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Beeline mobile internet software. Beeline service "Unlimited Internet

When deciding how to connect the Beeline tariff with unlimited Internet, each user wants to receive high-quality and unlimited traffic with a constantly high data exchange rate. At the same time, the provider has its own point of view on the provision of such a service. Often, individual options or entire tariff plans with unlimited Internet are not completely such.

There are enough packages that include a certain daily or monthly volume of high-speed traffic. With a moderate expenditure of gigabytes for many subscribers, such an Internet can really seem unlimited, since it never ends.

But if you connect to the network for the purpose of actively exchanging data, downloading files to your phone, watching videos, you can rather quickly face the problem of blocking the Internet or strong decline traffic speed when the set limit is exhausted.

Therefore, the situation of how to connect unlimited Internet to Beeline is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Moreover, only some Beeline tariffs will really provide traffic without restrictions for a smartphone or computer, which will be described in more detail in this review of your faithful Internet assistant

Unlimited Internet Beeline for your phone

When deciding how to connect unlimited to Beeline, first of all, you should pay attention to a wide range tariff plans under the general title "Everything!" If you need unlimited traffic to your phone, the tariff must be with a postpaid payment system.

Please note that the entire list of "All" prepaid tariff plans provides for Internet limits, which, depending on the seniority of the package, vary from 2GB to 15GB.

The lowest tariff "All for 300" since August 2016 has a monthly traffic limit of 2GB, is not designed for postpaid account replenishment and does not have the option of unlimited Internet!

You can use the following postpaid "All" packages as a source of unlimited traffic:

Important! The cost of the tariff plan may vary by region.

It is necessary to pay for services received on mobile tariff plans with unlimited Internet and postpaid at the end of the specified reporting period. If it is not possible to replenish the balance in a timely manner, you can always count on a 20-day grace period. Activation of the "Auto Pay" service will allow you to get rid of the need to control the status personal account... At the appointed time, the balance will be automatically replenished with the required amount from bank card user.

Specifics of connecting and disconnecting the "All" postpaid tariff

An important but not critical flaw tariff packages"Everything" with a postpaid payment system is the inconvenience of switching to them from another tariff. To do this, you need a passport and a visit to the operator's office or a call to the call center by phone 0611 (for mobile) or 8 800 7000 611 (for city numbers).

The only exceptions are users who have received an SMS offer to switch to a postpaid tariff. To complete the transition process, you need to use the Beeline self-service environment (Personal Account) using the "Change Tariff Plan" function from the "Tariffs" section.

Here you can also change the connected tariff plan with a postpaid payment system to any other.

Disadvantages of the "All" postpaid tariff

In addition to the transition features, the "All" packages with unlimited Internet have a number of disadvantages that limit their use only to mobile phones:

  • incompatibility of SIM card settings with modems and routers;
  • lack of opportunity distribution of WI-FI or activation of the One Internet service;
  • a sharp drop in traffic speed when downloading from torrent sites and using a SIM card as a modem.

Important! It is possible to bypass the operator's restrictions on Internet use by enabling encryption in the torrent client, organizing a new logical VPN connection, assigning serial number phone (IMEI) modem or router.

If you have sufficient knowledge to change the settings of software and equipment - feel free to choose the most affordable tariff "All" and use unlimited at any time and in any place.

Unlimited Internet Beeline at tariff # possibleVSO (prepayment)

This tariff plan provides for a daily subscription and is designed for both phones and tablet gadgets.

# can be used for smartphones

The cost of the transition is 100 rubles and is performed using the fast number 0781. The subscriber receives an unlimited high speed internet and unlimited calls to "Beeline" throughout Russia. In the first month of using the package, the subscription fee is 10 rubles per day, further increases to 20 rubles per day.

"Everything is allowed. Tablet"

This Beeline tariff for 600 rubles per month provides the user with unlimited Internet in all regions of the country. Switching to a tariff plan is completely free and is performed using the USSD command * 115 * 4888 # .

