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Mobile phones are a health hazard. Is a mobile phone harmful to human health?

Medical scientists examined the health status of 420 thousand owners of mobile phones living in Denmark, but did not reveal a causal relationship between their use and the occurrence of cancer. This study was the largest of all aimed at determining the degree of safety of these devices. In a final article published Wednesday in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, cell phone use is not the cause of leukemia, cancer of the brain, nervous system, or salivary gland.

However, this message is by no means a complete and final answer to the question of the nature of the effect of wave radiation from mobile phones on the human body. The fact is that the incubation period for the development of a slowly growing brain tumor is ten years - only a few thousand Danes have experience of using "mobile phones" approaching this figure, while the overwhelming majority of participants in the study have owned their phones for no more than three years.

The principle of operation of cell phones is based on the radiation of low-intensity energy at radio frequencies, according to experts, is not capable of causing harm to humans. However, most RF waves are emitted by antennas in close proximity to the user's brain. Some scientists in the United States and Sweden, judging by their latest work, note an increase in the occurrence of brain tumors on the side of the head where the cell phone is usually located during a conversation.

When determining the average incidence rate of Danes with certain types of malignant tumors, it turned out that the difference between the predicted and real figures for the period since 1982 is very small. Thus, the potential number of patients with brain cancer of mobile phone users is 161, the real number is 154. 84 contracted leukemia versus the expected 86. And, finally, cancer of the salivary (sublingual) gland, which could affect nine people, was detected in only seven.

Mobile phone can damage the nervous system

Recent research by research teams from England and Australia has heightened concerns about the health risks of cell phones. British researchers observed physiological changes in the body as a result of a 30-minute conversation on a cell phone. Scientists found that after six minutes, the temperature of the skin near the phone increased by 2.3 degrees, and the flow of air inhaled through the nose from the side closest to the phone changed.

The good news is that using a hands free telephone can reduce the likelihood of such problems occurring. As a result, scientists have come to the conclusion that long-term exposure to radiation leads to unpredictable health consequences.

An Australian group of scientists refers to the case of a man who had a nervous breakdown, the cause of which they could not find even with a brain scan. The researchers found that the man had a noticeable difference in the response of one of the halves of the brain, and also, after using a mobile phone, experienced continuous headaches for one to two days.

The head of the research team, Dr. Peter Hocking, stated that it is the unilateral headaches that identify the cell phone as the source of this patient's health problems.

Moscow: rating of the most dangerous mobile phones for health

The debate about how dangerous mobile phones are for health has been going on for a long time. The data of many studies on the effect of mobile phones on the human body often contradict each other. However, there is an objective indicator of the impact of the phone on the body that can be measured - the so-called SAR.

Last June, the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA) obliged mobile phone manufacturers to specify SAR (Specific absorption rates) in phone specifications, which characterizes the specific absorption rate of radiation by the human body. is a SAR value of 1.6 W / kg Phones with an indicator above this value are a priori classified as hazardous to health.

However, until now, not all manufacturers follow the CTIA guidelines. Below we publish a summary of the mobile phones with the highest SAR (considered the most hazardous to health) and the phones with the lowest SAR (considered the safest).

The most dangerous:

Bosch GSM-908 - 1.59 SAR; Philips Genie 1.52; Ericsson LX-588 1.51; Ericsson T28 1.49; NEC DB4000 - 1.23; Nokia 3110 - 1.24; Siemens C35i - 1.19; Nokia 6210 - 1.19; Siemens M35i - 1.14; Nokia 3210 - 1.14 SAR.

The safest:

Motorola v3688 - 0.02 SAR; Motorola StarTac70 - 0.02; Nokia 8850 - 0.22; Nokia 8810 - 0.22; Ericsson GH628 0.26; Sony CMDX-1000 - 0.41; Sony CMD-C1 - 0.41; Nokia 8890 - 0.53; Motorola T2288 - 0.54; Motorola CD930 - 0.70 SAR.

So, debate and talk about the dangers of cell phones has been going on for a long time. However, it seems that everything is not so difficult. In most cases, harmful effects can only harm the body with prolonged exposure. For example, according to some reports, the risk of developing lung cancer increases significantly only after 10 years of active smoking. Apparently also with a cell phone. If you use it a little and not very often and use the safest models, then there is hardly a threat to health. Constant long-term use of the telephone for many years is another matter. Here, even brain cancer is possible, but even then, as a rule, only after the onset of precancerous conditions and diseases.

For modern children and their parents, a mobile phone is an essential element of life. We can no longer imagine ourselves without a mobile phone. After all, it is very convenient to talk whenever and wherever you want, and not wait for a call from your home phone. It is convenient to control the child, because with the help of the phone you can find out the location of the child. And how did people live without telephones before?

