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Mobile offers. Mobile affiliate programs or mobile traffic monetization

Mobile traffic is a powerful tool for making money on the Internet. Every day the number of users of tablets and smartphones is increasing, which allows you to monetize the traffic of mobile devices using the most different affiliate programs. Before you start making money on affiliate programs of mobile applications, you need to study the main factors of their promotion.

    • What are the most popular mobile apps for affiliate programs?
    • Mobile Partners
    • How and where to promote affiliate programs of mobile applications?

What are the most popular mobile apps for affiliate programs?

Many people today are switching to the latest smartphones and tablets running Android or iOS platforms. For each such operating system, there is a fairly large selection of mobile applications. In turn, each mobile application has a certain affiliate program that promotes it.

Among noteworthy affiliate programs of mobile applications, the following applications can be distinguished:

  • PerInstallCash;
  • Webasm;
  • Aff.Adguard;
  • adfile;
  • RoboInstall;
  • Install Cube;
  • Install Monster;
  • instafile.

Watch the video - CPA: how to make money on mobile traffic?

The tool for making money in these affiliate programs is the target audience, which consists mainly of young and active people aged 18 to 30 years. It is absolutely not difficult to promote mobile applications among such an audience.

Mobile Partners

List of the best affiliate programs for mobile applications:

  1. The most suitable earning tool for any mobile application - Mobioffers. This affiliate program has about a hundred mobile applications. Thanks to its services, you can earn on users who have used the services of this affiliate program. In order to attract other users, you can use traffic arbitration or creating your own blog/website, etc. The minimum payout on Mobioffers is around 1,000 rubles ($15).
  2. In second place in popularity - affiliate program CityADS. This tool for earning money has about 20 mobile applications, the installation of which is suitable for iOS and Android operating systems. Basically, this affiliate program specializes in the following mobile applications: calling a taxi or other transport, dating sites, programs and applications that allow you to increase the charge of the device used or extend its load time twice.
  3. The third place is occupied by an affiliate program with the name actionpay- one of the largest affiliate programs on the Internet, which has about 20 mobile applications.
  4. Fourth place is occupied by the affiliate program Admitad. This profitable tool is one of the largest CPA networks, partnering with over 30 mobile apps.

How and where to promote affiliate programs of mobile applications?

Resources for promoting mobile applications are:

  • Websites adapted for viewing mobile devices. You must select these resources based on the theme of mobile devices with support for Android and iOS.
  • Social media: placement of affiliate links in posts of popular thematic communities, groups; creating your own group with the theme of mobile devices for Android or iOS.
  • On thematic forums you can also post links to affiliate programs of mobile devices.
We recommend online earning course: Learn more than 50 ways to make money online, including ways to make money with affiliate programs

Trends in the field of information technology allow us to say that mobile traffic will grow steadily in the next few years. Therefore, there are definitely earnings prospects in this segment of affiliate programs, and they will only expand, providing an opportunity for everyone to earn and receive steadily growing income.

Post publication date: 23-04-2015

The research and actions of search engines suggest that the share of mobile traffic will increase at a rapid pace. Traditional CPA-affiliates will no longer be able to monetize visitors using mobile devices so effectively.

Therefore, specialized CPA, CPC, CPI (payment for application installation) are already actively working to monetize mobile, which will be discussed today.

Mobile affiliate programs

There are several offers to monetize purely adult traffic. There is own TDS for traffic from Russia. Geo: accept traffic from Russia and from abroad. Payment types: for a subscription, for installing applications. How much pay: from oh 15 before 3 $ for app installation and 2 $ per subscription.

The affiliate has about a hundred offers, mostly gaming applications. A bunch of offers at very tasty prices for installs. Geo: offers accept both Russian and foreign traffic. Payment types: for app installations. How much pay: from 0,08 before 3,6 $ per install.

There are several dozen popular applications. There are offers for which motivated traffic is allowed and which will be moderated in myTarget. Geo: receive mostly traffic from Russia. Some offers accept traffic from all countries. Payment types: for installing applications. How much pay: from oh 15 before 4,1 $ per conversion.

There are a couple dozen offers, mostly games. Geo: accept from Russia and Asian countries. Payment types: for installing applications. How much pay: from 0,07 before 2,3 $ per conversion.

