly, Eucalyptus useful in the direct development of software systems. In the cloud, you can combine hardware resources of all stripes and shades that meet the requirements Eucalyptus.

OpenNebula- this is perhaps the most interesting and most significant project in the list of "cloud" technologies, advertising itself as Open Source cloud computing toolkit. OpenNebula is a tool that can be used for any type of cloud deployment and to manage virtual infrastructure in a data center or cluster, or to combine local infrastructure with public cloud-based infrastructure. OpenNebula also supports public clouds, allowing cloud interfaces to expose their functionality to the virtual machine, memory management, and network management.

Zenoss- has the ability to track Amazon Web Services and all kinds of other cloud and virtual infrastructure.

Enomaly's Elastic Computing Platform(Further - ECP) - programmable virtual "cloud" infrastructure for all types of enterprises. ECP helps in the development, management and implementation of virtual applications in the cloud and significantly reduces the administrative and system workload. The web-based dashboard empowers 77 employees to simplify and efficiently plan deployments, automate VM scaling and load balancing, and analyze, tune and optimize the cloud capabilities of easy-to-use service programs. ECP the platform was built to work with a virtual data center, providing added value and lower costs.

Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud includes Ubuntu Server Edition and integrates several Open source projects including Eucalyptus. UEC provides users with turnkey packages for implementing a private cloud.

Despite the ubiquity of this technology, the phrase " cloud technologies"(eng." cloud technologies") remains for many very confusing and strange. And although almost every owner of personal computers and smartphones uses these" benefits of civilization "in practice, few people know: how it works and how it works!

What is cloud computing?

Cloud technologies is a model for providing ubiquitous and convenient network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (such as: servers, applications, networks, storage systems, etc.) that can be quickly provisioned and released with minimal management effort and the need to interact with provider.

Sounds confusing? Let's try in one sentence: cloud technologies are data processing technologies in which computer resources are provided to the Internet user as an online service.

Explaining "cloud technologies" on the fingers: until recently, the program was widely used on computers to read e-mail Microsoft Outlook(mail client). Today the program itself is located on a remote server and the user can use it just by logging into the browser () from any device. This is, of course, the simplest generalized example. In fact, the scope of cloud computing and computing is much broader.

One example of how cloud computing works

On the benefits of cloud technology

Using " cloud "(as the common people call" cloud technologies "), the average user wins: all computing operations take place not on the side of his computer, but on powerful servers in the network, in other words, he can use hardware and software, tools and methodologies that are not available for the technical characteristics of his computer.

So, no need to worry about the performance of your PC, you don't have to think about free disk space, you don't have to worry about backups and transferring information from one computer to another. These and other questions disappear on their own with the use of cloud technology.

An important advantage - savings when buying licensed software... When using "cloud technologies", it is not a license that is paid for (there is no need to buy a whole product), but only a service - specific functions of a particular product in which the user is interested. Generally speaking, in the "cloud" many paid programs have become free or much cheaper web applications!

Naturally, you also there is no need to follow the release of software updates: you always use the latest version of the programs (all these worries fall on the technical support of the "cloud").

And how not to mention " general access"?! With the help of" cloud technologies "opens the possibility of simultaneous access to information, the same information can be viewed and edited simultaneously from different devices by different users, you can share information with loved ones or partners from anywhere in the world.

On the disadvantages of cloud technologies

However, things are not so rosy in some specific situations. There are also disadvantages:

  • Confidentiality... You fully agree with the safety of user data on the side of the company that provides you with "cloud technologies" (however, this has already become a controversial norm: no one is embarrassed by saving personal mail on third-party servers);
  • Safety... The safety of your data cannot be guaranteed by anyone (for example, when using the cloud Windows relevant viruses and system vulnerabilities), however, the "cloud" itself is a more reliable system than a personal computer;
  • Software customization... The user does not have actual access to the software (has limitations in the software used) and sometimes does not have the ability to customize it for his own needs;
  • Constant and stable Internet. Access to cloud services requires a constant connection to the Internet (however, in our technological age, this is not a significant problem).

Examples of cloud technologies known to all

Many of us use "cloud technologies" without even knowing it. Are you aware of file storages such as SkyDrive, Dropbox, Google drive or Yandex.Disk? The user is provided with a certain space on "virtual disks" where they can store and "share" photos, music, documents, etc., synchronize information on different devices.

