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Is it possible to record telephone conversations. Mts recording telephone conversations

We've all heard that cell phone conversations can be recorded ... Here are some calculations / reflections on this issue.

Is it realistic to build a system that records and stores all the conversations of all subscribers of a particular operator?

GSM mobile network equipment allows you to record and listen to telephone conversations of a specific subscriber - or several dozen subscribers. From this fact, a far-reaching conclusion is often made that operators use this functionality in order to record and store all the conversations of their subscribers for a certain period of time. In the event that a subscriber becomes the object of close attention of the special services, the operators, they say, can, upon request, provide available recordings of conversations almost six months old.

Is it real?

For the calculation, you can take publicly available data on the number of calls in the network of one of the largest Russian operators. This operator serves 51.5 million subscribers, who consume an average of 134 minutes of voice traffic per month - and this is most likely only about outgoing calls.

Thus, the total duration of calls of all subscribers in one month will be:

51.50 million x 134 minutes = 6.9 billion minutes

After processing and digitizing in a mobile phone, the voice signal in the GSM network is transmitted as a digital stream at a speed 9.6 kbps... Thus, without additional processing, all calls from subscribers in one month constitute a fairly significant amount of information:

6.9 billion minutes x 60 seconds x 9.6 Kbps / (8 bps) = 514 B = 500 TB

Now you might think about how difficult (and costly) it would be to build and maintain a system that:

1. Records outgoing and incoming conversations of all subscribers within a specific network;
2. Does it quickly enough;
3. Allows you to easily find any conversation (by caller ID and date, for example);
4. Allows you to store information for at least three months;
5. Works with switching equipment from any supplier;
6. Does not create a significant additional load on signal and voice channels, switch processors and other network equipment, does not affect the network's ability to service calls;
7. Reliable enough - for example, records at least 99% of conversations;
8. Safe enough - does not allow leakage of confidential information to persons who do not have special permission (prosecutor's sanction, for example).

What follows from this:

1. All conversations are recorded => The system should not be afraid that subscribers are mobile. That is, it should take into account that during a conversation, subscribers move between base stations, they can even move to the service area of ​​another switch, they can redirect calls, combine them into conferences, answer several calls at the same time, and so on;
2. The system works fast enough => Any post-processing of voice performed before recording for storage should be able to work “on the fly”;
3. Ability to find what was written => The system must be equipped with an index / search engine and be integrated with the system that stores basic data about the subscriber - in order to take into account changes in phone numbers and SIM-cards. The data on the calls made should appear in the system without significant delays;
4. Storing the recorded data for three months => Based on the above calculations, you need at least 1500 TB of disk space (if post-processing of the voice signal is not used);
5. Compatibility with solutions of different manufacturers => A specified interface is required, which is guaranteed to be available from all leading manufacturers of switching equipment;
6. No significant load => Do not load call processors in switches or channel equipment with tasks uncharacteristic for them, such as voice compression to MP3;
7. Reliability => Redundancy is required for communication channels, power supply and hard drives;
8. Security => A centralized mechanism for managing and controlling access to recorded information is required.

To be aware of the movements of mobile subscribers and to adequately respond to them, the system must connect to switches (and not to, say, base station controllers), since it is the switches that are responsible for all the functionality related to subscriber mobility. The network, capable of serving 50 million subscribers, will include about 50 average switches.

Now let's see if it is possible to make the system distributed by placing near each MSC not just a storage for the primary accumulation of information, but something more intelligent - for example, a node that meets all the formulated requirements at once.

First, imagine one several possible scenarios for servicing a call from subscriber A to subscriber B.

Scenario 1: Throughout the entire call, subscriber A is in the service area of ​​switch X, and subscriber B is in the service area of ​​switch Y. In this case, the conversation can be recorded on any of the switches of our choice. If the recording is carried out on both switches, then as a result two absolutely identical records will be obtained and one of them can (and should) be thrown out before being stored in the central storage.

Scenario 2: Throughout the entire call, subscriber A is in the service area of ​​switch X, and subscriber B is in the service area of ​​switch Y, but the call goes through the intermediate switch Z. The scenario is very similar to the previous one, except that there will be three identical copies of the record ...

Scenario 3: At the beginning of the conversation, subscriber A is in the service area of ​​switch X, and subscriber B is in the service area of ​​switch Y, and during the conversation they move: subscriber A goes to the service area of ​​switch T, and subscriber - to the service area of ​​switch S. In this In this case, the complete recording of the conversation will have to be assembled from parts. There will be four parts in total, and from them it will be possible to assemble two complete copies of the recording in four possible ways.

