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Moscow State University of Printing Arts. Information Technology

Concepts of information technology types of information technology. Information technology is a process that uses a set of tools and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting data to obtain information of a new quality about the state of an object, process or phenomenon. The purpose of information technology is the production of information for its analysis by a person and making, on its basis, a decision to perform an action. The introduction of a personal computer into information sphere and the use of telecommunication means of communication was determined new stage development of information technology. New information technology is an information technology with a "friendly" user interface, using personal computers and telecommunications facilities. New information technology is based on the following main principles ... 1) Interactive (dialog) mode of working with a computer. 2) Integration with other software products. 3) Flexibility of the process of changing data and setting tasks. As instrumentation Information technology uses common types of software products: word processors, publishing systems, spreadsheets, database management systems, electronic calendars, information systems for functional purposes.


    By the type of information processed: a) data b) knowledge

    Type user interface: a) command b) WIMP c) SILK (speech commands)

    By the degree of interaction with each other: discrete; network

    By field of application:

1. Information technology of data processing 2. Information technology of management 3. Information technology of an automated office 4. Information technology of decision support 5. Information technology of expert systems

Automated workstation (AWP) of a specialist, concept, composition, requirements.

An automated workstation (AWP) is a workstation for a specialist operator, equipped with computing technology to automate processing processes and display information required to complete a production task. An automated workstation for a specialist is a tool for rationalizing and intensifying management activities. AWPs have a problem-professional orientation towards a specific subject area and represent a means of communication of a specialist with automated information systems. AWPs created on the basis of personal computers are the simplest and most common version of an automated workplace for employees in the field of organizational management. Such an automated workstation is considered as a system that in interactive mode work provides a specific employee (user) with all types of support exclusively for the entire session. This corresponds to the approach to the design of such a component of an automated workplace as an internal information support, according to which the information fund on magnetic media of a particular automated workplace should be at the exclusive disposal of the user of the automated workplace. The user himself performs all the functional responsibilities for the transformation of information.

An automated workstation (AWS), or, in foreign terminology, a "work-station", is a place of a specialist user of a particular profession, equipped with the means necessary to automate the execution of certain functions... An automated workstation (AWP) is defined, as a rule, by a combination of hardware and software. technical means predominantly, a PC is used, supplemented as necessary by other auxiliary electronic devices: disk drives, printing devices, optical reading devices or bar code readers, graphics devices, means of interfacing with other workstations and with local computer networks, etc.

The technical support of the automated workplace should guarantee high reliability of technical means, the organization of user-friendly operating modes (autonomous, with a distributed database, informational, with upper-level technology, etc.), the ability to process in set time required amount of data. Since the AWP is an individual user tool, it must provide high ergonomic properties and ease of use.

The creation of an automated workstation based on personal computers provides:

    simplicity, convenience and user-friendliness;

    ease of adaptation to specific user functions;

    compactness of placement and low requirements for operating conditions;

    high reliability and survivability;

    relatively simple organization maintenance.

An effective mode of work of the AWP is its functioning within the local area network as a workstation. This option is especially expedient when it is required to distribute information and computing resources among several users. A more complex form is an AWP using a PC as an intelligent terminal, as well as with remote access to the resources of a central (main) computer or external network... In this case, several PCs are connected via communication channels to the main computer, while each PC can also work as an independent terminal device. In the most complex systems, AWPs can, through special equipment, connect not only to the resources of the main computer of the network, but also to various information services and systems general purpose(news services, national information retrieval systems, databases and knowledge databases, library systems, etc.). The capabilities of the AWPs being created largely depend on the technical and operational characteristics of the computers on which they are based. In this regard, at the stage of designing an automated workplace, requirements are clearly formulated for the basic parameters of technical means for processing and issuing information, a set of component modules, network interfaces, ergonomic parameters of devices, etc. The synthesis of the automated workstation, the choice of its configuration and equipment for real types of economic and managerial work are of a specific nature, dictated by specialization, set goals, and scope of work. However, any configuration of the AWP must meet the general requirements for the organization of information, technical, software. The information support of the AWP is guided by a specific, familiar to the user, subject area. Document processing should imply such a structuring of information that allows for the necessary manipulation of various structures, convenient and quick correction of data in arrays. The technical support of the automated workplace should guarantee high reliability of technical means, the organization of user-friendly operating modes (autonomous, with a distributed database, informational, with upper-level technology, etc.), the ability to process the required amount of data at a given time. Since the AWP is an individual user tool, it must provide high ergonomic properties and ease of use. The software is primarily focused on the professional level of the user, combined with his functional needs, qualifications and specialization.

AWS has the following properties:

Availability. (A set of technical, software, informational and other means available to the user);

The ability to create and improve projects for automated data processing in a specific field of activity;

Carrying out data processing by the user himself;

Dialogue mode of interaction between the user and the computer both in the process of solving control problems and in the process of their design.

The following main functions of the AWS can be distinguished:

Meeting the information and computing needs of a specialist;

The minimum response time to user requests;

Adaptation to professional requests;

Ease of mastering work on the AWP; - Ability to work in the network.