All popular software already has its own web representations: Office 365, Skype, word processing, audio, photo and video programs.

The most obvious example is the many services and tools from Google for a wide variety of needs (scientific, educational, cultural, custom, etc.)

Cloud technologies in business

In 2006, Amazon introduced its Web Services Infrastructure, which not only provides hosting but also provides the client with remote computing power. Thus began the modern era of "cloud computing" in business.

Some of the more popular cloud computing models in the business environment include:

  • Virtual server rental;
  • Backup;
  • Disaster Resilience (DRaaS);
  • Hybrid "cloud";
  • Virtual contact center;
  • Application rental;
  • Private cloud;
  • Virtual office;

Paid "cloud computing" is a fairly common phenomenon in the West. In the Russian-speaking segment, they are not yet so noticeable, here they are not yet so accustomed to paying all bills. Meanwhile, a number of cloud services are currently offered in Russia for small and medium-sized businesses, including: solutions based on 1C, "Office" in the cloud, storage and backup of information, rental of cloud applications, IT outsourcing, etc. An example of representatives of "cloud technologies" in the Russian market is the Smart Office company ().

Analysts predict a "good future" for the ubiquitous use of cloud technology for both personal and business purposes. They are referred to in no other way as the "gold mine" of the IT industry, so the investor's bet on the development of these technologies is a very chaste decision.

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Rate the material:

1. Cloud technologies and their examples
2. Types of cloud technologies
3. Current trends and development prospects
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Cloud technologies are in vogue today. But what are they? This question can be heard frequently from many people. Some analysts and cloud providers define this concept narrowly, mainly as virtual services available over the Internet. Others explain this concept very broadly, claiming that by using them you become a consumer of many products outside the firewall (in the cloud), including conventional outsourcing.

Cloud technologies are a way to increase network bandwidth or provide IT resources in the form of a service that you can get without investing in the creation of new infrastructure, and you do not need to train new staff or buy licensed new software. Services included in cloud technologies, are provided on the basis of a subscription or a fee for using the service, in real time via the Internet, this of course expands your existing capabilities.

The definition of cloud computing is at first glance very confusing: it is a model for providing ubiquitous and convenient network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (for example, servers, applications, networks, storage systems, and services) that can be quickly provisioned and released with minimal management effort. and the need to interact with the provider.

In order to better imagine what cloud computing is, a simple example can be given: previously, a user used to access certain software (messengers and programs) installed on his PC to access e-mail, but now he simply goes to the website of the company whose services he likes e-mail, directly through the browser, without the use of intermediaries.

1. Cloud technologies and their examples

Cloud technologies Are data processing technologies in which computer resources are provided to the Internet user as an online service. The word "cloud" is used here as a metaphor for a complex infrastructure that hides all the technical details.

According to the IEEE documentation, cloud technologies are "a paradigm that permanently stores user information on Internet servers and is only temporarily cached on the user's side." It can be not only stationary computer systems, but also laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc.

When it comes to cloud technologies, many specialists start to get confused and cannot accurately attribute this or that service to them. However, after interviewing dozens of software vendors, analysts, and IT clients, we compiled a rough list of a few services that definitely go into the cloud:

This type of cloud technology enables thousands of clients to access a single application through a browser. The vendor develops and manages a web application by providing customers with access to the software over the Internet. The client's benefit is that this eliminates his initial investment in servers and expensive software. For the vendor, the SaaS model allows you to effectively fight against unlicensed use of software, since the software itself does not reach the end customers. In addition, the concept of cloud SaaS technology allows you to reduce the cost of deploying and implementing systems of technical and consulting product support, although it does not completely exclude them.

2. Utility computing

The idea is not new, but this form of cloud technology has taken on a new lease of life with, Sun, IBM and others now offering virtual servers of compute-based utilities that the customer can access at any time. The benefit to you as a customer is that you pay for computing resources and software only when you really need them. Utility computing (UC) - delivering computing power like a utility service - delivers efficiencies previously unattainable.

