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We will go our own way. ... and who will pay for it? See what "We'll go the other way" in other dictionaries

Peter Belousov. "We'll go the other way." 1951

For those who studied at school back in the USSR, this picture, of course, is memorable. The future head of the Soviet government, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, not yet Lenin, receives news that abruptly changed his life: that his older brother Alexander was executed for organizing the assassination attempt on Tsar Alexander III ("the case of the second First March"). And he says to his grief-stricken mother: "We will go the other way." And this happened just 130 years ago, right after May 8 (20), 1887, when Alexander Ilyich Ulyanov was hanged.
Perhaps this moment turned the fate of not only one person or the entire Ulyanov family, but also Russia, and the whole world as a whole. Who knows, if in 1917 such a collected and purposeful person as Vladimir Ilyich had not been at the head of a revolutionary party, this party could have taken power and retained it? And would it exist on its own?
Vladimir Ilyich's younger sister Maria recalled: “Dozens of years have passed since then, but even now I can clearly see the expression on Vladimir Ilyich’s face at that moment and hear his voice:“ No, we will not go that way. This is not the way to go "... The expression on his face at the same time he had such, as if he regretted that his brother gave his life too cheap ...". "Victims on our part are inevitable," he said later. "But they need to be minimized ... We must protect people."
In those days, Vladimir Ilyich's attitude to the liberals was probably finally formed. “Vladimir Ilyich once told me,” wrote Krupskaya, “how the 'society' reacted to the arrest of his older brother. I dared to say a word of sympathy to my mother after the execution of my brother. In order not to meet with her, these canals ran across the street. " “This general cowardice,” Krupskaya continued, “made, according to Vladimir Ilyich, a very strong impression on him at that time. chatter ".

A. I. Ulyanov's room. House-museum of the Ulyanov family

Memorial plaque at the place of execution of A. Ulyanov

In 1894, Dmitry Ulyanov asked his brother, according to his memoirs:
- We have a lot of old comrades, known to us, why not take up and create a terrorist organization?
- And what is it for? - objected Vladimir. - Suppose they succeeded in the assassination attempt, would have succeeded in killing the king, but what does it matter?
- How what value, - Dmitry was taken aback, - would have a tremendous impact on society.
- What society? What kind of society do you mean? Is this the liberal society that plays cards and eats stellate sturgeon under horseradish and dreams of a scanty constitution? Do you mean this society? This society should not interest you, we are not interested in it ...
In general, this day on May 8 (20) exactly 130 years ago became a tuning fork for the entire future life of Vladimir Ilyich. Not quite in the philistine sense, which was invested in the well-known anecdote "how he avenged his brother!" specific people, but to all the orders that doomed his brother to death. But he, of course, did not feel good feelings towards the people who sent his brother to the gallows - that is, the Romanov dynasty.
Once in a conversation, he remembered his executed brother, then he was silent and, as it were, read a stanza from Pushkin's ode "Liberty" to himself:
Autocratic villain!
I hate you, your throne
Your doom, death of children
I see with cruel joy.

Mikhail Semyonov. The last words of Alexander Ulyanov. 1976

Oleg Vishnyakov. Brothers

Tsar Alexander III carefully read the program written Alexander Ilyich Ulyanov, and commented on it in the margins. General impression: "This note is not even a madman, but a pure idiot."
Text by A. I. Ulyanov: "The party should devote its main efforts to the organization and education of the working class, its preparation for the upcoming social role. Strong knowledge and consciousness, the party will strive to raise the general mental level of society, direct improvement of the national economy, in order to direct it on the path corresponding to its ideals. But under the existing political regime in Russia, almost no part of this activity is possible. "
A mark with a royal hand: "This is comforting!"
Text by A. I. Ulyanov:
"1. Permanent Representation of the People, elected freely, by direct and universal suffrage, without distinction of gender, religion or nationality, and having full authority in all matters of public life;
2. Broad local self-government, ensured by the election of all positions;
3. The independence of the world as an economic and administrative unit;
4. Complete freedom of conscience, speech, press, gatherings, associations and movement;
5. Nationalization of the land;
6. Nationalization of factories, factories and all instruments of production in general;
7. Replacement of the standing army by the zemstvo militia;
8. Free initial training. "