Usually, the AWS includes:

A set of technical means (printing, duplicating, communication and other equipment);

Complex of software tools and software (applied and auxiliary programs);

Complex of information and methodological support

The use of AWP in a modern office makes the work of a specialist as easy as possible, freeing up time and efforts that were previously spent on performing routine operations data collection and complex calculations, for creative, scientifically based activities in solving professional problems.

The basis for the design of the AWP is the following basic principles: 1. Maximum focus on the end user, achieved by the creation of tools for adapting the AWP to the level of training of the user, the possibilities of his training and self-study. 2. Formalization of professional knowledge, that is, the ability to provide with the help of AWP to independently automate new functions and solve new problems in the process of gaining experience with the system. 3. Problem orientation of AWPs towards solving a certain class of problems, united by a common information processing technology, the unity of operation and operation modes, which is typical for specialists of economic services. 4. Modularity of construction, which ensures the interface of the AWP with other elements of the information processing system, as well as the modification and expansion of the capabilities of the AWP without interrupting its operation. 5. Ergonomics, that is, creating comfortable working conditions for the user and a friendly interface for communicating with the system.

Information technology of an automated office - organization and support of communication processes both within the organization and with external environment on the basis of computer networks and other modern means of transmission and work with information. Office automation technologies are used by managers, specialists, secretaries and office workers, and they are especially attractive for group problem solving. They increase the productivity of secretaries and office workers and enable them to cope with the increasing volume of work. However, this advantage is secondary to the ability to use office automation as a problem-solving tool. Improving the decisions made by managers as a result of their better communication can ensure the economic growth of the firm. Several dozen are currently known software products for computers and non-computer hardware that provide office automation technology; word processor, spreadsheet processor, e-mail, electronic calendar, audio mail, computer and teleconferencing, video text, image storage, as well as specialized management programs: document management, control over the execution of orders, etc. Non-computer tools are also widely used: audio and video conferencing, facsimile communication, copier and other office equipment.

Main components Database. A mandatory component of any technology is a database. In an automated office, the database concentrates data on production system firms are the same as in data processing technology at the operational level. Information in the database can also come from the external environment of the company. Specialists must be proficient in the basic technological operations of working in a database environment. Information from the database enters the input of computer applications (programs), such as a word processor, spreadsheet, e-mail, computer conferences, etc. Any computer application in an automated office provides employees with communication with each other and with other firms. The information obtained from the databases can also be used in non-computer hardware for transmission, replication, storage. Word processor. It is a kind of application software designed for creating and processing text documents. It allows you to add or remove words, move sentences and paragraphs, set format, manipulate text elements and modes, etc. When the document is ready, the employee rewrites it into external memory, and then prints it out and, if necessary, transmits it over a computer network.

Email. Electronic mail (E-mail), based on the network use of computers, enables the user to receive, store and send messages to their partners on the network. Audio mail. This is a mail for the transmission of messages by voice. She reminds email, except that instead of typing a message on your computer keyboard, you send it through your phone. Also, by phone you receive the sent messages.

Table processor. It, like a word processor, is a basic component. information culture any employee and automated office technology. Without knowledge of the basics of the technology of work in it, it is impossible to fully use a personal computer in their activities.

Electronic calendar. It provides another opportunity to use the network version of the computer to store and manipulate the work schedule of managers and other employees of the organization. Computer conferences and teleconferences. Computer conferences use computer networks to exchange information between members of a group that is solving a specific problem. Video text. It is based on the use of a computer to obtain a display of text and graphic data on a monitor screen.

Storing images. In any company, it is necessary to store for a long time a large number of documents. The number can be so large that storage, even in the form of files, causes serious problems. Therefore, the idea arose to store not the document itself, but its image (image), and store it in digital form. Audio conferencing. They use audio communication to maintain communication between geographically remote employees or divisions of the company. The simplest technical means of implementing audio conferencing is telephone communications equipped with additional devices that enable more than two participants to take part in a conversation.

Video conferencing... They are designed for the same purposes as audio conferencing using video equipment. They also do not require a computer. In the course of a video conference, its participants, who are far from each other at a considerable distance, can see themselves and other participants on the television screen. At the same time with television image soundtrack is transmitted

Facsimile communication. This communication is based on the use of a fax machine capable of reading a document at one end of the communication channel and displaying its image at the other. Facsimile contributes to decision making by sending documents quickly and easily to problem-solving team members, regardless of their geographic location.

To characterize the AWP, one can single out the main components of information technology that implements it.

These include:

1. technical and hardware support (computers, printers, scanners, cash registers and other additional equipment);

2. applied software and operating systems (OS);

3. information support (standards of documents and unified forms, standards for the presentation of indicators, classifiers and reference information);

4. network and communication devices (local and corporate networks, e-mail).