3. Development environment as a service

Another SaaS option, this form of cloud computing provides a development environment as a service. You create your own applications that run on the provider's infrastructure and are delivered to users over the Internet from the provider's servers. Like Legos, these services are limited by vendor design and capabilities, so you certainly don't get complete freedom, but you get predictability and pre-integration. An example of a similar service is, Coghead and the new Google App Engine.

4. MSP (Managed Services)

One of the oldest forms of cloud technology, it involves the process of managing multiple interconnected programs. This service is mainly used by IT providers, not end users. MSP is the management of programs such as antivirus service, email, or application monitoring service. For example, security services provided by SecureWorks, IBM and Verizon also fall into this category, as they provide services based on the anti-spam Postini recently acquired by Google.

5. Service commerce platforms

This service is a hybrid of SaaS and MSP, a service included in the cloud technology offers services from a center with which users interact in the future. This service is the most widespread in the trading environment. Allows users to, for example, order travel tickets or secretarial services from a common platform, which then coordinates the provision of services and prices within the user-specified acceptable range. This service operates as an automated service bureau. Examples include Rearden Commerce and Ariba.

6. Internet integration

Integration of cloud services into one whole. Today, cloud computing includes a large number of isolated cloud IT services that customers must connect to separately. On the other hand, modern IT technologies simply permeate the enterprise, so the idea of ​​interconnected services running on a flexible, scalable infrastructure should ultimately make each enterprise one of the nodes in a large cloud. This is, of course, a long-term trend with far-reaching consequences. But among the existing trends in cloud technologies, it is perhaps one of the most difficult to dispute ...

2. Types of cloud technologies

The first, lowest level is the provision of software use rights (SaaS) as a service. The consumer does not need to buy expensive software and a powerful workstation on which he can work. There is no need to contain specialists who will install, configure and maintain all this economy. He simply leases the right to use the software and only pays for the time he used. Moreover, it can work on any device with Internet access, be it at least a tablet or even a smartphone. After all, all calculations are performed on the cloud side of the provider, and only the results are sent to the user's device.

The next level is the provision of the platform as a service. At the same time, the consumer gets at his disposal operating systems, database management systems or development and debugging tools, on which he can develop and deploy his projects.

And finally, at the highest level, the entire infrastructure of a large corporate computer network is provided to the consumer in the cloud.
Well, what do we, ordinary users, have from cloud technologies? We have already mentioned that we often use services deployed in the clouds without knowing it ourselves. In addition, we have dozens of different cloud storages at our disposal. They all offer services that are approximately the same in terms of functionality.

Usually, the user is prompted to download and install a small program and create a folder to store the files that you want to place in the cloud storage. You need to configure the settings for synchronizing files and folders located on the local computer (how to select a hard drive) and in the cloud. Everything that will be stored in the cloud will be available to you from any device via the web interface. You can open free access to a folder or file to any person by sending him the appropriate link.

Consider a few popular repositories

Dropbox is the first cloud-based storage for personal files. Offers 2GB of storage for free. A special folder is created on each of your devices connected to this system, which is automatically synchronized with the cloud server when there is an Internet connection. An interesting feature of this service is the storage of a history of all changes over the last 30 days, which allows you to rollback a file to a previous state or restore a deleted file.

Yandex Disk offers free 10 GB of disk space, each next 10 GB will cost 30 rubles per month. Yandex Disk integrates with the Yandex mail service, which allows you to send letters from this account with "heavy" attachments - they will be stored in the cloud. Has an option to automatically upload photos.

Google Drive works in conjunction with the mail service Gmail and the social network Google+. In total, Google Drive, Gmail and Google + Photos are provided with 15 GB for free. Google Drive is interesting primarily because it offers us not only disk space, but also the Docs office application suite, which allows us to view and edit office documents right in the browser window.

Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 were already built with the cloud in mind, and the same can be said for Apple's operating systems. 90% of Microsoft's research budget is used to develop this area. This means that the pace of development of cloud technologies will only increase.