We'll take a different path
The words that, according to the Soviet tradition, were uttered by the young Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin, 1870-1924) upon learning of the execution (1887) of his older brother, the People's Will revolutionary Alexander Ulyanov, who, together with his comrades, was convicted of preparing an attempt on the life of the Russian emperor Alexandra 111. As Lenin's sister Maria Ilyinichna Ulyanova said in her speech at the memorial meeting of the Moscow Council (February 7, 1924), he said: No, we will not go that way. This is not the way to go.
At one time, the popularity of the expression was facilitated by the painting "We will go the other way" (1951) by the Soviet artist P. P. Belousov (b. 1912), written on this subject.
Jokingly: about the desire to act differently than predecessors or colleagues, in the hope that this way you can achieve better results.

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  • - ...

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"We'll Take Another Way" in the books


From the book Pilsudski the author Matveev Gennady Filippovich


We'll take a different path

From the book Creatives of Old Semyon by the author

We'll go the other way. It was more than forty years ago. I was a first-year student, and for one semester we studied agricultural technology - future economists had to know all the branches of the Soviet economy. The course was taught by an elderly woman, Vera Petrovna M. Not so long ago

Chapter 3. We will go the other way!

From the book A Practical Russian Idea the author Mukhin Yuri Ignatievich

Chapter 3. We will go the other way! Disappointing Results So, as shown above, the attempt to build a socialist society in Russia ended in failure. As a result of the immaturity of the productive forces at the time of the national liberation revolution of 1917 in Russia

CHAPTER 10. We'll take a different path. On the problems of the socialist community

From the book Economics for ordinary people: Basics of Austrian economics school by Callahan Jean

CHAPTER 10. We'll take a different path. On the problems of the socialist

Will we go the other way?

From the book Four Paths of Karma the author Kovaleva Natalia Evgenievna

Will we go the other way? Secrets of Ancient Civilizations How many secrets and mysteries are kept in the history of human civilization! It is particularly interesting that some of the mysteries of the past cast light into the distant future. During archaeological excavations in South America, scientists

"We'll go the other way!"

From the book Interrogations of the Elders of Zion [Myths and Personalities of the World Revolution] the author Sever Alexander

"We'll go the other way!" At the end of the 19th century, the active part of the Jewish population of the Russian Empire began to gradually refuse to participate in the international revolutionary movement, preferring to solve exclusively their own national problems. If u build new

55. "We will go the other way." Theses about biographical Lenin. Chernyshevsky factor

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55. "We will go the other way." Theses about biographical Lenin. The Chernyshevsky factor - At the Institute of History there was a long meeting devoted to the only question: did Lenin say "We will go the other way" or did he not? They discussed for hours until I convinced Lenin with this

We'll take a different path

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of Winged Words and Expressions the author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

We will go the other way.The words, which, according to the Soviet tradition, were uttered by the young Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin, 1870-1924), upon learning about the execution (1887) of his elder brother, the Narodnaya Volya revolutionary Alexander Ulyanov, who, together with his comrades, was convicted of


From the author's book

Chapter 1. AND WE WILL ALL THE SAME GO TO THE SOUTH! WE WILL STILL GO SOUTH! In the title of the chapter of the paraphrase of the words of the tiger lackey Sherkhan, the jackal Tabaki: “And we will go north! And we will go north! " - from Kipling's Mowgli. The central object of this chapter's analysis is

We will go our own way!

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We will go the other way ...