If you have the honor that during a call both subscribers can use conference calling and call hold services, and there can be more than one intermediate switches (moreover, they can change during the movement of subscribers), then it becomes clear that, in general, to collect a complete recording a conversation, it is necessary to solve the problem of correlating data from different sources. A similar work is done by inter-operator billing systems, the architecture of which can be taken as a starting point for the design of our hypothetical global listening system. A choice must be made between two options:

* Either collect all the accumulated data in some kind of common centralized storage and process them there. This simplifies processing and maintenance, but requires significant computing power in the processing center;
* Or collect only metadata about the call (who called to whom, when) in the central storage and correlate them in order to understand which parts of the call from which switches will give a complete record of the conversation. At the same time, the recordings of conversations themselves can be stored in a distributed manner. Correlation results are used to retrieve parts of a particular conversation from a distributed store. This approach reduces the requirements for computing power in each specific node of the system, but significantly increases its complexity and complicates maintenance and “keeping afloat”.

For further calculations, we will assume that from the point of view of security and ease of maintenance, it is better to store and process information in one central place. But first, the data needs to be delivered there.

For simplicity, let's assume that the load on the switches is uniformly and continuously distributed. Accordingly, 500 TB of calls are distributed among 50 switches, and each one accounts for 10 TB of voice traffic per month. To pick up this amount of information, you need to have a channel with a bandwidth:

10 * 10244 / (3600 s * 24 hours * 30 days) * 8 bits per byte
= 4241943 bps
= 32 megabits per second

In total, we write down 50 such channels in the estimate.

How many hard drives do you need? From 3000 hard drives of 500 GB to 6000 (if we write everything in a row without preprocessing and we record each conversation twice - for the caller and the receiver). Accordingly, the stock is another 150-300 of the same hard drives annually.

In addition, it is necessary to combine so many hard drives into an indexed storage with some kind of user interface for access. The storage should provide uninterrupted recording of conversations from all switches (at a speed of 1600 megabits per second), updating search indexes "on the fly" and serving requests to search and retrieve recorded conversations.

We will not go deep into the details of the possible architecture of such a repository now. We will briefly list everything that we have counted so far:

* Carriers: 3000-6000 hard drives of 500 GB each, or 3 times (roughly) fewer hard drives, provided the voice is compressed to 8 kbps mp3 - since the GSM codec already compresses the voice, it will not be possible to achieve more gain. Naturally, instead of the "saved" hard drives, it is necessary to add processors to perform compression;
* Infrastructure for building 50 communication channels at 32 mbps;
* Servers that provide an interface to the storage and its functioning (indexing, searching for the required records, searching and deleting old records, integration with the subscriber management system);
* Power supply and climate control for all equipment;
* Place in server rooms for equipment placement;
* Infrastructure for the operation of the entire system (service personnel, warehouses, logistics ...)

It is clear that all this is technically feasible. The only question is economic feasibility.

What self-respecting operator will shell out money for all this "luxury" simply because he was persistently asked about it - given that there will be no return on such investments? As far as I know, nowhere are there laws that would oblige operators to provide such a “service”, so we can only talk about an “urgent request” from the state or law enforcement agencies, but nothing more.

Which operator has enough local technical expertise to build and maintain a solution of this scale using only its own employees? If it seems to you that this is very simple and cost-effective, think about why large telecom operators are not completely engaged in creating their own billing, financial and ERP systems.

Where are the suppliers and manufacturers of such ready-made solutions for those operators who cannot develop such a system on their own? In the end, information on real-life listening systems is not a secret behind seven seals - to be sure of this, it is enough to search the Internet for the keywords "SORM" or "lawful interception".

Having answered these questions for yourself, you can independently decide whether it is possible to create a system that records all conversations on a mobile phone or not.

There are situations when, for example, you are talking with your interlocutor on the phone, he dictates a number, but there is nowhere to write down, because there is no pen or pencil at hand. Or a boor called your phone. If you record a telephone conversation with him, then in the future it will be possible to bring him to administrative or criminal liability. The whole question is - is it possible to record a conversation over the phone? We will try to find the answer to it in this article.

