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Can I ask for money on Twitter. The exchange provides various tasks

Update September 10, 2013: Attention! I recommend using this scheme earnings with another service. Twight has already "died" a little, often bans. In Plibber, you can earn not only on your Twitter account, earnings are also available in VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Google+. Here's a fresh lesson on how to make money in + the scheme described here = your money.

That is we read carefully this 124 lesson and.

Good day! Today there will be a lesson that I wanted to write for a long time. I will talk about how you can make money on Twitter using RUB 12,600 or more using multiple accounts. The scheme has been tested on its own skin. Don't you believe that this is possible? Then be sure to read the lesson, where it is written in detail (there is an example on one account). By the way, all this is legal, that is, if you follow the advice, do not break the rules, the chance of getting a ban is minimal.

Here is the official evidence from the Support page on

How can I work in the system from multiple accounts? Isn't it forbidden?

No, this is not prohibited, it is important that all blogs comply with the terms of the Agreement. You can work in the system with each blog separately.

If you don't know what twitter is, be sure to read here and; if you are already working with, you can familiarize yourself with.

Detailed instructions for making money in with multiple accounts

So, we are required to have Twitter accounts first. It is better to work in with accounts no more than 7 (more - there are some difficulties). Therefore, I will analyze an example based on 7 accounts.

Create mailboxes, twitter accounts and spreadsheets for easy work

Giving "humanity" to our accounts

So, to make our accounts as “human” as possible (you wouldn't subscribe to bots), for each account put your avatar background image, come up with a surname, name, etc. That is, fill in all the information in as much detail as possible (we will need to do this 1 time and that's it). Learn more about how you can change your avatar, background, etc. You can read.

We put 7 different browsers for convenience

At first I ran into one inconvenient feature. To log into my accounts, I had to fill in the login and password each time. I found a way out, albeit trivial, but I installed 7 different browsers ... And on minor browsers in the form home page i put That is, I open a browser, enter my account and password for the first time, tick the “remember me” box and here it is happiness. Now, just by opening the browser, the account I need is loaded automatically.

Believe me, it is better to use 7 different browsers (if you work with 7 accounts), since in the future, when you need to constantly log in to, one browser will be terribly inconvenient.

Here is a list of the very browsers that I used (by clicking on the links, you can download each separately):

  1. Internet Explorer (you probably already have it on your computer 🙂).

Preparing an account to be added to

Now we do not need to rush to add our accounts to, first we will prepare them. The first thing we need is 100 tweets for each account, that is, 100 posts and 100 followers. How to do it? Attention, read the following paragraph carefully(an excerpt from the "User Agreement" on

So, my advice to you is to avoid being banned, just chat with people ! That is, to begin with, you write about 10 tweets, like: “ Good morning everyone! ”,“ Now I'm on Twitter! ” etc. After that, you can subscribe to your accounts so that there is no number 0 in the “Readers” column, that is, with your 6 accounts, subscribe to the 7th, and back to everyone (Twitter people do not like to subscribe to people who have zeros).

Then go to someone's account, on his “wall” you find records of interesting, sociable people, subscribe to 10 people somewhere and communicate with them: you greet, ask questions, in general, it is better to make friends. If at least 5 people subscribe back - you are great! Try to subscribe to those people who do not have a very large readership, otherwise they may simply not notice you.

In general, the 1st goal is to collect about 30 tweets and subscribe to 30 live people. In order not to suffer with inventing tweets, I set different topics for each account, that is, for example: one account was on a military theme, the avatar was a soldier, in the background was a military field, the tweets were of a military nature, that is, I tried to invent all sorts of tweets myself “In the subject” (did not bother too much), retweets interesting tweets (for example, “The service life of the army from 2010 will be 1 year. Link to news”, etc. If you promote your account in this way, the effect of twitter As a result, in the future, a thematic site or forum can happily buy your account (and not cheap).