Unlimited Internet Beeline for computer

A feature of the variations of the "All" line is the "All in One" packages, which are connected to current tariff with postpaid and provide the possibility of unlimited home internet at speeds from 15 Mbps to 100 Mbps and home television(for higher tariffs). The reverse, unpleasant side of the All-in-One tariff plan will be the limit on mobile traffic:

All in one 501 " 501 rubles per month (unlimited home internet 15 Mbps, 5 Gb mobile traffic, 550 minutes, 300 SMS
All in one 801 801 rubles per month (unlimited home Internet 30 Mbps, 7 GB mobile traffic, 1000 minutes, 500 SMS
All-in-One 1201 1201 rubles per month (unlimited home internet 100 Mbps and 125 digital channels TV, 10 GB mobile traffic, 2000 minutes, 1000 SMS)
"All in one 1801" 1801 rubles per month (unlimited home Internet 100 Mbit / s and 125 digital TV channels, Wi-Fi router included, 15 GB of mobile traffic, 3000 minutes, 3000 SMS).

The entire list of packages "All in one" makes it possible to use additional numbers(from 1 to 5 pieces) and provides subscribers with 25 mobile TV channels.

The indisputable advantage of these tariffs is a comfortable opportunity to pay for all communication services, Internet and TV from one personal account. The functionality of the Beeline Personal Account makes it easy to track all charges and payments.

Please note that depending on the region, the cost of tariff plans may differ, and the “All in One 1801” tariff may not be available.

Highway option

Many have heard about the Internet service "Highway" from Beeline, which activated night unlimited Internet (from 01:00 to 07:59). Today, almost all services with such properties have the status of archived services. New variations Highway offers 3G and 4G Mobile Internet with connectivity additional devices(modem, tablet) and monthly traffic limit from 6 GB to 30 GB. After the limit is exhausted, the data transfer rate drops from 10-20 Mbps or 3-5 Mbps to 64 Kbps until a new billing period begins.

But still remained available options with unlimited night traffic on high speed, for example "Highway 30 GB 2016 (charge per day)". This Internet service is perfectly combined with tariff plans "All" (prepaid) and costs 50 rubles for the subscriber. per day. For free connection options send USSD command * 115 * 091 # ... To deactivate the service - * 115 * 090 # .

For a long time, Beeline did not provide tariffs and options with completely unlimited mobile Internet without speed and traffic restrictions. Unlimited Internet Beeline was available only at night (from 01:00 to 07:59) as part of the "Highway" option. The rest of the time, the subscriber was provided with a limited package of Internet traffic, the volume of which directly depends on the "Highway" option. In 2016, Beeline opened postpaid tariffs "Vse" for connection, which, in addition to communication service packages, include unlimited Internet. After some time, the tariff plan "# can be" appeared, distinctive feature which is unlimited mobile internet.

Unlimited Internet Beeline is available at the following tariffs and options:

  • Postpaid "Everything" tariffs;
  • Tariff plan "# is possibleEverything";
  • "Unlimited for Tablet" tariff;
  • Line of options "Highway" (unlimited from 01:00 to 07:59).

Each of the above suggestions has a number of features and pitfalls. Before you connect to unlimited Internet on Beeline, you need to study all the offers, and then choose the option that suits you best. As part of this review, we will provide a detailed description of Beeline tariffs and options with unlimited Internet.

Postpaid "Everything" tariffs

The postpaid system allows you to use communication services first, and pay for them later. By connecting a postpaid tariff, you get a personal spending limit for a month (the amount you need to spend in the minus). As a rule, the transition to such tariffs is possible only at the Beeline office.

The postpaid "Everything" tariff line includes the following tariffs:

  • "Everything for 300" (not available in all regions);
  • "Everything for 500";
  • "Everything for 800";
  • "Everything for 1200";
  • "Everything for 1800".