Recording by means of OS "Android"

How to record a telephone conversation? This question was asked by many gadget users. Some, having searched the Internet for the necessary information and tried a couple of programs, finding them not providing quality, abandoned this question, others continued to search, and still others began to develop programs.

But is it really not known how to record a telephone conversation on the phone? It is known. However, it should be borne in mind that some states prohibit recording a telephone conversation at the legislative level, which is carried out by removing those drivers that ensure the performance of this function. Therefore, if you are the “happy” owner of such a gadget, then you just have to install the drivers yourself, for which you will need root access.

Voice recorder recording

How to record a telephone conversation on a dictaphone? When making a call, buttons are displayed at the bottom. Among them, you can try to look for the "Record" or "Dictaphone" buttons. They may not be displayed explicitly, but the "More" button may be present, and one of these keys may be present in the menu that opens. For some models, you need to open the menu with a button on the phone and select the corresponding entry there, while keeping in mind that the "Dictaphone" entry can be shortened.

Conversations are saved in the Call Recording directory located in the root directory. You can listen to the recording through the call log. Opposite the recorded call, the images of the voice recorder coils should be displayed, by clicking on the icon, you can listen to the recorded recording.

Thus, we have analyzed the easiest way to record a telephone conversation on Android.

Recording on Samsung Phone

Some of the most popular phones are Samsung models. Therefore, a reasonable question arises: "How to record a telephone conversation on a Samsung phone?"

Let's take a look at this opportunity using the S5 phone as an example.

The Enable Recording feature is disabled by default on this phone. You can follow the simplest path by downloading the appropriate application and record through it. At the same time, you need to be aware that using such an application, like any other, on the phone may be unsafe.

In addition, this entry can be made by activating a hidden function on the phone. To do this, you can use Xposed or the instructions below.

You need to have factory firmware on your phone and you have root rights.

Open the file manager.

We open or, if there is none, then /system/csc/others.xml.

Add a line between FeatureSet and / FeatureSet wherever you like: CscFeature_VoiceCall_ConfigRecording> RecordingAllowed.

We close this file, saving the changes.

Thus, we answered the question: "How to record a conversation on a Samsung phone?"

Call Recorder application for Android

The Play Market has quite a few applications that help answer the question: "How to record a phone call on Android?" One of these applications is Call Recorder. It was developed by Appliqato, a programmer who has a fairly high rating in the Google store. Install this application through the Play Market. Choosing the theme you like. Next, we mark "Add call volume" and, if necessary, set up a cloud to store the records made. This will cause any telephone conversation to be automatically recorded. In the menu of this application, you can see the completed recording, you can save it, delete it or repeat the call, and also listen to it.

This program allows you to record any incoming and outgoing calls, store them on your gadget or in the Google cloud.

This program makes a request to the user at the end of the conversation about the need to save the recording. In this case, you can define contacts, the saving of a record of conversations with whom will always be carried out.

According to reviews, the recording quality in this program is not always very good. If the interlocutor speaks very quickly, it can be difficult to understand him while listening to the recording. Lenovo and Samsung smartphones can freeze altogether.

Therefore, if you do not observe side effects from using this application, then you can stop at it, and we will go looking further on how to record a conversation on the phone.

App of the same name from another developer

In the program settings, you can choose where the recording will be from - it can be a microphone, voice, line, etc. We select the recording quality, as well as its format. The latter can be mp3 or wav.

This program allows you to save recordings not only to Google Drive, but also to the Dropbox cloud. In addition, the recording is encrypted using a pin code in order to prevent eavesdropping by third parties for whom this recording is not intended.

There are hints on each page of the application settings. Each entry made can be accompanied by a text note.

According to user reviews, this application copes well enough with its inherent functions.

Call Recorder App

When answering the question "How to record a telephone conversation?" it is impossible not to mention this application. After installing it in the settings, you can choose synchronization, which can be carried out with the clouds, which were typical for the previous application in question. Here, the recording of conversations is provided automatically. One of three formats for saving files is already possible. The recording can be carried out only by one of the voices of people talking on the phone, or both at once. The recording can be password protected.

For each model, you need to try different options for saving files, recording one or two voices. Recording may be intermittent with different formats. To avoid this, you need to experiment with formats.

Call Recorder app by lovekara

We have already considered several ways to record a telephone conversation on the phone. As you can see from the review, developers do not have a rich imagination for names, so the orientation should be carried out by programmers.

