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Is it possible to connect headphones to the TV. Where to connect wireless headphones to your TV

April 14, 2012 at 04:30 pm

Connecting headphones to TV

  • DIY or DIY

Briefly about where the task was born. My father is well over 70. He is in excellent physical shape, runs a laboratory, does not get out of the Internet, but now his hearing is not very good. Moreover, there is one peculiarity: due to the uneven change in hearing sensitivity at different frequencies (they had it with a specialist), my father hears even a very loud TV set badly, but in headphones he hears remarkably at the same volume level that suits me.
So, the task is to connect the headphones to the TV, of course there is no jack on the TV. Solved? Certainly! Who is relevant and / or interested - please under the cat.

The first thing that comes to mind is to open the TV, embed the headphone jack on the wall and connect it to the TV speaker circuit. But here a good question arises: the action when plugged into the headphone jack.
If you turn off the TV speakers when you turn on the headphones, then only the father can watch TV with headphones, or only someone else without them, plus constant plugging of the headphones into the jack will quickly lead to bad things.
If the TV speakers are not turned off when the headphones are turned on, the idea loses its meaning - it is unrealistic to choose an equally comfortable sound level for the one who listens in headphones and for everyone who listens in the speakers.

The idea of ​​inserting a nest was rejected. Another was born.
The TV has a SCART connector (by the way, most TVs have it).

There is an audio output on SCART - this is a line output, the TV volume control does not affect it.
So, the idea is simple: organize an independent sound output on the headphones.

The first thing I tried was to make a radio extender: a small (1 transistor) transmitter in the FM band and listen to it on a regular FM receiver. Schemes of this kind on the Internet are a dime a dozen, there is nothing military there, but, as it turned out, there is a big problem: within a few hours of listening, the frequency drops, you have to constantly adjust the receiver.
By referring to abnormal electronics, quartz was added to the circuit to stabilize the frequency, another problem came out - due to quartz, the frequency deviation (who is interested in what I'm talking about - please) turned out to be small and the sound was very quiet.
The idea of ​​a radio extender was rejected.

The simplest idea was implemented - SCART-> a small amplifier-> a long cord-> headphones with a volume control.
Headphones with volume control are not uncommon, chosen by Sven.
Extension cord - a three-core thick wire, positioned by sellers as a microphone. The wire is in the screen, but the screen is not needed here and is not connected. Why fat - because it does not get so tangled, it has to constantly move.
The radio market sells ready-made soldered scarves worth around $ 3, there are quite a few options. The principle is like a cat's, four legs (conditional of course): entry, exit, earth and food. There are stereo options (then "legs", respectively, six).
There is no need to go into the details of the circuit, this is a standard power amplifier on a microcircuit according to a typical switching circuit. The only thing you should pay attention to is that the microcircuit must be designed to work without a heatsink.
I chose a scarf on a TDA2822 chip - this is a stereo amplifier with a power of up to 1 watt.

If the TV had USB, it would be possible to take the power of the amplifier from there. But there is no USB, I had to look for a power supply.
Usually all such small amplifiers are not power critical, from +5V to +12V work without problems, stabilization or additional smoothing is not required. You can use a power supply from an old mobile phone, from a “Polish” antenna, etc. I came across a power supply from the Dendy prefix - 9 volts in the old trash, inside there is only a diode bridge and a capacitor. He went into business.
The main thing when connecting a PSU is not to confuse the polarity, it is better to double-check with a tester. If you confuse + and -, with a very high probability the kirdyk will come to the amplifier instantly.

There is a feature of connecting such an amplifier to a TV. The first turn on showed that the sound was wheezing, and this was not cured by the headphone volume control - the signal from the TV was too strong, it was necessary to reduce it, and a variable resistor was roughly soldered onto the scarf from the side of the tracks. Its resistance is in the range from 1 to 10 kOhm, not very critical, I used what turned up at hand and what was convenient to solder on the board - 1 kOhm.
It looks like this:

The final scheme turned out like this:

It is immediately clear from the diagram that this is mono. We don’t broadcast on cable stereo, there’s no need to bother, but there’s no problem making stereo, you only need a second resistor to adjust the level of the second channel, or a double resistor.