All tariffs provide for unlimited calls to the Beeline network throughout Russia and unlimited mobile Internet. Also, tariffs include packages of minutes for calls to numbers of other operators and SMS. The scope of service packages depends on the specific tariff plan and may differ depending on the region. As an example, consider the tariff for subscribers of Moscow and the Moscow region. If you are a subscriber of another region, then the amount of minutes and SMS packages may differ. Unlimited Internet Beeline on postpaid "Vse" tariffs is valid in all regions (except for the Amur Region, Jewish Autonomous Region, Trans-Baikal Territory, Irkutsk Region, Kamchatka Territory, Magadan Region, Primorsky Territory, Republic of Buryatia, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia ), Sakhalin Region, Khabarovsk Territory, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol).

Postpaid "All for 500" tariff includes:

  • Unlimited calls to Beeline numbers throughout Russia;
  • 600 minutes for calls to numbers of other operators;
  • 300 SMS-messages;
  • Unlimited Internet with unlimited traffic quota (there are a number of restrictions, see below).

At first glance, the tariff may seem ideal. Per subscription fee 500 rubles a month in addition to unlimited internet you get unlimited calls within the network and impressive packages of communication services. Do not forget that it comes about operator services cellular, which means that there were some pitfalls here. Unfortunately, Beeline unlimited Internet on postpay "Vse" tariffs provides for a number of restrictions.

Postpaid tariffs "Vse" are characterized by the following disadvantages:

  1. If a phone with a SIM card is used as a modem or Wi-Fi access point, Internet access is limited. The operator is silent on how limited the speed will be, but in practice the Internet disappears completely.
  2. Postpaid "Everything" tariffs cannot be used on modems, routers and even tablets. Unlimited mobile internet is only available for phones / smartphones.
  3. The tariff provides for a speed limit for downloading from file-sharing networks. That is, you will not be able to download files via torrent clients.
  4. The operator does not guarantee the speed of the Internet in case of network load and information about this condition is in the document with detailed description tariff. In fact, at any time, they can cut your network access speed and refer to this point.
  5. The “Internet for everything” service is not available on tariffs of the “Vse” line with a postpaid payment system. Let us remind you that this service is intended for distributing the Internet to other subscribers (not via Wi-Fi).

As you can see, it is difficult to consider such an unlimited Internet Beeline full. Not without restrictions, and there are quite a few of them. The operator provides the opportunity to use the Internet without restrictions on speed and traffic, but subject to a number of conditions that greatly spoil the impression of the tariff. It should be noted that postpaid "EVERYTHING" tariffs with unlimited internet are provided as part of a promotion that has already been extended several times.

Tariff "# is possibleAll"

Unlike postpaid tariffs"Everything", the tariff plan "# can be" provides for a prepaid method of payment, that is, you pay for the connection first, and use it later. The connection of such a tariff does not imply the need to visit the office and conclude a written agreement with the operator. You can switch to a tariff plan by calling 0781 or in your personal account.

It differs from the postpaid tariffs of the "ALL" line not only by the method of calculation, but also monthly fee, as well as the size of service packages. As far as the Internet is concerned, there are practically similar conditions with the same pitfalls.

The tariff plan "# is possible" includes:

  • Unlimited mobile Internet throughout Russia without speed and traffic limits;
  • Unlimited calls to phones of Beeline Russia subscribers;
  • 100 minutes (in most regions) or 250 minutes (Moscow and Moscow region) to all networks home region and phones of Beeline Russia;
  • 100 SMS (in most regions) or 250 SMS (Moscow and Moscow region) to numbers in the home region.

As you can see, the tariff "Everything is Possible", in contrast to the previously considered tariff "Everything for 500", includes much less. It should be assumed that the amount of the subscription fee in in this case should also decrease. Unfortunately, Beeline has its own logic and significant savings cannot be observed. Daily Fee is 10 rubles in the first month. From the second month, the subscription fee rises to 13 rubles. per day for most regions of Russia and 20 rubles. for Moscow and the Moscow region. It turns out that the package of minutes and SMS has decreased, while the subscription fee has increased. In relation to the Internet, too, not everything is simple and there are many pitfalls.