AWPs are designed to provide conditions for a comfortable, high-performance and high-quality work of a specialist and must meet the following requirements:

The user interface should be simple, convenient and accessible even to an unprepared user. It should contain a system of prompts, preferably in demo form (video, sound, animation);

It is necessary to ensure the safety of a specialist and the fulfillment of all ergonomic requirements (comfort, color and sound scale corresponding to the best perception, convenience of information location and availability of all the means necessary for work, a uniform style of performing operations, etc.);

The AWP user must perform all actions without leaving the system, therefore, it is required to be equipped with all the necessary operations;

Ensuring the uninterrupted work of the AWP should guarantee the user the timely completion of tasks, in accordance with the work schedule. Production disruptions are unacceptable;

The rational organization of a specialist's work creates comfortable working conditions and increases the productivity of a specialist's work;

The AWP software must be compatible with other systems and information technologies, therefore the most valuable technologies are those that combine several AWPs.

information systems: concept, structure, functions

The concepts of information, system, automated information system. Information is information or facts that reflect the content of some aspects of reality in a particular period of time. In other words, information is information that reduces the degree of uncertainty in our knowledge of a particular object. A system is a set of interacting objects forming a single whole, united by some general properties and operating conditions. Information system (IS) - a system designed to receive, store, process and issue information, i.e. a system, the main subject and product of the functioning of which is information. An automated information system (AIS) is a set of hardware and software for a specific purpose, operating on a computer, tested with fixed quality indicators and supplied with a set of documentation sufficient for qualified operation for its intended purpose and use as a product for industrial and technical purposes.

Functions information systems .

In the context of the management process, the following main functions of the IS are distinguished: computational - timely and high-quality performance of information processing in all aspects of interest to the management system; communication - ensuring the prompt transfer of information to the specified points; informing - providing quick access, search and issue necessary information all kinds; storing - performing continuous accumulation, systematization, storage and updating of all necessary information; tracking - tracking and formation of all external and internal information necessary for management; regulating - the implementation of information and control actions on the control object when the parameters of its functioning deviate from the specified (planned) values; optimizing - ensuring optimal planning calculations and recalculations as the goals, criteria and conditions of the object's functioning change; self-organizing - flexible change in the structure and parameters of the IS to achieve the newly set goals; self-improving - accumulation and analysis of experience with the aim of a reasonable selection of the best management methods; analyzing - determining the main indicators of the functioning of the control object; diagnostic - diagnostics of the state of the control object; predictive - identifying the main trends, patterns and indicators of the development of the object and the environment; documenting - the formation of all the necessary types of documents.

The structure of information systems (support subsystems).

IS can include various subsystems, the composition and interaction of which allows to ensure the implementation of its functions. There are the following types of subsystems: functional, supporting and organizational. IS functional subsystems implement and support models, methods and algorithms for obtaining control information. Supporting subsystems include the following components. Information support is a set of implemented solutions in terms of volumes, placement and forms of organization of information circulating in the control system. ^ Technical support- a set of technical means involved in the technological process of converting information in the system. The software includes a set of programs for regular use, necessary for solving functional problems, and programs that allow the most efficient use of computing technology. ^ Mathematical software- a set of mathematical methods, models and information processing algorithms used in the system. Linguistic support - a set of linguistic means used in the system in order to improve the quality of its development and facilitate communication between a person and a machine. Organizational subsystems include: Staffing - the composition of specialists involved in the creation and operation of the system, staffing and functional responsibilities. Ergonomic support - a set of methods and tools used in the development and operation of IS, creating optimal conditions for the activities of personnel and the fastest mastering of the system. Legal support - a set of legal norms governing the creation and functioning of IP, as well as the procedure for obtaining, transforming and using information. Organizational support is a set of solutions that regulate the processes of creation and functioning of both the system as a whole and its personnel.

The teaching aid is intended for bachelors, undergraduates in the direction of training "Pedagogical education" of different profiles of full-time and part-time departments when they study the disciplines " Information Technology"," Information technology in education "," Information technology in professional activity" and etc.
The manual includes a summary of theoretical material on the basic concepts associated with information technology. their stages of development and classification.
The manual contains tasks to complete laboratory work, presented material for independent work in the form of control questions.

The concept of informatization.
Informatization is the implementation of a set of measures. aimed at ensuring the full and timely use of reliable knowledge in all social significant species human activity.

The main goal of informatization is to provide solutions to relevant internal problems state and, above all, meeting the demand for information products and services.

A universal technical means of processing any information is a computer, which plays the role of an amplifier of the intellectual capabilities of a person and society as a whole, and communication
the means using computers are used to communicate and transfer information.

The emergence and development of computers is a necessary component of the process of informatization of society.

When informatization of society, the main attention is paid to a set of measures. aimed at ensuring full use reliable. comprehensive and timely knowledge in all types of human activity. Informatization based on the introduction of computer and television communication technologies is the reaction of society to the need for a significant increase in labor productivity in the information sector of social production, where more than half of the working-age population is concentrated.

1. Summary of theoretical material on the course "Information Technology"
1.1. Information technology: basic concepts. Information technology development stages
1.2. The concept of informatization. Information Society Transition Strategy
1.3. Information technology as component informatics. Information technology classification
1.4. Basic information technology. Multimedia technologies
1.5. Geographic information systems
1.6. Information security technologies
1.7. Case technologies
1.8. Telecommunication technology
1.9. Technologies artificial intelligence
1.10. Information technology in education
2. Laboratory work
2.1. Treatment text information
Laboratory work No. 1. Using styles. Creating a table of contents
Laboratory work No. 2. The basics of designing tables and formulas in text editor
2.2. Spreadsheets
Laboratory work No. 1. Spreadsheet Basics
Laboratory work No. 2. Tabulating functions of one variable and plotting their graphs using spreadsheets
2.3. Electronic presentations
Laboratory work No. 1. Create presentations in Power program Point. Stages of working with a presentation
2.4. Global network Internet
Laboratory work No. 1. Search technology for information resources on the Internet
Laboratory work No. 2. Full-text libraries on the Internet
Laboratory work No. 3. Working with free online services for creating infographics and data visualization

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  • Modern trends in the development of information culture of a student's personality, Shulika N.A., Tabachuk N.P., Kazinets V.A., 2017


Periodicals for 2012

1. Shmatov, hypermedia and modernization of chemical and natural science education / // Izvestiya RGPU im. : magazine. - 2012. - No. 000. - S. 192-207.