The affiliate program includes gaming applications, store applications. There are offers that accept motivated traffic. Geo: Payment types: for installing applications. How much pay: from 3 before 150 rubles for the installation.

A large number of various offers (games, shops, useful applications). Applications for iPhone, iPad, Android, iOS, web. There are offers that accept motivated traffic. Geo: traffic from Russia and all over the world is accepted. Payment types: for installing applications. How much pay: from 2 before 110 rubles for the installation.

Now there are about 20 offers in the system. It is possible to open an agent office at MobiAds. Geo: traffic from Russia and all over the world is accepted. Payment types: for installing applications. How much pay: from 0.2 before 3.65 $ per install.

. The affiliate program has several hundred offers for every taste and color (games, shops, useful applications, dating, etc.). Geo: traffic is received from all over the world. Payment types: for installing applications. How much pay: before 3.36 $ per install.

There are not very many offers, but there are exclusive offers (Lamoda, Yandex.Taxi, Uber). Geo: Payment types: for installing applications. How much pay: from 10 rubles to 2.25 $ per install.

About a hundred offers from different categories - games, useful applications, taxis, shops, hotel search, food delivery. Geo: traffic is received from Russia and a number of foreign countries. Payment types: for installing applications. How much pay: from 4 before 122 rubles for the installation.

It has a little less than a hundred offers, from which there is a lot to choose from. There are offers with payment for a subscription. Geo: traffic is received from Russia and a number of foreign countries. Payment types: for a subscription, for installing applications. How much pay: from 0.08 before 2,16 $ per install and up to 20$ (1) per subscription. Send on Whatsapp :)

About 50 offers on various topics. You should immediately pay attention to the fact that only RU traffic is accepted. Geo: Only traffic from Russia is accepted. Payment types: for installing applications. How much pay: from 9 before 205 rubles for the installation.

Affiliate programs for Android and iOS mobile applications are multiplying, someone manages to throw their masters, someone continues to work honestly.

Therefore, in this post I want to dwell on the actual installation, oriented both to earn money on the sites of the Runet and the bourgeoisie. I am sure this information will be useful and in demand.

It is worth recalling the essence of such website monetization solutions. There are applications that can be downloaded - paid or free - in the official google play and appstore services. For each such download, the webmaster receives certain deductions - they are different in each system. Therefore, you should always compare the bid sizes, but not forgetting the stability of the advertising network itself, the frequency of payments and their minimum threshold.

At hand, you need to have a maximum of such affiliate programs of mobile applications in order to choose the most optimal in all respects. Especially when it comes to traffic arbitrage.

Payment for installs

What topics are offered, you can see in the lists, the most popular are:

  • Games,

  • phone performance improvement services,

  • Food delivery,

  • Browsers and antiviruses,

  • Acquaintance.

For earnings in the bourgeoisie, deductions are higher, and in RuNet there is a steady downward trend.

Payment for installation brings from 7 rubles to 1.5 dollars, on average 30-40 rubles. For foreign, this figure is higher and can reach up to 2-3 dollars per install.

Pay-per-install affiliates

Russia, CIS countries:




Universal solutions for Roux and bourgeois traffic:





Be sure to look at

The official app of Ashley Madison. Designed especially for those who are interested in love dating, this best dating app has been specially designed to give you the best online dating experience.

Target: Installation
Restrictions: fraud, any fraud, incentivized traffic, brand advertising, mass following, oil liking, spam traffic, using your own creatives. Email traffic - as agreed.


Description: is the first and largest meta-search in Runet for airtickets on 728 airlines (including flights of low-cost carriers and charters), 100 agencies and 5 booking systems. The company searches for flights on sites such as OneTwoTrip,,, Sindbad,, Svyaznoy.Travel, Kupibilet, Aviakassa, SuperSaver, Clickavia, Biletdv, Skypicker, as well as dozens of other Russian and foreign online ticket offices.