Here, during installation, a warning will be issued that not all phones support call recording. If possible, the program carries out the last recording automatically, it will be displayed in the application menu. According to user reviews, the program has proven itself quite well.

CallX - call / conversation recording

By reviewing this program, we will end the consideration of ways to record a telephone conversation. This is due to the fact that there are many programs and it is impossible to consider all of them in one article.

In this program, automatic recording can be activated and deactivated. You can play with the format and quality of the recording. Record with unchanged settings is located in the CallRecords directory. You can also save it to the cloud. Reviews about the program are mostly positive.


Thus, the recording of a telephone conversation can be carried out both by means of the phone itself, and using third-party programs. The above applications can help the user in the initial identification of programs, which are much larger than those described in the article, but other applications have similar functionality to the described ones and often have the same names.

I think the question of the legality of recording telephone conversations worried many smartphone owners. Technically, you can record conversations on your phone for a long time. But what from a legal point of view? Is it legal? Whether it is necessary to warn your opponent that telephone conversations are being recorded (as, for example, many support services do it). Will it then be possible to present the recordings of such telephone conversations as evidence in court.

Today, the Supreme Court of Russia made a decision that is important for many citizens, adopting as evidence a secret recording of telephone conversations (reference to the ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation).

The crux of the matter: Anna S. gave her distant relative and her husband 1,500,000 rubles in debt, at 20% per year, for three years. Soon the family of debtors broke up and payments stopped. The receipt was issued, but for the husband of a relative, and she herself refused payments for a cut. Moreover, the woman stated in court that she knew nothing about the debt and that her husband took money for his own needs.

When the woman provided the court with a record of telephone conversations two years ago, in which the defendant explicitly confirmed the fact of a joint loan with her husband, it would seem that she had nowhere to go. The authenticity of the record was not in doubt, even the defendant admitted it.

However, the defendant's lawyer protested against the use of audio recordings of telephone conversations as evidence, citing the Law on Information, Information Technology and Information Protection, which prohibits the collection of information about a person's private life against his will.

The regional court convinced this argument and the case was considered without taking into account the provided audio recording. As a result, the entire amount of the debt was ordered to reimburse the former spouse of the plaintiff's relative.

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation overturned the appeal ruling of the regional court and sent the case for a new trial, since the law does not prohibit the recording of telephone conversations if it is made by one of the persons who participated in it.

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 55 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, evidence in the case is information about the facts obtained in the manner prescribed by law, on the basis of which the court establishes the presence or absence of circumstances justifying the claims and objections of the parties, as well as other circumstances that are important for correct consideration and resolution of the case. This information

can be obtained from explanations of the parties and third parties, testimony of witnesses, written and material evidence, audio and video recordings, expert opinions.

A person submitting audio recordings on electronic or other media, or

the applicant for their reclamation is obliged to indicate when, by whom and under what conditions the entries were made (Article 77 of the named code).

Thus, the audio recordings are classified by the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation as independent means of proof, in connection with which the plaintiff, in support of the fact that the funds under the loan agreement were provided for the general needs of the spouses, has the right to refer to the audio recording of the conversation with them.

Technological progress does not stand still. Today, every smartphone owner is able to continuously (without even remembering about it) keep a record of his telephone conversations.

And if until recently only a few daredevils recorded their negotiations, and the bulk of smartphone owners either did not think about it or were afraid of any consequences, then after the decision of the Supreme Court, it is simply stupid not to use this opportunity to protect themselves.

The Supreme Court of Russia actually allowed recording important conversations on a mobile phone without notifying the interlocutors about this. So all you have to do is choose the application that suits you best and customize it. For example, I have been using the shareware application ACR (Another Call Recorder) for several years now.

On the question of whether there is a record of telephone conversations from the cell set by the author Mosol The best answer is yes, all conversations are recorded by operators using a special apparatus and the records are kept for about 5 years, in some cases, if it is necessary to solve a crime, the recordings can be listened to by investigators. and so the device itself reacts to some specific words - "bomb", "explosion", etc. and issues a signal in such cases.

Answer from Lana Danilina[guru]
Who and where do you work? Then the question can be answered.

Answer from User deleted[guru]
Operators should not conduct other than conversations with the subscriber service.
And whether the secret services and the bandits are listening, we will never know.

Answer from Caucasoid[guru]
And you ask THEM)

Answer from Sprinkle[active]
Another would have asked about the FSB.