From the book How to fly to Europe for 50 euros [ Ready-made solutions for budget travelers] the author Borodin Andrey

We will go the other way ... There is another way that allows you to take advantage of all the benefits of movement on four wheels, but at the same time not be puzzled by universal problems like "where to park the car?" or "won't he be hijacked at night?" It is about special

Chapter 9 We'll Take a Different Path

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Chapter 9 We'll Take a Different Path 1997 was the year of TWG's greatest success in Russia. All aluminum is actually in the hands of the Cherny brothers and the Ruben brothers. But it was this year that opened up, like a sore abscess, a whole range of problems that had been laid down in their joint project five years ago. Everything

3.8 Distinguishing between the path of the Torah and the path of suffering

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3.8 The difference between the path of the Torah and the path of suffering People believe psychics and the fact that they have great supernatural powers that can influence huge masses of people, determine their future, control it. People are ready to pay big bucks to psychics for protection.

Chapter 409: About who, on the day of the holiday, returned (from the Eid prayer) in a different way.

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Chapter 409: About who, on the day of the holiday, returned (from the Eid prayer) in a different way. 508 (986). It is reported that Jabir, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “On the day of the holiday, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to come back from prayer in the wrong way (,

And we will go a different way! ..

From the book A Happy Woman and How to Become One author Wool Felix

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Maria Yashkova

Hearing the phrase: "Russia follows its own historical path" is familiar to us. The discussion of whether our country is a part of European civilization or whether Russian culture is original has been going on for several centuries. It began with a dispute between Westernizers and Slavophiles about the fate of Russia in the 19th century and continues until today, which is demonstrated by the debates of politicians about the attitude of our country to Western values. The term "special path" is still popular with us - and this is noted by the authors of the collection

"" A special path ": from ideology to method", published by the publishing house "New Literary Review" in 2018.

The book tells in detail about the formation of the myth about the Russian "special path" - starting with its origins, which lie in the Orthodox idea of ​​salvation (to get to heaven, one must go through a path full of humility and love for one's neighbor), and ending with modern definitions the concept of "originality", which has become a kind of element of self-identification of the Russian person.

Still, the book is not only about Russia. The second part shows that we are by no means special by walking a “special way”. The Germans began to think about the "identity of each nation" even earlier - at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries, and during the Napoleonic Wars the idea of ​​"specialness" was filled with a new meaning for the German people. The German lands were conquered, but the Germans retained that which could not be taken away - culture, university traditions. Later, the "distinctive signs" of Germany began to be considered and features government controlled- monarchical power, a strong bureaucracy and an army - as opposed to the democratic values ​​of other European countries. Subsequently, as the authors of the book write, it was this rejection of the Western model of political development, together with the desire to restore the lost dignity after the First World War, that became the basis for the formation of the ideology of National Socialism in Germany. Hitler used the people's desire to assert themselves by creating a destructive system that destroys all who did not meet certain criteria.

Thus, the theory of "singularity", which was initially useful for German self-awareness, has now acquired a distinctly negative connotation. Therefore, the concept of Sonderweg (German special path) was abandoned in Germany - instead, the term Eigenweg (German own path) is used, which simultaneously denotes the country's identity and emphasizes non-involvement in the ideology of the Nazis.

The example of Germany in the book is an illustration of what may be in store for Russia in the future. Comparing both countries, the authors show what horrific consequences for the whole world can lead to blindly following their "special path". It is obvious to them: to continue to defend the idea of ​​"originality" in Russia means to create a framework that will significantly reduce the country's capabilities, since, in the words of one of the authors, “no nation-state acts autonomously without being influenced from outside. ". All this suggests that today the theory of "singularity" is rather destructive than constructive.

In addition, if we assume the existence of a "special path", then there is a "non-special" path? What then should be taken as the norm? There is hardly an answer to this question. "It will not be possible to scientifically substantiate the existence of such a norm, neither comparative nor any other history," writes one of the compilers of the collection, Vera Dubina. In any case, one thing is clear: each country, to one degree or another, has its own Eigenweg, its own history, its own incomparable experience.

