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On an iPhone, the brightness is self-adjustable. Additional brightness settings on iPhone and iPad

Many owners Apple products after updating your devices to latest version iOS 11 faced new challenge: at turning on the iPhone the function "Auto brightness" is automatically activated, which independently sets the level of light transmission on the screen.

On the previous versions operating system this parameter could be easily turned off by going to the "Screen and brightness" section, in which this characteristic is now absent. But what happened that Apple decided to remove such a useful feature for many?

How to disable / enable auto brightness in iOS 11 on iPhone or iPad

Devices running iOS 11, as before, have the "Auto Brightness" option, which has moved from the usual location for owners in the "Screen and Brightness" section to a completely different, rather well-disguised and distant place in the menu. Now the specified function can be found by doing the following:

  1. Go to the "Settings" menu.
  2. Section "Basic".
  3. « Universal access».
  4. The "Display Adaptation" section will contain the function moved by the developers.

With a significant change in location, the "Auto brightness" option has not undergone any drastic changes. This function is still responsible for automatically adjusting the brightness level on device screens. Apple taking into account external sources lighting and adjusting to them. Option "Auto brightness", as it was in the previous iOS versions, is the default setting, which is enabled on devices by default.

Why did they move auto brightness so far

Disappeared from the usual location "Auto brightness" puzzled a large number of owners. Apple users were surprised. They began to apply en masse to technical support, after all this function ranked among the most used on devices for iOS control... So what drove the developers to make these changes, making it harder to use their products?

The answer to the question is pretty simple. Apple employees do not want owners of purchased equipment to disable automatic brightness control for some reason. Not every user has information that disabling the "Auto Brightness" option has a bad effect on the duration of autonomous operation. iPad devices, iPhone and iPod.

It is for this reason that this option, under the guidance of the iOS operating system, at a fast pace and extremely precisely adjusts the effective brightness for full use device without requiring mandatory intervention from the owner.

What can be the consequences if you abandon auto brightness

The developers noticed that with manual regulation it often happens that users set an order of magnitude higher brightness level than necessary, contributing to a faster discharge battery.

By setting the minimum brightness on the device, it will be possible to reduce the charge consumption, thereby prolonging its autonomy. Having performed the opposite action, raising the saturation by an order of magnitude higher than the required value, not only will the battery begin to run down more quickly, but there is a possibility that external lighting with very bright backlighting will cause damage effective use mobile or other Apple technology.

The iPhone is known to be able to independently adjust the brightness levels of its own display depending on ambient lighting conditions. However, it quite often happens that, with proper quality and efficiency, such automatic adjustment for some reason the iPhone does not work.

As a result, we get a problem, even two: the display does not behave quite adequately - this is firstly, and secondly, such unsuccessful "maneuvers" with the brightness level have a bad effect on the autonomy of the smartphone, i.e. his battery sits down faster.

Fortunately, the reason for this lewdness, as a rule, is incorrect work built-in ambient light sensor.

Therefore, the user can eliminate the trouble on his own, if, of course, this is the problem, and not, for example, in an unwanted mechanical effect on the smartphone itself or its individual elements.

In other words, if the apparatus was not beaten or broken so that without replacement iPhone display 5 or other serious repairs are indispensable, then you can configure the sensor without the help of a service center master.

The fact is that, perhaps secretly anticipating this kind of trouble with the light sensor, in general, and automatic mode brightness control in particular iPhone creators 5 prudently left the user with the option to manually configure them.

In general, if different things suddenly start happening with the automatic brightness control in yours, from which it becomes unpleasant for the eyes, then you will have to intervene personally and, after spending a couple of minutes of your time, decisively eliminate the problem.

So, how to set up automatic screen brightness adjustment in iPhone 5?

To begin with, we note that in order to qualitatively adjust the auto-adjustment of the screen brightness in the iPhone, you will need a bright flashlight (the sun will not work) and a dark room (the darkness level should be close to the "pitch" indicator). All this is needed in order to properly calibrate the sensor. Now:

1. Go to the "Settings" of the smartphone.

2. Select the "Brightness & Wallpaper" tab

3. By default, the window that appears should look something like this:

4. We go into a dark room (or turn off the light in a bright room), carry an iPhone and a flashlight with us. In the dark, turn off the "Auto Brightness" mode in the iPhone. Now that the automatic adjustment of the screen brightness in your smartphone is turned off, you can manually set the brightness level that suits you best if it is dark around. Install and wait a couple of seconds until the settings are saved.

5. Next, turn on the flashlight, bring it as close as possible to front camera iPhone and again set the screen brightness level to the optimal level (most likely the slider will need to be moved to the extreme right position or a very close position, i.e. to almost 100% brightness). Thus, we show the light sensor conditions similar to a bright sunny day. We will also wait a little while the device recalls the new settings.