So, on the first day, write 30 messages for each account and subscribe to 30 people. More - not profitable - will cause distrust from Twitter.

2nd day.

Here you woke up on the second and quickly run up to the computer, and there you see that the number of your readers has become 20 for each account (approximate number). Well, not bad. Now you can unsubscribe from those who are not subscribed to you. You can read how this can be done (paragraph - “Ways to increase the number of subscribers to your blog”.

So, now the number of people you read and you are read is approximately equal. And remember Twitter rule: the more people read you, the more people will read you, these are bots and real people to whom your friends recommended you. The hardest part is just getting started. Get the first 100 readers, and then everything is like clockwork.

Now, on the second day, subscribe to 40 more people (that is, when the numbers are small, the ratio of 3 to 1 is still normal: 60 read, 20 you). People will normally have a normal opinion of you (unless, of course, your tweets are human).

And here is the task for the second day for you: write in each account +40 tweets and subscribe to 40 more people. This will not be considered masfollowing (let me remind you that masfollowing is subscribing to everyone in a row), since you will subscribe to people of interest to you and communicate with them.

What to write in these 40 * 7 = 280 tweets? Usually, 15-20 percent (that is, out of 40 tweets of each account about 7-10) I retweet. It's not difficult: you don't need to come up with anything, just click on the "Retweet" button and that's it. Another 20 percent are greetings, all sorts of thoughts out loud (that is, there may be smart statements, or something about the weather), and the rest - replies to other Twitter users (you can devote 100% to them 🙂).

That is, for example, one will write “Hello everyone” or “Good morning!”. And you to him "Good morning!" And it is not difficult for you, and it is pleasant for that person. As a result, he will probably notice you and you will communicate more often.

Assignments of the second day can go to bed with a happy face. Everything goes according to plan.

3rd day.

You woke up on day 3 and you can see that the number of your readers has become around 50 (if more, then this is a great result for you). Now bring the number of tweets to 100 on each account, unsubscribe from unnecessary people, and again subscribe to about 50-70 people.

Adding accounts to

If the number of readers has exceeded 100 people, you can add our account to (if their number is less than 100 people, then repeat the tasks of the 3rd day and the next day add to the Twight). To begin with, I advise you to decide which account will be "main". That is, it is convenient when one account is the main one, and you will also receive a percentage of income from your other accounts on it. Profitable.

To get started, register in with your main account (please register using this referral link, thus you will not lose anything, and in return I will receive some money - in the form of gratitude).

That is, you:

After adding all your accounts to, do not rush to send advertising messages. The fact is that in it is impossible for a twitter feed to contain more than 20% of advertising messages:

Therefore, while your advertising tweets are not too expensive, I advise you especially not to advertise on Twitter and not to increase the percentage of advertising. Now your goal should be the following: in a similar way, which is written above, you should gain more than 200 followers and more than 200 tweets. Trust me, it's not difficult. But always remember that you shouldn't make a big difference between the number of people you follow and the number of people that follow you.

For example, if 100 people subscribe to you, subscribe for a total of 150 people. The next day, unsubscribe from unnecessary people (who are not subscribed to you), and again subscribe to such a number that it is, for example, 200.

After gaining more than 200 followers and 200 tweets in your account, write to support (button "create a new request"):

Write a letter similar to the following (select the category of the question “About rating”):

And, in the near future, you will probably be given 3 stars (it used to be so if the account is normal, and not consisting entirely of bots). If for some reason you were not given 3 stars, slightly improve the performance of your Twitter account and write a second application in a couple of weeks.

Earnings on

So, before this period, on average, it should take a month (usually less). That is, we can start making good money. Sponsored messages with 3 stars usually cost an average of 3 rubles (there are 4-5 rubles and 2 rubles each). The system allows us to send no more than 10 promotional tweets per day. Therefore, I do not spend the entire limit at once, but wait until more expensive ads "pop up" (usually they "come out" in the evening). Do not forget that advertising should not be more than 20%, so communicate, communicate with everyone. For example, someone wrote: “I went to eat”, and you immediately followed: “Bon appetit!”. Isn't it difficult?

