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  • Numbers are written in random order on the board. III

Numbers are written in random order on the board. III

Studying physics helps to better see and understand the world.

The school today is changing rapidly, trying to keep up with the times. The main change in society, which also affects the situation in education, is the acceleration of the pace of development. This means that the school must prepare its students for a life that it does not yet know about. Therefore, today it is important not so much to give the child as much knowledge as possible, but to ensure his general cultural, personal and cognitive development, to equip him with such an important skill as the ability to learn. In fact, this is the main task of the new educational standards, which are designed to realize the developmental potential of general secondary education. Today we are talking only about the metasubject approach and metasubject results in learning in connection with the formation of universal educational actions as a psychological component of the fundamental part of education.

Didactic goal: to expand the knowledge of students about various types of deformations, their features, characteristics and application in technology, to provide a higher, scientific level of knowledge.

Developing goal: to develop the mental and creative abilities of students, cognitive interest in the subject, in the future profession.

Educational purpose: contribute to the formation of a conscious creative attitude to learning, the ability to work in a team and understand the value of the knowledge gained for building a successful future.

Methodical goal: to show the methods and techniques for enhancing the cognitive and mental activity of students, the use of multimedia equipment in a physics lesson.

Interdisciplinary connections... Special technology of cooks: topics of technology of preparation of meat, fish products and dough products; biology: theme "Cereals"; human anatomy: the topic "Human skeleton", the equipment of public catering establishments: the topic "Characteristics of the premises and general requirements for the equipment of the food block".

MTO lesson... DVD - disc with video, slides, model for demonstration of types of deformations, sample made of elastic material, ruler, punched cards, LOTO, rubber cord, ring, collection of problems in physics (A.P. Rymkevich, Moscow, Publishing House "Drofa", 2004 .), block diagrams, mosaic (three pictures).

Lesson type. A lesson in assimilating new knowledge based on existing knowledge.

Methods and techniques. Lecture presentation of the material with a parallel demonstration of video materials and simple experiments, scoring by students of video clips, working with stencils, LOTO, a chain story, mini practical work, game moments.

Types of independent activities: filling out the flowchart, working with a reference book, mini practical work, working with punched cards and LOTO, answering questions of the "mosaic", dubbing videos.


I. Organizational part(report on duty on the readiness of the group for the lesson, the number of students present and absent).

II. Repetition. Knowledge check

1. Establish a correspondence between words, distributing them into three groups (1 person at the blackboard).

On the board in random order with the help of magnets are attached cards with the words: polycrystalline, monocrystalline, amorphous, lump sugar, salt crystal, sugar candy, diamond, glass, iron.

Additional questions to the respondent.

- What was the basis for the classification?
- What in this case connects physics with the profession of a cook? (Answer. Sugar lollipop is obtained by melting granulated sugar over low heat. In this case, the destruction of the crystal structure of sugar occurs, and an amorphous substance is obtained - lollipop).

2. Frontal survey (carried out while the student completes the task on the board).

- What types of solid bodies are divided according to the nature of the arrangement of particles?
- What kind of bodies do we call crystalline?
- What is the difference between mono- and polycrystals?
- What is anisotropy?
- Which solids are isotropic and which are anisotropic?
- How do amorphous bodies differ from crystalline ones?
- What type of solids are tools, parts of equipment, interior of the workshop, where do you conduct practical training?

III. Presentation of new material

Part I

(The teacher's story, accompanied by a demonstration of simple experiments and video materials).

On the students' tables there is a flowchart of the lesson, which they fill out as they study new material, writing down the basic definitions and formulas. ( Annex 1)

1. Deformation is called a change in the size or shape of a body under the action of force.
Deformation occurs when different parts of the body make unequal movements.

For instance. Stretch the rubber cord. The parts of the cord are displaced relative to each other, and the cord will be deformed - it will become longer and thinner (Demo # 1).
Deformations that disappear after the cessation of the action of external forces are called elastic... For example, a spring experiences elastic deformation after removing a load suspended from its end (demonstration no. 2).

Deformations that do not disappear after the cessation of external forces are called plastic. For example, plasticine, clay, wax.
Allocate deformations compression, stretching, bending, torsion, shear.
With small deformations, the change in the shape or volume of the body is not always visually obvious, but in any case, the position of the molecules relative to each other changes. Let's see it in the video.

