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LDPR Chairman Vladimir Zhirinovsky called for abandoning Boeing, offering to fly on Russian planes As the LDPR-TV correspondent reports, the politician told parliamentary journalists on Tuesday. ⠀ Recall, on March 10, a Boeing 737 crashed on the Ethiopia-Kenya route. The tragedy killed 157 people. In this regard, the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia called on Russian citizens to fly on domestic planes. The politician noted that Russian aircraft are safer. ⠀ “Boeing has fallen again. Last year in Indonesia and now in Ethiopia. Several Boeings fall every year - and never a Russian plane, "Zhirinovsky said. ⠀ “Has the Il-62 or Il-86 ever crashed? No. And Boeings fall every year, several pieces. Dangerous aircraft. Why did we buy Boeings? We need to quickly switch only to our own planes, ”the politician added. ⠀

12.03.2019 13:27:26

Vladimir Zhirinovsky believes that the authorities are to blame for the situation with the Mowgli girl ⠀ The LDPR Chairman Vladimir Zhirinovsky expressed his attitude to the situation with the Moscow Mowgli girl. According to the politician, the authorities are to blame for this incident. ⠀ The media previously reported that on March 10 of this year, the police received a signal about the cry of a child in one of the apartments on the Leningradskoye Highway in Moscow. ⠀ Onsite employees law enforcement found in a locked apartment a five-year-old girl with signs of exhaustion. The living quarters where the child was found is in an unsanitary state. The girl was hospitalized, and a criminal case was opened against her mother. ⠀ Commenting on the incident, LDPR Chairman Vladimir Zhirinovsky noted that in this situation there is the fault of local precinct police officers who did not carry out appropriate work with this family. ⠀ “The authorities are more to blame here than this mother. District police officers should be psychologists. Come at least once a month to the apartment, knock, take a look. If the window is dark all the time, then no one is at home from the adults. Come to the door - hear the crying of children. It is elementary to calculate that something is wrong with the apartment: dark windows, but crying of children outside the door. The guys were recruited by the district police officers, but they were not taught how to work with the population, ”Zhirinovsky said.

12.03.2019 12:35:29

Vladimir Zhirinovsky visited the Moscow Maslenitsa festival ⠀ LDPR Chairman Vladimir Zhirinovsky spent the winter with Muscovites and guests of the capital, visiting the festive site on Manezhnaya Square. The politician talked to the walking people, congratulating them on the arrival of spring. This was reported in the press service of the Liberal Democratic Party. ⠀ “Maslenitsa is one of the most popular holidays. These are delicious pancakes, sour cream, fish, fresh herbs, mead. And also Forgiveness Sunday today! You need to try to forgive your offenders, get rid of the burden on your soul. Nice, bright day! " - said the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party. ⠀

11.03.2019 15:51:25

Vladimir Zhirinovsky and deputies of the State Duma of the LDPR faction express their deep condolences to the families and friends of those killed in a plane crash in Ethiopia. ⠀ "We sincerely grieve together with all the families of those who lost their loved ones in this tragic catastrophe. We also wish strength and strength to the families and friends of those who died in connection with this terrible tragedy. We grieve with you," the official website of the LDPR party says ... ⠀ According to media reports, the Boeing crash killed 157 people, including three tourists from Russia. ⠀

11.03.2019 15:20:07

The Liberal Democratic Party intends to send its lawyers to the city of Vladimir to explain to the director of the regional department of education Olga Belyaeva how to work with legislative norms on school meals. As a LDPR-TV correspondent reports, LDPR Chairman Vladimir Zhirinovskaya told parliamentary journalists this on Thursday. ⠀ Recall, at a press conference on March 5, Olga Belyaeva said that "food for children (in schools approx. LDPR-TV) is exclusively the responsibility of parents." The official's statement drew sharp criticism from the public. ⠀ Commenting on the situation, Vladimir Zhirinovsky noted that "an official must proceed from the norms of the law, in which there is nothing about the obligation of parents to deliver food to schools." ⠀ “Therefore, we will send lawyers to Vladimir who will explain this to the official,” concluded Zhirinovsky. ⠀