3. Current trends and development prospects

Cloud computing today is something almost everyone uses on a daily basis. By finding a suitable service on the Internet for daily use, most of which are free or relatively cheap, the user saves himself the need to buy newer computers to ensure high performance, the hassle of setting up complex systems and buying expensive software packages. Cloud technologies are developing rapidly and cover more and more areas of activity. For example, email clients. Until recently, most users had one or another mail client for receiving, sending and processing e-mail, now Gmail plays the role of a mail client, and services such as Yahoomail, Webmail, Hotmail and others are flexible and convenient alternatives. Moreover, recently, among fairly large world portals, there has been a tendency to transfer mail systems to ready-made sites like Gmail. In this case, the user initially receives a familiar interface. A similar situation is observed with office suites. Online editors Zoho Writer or Google Docs can perform the same functions as regular office suites, moreover, many such editors can not only format and save documents, but also import and export them in other formats. Tabular editors Editgrid or Google can easily replace Exel. And this is not a complete list of all available services available to all those who have access to the Internet. You can see that the "clouds" have gained popularity. In addition, the technologies themselves are constantly being improved.

According to European experts, it is initially necessary to develop methods for regulating legal issues related to aspects of the functioning of systems, as well as planning methods and efficiency analysis. One of the key features is the ability to remotely access services, however, the question of data storage arises. Moreover, the stored information may be subject to the laws of the country in which the physical storage is located (even worse, if a distributed storage is used). In this regard, experts urge states to start thinking about solving the legal aspects of cloud systems. Another important development factor is the creation of economic models for the use of IT services. In addition to legal and economic aspects, there are a number of technical problems that require close attention. The most important issue is considered to be security. Disputes on this topic have been going on for a long time, but so far there is no consensus that would suit everyone. In addition, it is necessary to develop a systems management system that could provide more flexible scalability, improve storage and data management systems, and many others.


In the most general sense, based on all of the above, cloud technologies can be called technologies that allow client workstations to use external computing resources, storage capacities, etc. Indeed, cloud technologies provide almost limitless possibilities thanks to their services, starting with simple storage information and ending with the provision of complex secure IT infrastructures. In addition to providing computing power to end users, cloud technologies provide new workplaces for IT professionals who can configure and maintain "clouds".

And since the technologies themselves are quite young, research continues on the possibility of their application in various areas of life. The main difficulty in the development of cloud technologies is not in solving technical issues, but in choosing a mutually beneficial development path. That is why many commercial and government organizations participate in the discussion of concepts and choose strategies for the development of IT systems.

List of sources used

1.http: // - article "Cloud computing"
2. - article "Cloud computing, brief overview or article for the boss"
3. - article "IT" in the cloud ": 100 best vendors"
4. - based on articles "CIOs are afraid of" clouds "and" Cloud Computing: what does virtualization have to do with it? "

Abstract on the topic "Cloud technologies" updated: June 20, 2018 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

The Internet has become an integral part of people's lives, and new opportunities are regularly emerging that can make it easier to accomplish various tasks. A novelty is cloud technologies that can be used in various fields: education, medicine, logistics, and so on.

What is cloud computing?

Let's start with the definition, as cloud technologies imply the ability of the user to access data without installing applications on his device, since all the software is provided by the servers. It is important to know that such services can be either free or paid, and it all depends on the requests. To understand what the application of cloud technologies is, you need to disassemble their difference from ordinary conditions.

  1. Let's take e-mail as an example, when the mail client is installed on the computer and all data is saved on the hard disk. In this case, the user decides for himself what to do with the files.
  2. If we talk about mail, which a person uses through a browser, then this is already a cloud technology. It is clear here that if there are problems with the server, then access to mail will be lost.

Benefits of cloud services

To begin with, let's dwell on the existing advantages, which include:

  1. To store information, you do not need to buy expensive computers and components, because everything will be stored on the "cloud".
  2. The performance of the PC is increased, because cloud technologies in office work and other areas run programs remotely, so there is a lot of free space on the computer.
  3. Maintenance problems decrease every year, as the number of physical servers is constantly decreasing, and the software is constantly being updated.
  4. The costs of purchasing software are reduced, since you only need to buy the program for the "cloud" once and that's it, and sometimes you can even order its rental.
  5. Cloud technologies have no restrictions on the amount of stored data. In most cases, the volume of such services is estimated at millions of gigabytes.
  6. Programs are updated automatically, so there is no need to keep track of this, as is the case with downloaded applications.
  7. The cloud can be used on any operating system as the programs are accessed through web browsers.
  8. New cloud technologies make it possible to always and anywhere have access to documents, because the main thing is the presence of the Internet.
  9. Good security and protection against loss of information, since the sent data is automatically saved and copies are thrown off to spare servers.