(Demonstration No. 3 on the model, slide No. 1 "Types of deformation").

Let's consider each deformation in more detail.

a) Tensile deformation characterized by absolute elongation Δl and elongation ᶓ.

Let the sample length in unstretched form be l 0... Under the action of a force applied to it, its length will become equal to l... Thus, the absolute elongation of the sample = l - l 0
(we put dynamic formulas on the board).
Elongation is the ratio of the absolute elongation to the initial length of the specimen: e = Δl / l 0
Stretching is tested by cables, hoisting mechanisms, ropes, ties between cars.
Under compression, the relative deformation is negative.
Compression pillars, columns, walls, building foundations are tested.
Under tension and compression, the cross-sectional area of ​​the body changes.
Let's make an experiment with a rubber tube with a ring on (demonstration no. 4).
If stretching is strong enough, the cross-sectional area decreases and the ring will fall.
When compressed, the cross-sectional area increases.

b) Bending deformation

Bending deformation can be reduced to non-uniform tension and compression deformation, where one side is stretched and the other is compressed (demo # 5 on the model).
The displacement of the middle of the beam or its end is taken as a measure of the bending deformation. This displacement is called the deflection arrow (slide # 2).
Experience shows that with elastic deformation, the deflection arrow is proportional to the load. Beams and bars placed horizontally undergo bending deformation.
At small deformations, the layer located inside the bent body does not experience either compression or tension. It is called the neutral layer. The forces arising in this layer during deformation are also small.
This makes it possible to significantly reduce the cross-sectional area of ​​the part near the neutral layer by removing a part of the material that practically does not bear deforming loads. This allows, without reducing the strength of the structure, to achieve its lighter weight and save material.
In modern technology and construction, pipes, I-beams, rails, channels have long been used instead of rods and solid beams (slide No. 3).
In the course of evolution, nature itself endowed man with tubular limb bones, made the stems of cereals tubular, combining material savings with the strength and lightness of "construction" (slides No. 4, 5).

v ) Shear deformation

Demonstration 6.

Let's mount the model on a tripod to demonstrate the types of deformations. The model is represented by parallel plates interconnected by springs.
The horizontal force shifts the plates relative to each other without changing the volume of the body, the layers of the bar are displaced, remaining parallel, and the vertical faces, while remaining flat, deflect by a certain angle α, which is a measure of the shear deformation.
In real solids, the volume also does not change under shear deformation.
Shear deformation is experienced by beams in places of supports, rivets and bolts fastening parts, chalk used for writing on a blackboard, an eraser, etc.
Shifting to large angles can lead to destruction of the body - slice.
This happens when scissors, chisels, chisels, saw teeth are working.

d) A type of shear deformation is torsion.

(Video "Torsion Deformation")

IV. Consolidation of new knowledge (part 1)

1. Using the diagram built in the notes, tell what deformation is, what types of deformations you learned about (chain story).
2. Voice over video illustrations. What types of deformations can you tell by looking at a specific plot?

V. Learning new material (part II)

1. We have already talked about elastic and plastic deformations.

In any section of deformed bodies, elastic forces act, preventing the body from breaking into parts. The body is in a tense state, which is characterized by mechanical stress .

Mechanical stress σ is a physical quantity equal to the ratio of the modulus F of the elastic force to the cross-sectional area S of the body.

In SI, 1 Pa = 1 N / m 2 is taken as a unit of voltage.

At small deformations, the mechanical stress is directly proportional to the relative elongation, i.e. σ = E * | l |

This is Hooke's law for elastic deformations.

E is the elastic modulus (Young's modulus), which characterizes the ability of materials to resist elastic deformations.

For a given material, the modulus of elasticity is a constant value ( see reference page 169, table 7).

Let's compare the values ​​of the modulus of elasticity of steel and aluminum.

Steel has an elastic modulus of 200 GPa, while aluminum has 70 GPa. All other things being equal, the higher E, the less the material (steel) deforms.