07.03.2019 13:35:16

LDPR Chairman Vladimir Zhirinovsky on the eve of International Women's Day on March 8 reminded all men of their main purpose - to surround Russian women with attention and care, because they are the best in the world. ⠀ In a number of countries, the LDPR leader noted, women are still in a subordinate position, which is completely unacceptable. ⠀ “There is a state in which only recently women were allowed to drive a car. There are cases when men decide how old a woman should marry, how many children to have. Demography is a very important question, but you need to ask a woman: does she want to give birth without stopping? There are regions where men boast - in families of eight children, but what does this give a woman? She probably would like to live for herself, her life, and not be just a nanny. Men should understand this, ”said Vladimir Zhirinovsky. ⠀ The leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia also drew attention to the problem of hard female labor, since the upbringing of children depends on a woman. ⠀ “A particularly serious burden falls on the shoulders of a woman who is raising a child alone. And our task is to lighten this burden. Men should always understand that it is harder for women after all. We also love children, but this is such a crucial moment in life: to carry a child, then not leave the crib for several years. Many men do not understand that a woman prepares food three times a day - breakfast, lunch and dinner, she needs to feed her child, family. Both on weekdays and weekends. School doesn't teach you how to be a father. And the boys who grow up do not understand what it is, that it is the hardest work. A Russian woman is more adapted to the family, she knows how to cook, raise children, love her loved ones and take care of them. We must support our women, help them and do this not only on International Women's Day, but throughout their lives. This is the task of every man, "- said Vladimir Zhirinovsky. ⠀

07.03.2019 12:50:06

LDPR will not support the law on a sovereign Internet. As the LDPR-TV correspondent reports, the leader of the Liberal Democrats Vladimir Zhirinovsky told the parliamentary journalists. ⠀ "The LDPR will not support the bill, because young people are against it, they feel this is an encroachment on freedom," said Vladimir Zhirinovsky. ⠀ According to him, the LDPR faction will vote against the adoption of this initiative, however, Vladimir Zhirinovsky is sympathetic to the proposal create own network in case Russia is disconnected from the Internet. As an example, the politician cited the domestic payment system"PEACE". ⠀ “The Liberal Democratic Party will not support the bill, because young people are against it, they feel this is an encroachment on freedom. In addition, the United States will never disconnect Russia from the Internet, because they need it to throw mud at us. At the same time, we still need to create our own infrastructure, as we have already created our own MIR payment system, and it works in Crimea, where foreign cards disabled, "Zhirinovsky explained. ⠀ The Law on the Sovereign Internet will create legal basis to be able to block any resources prohibited by Roskomnadzor. It is this department that will be in charge of controlling network content. Roskomnadzor will also have the right to block all prohibited sites, and, if necessary, disable Runet from worldwide network... In other words, it will be the officials who decide what information the citizens of the country will receive. The authors of the initiative indicate that the bill will help Runet work autonomously in the event of US Internet attacks. ⠀

07.03.2019 11:46:16

State Duma Deputy Yaroslav Nilov (LDPR) before the start of the Government Hour with the participation of the Minister of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin told reporters about the main problems hindering the development of the domestic economy. ⠀ “For example, we have repeatedly talked about the need to give the Russian economy a clearly expressed transport character. There are all the possibilities for this and, moreover, a huge natural geographic potential. Unfortunately, in practice, not enough measures are taken in this direction. In addition, communicating directly with representatives of small, medium, big business, we hear a very simple wish - not to interfere with entrepreneurs. Then both the economy and industry will develop. The President of the country not once or twice directly called for the need to stop “nightmare” business, let it breathe calmly, free it from the loop of endless checks and outright extortion, ”Nilov said. ⠀ The complex tax system, according to Yaroslav Nilov, also remains among the most urgent problems: ⠀ “The tax burden today is exorbitant. Even the production, which is profitable in its initial potential, loses a considerable share of profitability precisely because of taxes and staff shortages, when the lack of skilled workers, especially in the regions, forces businessmen to attract workers or from abroad, which increases the cost of production, ”the politician added. ⠀

