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Can I use non-original charging. Can iPhone be charged from iPad charging

Controversial issue, to which it is not always possible to give an unambiguous answer. On the one hand, it makes no difference which charger to use - proprietary or no-name. Modern chargers do not use transformers; instead, PWM controllers are used - microcircuits that convert alternating current in short constant pulses. Therefore, the risk of severe heating and wrong work minimal.

The charging of the gadget is controlled by a special chip that sets the current drawn from the mains. So you won't be able to burn your favorite toy with the wrong charger. But it is quite possible to extend the charging process for several hours or not charge at all if the charger is not able to deliver the required current.

We must not forget that gadgets do not regulate the voltage supply from the charger, therefore, chargers with a voltage different from the required voltage cannot be used (for most tablets and smartphones, this USB port voltage is 5 V). Low voltage will prevent the charging control chip from turning on. High - will burn the microcircuit, you will have to hand it over for repairs (with poor-quality design, something else may burn out, and the device will go to the landfill).

But if everyone required parameters match the characteristics of the original charger - why not save some money? The mark-ups for branded accessories reach 1,000%!

Can't use the device while charging

Again a double-edged sword. Any unplugged gadget consumes current while charging. However, if you play "heavy" games on your smartphone or tablet (for example, in the same Asphalt) while the battery of the device is being charged, two differently directed processes can lead to unpleasant consequences.

When charging, gadgets tend to heat up. The same is true for intensive exploitation (for any resource-dependent processes). In fact, the heat will accumulate and you can overheat the device.

In addition, if you use your smartphone or tablet on a charge, the battery recharge time will increase. But all this does not mean that the device being charged cannot be used.

Only fully discharged batteries need to be charged.

This myth was born when all devices used NiMH batteries(nickel-metal hydride) and NiCd (nickel-cadmium). Such rechargeable cells have a memory effect. Therefore, if you charge such batteries with an incomplete discharge, their capacity will decrease over time.

Most devices today use lithium polymer (Li-Pol) batteries. Unlike nickel-cadmium, their discharge process is controlled by a microchip. Due to this, at a low charge, they still give rated current, with the same voltage and amperage as when fully charged.

However, any microcircuit requires power to work. So lithium polymer batteries do not charge when complete absence charge. It is advisable to replenish their energy when the charge level drops to 20-30%. Otherwise, the charging process will not start and you will have to use alternative views Chargers that start a charge contrary to the battery circuitry. And this may well affect the life of the element.

Sometimes a full charge is needed to calibrate the charge sensor, but you shouldn't do it too often. And do not bring the device to shutdown.

In addition, each battery has limited time service, expressed in the number of complete charge-discharge cycles.

Do not leave gadgets on charge overnight

Another myth associated with nickel batteries. These are quite capable of recharging, leading to combustion. But the lithium polymer current consumption when the IC that controls the battery indicates full charge... So that modern smartphones can be left on charge at any time (if, of course, they are in good order).

Free RAM helps conserve battery power

This is really a myth. RAM uses not much energy. In addition, most often it is made in the form of a single microcircuit, which means that it is used in the same way all the time the device is turned on, no matter how many applications are running.

Operating the processor at lower frequencies allows you to really save battery power. Unfortunately, not all applications are able to work effectively in background and spend battery energy constantly. Some applications are conflicting, which increases power consumption. Therefore, it is best not to clear memory with the help of various managers, but to use the task manager and carry out fine tuning systems to disable unnecessary resource-intensive applications.

Disable communication protocols to extend battery life

This is relatively true. But, contrary to traditional opinion, most of all energy is consumed not by Wi-Fi, GPS or Bluetooth, but by an ordinary one. cellular... At the same time, the use of 3G (and even more so 4G) shortens the life of the device much faster than cellular communication and GPRS.

All of these protocols consume the largest number energy at the time of connection. Accordingly, in the conditions bad connection (bad reception, the presence of sources of interference) power consumption is greatest.

All other interfaces consume little. True, this only applies to modern protocols. It must be remembered that it always works at the lowest and simple protocol: When connecting an old headset, the power consumption will be high, even if the main gadget is modern.

The original iPhone cable has two major drawbacks - it is very unreliable and very expensive. And, of course, no one wants to give 1,590 rubles (yes, that is how much a charging wire made at Apple factories costs) for a cable that a priori will not last long, and therefore many decide to buy a non-native charger.

And having saved a lot (prices for non-original cables start at 100 rubles!), The happy user returns home, but bad luck - connecting his iPhone to a new wire, he realizes that the gadget is not charging and does not sync with iTunes, and on his screen appears depressing inscription - " This cable or the accessory is not certified ... ". What to do in such a situation? Let's figure it out!

