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Multichannel router. Choosing a router: firmware

New technologies are entering our life more and more densely, and few people are able to do even one day without a computer and the Internet. There are more and more devices with access to the World Wide Web in every home, and as a rule, there is only one access point. This problem is solved by organizing a local (partly wired, partly wireless) home network, to which all available equipment will be connected. For these tasks, routers are used, which are also called "routers".

All establishments selling computer "hardware" have a fairly large number of the most diverse models of this device, so that often there are problems of choice. All routers of the latest models imply the possibility of organizing a WI-FI connection, but differ in price several times, have different capabilities and functionality. So the question of how to choose is very tough. There are many subtleties and nuances that need to be taken into account.

How to choose a WI-FI router

The most important thing is to know It can be obtained from the provider. The connection can be:

  • ADSL - using a telephone line;
  • Ethernet - via local area networks;
  • 3G, 4G - wireless connection via the latest generation mobile networks.

When choosing a specific router model, make sure that there is an input port that supports your connection type. There are models that have multiple inputs, and you can connect to the Internet from two providers. This is useful when you need to organize a stable connection, regardless of the presence of problems with one of them.

Answering the question of how to choose a WI-FI router, then we advise you to pay attention to the standard with which the device works. The transmission that your local network will work with depends on it:

  • 802.11b - provides a speed of no more than 11 Mbps.
  • 802.11g - provides a speed of no more than 54 Mbps.
  • 802.11n - theoretically provides speeds up to 600 Mbps.

for home

Most of modern devices with Internet access support

802.11n standard. So it is logical to choose a router with such characteristics. If one of your devices has a lower standard, then it will work with a higher-ranked router, but at the speed that is available to it. If your router has a lower speed, then, naturally, all devices will work at the speed that it can provide. One more thing: you shouldn't overpay for the 802.11n standard if the maximum speed of your connection is no higher than 50 Mbps.

When wondering which router to choose for your home, find out at what frequency all devices in the house with Internet access work. For most computers and other equipment, this figure is 2.4 GHz, but there are devices with an operating frequency of 5 GHz. If devices of both types are available, you will have to choose a router operating at two frequencies, which, of course, is somewhat more expensive, but it removes the restriction when purchasing new devices.

The next point to consider is the number and type of antennas. They can be built-in and removable. If you are going to use wireless Internet only in your apartment, then models with built-in antennas will be enough, but if you want to "climb" in the global network, sitting on a bench near the house, then external ones are required.

Basically, a router is a small computer with limited functionality, and like any computer, it has a certain amount of memory and a processor. The larger the first and the more productive the second, the better and faster your local network will work. Therefore, choose the "coolest" according to these parameters from the options available to you.

This is, perhaps, all that needs to be paid attention to. We hope it became clear to you which characteristics you should pay attention to first. There is also a minor point: the presence of USB ports. This is sometimes very convenient: you can connect a printer or external storage, other devices that have such an input.

Due to modern technological advances, nowadays you will not be surprised by broadband internet. The activities of many citizens directly depend on him, not to mention the ability to find any information on the network. Of no small importance in this direction is the invention of a device that will allow sharing Internet access to several computers in a room at the same time. It is called a wireless router or router. This device will provide substantial comfort in this regard. By installing it, you will get rid of endless wires in the room, as well as subdue the debate about who will be the first to use the Internet. However, many citizens are wondering which router to choose for their home. This will be discussed further.

What is a Wi-Fi router?

This device is a small conventional device. It is connected to the Internet of your chosen provider. This is pretty easy to do. After that, this device distributes the Internet to devices that are predisposed to a Wi-Fi connection. Inside the router is a small computer that monitors signal conversion and synchronization with other users. The specified device is equipped with its own processor, random access and permanent memory. These parameters are important when deciding which router to choose for the home. The memory of the specified device stores the settings of its firmware with the data of the Internet provider, as well as the password and login for connecting to the network.

When deciding which router to choose for the home, you should also pay attention to the presence of various interfaces in the device. This is an important fact. There must be at least one DSL or Ethernet interface. This is required to connect the cable of the ISP. In addition, there are these devices that connect to the Internet using 3G technology.

What is the speed of data transfer?