Completely the entire structure connected to the TV:

After assembly and connection, a small adjustment is required: we turn the resistor on the board so that it is louder, but wheezing does not appear at peak volumes yet. We check on several TV channels.

P.S. I understand well that this is actually a "g#vnokod" in electronics: on the knee, quickly, it works and is hidden from prying eyes. But the result is:

The father adjusts the volume in his headphones, everyone else who watches TV adjusts the volume with the remote control on the TV - everyone is fine.

Watching TV is most pleasant in an easy chair or a warm bed. To fully enjoy the sound and not disturb others, of course, you need to use headphones, and it would be better if they did not interfere. The cord tends to get tangled, and if you accidentally pull it, the headphones and even, God forbid, the TV may fall. Luckily, TV audio can be output wirelessly, and your headphones don't even need to support Bluetooth. How to do it?

In order to output sound from any analog source (including TV) to Bluetooth, you will need a special transmitter. Such gadgets are sold in online stores (for example, on AliExpress) and are relatively cheap - from 300 rubles or more, depending on the functionality, design and build quality. From the cheapest you should not expect stable operation and high-quality sound.

Transmitters may differ in appearance and functionality, but they work in much the same way. This is a box with an analog 3.5mm input, USB power and a built-in Bluetooth transmitter. Some transmitters are equipped with a battery, thanks to which they can broadcast sound even without being connected to an external power source. There are also models that support high-quality audio with aptX or aptX-LL audio processing. Particularly advanced models support Dual Link technology and can transmit sound to two pairs of headphones at once. Sometimes reverse streaming is possible: through a mobile device as a signal source with sound output through a wired connection to speakers or a music center.

If you purchased such a transmitter, connect it to a power source and output audio to it using a cable with two 3.5 mm jacks. Turn on the Bluetooth headphones and establish a connection with the transmitter. If everything is done correctly, the sound from the TV will be broadcast to the headphones.

What if you don't have wireless headphones? You can get by with wired ones, but you will need an additional Bluetooth adapter that will receive a signal from the transmitter and transmit sound to the headphones. You can read more about how to make wireless headphones out of any headphones in

Bluetooth headphones are a great solution for those who like to watch TV at night and do not want to interfere with the sleep of other people living nearby. The wireless headset will also appeal to those users who prefer to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the movie they are watching with depth. After all, with the help of this device, a person easily protects himself from extraneous noises distracting him in the form of restless screams and squeals of children, annoying stomp or laughter of neighbors.

However, in order to experience all the delights of watching TV with Bluetooth headphones, they must be properly connected. Just about this and will be discussed in the article.

Almost all modern TVs (especially those with Smart TV function) are equipped with a built-in Bluetooth transmitter. Therefore, connecting a wireless headset to them is quite easy. If you doubt that you can handle it yourself, then the following algorithm will help you:

On a note! In order for the sound to play back on the TV speakers, it is enough to turn off the headphones.

At the same time, there is one nuance. Some Samsung TV models do not want to be "friends" with accessories from other brands. This was done specifically to promote their own brand products. Keep this in mind when choosing wireless headphones for your TV.

How to connect wireless headphones to Sony TVs?

There should be no problems with synchronization of a wireless headset and a TV device from Sony. The whole connection process is reduced to the following steps:

  1. We go to the settings menu on the TV.
  2. We find the section "Bluetooth". Or "Wired and Wireless Networks".
  3. Turn on bluetooth. Then click on "Search for Bluetooth devices".
  4. At this stage, the TV will usually display a message to turn on the headphones and place them up to 5 meters away. In any case, we perform these steps.
  5. After that, the TV should see our headset. Select it and click Connect.
  6. At the end, the device may ask you to select the type of equipment to be connected. As a rule, three options are offered - "subwoofer", "headphones" and "other". Of course, we choose "Headphones".
  7. That's all. A message should appear that the headset is connected.