What can I say - this state of affairs, to put it mildly, is discouraging for an ignorant user. In his eyes there is a dumb question - “Well, how did my smartphone know that I bought the charger for it not in the App Store ?!”.

And, really, from where? Experts differ on this score. Some argue that the reason is in the cunning mechanism built into iOS that recognizes the original wire by certain "beacons", others that a special chip signaling authenticity is built into the charging itself. However, one way or another, the fact remains - Apple, as it should, made sure that non-original cables do not work with the iPhone.

Not all non-original cables are created equal.

However, here's the paradox, on the Internet there are a lot of users who say - "I bought a non-native wire and everything works!". In fact, there is no paradox, just by the "law" Apple i-devices you can charge not only from cables made directly by the "apple" giant - that is, original ones, but also from those made by partner manufacturers - you get a "part" that is not original, but has certification. On such charging wires there is a special marking - MFI (Made for iPhone).

The quality of products marked with this badge of honor is personally controlled by Apple. And by the way, Apple receives, let's say, a "tax" from every manufacturer working under the MFI program. This fact leads to the fact that MFI chargers are more expensive than those that do not have such markings, but still not as expensive as the original ones. Average price for non-original certified cable- 500 rubles.

Where can you buy an MFI cable for iPhone? In general, in any good store electronics. Ask a consultant and they will help you.

What to do if iPhone won't charge with non-original cable?

However, back to our problem, the wire has already been purchased and refuses to charge our iPhone or sync it with a PC. What to do? Good news! Users have come up with several "tricks" for all-seeing eye Apple. We will tell you about all of them.

By the way, as you know, the original Lightning is distinguished by the ability to work with a smartphone, which side do not insert it ( given opportunity implemented according to the scheme, a special switch is installed in the cable chip), however, a non-native Lightning may be deprived of such an option (the Chinese simply forget to take into account the aforementioned switch in the circuit), and therefore, in order for the wire to start charging, it may just need to be inserted with the other side.

"Close, close"

In some situations, in order for a non-native cable to start charging, it is enough to do the following:

1 Connect iPhone to charger or PC - depends on the task - charging or syncing. 2 When a notification window appears about the impossibility of working with the cable, tap on the "button" - "Close". 3 Now you need to unlock the device - the notification will appear again - tap "Close" again and disconnect the wire from the iPhone (do not block it!), And immediately reconnect it.

Surprisingly, quite often this strange instruction helps. Are you not one of those lucky ones? Then let's try the next method.

Turn off and on

This clever method of working iPhone with non-original cable is as follows:

  • Turn off the device.
  • We plug it into an outlet (if we want to sync with iTunes, we connect it to a PC).
  • We turn on the smartphone and ... charging is on!

By the way, if you now pull out the wire and put it back in, charging / communication with the PC will stop, to resume it, the iPhone will have to be turned off again.

Air mode

Some users, however, assure that there is no need to turn on and off the smartphone in vain, you can deceive it simply by activating the air mode. And sometimes it is enough just to turn it on, connect the smartphone to charging and when, as they say, the process goes on - you can turn it off, but more often - you need to keep the air mode active all the time during charging.

Why is iPhone working with non-original cables dangerous?

Unfortunately, the fact that non-native cables do not charge the iPhone or sync to iTunes is not the main danger they pose. Ruble Chinese wires are not made according to standards, and therefore the proper balance of voltages and currents may not be observed, as a result of which best case- The iPhone will take longer to charge and / or discharge faster, in the worst case, the power controller will fail, which will entail very expensive repairs. For the fifth iPhone, such a repair will cost, for example, $ 100, and this is not a situation when you can fix the device yourself.

However, we will not advise buying an original wire for 1590 rubles. You don’t have to give big money for the original, but buy a Chinese cable for 100 rubles for such an expensive gadget like the iPhone, risking its "health" - just ridiculous, you must agree. What do we recommend? Adhering to the golden mean and purchasing a certified cable is an acceptable price and a quality guarantee.

Why iPhone won't charge with original cable

And, finally, consider another very interest Ask... Sometimes discouraged users ask - “Why did my iPhone refuse to charge from the original wire, displaying the message“ This cable is not certified? ”. The answer is actually simple. This sometimes happens if the cable is damaged or the pins are clogged.

Lightning cables, which were first introduced with the iPhone 5, are especially prone to this problem. Charging wire for the 4S and earlier models, it still had a more reliable design. So if the iPhone 5 won't charge with the original cable (or, in general, any other model), try cleaning it with a cotton swab and alcohol. If it does not help, you will have to buy a new one. Fortunately, you already know how to choose the right one.