The tariff "# can be ALL" is characterized by the following disadvantages:

  1. The tariff is for phone / smartphone only. If a SIM card with a tariff is inserted into a router, modem or tablet, access to the Internet and other communication services is limited.
  2. It is not allowed to use the tariff in the phone in modem mode or Wi-Fi access point.
  3. If the subscriber creates a significant load on the network, the speed of the mobile Internet cannot be guaranteed by the operator.
  4. In the case of using peer-to-peer protocols, the speed of the mobile Internet is limited. For example, BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer protocol, therefore, you cannot download files from torrent clients.
  5. The tariff does not provide an opportunity to share the Internet with other numbers within the “Internet for EVERYTHING” service.

"Unlimited for Tablet" tariff

The rates described above are exclusively for smartphones. You cannot use them in a modem or tablet. Offers with completely unlimited Internet for computers at Beeline in currently no, but for tablets there is an assumption. provides unlimited Internet Beeline without restrictions on speed and traffic. As you already understood, the tariff will work only on tablets.

A distinctive feature of the tariff plan is that it does not provide for restrictions on protocols. The operator provides the ability to download files from file-sharing networks (torrents) at high speed. It should be noted that all other tariffs with unlimited Internet have a similar restriction. As for the rest, the tariff is characterized by the same pitfalls as the previously described tariff plans.

The subscription fee for the tariff is 890 rubles. per month (Moscow and Moscow region). Minutes and SMS packages are completely missing. Moreover, on this tariff and there is no way at all to carry out voice calls or send SMS. Connection voice communication and SMS-messaging services is possible only upon conclusion of a written contract for the provision of mobile services radiotelephony... When you switch to a tariff, you only get unlimited Internet Beeline, and even then with large quantity restrictions.

Unlimited Internet Beeline within the Highway options

Unfortunately, Beeline has long ceased to provide tariffs and options that provide for absolutely unlimited mobile Internet without any restrictions. All the tariffs we have considered cannot be used in a modem or router. For computers and laptops, Beeline offers to connect the "Highway" option. As part of this option, only night unlimited is available, the rest of the time you will have to save so as not to spend traffic in excess of the package.

"Highway" is a family of Internet options that differ in cost and package available traffic. Night unlimited (from 01:00 to 07:59) operates on options with 8, 12 and 20 GB of Internet traffic. The subscription fee will differ depending on the region. As an example, we will give information for Moscow and the Moscow region.

Cost of Highway options with night unlimited:

  • Highway 8 GB - 600 rubles / month;
  • Highway 12 GB - 700 rubles / month;
  • Highway 20 GB - 1200 rubles / month.

Internet speed depends on many factors, in particular your location. In the 4G network, Beeline promises an average data transfer rate of 10-20 Mbps. In a 3G network - 3-5 Mbps, in a 2G (GPRS) network - 60-100 Kbps. If you have one of the “All for” tariff plans and you additionally activate the “Highway” option, then the unlimited night traffic does not work.

At night they do not cut the speed, at least this did not happen during the testing of the option. If you have come across a similar, or other problems, leave feedback. The Highway option can be used in any device (smartphone, tablet, modem, router). On torrents, while the speed is not cut. In general, not a bad option, but there is significant disadvantage- Beeline unlimited Internet without speed and traffic restrictions is valid only from 01:00 to 07:59. The rest of the time, you can get a maximum of 20 GB.

Other tariffs from Beeline

Our company establishes wireless equipment and connects unlimited Internet Beeline throughout Moscow and the Moscow region. We have the opportunity right on the spot to issue you inexpensive corporate rates that are not in public access... Our equipment and SIM cards allow you to use the Internet without traffic restrictions and at high speeds - up to 100 Mbps and more.

Our universal antennas and modems allow you to receive unlimited 4G Internet from all mobile operators, including the Beeline provider. Thanks to precise orientation narrow beam antennas on the base station and a significant increase in the signal, mobile unlimited Internet from our company has become available in almost every corner of the Moscow region.

We connect all our clients free of charge unique free access tariff plans from Beeline, most of which operate without traffic restrictions. So, for example, the largest limit on mobile connection, which can be issued in the operator's salon, is 60 GB per month. Moreover, the subscription fee for such public 4G tariffs is up to 6,000 rubles (the “Absolutely Everything” tariff).