However, not everything is as good and beautiful as it seems at first glance.

The harm of mobile phones and their effect on children is the topic of our conversation. Indeed, we pay for these advantages, conveniences and comfort with our own health and the health of our children.

It should be noted that a mobile phone is harmful not only for children, but also for adults. However, for a growing and still developing organism, this harm is more pronounced and dangerous. The bones of a child's skull are much thinner than those of an adult. Therefore, the child's bone marrow can absorb 10 times more electromagnetic radiation.

The mobile phone is capable of generating electromagnetic fields. The nervous and immune systems suffer from radiation, and as a result, memory loss, decreased attention, headaches, inattention and moodiness. Frequent and prolonged conversations on a mobile phone harm the brain, hearing suffers, and the general condition of the child worsens. And frequent “picking” at the phone with its bright screen and small letters negatively affects the child's eyesight.

At the beginning of the 21st century, Scottish scientist William Stewart conducted an experiment that clearly showed that earthworms change their protein structure due to exposure to microwave radiation from mobile phones. This, of course, is not the only experience and not the only statement of scientists from different countries.

It has been proven that electromagnetic waves can cause changes in the human body at the cellular level.

Electromagnetic radiation comes from all electromagnetic devices (microwave ovens, computers, televisions). Only now, all these devices are at a certain distance from us, while many do not part with mobile phones even in the toilet and sleep with them in an embrace. The mobile phone is addictive, especially in children.

  • Talk on the phone as needed (2-3 minutes one time).
  • Speak hands-free or use a wireless headset
  • Don't put your phone where you plan to sleep. After all, the electromagnetic radiation of the phone is active and has a negative effect on the human nervous system even in standby mode.
  • Carry your phone in your bag, backpack, not in your pocket or neck
  • Keep your mobile phone at least 50 cm away from you
  • Do not use the phone in places where reception is poor. These are usually elevators, transport, underground parking, countryside, metro. Since at these moments the radiation of your mobile phone is amplified several times.
  • Try to use a mobile phone indoors less often, as the radiation of a mobile phone indoors is several times higher than outdoors.
  • The strongest radiation from the phone is when you are looking for a network operator, so do not put it to your ear at this time.

Tips on how to reduce the risk to children from mobile phones

If you are constantly holding a mobile phone in your hands, looking through photos or mail, please note that such a toy will also be very interesting for your child. However, a mobile phone is not at all suitable as a toy. If, nevertheless, your little child “persuaded” you to give him a mobile “to play”, at least turn on the airplane mode.

If the child is older, then, most likely, he is perfectly able to turn on and off the mobile. And asks you to let him use his phone. You can, of course, write, but with the condition of a time limit - just listen to a few songs or just call your grandmother.

Don't let your child play games on the phone if you don't want to ruin your child's eyes and turn him into a zombie.

It is better for schoolchildren under 12 years old to buy a telephone that will fulfill its intended purpose - to call. And not the most sophisticated gadget with a large number of different games and other applications. Otherwise, during boring lessons, your child will be busy with an interesting mobile game.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that children under 8 years old should not use cell phones. Since the risk of a brain tumor due to radiation from the phone is extremely high.

You need to teach your child:

  • more often send e-mails over the Internet on a computer;
  • turn on speakerphone when making calls;
  • use the phone as little as possible and only when necessary;
  • keep the phone away from your head while talking.

If you decide to buy a phone for your child, then you should understand in advance the possible positive and negative aspects of such a purchase.

Mobile for child

It will not be possible to completely protect the child from harmful influences, but it is worth minimizing their number as much as possible. Buy a phone for your child when you really need it; the benefits of using a mobile device should outweigh the harm of using it.

P.S. How TV influences the child.

Everyone is already used to the endless discussion about whether cell phones are harmful or not. A large army of scientists either "frightens" us with horrors about the consequences of using mobile communications (from impotence to brain cancer), or lull us with affectionate stories that mobile phones are absolutely harmless. In fact, the truth is still unknown to neither one nor the other - the time elapsed since the beginning of the mass use of this type of communication is too short to be able to determine the long-term consequences of its impact on the human body. Meanwhile, Israeli scientists pay attention to the fact that in disputes about the dangers of mobile communications, we somehow forget about another type of phones, which may be no less harmful than mobile phones and which are much more common than cell phones. We are talking about home radiotelephones.