On a note! Most 2013-2014 Sony Bravia TVs do not support audio output via Bluetooth.

Connect bluetooth headphones to LG TV

On LG TVs, connecting wireless headphones is a little more difficult. Especially if the device has webOS 3.0 or newer firmware (models released since 2016). After all, in order to synchronize with a wireless headset, you will need to do a few intricate steps:

Using a Bluetooth transmitter to connect

Not all TVs have a built-in bluetooth adapter. If you just got such a device, then you will not be able to connect a wireless headset to it using the methods described above. You will have to purchase and install a special Bluetooth transmitter. In another way, it is also called a transmitter.

The functionality of this "stray" comes down to receiving a signal from a TV device and transmitting it via bluetooth, ensuring synchronization with another gadget. The bluetooth transmitter is connected to the TV via:

  • 3.5mm analog jack;
  • RCA output;
  • optical connector (use only if there is no other output for connecting headphones);
  • USB port.

The transmitter is sometimes bundled with wireless headphones. However, most often it has to be purchased separately. The cost of a good adapter is about $25-30. There are also more expensive models. Their advantage is that with the help of them you can connect two pairs of bluetooth headphones to the TV at once.

We figured out what a transmitter is. Now we need to figure out how to set it all up. A simple step-by-step instruction will help with this:

  1. Turn on the bluetooth transmitter. Do not forget that he needs food. Usually, a special block comes with it for this.
  2. We connect the transmitter to the TV. To do this, use one of the available connectors.
  3. It remains to turn on the bluetooth headphones and establish a connection with the transmitter. Sometimes this happens automatically. But more often, user intervention is required. Therefore, if there is no sound from the headphones, then we pick up the TV control panel and go to the main menu of the gadget. Here you need to find the section responsible for connecting via Bluetooth, then select the headset and click "Enable".
  4. At the end we choose headphones. Click "Connect". Most likely, the system will require you to enter a PIN code to synchronize devices. You can see it in the instruction manual for the wireless headset.

On a note! Some users try to connect bluetooth headphones to the TV using game consoles. Alas, this does not always work. The fact is that many consoles come without Bluetooth support.

Summing up

So, the easiest way is to connect wireless headphones to modern TVs with Smart TV (or Android TV). After all, they have a built-in bluetooth adapter and a clear menu, which makes it as easy as possible to synchronize devices.

It is a little more difficult with old TVs released 5-7 years ago, since they do not have the Bluetooth data transfer function. However, using a special transmitter (transmitter) you can also easily connect a TV set and a wireless headset. At the same time, we must not forget that only bluetooth headphones of the same manufacturer can be connected to some TV devices.

Sound plays an important role for full immersion in a movie or video game, and since it is not always appropriate to use acoustics (an elderly person is hard of hearing, a child is sleeping, poor sound insulation in a house / apartment), you need to know how to connect wireless headphones to a TV. Modern models of television receivers have long learned to use remote headsets (bluetooth, Wi-Fi, radio, IR), this is most relevant for smart TVs from Samsung, LG, Philips and other manufacturers. In turn, they can be used both for watching TV and for listening to music.

Before you buy wireless headphones, you need to understand how they differ and find out how they work. Let us clarify that even on older TV models it is possible to connect contactless speakers. An accessory is supplied with a base that acts as a transmitter. For work, a 3.5 mm jack, RCA tulips, HDMI or regular USB is used. About each method below, and now about the types of headphones:

  • WiFi. One of the most acceptable options. They work through a special module that can convert and output an audio signal to paired devices. Differ in compactness and convenience.
  • bluetooth. They are versatile and can be used to pair with most modern gadgets besides TV. They function through the appropriate module, capable of being indoor or outdoor. The audio goes through a digital-to-analog conversion stage, which can degrade the sound quality. You definitely won’t be able to listen to music through the wall in them - the coverage of bluetooth technology is no more than 10 meters in a straight line.
  • infrared. A rather inconvenient option, since their performance requires constant “open contact” with the infrared port. The signal can be spoiled by any obstacles, hand, table, wall and others.
  • Headphones. Based on the name, it is easy to guess that the built-in radio transmitter is responsible for receiving the signal. The principle of operation is similar to that of a walkie-talkie, it allows you to hear the transmitted sound at a distance of up to 100 meters. Of the minuses - low noise immunity, even an electric razor will create pickups, leading to a deterioration in the quality of transmission.
  • Optical. The rarest, but the highest quality.

All of the above options can be with or without a microphone, which can be useful for communicating on Skype.

The main advantage of wireless communication is mobility. Users get the opportunity to move freely around the room, albeit with slight restrictions regarding the coverage of the selected type of sound transmission. Of the minuses, you can pay attention to the battery that needs recharging after 10-12 hours of active use.


Connecting bluetooth headphones to TV takes a minimum of time and effort, which allows you to enjoy the sound after a short period of time. Before connecting the headset via Bluetooth, make sure that they can be synchronized with your TV receiver.
Pairing occurs in two ways:

  • Through the bluetooth adapter built into the TV.
  • external transmitter.

To use the first option, you need to turn on the headset and visit the wireless connection options in the TV settings. Here we select the bluetooth item and click on the search for gadgets for further pairing. If everything is done according to the instructions, synchronization will follow with confirmation through the code. Usually the password is 0000 or 1234, more details can be found in the attached instructions.

If there is no bluetooth support, you will need to use a special transmitter that connects to the TV receiver via usb, 3.5 output, HDMI or "tulips".

Please note that he will need an additional power source, which is the batteries or the power supply that comes with the kit.

The setup involves simple synchronization with subsequent signal transmission to the receiver.

infrared channel

If the TV does not see stereo headphones via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, you can try infrared technology. Install the transmitter directly on the TV or under it, connect the wire and the audio output on the rear panel. Plug the power supply into an outlet.

On the accessory case, select the audio input via the infrared port on channel A or B, connect the speakers, powering them with AA batteries. You are located directly in front of the TV screen, having previously eliminated any obstacles on the way.


They work on the principle of transmitting radio frequencies directly to the device. They are connected via a radio channel, which allows you to listen to any TV programs without wires. They are connected using special modules that are installed in the audio output of the TV.

Some models of television receivers are initially equipped with a transmitter, so there is no need to purchase additional funds.

Before purchasing radio headphones, pay attention to the presence of a volume control and their size. Often they are quite inconvenient for the average user.


It is the best choice for enjoying wireless sound. To connect, you will need to have a TV with built-in WiFi modules, since the gadget connects directly to the device that transmits the audio signal. By the way, you can simultaneously listen to a TV show from TV through 2 pairs of gadgets.

The connection is configured directly or through an auxiliary router to obtain maximum coverage in the room. The price of such gadgets varies depending on the brand and the needs of the consumer. In the high price segment, you can find headsets capable of transmitting uncompressed sound, which ensures maximum listening pleasure. With full support for all sound ranges.

The connection setup depends on the TV model. As a rule, it is enough to open the Wi-Fi options on the TV and select a pre-activated (turned on) headset there.

Additional wi-fi routers operating in amplifier mode allow you to expand coverage up to 100 meters without sound distortion.

With optical output

A rare specimen, but it is believed that it is with an optical connector that the quality is above all. Connection is made to the appropriate coaxial S / PDIF (TOSlink) connector on the back of the TV case. Most commonly used to output audio to a 5.1 home theater system


Each of the listed types of remote headphones connects to the TV in its own way. This requires additional attention, because when purchasing a headset oriented to a certain type of transmitter, make sure that there are appropriate outputs for it, not every TV receiver is equipped with an output for a 3.5 mm jack. Be sure to check the length of the charger cable, if one is included.