06.03.2019 15:45:08

LDPR Chairman Vladimir Zhirinovsky urged to pay more attention to the protection of Russian forests. The politician recalled that the main threat to this resource is represented by illegal felling of trees and forest fires. As the LDPR-TV correspondent reports, the politician said this on Tuesday during the plenary session of the State Duma. ⠀ In order to fight “black loggers” and ordinary poachers, it is necessary to increase the financing of the forestry protection and the number of employees of the department, the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia said. ⠀ “Even Peter I created the Ministry of Forestry, and under the Soviet Union it was, but now why do we have a forestry agency? The small agency can't handle it and forests all over the country are burning. This is a huge damage to Russia. Yes, citizens migrate sometimes, move around the country, there are empty villages, there is no one to keep track of them. But often the grass is burnt, and then the forests burn as a result of this, ”explained Vladimir Zhirinovsky. ⠀ Experts have long been demanding, the LDPR leader recalled, to ban cheap way cleaning hayfields and pastures by burning grass vegetation. ⠀ “Here is the grass that is set on fire - who said that the grass must be burned? For a hundred years they had been drumming into citizens that the dry burnt must be burned out, that this promotes the growth of young grass. But this, on the contrary, leads to the death of the earth, the grass protects the upper layer, and its burning destroys the soil, birds and small animals. It must be explained that this is very harmful to the soil and, in general, it is necessary to strengthen the control of this industry, to strengthen the leadership. And not to shift responsibility to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, they do not have so many forest protection personnel. It is necessary to protect the forests of Russia, as our ancestors did, ”concluded the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party. ⠀

05.03.2019 15:05:39

LDPR chairman Vladimir Zhirinovsky proposed to arrest only dangerous criminals, for example, murderers, swindlers, drug dealers. According to the politician, house arrest or restriction of freedom of movement should be provided for for minor offenses. ⠀ Note that the process of liquidation of colonies continues in Russia. Not so long ago, a million Russian citizens were in prison. Now there are about 467 thousand people. ⠀ Recall that the LDPR was the first to talk about the humanization of the punishment system in Russia. However, according to the party's press service, the political opponents of the Liberal Democrats and the media controlled by them do not remember this. ⠀ “Only dangerous criminals should be behind bars. Murderers, crooks, drug dealers - this is their place in prison for all of them. Minor crimes should be punished differently: house arrest, restriction of freedom of movement. The prison cripples a person's life, breaks his health. It happens that citizens who are guilty of economic damage are ready to reimburse this amount to the state or another deceived citizen. So if a criminal is willing to compensate for his financial scam with a ruble, why throw him behind bars? Nobody will be any better from this, ”noted Vladimir Zhirinovsky. ⠀

05.03.2019 14:15:24

The Liberal Democratic Party proposed to adopt a law protecting people from stray dogs. This was announced to parliamentary journalists on Tuesday by the Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia Vladimir Zhirinovsky. ⠀ According to the press service of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, an increase in the number of attacks by wild dogs on people, often with a fatal outcome, has again been recorded in Russia. ⠀ Note that the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia has been insisting on the adoption of a law protecting people from stray animals for more than 20 years. However, in adopted by the State Duma at the end of last year, the document was practically all about protecting dogs, not humans, according to the Liberal Democrats. ⠀ "We adopted a law on keeping animals, but again there is nothing about the fight against flocks of stray dogs. There are constant attacks, but nothing is done, locally they say we have no right to catch them. But they are not taken out of thin air - who I got myself a dog, and then threw it out into the street and it became wild, dangerous. And then they huddle in flocks and attack people, children and the elderly, "Zhirinovsky said. ⠀ "For 20 years we have not been able to pass a normal law that would protect people from stray dogs, force dog owners to follow the rules of walking," the politician added. ⠀

05.03.2019 13:06:22

Vladimir Zhirinovsky offered to pay maternity capital to women who refuse to have an abortion. In this case, the child will be given to the state for education. The leader of the Liberal Democratic Party announced this to parliamentary journalists on Tuesday. ⠀ “They (women wishing to have an abortion approx. LDPR-TV) will receive maternity capital, and the state will take the child. Just give birth to him, "- said Zhirinovsky. ⠀ In his opinion, this initiative will increase the birth rate in the country and preserve the health of the female population. ⠀" We preserve the health of women here, because abortion is worse than childbirth. Abortion will certainly be traumatic, and many childbirths pass without any trauma, and we will get 300 thousand births a year, "the politician added. ⠀ According to Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the Liberal Democrats intend to amend the Family Code or the law" On the Fundamentals of Health citizens in the Russian Federation. ”⠀

