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>>Informatics: Internet and the World Wide Web

§ 4. Internet and World Wide Web

The main topics of the paragraph:

What is the World Wide Web

The most interesting service provided to Internet users since 1993 has been the ability to work with the World Wide Web (WWW) information system. This phrase can be translated as "World Wide Web". It was the work with the WWW that was meant when at the beginning of this paragraph you were offered all sorts of information miracles.

The Brazilian penal code has already suffered from the lack of more modern definitions and the lack of solutions to new problems brought about by new technologies. How to proceed, for example, when a virus is sent and does not damage the machine, but corrupts photo files with emotional value? How to classify important but just virtual data?

Technological evolution has been responsible for the world to evolve from an analog world to a digital world, this change can be seen in new teaching methods. Before the society was transferred to digital form, the class consisted of the teacher writing on the blackboard, all searches were done in printed books and depended on the many books in the library, notes in the class should be done in notebooks using pencils or pens. We currently use digital classrooms in the classroom, surveys can be taken online where you can find instant results from an almost unlimited number of sources, and notes can be taken on computers or other electronic devices.

It is very difficult to give a precise definition of what the WWW is. This system can be compared to a huge encyclopedia, the pages of which are scattered across server computers connected by the Internet. To get the right information, the user must navigate to the appropriate encyclopedia page. Perhaps, with this analogy in mind, the creators of the WWW introduced web concept-pages.

A huge change that can be seen is that the traditional teaching activities have been modified by digitizing the world, similar methods such as writing on photographs or documents and research in printed books are being replaced by digital methods that are faster and more efficient. .

It is clear that many parts of the world still have to adapt to digital education, but the changes caused by it can already be noticed and are already changing the dynamics of teaching, in the future, teaching may be further changed by them as new technologies and how we can adapt to its implementation. .

Web server, Web page, Web site

The web page is the main information unit WWW. It is a single document stored on a Web server. A page has its own name (like a page number in an encyclopedia) by which it can be accessed.

Information on a Web page can be very different: text, drawing, photograph, multimedia. Web pages also contain advertisements, reference information, scientific articles, breaking news, illustrated editions, art catalogs, weather forecasts, and much, much more. Simply put, Web pages have "everything".

Today it is impossible not to notice how the Internet and new technologies affect our daily lives. This new digital world is influenced by work, leisure, sports, hobbies and often even emotions and feelings. It is clear that the digital world has led us to more development, since the distances have been shortened, the information is almost the same as the news of the Boston Marathon bombing. In addition, the job was changed and their relationship as well. The best thing? many say yes but others say no, but of course the conveniences and conveniences of the digital world.

A number of Web pages may be related thematically to form a Web site. Every site has a main page called home page (home page). This is a kind of title page, starting from which you can view documents stored on the server. Usually the home page contains a table of contents - the titles of the sections. To access the desired section, just move the mouse pointer to the section name and click the button. mice.

But to take advantage of this world, he brought us the imposition of the always renewed, the great is never enough, and the most qualified is the one who must always be very well informed. On the other hand, the analog world, which has been replaced by the digital one, should not be excluded. Of course, of course, it is being replaced, but information bases of this "world" are still used by the world of new technologies. Crimes and other types of acts that currently exist in the digital world were not known in the analog world until then.

WWW hyperstructure

However, you don't have to surf the Web pages in a row, flipping through them like in a book. The most important property of the WWW is the hypertext organization of links between Web pages. Moreover, these links operate not only between pages on the same server, but also between different servers WWW.

Usually keywords, from which hyperlinks come, are highlighted on the Web page with color or underlining. By clicking on such a word, you hidden link move on to another document. Moreover, this document may be located on another server, in another country, on another continent. Most often, the Internet user has no idea where the server with which he is in this moment communicates. Figuratively speaking, in one session of work, you can “fly” around the globe several times.

The big fear is whether he will be ready to handle this change. digital world brings us great things and will be much more attractive and dynamic if this digital revolution were more democratic and better recommended. Analog system still present today, but digital system more and more in fashion.

Responsibilities must increasingly be shared between state power and private power, which makes the world digital access accessible to all, thereby contributing to society. At present, when we are talking about development or discovery, it is simply impossible not to associate this fact with technology, because everything is connected with it. Technology moves the world that produces development, but destroys it if used without care, as will be seen below.

The role of a communication key can be performed not only by text, but also by a picture, a photograph, a pointer to an audio document. In this case, instead of the term "hypertext" the term "hypermedia" is used.

The same Web page can be reached in a variety of ways. The analogy with the pages of a book no longer works here. The pages of a book are in a certain order. Web pages do not have this sequence. The transition from one page to another occurs through hyperlinks that form a network that resembles a web. This is where the name of the system comes from.

Technology has been the best invention of all time, because it has spawned many others, allowing researchers to make great discoveries that have saved generations and created jobs. The countries that are currently economic powers have also contributed to the development of technology.

It is noted that the Internet is an important tool that has grown rapidly over the years, so today it is practically necessary to know how to handle the technological tools that should be present in a work scenario. The professional of this century must understand that he must master fields other than his own. Technological evolution has made the labor market more rigid. Increasing professionalism in different areas.