Calculation of possible earnings.

Now I will calculate how much you can earn on average with seven accounts with 3 stars.

Average cost per tweet - RUB 3

The number of accounts is 7.

The number of days in a month is 30.

System commission for withdrawing money - 30%.

Received remuneration for the affiliate program - 5% (commission will "drip" to the main account).

Total: 3*10*7*30=6 300 – 25% = RUB 4,725

Few? Yes. But that's not the point. Now, when you feel the taste of money, it will be much easier for you. Now I'll tell you how to get to the level of 12,600 rubles. and more.

We are reaching an income of more than 12,600 rubles.

When you receive the first money from (you will understand that this is all serious), I strongly recommend that you buy or look for analogues. One of my friends, the process that is written below does everything by hand (how did he still have mazoli on his fingers? 🙂).

Now our goal is to acquire 4-star accounts (the acquaintance I mentioned above has 3 of them, and all by hand, purposefully). So. to get 4 stars, I recommend that you have more than 1,000 tweets and 3,000 readers - 4,000 readers. Believe me, it's not so difficult, the main thing is not to engage in explicit masfollowing, but to subscribe to people who are really interesting for you. By the way, next week I will tell you how to become several thousand on Twitter in a month or two(I will probably try to make a video tutorial). And here will be a link to that lesson. So don't worry, getting a few thousand readers is not that a big problem... In the meantime, you can start, then just the lesson will arrive in time.

So let's imagine that you have made 3 accounts with 4 stars (it will take you about 3 months from the very beginning (registration of accounts on Twitter)).

Calculation of earnings

The average cost of a 3-star tweet is RUB 3.

Number of accounts with 3 stars - 4 pcs.

The average cost of a tweet with 4 stars is 8 rubles. (by the way, there are often 15 and 20 rubles per tweet)

Number of accounts - 3

There are 30 days in a month.

Withdrawal commission - 30%.

Total: (3 * 4 * 10 + 8 * 3 * 10) * 30-25% = 10 800 - 2 700 = 8 100 rubles.

Is it better already?

Believe me, if you can make at least one 4-star, you can make all 7 of them as such (for you it will be a piece of cake).

Therefore, let's imagine what would happen if you make 7 accounts 4-star:

Accounts with 4 stars - 7 pcs.

The average cost of a tweet is RUB 8.

There are 30 days in a month.

Withdrawal commission - 30%

Affiliate program commission - + 5%.

Total: 7 * 8 * 10 * 30-30% + 5% = 16 800 - 25% = 12 600 rubles.

Time spent:

1 month:

40-60 minutes / day - income 0 rubles. (we think that we are not working with 2 asterisks yet).

Total: about 30 hours spent for free.

2 month:

There are 2 possible ways:

  1. You will put up with 3 stars and will no longer improve your performance: Let's say 1 tweet takes an average of 10 seconds. If there are 10 advertisements in one account, then we will have to send 40 human messages (at least, since there should be no more than 20% advertisements). That is, roughly for one account per day, you need to spend 500 seconds (10 advertising + 10 regular). Since we have 7 accounts, we multiply everything by 7. Total - 3,500 seconds = 58 minutes, round up to 1 hour. Conclusion: in 30 calendar days, spending an hour a day, we get a net 4,725 rubles. Hence it follows that our an hour of work will cost 157.5 rubles. For my city, this is a lot of money. You can stop there and continue to earn the same amount, or choose the 2nd road.
  2. You also spend an hour a day to earn 157.5 rubles + in addition to this, an additional 20-30 minutes allocated to each account. in a day. That is, instead of an hour a day, we spend 4.5 hours a day and earn the same money - 4,725 rubles. By the way, if you subscribe to live people using

What do you need to do to start getting paid by posting ads from advertisers?

What steps to take to promote your account?