Don't underestimate the power source for the speakers themselves, it's easier to get a system with a rechargeable battery than constantly spending money on batteries.

Possible problems

Most of the malfunctions stem from the wiring diagram and subsequent configuration. Connecting to an old TV set can become an insoluble difficulty at all.

If all the connections were made according to the rules, but nothing began to work, you need to check the power or test the socket. Additional settings can be made via the remote control.


The ideal solution would be to purchase a device bundled with a headset. By the way, it is needed not only for watching movies, but also for people suffering from deafness. It is only important to choose a model that matches your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe quality of audio playback.


If you live in an apartment not alone, you often have to make compromises, in particular on who and what will watch on TV. But this is not so bad, because you also need to consider whether someone from your household wants to listen to what you watch on TV. And if you want to watch a TV program when someone is already sleeping? It is already clear that wireless headphones for TV is the best way out of a difficult situation. But how to connect them to a regular TV?

The only way to connect wireless headphones to a TV that does not have built-in Bluetooth

There is really only one way, but it is universal, headphones can be connected even to old TV models. To implement it, you need to buy a special device - a Bluetooth receiver.

What does a Bluetooth receiver do? It connects by wire to your TV, it can be a regular 3.5 mm jack that connects to the headphone input, if it is on the TV, or it can be ordinary "tulips". Thus, the receiver receives an audio signal from the TV, and then broadcasts it via Bluetooth to any wireless headphones. Simple and elegant solution.

A few simple steps to connect the receiver to your TV

Step 1 - Charge the receiver's battery

The Bluetooth receiver can be equipped with its own rechargeable battery, which lasts up to 10 hours of uninterrupted operation. If your model has a battery, it must be fully charged before use.

Step 2 - Connect the Bluetooth receiver to the TV with a wire

Choose the right cable for your TV. It can be a regular audio cable with a 3.5 mm jack, or traditional "tulips". If your TV only has cinch-only outputs, you'll need an extra cinch-to-normal 3.5mm jack cable. All of these wires can be easily found at your local electronics store, online stores, or

Step 3 - Set up your wireless connection

After you have connected the Bluetooth receiver to your TV with a wire, you need to establish a connection with your wireless headphones. To do this, turn on the receiver in the search for a new device, and activate the pairing mode in your wireless headphones. After that, the receiver and headphones within a few seconds will have to find each other and establish a reliable connection.

Step 4 - Enjoy Your Favorite Shows

That's it, now you can listen to all the sound that comes from the TV using wireless headphones, no more actions need to be taken.

Remember that the Bluetooth receiver has a limited range of reliable signal reception, in the normal case, you can listen to sound in wireless headphones without interference no further than 10 meters from the receiver.

Examples of Bluetooth receivers that can be bought inexpensively

I will give you an example of several models of receivers that can be connected to a TV. They are inexpensive but should work well.

This is a simple Bluetooth receiver that is great for connecting wireless Bluetooth headphones to your TV. I want to note that it supports Bluetooth 4.1, which is the modern version of the wireless protocol, so you get good quality sound with any modern headphones.

Battery life - up to 8 hours, time to fully charge the battery - up to 2 hours.

This receiver differs from competitors by supporting the aptX codec, which will allow you to receive high quality sound wirelessly. If you are going to watch movies with good sound, it is better to purchase headphones and a receiver that supports the aptX codec.

Battery life - up to 13 hours, battery full charge time - up to 2 hours.

Kebidumei is one of the most affordable receivers, it has only one option for connecting to a TV - a 3.5 mm jack that connects to the headphone jack. However, if your TV only has tulip output, you can buy an adapter wire separately. Sound quality is average.

This receiver is based on an outdated version of Bluetooth 2.1, be careful, it may not be compatible with some modern wireless headphones.

Battery life - up to 7 hours, battery charge time - up to 2 hours.

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