2. Krayushkina, G.A.Innovative synchronization of information flows in Russian universities / // Scientific Council: Journal. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 28-33.

3. Lebedev, education as a means of individualization and effectiveness of education / // Bulletin of RUDN. Informatization of education: journal. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 5-13.

4. Levchenko, peculiarities of teaching information technology to primary school students / // Bulletin of RUDN. Informatization of education: journal. 2012. - No. 1. - S. 23-28.

5. Lukin, competence in the use of information technology in the system vocational education/ // Bulletin of RUDN. Informatization of education: journal. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 69-72.

6. Mikhailishin, performance teaching material in physics at the university / // Bulletin of RUDN. Informatization of education: journal. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 115-121.

7. Kolesnikov, -methodical resource for the formation of the exhibition environment of a pedagogical university / // Pedagogical informatics: journal. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 28-36.

8. Kolesnikov, A. K.Modern educational technologies for a future teacher /, // Alma Mater: magazine. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 34-38.

9. Kopytov, site "Advanced training of scientific and pedagogical personnel" /, // Pedagogical informatics: journal. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 43-52.

10. Aldiyarova, technology as a resource for the quality of primary and secondary vocational education / // Bulletin of RUDN. Informatization of education: journal. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 56-59.

11. Vezirov, T. G. WEB - a site in the formation of information and communication competence of graduate students /, // Bulletin of pedagogical innovations: journal. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 17-23.

12. University in the measurement of information technology [ international Conference... University management] // University rector: magazine. - 2012 .- No. 1. - S. 50.

13. Smooth, for the preparation of bachelors in the discipline "Modern information technologies" [Psychological and pedagogical education] / // Bulletin of RUDN. Informatization of education: journal. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 105-108.

14. Kovalevich, students' readiness for the future professional activity in the conditions of informatization of education / // - 2012 .- №1 .- P. 4-12.

15. Malyshev, N. G. Integration of information resources educational environment as a basis for the development of open education technologies and educational communications / // Open Education: A Journal.- 2012 .- No. 1.- S. 13-31.

16. Butsyk, S. V. Information and communication technology development programs in education in Singapore / // Open Education: A Journal.- 2012 .- No. 1.- S. 78-84.

17. Shchennikova, E. V.Building control over the cognition process using dynamic modules of an electronic textbook /, // Integration of Education: Journal.- 2012. - No. 1. - S. 50-52.

18. Kopytova, "Advanced training of scientific and pedagogical personnel" as a form of interaction between teachers / // Open and distance education: journal. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 30-35.

19. Malygin and the implementation of the system interactive learning at the university / // Open and distance education: journal. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 59-61.

20. Gerasimova, conditions for training future teachers of fine arts to use information and communication technologies / // Open and distance education: magazine. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 62-66.

21. Taratukhina, features and problems of modern network educational space in a multicultural context: prerequisites for developments in the field of cross-cultural multimedia didactics / // Open and distance education: journal. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 14-21.

22. Robert, education as new area pedagogical knowledge / // Man and education: journal. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 14-18.

23. Surovitskaya, innovative university management / // Economics of education: journal. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 78-89.

24. Stupin, training ( e - Learning ) - problems and prospects of research /, // Remote and virtual learning: magazine. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 38-49.

25. Starodubtsev, information and communication competence of a teacher in the creation of a personal educational sphere / // Distance and virtual learning: magazine. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 28-37.

26. Rabadanov, M. Kh.On the role of information and communication technologies in the development of university education /, // University Management: Journal... - 2012 .- No. 1.- S. 91-95.

27. Arkhipova, E. N. Automation of the rating assessment of the activity of the educational unit of the university /, // - 2012 .- No. 1.- P. 80-90.

28. Railianu, E. Evolution of an electronic textbook in the plane of linear and systematic approaches / E. Railianu, S. Stog // School technologies: journal. - 2012. - No. 1. - P. 106-110.

29. Spring, E. B. Usage foreign experience higher education in the field of information technology /, etc. // University Management: Journal.- 2012 .- No. 1.- S. 56-64.

30. Ogurtsova, university investment in development information systems// Bulletin of RUDN. Informatization of education: journal. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 51-55.

31. Poselyagin, the development of aesthetic competence of students - future teachers - psychologists in the context of interactive learning / // Education and self-development: journal. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 75-81.

32. Safontsev, competencies academic discipline[Informatics and information technologies] /, // School technologies: magazine. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 48-58.

33. Svintorzhitskaya, I. A.Information technologies of the university education system in the light of a holistic human model / // Scientific Problems of Humanitarian Research: Journal. -. 2012. - No. 1. - S. 135-142.