A modern home portable radiotelephone (operating at frequencies of 600-1000 MHz), consists of a receiver, a telephone device and a transmitter with a radiation power of up to hundreds of mW into the antenna. According to an earlier study by American scientists, about 55% of this power, when a radiotelephone approaches the ear, penetrates through the skull and affects the surface layers of the brain to a depth of 1.5 inches (about 37 mm). But human DNA and enzymes are very sensitive to the action of the electromagnetic field, especially in the high-frequency range.

Specialists from the Israeli Ministry of Health issued a warning. It states that radiation from cordless home telephones is very harmful to health. Presumably, the harm from them is no less than from cell phones. The warning also contains recommendations for citizens. Experts advise not to place the "base" of these devices in certain places. These include the bedroom, children's room and study. People usually spend a lot of time in all these rooms.

If possible, it is better to install regular wired telephones. For example, such a phone is perfect for a study. Another useful feature is the “speakerphone”. Its use allows you not to hold the telephone receiver close to your head. After the end of the conversation, experts advise returning the cordless phone to the "base" for recharging, and try not to keep them separate. There have been a lot of studies on the impact of cell phones on the development of brain cancer. No reliable data has been obtained yet, the results are too contradictory. For an accurate answer to this question, it is necessary to continue the study over a long period.

The debate over how much harm to a person communication using mobile phones began several decades ago, from the very moment when these portable devices began to be in demand, first in individual countries, and then around the world. Scientists and physicians around the world have been conducting thousands of experiments and studies for many years in order to prove or disprove certain widespread versions about the influence of mobile phones on human life and health. Let's look at the most popular of them, so that in the future, each reader can answer the question, did he feel the harm of mobile phones or is this just a myth?

The influence of electromagnetic waves on human health. Scientists have long proven that they are able to stimulate changes at the cellular level and cause disturbances in the gene order, as well as contribute to the appearance of diseased cells in the body and even disease-causing tumors. So how harmful is the influence of mobile devices, the work of which is a source of constantly generated electromagnetic waves?

A number of specialists who have studied this issue have come to the conclusion that mobile devices can negatively affect health only with excessive, almost round-the-clock use of modern devices or with the use of outdated, very first mobile phones that "emitted" much more electromagnetic waves due to imperfections technologies at the dawn of the wireless era. Thus, you can safely communicate using modern models of mobile phones, but not abuse such communication. The manufacturers of such devices themselves do not believe that their products are more dangerous than those without which no house can do in our time.

Negative effect on the immune system. With constant unrestricted use, the harm of mobile phones becomes especially noticeable. Studies show that participants in experiments in Denmark and Norway, who used mobile phones on a daily basis for a long time, began to complain of drowsiness, headaches and became more irritable than subjects who limited their communication using cellular communications.

Also, scientists have found that the constant use of mobile phones can significantly weaken the immune system, which will lead to the appearance of a number of diseases and can exacerbate chronic diseases. Therefore, the harm and benefit of cellular communications are the totality of the rational use of such brainchildren of progress.

Influence of electromagnetic waves on the brain. Many scientists associate the harm of mobile phones with the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the head. Moreover, such radiation is created around themselves not only by mobile phones, but also by a number of other devices that have confidently entered our life - computers, televisions, microwave ovens, radio telephones and other devices.

This affects not only the brain tissue, but also the tissue of the retina, the structures of the visual, auditory and minimizing the harm of mobile phones to “our heads” will again allow limiting the use of these devices in everyday life.

Mobile phone and children. Due to the fact that the skull of a child is thinner and less massive, electromagnetic radiation has a much greater effect on our children than on adults. Therefore, the harm of mobile phones to the child's body is much more noticeable than the effect on the health of adults. Because of this, scientists around the world are calling for the most careful monitoring of the time that children spend talking on their mobiles.

Thus, we can safely say that the harm and benefit of a mobile phone in the modern world are relative concepts. Everything will depend solely on the intensity of use of this type of device - with a reasonable approach, a mobile phone can bring exclusively benefit to its owner, almost completely eliminating a negative effect on the body.

The benefits and harms of a cell phone depends entirely on the way you use it.... Many words have been said about the necessity and importance of a mobile device in the life of a modern person. No less has been written about the harm from electromagnetic radiation, the successor of which is any, even the simplest, apparatus. What is this harm, how to minimize risks and recognize harmful effects is described in this article.

The harm of the phone to the human body

The effect of a mobile phone on human health has been subjected to repeated studies, which sometimes had conflicting information. Scientists have been arguing about the dangers of mobile devices for several decades, and a huge number of results of experiments and other scientific studies have already accumulated, which are constantly published on scientific resources. More than 10 thousand publications on this topic have already been collected, which can be found in international publications. But does the phone emit radiation?