This is also an important criterion when determining which router to buy for an apartment. All Wi-Fi routers are designated by the IEEE 802.11 standard. It is subdivided into 4 kinds of speeds. Namely:

  • 802.11a is the very first standard introduced in 1999. In this case, data is transmitted at a speed of up to 54 Mbps. Such routers are almost no longer sold in the electronic markets. And modern devices do not support it. Therefore, it is better not to choose this standard so that there are no connection questions.
  • 802.11b. This standard was developed in 1999. But they began to produce devices with it in 2003. In this case, data is transmitted at a low speed - up to 11 Mbps. Therefore, you should not purchase devices with such a standard. Another of its drawbacks is low security against hacking.
  • 802.11g is the most widely used wireless Internet standard today. In this case, data transmission is carried out at a speed of up to 54 Mbit / s. This type of router is capable of supporting the b standard, and its marking is denoted: 802.11b / g. It is reasonable to purchase such a device if the provider has a connection speed of up to 50 Mbps.
  • 802.11n is a modern and relevant standard for wireless Internet. It was created back in 2009. It is capable of supporting high-speed mode up to 600 Mbps. In today's market, home models are limited to 300 Mbps. A similar standard is available on all computers and laptops released after 2010. This is the most suitable option.

Fixture data styles

An ordinary Wi-Fi router has a standard look. It is a box with one or more antennas. The signal strength of the specified device depends on their number. Therefore, the number of such elements is significant. Significant enhancement of the Wi-Fi signal can be achieved using a router with 3 or 4 antennas. However, with such a number of these elements, these devices will cost more. There are also beautiful and non-standard router models that can fit into any interior design of your home. There are these devices without antennas, but in this case, questions will arise with the Wi-Fi signal strength.

Which router to choose for home so that there are no problems?

Of course, you first need to think about the purpose for which the specified device is being purchased. For example, some users want to have a Wi-Fi router just to carry their laptop to any room in an apartment or house, so that they don't have to drag the wired internet cord with them. Others are limited to connecting the child or wife's computer to their ISP. In such cases, you do not need to waste time deciding which is the best router, but buy it at your own expense, but nevertheless not cheap.

It is a different matter if this device is necessary for serious business. Here you need to think about buying an expensive high-quality router. The specified device, like a computer, may freeze, overheat, reboot and have other disadvantages. A router not only distributes the Internet between devices, but also deals with a considerable amount of data. It uses encrypted protocols, analyzes and forwards many information packets, detects connections, protects connected devices from virus attacks and intrusions, encrypts Wi-Fi connections, and also performs other important functions.

Potential problems

If the router has poor-quality stuffing, serious problems may appear. Namely:

  • The speed may be less than that indicated in the instructions.
  • Overload and disconnection.
  • The Wi-Fi working area is much smaller than the specified one.
  • A bad firewall does not properly protect against intrusions and viruses.
  • The inability to connect a network printer or flash drive.

When deciding which router to buy for an apartment, you should also pay attention to the size of the RAM. It should preferably be from 128 MB. This is important to know. The processor power must be at least 240 MHz. Also an important indicator of a router is FLASH memory. It is good if it is 32 MB or more. It is advisable to look at all these data on the manufacturer's website.

Support for required protocols and network standards

It is also important to know when determining which is the best router. This device may not support all protocols for providing Internet services. This is a reliable fact. Therefore, when deciding which router to choose for your home, you need to know the protocol of your provider. That being said, pay attention to IPTV support. You may not use this feature, but you can start using it over time. Then you don't have to purchase a new router. This fixture must have the ability to work with traffic tagging.

In general, the Wi-Fi standard does not require a choice of protocol. This is important to know when deciding which router to choose for your home. However, you need to look at the compliance of the standards of devices that will work over Wi-Fi.

For a good wireless Wi-Fi connection, it is advisable to buy a router with at least one removable external antenna. This is an important condition. The antenna, which is located inside the device, has a slight gain. This is enough for just one room. The removable antenna is good because, if necessary, it can be replaced by installing, for example, a more powerful or directional one. Routers that have two 5 dBi antennas in MIMO mode provide excellent Wi-Fi performance. The cost of these devices is marginally more expensive, and the high speed internet transmission is very good and has a large distribution area.

Which router to choose for your home in order to save money on the purchase?

For home use, you do not need to search for this device with additional functions. These include the presence of built-in print servers, USB ports, FTR, DLNA or Samba servers, as well as a torrent client.

If we take into account the manufacturers of routers for home use, then they cannot be divided only into very good and bad. There are flaws in the original models of each manufacturer. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase models of already subsequent modern modifications.