Answer from Natali[guru]
da vedetsa i eto uje vse znaut ... necego uje ne skroes 🙂

Answer from Nikolay Ivanov[guru]
According to SORM, there is such a possibility (a system of operational search measures).

Answer from Evgeny Kokhno[guru]
Article 23.
1. Everyone has the right to inviolability of private life, personal and family secrets, protection of his honor and good name.
2. Everyone has the right to privacy of correspondence, telephone conversations, postal, telegraph and other messages. Limitation of this right is allowed only on the basis of a court decision.
See comments on article 23 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

Answer from Alinevod[guru]
whose? by whom? from whose cell?

Answer from Yergey Kovalev[guru]
Control and recording of telephone conversations (wired devices and mobile phones) is possible both within the framework of criminal proceedings and in the course of operational-search activities, as a general rule, only by a court decision, and in accordance with Part 3 of Art. 8 of the Law on ORD in exceptional cases and without judicial permission with obligatory notification of the court about the conducted ORM (operational-search action) within 24 hours, as well as at the request of the subscriber (in case of threat and blackmail). In accordance with the Law on Communications, operators are obliged to provide all the necessary information about all contacts of the subscriber (incoming and outgoing calls) in the interpretation of the Constitutional Court, also by a court decision. Specialist. services have the ability to establish the location of the mobile phone (if you do not remove the battery and card).

Answer from Business Advisor[guru]
only if there is a court order for it - as the rules at the request of the investigator

Answer from Alexander Ivanov[master]
All in a row - no, but the "chosen ones" - of course ... The simplest thing is wiretapping (and recording) of a cell, not a landline or radio phone ...

Answer from Yes, I am![guru]
Yes, there is such a case, and there is also a location, but this applies only in some cases related to some large-scale crime or a very "loud" murder. And the relevant authorities have the right to listen. You do not have to be afraid that your every word is being listened to.

Answer from Alar Naeni[guru]
all calls received on 02 to st. Petrovka 38 of the Moscow City Department of Internal Affairs goes on record.

Answer from Dmitry Andreevich[guru]
The default is no. Today and in the foreseeable future, there are such powerful computers. However, SMS are stored on the operators' servers for some time. Why exactly - I do not know. However, in my personal practice, there was a case 2 times that after a hard reset of mobile phones and registration in the network, messages of a month ago appeared in the list of received / sent SMS.
The recording of the conversations of selected subscribers is carried out only when tapping with the sanction of a court as part of a criminal investigation, or on the fact of corruption of employees of bodies or communication operators, but deo is not cheap: wiretapping a mobile phone of the fuel standard costs about 200 bucks per day. To this amount should be added the cost of accessing a specialist through a chain of intermediaries.

Answer from Evgeny Parshin[newbie]
no, there is no such record. there is simply nowhere to store it. the speed of the speech stream in fullrate is 28 kb / s, the trimmed codec is 14 kb / s, now (who knows, he will understand) let's imagine the load of 200-300 erlang for an average operator of a city with a million inhabitants .... the figures for the data warehouse are astronomical. someone else claims that conversations are stored for 5 years - nonsense. about sorms - yes, and wiretapping and recording and reading sms and video conversations can be recorded, but for that a piece of paper from the prosecutor is needed and the sorm is controlled remotely by those operator's service and will not know when and whom they are grazing. my opinion is that you can talk calmly. watch out for text messages in vi ... er and wa .... up here are the real NATO worms. we only support domestic !! bolt nato !!

Volga Forum | IMHO | Free opinions forum> Various forums> Cellular communication> Call recording by telecom operators

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What do you think: are mobile operators registering us?
I'm wondering what you say to that 🙂

uh huh ... and keep records for 5 years 🙂

not, do not write down

And to mine 10: ph34r:


15.11.2007, 16:13

And when they get bored, they go to the shelf and choose the funniest record and listen to it a dozen times. Yes, they do not record our conversations, unless you are only a member of some terrorist group (or a criminal, for example) and then the recording is made at the request of the FSB (or whatever this office is called)

Yeah .. remember that conversation:
Operator: .. what is your number?
Subscriber: .. Nokia thirty-twoaaa thirty 🙂

In my opinion, everyone answered the question: "Do cellular operators record our conversations?" (Or did they ask about it? 🙂)

When contacting the technical support service, the conversation with the operator is probably recorded.