6. Turn off the flashlight, leave the dark room and turn on the "Auto Brightness" mode in the iPhone. The new settings will be accepted by the system, and you will see how the screen of the device again began to adapt to the external light, but already correctly.

V nice bonuses you can credit and increase the time autonomous work your iPhone 5, because now its battery will not needlessly feed the screen with scarce energy. By the way, if you need to save more, then the procedure can be repeated, but in step 5, move the slider a little further than the middle. Then, in bright light, the screen will be read, maybe a little worse, but the battery charge will be consumed more slowly.

So, today's article will be devoted to a very simple topic, but very important - let's talk about the brightness on your iPhone. How it can be reduced, increased and other points with the setting.

We will also discuss some of the problems that may arise and what exactly to do in such situations. It will be very informative and if you do not want to read all the material, just select the question that interests you.

How to make the screen brightness on an iPhone more / less?

Quite often there are situations when there is a need to increase or decrease the brightness on your iPhone. And there are a lot of them.

Probably the most popular cases are the situation before going to bed, when the phone is too bright or on a sunny day, when the brightness is simply not enough to see something.

There are two whole ways of setting and now I will tell you about each of them.

Option one. The most convenient and simple option to adjust the brightness is the control panel. It gets called quickly enough.

Just swipe up from the bottom of the screen, a panel appears and adjust the brightness as you like. Easier, there is simpler option, but more on that later.

Option two. If you don't like previous way or let's say for some reason you simply cannot call the control panel.

Then just follow these steps:

  1. go to SettingsScreen and brightness;
  2. we see the slider and moving it will change the brightness of the screen.

Use the method you like the most. But now I'll tell you about a function that has made the life of its owners very easy for many years.

Why does the brightness change on the iPhone itself?

As many probably already understood, it will be about auto brightness. V any iPhone you can find a light sensor and most often it is located above the earpiece.

Thanks to him, phones adjust your brightness automatically, which greatly helps to save battery life and not spoil your eyesight.

To check its performance, it is enough to drastically change the lighting environment. For example, come out of the dark into the light and you will see how changes take place.

In fact, this is the third way to configure, but if you prefer to configure exclusively manually, then just follow these steps:

  1. follow the same steps SettingsScreen and brightness;
  2. turn off the slider opposite the word Auto brightness.

As for me, the thing is very convenient. I usually turn it off in cases where you really need to save the battery and configure everything yourself.

But here it is up to you to decide, because each user has his own preferences. So just do whatever works best for you.

Brightness on iPhone is not adjustable

As you probably all know, nothing is perfect. Quite often you can find devices on which the brightness does not change at all.

In principle, if we look at it as a whole, then we can meet the following situations:

  • If your phone works and you can see everything only by moving your iPhone to the light, then most of all, your screen backlight said goodbye to you.
  • If auto brightness is turned on, but does not change when the light changes, then the light sensor is simply out of order. There can be many reasons for this;
  • Well last option, which is highly unlikely - the software was updated. Very often there are various flaws and if you have this problem after updating the software, then I think this is the reason.

    We are rolling back to the previous firmware, or we are waiting for a new update. After that, everything should fall into place.

In any case, if you do not know what exactly is happening with your gadget, then it is best to just turn to a person who knows more about devices than you do.

Well, in the most extreme case, we find the nearest service center and hand it over for repairs or just consult. Sometimes it's not too cheap, but if you really don't have a choice, then you have to.


The problem of adjusting the brightness on an iPhone is most often encountered by initial users. Then you will forget about this function.

But it seems to me that it's never too late to learn something new. Perhaps you did not know about something and after reading the material, you began to know a little more about your favorite smartphone.

On devices with operating system iOS has a slider to control the brightness of the screen. In some situations, the minimum value may not be sufficient. In such situations, you can solve the problem using a special mode.

Using a simple sequence of actions, you can configure the activation " minimum brightness". In this mode, the backlight level of the LCD screen is reduced to below what Apple has set. This can be useful when working with an iOS device at night. The instructions below are relevant for any devices running iOS 8.1 and higher.

How to reduce the brightness of the iPhone screen below the minimum set by Apple:

Step 1: Open in iOS settings section General -> Accessibility -> Zoom.

Step 2: Go to the subsection Zoom area and check the box next to the whole screen.

Step 3: Go back one step and turn on the Zoom toggle switch.

Step 4: Triple click on the screen with three fingers to bring up a special window. In it, move the slider to the left to the minimum value.

Step 5: In the window, click "Select filter" and put a check mark next to "Low light".

Step 6: Now it remains to assign triple tap Home buttons to activate the mode. To do this, go to General -> Accessibility -> Keyboard shortcut -> Zoom. Check the box next to Magnification.

Step 7: Now you can quickly activate the backlight dimming mode by triple clicking on the Home button iPhone screen or iPad. At the same time, sliding the backlight slider all the way to the left will lower the brightness of the iPhone or iPad screen. installed by Apple minimum.

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