Unlimited mobile Internet from Beeline is especially beneficial legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Even with a fiber optic line, many business owners choose wireless connection from Beeline. This is usually due to the 10-20 times higher rent for the cable connection compared to individuals.

Due to the high speed, only one SIM card can be used for the operation of an entire office. It costs dozens of times cheaper than connecting a separate modem to each computer. Moreover, regular modem without amplifying equipment will not be able to provide sufficient comfortable work data transfer rate.

In principle, the Beeline company has tariff plans with unlimited Internet, but they are available only for legal entities with the ability to connect to fiber. At the same time, you will have to pay for access to the network at 2600/3200/5300 rubles per month at a speed of 2/5/10 Mbit / s, respectively (the "Internet for business" option). And this is without taking into account the cost of connecting equipment and renting a communication channel.

It is easy to make sure that our mobile Internet is much more accessible and faster than any public proposals. Contact our company and connect the real unlimited without any explicit and hidden restrictions!

Any modern subscriber Beeline, in one way or another, uses the mobile Internet. Someone needs a high-speed connection to communicate in in social networks, someone to watch movies and videos. However, there are subscribers who need unlimited Internet Beeline. What internet products do you have? mobile operator, their cost and terms of provision - you will learn about all this from our article.

Review of tariffs with unlimited internet

Beeline tariffs with unlimited Internet have recently appeared in the arsenal of the TV system. Previously, the operator offered subscribers only night unlimited. And then, this service was available only to users of the "Highway" function. During the daytime, the client could only use limited quantity GB.

Today everything has changed. Now Beeline offers unlimited use of wireless online networks, through the following tariff plans and options:

  • any postpaid tariff plans of the "Vse" line;
  • TP "# everything is possible";
  • family of options "Highway" (only at night from 24.00 to 8.00 Moscow time).

Let's consider each of the products in detail.

TP "# PossibleVSo" consists of prepaid tariffication. In other words, the customer first pays a subscription fee and then uses the mobile product. The user can connect the unlimited Internet Beeline within the TP "# PossibleEverything" through the Personal Account in the "Tariffs" section, or by calling 0781.

After TP activation, the subscriber receives:

  • unlimited use of mobile Internet without traffic and speed restrictions, with the ability to use a high-speed connection, both in your region and throughout the country;
  • free outgoing calls to network numbers throughout the Russian Federation;
  • 250 minutes (for Moscow and the region) or 100 min. (for other regions of the country), for conversations with subscribers of other Russian TV systems;
  • 250 SMS (for Moscow and the region) or 100 SMS (for other regions), with the ability to send in the home network.

The subscription fee is 10 rubles / day for the first month. From the second month, the payment rises to 13 rubles / day. For Muscovites, a monthly fee of 20 rubles per day is provided.

Features of TP:

  • the package can only be used on a smartphone or phone. The product does not work on the tablet and USB modem;
  • you cannot distribute Wi-Fi via TP and use it as an access point;
  • when downloading large files, the traffic speed may be reduced;
  • it is forbidden to download torrent files. In case of client bypass this restriction, the data transfer rate will be reduced to the mark - 64 kb / s.

Internet without restrictions is also available on postpaid tariff plans of the "All" line. Postpaid involves using first cellular services, and then their payment. Postpaid tariff plan "All" can be connected at the Beeline office.

Unlimited Internet is available on any tariff plan of the family. That is, it can be used by both a subscriber on the All 300 TP and a client with activated product"Everything is 1800".

All products in the line also offer full unlimited communication with network numbers throughout the country. In addition, absolutely TP includes packages of minutes for calls to other cellular directions, and SMS, with the ability to send within Russia.

How much does it cost to use TP for the Vse line? The subscription fee will depend on the TP option that the subscriber has chosen, as well as on the actual use of cellular services. That is, if the TP "All 500" operates on the client's phone, and he did not use extra minutes and SMS, its subscription fee will be 500 rubles. per month.

