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Monitoring and configuring the Linux network stack: getting data. Configuring network data arrival

Most of the protocols (all of those listed except SNA) are the same at the physical and data link layers, but at other layers, as a rule, they use different protocols.


  • V. G. Olifer, N. A. Olifer, Computer networks. Principles, technologies, protocols., St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002. - 672 pp. ISBN 5-8046-0133-4

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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An agreed set of protocols of different layers, sufficient for organizing interworking, is called protocol stack... For each level, a set of functions-requests is defined for interacting with the higher-lying level, which is called interface... The rules for interaction between two machines can be described as a set of procedures for each of the levels, which are called protocols.

There are many protocol stacks that are widely used in networks. These are stacks that are international and national standards, and proprietary stacks that have become widespread due to the prevalence of equipment from a particular company. Examples of popular protocol stacks include Novell's IPX / SPX stack, the TCP / IP stack used on the Internet and many UNIX-based networks, the International Standards Organization OSI stack, Digital Equipment Corporation's DECnet stack, and a few others.

Protocol stacks are broken down into three layers:

  • transport;


Network protocols

Network protocols provide the following services: addressing and routing information, checking for errors, requesting retransmission, and establishing rules for interaction in a particular network environment. Below are the most popular network protocols.

    DDP(DatagramDeliveryProtocol - Datagram delivery protocol) .Apple data transfer protocol used by AppleTalk.

    IP(Internet Protocol - Internet Protocol). A TCP / IP stack protocol that provides address and routing information.

    IPX(InternetworkPacketeXchange) in NWLink. NovelNetWare protocol used to route and route packets.

    NetBEUI(NetBIOSExtendedUserInterface - extended user interface of the basic network input / output system) . Jointly developed by IBM and Microsoft, this protocol provides transport services for NetBIOS.

Transport protocols

Transport protocols provide the following services for the reliable transport of data between computers. Below are the most popular transport protocols.

    ATP(AppleTalkProtocol - AppleTalk Transactional Protocol) and NBP(NameBindingProtocol - Name Binding Protocol). Session and transport protocols AppleTalk.

    NetBIOS ( Basic Network I / O System) . NetBIOS Establishes a connection between computers and NetBEUI provides data services for this connection.

    SPX(SequencedPacketeXchange) in NWLink. NovelNetWare protocol used to ensure data delivery.

    TCP(TransmissionControlProtocol - Transmission Control Protocol). The protocol of the TCP / IP stack, which is responsible for the reliable delivery of data.

Application protocols

Application protocols are responsible for communication between applications. The most popular application protocols are listed below.

    AFP(Apple Talk File Protocol) Macintosh remote file management protocol.

    FTP(File Transfer Protocol). A TCP / IP stack protocol used to provide file transfer services.

    NCP(NetWare Core Protocol). NovelNetWare client wrapper and redirectors.

    SNMP(SimpleNetworkManagementProtocol). A TCP / IP stack protocol used to manage and monitor network devices.

    HTTP(HyperTextTransferProtocol) - Hypertext transfer protocol and other protocols.

Protocol stacks

A protocol stack is a hierarchically organized set of network protocols of various levels, sufficient for organizing and ensuring the interaction of nodes in a network. A large number of communication protocol stacks are currently used in networks. The most popular stacks are TCP / IP, IPX / SPX, NetBIOS / SMB, Novell NetWare, DECnet, XNS, SNA, and OSI. All these stacks, except for SNA, at the lower layers - physical and channel - use the same well-standardized protocols Ethemet, Token Ring, FDDI and some others, which allow using the same equipment in all networks. But at the upper levels, all stacks operate according to their own protocols. These protocols often do not conform to the layering recommended by the OSI model. In particular, the functions of the session and presentation layers are usually combined with the application layer. This discrepancy is due to the fact that the OSI model appeared as a result of a generalization of existing and actually used stacks, and not vice versa.

All protocols included in the stack are developed by the same manufacturer, that is, they are able to work as quickly and efficiently as possible.

An important point in the functioning of network equipment, in particular a network adapter, is the binding of protocols. It allows you to use different protocol stacks while serving a single network adapter. For example, you can use both TCP / IP and IPX / SPX stacks at the same time. If suddenly, when trying to establish communication with the addressee using the first stack, an error occurs, it will automatically switch to using the protocol from the next stack. An important point in this case is the binding order, since it unambiguously affects the use of one or another protocol from different stacks.

Regardless of how many network adapters are installed in a computer, the binding can be either “one to several” or “several to one”, that is, one protocol stack can be bound to several adapters at once, or several stacks to one adapter.