The Chinese advanced variations of Tenda and Upvel are fairly inexpensive routers with good stuffing. Their price is around 800 rubles. They are equipped with a fast Broadcom chip and two MIMO antennas, ensuring good Wi-Fi performance.

If you are looking for an expensive router, there is a good chance that you will purchase a device with a good filling. However, this will have to fork out. With all this, no one guarantees that an expensive device will perform better than a cheap router.

Fixture safety

This is one of the main questions. It is important when deciding which router to choose for your home. Basically, in public areas, Wi-Fi has open access. In this case, any users can use it. Therefore, when deciding which router to choose for the home, of course, you need to purchase a device with a closed type of network. In this case, you can connect to Wi-Fi after entering the password. Such routers are also bought for distributing the Internet in offices.

There are 2 types of data encryption: WPA2 and WPA. They allow you to protect your password from hacking. Modern Wi-Fi routers are endowed with a combined WPA / WPA2 security mode.

Additional functions

When deciding which router to choose for the home, it is also important to study these functions. They make the user experience more comfortable. Thanks to the USB port, you can connect external drives to the router. Namely: a printer, 3G-modem or MFP. A torrent client is also connected via the USB port, which allows you to download files when the computer is turned off.

Wi-Fi routers that support IPTV allow you to watch digital TV. The cost of such a service is lower in comparison with competitors.

It may also be necessary to distribute Internet traffic among several specific users. This can be done with a specific function. In this case, the traffic shaper will allow you to set the priorities. This question will be relevant for fans of online games in need of stable Internet access.

Any customer decides for himself which WiFi router is best for him. When choosing this device, it is necessary to take into account the user's requests. There are hobbyist home and professional industrial gadgets in the Wi-Fi router market. They are able to fulfill the tasks assigned to them. The cost of home models is significantly lower than professional ones. This should be taken into account when deciding which is the best router for the home. Therefore, you do not need to overpay for the specified industrial-type device if you need to create a home network. That is, you should not spend money on such additional parameters and functions that you do not have to use.

Popular devices 2013-2014

What is the best home router in 2014? The answer in this case is pretty simple. Which router to take - everyone chooses according to their individual desire and their own capabilities. The following will be a rating of the best routers costing from $ 20 to $ 130, which won the hearts of many users in 2013 and 2014. They are all only with positive reviews and impressions of real users.

The best routers "Asus"

The devices of this brand are popular. The most popular are the following:

  • Asus RT-N66U. It's a $ 130 device. It is perfect for both a large house and an apartment. With its help, you can create a network simultaneously from 10 or more devices.
  • Asus RT-N65U. This device costs $ 100. This router is similar to the previous model. Only he is a little weaker.
  • Asus RT-N53. It's a $ 50 device. Stylish and decent model for a three-room apartment.
  • Asus RT-N12 D1. The cost is $ 30. This is a great option for a small private house or a two-room apartment.
  • Asus RT-N10P. This model costs $ 20. It is similar to the above variation, only with a lower signal.

The best routers of the TP-Link brand

In this case, the following models should be considered:

  • TP-LINK TL-WR842ND. This is a $ 35 machine. This is one of the popular routers of 2013. He collected all the best in himself. Namely, a reasonable price and a powerful signal.
  • TP-LINK TL-WR740N. It's a $ 20 device. A good choice for a studio apartment. It is only advisable to immediately change the firmware to a more modern one.
  • TP-LINK TL-WR841ND. This router costs $ 30. A good choice for a two-room apartment. It is only immediately desirable to change the firmware to a more modern one.
  • TP-LINK TL-MR3220. The cost is $ 30. This is the newest variation of 2014. She replaced the WR841. But in principle, it has remained the same. A suitable option when deciding which router is better for "Beeline".
  • TP-LINK TL-WDR4300. This device costs $ 95. This is also a 2014 variation. It is suitable for large apartments.
  • TP-LINK TL-WR1043ND. It's a $ 60 device. Top model of 2013 of the specified company. It included only the latest technologies.
  • TP-LINK TL-WR941ND. This model costs $ 45. It's a good old classic. She is able to break through thick-walled barriers. It is advisable to immediately change the firmware to the most modern one.

The best routers "D-Link"

  • D-Link DIR-300 / A / D1. This device costs $ 20. This is an improved 2013 model. It has become a classic of the genre for small spaces.
  • D-Link DIR-632. This is a $ 40 device. This is an improved 2014 model. It will be enough for a house up to 70 square meters. This is a good option when deciding which router to choose for Rostelecom.
  • D-Link DIR-615. This model costs $ 30. It has excellent parameters. Many advise for purchase.
  • D-Link DIR-850. This router costs $ 100. This is a 2014 innovation. She has all the best for today.