Features of the family:

  • TP cannot be used as an access point for distributing Wi-Fi;
  • TP is intended only for phones and smartphones. The product does not function on other devices;
  • any product in the line does not support downloading torrent files;
  • the connection speed may be reduced due to the congestion of the cellular network.

All the above-described TPs with unlimited mobile Internet from Beeline are intended only for phones and smartphones. TP "Unlimited for Tablet" assumes the use of the product on tablet devices.

This Internet tariff provides for completely unlimited Web access, without traffic and speed restrictions. TP consists of prepaid tariffication. The subscription fee is 890 rubles / month.

Despite the hefty fee, the product does not include free packages minutes and SMS. Moreover, the TP does not have the opportunity to use voice and text mobile communications. However, if desired, the subscriber can connect these services at the office of the mobile operator.

Features of TP:

  • the subscriber has access to downloading large files, including torrent protocols;
  • the web connection is served at maximum speed;
  • otherwise, the features of previous products are inherent in this TP.

Through the Highway service, you can get unlimited Internet on Beeline for your phone, tablet or modem. However, the function can only offer unlimited Internet on a phone or other device indirectly.

The Internet option provides unlimited use of Web access only at night (from 24.00 to 08.00 Moscow time). In the daytime, traffic from the provided package will be consumed.

As part of the Highway service, you can get packages of 8, 12 and 20 GB. An Internet quota is allocated for a month. The cost of the service will depend on the option option chosen by the subscriber:

  • "8 GB" - 600 rubles / month;
  • "12 GB" - 700 rubles / month;
  • "20 GB" - 1200 rubles / month

Features of the service:

  • high-speed web traffic may decrease depending on the region of the subscriber's residence. Maximum speed will only work in LTE networks(4G);
  • dedicated traffic is not consumed at night;
  • night unlimited ceases to operate when connected to any TP of the "Vse" family;
  • TP can be used on any device;
  • downloading torrent files is allowed.

A huge number of offers from various operators mobile communications unrestricted Internet access, unfortunately, did not develop into quality. And about the affordable cost similar services subscribers do not have to dream. Therefore, we draw your attention to special offers from Beeline. This operator has real unlimited service packages, in which there are no restrictions on traffic and Internet speed.

Just connect to Beeline and get "All in one"... The essence of this tariff consists of the following main points:

  1. It provides not only mobile communications with a large number of GB, free minutes and sms, but also home high-speed Internet with unlimited traffic and television.
  2. Additionally, you can connect up to 5 phone numbers within one package for only 100 rubles. This will allow you to distribute free minutes, GB, sms between family members and relatives.
  3. A Wi-fi router will be able to provide unlimited high-speed (up to 100 Mbit / s) Internet for all residents of the apartment.
  4. Mobile and home TV are available, respectively, 25 and 132 channels can be connected.

Depending on your needs, you can choose from 4 offered the most optimal tariff plan.

The entire line of the "Everything" tariff for mobile Internet

If the client does not need Wi-Fi, television, or high-speed unlimited Internet, then in this case Beeline is ready to make an excellent offer that is difficult to refuse. The "All" tariff plan is designed to provide the maximum range of mobile communication services. Due to the widespread transition to the 4G standard, mobile Internet traffic is in no way inferior in signal stability to home wired connections... And the flow rate up to 20 Mb / s is quite sufficient for any activity on the Internet on a smartphone, tablet, via a modem.