In addition to the acquisition of equipment abroad in our country, during the formation of the tractor industry, attempts were made to design original structures. In particular, P.V. Bekhterev and G. D. Dubelir in his work "Organization of the carriage of goods and passengers on dirt roads" theoretically showed the possibility of creating a tractor with its own weight of 82 tons and a power of 650 hp, capable of towing a train from three platforms with a total weight of 200 tons and a total carrying capacity of 180 tons.

“We have introduced the following features into the design of this giant tractor: the tractor frame is mounted on swivel crawler bogies, and the train hitch mechanism has sufficiently ensured the correct movement of the train on the road; turns are achieved by turning the tracked vehicles using strong hydraulic (oil) drives; each track (four in total - two on each bogie) has an independently operating two-cylinder steam engine (4 machines in total), thus, the differential mechanism in the design disappears; the tracks are sprung on locomotive-type springs, and their shoes are made of wood; in tractors, two boilers with overheating are used, according to the general Wulf type; the entire tractor is perfectly symmetrical both laterally and longitudinally, making it easy to maneuver in tight spaces. In addition, we point out that the structure is kept close to the railway dimensions, and the weight of the tractor corresponds to the weight of a heavy commercial steam locomotive. A similar project for a steam truck has also been completed by us. This truck carries 50 tons of payload, having an appropriate loading platform, and at the same time, it can tow the towed carts like a tractor. It provides mechanical control from a steamer-type steering wheel. "

The detailed, thoroughly worked out project of a heavy tracked steam tractor stood out for its boldness and scale. In general, the project was fully consistent with the ideas and level of development of technical thought of its time, and specialists, for example A.A. Krzhivitsky, no objections in principle technical order it was not done on it. However, in conditions of total devastation, the implementation of even much smaller-scale projects was impossible, and information about the project was published for the general public only in 1919.

Another original direction was the creation of a tractor with a motor running on crude oil, the so-called "Russian tractor". Although, in fairness, it should be noted that tractors with oil calorizing motors were built not only in our country, but also in many other countries. Suffice it to recall the German Lanz tractor. The disadvantages of tractors with oil calorizing motors included enough long time start-up - the calorizer needed to be heated with a blowtorch for about 20 minutes, increased water consumption, insufficient fuel efficiency, low specific power. At the same time, they were distinguished by an extremely simple, more precisely, primitive design and high reliability. It seemed tempting to combine the advantages of crawler tractors and extremely simple design oil motor. In the development of this original concept in the tractor laboratory of NAMI, projects of "Labtrak" tractors with oil motors were developed different power- agricultural 12 HP, dual-use 26-28 HP and military 48-52 y.p. s, The most detailed projects were developed for tractors with a capacity of 26-28 hp.

The design concept of the Labtrak tractors was based on the following principles;

"one. The use of high-grade materials, such as steel nickel, vanadium, etc., manufactured in very few Russian factories and in very limited quantity, - should be reduced to a minimum and used only where, without this, the proportion of the structure will be sharply violated.

2. The designs of all 3 models should be designed in such a way as to have as many identical parts as possible, which will be manufactured according to the principle of interchangeability, which will reduce the cost of both the production itself and the further repair of machines. "

On the G 26-28 tractor, the two-cylinder two-stroke engine had horizontal arrangement cylinders. The crankshaft was located across the longitudinal axis of the machine and carried two gears and flywheels at the ends. The intermediate shaft of the transmission carried 4 cylindrical gears connected to the shaft by means of two cam and two disc clutches. Through the first, a change in the gear ratios of the transmission or a change in the speed of the tractor was achieved. Through the second, the machine was controlled by turning off one of the tracks. The final drive shafts carried one spur gear and one coupling caterpillar. The entire transmission consisted of eight cylindrical gears operating in blind crankcases. The movement from the engine shaft to the intermediate shaft of the transmission was transmitted either to the left or to the right, "and these enumerations also achieve a change in speed." The gear ratios gave the speed of the tractor from 3 to 6 km / h. Reverse achieved by reversing the engine. Crawler tracks of the type of an intermediate roller chain were freely suspended from the tractor frame on the front transverse spring and had a swing center on the main axle coinciding with the shaft of the driving gears. The radiators were located on the sides of the engine, and their fans acted frictionally from the flywheels. The control of the course and the change of speeds was carried out by two levers. The tractor was equipped with a two-seater seat.