2. To build reliable houses, bridges, machine tools, various machines, you need to know the mechanical properties of the materials used: concrete, steel, reinforced concrete, plastics, etc. The designer must know in advance the behavior of materials during deformations, the conditions under which materials will begin to collapse. Information about the mechanical properties of materials is obtained experimentally by plotting a graph based on the results of experiments, called stretch diagram.

Let us consider the diagram of the dependence of the mechanical stress of the body on the relative elongation. (Slide number 6)

In the region of small elongations, Hooke's law is valid, and the curve practically coincides with a straight line. In this region, the deformation is reversible, i.e. when stress is removed, the body takes on its original shape.

After point A on the curve and up to point B, there is a region of plasticity, where a deviation from Hooke's law is observed, and when stress is removed, the body returns not to its original state, but to a slightly deformed state (residual deformation).

Finally, after point B, the yield region begins, when the deformation of the body sharply increases even with a small increase in stress, and when the stress is removed, the body does not return to its original state.

In the area behind point B, the body is completely destroyed.

The maximum value of the mechanical stress, after which the sample collapses, is called ultimate strength.

Vi. Securing the material

1. Let's recall the physical quantities and formulas that were mentioned in the lesson.
Exercise. Fill in the missing letters in the punched cards. Read the formulas, pronouncing the names of physical quantities.

2. Physical lotto.

Exercise. Establish a correspondence between physical quantities and units of measurement of physical quantities (with comments).

3. Practical task.

Determine the absolute and relative elongation of the sample.
Equipment: rubber sample, ruler, weights.

Summarizing. Assessment of student work.


G.Ya. Myakishev, B.B. Bukhovtsev, N.N. Sotsky. Textbook "Physics 10" M .: Education, 2004 §36, §37, read the synopsis.

Knowledge Day on September 1 in grade 5. Scenario

The first class hour dedicated to Knowledge Day takes place on 1 September. The 5th grade homeroom teacher should prepare carefully for this activity. After all, this is his first meeting with the class, which makes it possible to establish contact with children, create an atmosphere of trust, ease and sincerity.

It is important that on this day the children have a festive, high spirits. It is good if the children bring home small gifts.

Goals: to acquaint with the class teacher, with new subjects; determine the motivation for learning; to adapt fifth-graders to the new teaching system; create a supportive classroom atmosphere.


a) badges with the names and surnames of the children;

b) put a sheet from the school notebook on the desk for each student (on this sheet, each student will write a congratulation to his class);

c) draw a schematic man on a large sheet of Whatman paper (the face will be drawn during the class hour); on the left in the column, write down the points of the characteristics that will be filled in during the lesson; separately prepare two faces from paper: funny and sad; the teacher will then attach one of them to the figure of the little man;

d) write notes with riddles about school subjects (from the text of the script) and put them in a box;

e) prepare a microphone (you can use a toy);

f) prepare simple prizes for the participants of the games (notebooks, medals, flags) so that each student receives some kind of reward.

Musical arrangement

Children's songs: "Smile", "Together it is fun to walk through the open spaces", "We divide everything in half", "A true friend", etc.

Class decoration

Prepare a blackboard at recess before class time:

a) draw a map "Class 5-A Knowledge Planet"; on the map, in random order, write the names of school disciplines studied in grade 5: Russian, literature, rhetoric, foreign language, mathematics, computer science, history, citizenship, natural history, music, fine arts, physical education, labor education;

Classroom plan

1. Introductory remarks.

2. Press conference of the class teacher.

3. Creating a self-portrait of the class.

4. Game "Journey to the Planet of Knowledge".

5. Game "Microphone".

6. Composition-miniature "Congratulation".

7. Summing up (reflection).

8. Tour of the school. Acquaintance with school classrooms.

Class hour

I. Introduction

Classroom teacher. Dear Guys! Today our whole country is celebrating the Day of Knowledge. This is an unusual day for you, because today is your first time crossing the threshold of high school. The fifth grade is its very first step, but gradually, climbing from step to step, you will become graduates, you will be as beautiful and smart as our today's graduates. The knowledge gained at school will help you choose a profession, become respected people, and benefit our country.

Grade 5 will bring a lot of new and unusual things into your life: these are new subjects, new teachers, and new problems, but I hope that we will overcome all the problems, because we will solve them together, help each other. We will try to make everyone in our class feel good, like in a large and friendly family.