05.03.2019 11:46:21

Liberal Democratic Party supported the ban on hostels in residential buildings ⠀ The State Duma adopted in the second reading a bill prohibiting the placement of hostels in residential buildings. As a LDPR-TV correspondent reports, the Liberal Democrats supported this initiative. ⠀ LDPR Chairman Vladimir Zhirinovsky believes that this bill will save the residents of apartment buildings from suffering, because hostel guests, according to the politician, often make noise, smoke or drink alcohol, disrupting public order. ⠀ “In Russian, a hostel is a mini-hotel or hostel. We will support this initiative, because indeed, residents often suffer from hostel guests: they make noise, walk, drink, smoke. Few people will like such a neighborhood, "- explained the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party. ⠀

TV channel of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. It is a youth TV channel dedicated to the economy, sports, culture, music, fashion and cinema. The content consists of information, entertainment and analytical programs.

The channel's team consists of motivated journalists and reporters who do not close their eyes to problems and are looking for solutions. If you criticize - suggest, this is exactly the principle the TV channel adheres to.

Another key principle of the channel is to tell only the truth. There is no place for lies and hypocrisy in the LDPR TV studio. This principle is the law for the channel.

One of the most significant projects of the channel is the program "Zhirinovsky Live", from which the viewer can learn a lot about Everyday life leader of the Liberal Democratic Party. It is also an opportunity to see unique footage and get a politician's opinion on the political situation without censorship.

On our website you can watch the LDPR TV channel online and in good quality... The channel is broadcast live without registration and free of charge.

Former Argentine President Menem sentenced to 45 months in prison

The court also imposed a lifelong ban on the convicted senator and ex-president from holding public office. It is established that almost 30 years ago, the government of Carlos Menem sold the La Rural exhibition center for $ 30 million, lowering its cost several times.

British Prime Minister Theresa May vows to step down after Brexit

Theresa May called on the Conservative parliamentarians "to fulfill a historic duty of implementing the decision of the British people and leaving the European Union in an orderly manner without unnecessary complications."

Operation to overthrow President Maduro will begin on April 6, Venezuelan opposition leader announced

"On April 6, the first tactical actions of Operation Freedom will take place throughout the country. On this day, we must be ready, prepared and organized," the politician Juan Guaido wrote on social media, addressing his supporters.

A special forces detachment was sent to a Chelyabinsk resident suspected of illegally receiving a pension supplement

Retired military man Sergei Zaruba refused the allowance for non-working pensioners when he was elected chairman of TSN. However, for some time they continued to pay him a premium. Then the officials came to their senses and opened a criminal case against Zaruba.

Mexican airline Interjet prepares to abandon Russian SSJ-100

Fifteen of the 22 SSJ-100 airliners in the Interjet fleet are idle, and only seven are in service. The press also wrote that the Mexican air carrier was forced to disassemble the liners for parts, using them as "donors" for other aircraft. However, Interjet denied this data.

The United States intends to use all means to expel the Russian military from Venezuela, Trump said

"Russia must leave," the US President said addressing the wife of Venezuelan opposition leader Fabiana Rosales. To a clarifying question, Donald Trump replied that "all options are possible."

Russia to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the 80 Summer Olympics

Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Ministry of Sports and Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin to support the idea of ​​celebrating the 40th anniversary of the 1980 Summer Olympics in July 2020.

In the Moscow branch of the Yabloko party, police seized literature in search of extremism

Four officers of the Criminal Investigation Department came to the party's office. Presumably, the police are interested in "materials about the renovation," the Yabloko press service said. The visit of the guards was preceded by anonymous call informer.

Cyprus offshore Blacksiris, mentioned in the Abyzov case, began to change registration data

The offshore Blacksiris Trading LTD was registered in Cyprus in the summer of 2012. For a short time, he was the owner of four energy companies, which were then sold to the structure of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and two OJSCs. According to the investigation, the value of the assets was overstated dozens of times.