We hope, after reading this information, everyone will be able to decide which is the best WiFi router. It all depends on your needs and capabilities. Happy shopping!

Among the variety of gadgets, we can distinguish several types of Wi-Fi routers that are used for general consumption. Many manufacturers offer various router models. For this reason, ordinary users may find it difficult to choose routers. In general, devices differ in cost, manufacturer and technical characteristics. Some routers send out a high-speed Wi-Fi signal, while others use an outdated standard, in which the speed does not exceed 11 megabits per second.

It is important to note that for the successful operation of the wireless Internet, it is necessary to carefully approach the selection and purchase of a router. If such a simple condition is not fulfilled, the user will have to experience a number of problems, including constant interruptions and disconnections of the connection, the inability to download and transmit large amounts of data, watch TV over the Internet protocol, and a weak signal in rooms remote from the device.

Gadgets for distributing wireless Internet are presented in various price segments. The correct choice will allow the user to avoid large cash costs. Often, budget-class devices with the necessary parameters distribute a Wi-Fi signal no worse than expensive routers, satisfying all user requests.

The complexity of choosing a router lies in the large number of criteria and characteristics

Wired Internet, which has existed for more than a dozen years, has firmly entered the life of every third inhabitant of the Earth. For this reason, the need arose to facilitate access to the World Wide Web. This is how Wi-Fi routers appeared, the main task of which was to convert the signal into wireless and distribute it "over the air", because it is very convenient. In general, the following advantages of wireless Internet can be noted:

  1. Lack of a huge amount of wires in the house.
  2. Possibility of parallel use of Wi-Fi on several devices - a stationary computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone.
  3. The fastest connection available today.
  4. Reasonable cost of routers.
  5. Routers for the most part support various parameters of the Internet connection provided by providers.

In general, routers can be classified into two types. The former are connected to a cable that carries a wired signal. The second type has appeared relatively recently. Such gadgets are used for 3G and 4G connections. A sim-card of a mobile operator providing this type of service is installed in them. Among the disadvantages of devices connected to the cable, one can attribute the lack of mobility and the inability to move the router outside the house or apartment. They are designed to distribute Wi-Fi exclusively in the place where they are installed. 3G and 4G routers can be moved to use the Internet within the network coverage. The area covered by high-speed wireless 3G and 4G Internet depends on the level of technology development in the country and the operator providing services.

It is worth noting that there are routers that are designed to connect corporate Wi-Fi with seamless roaming. Such devices are installed by organizations when it is necessary to provide wireless Internet to a large number of users. The coverage of such routers is much wider than that of gadgets intended for home use. Of course, the cost of routers for corporate use is much higher.

General classification

Every user of the World Wide Web should know what kind of routers there are. Such information will allow you to make the right choice when buying, as well as simplify the process of setting up a new gadget. In accordance with the generally accepted classification, there are five types of routers for a wireless network.

The first type is a somewhat outdated type of devices that receive a signal over a telephone cable with an RJ11 connector. They are called ADSL routers. It should be noted that they are capable of receiving data at a speed of no more than 1 megabits per second, and distributing - only up to 700 kilobits per second. Of course, few people will be satisfied with such parameters today, because such a speed does not allow downloading large files. But earlier this technology was very widespread, since it did not require wiring a new cable to the house or apartment. The low connection speed has allowed ADSL routers to gain popularity. But later they were replaced by more progressive technologies.

The second type is the most popular Ethernet technology these days. Such devices have a WAN port, through which a cable with an RJ45 connector is connected. Of course, these routers come in several varieties. They can differ in the type of protocol used, supported by the IEEE 802.11 set of standards. There are models of various manufacturers on the market, ranging from budget ones to products with top-end characteristics.

The third type is 3G and 4G devices. They use packet data transmission. At the same time, the principle of operation for such routers is very similar. They differ only in operating speed, data encoding and operating frequency. It should be noted that in many ways the quality of such a router depends on the coverage provided by the operator. At the same time, routers that receive a radio signal are very convenient for people who often work in different places.

The fourth type is routers that connect to PON passive optical networks. An SC optical pigtail is used as a WAN port. Such devices have appeared relatively recently. This means that the routers are connected to an optical cable in a home or office. These types of gadgets have no intermediate nodes. At the same time, their main drawback is weak protection against data interception.