May 31, 2011 is the day on which the WHO officially recognized the harm of radiation from mobile devices to human health. She recognized radiation as a potential carcinogen and identified group 2 B.

The harm of mobile phones to the human body lies in the fact that when talking, it is close to the brain... In this case, the electromagnetic rays come into direct contact with it and can negatively affect health. The characteristics of this type of radiation are such that when exposed to living cells, they cause an increase in their temperature and possibly play a role in irreversible processes when radio frequency influence occurs regularly. Thus, a brain tumor may develop.

The harm of the phone to human health also lies in the fact that concentration of attention worsens while talking on the phone, thus, due to talking on the phone while driving in a car, accidents happen 4 times more often. Although the cause is not radiation, the problem remains relevant to this day. Do not talk on the phone while driving or on the speakerphone. Although the harm of cell phones to human health has been discussed by the scientific community for a long time, no consensus has been reached. Various versions of this provision are expressed. The most common is the financial component, since phone manufacturers are interested in selling their goods, and therefore, hiding the true research results.

According to the principle of precaution, healthcare organizations are obliged to recommend that users of mobile devices minimize the time they use them, and especially when they are near the head. The prohibition to use the phone often is relevant primarily for children..

Among the consequences that the telephone can have on the body, there is also the well-known vegetative-vascular dystonia - a mysterious disease characterized by a pronounced loss of strength and decreased performance. Some researchers believe that the reason for this condition is precisely the too frequent use of mobile phones or being in an area with a dangerous level of radiation from the tower. And with the constant suppression of the body by electromagnetic waves, cancer can develop.

Society reaction

Protection against radiation from phones has become a hot topic among users. The widespread use of mobile phones creates a wary attitude towards them as carcinogenic agents that can cause the development of cancerous tumors. When evaluating studies, there is still no clear conclusion on the long-term effects of cell phone use. At the same time, the version is often expressed that manufacturers and companies of mobile devices embellish and hide the research results. Several similar incidents were recorded:

  • The case of Anders Ahlbom - it turned out that the chief specialist of the expert working group turned out to be an expert lobbied by the mobile phone manufacturers. He was paid to find radiation from mobile phones to be harmless. After the scandal, he was fired and not admitted to the world congress.
  • Canadian scientists have also been repeatedly noticed in the bias of their research - they have been repeatedly paid by the manufacturers and operators of mobile communications and the central television channels of the United States.

Phone manufacturers are no exception in this matter and, along with alcohol and tobacco manufacturers, are trying to deny and ridicule the results that indicate a real danger.

Meanwhile, experts from different countries have long been united in their belief that the effect of the telephone on the body is destructive. Thirty scientists from the International Agency for Research on Cancer, led by Jonathan Samet, produced a sufficient number of experiments and conclusions that today have become difficult to ignore. One can only guess why a group of scientists classified this harm as potentially carcinogenic, assigning an appropriate marker to it. And what (or who?) Prevented the IARC at the WHO from classifying the problem with marker 1A or 2A as higher, because the confirmation was presented quite serious - brain cancer. And confirmation of the development of glioma and other brain lesions with frequent use of a mobile device near the ear was accepted by the most authoritative experts.

Electromagnetic fields and public opinion

But is the phone really dangerous? Does the phone emit radiation? The microwave frequency range, which is characteristic of microwave radiation, which is the range of the cellular network, affects the following functions in the body:

  • suppresses cellular and humoral immunity;
  • provokes the development of oncology;
  • the cause of endocrine dysfunction;
  • development of reversible and irreversible chromosomal aberrations.

The development of these diseases depends on three factors of electromagnetic radiation: frequency, power and time of exposure. The higher the data, the greater the impact. Thus, the radiation from cellular communication becomes similar to gamma radiation, which has the same principle of operation. For both gamma radiation and microwave radiation, the time of exposure to the rays determines the total power that affects the body.

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61 years

The maximum permissible level of electromagnetic radiation from cellular communications in Russia is 10mW / cm² in the position near the head. If this level is exceeded, diseases can occur.

Ordinary citizens sometimes do not suspect that their safety depends on themselves, since the radiation power of mobile phones is different for all models, and you should pay close attention to the level of supply and reception of these signals before buying. Each phone model has a different SAR level - energy absorption- which should be as low as possible. When the necessary measurements of the signal level were not made before the purchase, it is better to control it manually, if such a function is provided in the device. Very often there are cases when the permissible level is exceeded, especially when calling and searching for a network.

Since modern life is no longer possible without using a mobile network, it is possible to reduce the level of microwave exposure without bringing the phone close to the head, since safety is directly proportional to its distance from the body. Fortunately, today there are a lot of opportunities for this: speakerphone, "hands free".