34. Uvarov, A. Yu. About two key components of school informatization / // Bulletin of RUDN. Informatization of education: journal. - 2012. - No. 1. - P.14-18.

35. Shemetova, A. D. Improvement of information technology training of students of humanitarian specialties / // Alma Mater: magazine. - 2012 .- No. 1. - S. 92-94.

36. Mukhlaev, V. A. the use of information technology in the development of cognitive activity of students / // Education and self-development: journal. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 50-55.

37. Kaziev, and the Internet [Imaginary and true values] / // Alma Mater: magazine. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 80-82.

38. Rasulova, Z.D. Information and communication technologies in preparing the future history teacher for professional activity / // - 2012 .- №2 .- P. 52-56.

39. Nasibullov, distance education in the information and communication environment / // Education and self-development: magazine. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 53-58.

40. Romanov, the formation of the professional competence of the teacher / // Pedagogy: journal. - 2012. - No. 2. - P.63-78.

41. Nikitin, teachers for distance learning for children with disabilities health / // Defectology: journal. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 63-70.

42. Abdurazakov, M. M.On the issue of the introduction and development of modern information and telecommunication means in the educational process /, // Standards and Monitoring in Education: Journal.- 2012 .- No. 2 .- S. 26-30.

43. Moschenko, A. V. Computer abilities of students and their consideration in the scientific and methodological support for the development of electronic textbooks /, // Psychology of Learning: Journal.- 2012.- No. 2 .- S. 12-29.

44. Okulova, aspects of designing an electronic textbook / // Alma Mater: magazine. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 94-96.

45. Bosova, a model of an electronic textbook /, et al. // Open and distance education: a journal. - No. 2. - S. 58-65.

46. ​​Stasyshin, the university system: the experience of creating and Current state[The experience of NGT University is presented] /, etc. // Open and distance education: journal. - No. 2. - P. 9-15.

47. The speaker, approaches to the creation and placement of electronic educational resources in the information environment of the university / // Open and distance education: journal. - No. 2. - S. 24-27.

48. Gospodarik, Yu. P.The use of Internet technologies in the organization of scientific research work / //. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 115-120.

49. Screamer, V. M. Principles of ICT Application in Continuous Integrated Education Programs for Disabled Persons /, // Higher education in Russia: magazine... - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 93-97.

50. Shvetsov, V. I. Tasks of the development of typhlocomuterization in the field of education /, // Higher education in Russia: magazine... - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 98-104.

51. Usachev, A. S. "Information navigators" and the organization of independent work of students / // Higher education in Russia: magazine... - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 110-115.

52. Tao Thi Ngok Anh Modeling the independent work of students with electronic media resources when studying pedagogy courses / Dao Thi Ngoc Anh // Man and education: journal. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 174-177.

53. Bushueva, electronic document management systems in higher educational institutions Russia / // Scientific Council: journal. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 47-66.

54. Shulika, information culture students by means of information and communication technologies / // Distance and virtual learning: journal. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 86-92.

55. Degtyareva, competence as a basic component of a teacher's professional competence foreign language/ M. N, Dektyareva // World of education - education in the world: magazine. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 168-172.

56. Kuzovleva, technology in the context of fostering a culture of mental work in the process of learning at the university / // Pedagogical informatics: journal. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 98-102.

57. Abrahamyan, the content of training bachelors in physical culture in the use of information and communication technologies in the use of information and communication technologies in pedagogical and training activities / // Pedagogical informatics: journal. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 54-61.

58. Dyakin, laboratory work on the basics of programming for bachelors of mathematics and computer science // Pedagogical informatics: journal. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 71-77.

59. Kuzovlev, improving the training and increasing the motivation of teaching staff to use information technology /, etc. // Pedagogical informatics: journal. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 82-90.

60. Denisova, and communication technologies in the formation of the corporate culture of the university / // Bulletin of RUDN. Informatization of education: journal. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 23-29.

61. Berkimbaev, Internet resources for teaching foreign languages ​​at the university /, et al. // Bulletin of RUDN. Informatization of education: journal. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 98-104.

62. Chernyshov, a meaningful analysis of programs designed to informatize the training of future programmers and qualified users / // Bulletin of RUDN. Informatization of education: journal. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 111-117.

63. Myasoedova, educational environment of the institution: concept, structure, design /, // Bulletin of RUDN. Informatization of education: journal. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 82-90.

64. Komelina, approaches to the development of professional development programs for teachers aimed at creating, supporting and developing the educational information environment of the school /, // Bulletin of RUDN. Informatization of education: journal. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 76-81.

65. Aldiyarov, information and educational environment as the basis for development information competence teaching staff v college/, // Bulletin of RUDN. Informatization of education: journal. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 71-75.

66. Nyshanova, approaches to the use of information technologies in teaching foreign languages ​​/ // Bulletin of RUDN. Informatization of education: journal. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 65-70.

67. Nimatulaev, modern information technologies in the system of continuous education /, // Bulletin of RUDN. Informatization of education: journal. - 2012. - No. 2. - S. 30-36.