NetWare is a network operating system and a set of network protocols that are used in this system to interact with client computers connected to the network. The network protocols of the system are based on the XNS protocol stack. NetWare currently supports TCP / IP and IPX / SPX. Novell NetWare was popular in the 1980s and 1990s because of its efficiency over general purpose operating systems. Nowadays it is an outdated technology.

The Xerox Network Services Internet Transport Protocol (XNS) stack was developed by Xerox to transfer data over Ethernet networks. Contains 5 levels.

Layer 1 - transmission medium - implements the functions of the physical and data link layers in the OSI model:

* manages the exchange of data between the device and the network;

* routes data between devices on the same network.

Layer 2 - gateway - corresponds to the network layer in the OSI model:

* manages the exchange of data between devices located in different networks (provides datagram service in terms of the IEEE model);

* describes the way data flows through the network.

Layer 3 - transport - corresponds to the transport layer in the OSI model:

* Provides end-to-end communication between data source and destination.

Level 4 - control - corresponds to the session and representative levels in the OSI model:

* manages the presentation of data;

* manages control over device resources.

Level 5 - applied - corresponds to the highest levels in the OSI model:

* provides data processing functions for applied tasks.

The protocol stack TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) is by far the most widespread and functional. It works on local networks of all sizes. This stack is the main stack in the global Internet. The stack support has been implemented in computers with the UNIX operating system. As a result, the popularity of TCP / IP has grown. The TCP / IP protocol stack includes quite a few protocols operating at different levels, but it got its name from two protocols - TCP and IP.

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a transport protocol designed to control data transmission in networks using the TCP / IP protocol stack. IP (Internet Protocol) is a network layer protocol designed to deliver data over a concatenated network using one of the transport protocols such as TCP or UDP.

The lower layer of the TCP / IP stack uses standard data transfer protocols, which makes it possible to use it in networks using any network technology and on computers with any operating system.

Initially, TCP / IP was developed for use in wide area networks, which is why it is as flexible as possible. In particular, due to the ability of packet fragmentation, data, despite the quality of the communication channel, in any case reaches the addressee. In addition, due to the presence of the IP-protocol, it becomes possible to transfer data between heterogeneous network segments.

The disadvantage of the TCP / IP protocol is the complexity of network administration. So, for the normal functioning of the network, additional servers are required, for example, DNS, DHCP, etc., the maintenance of which takes most of the system administrator's time. Limoncelli T., Hogan K., Cheilap S. - System and network administration. 2nd ed. year 2009. 944s

The IPX / SPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange / Sequenced Packet Exchange) protocol stack is a development and property of Novell. It was developed for the needs of the Novell NetWare operating system, which until recently held one of the leading positions among server operating systems.

The IPX and SPX protocols operate at the network and transport layers of the ISO / OSI model, respectively, and therefore complement each other perfectly.

IPX can transmit data using datagrams using routing information on the network. However, in order to transmit data along the found route, you must first establish a connection between the sender and the receiver. This is what the SPX protocol or any other transport protocol that works in tandem with IPX does.

Unfortunately, the IPX / SPX protocol stack is initially focused on serving small networks, so its use is ineffective in large networks: excessive use of broadcasting on low-speed communication lines is unacceptable.

At the physical and data link layers, the OSI stack supports Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI protocols, as well as LLC, X.25 and ISDN protocols, that is, it uses all popular low-layer protocols developed outside the stack, like most other stacks. The network layer includes the relatively rarely used Connectionoriented Network Protocol (CONP) and Connectionless Network Protocol (CLNP). The OSI stack routing protocols are ES-IS (End System - Intermediate System) between end and intermediate systems and IS-IS (Intermediate System - Intermediate System) between intermediate systems. The OSI stack's transport layer hides the distinction between connection-oriented and connectionless network services so that users receive the required quality of service regardless of the underlying network layer. To achieve this, the transport layer requires the user to specify the desired quality of service. Application services provide file transfer, terminal emulation, directory services, and mail. Of these, the most popular are directory service (X.500), email (X.400), virtual terminal protocol (VTP), file transfer, access and control protocol (FTAM), and job transfer and control protocol (JTM).

A fairly popular protocol stack developed by IBM and Microsoft, respectively, focused on use in the products of these companies. Like TCP / IP, standard protocols such as Ethernet, Token Ring and others work at the physical and data link layer of the NetBIOS / SMB stack, which makes it possible to use it in conjunction with any active network equipment. At the upper levels, the NetBIOS (Network Basic Input / Output System) and SMB (Server Message Block) protocols work.