Tractor "V. 26-28 "had an engine with vertical arrangement cylinders. The axis of the crankshaft coincided with the longitudinal axis of the machine. The shaft was supplied with a flywheel. 3 bevel gears were introduced into the transmission, of which one sat directly on the engine shaft, and the other two on the intermediate shaft of the transmission, and they were connected to the latter with the help of cam clutches. control of the tractor was achieved. The tractor had two speeds. The entire trans mission consisted of three bevel and six spur gears, of which one pair was internally geared. Reverse gear was achieved by clutching the left or right bevel gear with the transmission countershaft. The gear change was carried out by rearranging the end small gears of the intermediate shaft and coupling them with one or another pair of final drive gears. Crawler track "V. 26-28 "was similar to" G. 26-28 ".

Caterpillar tractors "Labtrak" models "V. 26-28 "and" G. 26-28 "could be replaced with a wheel with a front steering wheel.

A special military tractor was to be equipped with a 48–52 hp four-cylinder engine. The engine cylinders were cast two in one block, as in the first type, but these blocks were set at a 90 ° angle. Projects of a tractor with a mechanical "M. 48–52 "and hydraulic" G.V. 48-52 "gears.

A detailed examination of the projected tractors showed that they were "fully consistent with the requirements of general civil transport and military needs of a purely conveyance nature."

It was also noted: “Of course, this does not apply to combat missions, which require special vehicles, hallmark which is their high speed of movement and significant engine power. But these specific requirements already quite definitely indicate that in this type it will hardly be possible to coordinate the requirements of agriculture and the military department. "

In addition to the operational shortcomings that were obvious even at the design stage, the creation of original samples required the involvement of significant material resources and was a relatively long process, since the original solutions had to be initially tested in experimental and experimental designs. Therefore, before the production stage and practical use were brought only the simplest low-power agricultural tractors, for example, "Zaporozhets". The original designs of tracked tractors did not find application and, in fact, remained at the level of projects and proposals.


Given the significant role of their author in the history and culture of the USSR, many of them have become catchwords. At the same time, a number of quotations in their well-known formulation do not belong to Lenin, but first appeared in literary works and cinema. These statements became widespread in the political and everyday languages ​​of the USSR and post-Soviet Russia.

"We will go the other way"

After the execution of his elder brother Alexander in 1887 as a member of the People's Will conspiracy to attempt on the life of Emperor Alexander III, Vladimir Ulyanov allegedly said: "We will go the other way," which meant his rejection of the methods of individual terror. In fact, this phrase is taken and paraphrased from the poem "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" by Vladimir Mayakovsky.

And then
Ilyich seventeen years old -
this word
stronger than vows
a soldier of a raised hand:
- Brother,
we are here
ready to replace you,
but we will go the other way

According to the recollections of Anna Ilyinichna's older sister, Vladimir Ulyanov said the phrase in a different wording: “No, we're not going that way. This is not the way to go "... The expression was widespread thanks to the painting of the same name by P.P. Belousov.

"Every cook must learn to run the state"

In the article "Will the Bolsheviks Retain State Power?" (originally published in October 1917 in No. 1 - 2 of the journal "Prosveshchenie") Lenin wrote:
“We are not utopians. We know that any laborer and any cook is not capable of taking over the government immediately. On this we agree with the cadets, and with Breshkovskaya, and with Tsereteli. But we differ from these citizens in that we demand immediate a break with the prejudice that to rule the state, to bear everyday life, daily work only the wealthy or officials from wealthy families are in control. We demand that training in state administration be carried out by class-conscious workers and soldiers and that it should be started immediately, that is, all the working people, all the poor, should be immediately involved in this training. "

The variant "Any cook can run the state", attributed to V. I. Lenin, does not belong to him, but is often used in criticizing socialism and Soviet power. The option "Any cook must run the state" is also used. Lenin had in mind, first of all, that even the cook, as a representative of the broad masses of the working people, must learn to run the state, must be involved in state administration.