Beeline offers a choice of 5 tariff packages for Moscow. For each specific region of Russia, special tariffs have been developed:

Tariff nameMobile Internet, GBThe number of minutes / sms per month included in the package priceMonthly subscription fee, rubles
All 11 300/- 350
All 26 400/500 550
All 310 1200/500 900
All 415 2000/500 1500
All 515 5000/500 2500

With a prepayment of communication services for 30 days, Beeline is ready to double the volume of Internet traffic. But these are not all surprises, there are additional nice options:

  1. Intranet unlimited.
  2. The provided Internet traffic is valid in all regions of Russia.

To connect to the tariff plan "Everything" you like, just dial the short number

Affordable Internet at Highway tariffs

Some subscribers do not need anything other than mobile Internet. Beeline also did not forget about them and provided a whole family of Internet options. If the subscriber uses a smartphone or tablet with 3G / 4G support, he will like the Highway from Beeline. Moreover, you can now check the speed of traffic in this tariff plan absolutely free of charge within a week by connecting the "Highway 1 Gb" service by a simple number

Traffic volume, GBPayment in r. month / dayAccess pointMobile TVNight UnlimitedPhones / USSD codes for service activation
1 200/7 Home region / *115*04#
4 400/18 All Russia+ /*115*061#
8 600/- All Russia+ + / *115*071#
12 700/- All Russia+ + / *115*081#
20 1200/- All Russia+ + / *115*091#

If you need internet for a day

Though our modern society stuck in virtual networks, there are still people who prefer to limit their communication with the Internet. But from time to time it is required to see on a smartphone what events are taking place in the world. For inactive users global web Beeline has special offer for 500 MB of Internet for 29r. per day, if this is too much, that is, 100 MB for 19 rubles. per day.

If the traffic just ran out, then Beeline offers additional package for 150 rubles, which guarantees the subscriber, if necessary, to receive 5 GB. The client does not need to worry that he will be disconnected and save the remaining MB - the service will automatically connect when the balance of Internet traffic is replenished.

Special tariff unlimited for tablet

Modern tablets have high performance... In order for the owner of the gadget to be able to assess the full potential of the device, the maximum possible high-quality communication... Beeline offers special conditions for tablet users:

  1. High speed data transfer in 4G + network (for Moscow) up to 65 Mb per second.
  2. 10 GB monthly for RUB 550 within the first 3 months.
  3. 15 GB monthly, starting from the 4th month of connection for the same 550 rubles.

Connect your tablet to your mobile high speed internet according to tariffs from beeline it is very simple. It is enough to dial the number on the phone

or USSD code

Find out how it is profitable to connect unlimited Internet to Beeline

Beeline develops, together with its customers, a friendly partnership based on mutually beneficial terms. Therefore, now it is proposed to connect a real unlimited Internet on very attractive terms:

  • For regular customers who want to improve mobile communication, get a Wi-Fi router as a gift, you need to call the number or log in to the site to receive a profitable personal offer.
  • For potential clients have a special offer - ask Beeline subscriber make a promo code for you by sending a free SMS by phone, and both of you will receive 50% discounts in the form of bonuses for communication services for 2 months.

Unlimited from Beeline is received by clients connecting to the All-in-One tariff plan. Even if we compare this offer with all mobile communication services without home Internet, television, then this product turns out to be more profitable. Of a similar product not found on this moment not a single mobile operator. Such giants as Megafon, MTS cannot boast of offering home TV, unlimited Internet, installation free wifi router and a set of mobile options. In addition to the listed points, tariff line All-in-one attracts customers with the ability to connect all services centrally. It is enough to pay one monthly fee to get full set telecommunication services.

Beeline personal account - appearance cabinet

To connect unlimited mobile internet from beeline, you just need to choose suitable tariffs and order sim-cards. Access to communication in the network will appear automatically after activating the SIM card in mobile device... After that, you can select the options, packages that are needed. Clients are given the opportunity to independently choose and install the necessary services using the above mobile numbers or USSD codes. But it is most convenient to use your personal account to complete the necessary financial transactions. Convenient interface and a clear algorithm of actions allows you to quickly and reliably conduct banking operations.

Unlimited Internet Beeline is easy to turn off

Everything is simple in Beeline - no problems with connecting, disconnecting and changing tariff plans. This is especially true for customers using postpaid services and roaming. To reduce your costs, you need to turn off options that are already irrelevant in time.

For example, if a subscriber needs to disable the Internet service for one day:

If you need to disconnect others additional options or switching from one tariff to another, it is easier to use your personal account... After all, it is always available to an unlimited Internet subscriber.

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