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My email is open. Free services and temporary emails

One of the important functions of the Internet is communication between users. For this, in our time there are a huge number of services and programs that allow you to read messages from users, hear and even see another person during a conversation. However, the most common communication service is email.

You will need

  • Internet connection, created mailbox.


  • To begin with, you need an Internet connection, your mailbox has already been created by you or someone else on one of the services and its exact data.

    We will analyze how to view your mail on one of the most popular services. Having understood the algorithm of work, you can easily open your mail on other services. So, look at the exact details of the mailbox that you need to open. The mail address is written as follows: [email protected] Name is your email login (username). @ "Dog" is a character used in network services to separate a username from a domain name. A - is a service that has provided you with space for your mailbox. Now open your browser and enter in the address bar. The service page will load.

  • Find a bookmark or footnote titled "mail." On it is located on the left side of the page. You will see two fields: "name" and "password".
  • In the "name" field, enter your email login. Note that the name is entered without the @ sign, just like the password. In the "password" field, enter the password that you set when registering mail. The password will be entered as dots. Don't be alarmed, this is just a way to encrypt data.

    Check if the username (login) is entered correctly, if the service is selected. If everything is correct, press the "enter" button.

  • After a while, your mailbox page will load. As a rule, the "inbox" folder will immediately open, where you will see the letters sent. Place the cursor on the letter you need, left-click. The letter will open. By the same principle, you can view your mail on other services in which you have mailboxes. Good luck!
  • Today, every modern person is trying to be "familiar" with the computer, since the PC has become an integral part of today's life. Of course, not everyone is able to be skilled hackers and be able to hack various top-secret sites, but every user, even of school age, must be able to check their e-mail. Such an elementary skill allows you not only to keep abreast of your own correspondence, but also to regularly receive very useful mailings and invitations. Even friends very often write letters on "soap", so you should always keep the address of your e-mail in memory, or write it down in a personal notebook, for example. But, nevertheless, many "dummies" who are far from technology are still worried about the "global" question, in their opinion, of how to enter their e-mail from a computer.

    So, there are several effective ways to log into e-mail, but you definitely need to start with the most basic. To begin with, simply turn on the computer and enter the Internet, and then open the search engine on which the desired email account was once registered. When the required page on the Web is found, then in the "Mail" field indicate the requested data, in particular, an email address or login, a password is required. After the information is provided correctly, you should press the "Login" button and wait a couple of seconds (depending on the speed of the Internet). Then the required mailbox opens, where you can view all the letters that were sent to it. In this case, it is important not to forget to go to the "Inbox" tab, and new "mails" will be marked in bold.

    Most users choose this particular method to view correspondence in their mailbox, but in order not to enter the same data each time, they simply tick the "Remember" box. Then, when you open the desired search engine, the mail becomes immediately available for viewing. However, it is important to understand that such manipulations are appropriate only if there are no strangers sitting at the computer who can look into personal correspondence, for example. If there are no secrets from family members or other users of this computer, then you can safely use the "Remember" function and no longer fool your head with the entrance to your email account. It will be available every time you enter the site where you previously registered. But there are other easy ways to get into your email quickly.

    If a person knows at least a little about computers and their direct structure, then you can always use in practice a program called "Microsoft Outlook" or another mail client to collect, receive, store and send your own correspondence. But why is this installation necessary and why is it convenient? It is important to note here that the program proposed above independently updates all the folders of incoming and outgoing letters at a predetermined time interval. By the way, this time period can be set manually and as needed, which is very convenient for people who regularly use their mailbox for work. So, special settings allow collecting mail, and information about new receipts will be displayed in a window that pops up on the monitor screen.

    If, for some reason, it is not possible to enter the required site and view your mail, then you can always use special animation programs that can be easily downloaded from the network. Why are such complications necessary? As a rule, after downloading a typical installation, you need to enter the main page of the selected animizer and in the window that appears, enter the address of the site where access was restricted for certain reasons. After entering all the characters correctly, press the "Go" button and again wait a couple of seconds (depending on what Internet speed is available). And only then, having got to the desired site, enter your mail in the usual way and personally examine all the correspondence. Such difficulties arise if the employer during working hours restricted access to some sites on the Internet.

    It so happens that the user, with the correct input of all the required data, cannot get into his mail and check the e-mails that have been received recently. It is possible that someone just hacked the mailbox and changed the password. Do not be upset, because it can always be restored. How to do it? Each search engine has its own method, for example, Rambler requires you to answer the security question correctly to recover your password. The main thing here is not to forget the answer that was indicated during registration. However, today the Internet and a mobile phone are closely related to each other, so you can restore access to your e-mail using a request to your mobile. The code received in SMS will need to be entered into the required window, and then complicate your new password (it is important not to accidentally forget it later).

    So it's easy to log into your email account, but it's important to remember a few simple rules. First, do not forget your invented username and password. Secondly, to complicate this information so that in the future no hacker could hack into the mailbox and cause tangible harm to its owner. Thirdly, when trying to hack, it is better to get a warning message on your phone to avoid such a treacherous attack. And the last thing: it is always easier to use additional programs that will notify you of the arrival of new correspondence with a pop-up window, even if your e-mail is not on the site.