Disadvantages of cloud technologies

It has a "cloud" and a number of disadvantages that you should know and take into account:

  1. Access is impossible in the absence of the Internet, and if it is not there, then it will be possible to work only with documents downloaded to the computer. It is worth noting that the Internet must be fast and of high quality.
  2. The cloud service can work slowly when transferring a large amount of information than in the case of the installed program.
  3. Rarely is the security at a poor level, but in most cases, the Cloud does backups, so there is no need to worry.
  4. Many are embarrassed that they have to pay for the provision of a number of services, but this is a business project on which people should earn money.

Application of cloud technologies

There is a certain classification of cloud services, so the following categories of "clouds" are distinguished:

  1. Public... It is an IT infrastructure that can be used by a large number of companies and services at once. Any company and individual can be a subscriber. Users of public cloud technologies do not have the ability to manage and maintain the "cloud", since only the owner of the service deals with this.
  2. Private... Describing the types of cloud technologies, you should focus on this secure IT infrastructure, controlled and operated in the interests of only one organization. It can be located at the customer's premises or with an external operator.
  3. Hybrid... This type has the main advantages of both of the previous options. Such a "cloud" in most cases is used by organizations that have seasonal periods of activity, that is, when there is not enough internal IT infrastructure, then part of the capacity goes to cloud technologies.

Cloud technologies in education

Computers and the Internet have made their way into the education system, thanks to which it is possible to improve and facilitate the process of performing a number of tasks. Cloud technologies in the educational process can be used for the following purposes:

  1. Organize employees to work together on important documents, such as an annual plan or program. Everyone is responsible for their part of the document, and if necessary, all users will have the opportunity to leave comments and supplement information.
  2. Shared project work, so the teacher can transfer assignments to students, share responsibilities and check reports by giving comments.
  3. Cloud technology can be used to create an electronic diary and transfer any written assignments. This is a great option for children who are homeschooled or skip classes for whatever reason.

Cloud technologies in medicine

Recently, the "cloud" has been actively introduced into medicine, which raises it to a new level. New technologies provide a huge potential for revolutionary changes, because it becomes much easier to maintain and organize medical records. The use of cloud technology in medicine is important because it helps to quickly determine the diagnosis and reach the conclusion. At the moment, such a service is just beginning to be implemented, since there are still no regulatory mechanisms for maintaining medical secrecy.

Cloud technologies in logistics

The cloud has excellent potential in transport and warehouse logistics. With the help of cloud technologies, it is possible to ensure full interaction of all participants in the chain, that is, the sender, operators, transport company and recipient. All of them can communicate in real time, regardless of location. The use of cloud technologies provides the following advantages:

  • hold open tenders for contractors;
  • determine the most successful routes;
  • control delivery;
  • to process and store all data on transportation;
  • improve the quality of order fulfillment.

Cloud technologies in banking

Competition among banks is enormous and not all are able to withstand a crisis. These financial institutions are beginning to use innovative technologies to reduce costs. Cloud storage services are aimed at automating financial processes. As a result, there is an increase in the efficiency of credit institutions by reducing the cost of reporting. It is important to note that because there is a threat of intruders into cloud storage, they do not store customer information.

Cloud technologies for business

Business people use the "cloud" for the following purposes:

  1. A virtual server is rented, so that the manager can fully control all hosted services, regardless of the provider.
  2. It is easy to create a virtual contact center in the network, so you can save on renting premises and organizing workplaces. Work can begin in two days from the date of submission of the application to the provider.
  3. Cloud services for business are used to create a virtual office, that is, the workplace will not be tied to a specific computer. The "cloud" reproduces the company's internal network, that is, includes disks, folders and programs for planning.

Cloud gaming

In the 2000s, cloud streaming services began to appear, thanks to which users can play "heavy" games over the Internet without downloading or loading their computer. In America and China, this area is already well developed. Microsoft recently made an official announcement that it will develop the DeLorean system, thanks to which a person will play through the cloud service, and the system will predict his actions before he presses the keys.