The expression was used by V. V. Mayakovsky in the poem "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin":

Tablecloth path!
We and the cook
run the state!

"Of all the arts, cinema is the most important for us"

Lenin's famous phrase "You must firmly remember that of all the arts, cinema is the most important for us" is based on Lunacharsky's recollections of a conversation with Lenin in February 1922, which he set out in a letter to Boltyansky dated January 29, 1925 (out. No. 190) which was posted:

in the book by G. M. Boltyansky "Lenin and Cinema". - M .: L., 1925 - S. 19; excerpts from the letter have been published, this is the first known publication;
in the magazine "Soviet Cinema" No. 1-2 for 1933 - p.10; the letter has been published in full;
published by V. I. Lenin. Complete Works, ed. 5th. M .: Publishing house of political literature, 1970 - T.44 - P.579; an excerpt from the letter has been published with a reference to the magazine "Soviet Cinema".

In the context of the conversation, Lenin spoke about the tasks of developing communist cinema, noted the need for "a certain proportion between fascinating films and scientific ones," censorship ("of course, censorship is still needed. Counterrevolutionary and immoral tapes should not exist") and at the end of the conversation he added: "You are considered the patron of art in our country, so you must firmly remember that of all the arts, cinema is the most important for us. ". In this form, the phrase can be understood as a call to Lunacharsky to turn to cinema Special attention in comparison with the "traditional" forms of art that are closer to him.

Many mistakenly believe that the phrase sounded differently, and such distortions fall into seemingly authoritative sources, for example, "While the people are illiterate, of all the arts, the most important for us are cinema and the circus."

"Learn, learn and learn"

Lenin's famous words "study, study and study" were written by him in the work "Backward Direction of Russian Social Democracy", written at the end of 1899 and published in 1924 in the magazine "Proletarian Revolution" No. 8-9:
"While educated society loses interest in honest, illegal literature, a passionate desire for knowledge and for socialism is growing among the workers, real heroes stand out among the workers who - despite the ugly environment of their lives, despite the stupefying hard labor in the factory - find so much character and strength in themselves the will to learn, learn and learn and develop out of oneself conscious social democrats, "workers' intelligentsia."

Perhaps Lenin used the phrase of A. P. Chekhov from the work "My life (story of a provincial)" ch. VI, the first publication of which was in the appendix to Niva in 1896:

We need to learn, learn and learn, but with deep

social trends will wait: we have not yet matured to them and, in all conscience, do not understand anything about them.

A similar repetition was made in the article "Better less is more" (Pravda, No. 49, March 4, 1923):

We must at all costs set ourselves the task of updating our state apparatus: firstly, to study, secondly, to study, and thirdly, to study and then check that science does not remain a dead letter or a fashionable phrase ( and this, there is no need to hide it, we especially often happen), so that science really entered into flesh and blood, turned into a constituent element of everyday life in a completely and real way.

In the report at the IV Congress of the Comintern "Five years of the Russian revolution and the prospects for the world revolution" (Pravda. No. 258, November 15, 1922; Bulletin of the IV Congress of the Communist International, No. 8, November 16, 1922) the word was repeated twice :

"Soviet schools, workers' faculties have been founded, several hundred thousand young people are studying, perhaps studying too quickly, but, in any case, the work has begun, and I think that this work will bear fruit."
“The entire party and all strata of Russia prove this by their thirst for knowledge. This commitment to learning shows that our greatest challenge now is to learn and learn. "

In the "Plans for the report" Five years of the Russian revolution and the prospects of the world revolution "at the IV Congress of the Comintern" ("Pravda". No. 17. January 21, 1926; the journal "Questions of the history of the KPSS." - 1959. - No. 2.) says:

It will be even better if we continue to study in the future (I guarantee you this)

It is a common misconception that Lenin first uttered this phrase at the III All-Russian Congress of the RKSM on October 2, 1920. In fact, the words "learn" and "learn communism" were repeatedly used in this speech, but the word "learn" was not repeated by him three times.