Where to find customers?

What do you need to do to make money on Twitter?

The first assignments are very modest and low-paid, but as soon as you raise your rating, orders will sprinkle like a cornucopia, and you can earn enough to live in peace and not need anything.

Today, the most common way to make money is to create several accounts.

it good idea but not for a beginner.

To manage multiple accounts at the same time, you need experience earning with one page.

Even with one page, you can make very good money if you pay attention to promotion and make the page frequently visited.

Algorithm for making money for beginners:

  1. Account creation.
  2. Filling the page, recruiting subscribers.
  3. Registration on the earnings exchange.
  4. Completing assignments.

7 ways to make money on Twitter

You can make money using microblogging in different ways.

The most common ways to make money on Twitter:

    You display the company logo on your page.

    Sale of external links.

    A difficult but profitable option.

    An indirect way of earning money, but at the same time effective.

    The number of your clients is increasing.

    Completing assignments.

    To start completing tasks, you need to register on one of the sites presented in this article.

    The most common tasks are retweets, posts and comments.

5 sites for making money on Twitter

Before looking for customers, analyze the status of your blog.

The more promoted your page is, the more chances you will be given high-paying jobs.

The best exchanges for making money: is one of best exchanges for making money.

    The received money can be withdrawn from the account instantly.

    The tasks are very easy and quickly completed.

    Applications are received in automatic mode.

    Customers independently find performers, you just need to have time to accept applications.

    The average price for a follower or retweet is 50 rubles. - wage depends on the number of subscribers.

    If their number exceeds 1,000 people, then you can earn about 10-15 thousand rubles a month by completing the simplest orders. - the principle of operation is similar to that of other exchanges, but here you can withdraw money from the account only if you have accumulated 300 rubles.

    The site is suitable for those who intend to work at least 4-5 hours a day, then it will be possible to withdraw funds daily. - the minimum number of subscribers to earn money on the site is 500 people.

    For one task, you can get from 5 to 100 rubles, depending on the complexity.

    The service removes a 15% commission from the withdrawal of accumulated funds. is a popular website for making money.

    It is best to make money with multiple accounts.

On one well-promoted account, you can earn about 20-30 thousand rubles a month.

To increase your income, you should create more than 3 Twitter pages.

How to make money on Twitter for a newbie?

On the initial stage It might seem like making a lot of money using Twitter is unrealistic, but this is a misconception.

Those who ponder the question how to make money on Twitter, should be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend time on development, study the system, attract a large number of subscribers.

14 tips for newbies:

    Be prepared for the fact that the first 2-4 months will have to be spent on developing your page and attracting subscribers.

    At this time, you can also work on the exchange, raising your rating, but the price for the task will be no more than 10-15 rubles.

    Please select interesting topic for your microblog, and fill in posts every day, attracting subscribers.

    Many people publish the news from their lives "Today I got up at six in the morning and ate."

    Unfortunately, this speaks of complete absence fantasy.

  1. Fill out the profile as much as possible: place of residence, name and surname, age.
  2. Use your real photo for an avatar.
  3. Learn the principles of internet blogging.
  4. Learn to use hashtags.
  5. Avoid automatic posting.

    Using it, you run the risk of getting a lifetime ban and the inability to make money.

  6. A month after starting work, create another 2-3 accounts, and at the same time develop them.
  7. Register on several earnings exchanges to be able to choose the best jobs.
  8. Set aside at least 4 hours of work a day.
  9. Do not dump the page for a long time, you may lose subscribers.
  10. This will attract more more subscribers.

    Read the Twitter rules, don't give the administration a reason to ban you.

    Do not use swear words in your tweets, and also avoid discussing the political situation.

  11. To earn about 15,000 rubles a month at the initial stage, you need to complete at least 10 - 15 tasks a day.

The video below provides an overview of one of the services with which you can make money on Twitter:

4 secrets to making money on Twitter

Only a very lazy person will not be able to make money on social networks, and especially on Twitter.