For example, I know for sure that banks keep a record of all negotiations with customers when they call the round-the-clock information center service. Why don't mobile operators keep a similar record ...

I also wonder if we have such a law (as in the West), according to which, in the case of recording a telephone conversation, the interlocutor must be notified of this?

15.11.2007, 19:42

How many cellular subscribers are there, at least? And how many hours do they all talk together, say, in a week? How many kilometers of film or hard drives do you need for these purposes? After all, this will be huge costs for storage media, storage facilities for storage. And if not at the regional level, but the whole country? If they do record, then only if necessary - for the FSB or others.


16.11.2007, 20:35

More likely no than yes.
However ... I do not approve. For I don’t know for sure. But it would be unpleasant if it really was.

All conversations are not recorded, but if necessary, they will definitely. You can even enter the phone camera from the central computer (they showed it on NtV) even if the phone is turned off. These are the pies.

16.11.2007, 21:28

True, I've read a lot about it!

You can even enter the phone camera from the central computer (they showed it on NtV) even if the phone is turned off. These are the pies.

An acquaintance told me that when certain words (for example, a bomb, a terrorist attack, etc.) are used, the recording of the conversation itself begins. Then they check it. I don't know whether it's true or not. I didn't believe him. :)
There is such a thing in the USA.
Not true! Do not believe what is shown.

Many still think that it is possible to track the location of a cell phone even when it is turned off, and they say you need to take out the battery. This is also not true! Moreover, it is difficult to determine the position of the phone even when it is turned on.

Tell this to Dudayev.

Not true! Do not believe what is shown.

Many still think that it is possible to track the location of a cell phone even when it is turned off, and they say you need to take out the battery. This is also not true! Moreover, it is difficult to determine the position of the phone even when it is turned on.

17.11.2007, 11:46

If you do not believe it is your business, I will not convince you. I like it // 🙂

Well, we were talking about the matrix and about the real world in the next topic ... And here it is ...: biggrin: I know quite well how GSM works and how cell phones work, since I was doing it professionally.

zs Honestly, I did not delve into Dudaev. However, where is the guarantee that he used a GSM handset and not a satellite phone? And where is the guarantee that he was "figured out" precisely by means of GSM technologies, and not by means of third-party scanning devices?

z.z.s. Hint: At the moment, your mobile operator does not know where your handset is. the phone is not in constant contact with the base station, but operates in the "wiretapping" mode, choosing the antenna with the strongest signal and switching to it. And although there is of course a bearing of some kind, in the general case, you can only recognize the sector with an angle of 90-120 degrees and a radius of up to 32 km, in which the phone was last seen.

In general, all this has already been chewed many times, including on the Volga forums I saw somewhere.

17.11.2007, 17:59

Tell this to Dudayev.
Dudayev called through a satellite phone.

An acquaintance told me that when certain words (for example, a bomb, a terrorist attack, etc.) are used, the recording of the conversation itself begins. Then they check it. I don't know whether it's true or not. I didn't believe him. :)
After the September 11 terrorist attack in the USA, the Americans introduced such a system of wiretapping and recording at home, with the recording by keywords implying a terrorist attack. Everyone approved (in the USA). But two years ago there was a big scandal in England and then in Europe - the same the Americans made the system together with NATO and in Europe and, in fact, began to listen to their allies
So such a system works in the USA and Europe. And through their satellites, the communications rented by our operators apparently listen to us. Therefore, ours launch their satellites and build GLONASS (so is our analogue GPRS called)

Small amendment. The analogue is not GPRS (General Packet Radio Service), but GPS (Global Positioning System).

They already have enough of their own to do.
And if they do, it is not the operators, but the FSB. : dirol:

1 All this is troublesome. In any case, the conversation must be analyzed, etc.
And this is done by a specialist and not by a machine.

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The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications presented the draft requirements for telecom operators and Internet companies on the implementation of the "Yarovaya law". Telephone conversations of Russians will be recorded for six months, and the volume of stored Internet traffic may reach 30 exabytes in 2018. The revised requirements only slightly reduce the forecast for costs, which, in the case of telecom operators, may exceed the companies' revenues.

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications on Friday evening published draft bylaws clarifying the provisions of amendments to the law "On Communications" introduced by the "anti-terrorist package" of Deputy Irina Yarovaya and Senator Viktor Ozerov. Despite the expectations of telecom operators and Internet companies, the terms and volumes of storage of telephone conversations and traffic of Russians remained practically unchanged.