"In fact, this is not a brain, but shit" (about bourgeois intellectuals)

A well-known phrase of Lenin about the bourgeois intellectuals: "In fact, this is not the brain [of the nation], but shit."

It is found in his letter to AM Gorky, sent on September 15, 1919 to Petrograd, which the author begins with a report on the meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on September 11, 1919: “We decided to appoint Kamenev and Bukharin to the Central Committee to check the arrest of bourgeois intellectuals of a near-Kadet type and for the release of anyone. For it is clear to us that there were mistakes here as well. ”)

And clarifies:

“It is wrong to confuse the 'intellectual forces' of the people with the 'forces' of the bourgeois intellectuals. I'll take Korolenko as a model: I recently read his brochure War, Fatherland and Humanity, written in August 1917. Korolenko is, after all, the best of the "near-Kadets" people, almost a Menshevik. And what a vile, vile, vile defense of the imperialist war, covered with corny phrases! A pitiful philistine, captivated by bourgeois prejudices! For such gentlemen, 10,000,000 killed in the imperialist war is a cause worthy of support (with deeds, with corny phrases “against” the war), and the death of hundreds of thousands in a just civil war against landlords and capitalists causes ah, ooh, sighs, hysteria.

No. It is not a sin for such "talents" to sit for weeks in prison if this must be done to prevent conspiracies (like Krasnaya Gorka) and the death of tens of thousands. And we discovered these conspiracies of the Cadets and the "okolokadets". And we know that professors around the Cadets give help to the conspirators very often. It is a fact.

The intellectual forces of workers and peasants are growing and gaining strength in the struggle to overthrow the bourgeoisie and its accomplices, intellectuals, lackeys of capital, who imagine themselves to be the brain of the nation. In fact, this is not a brain, but a g ...

We pay above average salaries to the “intellectual forces” who want to bring science to the people (and not serve capital). It is a fact. We protect them. "

"There is such a party!"

"There is such a party!" - a catch phrase uttered by V. I. Lenin at the First All-Russian Congress of Soviets in response to the thesis of the Menshevik I. G. Tsereteli.

"Political prostitute"

Not a single document has survived where Lenin directly uses this term. But there is ample evidence that he used the word "prostitute" in relation to his political opponents (the Bund). In particular, Lenin's letter to the Central Committee of the RSDLP dated September 7, 1905, where he wrote:

“For God's sake, do not rush with an official resolution and do not yield one iota to this Bund-new Iskra conference. Will there really be no protocols ?? Is it really possible to confer with these prostitutes without protocols? "

« Less is Better »

Title of the 1923 article on the measures that had to be taken to strengthen and improve the Soviet state apparatus. Published in Pravda, No. 49, March 4, 1923.

"Who does not work shall not eat"

A phrase that is found in many of Lenin's works ("The State and Revolution", "Will the Bolsheviks Retain State Power?", "How to Organize Competition?" socialism "or" the root of socialism. " The expression was included in the text of the 12th article of the USSR Constitution of 1936.

It is noteworthy that the original phrase is taken from the New Testament: "... When we were with you, we bequeathed this to you: if anyone does not want to work, he does not eat" (2 Thess. 3:10).

"Trade unions - the school of communism"

The slogan put forward in relation to the trade unions of the Soviet era. One of the precepts of Ilyich. The expression first appeared in April 1920 in Lenin's work "The Infantile Disease of" Leftism "in Communism", even before the widespread discussion of trade unions began. There is this characteristic in his article “Once again about the trade unions, about the current situation and the mistakes of Comrades. Trotsky and Bukharin ”, written in January 1921. Later, Lenin repeated the thesis about the trade unions as a school of management, a school of management, a school of communism in the "Draft Theses on the Role and Tasks of Trade Unions in the Conditions of the New Economic Policy" in January 1922.

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