Hockey player Artemy Panarin: "People are freer in the USA"

Forward of the National Hockey League club Columbus Blue Jackets Artemy Panarin explained how, in his opinion, the Russian mentality differs from the American one. The domestic mentality is closer to him.

Former Minister of the Open Government Mikhail Abyzov was detained after a search in his house

The former minister's defenders denied information that Mikhail Abyzov had recently lived in Italy, and that the security forces allegedly lured him to Russia. “If he went abroad, then for a maximum of one or three days on business. The last time he was abroad was one day last week,” one of the lawyers explained.

In Moscow, the general director of the supplier of computers for the Ministry of Internal Affairs was arrested in the case of abuse of power

The Basmanny Court of Moscow ruled to arrest Vsevolod Opanasenko, general director of T-Platforma, for two months. Together with him, the head of the communications department of the department was arrested information technologies communications and information protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Alexander Alexandrov.

The court declared illegal the construction of a plant for bottling water from Lake Baikal

The Kirovsky District Court of Irkutsk declared illegal the positive conclusion of the environmental impact assessment for the construction of the plant, as well as the order approving the conclusion. Earlier, the environmental prosecutor's office announced numerous violations during the construction of the plant.

Former Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Arkady Dvorkovich, to whom the detained Abyzov allegedly flew to "solve problems", left Russia

Dvorkovich, who is the co-chairman of the Skolkovo Foundation and the president of FIDE, left the country, at least for the time of his birthday. He should return next week. Allegedly, Abyzov went on purpose to Dvorkovich's birthday, who promised to "settle the claims of the security officials" through one of the top officials of the state.

Michael Schumacher's son to debut in Formula 1 as test driver for Ferrari

The son of the legendary Formula 1 driver Michael Schumacher, Mick Schumacher, will be driving a Ferrari for the first time after the Royal Races in Bahrain. He will drive a Ferrari SF90 for the first time on April 2nd.

The explosion on the Mexican volcano Popocatepetl shook the surroundings (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

In Mexico, the Popocatepetl volcano continues to rage. On the evening of March 26, another powerful explosion took place on it, with ash ejection to a height of up to 3 km and lava. Rumble and vibration in nearby settlements windows and doors in houses shook. The authorities of the state of Puebla warned of a possible ash fall in the administrative center of the same name.

Abyzov praised the actions of the FSB officers during his arrest, noting that the arrest was carried out with restraint and correctness. He said that he would "think" about an appeal to the Commissioner for the Rights of Entrepreneurs Boris Titov. Valentina Matvienko called the Abyzov case evidence of a real fight against corruption.

In the parliament of the Russian Federation, a scandal unfolded around the showing on May 9 of Lungin's "not ceremonial-patriotic" film about the Afghan war (TRAILER)

The upper and lower houses of parliament did not agree on the painting "Brotherhood" for the 30th anniversary of the end of the war in Afghanistan. The Federation Council called it not patriotic and wants to cancel the show on May 9. In the State Duma, on the contrary, the film was called honest and patriotic, predicting its place in the treasury of world cinema.

The Lithuanian court sentenced in absentia to 10 years the former Minister of Defense of the USSR Yazov for his participation in the events of Vilnius in 1991

The Vilnius Regional Court found Dmitry Yazov guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity for participating in the riots in Vilnius in early 1991. He was sentenced in absentia to 10 years in prison. More than 60 people are among the accused in the case.

In Magas, there was a clash between Rosgvardia and participants of a rally against the law on referendum (VIDEO)

The clash happened after the protesters tried to break into the building of the local State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company early in the morning. The rally itself was a continuation of a previously agreed action against the law on referendum. As a result, the authorities promised to agree new action protest, which can be held at the same place in 5 days.

Outsider clubs avoid expulsion from the Kontinental Hockey League

The Kontinental Hockey League's board of directors considered that the exclusion of clubs that are located at the extreme points of geography could negatively affect the formation of divisions and further development league.

Investigative Committee opened two new criminal cases on the facts of beatings in the Yaroslavl colony N1

Video recordings of the beatings published by Novaya Gazeta on March 11 became the reason for the initiation of new criminal cases. The Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Yaroslavl Region previously claimed that these records were identified on February 16 and transferred to the investigating authorities.