II. Homeroom teacher's press conference

Classroom teacher. Now let me introduce myself: I am your class teacher (last name, first name, patronymic). And I'm starting my press conference. You guys will be the journalists. You can ask me your questions if you want to know more about me. Just before asking me your question, please tell me your first and last name.

Sample questions for children:

How old are you?

What subject are you teaching?

Do you have children?

Do you have pets?

What are your hobbies?

III. Creating a self-portrait of a class

Classroom teacher. This concludes my press conference. Thanks for the questions.

We have a lot of difficult and interesting things ahead, and I hope we will get to know you better. But now I would like to know a little about a mysterious stranger named Grade 5-A. (Points to a piece of Whatman paper attached to the wall.)

Help me guys find out something about this mysterious 5-A. What is his height, weight, physical condition? What is our 5-A interested in? What is his discipline? How does he feel about learning? What is his character? And finally, what is his face? We will now find out all this and write it down next to this portrait. And the one who has the most beautiful and legible handwriting will help me. Are there such among you?

One of the students comes out to the board, takes a felt-tip pen.

The first question, the easiest one, is 5-A growth. The average height of a fifth grader is usually 145-150 cm. What will we write in this column? How tall is our class? High or low, or maybe medium?

Children (in chorus). Low, medium, high.

The student writes it down.

Classroom teacher. Now the weight is normal, underweight, or maybe overweight?

Children (in chorus). Normal.

The student writes down with a felt-tip pen.

Classroom teacher. Physical development - is our 5-A involved in sports? And how?

Children raise their hands, take turns calling the sports they are involved in.

Well, well, let's write down that the physical form is excellent! But as for hobbies, again a question. What are 5-A's hobbies?

Children take turns talking about their hobbies. The student writes it down.

Well, let's write it down: hobbies are versatile.

And what about our 5-A's discipline - good or bad?

Children (in chorus). Okay.

The student writes down the word "good" in front of the item "Discipline".

Classroom teacher. But as for study, here we cannot write anything yet. Why do you guys think?

Examples of children's answers:

Because the 5-A grade has not yet shown itself in studies.

Because we haven't had a single lesson in 5th grade yet.

Because we don't even know what lessons we will have in 5th grade.

Classroom teacher. Yes, 5-A will reveal this secret to us at the end of the first quarter. Hopefully the answer is a number ...

Children (in chorus). Five! Four!

Classroom teacher. The simplest thing left is to write down the character traits of our 5-A. What is he? Kind, cheerful, friendly, obedient, active, honest, reliable, smart, strong, brave, fair?

Children take turns answering from their seats. The student writes it down.

To complete the portrait of our class, all that remains is to draw a face. What do you think his face is?

The teacher shows two faces, smiling and sad. Children choose one of them. The teacher attaches the face chosen by the children to the figure drawn on the Whatman paper.

So we got a 5-A class portrait. Thanks to everyone who helped me create this portrait. Now we will hang it in a prominent place and watch closely how our 5-A grows, becomes smarter, stronger, better. And we will grow together with him.

But we will not just grow, but travel across the Planet of Knowledge. In order not to get lost on this planet, I drew its map for you. (Points to the board.)

The names of the subjects that will be studied in grade 5 are written on the board in random order.

IV. Game "Journey to the Planet of Knowledge"

Classroom teacher. Before you is a map of the Planet of Knowledge of the 5th class. On this map, there are countries and continents that you are already familiar with, and there are also unexplored territories that you just have to learn about. Now we will take a trip to all continents of the Planet of Knowledge. But the names of the continents to which we will go are encrypted in riddles. Riddles are in this chest (Shows a box with notes with riddles.)

Three teams will go on the journey, which I will name after the first Soviet space rockets (in rows): "Soyuz", "Buran" and "Vostok".

Team representatives must go to the blackboard, get the riddle notes out of the box, read the riddle aloud, solve it with the help of their comrades, and cross out the name of the continent they visited.

For correct answers, everyone will receive prizes!

Pupils take turns to go to the blackboard, take out notes with riddles from the box, read, children in chorus guess the names of school subjects. The class teacher gives prizes to the participants who read the riddles and gave answers.