Telecommunications operators providing intra-zone, long-distance and international telephone communication services will have to store voice information and text messages of users for up to six months.

The amount of storage of Internet traffic will depend on the bandwidth of telecom operators' channels. So, from July 1, 2018, they want to oblige companies to store 1 petabyte (PB) for every 1 Gbit / sec. communication node capacity, and from January 1, 2019, this value should increase to 2 PB.

Operators will be able to both store information both on their own equipment and rent it from each other, providing authorized government agencies, that is, the FSB, with round-the-clock remote access to the storage. According to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, the regulation will affect up to 10 thousand telecom operators. Public discussion of the project will last until January 27, 2017.

Now, many operators do not explicitly disclose data on the bandwidth of their network, but large market participants periodically report on records. So, in January 2013, Rostelecom reported that the throughput of client connections to the IP MPLS backbone network had grown to 3.5 Tbit / sec.

The MegaFon website says that the capacity of the transport network exceeds 1.5 Tbit / sec. It was mentioned in the VimpelCom blog on the Habrahabr resource that the throughput of the operator's backbone network exceeds 8 Tbit / sec. According to a former technical specialist of one of the Big Three operators, the total network capacity of all telecom operators in Russia may be at least 30 Tbit / s, which means that in 2018 they will have to store about 30 exabytes (EB) of traffic, s, and in 2019 - 60 EB.

MegaFon representative Yulia Dorokhina notes that “based on the network bandwidth, for example, the total capacity of the networks of all telecom operators in Russia can be at least 30 Tbit / sec., From 2018 MegaFon will need to store 150-200 PB, and since 2019 - already 300-400 PB ".

“This approach very insignificantly reduces the forecast that we gave in calculating the costs of implementing the“ Yarovaya law ”. The costs themselves will be higher than the company's annual revenue, ”says Ms. Dorokhina. At the same time, the draft regulations, she said, were once again prepared without discussion with the industry. MTS and VimpelCom declined to comment, a representative of Rostelecom did not respond to Kommersant's request.

Earlier, the Big Three and Tele2 estimated the total costs of implementing the Yarovaya Law at RUB 2.2 trillion.

The organizers of the dissemination of information, that is, the owners of Internet sites that allow sending electronic messages, will also incur significant costs. They will have to store all traffic of Russians, including voice and text information, video, for up to six months, and metadata, that is, the facts of receiving and transmitting messages between users, for one year.

According to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, business will need 1.2 trillion rubles to create the necessary infrastructure, which will have to be invested, including in the construction of new data centers. At the end of 2015, the number of server racks in Russian data centers amounted to 27.8 thousand, follows from the data of iKS-Consulting. Already by 2018, in order to implement the requirements of the law, their number will need to be doubled, states the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.

Maria Kolomychenko, Kommersant newspaper

Crisis in Russia: forecasts laws of Russia, crisis and business, forecasts of the crisis in Russia 2017-2019

Many people are concerned about the question, does anyone have access to their conversations over cellular channels? In order to understand, you need to understand how a mobile phone works. The apparatus is a device capable of transmitting and receiving information. The phone operates in the radio frequency range of waves, therefore blocking the cellular communication channel will lead to the inability to receive and send data. When making a request, the device sends information to the satellite, which, in turn, broadcasts the received information to another mobile device. But electromagnetic waves can be intercepted, therefore, recording of telephone conversations is possible.

Devices that can wiretap telephone conversations are very expensive, because the technology for manufacturing such devices is very complex. The cost of one such device reaches ten million rubles, the prototype was developed by order of the Ministry of Defense of Russia by domestic scientists. Naturally, no one will listen to the telephone conversations of ordinary citizens of the country, so you should not worry about this.

Mobile operators maintain a digital recording system of conversations. The data is confidential and can only be accessed by employees of the operational services by a court order. Information about conversations in databases is stored for two years. Such wiretapping will not create troubles for cellular subscribers - there is no need to worry. There is also a more affordable way to get data on conversations from a cellular device. Special programs installed in the phone can broadcast information from one mobile device to another and even conduct mobile video surveillance

Is it possible to record telephone conversations

This method of accessing data is popular with curious people who want to find out any secrets of their loved ones. The cost of such an application is low - only $ 5-10. The digital recording system of conversations can be carried out using a personal computer, while the program will send data via the Internet to a PC. But to install the program, you need access to a cell phone. In addition, modern mobile devices have built-in protection against such malicious applications. And one should not forget that the installation of such software violates the laws of the Russian Federation, and for an attempt to place an application on a friend's phone, a person runs the risk of being held accountable.