Restrictions: It is strictly forbidden to use deliberately false advertising messages that mislead the user. Any types of misleading formats are also prohibited, clickander / popunder is prohibited

Prohibited traffic sources:
. all types of motivated traffic;
. redirects without user consent;
. doorways;
. search results replacement;
. spam (e-mail, web, SMS, push, IM, etc.);
. misleading apps and creatives;
. popups and popunders (including banners inside applications);
. adult


Target Pay Countries
Deposit 60 % YE, am, CF, F.O. ir, mh, PF, SY, VI, AE, BY, ET, i.e., ly, N.U., SN, BR, ee, hn, LR, N.I., S.I. US, B.I. dk, g.u. la, na, SC, U.A., j.e. BD, CX, gp, kp, mv, RE, TR, au, CN, GH, kg, mq, PS, tj, RS, AO, CH, ga, IT, ML, Ph, tc, vu, AG, CA, fj, IN, MC, Om, SR, bt, eh, HT, LT, NO, sk, VC, bm, DO, GY, LC, N.E., SE, um, bf, cz, GR, kw, MX, rw, TV, AX, A-Z, CR, gl, ki, MS, pw, tm, ZM, AR, CK, gd, jo, MN, PL, tf, WS, AL, CD, fm, IQ, MG, PE, sv, vg, AD, bw, ES, id, LV, NR, SM, B.O., EC, hm, lk, NG, SH, UY, bh, dj, GT, kz, mz, SB, tz, im, BB, CV, GN, KN, mu, QA, to, zw, AT, CM, gf, K.E., MP, PR, TH, yt, AN, CG, F.R., IS, MK, PG, sz, vn, AF, bz, F.I. IL, MA, NZ, SO b.s. EG, HR, ls, nl, sj, VA, bj, dm, gw, lb, NC, SD, UG, TL, B.E. c.y., gq, kr, MW, RO, tt, AW, CO G.I. KH, mr, PT, TK, za, AQ, C.I. GB, jm, MM, PC, td, wf, AI, cc, fk, io, MD, PA, ST, bv, er, hu, lu, NP, SL, V.E., bn, dz, hk, li, NF, SG, US, bg, D.E. GS, KY, my, SA, tw, gg, ba, c.u. gm, KM, MT, py, TN, me, AS, CL, ge, jp, MO, P.M. TG

How many people today use a mobile phone or smartphone in their daily lives? How many currently use their gadget to access the Internet? These figures are growing rapidly every day. Mobile Internet is a very rapidly progressing tool. Its relevance becomes so relevant that it is simply meaningless to talk about it. Based on such popularity, it is possible to talk about the use of mobile Internet. Experts could not just leave this area just like that, because on average there are 15 applications installed on each smartphone (where you can install ads), and the number of online purchases using a mobile phone is also growing.

Especially for the needs of modern customers, the AdLabs Mobile affiliate program was created, which works exclusively with mobile traffic. Now every webmaster who is ready to work with the mobile platform using his site (for this you need to adapt your resource to each platform) can make good money using the above service.

What is the AdLabs Mobile affiliate program willing to pay for?
Clicks are the main thing that the affiliate program is currently working with. The average cost of a click is from 2 rubles.

At the moment, you can monetize your site using advertising on information projects or applications. That is, owners of mobile applications (for example, for the Android version) can also earn money. Mobile sites have their own ad unit, regular sites have their own.

What does a webmaster get in AdLabs Mobile?

  • High cost per click;
  • High-quality promotional materials;
  • High CTR;
  • Ability to work with detailed statistics in real time;
  • Payments 2 times a month to a WebMoney wallet. The minimum payout amount is 260 rubles.

The working conditions are very interesting. The system accepts sites of any subject, sites with any attendance.

What can you say about the work of advertisers in AdLabs Mobile?
Mobile Internet is currently actively occupying the market. This is the real fact. The number of users who visit the Internet using their smartphone is growing.

  • Advertising on websites and gaming applications;
  • Pay per click (target audience);
  • Extended statistics for each click;
  • Targeting for each country separately;
  • Advertising budget from 200,000 rubles per month.

AdLabs Mobile is an affiliate program created specifically for mobile phones. This is a very progressive direction, which is currently literally occupying the market. Each site owner must understand that it is possible to get visitors using the mobile Internet, each advertiser understands how many potential customers are currently using the mobile Internet. Do you want to be on trend? Try! This is a unique opportunity to build your own business in such a growing field.

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