Riddles about school subjects (for cards):

1. The necessary science, gymnastics for the mind,

We will be taught to think ... (mathematics).

2. Any student will be literate,

If he knows ... (Russian).

3. Do you want to travel to different countries,

You need to know the language ... (foreign).

4. Let's love books, raise the culture

We are in class ... (literature).

5. Strengthen the muscles of all the kids ... (physical education).

6. To find vocal talents in children,

They need lessons ... (musical).

7. Pictures, paints, high feelings -

This is taught ... (visual arts).

8. Craftsmanship, work with passion -

This requires ... (labor training).

9. Distant past, ancient territories -

Science studies it ... (history).

10. To know and love nature will teach ... (natural history),

To be a citizen of Russia will teach ... (civics).

11. Into the world of computer grammar

We are taught by ... (computer science) lessons.

12. Politicians and historians can speak beautifully,

And science teaches this ... (rhetoric).

Classroom teacher. Well, our journey is over. There are no losers among the teams, which means that there are no blank spots left on the Planet of Knowledge. And to deeply explore every continent, we have an entire academic year ahead of us!

V. Microphone game

Homeroom teacher (looks at the blackboard). Oh, how many different complex subjects and sciences! Why do they need to be taught? I invite you to think now and answer this question in one sentence: "Why do you need to study school subjects?"

I invite three representatives from each team to the microphone. What are they called here? Do you remember? Like the first Soviet spaceships.

Children (in chorus). Vostok, Soyuz, Buran. Classroom teacher. Right. Please, you can go to the microphone and answer the question: "Why do you need to study school subjects?"

Children take turns taking the microphone, pronounce 1 sentence each.

Examples of children's answers:

To gain knowledge and benefit your country.

To develop our abilities and talents that we don't even know about yet.

To know how to handle difficult situations.

To know how people lived in ancient times, and not to repeat their mistakes today.

To reveal the secrets of nature and use them for the benefit of all mankind.

To make smart machines that make it easier for people to do their jobs.

To make scientific discoveries, become Nobel laureates and glorify your country.

To be reasonable, learn to reason and not do stupid things.

To collect all the knowledge and pass it on to our descendants. Classroom teacher. It seems to me that all commands

answered briefly and convincingly. This means that all of their representatives deserve encouragement.

The class teacher gives gifts to the participants.

Vi. Composition-miniature "Congratulation"

Classroom teacher. Something our 5-A got bored on stage. But it's his birthday today. And no one has congratulated him yet. What are we going to do?

Children express their suggestions.

Let's compose our 5-A congratulations on the start of the school year and wishes for the whole year. You have leaflets on your desks. In just 5 minutes, while the music is playing, try to come up with some warm and beautiful words for 5-A. Then you can come up and attach the congratulations to the portrait of our class. And the authors of the best congratulations will also receive prizes!

Cheerful music turns on. Children compose congratulations. Then tape them to the "portrait" 5-A.

The teacher presents awards to children.

Vii. Summing up (reflection)

Classroom teacher. So guys, our Knowledge Day holiday classroom is over. What did you learn during this class hour?

Examples of children's answers:

We met the class teacher.

We found out what subjects we will study in grade 5.

We learned the names of the Soviet missiles.

We learned why you need to teach school sciences.

Classroom teacher. What do you remember?

Examples of children's answers:

How we compiled a portrait of our class.

How we guessed the names of school subjects.

As we wrote congratulations to our class.

VIII. Tour of the school. Acquaintance with school classrooms

Classroom teacher. Guys, on the chalkboard you can see the lesson schedule for today. This means that our journey across the Planet of Knowledge continues. Only for real. Each lesson will take place in a special room. Now we will get acquainted with the location of these offices. To do this, we will leave the classroom and walk through the school. You have not forgotten that our 5-A is obedient, cultured, polite. Therefore, he will behave well, not make noise - after all, there are lessons at school!

The teacher takes the children out of the classroom and leads them around the school, showing them where the classrooms are.

Nathan is young, naive and surprisingly malleable. He allows himself to be fucked everywhere and always. And Colin willingly repeats this over and over after the first one.