Let's summarize

So, if the iPhone does not charge from the purchased non-original charger, this problem can be fixed. However, you need to understand that using a non-native cable can have dire consequences. On the other hand, buying an original wire is not very economical. Our solution - a certified cable with the MFI marking - is not expensive, and it is guaranteed of high quality! By the way, do you understand that MFI cables are also faked? So, of course, you should only buy them from reliable sellers!

Hello everyone! In the comments I am often asked: “I have a USB charger from Samsung, Acer, Sony, etc. or PowerBank of some company - can all this be used for charging iPhone? Will there be any harm to the battery or the device itself? Or do you need to run at breakneck speed for the original adapter, pay a large sum (at the time of this writing - about 1,500 rubles) for a "native" power supply from Apple and charge it only with it? "

But really - is it necessary to pay extra (which never is) money? Or is it possible to do without all those "Original Made in Apple" official accessories? Let's try to figure it out, let's go!

Important note! The whole article is exclusively personal experience the author, his friends, many acquaintances and strangers... The information in no way claims to be the ultimate truth. Again, personal experience and nothing more. But it can be useful too, right? :)

So, we are interested in:

  1. The wire.
  2. USB power adapter.

Of course, if you have a cable and a power supply from Apple, then it is better to use them for charging - everything is certified, thought out, there are special controllers inside, etc. This means that the iPhone will receive energy exactly as the manufacturer wants.

And if there are no accessories from Apple and you don't want to buy them? Is it allowed to charge by others? Let's get a look!

The wire

The case when saving is definitely not worth it. Basically, this is the most important part that is involved in the charging process of your iPhone.

Apple is so clever in certifying the wires for its devices that even Chinese craftsmen still cannot properly tamper with these cables.

To be more precise, they do it, but not for long. As a rule, after one or two updates iOS iPhone refuses to take charge and "pleases" the owner with an inscription. How many such wires have I seen - absolutely all of them stop working after some (very short) time.

And of course, the use of fakes negatively affects the battery of the device - since they do not have any special controllers and chips for correct charging iPhone.

Conclusion: Use only original or certified cable. by Apple(the packaging will have the Made For iPhone mark).

Power adapter

But here there is much more room for imagination. A standard 5W iPhone charger costs about one and a half thousand rubles and, admittedly, this is not little money.

By the way, we have to admit one more thing - this is a big redneck from Apple :)

Is it possible to replace it with something else? In my opinion, yes:

  1. If you really want a branded accessory from Apple, then the adapter from the iPad will cost you almost the same amount. ... And the gadget will charge faster.
  2. If you have no desire to spend money, but at home there is a power supply unit from any other renowned manufacturer, then you can safely use it to charge your iPhone.

Why? Yes, because any self-respecting company monitors the quality of its accessories and I don't think that the power supply unit from the same conventional Samsung is anything seriously different from the “native Apple”.

I have been using three adapters alternately for four years now: from iPad, tablet Asus(1.5 A), Samsung phone(1 A). And a year ago, an external battery xiaomi... Are there any problems with battery powered iPhone? No.

Conclusion:"Apple" Charger or not is not so important. The main thing is that it is of high quality.

But what about voltage, amperage and "that's all"?

The original and certified wire, as well as the charging controller in the iPhone itself, simply won't let the phone take more than it needs.

The most important thing is not to use very cheap adapters from unknown manufacturers at a price of “100 pieces per kilogram”. Since the money saved in the future can turn into big trouble.

Instead of an afterword or summarize: iPhone can be charged by anyone (with a few minor caveats) USB chargers... The most important thing is to use an original cable or certified (Made For iPhone) by Apple. And then everything will be OK.

Again, the entire article is solely the author's personal reasoning. Do you agree with his opinion? Or do you have any other experience? Tell us in the comments, very interesting!

P.S. Feel free to ask questions (I will definitely try to answer them), put "likes", click on the buttons social networks- please do not hesitate! :)

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that any product with the branded apple logo is expensive, but if in the case of Apple technology it's easy to put up with this, the price of branded accessories sometimes exceeds reasonable limits. We considered how to extend the life of complete cables, but not all users are ready to resort to such tricks when you can buy cheap Chinese wires for ridiculous money.

But saving on original cables to charge, you need to be aware of possible consequences... The use of non-original chargers can be not only harmful to the environment, because they do not comply with environmental standards, but also dangerous both for the equipment itself and for the lives of users. There are known cases when non-original chargers led to the ignition of batteries in the iPhone, which led to fire and burns to users. Apple even organized an exchange program for Chinese users for the occasion. Apple Store it was possible to return a non-original charging cable and get a discount for purchasing branded accessories from Apple.

Another problem is widely known when using Chinese cables and chargers - incorrect behavior of the display sensor on charging, which manifests itself in the form of false presses. Incorrect voltage or amperage results in lower potential static currents, which are detected by the device as touching. This behavior will not in any way affect the performance of the display and does not have negative consequences, but it does not allow you to comfortably use the device while charging.