68. Korchazhkin, the reflexive model of a modern teacher / // Pedagogy: journal. - 2012. - No. 3. - S. 65-70.

69. Korchkarov, and the prospects for the development of specialized legal education /, // Pedagogy: journal. - 2012. - No. 3. - S. 23-31.

70. Ershtein, technologies in the process of interaction of an applicant for a scientific supervisor's degree / // Open and distance education: journal. - 2012. - No. 3. - S. 59-63.

71. Pankratova, O. P.Implementation of the competence-based approach in the formation of the educational information environment of the university: [on the example of the Stavropol State University] / // Standards and Monitoring in Education: Journal.- 2012 .- No. 3 .- S. 42-45.

72. Shukhardin, the use of pedagogical and information technologies in education / // Vestnik MU. Pedagogical education: journal. - 2012. - No. 3. - S. 75-81.

73. Fedotova, the network is the environment for the dissemination of educational services / // Alma Mater: magazine. - 2012. - No. 3. - S. 32-37.

74. Aldiyarov, K. T. Readiness of students and teachers of the system of technical and vocational education to work with information educational resources / // - 2012. - №3. - S. 99-103.

75. Pavlova, A. Ye. The use of information technologies in the teaching process for the development of students' self-awareness / // RUDN Bulletin. Informatization of education: journal.- 2012. - No. 3. - S. 104-107.

76. Belyaev, M. I. The principle of implementing the structure of hypertext is one of the basic principles of creating electronic textbooks / // RUDN Bulletin. Informatization of education: journal.- 2012. - No. 3. - S. 71-82.

77. Sergeeva, N. A. A strategy for testing information systems for managing a university based on tagged documents / // RUDN Bulletin. Informatization of education: journal.- 2012. - No. 3. - S. 31-37.

78. Berkimbaev, K. M . The role of Internet technologies in the formation of the communicative competence of future teachers of English language / , // RUDN Bulletin. Informatization of education: journal.- 2012. - No. 3. - S. 50-55.

79. Bydaibekov, E. Y.On the need and features of training physics teachers in the field of informatization of education /, // RUDN Bulletin. Informatization of education: journal.- 2012. - No. 3. - S. 83-87.

80. Grigoriev, S. G.Organization methods learning activities based on the use of information resources of the university portal /, // RUDN Bulletin. Informatization of education: journal.- 2012. - No. 3. - S. 5-13.

81. Aldiyarov, teaching informatics, integrated with teaching general technical disciplines based on a combination of full-time and distance learning / K. T, Aldiyarov, // RUDN Bulletin. Informatization of education: journal.- 2012. - No. 3. - S. 15-23.

82. Us, O. V. An instructive and methodological approach to ensuring the pedagogical and technological quality of electronic educational resources designed by teachers / // 2012. - №3. - S. 30-38.

83. Nagovitsin, S. G.The technology of ball-rating assessment of educational success of students /, // Educational Informatics: Journal. - 2012. - No. 3. - S. 39-46.

84. Dovgan, V. V., The main content areas of basic teacher training in the creation and use of information and methodological support educational process based on electronic educational resource / // Educational Informatics: Journal. - 2012. - No. 3. - S. 74-79.

85. Tarusov, VN On the use of visualization and technical teaching aids in teaching humanitarian disciplines in universities / // Distance and virtual learning: journal. - 2012. - No. 3. - S. 89-106.

86. Abdullaev, model educational process using modern technologies/ // Distance and virtual learning: magazine. - 2012. - No. 3. - S. 42-54.

87. Sobolevsky, assessment of student competencies using data from web services / // Quality. Innovation. Education: magazine. - 2012. - No. 3. - S. 22-27.

88. Nemirich, media education in Russia: analysis of expert opinions / // Distance and virtual learning: magazine. - 2012. - No. 3. - S. 25-33.

89. Undusk, information technology in the organization of an independent learning activities students on the example of teaching the course "Psychology and Pedagogy" / // Psychology at the university: journal. - 2012. - No. 3. - S. 102-106.

90. Kazimierz, the process of training teachers in the conditions information society/ // Psychology at the university: journal. - 2012. - No. 3. - S. 36-40.

91. Trainev, I. V. The practice of using computer training business games in teaching / // - 2012. - No. 3. - S. 41-49.

92. Kalinovskaya, an interactive process in the educational system high school/ // Alma Mater: magazine. - 2012. - No. 4. - S. 40-43.

93. Kryukov, V. V. Information technologies at the university: strategy, trends, experience /, // University Management: Journal.- 2012 .- No. 4 .- S. 101-112.

94. Kalachinsky, A. V. Information policy university / // University Management: Journal.- 2012 .- No. 4 .- S. 113-120.

95. Koldaev, V. D. Modeling information and educational systems for managing the learning process /, // Pedagogical education and science: journal.- 2012. - No. 4. - S. 56-61.

96. Belyaeva, E. V. Formation of electronic communication competence of a teacher in the context of an innovative methodological platform of higher education / // Humanization of education: journal. - B. m.- 2012 .- No. 4 .- S. 30-34.

97. Okulova, an approach to teaching with the use of information technology / // Alma Mater: journal. - 2012. - No. 4. - S. 43-47.

98. Shamsuvaleeva, E. Sh.Didactic problems training sessions using electronic educational resources /, // RUDN Bulletin. Informatization of education: journal.- 2012. - No. 4. - S. 114-118.