Here, to get a little money, you do not need to spend a lot of time.

To make a lot of money, you have to work hard, however, once you realize that you can make money from the comfort of your home, on the Internet, you will not be able to get off this road.

The main advantages of Twitter:

    Many stars have their Twitter accounts, which makes it possible to read interesting details first-hand.

    Owners own business can quickly promote it using their page.

    Can display posts with a sale invitation or various promotions that will grab people's attention.

    A well-promoted and filled page attracts about 100 people a day.

    Thus, you can quickly disseminate information and advertise your services and products yourself, or by providing advertising space for advertisers.

    You can earn a lot if you put in enough effort.

    You will have to take time to fill your accounts every day.

    However, this does not mean that you have to sit at home all the time.

    You can make new posts while at sea, on the train, in the village with your grandmother, and this is a definite plus this method earnings.

There are many ways and answers to the question: how to make money on Twitter.

The more you want to earn, the more subscribers you need to attract.

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"How much can you earn from a Twitter account?" - it strongly depends solely on you. Some users manage to earn tens of thousands of rubles a month. To do this, you need to have several well-promoted Twitter accounts, whose tweets will be more expensive than the average.

The more readers you have, the more valuable your account is. The "quality" of subscribers is also highly appreciated (after all, you can wind yourself up to 100 thousand bots, and there is zero sense from them). It is better to search for tasks at the same time on several in order to have access to maximum number orders.

There is another option, how to make money on Twitter. You can simply create, promote and sell ready-made accounts to have someone else work for them. Accounts can be sold through the TWITTERSTOCK exchange.

How to earn more
If you want to earn as much as possible, it is recommended that you create as many Twitter accounts as possible and do the minimum work to bring them to human form, in particular, increase followers at least up to 2000. Let me remind you again that the cost of a tweet is estimated by the theme and the number of your "live" "followers. Read more about the promotion of your Twitter account.

What are you willing to pay for on Twitter?

  • tweets
  • retweets entries
  • placing advertisements on your page
  • following

Where to find assignments? This is what we will talk about further.

Affiliate programs for making money on Twitter

Affiliate programs for making money on Twitter- special sites (exchanges / services) where there are, which advertisers are willing to pay performers for completing tasks on Twitter.

Some resources are so automated that after registering their account, the user no longer needs to do anything. Tweets will be posted automatically on your page, and you will only have to log in periodically to see how much money has been "dropped" into your account. Some require manual posting of tweets, but this option is also not particularly troublesome, since one task takes less than a minute to complete.

TURBOTEXT is, generally speaking, a copywriting exchange, but there is a section with microtasks where such paid orders are placed, for example, to comment on something, repost or retweet, subscribe to a page, like or tweet, and so on. If on this exchange, in order to sell your articles or write them to order, you need to pass a test and have some kind of rating, then this is not required to work with microtasks. Just register and start working in your free time.

Money is withdrawn from the system on Mondays, while minimum amount for this is 50 rubles. It is unlikely that you will be able to make a fortune, but as an additional stable income for all sorts of little things or paying for the Internet - that's the thing.

By the way, the exchange has the same ability to place an order for retweets and tweets.

Promotion of a Twitter account

Hello! In this article, we'll talk about making money on Twitter.

  • How much can you earn: from 3,000 rubles per month with a minimum load.
  • Minimum Requirements: basic knowledge of social media monetization and a well-promoted account.
  • Is it worth doing: why not .

Distinctive features of Twitter

The main feature of Twitter is the limitation of tweets to 280 characters (previously it was 140). This forces users to express their thoughts concisely.

Another trick of Twitter is communication with famous people. At the mention of some famous person on other social networks, the likelihood that he will answer you is very low. Twitter is tearing up these patterns. Stars or simply well-known people in narrow circles quite often respond to mentions of them in posts.