MBOU Secondary School No. 9, Karabanovo


In informatics

"Cloud technologies"

Completed: Plotnikov M.I.

11A student

Chapter 1. The concept of "cloud technologies"

Chapter 2. History of the emergence of cloud technologies

Chapter 3. Cloud Products Overview

Chapter 4. Examples of "cloud technologies"

Chapter 5. Pros and cons of cloud technologies

Chapter 6. Prospects for the development of cloud technologies




Everything is changing, the world is not standing still, and the majority of Internet users are also changing their attitude towards the world wide web. The reason for this is “cloud technologies”, which set the “fashion” for using the Internet and storing files on the Web. It is “behind the cloud” that Facebook, Amazon, Twitter and those “engines” on which services like Google Docs and Gmail are based now work. All this is good, but so far it remains for the uninitiated only words, pompous and incomprehensible. So how does it work?

Despite the fact that such terms as "cloud technologies" or "cloud computing" have long been heard by many, nevertheless very few people understand what exactly cloud technology is.

At first glance, it may seem that everything is too confusing to delve into it. In fact, this technology is very simple and almost every one of us has been using it for a long time, without even thinking about it. For example, all social networks, file hosting services, YouTube, email clients, banking services and much more work on the basis of the cloud.

In simple terms, cloud technology implies the use of a computer / web application located on remote servers through a user-friendly user interface or application format. Enterprises and companies use different types of applications in the cloud, such as for customer relationship management (CRM), personnel management, accounting, and for other needs of organizations.

Target: studying the issue of the emergence and development of "Cloud technologies".

The work delivered the following tasks :

  • to form the concept of "Cloud technologies",

  • talk about the main platforms using "clouds",

  • present the positive and negative sides of the service,

  • to highlight the prospects for further development in the world.

Chapter 1. The concept of "cloud technologies"

Cloud technologies Are data processing technologies in which computer resources are provided to the Internet user as an online service. The word "cloud" is used here as a metaphor for a complex infrastructure that hides all the technical details.

Cloud (scattered) computing (cloud computing, also used the term Cloud (scattered) data processing) is a data processing technology in which computer resources and capacities are provided to the user as an Internet service. The user has access to his own data, but cannot manage and should not care about the infrastructure, operating system and the actual software with which he works. The term "cloud" is used as a metaphor based on the image of the Internet on a diagram of a computer network, or as an image of a complex infrastructure that hides all the technical details. According to an IEEE document published in 2008, “Cloud computing is a paradigm in which information is permanently stored on servers on the Internet and temporarily cached on the client side, for example, on personal computers, game consoles, laptops, smartphones, etc. . ".

Cloud data processing as a concept includes the following concepts:

infrastructure as a service,

platform as a service,

software as a service,

data as a service,

workplace as a service

and other technological trends, which all share the belief that the Internet can meet the processing needs of users.

For cloud technologies, the most important feature is the unevenness of the request for Internet resources from users. To smooth out this unevenness and apply another intermediate layer - server virtualization... Thus, the load is distributed between virtual servers and computers.

Cloud technologies Is one big concept that includes many different concepts that provide services. For example, software, infrastructure, platform, data, workplace, etc. Why is all this needed? The most important function of cloud technology is to meet the needs of users in need of remote data processing.

What is not considered cloud computing? First, it is offline computing on a local computer. Secondly, it is "utility computing", when a service is ordered for the execution of particularly complex calculations or storage of data arrays. Thirdly, it is collective (distributed) computing (grid computing). In practice, the boundaries between all these types of computation are rather blurred. However, the future of cloud computing is still much larger than utilities and distributed systems.

Cloud storage is a model of online storage, in which data is stored on numerous servers distributed over a network, provided for use by clients, mainly by a third party. In contrast to the model of storing data on its own dedicated servers, purchased or leased specifically for such purposes, the number or any internal structure of servers is generally not visible to the client. Data is stored, as well as processed, in the so-called cloud, which is, from the client's point of view, one large virtual server. Physically, such servers can be located geographically far from each other, up to locations on different continents.

In order to understand what a "cloud" is, it is worth starting with the history of this issue. It is necessary to understand: is this technology really in the category of new ideas or this idea is not so new.

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