    The presence of e-mail has become a prerequisite for an active lifestyle for a successful person. Working with electronic "soap", the user gets a lot of benefits.

    Pros of using email

    • Instant message delivery (the recipient receives the letter within a few seconds after sending).
    • A high degree of reliability of information storage (many mail resources contribute to an increase in the level of security of user data, for example, accepting a password only of increased complexity, having a secret question, etc.).
    • The ability to receive mailings and notifications from Internet resources of interest.
    • Accessibility (checking e-mails can be carried out both from a PC and from a mobile device).

    Creation of e-mail is possible on various hosting - Yandex,,, etc. These mail services provide free services, which is another indisputable advantage of e-mail boxes.

    How to create an email and what you need to do

    In order to create a mailbox, you need to register on one of the above services. The algorithm for how to create an email on each of the hosting has its own characteristics. Therefore, this article discusses step-by-step instructions for creating an electronic "soap" on some services.

    "Yandex Mail

    We register on

    In order to create an e-mail Mail, you need to follow a few simple steps.

    1. To begin with, go to the domain and select the "Registration in mail" column.
    2. In the tab that appears, indicate personal information - last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, place of residence, mobile phone.
    3. Then the user comes up with a username (nickname), variants of which can also be offered by the service (similar to the example with "Yandex").
    4. After entering the login, the user comes up with a password and selects one of the domains -,, - and then finishes registration.

    How to create a Gmail email

    In addition to Yandex and Mail services, the Gmail mail system from Google is also very popular. Its significant difference is that the level of its reliability is an order of magnitude higher than domestic counterparts. For example, there are no spam messages in this mail, as the system is equipped with powerful filters. In addition, to download some computer programs from Western official Internet resources, registration is required only through Google mail. "Yandex" or the same "Mail" does not perceive a foreign site as an e-mail. If you need to start a Western e-wallet such as PayPal, the payment system will only confirm their native Gmail.

    Considering all the advantages of such a mailbox, you need to immediately proceed to create it. The step-by-step algorithm for installing "foreign soap" is as follows:

    1. You need to find the Gmail service. To do this, write down the appropriate name in the search line and select the first result that appears on the page.
    2. In the window that opens, you need to select the "Create an account" button.
    3. After that, a registration sheet will appear, in which you need to enter the following data: name, surname, login and password. The system also provides its own variants of the nickname. The control panel language can be easily changed by clicking on the corresponding line in the upper right corner.
    4. Next, you need to enter a captcha (a set of letters) and accept the terms of the user agreement. The word in the form of a secret password is written in such a way that not every user can enter it without errors the first time.
    5. If everything is done correctly, the system immediately goes to the "Log in to mail" dialog box.
    6. At the same moment, 3 messages will come to the mailbox, the first of which is necessary to set up a Gmail profile, namely, to change the color and theme of the account.
    7. In the process of creating mail, you can enable (disable) the search history - a list of those Internet resources that are viewed by the user.

    The algorithm for how to create an email is simple and accessible to everyone. Various mail services open up an endless sea of ​​possibilities for the user.

    Authorization on the web service seems to be an unpretentious operation. I typed in the login (aka e-mail address), typed in the password, clicked the "Login" button - and you're done. On the display is a personal page. As it should be.

    Yes, that's right, that's right. But there are still some useful nuances of logging into the service that can be useful to owners of computers and mobile devices. For more information on how you can log into the service email, read this article. on the computer

    If you go to the mail several times a day or work with it constantly during the working day, create a bookmark in your browser for quick access to the service.

    In Google Chrome, this is done like this:

    1. Open the main page of the web portal.

    2. Right-click on an empty space in the top panel (it is located under the address bar).

    3. In the contextual list of functions, click "Add page".

    4. After activating this command, the icon will appear in the top panel. To quickly go to the site, click on it once with the left button.


    Login to the mail is carried out in a special panel located under the logo:

    1. In the first field, enter your username. If necessary, change the domain name in the drop-down menu: c @, for example, @ (if you registered a mailbox with this name).

    2. In the bottom field, type your password.

    3. To open a profile, click on the "Login" button.

    Note. The personal page on the social network of the web portal is located in the "My World" section (the top menu of the account).


    Setting up a mode for working with multiple accounts boils down to the following:

    1. After logging into the first account, click the login at the top right.

    2. In the drop-down block, click "Add mailbox".

    3. In the form that appears, enter the login and password of the second account. Click "Login".

    4. To enter the second account via login, open the profile panel again and click the block with its address.

    Attention! This way you can add third-party service profiles to your account. For example, Yandex, Gmail.

    Browser addons

    For real-time monitoring of incoming correspondence in e-mail, use the Checker addon. It can be connected to the browser in the official app store.

    After installing the add-on checker, click on its icon in the web browser panel to read the received messages.

    The setting panel is opened by clicking on the "wrench" button.