With the advent of Apple devices fingerprint scanner Finger Touch ID found out that static currents also affect his work. Some users noted that it stopped working when using non-original chargers. Touch ID is a sophisticated sensor that is extremely sensitive to any stimulus. The worst thing is that if something happens to him, then it will not be possible to get rid of just regular replacement buttons as before, but you will have to change the whole motherboard device, which will cost almost the full cost of the device itself. Each Touch sensor ID is unique and associated with the processor specific device forever. That is why you cannot even change the Touch ID cable to a non-original one. This can happen during repairs. broken display in unqualified service centers... Any impact on the Touch ID will cause it to simply fail. This necessary measure security, which guarantees the safety of data on the device and safe work Apple Pay.

That is why you should not use non-original chargers and cables. There is little chance that this will lead to a fire in the device and will write about you in the news, but the likelihood that this will affect Touch work ID is. Buying expensive iPhone or iPad is stupid to save on original cables - if something goes wrong, the repair will cost you significantly more.

Added: As user maka correctly pointed out in the comments, not all non-original charges are the same. Apple has MFI certification(Made for iPhone, iPad or iPod), which it issues, or rather sells third party manufacturers. This certificate also applies to charging cables and power supplies. When a product bears the MFI mark, Apple is ensuring that it meets all safety standards and regulations for use with its devices.

A breakable charging cable is the scourge of every phone. The most important thing is to find a replacement in time. However, it is not always possible to fork out for the original iPhone. Fortunately, non-branded counterparts are common. But to use them, you still need to try.

The problem is that Apple is too self-centered. Therefore, if users should buy something, then only with their logo. And thanks to this policy, the iPhone in its program code has some interesting lines. They forbid him to use a cable that is not produced by the parent company. And the cost of a real Apple accessory is quite high. But in the proprietary cord there is a special chip, which the device must analyze in order to work.

How to charge iPhone with non-original wire

But despite all the tricks of Apple, you can still use a non-native USB cable. Although you will have to suffer a little for this each time. So, here's a list of actions that need to be taken so that your iPhone can still “eat” a non-original plug and start charging:

  1. Connect the charger with the plugged in cable to the socket.
  2. Take the plug of the wire and insert it into the smartphone. The latter must be blocked.
  3. A warning appears and needs to be closed. To do this, it must be pulled to the side.
  4. Only after that - unlock the device.
  5. Again, reject everything that the iPhone swears at.
  6. Without blocking the device, remove the cable plug from the Lightning socket and immediately return it to its place.
  7. And again, reject all the windows that will notify you of the miracle of apple technology.

After this simple list of actions, the device should begin to receive energy.

Is this charging safe with a non-original cable?

Such manipulations with the use of a cheap cable, which for some reason is still not equipped with a normal chip (for example, like Remax wires), can be very expensive for its users. Relatively new iPhones 5 among all their hardware have a small but very unpleasant module. It is almost invisible to the eye, but it can spoil life great.

This little brat is called U2 IC. It analyzes which cable is currently being used with a smartphone. And if for some reason he did not like this cord, it simply breaks. And if this chip breaks down, you will either have to get rid of the iPhone or repair it.

What problem is it causing? It's simple. Without an adequately functioning U2 IC, the device is unable to receive power. Even if it regularly enters the gadget, it does not reach the battery. As a rule, it seems to the owners that the battery is covered, and then they go to change it. But that doesn't help - as soon as new battery discharged to zero, bigger smartphone will not show signs of life.

So what can you do?

Use only high-quality non-original iPhone wires! All manufacturers who respect themselves and their name have long been aware of which chip inside the plug is responsible for initialization in the device. And they even learned to fake it. And therefore, you should not take the Chinese "noname" postings at the nearest kiosk. They are definitely cheap and readily available. But wouldn't it be more expensive to repair a mobile phone later?

Better to spend a little money and buy an accessory that is slightly more expensive than the Chinese one, but still cheaper than the original one. In this area, there is where to turn. Many manufacturers offer their services:

  • company . There is no doubt about it - this company, according to assurances, is certified by Apple itself. Hence, your gadget will not be affected by the use of wires purchased with this brand;
  • firm. Their products attract attention, it is impossible to pass by such a wonderful purchase. Their big bonus is that they don't stop at boring monochrome cables. The Remax assortment includes dozens of various wires. In the catalog you will find everything, even fabric-braided data cables, which remain functional longer than conventional ones;
  • manufacturer named. Severe and solid models for mobile phones that will not be a problem for the user. They are produced with a leather sheath, which is more reliable even than a fabric one. It's not worth talking about quality - it definitely is. Not a single gadget, according to user reviews, failed while Just worked with it.

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