There are cell phone jammers - devices that block the cellular communication channel. With the help of an artificially created interference, the device can stop the operation of the mobile device, but it will not receive access to information. In our time, there are still no cheap devices capable of eavesdropping on a telephone, although the situation may change in the near future. But now you should not worry about this - it is almost impossible to receive information broadcast via cellular communication channels.

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Telephone conversations - how to protect yourself

Many of us are constantly worried about the problem, did someone outside hear us, is a telephone conversation being recorded? Today, the problem of interception and leakage of information produced by wiretapping phones is more acute than ever. This applies to both a mobile phone and a landline. Every day, putting the phone receiver to our ear, and speaking on it absolutely on any topic, we do not even think that someone can eavesdrop on us and record telephone conversations. Meanwhile, in any cellular communication device, even at the stage of its development, such parameters and capabilities are laid as:

- the ability to quickly find a subscriber and provide information about him,

- wiretapping and recording of telephone conversations, identification of the number.

And this is only the officially known data, and besides this there are many other parameters that no one even knows about.

Today, the recording of calls made from a mobile phone is reaching enormous proportions. What is most interesting is that wiretapping is very easy to carry out, while it does not require large investments and plus the impossibility of detection.

It can be stated with full confidence that wiretapping today is carried out at least by special services.

Is it legal to record a telephone conversation?

The legal activity of any mobile operator is permitted with a license. The license contains a clause on assistance to services for the implementation of operational-search measures. And also the operator is obliged to connect the special equipment necessary for monitoring conversations, recording telephone conversations on a computer, programs for recording telephone conversations and reading electronic SMS messages from its subscribers.

How can you protect yourself? Of course, if you are a person open to the whole world and you have absolutely nothing to hide, you do not have to worry and continue to communicate freely using all types of telecommunications. But if you want to protect yourself from wiretapping and recording telephone conversations, then it is worth in practice to apply some tips and instructions to prevent information leakage.

- the most radical and effective way is to refuse to use cellular services, while the problem of wiretapping the phone will disappear by itself;

- it is necessary to purchase a phone anonymously, preferably with fictitious data - this will at least make it difficult to determine who is conducting the conversation;

- when talking on a mobile phone, try to minimize the transfer of confidential information: details, addresses, etc .;

- if you are talking indoors, it will not be superfluous to search for bugs - the walls also have ears;

- important! it is very difficult to wiretap and record conversations that occur while the vehicle is in motion;

- use effective cell phone jammers;

- if you exchange information over a standard channel, it is also recommended to use personal encryption equipment.

Date of publication: 13.08.2008

DELFI News - The largest Russian language news portal in Estonia

Call detailing MTS personal account: login

MTS is one of the largest Russian mobile operators offering its subscribers a range of modern services. This includes voice communication, mobile Internet, text messages and entertainment services. And to make the services more convenient to manage, we have developed MTS personal account- a portal where each subscriber without contacting the office can solve most of the questions that arise when using the number. To visit the office, you need to go through a simple registration.

Registration on the MTS website

If you don't know how to register, follow the instructions:

  • go to the page;
  • select the item "My MTS" (the button is located at the top of the site);
  • enter your phone number, personal data, e-mail and password, select the type of service "Mobile" and the region of residence (for example, Moscow);
  • wait for an SMS with confirmation of registration.

That's it, you have successfully registered an account on the Mobile Telesystems portal and you can use the opportunities without restrictions.

What can you do in your personal account

After logging into the account, subscribers are provided with the following options:

  • control over the state of the account, expenses by period, date and amount of the last payment;
  • the ability to replenish the account with a card or using electronic money without additional fees;
  • service management (Who called, always in touch, data transfer, multimedia messages, melody instead of beeps, personal assistant, My region, etc.), connection or disconnection, suspension of action;
  • call detail, printouts of traffic consumption;
  • change of tariff plans;
  • information about current special offers and promotions, participation in them;
  • consultant assistance

For users of smartphones and tablets, there is a mobile version of the account - the My MTS application.

You can download it on the official website or in the market - Google Play or Apple Store, use is free. Before starting to use the application, you need to go through the registration procedure, as indicated above, and to enter, use the previously obtained username and password.

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