Nathan is not one bit indignant when, at the next unofficial school party, Colin bursts into the toilet after him and, without any prelude, bends it over the sink, entering quickly and not worrying about preparation. Colin breathes often, often, does not open his completely drunk eyelids and hammers in greedily and selfishly. He buries himself in his neck and sucks in the scent, then exhales noisily with a blissful smile, as if he had smoked the last joint in the world of selected shmid.

He is almost satisfied. Nearly. Until he opens his eyes.

An almost physically palpable frustration cuts through him. The illusion disintegrates quickly and inevitably, again closed eyes will not help. And Colin leaves without explaining anything.

No, he doesn't feel guilty. He's selfish enough for that. But when Nathan comes to him and offers to continue, Colin is surprised. The dear omega, the younger brother of his school friend Gerald, is not at all angry and does not throw tantrums, only gently takes his hands and swears that he did not mind and in general he likes Colin for a long time. Visits to Kavanagh's house are no longer reserved for Gerald.

Over the six months of his relationship with Nathan, his brother is more and more ahead of Colin in growth. And Colin more and more often catches himself looking at the hollow of his collarbones. Every now and then he watches as he nervously swallows on tests. For the first time he notices that the smell of Gerald turns him on, a year ago at lacrosse. Stares in disbelief at the back of the head of the long-familiar alpha in line to serve the ball. And then, without waiting for his turn, he runs to the toilet and vomits until the bell rings, releasing the students from the stuffy classrooms.

It is not customary for an alpha to have a connection with an alpha. And Colin was used to being like everyone else, just a little cooler. Catch on yourself the lustful glances of the omegas and the envious of other alphas.

And so Colin finds a solution. Nathan smells amazingly similar, maybe a little softer, but the difference is not particularly significant. Outwardly, they are different: Gerald's hair is not curly at all, unlike Nathan, and even darker, even almost black, chubby cheeks are also not observed, and Nathan does not wear glasses. But you can't see it in the dark. Nathan is a year younger, but already actively learns the delights of sex. The only pity is that he is too frail, you have to close your eyes, inhale deeply and stroke his body as little as possible. The difference is clear on the fingers, and Colin thinks Gerald wouldn't wriggle like that.

At Christmas dinner at Kavan's house, Nathan pulls his chair as close as possible and squeezes his hand. And when the family is engaged in a discussion of lemon pie, he slides his hand over Colin's thigh and, feeling for a bump of bulging pants, smiles contentedly. But the reason is not in him, but in his older brother, sitting on the other side of Colin. Colin exhales involuntarily, glad that no one can read his mind.

Nathan groans on his brother's bed. His own bed is only two meters away in the same room. But Colin, as if by chance, pushes him towards this one. Nathan scratches his back, and Colin buries his head in the pillow, finally inhaling exactly that smell. Consciousness dims, and he almost whispers "Gerald", but regains control in time. It’s not a pity for Nathan: he enjoys, but you can’t get fired at the word at all.

Colin locks himself in the bedroom in the evenings and puts the photos in random order. The ones with Gerald are invariably the first. He wanders around with his eyes, trying to complete the chain of transition from Gerald to Nathan, not only on glossy paper, but also in his head. It will be better this way. But it does not come out yet.

He fucks Nathan in Gerald's car, where his scent never goes away, getting lost in the upholstery and mixing with the air freshener dangling from a thin elastic band tied to the rearview mirror. The car is cramped. And Nathan was cramped. You get used to something, but something stretches out, like those damn days, when it’s completely unbearable to throw hateful thoughts out of your head. Like hour after hour in class, right next to Gerald when his brother is out of reach.

Colin prays to gods he didn't believe in before, and thanks them for the fact that there is at least some way to relieve tension.

Nathan puts on his brother's sweater - red and dangling from the omega's skinny body. And it seems to Colin that he knows everything and provokes on purpose. But Nathan's eyes are bright, calm, without the slightest sign of jealousy or anger. Colin picks up his armpits, sitting him on the windowsill, and then bounces back, pressing his cheek against the prickly fur. Everything is fine.