Twitter is best suited for microblogging. 280 characters is a hard limit, that's about 4 lines on social networks. You need to express your thought in one paragraph classic text... Therefore, pictures, videos and links to other materials are very often used.

For Russian user, who is used to Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki, this social network will be unusual. But after a while, you will quickly get used to it.

Now let's talk about the ru-segment of Twitter. The number of active users who post something at least once a month is 1.2 million. Total number Russian accounts - 8 million.

On average per month each active user Twitter publishes 66 posts.

Mainly men write (55.4%). The geography is quite equal: 2.3% of authors are from St. Petersburg, 2.3 - from Moscow, Yakutia is in third place - 1.5%. evenly divided by regions. The largest concentration of users is in large cities, but this is more related to the number of people living.

What we have in the bottom line: Twitter users are very fond of active posting, live all over Russia, and there are slightly more men among them.

Now let's take a closer look at how to make money on Twitter, how much you can earn and whether it's worth wasting your time at all.

How to make money on Twitter: 5 real ways

Before moving on to ways to make money, a few words about accounts. On Twitter, you can independently promote your accounts and implement ways to make money without investment.

This option is suitable for those who do not know how to make money on Twitter and are just learning.

For experienced webmasters who know how to work with social networks, it is much more profitable to invest money, promote their accounts and then monetize them. This allows you to save a significant amount of time and start making money in a month or two after creating your account.

Performing simple actions

Making money from likes, retweets and comments is one of the most simple ways.

You like tweets, retweets, subscribe, leave comments, and get paid for these actions. The price depends on the popularity of your account and the rating that you get on such services. The more you work and the better your account, the more profit you will be able to get.

Services for making money on simple actions:

  1. Twite.
  2. Rotaposte.
  3. Qcommnet.
  4. Blogun.
  5. Sociatools.

You should not consider this way of earning as the main one. Even with a pumped up account, you will not earn more than 100 - 150 rubles per day if you actively like, repost and subscribe to accounts. This is nothing more than entertainment for those who spend time on social networks, or useful experience for those who do not believe that you can make money on the Internet.

Direct advertising

Straight - the most popular way monetization of communities and accounts in all social networks. You promote your account, thousands of people are watching you, which means that you can sell something to them. An advertiser contacts you, offers a price for advertising post and after publication transfers money.

Income depends on the following factors:

  • The number of subscribers. The more subscribers, the higher the price per post.
  • Subscriber activity. This is the number of likes, comments, retweets. The more active your audience is, the more expensive the sponsored posts are.
  • Subject. Income depends on the subject of the account. Business, earnings, finance, professional themes much more expensive than entertainment.
  • Account authority... This is the most difficult factor. Account authority is the relationship of users to a person or character. Artemiy Lebedev and his Facebook account can be taken as an example of “account authority”.
  • Plibber.
  • Twite.

Partnership programs

- the next level of account monetization. Their essence is as follows: you are paid for the fact that your users perform certain actions (place an application, register on the site, play an online game).

The main difficulty that you have to face is collecting target audience... You will have to promote your account in such a way that its subject matter completely coincides with the products that you will offer. This will increase your income several times.

Your algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Account registration.
  2. Promotion in accordance with the topic.
  3. Registration in the affiliate program.
  4. Creation of promotional materials.
  5. Earnings on the performance of targeted actions of your users.

This is one of the most difficult ways monetization. Those who know how to do this earn much more, on equal accounts, than those who earn from advertising.

Background monetization

Background monetization is the easiest way to get on Twitter. Since each promoted account has its own cover, all users, as soon as they open the link, see a kind of “banner” on a quarter of the screen. This is a great place to advertise.

A very easy way to make money.

Design and plugins for Twitter accounts

Most of the well-known accounts have their own background, and you can make good money on this.

Quite promising. Well-known communities on all social networks regularly order their own covers. Twitter is no exception.

And also this can include the creation of various plugins, the development of programs that facilitate posting, etc.