How to Protect Against Excessive Phone Radiation

The radiation from the telephone (from the Latin radius "ray", radiātiō - "radiation") is non-ionizing. This is a safer type of radiation, in contrast to the ionizing one, which is characteristic of some radioactive metals, as well as the X-ray apparatus and places with nuclear and thermonuclear reactions.

Non-ionizing radiation surrounds us everywhere: in electric light, sunlight, even heat from our body. Frequent exposure to high doses of radiation has a cumulative effect when a minor amount of exposure to the body occurs, causing a change in blood biochemistry that, over time, can cause serious health problems.

The possible harm to cellular communication is the following:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • headache;
  • infertility;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • the development of oncological diseases.

Despite the obvious evidence of scientific works on this topic, mobile phone manufacturers continue to convince that all this is fiction. Although there are many such examples in history: the same leaded gasoline, until it was banned internationally due to its harmful effects on health, oil refineries denied the presence of a carcinogenic effect in it.

Therefore, the abuse of telephone conversations should be partially or completely accompanied by a wireless headset, which will allow you to communicate without leaning the phone to your head.

What the phone emits also applies to home radiotelephones, and not just to cell phones, since they have very similar signal patterns.

Is radiation from a phone harmful when it is at rest? Yes, since the signal received from the station is pulsating. But the most intense radiation becomes at the moment of calling the number, when the subscriber number connects to the base station of the cellular operator. If the cellular signal cannot easily find the tower, then it will start working at full power to pick it up. In these situations, the telephone is the most dangerous, and its stay near the body should be minimized.

In such cases, it is advisable to turn off the phone altogether or set the "Airplane" mode. There are special cases for the phone with a shielding effect that does not transmit radiation, you can use them. If it is possible to improve the transmitted signal during a conversation, then you need to do this: stand on an elevated surface, go to a window or go out into an open space so that the received signal does not meet obstacles. These actions will minimize the effect of electromagnetic rays that they have on the body.

The effect of cell towers on the human body

Radio signal transceivers with powerful antennas allow communication of cellular operators' subscribers. To make communication better, such towers should be placed on heights: it is allowed to install them on the buildings of some enterprises, residential buildings or on mountains and hills.

The distribution of electromagnetic radiation from the tower occurs in such a way that the houses under it are not the epicenter of radiation, because the waves from the tower propagate horizontally. Being close to 30 meters from such an antenna is potentially hazardous to human health.... If such a tower and the cellular operators directly adhere to the European norm and do not exceed a signal higher than 2W / kg, then the danger, as such, is not considered to be exceeded.

Radiation from a tower tends to fade away from its source, so already within 150 meters, such radiation becomes no more dangerous than from a telephone lying in another room.

However, it is quite common for mobile operators to place their base stations in bad faith, adding additional equipment to existing stations that already emit maximum permissible radiation. Thus, the norms restricting construction near dangerous objects are violated, people are exposed to radiation.

Changes in legislation are no less problematic, according to which the construction of new houses is not taken into account from the standpoint of radiation from antennas and no examinations are carried out for an increased microwave level.

The described risks from radiation may be relevant for people whose houses are within 100-120 m and less.... If you know that there is a cell tower in the neighborhood at this level, especially if the antenna itself is located at the same height as your apartment, you need to measure the energy flux density from it by contacting an accredited laboratory. Since the waves propagate horizontally, the greatest damage is possible precisely at the same height as the radiation source.

If, after measurements, the signal level is higher than the permissible level (above 1900 MHz and above 10 µW / cm²), then it is necessary to write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor, indicating the available evidence.

The way the phone affects human health seems to be carefully hushed up by someone. A vigilant citizen must learn to live in a new reality around factors that can cause exposure in order to be able to independently protect himself and his loved ones from possible danger. After the World Health Organization announced to the whole world about the dangers of telephones, adding them to a separate register of carcinogenic products, sober-minded people no longer have any doubts that there is no smoke without fire.

The studies carried out have confirmed the fact that EMR really affects a living organism, and if this organism is somehow weakened or suppressed, then the study can simply kill it by mutating cells into malignant neoplasms. An experiment with chickens subjected to prolonged EMP is characteristic. They developed cancer three times more often than others.

These rules will be most relevant for our children, who appear completely defenseless against radiation. The skull bones in children are much thinner, which means that the degree of radiation passing through the cranium is much higher than that of an adult. If we add to this factor undeveloped immunity and constant stress of the body due to increased growth, then one can understand why the percentage of pediatric oncology has sharply increased in recent decades.

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