At the graduation ceremony, the students are summoned in no particular order, and Colin goes to pick up the certificate after Gerald, trying not to breathe air as he passes him, but as if on a machine, he draws in a corroding scent of composure. He rises on the stage pale and with a sour face. Classmates think that they are worried about grades or are afraid that all his coolness will remain on the threshold of school. Some even gleefully hope for the latter. Nathan waves, filming the ceremony on camera, and Colin thinks that in a couple of minutes he will be jammed in the back room. Yes, it doesn't matter where, just to get this nonsense out of my head.

Now visits to Kavanagh's house belong to practically one Nathan. Gerald is passionate about college, and even when Colin finds him at home, he is immersed in notes and only throws a quick greeting.

In the second semester, Gerald brings the omega to meet the family. Colin is also invited and is looking at him a little more interested than he wanted. Omega is moderately sociable, intelligent and inquisitive - just what Gerald needs. And he is sincerely happy that his family also liked his choice.

Colin is not jealous: he never wanted a relationship with an alpha. Such a relationship. Smear a bold cross on your forehead, indicating a loser suffering from same-sex love. This is not for him. But this smell calls to itself, like sirens on the rocks, on which the sailors crashed. And I really don't want to crash.

Colin walks into the rocking chair and stubbornly shakes the barbells, shutting off the thoughts that they are exhausting him worse than strength training.

It seems like a dull obsession that he himself allowed to envelop his life. And he grimaces at his reflection, annoys himself. But again he comes to the house of Kavanagh.

He is no longer interested in the gossip of former school friends, but he still wants to be like everyone else.

So we both found what we need, - Gerald smiles at one of the summer get-togethers when Colin turns over a piece of meat on the grill. The sudden emotions on his usually cold, inscrutable face make Colin involuntarily stare. Touching the red-hot grate, he swears, fat drips onto the coals and hisses. Colin grins gutturally, and the muscles peeking out from under his shirt with short sleeves tense from tightly clenched fists. Nathan watches from afar, but again doesn't ask anything. And Colin hides his fingers in his hair with all the same, as in school, shaved temples, to calm a small shiver. His own reaction pisses him off. So enraged that he gets drunk in the evening as a lord, and Nathan has to drag him home.

Colin never apologizes, only continues to fuck Nathan on his brother's bed, which is gradually starting to lose its charm. The smell of Gerald's omega stays on the bedding, eats into the upholstery of the car, into the leather on the steering wheel. Even the freshener on the rearview mirror doesn't seem to smell like alpine meadows, but this ubiquitous guy. The smell is everywhere, and Colin feels like he's drenched in it himself.

Life allows us to move in an arbitrary order, building our game on the chessboard, and the ending cannot be predicted.

Colin sends a smothering obsession to hell. Surprisingly, Nathan doesn't cry, ask questions, or scratch at his window at night. It becomes quite clear: he knew after all. I didn't just guess, but I knew for sure and deliberately went for such a relationship. But Colin still doesn't care.

He finds himself an omega: strikingly tasteless. As sterile as the glass of a vase on the table in their new home, it doesn't stir up the receptors, doesn't turn it inside out. Becomes a necessary outlet. It's just quiet next to him. He's not. But Colin likes it.

The choices, deliberate and not quite, weave a cobweb with beautiful patterns, sticky, enticing, but which may not be to everyone's liking. The main thing is not to get lost in it if you don’t want to.

From a guest >>

5. All natural numbers from 1 to 1000 were written in the following order. First, numbers were written out in ascending order, the sum of the digits of which is 1, then (also in ascending order) - the numbers, the sum of the digits of which is 2, then - the numbers, the sum of the digits of which is 3, etc. number 996

Answer Decision

6.A checkered board 8 × 8 is lined with 1 × 2 domino tiles. Prove that any two of them form a square of four cells.

7. A natural number can be multiplied by two and the numbers in it can be rearranged in an arbitrary way (it is prohibited only to put zero in the first place). Is it possible to turn the number 1 into the number 631 using such operations?

Answer Decision

8. Dukes, earls and barons served at the court of Prince Lemon. At the beginning of the reign of the prince of the courtiers, it was 2012, but each one of them killed the other in a duel, and the dukes killed only counts, counts - only barons, and barons - only dukes. However, no one won the duel twice. In the end, only Baron Orange survived. What was the title of the first deceased courtier?

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