How much can you make on Twitter

Now to the numbers. How much each way of earning can bring:

  • Completing assignments - 10 - 100 rubles per day.
  • Direct advertising - from 500 rubles per post.
  • Affiliate programs - from 100 rubles for one action by a client.
  • Background monetization - from 500 rubles for 1 month.
  • Design and development of plugins - from 2,000 rubles for a background.

I have indicated the minimum rates. They are relevant for beginners and those who do not yet know how to work with social networks.

Who is making money on Twitter for?

Now let's talk about who each type of income is suitable for.

  • Completing assignments is for everyone.
  • Direct Advertising - For Owners popular accounts.
  • Affiliate programs - for webmasters who know how to work with affiliate programs.
  • Background monetization - for owners of popular accounts who can create / order an advertising background.
  • Plugin design and development - for designers and programmers.


You can really make money on social media. If you like the social network Twitter, you spend reading tweets every day, then you can easily monetize your account and make good money on your hobby. And then Twitter will turn from an ordinary "time waster" into a source of income.

Friends, I welcome you to the blog site!

The topic of today's conversation will be how to make money on Twitter detailed manual for newbies. The topic of making money on the Internet is very popular. Many people left with routine work and go about their projects on the Internet.

Social networks have evolved from services for communication, dating and news into full-fledged platforms for making money. There are many projects on the network that bring solid profits to their owners, which are quite enough for a comfortable life.

Earnings on Twitter - how and how much can you earn?

Like others similar services Twitter is very versatile and there are many methods of generating income. Most use Twitter for its intended purpose - chatting, watching news, etc.

But what if you make a profitable project out of it? This does not require any specials. knowledge, skill or investment. Tempting isn't it? Let's figure it out.

Working on the Internet will require two things from you - the desire to develop and deepen your work, as well as the availability of free time that you are ready to invest in the development of your project.

Time is something that we all value, so having taken a step towards making money on the Internet, be prepared that it will take a lot.

The task of the novice moneymaker will be to learn how to use time efficiently. It should be useful and not be wasted.

How much can you make on Twitter? It depends on the chosen method of work and the time you will spend. Pupils and students can expect around ₽500 / day. Of course, this is not enough, but it will not take much effort either - great way combine study and part-time work.

Large projects on this social network are not limited by anything in income. You can get money from advertising or. Both types of cooperation are very promising and can be measured in tens and hundreds of thousands. The main key to success is a large audience of readers.

Features you need to know

Twitter was created in 2006, so it is the same age as all the popular social media today. networks. Its main feature is short and capacious news messages.

The creator of the network is Jack Dorsey. During the year, his company earns about $ 1.5 billion. Dorsey himself is a programmer and businessman.

Twitter has about 200 million users, and its daily audience is about 60 million.

Why is Twitter good for making money?

Besides this, there are other possibilities. We will analyze them too.

You can get income as soon as you make an account. To do this, you will need to perform the simplest tasks. They are available on special exchanges. We will also talk about them in more detail. There will not be big profits here, but you can make money on little things. What tasks are we talking about?

  • Retweets;
  • Subscription (follow);
  • Placing advertisements on your blog.

Ideally, we should be interested in the first scheme - first the promotion, then the publication of advertising content.

Earnings from advertising

To find partnership programs Better to go to SocialTools, Plibber and Blogun.

The essence is very simple. These are the exchanges that bring blog owners and advertisers together. After that, it becomes possible to host any materials and make a profit from them. To prevent the account from turning into an advertising stand, the amount of such content is limited.

How can you increase your income? As elsewhere - you need increase the number of subscribers... How more audience, the more advertisers are willing to pay. The most popular blogs have a specific theme - politics, sports, hobbies, etc.

There are some Twitter accounts with millions of followers. Imagine how much they charge for advertising.

Earnings on affiliate links

There are a lot of affiliate programs. You can find absolutely any. It is desirable to select something close to your topic. This is necessary for the ad to look organic.