99. Mishota, I. Yu. Information technology and foreign languages / // RUDN Bulletin. Informatization of education: journal.- 2012 .- No. 4. - S. 92-95.

100. Maleva, N. I. The use of information and communication technologies in working with gifted children / // RUDN Bulletin. Informatization of education: journal.- 2012. - No. 4. - S. 88-92.

101. Denisova, A. B.Legal, moral and ethical aspects and problems of information perception /, // RUDN Bulletin. Informatization of education: journal... - 2012. - No. 4. - S. 11-17.

102. Babin, a model of academic knowledge as a tool for the innovative development of a university / // Quality. Innovation. Education: magazine. - 2012. - No. 4. - S. 7-13.

103. Shutenko, measurement of educational and informational environment in higher education / // Innovations in education: magazine. - 2012. - No. 4. - S. 107-116.

104. Serdyukov, media education in Canada / // Distance and virtual learning: magazine. - 2012. - No. 4. - S. 42-49.

105. Korchazhkina, OM To the question of the effectiveness of the teacher's professional activity in the context of informatization / // Distance and virtual learning: magazine. - 2012. - No. 4. - S. 27-33.

106. Lyubimov, prerequisites for a conceptual development planning informatization of the university /, // Distance and virtual learning: journal. - 2012. - No. 4. - S. 92-102.

107. Malkov, models of interpersonal interaction in the context of informatization of the vocational education system / // Philosophy of education: journal. - 2012. - No. 4. - S. 82-88.

108. Baev, higher professional education in the context of information culture / // Philosophy of education: journal. - 2012. - No. 4. - S. 74-82.

109. Pfanenstil, information technologies in teaching transformational processes in Russian education /, // Philosophy of Education: journal. - 2012. - No. 4. - S. 59-67.

110. Glushko, T. K. Problematic aspects of interaction between a higher school teacher and the external information environment / // - 2012. - №4. - S. 7-15.

111. Nass, O. V. Training of university teachers in the design of electronic educational resources / // Educational Informatics: Journal.- 2012. - No. 4. - S. 33-41.

112. Lizunov, S. M. Development of the educational information environment of the school / // Pedagogical education and science: journal.- 2012. - No. 5. - S. 63-65.

113. Chernushchenko, S. N. Informational resources as a condition for improving the quality of student education extramural form learning /, // Pedagogical education and science: journal.- 2012. - No. 5. - S. 35-38.

114. Starikov, S. A.Some aspects of the implementation of social informatics in society / // - 2012. - №5. - S. 39-43.

115. Bolotov, V. A. Informatization of the process of interaction between universities and applicants / // - 2012. - №5. - S. 4-6.

116. Kuznetsov, A. A. ***** - informational space interaction of universities with applicants /, // Informatics and Education: Journal.- 2012. - No. 5. - S. 7-13.

117. Ivanova, E. M. Electronic textbook as a means of informatization of the learning process in a modern university /, // Informatics and Education: Journal.- 2012. - No. 5. - S. 18-20.

118. Yesenin, informatization processes on linguistic education/ // Higher education in Russia: magazine. - 2012. - No. 5. - S. 159-162.

119. Shevelev, computer testing as a tool for improving the quality of education /, // Higher education in Russia: magazine. - 2012. - No. 5. - S. 108-114.

120.Sirenko, S.N. Development of an integrated information and educational environment of a modern university /, // Open Education: A Journal.- 2012 .- No. 6 .- S. 45-52.

121. Yunusov, professional training of future teachers for the formation of information and computer culture junior schoolchildren/ // Education and self-development: magazine. - 2012. - No. 6. - S. 102-107.

122. Astafieva, computer technology in teaching "economics" / // Education and self-development: magazine. - 212. - No. 6. - S. 54-59.

123. Vasilyuk, the level of proficiency in Internet technologies among university students through the use of network diaries in teaching / // Distance and virtual learning: a journal. - 2012. - No. 6. - S. 107-116.

124. Lyubimov, educational resources and prospects e-learning/ // Distance and virtual learning: magazine. - 2012. - No. 6. - S. 76-86.

125. Dedyukhina, conditions for the formation of information competence of teachers primary grades/ // Distance and virtual learning: magazine. - 2012. - No. 6. - S. 36-43.

126. Zubrilin, e-learning at the university / // Pedagogy: journal. - 2012. - No. 6. - S. 29-38.

127. Vezirov, information competence of graduate students in the development process electronic resources/, // Informatics and Education: Journal. - 2012. - No. 6. - S. 89-90.

128. Kryukov, university infrastructure /, // Higher education in Russia: magazine. - 2012. - No. 6. - P. 117-120.

129. Abdulgalimov, general cultural understanding of information security/, // Higher education in Russia: magazine. - 2012. - No. 6. - S. 163-165.

130. Turakulov, O. Kh.The use of automated information technologies in the creation of an information educational environment / // Pedagogical sciences: journal.- 2012. - No. 6. - S. 15-17.

131. Smirnova, I. V.Analysis state of the art preparing future primary school teachers for work in an information educational environment / // Informatics and Education: Journal.- 2012. - No. 7. - S. 94-96.