    In it, you can configure the time interval for checking new letters, the sound alert. Remember to click the Save button after changing the options.

    Mail.Ru agent

    "Agent" is a standalone web portal messenger. Allows you to correspond with addressees without going into the profile on the site.

    To install and run "Agent" on your PC, follow this guide:

    1. On the main page, under the login form, click the link " Agent".

    2. On the panel that opens, uncheck the box "Install Amigo and additional services" (Mandatory! Otherwise, the messenger will be installed along with additional software).

    3. Click on the green "Download" button.

    4. Install the downloaded distribution kit. Start the messenger.

    5. To enter your personal profile, enter your username and password in the "Agent" window, and then click "Login".

    Note. To set additional connection parameters (select protocol, socket, proxy), click the "Settings" option at the top of the window.

    Mobile applications

    (on the example of Android OS)
    To use on a mobile device, you need to go to the application market (depending on the device used - Google Play or App Store) and install a special application. This procedure is performed as follows.

    Oddly enough, but in the 21st computer age, we still cannot do without mail, or rather, without e-mail. Every newbie, when getting acquainted with the global Internet, is faced with the task of creating and registering his own free mailbox, since without his own Email it will not be possible to register in any social network, various services, besides, it is convenient to send messages to any end using an email. Sveta. From this article you can find out: what is email, how to register a mailbox, which mail service to choose for your email address, and many more interesting and useful things.

    Email - what is it

    Email Is a technology with which you can transfer messages, pictures, videos and music files at a distance to other Internet participants (in English it is: electronicmail, abbreviated - e-mail oremail). In other words, e-mail is an analogue of regular "paper" mail, but only on the international Internet. It also uses the concepts: letter, send, receive, attachment, signature, address. In everyday life, people usually say "electronic", "soap", "box", "email".

    If you think email is a pretty young creature, I hasten to surprise you - its age is more than half a century! According to the most recent data, the time of the appearance of e-mail is 1965 - it was then that Noel Morris and Tom Van Vleck (employees of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology) developed the program « mail ", with the help of which it became possible to transfer messages between workstations connected to the same mainframe:

    After the advent of the global domain name system (DNS), they began to use domain names in the address for communication, for example: [email protected], it was then that the so-called "dog" appeared - @ .

    And finally, in the mid-90s of the twentieth century, mass email services appeared:

    • 1996 - Hotmail launched;
    • 1997 - Yahoo! mail;
    • 1998 - Russian service;
    • 2000 - Yandex Mail;
    • 2004 - Gmail Google mail.

    The advantages of e-mail include: ease of memorizing an email address, which usually looks like this: box_name @ service_domain; another plus is the ability to send any information: text, files, images, audio, video, programs, etc .; independence of postal services; reliability and speed of mail delivery.

    Of the minuses, it should be noted such a phenomenon as SPAM- mass mailing of advertising information without the consent of the owner of the mailbox; like regular mail, e-mail is also characterized by delays in the delivery of letters; and the last minus is the limitation on the size of the attachment forwarded, usually it should not exceed 10 GB. to Yahoo) - a mail service from the oldest search engine "Yahoo!", quite popular in the west, not very widespread in our country. There is a Russian interface. Can be used for secondary purposes. Register here:

    How to register an email - sharing secrets

    If you have read this far, then the issue of choosing a mail service (see above) has been resolved for you. The registration process for all mailers is basically the same and has been described many times on the Internet, so I will not repeat this. I'd rather share with you some secrets that few beginners know about:

    1. You can register as many mailboxes as you like and on different services (Jimail, Yandex Mail, MailRu, etc.). There is no limit on the number of Email addresses for one person.
    2. To create a mail, it is not necessary to indicate a phone number, you can do without it, then during registration you will be asked to enter a "secret" question, the answer to which only you know. Advice: if you are worried about the safety of the contents of your mailbox, when registering, indicate your mobile phone number, this will protect your mail from hacking by 99%. If you already have an e-mail box, you can also link your phone number to it, this option is now available in most postal services.
    3. By choosing name for your email do not create too long and complex, they are difficult to remember, here are examples of such "stupid" addresses: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]- apparently people have difficulties with imagination ... Of course, all the beautiful and short names have been occupied for a long time (the network even sells such “beautiful” boxes!), But with some effort you can come up with something original and easy to remember, for example: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] :-).
    4. Password for mail is important, the more complex it is, the more difficult it will be for crackers to pick it up. But there is a downside to the coin - the longer the password, the harder it is to remember. Therefore, I recommend making passwords 10-15 characters long and writing them down separately somewhere in a notebook. You can, of course, store passwords in a browser or in special programs, but this is less reliable. Include letters, numbers, and signs in your password. I share a chip- to make it easier to remember the password, type it in Russian words, but in the English layout on the keyboard, for example, your password "Puss in Boots" in the English layout it will look like this: « rjndcfgjuf ["... But do not leave the password in such a simple form, complicate it by adding capital letters, a few characters and numbers: “ Cat! In! Boots10 "- in English it will look like this: « Rjn!d!fgjuf)

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