A feature of affiliate programs is that you are not paid for placing links, but for the actions that the user performs when they click on them. This can be a purchase, registration in a game, a subscription to something, etc.

For more details read about all the intricacies of working with affiliate programs. You will find a lot of new and useful things.

You can increase conversion by using competent work with the materials you post. Knowledge of marketing or even psychology may be required here.

When you have a large project, it won't be difficult to find partners. But what if the blog isn't very big yet? How to search for affiliate programs? To do this, there are various exchanges where you can choose suitable links for yourself.

Twitter is popular not only in Russia, but also in the West. So if you have no problem with foreign language, you will have where to roam. Most Popular foreign services Is SponsoredTweets,, Fiverr.

Please note that in the foreign market there is much more competition, and the threshold for entering affiliate programs is much higher - from 2-3 thousand followers.

Commercial microblogging launch

A blog on Twitter can be used to promote own goods and services. If you are doing something that can be sold over the Internet or you have an active business, you can use a blog to advertise it and attract new customers.

Another way to use a promoted blog is to sell it. Profiles with big amount subscribers cost good money and are in demand. The cost of blogs starts at 15 thousand rubles. It all depends on the number of followers and the chosen topic.

Monetize your Twitter background

Another way passive income What is relevant for a well-promoted blog is the monetization of the background in your blog. Instead of advertising and affiliate programs, you can install a paid background.

Unique backgrounds for your account, plugins and other directions

Some users set themselves unique backgrounds. They can pay a lot of money for it and you can make good money on it. If you are experienced in graphics, etc., you can do well in this field.

Another promising direction is the creation of plugins that increase the functionality of microblogging. Again, if you have developer skills - go for it! It is very profitable.

These are new directions that have just begun to develop, so if you have a unique idea - do not hesitate! Perhaps she will bring you a lot of money.

Starting a startup isn't as difficult as you might think. If you are interested in this topic, we bring to your attention such material -. You will find a lot of useful things.

Promotion of an account means increase in the number of followers. This will give you more ad and affiliate income. The simplest and obvious way to unwind is to have a lot of subscriptions. By an unspoken rule, those you follow follow you.

Signing up for everything in large quantities is not worth it. An account with a small number of visitors and a bunch of subscriptions may raise suspicions. Most optimal ratio 3 - 1, that is, 3 subscriptions per follower.

First of all, you need to subscribe to those blogs that are close to you and your topic. Let you deal with the project exclusively for commercial purposes - you must remember that the main function of the network is communication and information, and the opportunity to earn money is a pleasant bonus.

Be patient. Results will not appear immediately. It will take several weeks, if not months. Your activity and conscientious attitude will definitely pay off, you just need to work.

You can unwind in another way. For this there is special services who automatically subscribe to blogs close to your topic. If your profile is well-designed and contains interesting information, you will be subscribed to in response.

Promote on Twitter


In addition, you can turn to the services of services that imitate human actions. In this case, you will not be banned for inactivity, and the popularity of the profile will increase.

These services cost money. However, they save you time and effort. As a result, you will easily get a promoted blog.

Popular services for Twitter monetization

So, now let's take a closer look at the microblogging monetization services. Here are the most popular ones:

  • is an advertising exchange for Twitter. It's easy to register here - there are no profiles. The profile is created using a social network account. The site is perfect for beginners. The first money can be received with a small number of followers. From available assignments there are posting of pictures, retweets, subscription, advertising.
  • QComment - here you can work with almost all social media. networks. At first, the exchange worked only with VK, but then expanded. There is a convenient and intuitive interface and a large number of different tasks.
  • Blogun is the most popular service on the Russian Internet. Here you can find advertisements and affiliate programs. When registering, you must indicate that you are the owner of the site or a partner.

Of course there are other exchanges as well. They work on similar principles, so choose the service that suits you best and make money on Twitter.


Well, now you know for sure that making money on Twitter is not a made-up story, but real opportunity change your life.

Best regards, Alexander Gavrin.

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