The NetBIOS protocol was developed in the mid-80s of the last century, but was soon replaced by the more functional NetBEUI (NetBIOS Extended User Interface) protocol, which allows you to organize very efficient information exchange in networks of no more than 200 computers.

To exchange data between computers, logical names are used that are assigned dynamically to computers when they are connected to the network. In this case, the table of names is distributed to each computer on the network. The work with group names is also supported, which allows you to transfer data to several recipients at once.

The main advantages of the NetBEUI protocol are the speed of work and very low resource requirements. If you need to organize fast data exchange in a small network consisting of one segment, there is no better protocol for this. In addition, to deliver messages, an established connection is not a mandatory requirement: in the absence of a connection, the protocol uses the datagram method, when the message is supplied with the address of the recipient and the sender and “starts off”, passing from one computer to another.

However, NetBEUI also has a significant drawback: it is completely devoid of the concept of packet routing, so its use in complex composite networks does not make sense. Pyatibratov A.P., Gudyno L.P., Kirichenko A.A. Computing machines, networks and telecommunication systems Moscow 2009. 292s

As for the SMB (Server Message Block) protocol, it organizes the network at the three highest levels - session, presentation and application levels. It is when it is used that it becomes possible to access files, printers and other network resources. This protocol has been improved several times (three versions were released), which made it possible to use it even in such modern operating systems as Microsoft Vista and Windows 7. The SMB protocol is universal and can be paired with almost any transport protocol, for example TCP / IP and SPX.

The DECnet (Digital Equipment Corporation net) protocol stack contains 7 layers. Despite the difference in terminology, the DECnet layers are very similar to the OSI model layers. DECnet implements the concept of DNA (Digital Network Architecture) network architecture, developed by DEC, according to which heterogeneous computing systems (computers of different classes) operating under various operating systems can be combined into geographically distributed information networks.

The IBM System Network Architecture (SNA) protocol is designed for remote communication with large computers and contains 7 layers. SNA is based on the concept of a master (host) machine and provides remote terminal access to IBM mainframes. The main distinguishing feature of SNA is that each terminal can access any host application. The system network architecture is implemented based on the Virtual Telecommunication Access Method (VTAM) in the host computer. VTAM manages all communications lines and terminals, with each terminal having access to all applications.

The TCP / IP stack was developed over 20 years ago by the US Department of Defense. This stack was implemented in UNIX OS. The popularity of this system has led to the widespread adoption of TCP, IP, and other protocols in the stack. This stack is used on the Internet.

Level IV - network interface layer- corresponds to the physical and data link layers of the OSI model. This layer is not regulated in TCP / IP protocols, but it supports all popular physical and data link layer standards. For local links, these are Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI, for wide-area links - proprietary protocols for operation on analog dial-up and leased lines SLIP / PPP, which establish point-to-point connections through serial WAN links, and X.25 territorial network protocols and ISDN. A special specification has also been developed that defines the use of ATM technology as a link layer transport.

Level III - gateway- roughly corresponds to the network layer of the OSI model. On it, datagrams are transmitted through various local and global networks, the necessary routing is performed. As the main protocol of the Internet layer, the IP protocol is used, which was originally designed as a protocol for transferring packets in concatenated networks, consisting of a large number of local networks, united by both local and global connections. Therefore, the IP protocol works well in networks with complex topologies, rationally using the presence of subsystems in them and economically using the bandwidth of low-speed communication lines. IP is a datagram protocol. The layer of internetworking includes all protocols related to the compilation and modification of routing tables, the protocol of internetwork control messages ICMP, the protocol for resolving hardware addresses ARP and other service protocols.

Level II - transport- corresponds to the transport layer of the OSI model. The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) operate at this layer. TCP provides a persistent virtual connection between remote application processes. The UDP protocol provides for the transmission of application packets using a datagram method, that is, without establishing a virtual connection, and therefore requires less overhead than TCP.

Level I - application layer- corresponds to the top three layers of the OSI model. Over the years of use in networks, the TCP / IP stack has accumulated a large number of application layer protocols and services. These include such widely used protocols as FTP, the TELNET terminal emulation protocol, the SMTP mail protocol, hypertext services for accessing remote information such as WWW, and many others. The service protocols of the domain name system DNS, the protocols of local networks Microsoft NetBIOS, and others also work at the application level.

The main advantages of the TCP / IP stack are:

· The ability to fragment packets;

· Flexible addressing system;

· Economical use of broadcasts.


· Requires relatively high computational costs;

· The complexity of administration.

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