132. Kokorin, information support admission company of the university / // Distance and virtual learning: magazine. - 2012. - No. 7. - S. 13-19.

133. Vlasova, V. K. Algorithms for monitoring and control of the educational process in the context of electronic educational resources /, // Quality. Innovation. Education: magazine. - 2012. - No. 7. - S. 36-39.

134. Aleksich-Maslach, K.Correlation between the quality of the developed electronic training courses and the activity of students / K. Aleksich-Maslach, M. Korichan, J. Navro // Quality. Innovation. Education: magazine. -. 2012. - No. 7. - S. 31-36.

135. Lapchik, M. P. To the history of formation domestic system training of personnel for informatization of education / // Informatics and education: journal. - 2012. - No. 8. - S. 3-13.

136. Skates and interactive teaching methods: advantages and disadvantages / // Higher education in Russia: magazine. - 2012. - No. 8-9. - S. 115-120.

137. The introduction of information technology in the editorial and publishing process of the university: [Moscow State Pedagogical University] /, etc. // Higher education in Russia: magazine. - 2012. - No. 8-9. - S. 49-52.

138. Vinevskaya, interactive technologies in pedagogical university as the basis of pedagogical interaction in the process of preparing a future teacher / // Alma Mater: journal. - 2012. - No. 9. - S. 42-44.

139. Robert, didactics in the conditions of informatization of education / // Pedagogy: journal. - 2012. - No. 9. - S. 25-43.

140. Zadonskaya, qualifications of higher school teachers in the context of informatization of education / // Pedagogy: journal. - 2012. - No. 9. - S. 81-92.

141. Serdyukov, R. V . Ideas Marshall McLuhan as a philosophical and methodological basis for media education / //. - 2012. - No. 9. - S. 100-107.

142. Karpenko, robots for automated assessment of written creative works /, // Innovations in education: journal. - 2012. - No. 9. - S. 16-25.

143. Romanova, O. V.The influence of informatization of society on the change in the value-semantic characteristics of vocational education / // Alma Mater: magazine.- 2012 .- No. 10 .- S. 26-30.

144. Shutenko, A. I. Personal dimension as an imperative of informatization of education in higher education / // Alma Mater: magazine.- 2012 .- No. 10 .- S. 35-39.

145. Tsvetkov, V. Ya. Overcoming information barriers /, // Distance and Virtual Learning: Journal... - 2012. - No. 10. - S. 4-10.

146. Beknazarova, S. S. Construction of media courses for a media education portal / // - 2012. - №10. - S. 91-99.

147. Krasina, O. V. Cross-cultural communications in the context of the educational process: the use of Internet technologies / // Distance and virtual learning: magazine.- 2012. - No. 10. - S. 24-36.

148. Babin, E. N. Comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of informatization of educational services of higher education / // Quality. Innovation. Education: magazine.- 2012. - No. 10. - S. 55-61.

149. Levitskaya, A. A.Formation of professional competencies of Hungarian media educators / // Distance and virtual learning: magazine.- 2012. - No. 10. - S. 69-77.

150. Tsvetkov, V. Ya. Information semantics / // Distance and virtual learning: magazine.- 2012. - No. 10. - S. 4-7.

151. Fedorov, A. V. Development of theoretical concepts in Ukrainian media education at the present stage () / // Distance and Virtual Learning: Journal... - 2012. - No. 10. - S. 8-16.

152. Yurchenko, O. P. Media education in the system of preschool and primary school education in France / // Distance and virtual learning: magazine. - 2012. - No. 11. - S. 98-109.

153. Dalinger, V.A.Information and communication technologies in educational and cognitive research of students / // Higher education today: magazine.- 2012. - No. 11. - S. 67-72.

154. Fedorov, A. V . Ukraine: the practice of introducing mass media education at the present stage / A. V, Fedorov // Distance and Virtual Learning: Journal... -2012. - No. 11. - S. 70-78.

155. Solovov, A. V. From the regulations of traditional formal education to the "golden cells" of virtual learning environments and freedom cloud services / , // Distance and Virtual Learning: Journal... - 2012. - No. 11. - S. 11-17.

156. Solovov, A. V. "Golden cells" of virtual educational environments / // Higher education in Russia: magazine. - 2012. - No. 11. - S. 133-137.

157. Moshkina, E. V. A model for organizing the educational process of part-time students based on the use of electronic system learning management Moodle /, // Distance and virtual learning: magazine.- 2012. - No. 11. - S. 37-45.

158.Savrasova, A.N.Methodological foundations for using a personal website in teacher's activities university / // Distance and Virtual Learning: Journal... - 2012. - No. 11. - S. 46-55.

159. Solovieva, O. G.Informatization of education as a means of increasing the efficiency of the educational process in biology lessons / // Distance and virtual learning: magazine.- 2012. - No. 11. - S. 110-113.

160. Zaitseva, O. V. Informatization of education and intellectual capital / // Distance and Virtual Learning: Journal... - 2012. - No. 12. - S. 105-109.

161. Makarov, V.A. Organization of a virtual psychological service and distance education / // Distance and virtual learning: magazine.- 2012. - No. 12. - S. 110-116.

162. Romanov, information didactics in the organization of the educational environment of the university / // Innovations in education: journal. - 2012. - No. 12. - S. 149-166.

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