The fifth type is universal gadgets. The bottom line is that one device uses several technologies at once. The most popular combinations are ADSL + Ethernet or Ethernet + 3G. They have additional ports and built-in communication modules.

It should be noted that the purchase of a universal device should be justified. For example, in the process of purchasing a home router, it is not at all necessary to overpay and select a gadget that supports several technologies. If your ISP provides Ethernet packet data, which is wired, it is enough to purchase an appropriate router.


There are several major Wi-Fi protocols. These include, first of all:

  • L2TP;
  • PPPoE
  • PPTP.

Today, modern device models support all major information transfer protocols. There are exceptions though. Before purchasing a router, we recommend that you find out the technical parameters that your provider uses in order to make the right choice. You can buy a router directly from your internet service provider. This way you can be sure that the device supports all the required parameters. In addition, providers often carry out high-quality router firmware for their customers before installing and configuring it.

IEEE 802.11 Standards Set

The quality of the Wi-Fi signal is significantly affected by the speed of the wired Internet, which is provided by the provider and depends on the tariff plan. The router is slowing down the service provider's advertised speed. For this reason, if you need high-speed internet, connect the RJ45 cable directly to your computer or laptop. The signal quality will also directly depend on the location of the router in the apartment or house. Any overlaps (walls, partitions) reduce the signal quality, reduce the range of the wireless network. Speed ​​is affected by characteristics such as the IEEE 802.11 standard. In the Russian Federation and Ukraine, five sets of IEEE 802.11 standards are certified.

802.11a is obsolete. It has a low data transfer rate - up to 54 megabytes per second and operates at a frequency of 2.4 GHz. Of course, this standard is not liked by modern users who need high data transfer rates. 802.11b operates at the same frequency as its 2.4 GHz predecessor. At the same time, the speed increased to 11 megabits per second. The 802.11g standard is characterized by an increase in speed up to 54 megabits per second.

The fourth protocol - 802.11n - can already transfer 600 megabits of data per second. In this case, the device independently chooses the operating frequency - 2.4 GHz or 6 GHz. The most recent standard is 802.11ac. It was approved only two years ago - in January 2014. Operates in the 5 GHz frequency range. The main advantage of this standard is its high data transfer rate, which can range from 433 megabits per second to 6.77 gigabits per second. Moreover, such a wireless standard is characterized by low power consumption.

It is important for all Wi-Fi users to understand what parameters are used by the provider that provides wired Internet services. It should be noted that a router with an 802.11ac feature will transmit a signal that requires the 802.11n standard. This is because these standards are backward compatible.

Encryption protocols

The security of using Wi-Fi also depends on the encryption protocol used. There are three protocols in total. So, the WEP protocol is outdated and does not guarantee the safety of information, since it is easily hacked. WPA and WPA2 / PSK protocols are much more difficult to crack, so they are recommended by all providers and experts in the field of configuring the wireless Internet. It's worth noting that WPA2 / PSK is an enhanced version of WPA. When configuring the router, it is advisable to choose just such a characteristic for safe operation.

The stable operation of the wireless Internet, its speed and safety depend on the quality of the router. We recommend that you pay attention to the technical parameters of such devices, which must be compatible with the requirements of the Internet connection of your provider. The manufacturer plays an important role - it is advisable to buy routers of proven brands. The purchase of an expensive gadget with a wide range of functions will not always be justified. A variety of models will allow each user to choose a router with optimal performance and an adequate price-quality ratio.

A router is a very complex device with many technical characteristics. We will focus on those that play an important role for the buyer.

WAN port type and connection protocols

The WAN (or Internet) connector is used to connect an Internet cable to the router. This is the first detail to look out for when buying a device. The compatibility of the selected model with the provider depends on it.

A typical router has one of two WAN port formats:

  1. DSL(ADSL, VDSL and other subtypes) - to connect to the Internet via a telephone line.
  2. Ethernet- to connect through a special provider channel.

There are also universal routers that support several formats, including DSL and Ethernet. But they are much less common.

First, find out what technical requirements your Internet service provider has for your router. Visit the provider's official website or call support.

In addition to the WAN port format, technical requirements may include connection protocols with which the router must be compatible.

If, instead of DSL and Ethernet, the provider uses specific connection technologies, which rarely happens, then it is better to trust specialists in the choice and equipment.

Number and type of LAN ports

Computers, consoles, TVs and other stationary equipment that need stable wired access to the Network are connected to the LAN ports of the router. This connection always guarantees the maximum speed, which is independent of distance and interference.