The Russian youth football team made it to the European Championship

The Russian youth team, made up of players born in 2002, reached the final of the 2019 European Championship. The team will be represented at the U17 UEFA European Championship for the fourth time in history.

Firefighters of the two regions were not interested in the burning mountain near Abakan during the period of increased fire danger (VIDEO)

On the evening of March 26, residents of Abakan observed a large wildfire. But, as the TV7 TV channel found out, no one went to extinguish the fire: the Department of Civil Defense and Emergencies in Khakassia reported that this is the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the mountain is located beyond the Yenisei. The Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Krasnoyarsk Territory also said that this was not their territory.

Alexander Golovin bypassed Neymar in the percentage of successful strokes

The French professional football league has compiled a list of players with the highest percentage of successful dribbles in the national league in 2019. Russian national team midfielder Alexander Golovin takes second place in it.

Kommersant: accusation against ex-minister Abyzov is built around one commercial transaction

According to the SKR, Abyzov's structures sold shares of four energy companies for 4 billion rubles. at a real cost of 186 million rubles. Abyzov and the rest of the defendants in the case do not admit their guilt, considering the transaction to be a market one: the media believe that Russian authorities thus allowing the security forces to intervene in disputes between businessmen, bringing criminal charges.

The FSB conducted searches in the houses of Crimean Tatars suspected of having links with Hizb ut-Tahrir * (PHOTO, VIDEO)

The searches took place within the framework of the initiated criminal cases. According to human rights activists, security officials visited 24 people in Simferopol and the villages of Simferopol and Belogorsk districts. A lawyer was not allowed into one of the houses, and two people who had come to support the neighbors were detained in another house.

Alexander Ovechkin came in 13th place in the list of the best snipers in NHL history

Russian striker Washington Capitals Alexander Ovechkin scored 656th goal in the regular season of the National Hockey League (NHL) and caught up in this indicator with Canadian Brendan Shanahan.

Danes bounced back 0-3 in Euro 2020 qualifying

On the eve, on the football fields of the continent, the next matches took place within the second round of the qualifying tournament for the European Championship in 2020. The heroes of the game day were the Scandinavian teams, which issued two "valid" endings.

Boeing 737 MAX urgently returned to the airport in the USA due to engine problems

Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 MAX returned to departure airport in Orlando, Florida due to engine problems. The plane was planned to be delivered to the state of California, where other Boeing airliners are in storage.

Actor Nodar Mgaloblishvili died in Tbilisi - Cagliostro from "Formula of Love"

Mgaloblishvili also worked in Russian cinema after the collapse of the USSR, starring in the TV series "Spetsnaz" and "Spetsnaz-2", as well as in the role of Koshchei in the film "Miracles in Reshetov". The cause of death, time and place of the actor's funeral were not disclosed.

Details of the death of the Russian military in Syria: UAZ was driving through the desert alone and was crushed by heavy fire (PHOTOS)

According to sources, the car with Russian officers fought off the convoy and was shot by ISIS fighters *. The purpose of the trip was to create an observation post of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the area of ​​the oil field. All those in the car were killed.

Spanish court issues arrest warrant for those involved in the attack on the DPRK embassy in Madrid

The suspects are believed to be hiding in the United States. They face up to 28 years imprisonment... The court issued seven arrest warrants. In particular, Adrian Hong Chan, the alleged leader of the group, was on the wanted list. " civil defense Chollima ".

Chief of Staff of the Algerian Army called for the application of the article on the incapacitation of the President

The opposition has already spoken out against the proposal of the army leadership. One of the leaders of the protest movement believes that it is more logical to apply article 7 of the constitution, in which the people are called the source of power. The article gives society the right to remove any president, without understanding the degree of his legal capacity.

FSB detained ex-minister Mikhail Abyzov in Moscow for embezzlement of 4 billion rubles

According to the UK, the former Minister for Open Government Mikhail Abyzov headed the organized criminal group, which, by its activities, "threatened the sustainable economic development and energy security of a number of regions of the country. " Lately Abyzov lived in Italy, from where the operatives lured him, and according to other sources - Anatoly Chubais.