And the more such connectors there are in the router, the more devices you can connect to it via a wire. Typically, routers are equipped with four LAN ports. But if this is not enough for you, choose a model with additional connectors.

The maximum speed of data exchange between the router and other devices connected to it via a wire depends on the type of LAN ports.

There are two such types:

  1. Fast Ethernet provides speeds up to 100 Mbps.
  2. Gigabit Ethernet- up to 1 Gbps.

If your provider offers Internet access at speeds of more than 100 Mbps, choose a router model with Gigabit Ethernet ports. This will help you make the most of your channel.

Wi-Fi standards

The maximum possible speed of data exchange between the router and the fleet of devices connected to it wirelessly depends on the Wi-Fi standard. Two standards are relevant:

  1. 802.11n- a widespread version that is supported by the vast majority of gadgets. Possible speed - up to 600 Mbps.
  2. 802.11ac- the increasingly popular standard, provides the highest speed - up to 6.77 Gbps.

But don't be confused by the specs: these values ​​are only theoretically possible within the technology. Real speed indicators are much lower.

The speed indicated by the manufacturer is also often unattainable in practice. This is only a possible value, excluding distance and interference.

Thanks to backward compatibility, you can connect any gadgets via WI-Fi to a router with the 802.11ac standard. Even though they only support 802.11n and older. But to unleash the full potential of 802.11ac, both the router and all other devices on your wireless network must support this standard.

You don't have to chase the novelty and buy an 802.11ac router. If you only use the Internet for web surfing and office tasks, you can save money and get by with the 802.11n model.

Number of Wi-Fi bands

Some routers can operate simultaneously in different frequency bands. In this mode, the router is capable of supporting not one, but several independent Wi-Fi networks at once.

Many popular models are able to distribute data transfer between two ranges. Thus, they create two networks at 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz, respectively.

  1. Frequency 2.4 GHz ideal for connecting smartphones and office equipment.
  2. Frequency 5 GHz provides a more stable and faster connection, and therefore is better suited for multimedia devices that work with video and other heavy content. So, if you don't want to connect a TV or set-top box via wires, you can use Wi-Fi at a frequency of 5 GHz.

These networks can operate in parallel without limiting each other. But again, their total speed will not exceed the limit set by the Internet provider.

In addition, not all gadgets support the 5 GHz network.

Number and type of antennas

In addition to the standard and frequency of Wi-Fi, the speed of the wireless network depends on the number of antennas in the router. The more there are, the faster the exchange of data between the connected devices and the router.

The 802.11n Wi-Fi speed limit for the single antenna model is 150 Mbps. With two - 300 Mbit / s, with three - 450 Mbit / s. That is, with each antenna, the maximum possible speed increases by 150 Mbps. And in the 802.11ac standard - at 433 Mbps.

Recall that we are talking about theoretically possible speeds under ideal conditions. In fact, these figures are much lower. In addition, do not forget that the final speed of Internet access via Wi-Fi cannot exceed the provider's limit.

Antennas can be built-in or external. As practice shows, in the conditions of a typical city apartment, the type of antennas is not so important. Contrary to popular myth, the difference is subtle.

But for large rooms it is still worth choosing a router with external antennas, so as not to have it. In addition, if the external antennas are removable, if necessary, they can be replaced with more powerful ones.

USB port

By choosing a router with one or a pair of USB ports, you can connect additional devices to it. For example, a USB stick will provide remote access to shared file storage from any device on a Wi-Fi network. And a wireless USB modem will become your backup way to go online if the cable Internet stops working.

Brief instructions for choosing

Let's go through the key points of the article again. This checklist will help you choose a good router.

  1. Find out the provider's requirements for the router: the type of WAN connector and connection protocols. Only then choose a model.
  2. If the Internet speed is higher than 100 Mbps, buy a device with LAN ports of the Gigabit Ethernet format (1 Gbps). If the speed is lower, Fast Ethernet connectors (100 Mbps) will suffice.
  3. If you need access to the Network only for browsing websites and working with documents, you can limit yourself to a router with one antenna and support for the wireless 802.11n standard.
  4. But if you watch streaming video, play online games, use a lot of wireless devices, often download large files and are not used to denying yourself, then choose a dual-band router with multiple antennas and support for 802.11ac.
  5. If you want, you can buy a model with a USB port to connect a storage device or a wireless modem to it.

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