Russia wants to establish its military bases in Venezuela, says spokesman Juan Guaido

The Russian Foreign Ministry denies its intention to establish military bases on Venezuelan territory and has made accusations against the United States. "As in the colonial era 200 years ago, the United States continues to regard Latin America as a zone of its exclusive interests, its own" backyard "and directly demand from it unquestioning obedience," the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

The prosecutor asked to sentence the former head of Komi Gaizer to 21 years in prison

"The members of the criminal group considered the resources of the Komi Republic, belonging to the people, as a tasty morsel for their own profit. The motive for committing the crimes was one - self-interest, despite the fact that all the persons involved in the case were far from poor," said the state prosecutor.

A stolen painting by Pablo Picasso was found in the Netherlands

The authenticity of the "Bust of a Woman" has already been confirmed independent expert from USA. According to experts, the current value of a work of art is about 25 million euros. It was stolen in France from a Saudi sheikh's yacht in 1999.

Caracas metro stops working due to new major blackout

Power supply problems affected 21 out of twenty-three states. The authorities continue to insist that the opposition is to blame for the loss of electricity. Earlier, the army and air force were sent to guard power plants and power lines, but this did not help.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Investigative Committee became interested in a fight between security officials in Kalmykia with the participation of crime bosses: a SOBR fighter and an employee of the Investigative Committee were wounded on the "arrow"

The conflict between drunken employees of the Criminal Investigation Committee and the Investigative Committee began on the evening of March 23 in the Uralan entertainment center. But it was decided to "score the arrow" in the morning, with a fresh mind. The next day, about 40 people arrived there, and local crime bosses also came to help the police.

In Bashkiria, the director of the maternity hospital considered the laughter of doctors over the salary report a provocation

“It is their right to express their emotions. It’s as simple, as you can tell, a planned scenario, this is an audience performance. They need to be shown, they have the same goal,” explained Albina Fatykhova, director of the Salavat maternity hospital.

Pogrebnyak fined 250 thousand rubles for criticizing the naturalization of football players

The Ethics Committee of the Russian Football Union fined striker Pavel Pogrebnyak for his remarks about the naturalization of football players for the Russian national team. He expressed dissatisfaction with the appearance of the Brazilian Ari in the team.

Due to a flash flood, restaurant visitors in Minnesota were taken out on boats (PHOTO, VIDEO)

On the evening of March 23, an ice jam on the Sok River began to flood coastal areas in Waite Park, Minnesota, USA. The flash flood took 44 patrons of Anton's restaurant by surprise. Some people managed to escape from the building, but most were evacuated by rescuers in inflatable boats.

Searches have taken place in the FEST theater with a 30-year history, employees complain about the arbitrariness of officials

Searches took place in the morning at the Mytishchi theater of drama and comedy as part of a criminal case on the embezzlement of subsidies from the city budget. The former director was taken away for interrogation. Employees earlier in open letter complained about the actions of the Mytishchi administration and asked for protection from the Ministry of Culture.

Ilya Yashin visited the Malinki landfill in New Moscow and said that instead of reclamation it was expanded 8 times

Municipal deputy Ilya Yashin said that the sensational closure of the Malinki test site meant only the suspension of its work on the eve of the mayoral election. Under the guise of reclamation, the landfill area was increased 8 times, for which 40 hectares of forest were cut down in the protected area. The contractor for the work is a bankrupt organization.

The defense of the ex-deputy head of Rosgeologia Gorring failed to demand bail or house arrest for him

In court, Gorring, who previously bore the surname Ganizhev and changed it in 2011 when he was on the wanted list, said that he did it "in connection with a threat to life." The former head of Rosgeology said that Gorring did not hide the change of his name and went through all necessary checks before hiring.

The Ukrainian national football team faces a technical defeat in the qualification of Euro 2020

The Ukrainians may be awarded two technical defeats in the qualifying matches of Euro 2020 with the teams of Portugal and Luxembourg due to violation of the rules of naturalization of football player Junior Moraes, Portuguese media reported.

Non-ferrous metal hunters got to the Kremlin - they cut off and stole the government communication cable from the FSO

Fragment of the cable for which the service is responsible special communication and information Federal Service protection of the Russian Federation, kidnapped from a sewer near the Kremlin. The amount of damage was not reported. On the fact of the incident, the police are conducting investigative measures, but there were no CCTV cameras in that place.

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