Summarizing the above, we can give the following definition:

The World Wide Web is a worldwide distributed Information system with hyperlinks, existing on the technical basis of the World Wide Web.

Browser - client-program WWW. The problem of finding information on the Internet

The user is helped to navigate the "web" by special software, which is called a Web browser from the English "browse" - "inspect, study". You can find the information you need using the browser. different ways. The shortest way is with the web page address. You type this address on the keyboard, press the enter key and you immediately get to the place.

He is good and bad side. But only the good is remembered, and the bad side is always forgotten, perhaps due to ignorance of the information that negligence has not very good consequences. The technology was created at the height of the war to be used as a weapon in military camps. Today it is a weapon in the hands of criminals who use the media to hit, someone killed and pedophiles who use this tool to destroy a child's dream. The media require caution in their use for their own safety.

Another way is search. You can start moving with your home page by hyperlinks. At the same time, there is a danger of going in the wrong direction, getting entangled in the “web”, getting into a dead end. However, the browser allows you to go back any number of steps, continue searching along a different route. Such a search is like wandering in an unfamiliar forest (though less dangerous).

These days, the evolution of technology is an insecurity even for students who suffer from doubts about which profession to pursue, because there is a list of professions of the future, and the other one they are talking about will disappear. Workers are also a little afraid to imagine that one day he will replace people with machines, leading to massive unemployment around the world.

At this time, it is realized that the only way is to always be open to gaining new knowledge. It's amazing how the Internet has achieved such a high global prominence in recent years, even when compared to the many fantastic inventions we now see. It can be said that the technological evolution of this beautiful network is that it has caused such proliferation and use, however, this is not only what makes the Internet what it is today. This success is due to the central idea of ​​the Internet, which is presented in its original concept: it is not a new invention, but a collection of various human needs, such as communication and the dissemination of knowledge. organized and, above all, accessible and fast.

School of Informatics and Computing
Subject: The World Wide Web.

The work was done by a student 190(1)

Grigorieva Anastasia

The work is checked by the teacher Isaeva I.A.

Tallinn 2010

Introduction 3

Story world wide web 5

Therefore, it is not surprising that this network has become a part of our lives more than any other invention of modern times. But some social reactions to the Internet inevitably raise interesting questions: How did Internet freedom take root for people? These are just some of the current issues that the Internet has raised and that are likely to remain open for a long time to come.

A good example of these dependency and freedom issues is when governments and states try to stop or control the flow of any kind of information on the Internet. The revolt of the population is instantaneous, as if we have passed into the private possession of each of the populations, but a possession that is at the same time communal: there is something in the history of mankind that covered so much of the entire human population, it is like a super-community: of countries and connecting everyone us.

Traveling the World Wide Web 7

Linking hypertext pages 8

Prospects for the development of the World Wide Web 9


Structure and principles of the World Wide Web

The World Wide Web is made up of millions of Internet web servers located around the world. A web server is a program that runs on a computer connected to a network and uses the HTTP protocol to transfer data. In its simplest form, such a program receives an HTTP request for a specific resource over the network, finds the corresponding file on the local hard drive, and sends it over the network to the requesting computer. More sophisticated web servers are capable of dynamically allocating resources in response to an HTTP request. To identify resources (often files or parts of them) on the World Wide Web, uniform resource identifiers (URIs) are used. Uniform resource Identifier). Uniform resource locators (URLs) are used to locate resources on the network. Uniform resource locator). These URL locators combine URI identification technology and the DNS domain name system. Domain Name System) - Domain name(or directly the IP address in a numeric notation) is part of the URL to designate a computer (more precisely, one of its network interfaces) that executes the code of the desired web server.

For an overview of the information received from the web server, on client computer a special program is used - a web browser. The main function of a web browser is to display hypertext. The World Wide Web is inextricably linked with the concepts of hypertext and hyperlinks. Much of the information on the Web is hypertext. To facilitate the creation, storage and display of hypertext on the World Wide Web, the HTML language is traditionally used (Eng. hypertext markup language), a hypertext markup language. The work of marking up hypertext is called layout, markup masters are called a webmaster or webmaster (without a hyphen). After HTML markup, the resulting hypertext is placed in a file, such an HTML file is the most common resource on the World Wide Web. Once an HTML file is made available to a web server, it is referred to as a "web page". A set of web pages makes up a website. Hyperlinks are added to the hypertext of web pages. Hyperlinks help users of the World Wide Web easily navigate between resources (files), regardless of whether the resources are located on local computer or at remote server. Web hyperlinks are based on URL technology. (2 links)

For obscurity, in addition to controlling shocks arising from "truth", how people will think and behave is chosen. Despite recent openness and the adopted economic model, China remains one step away from its recent past. However, like society itself, the Internet requires norms and controls. The false notion of anonymity causes many people to take up criminal acts that must be curtailed with the same energy and hard work of the "real world". We've spent so much time on things that it's unthinkable not to make the Internet the main character in our lives.

History of the World Wide Web

Tim Berners-Lee and, to a lesser extent, Robert Cayo are considered the inventors of the World Wide Web. Tim Berners-Lee is the author of HTTP, URI/URL and HTML technologies. In 1980 he worked for the European Council for Nuclear Research (fr. Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire, CERN) software consultant. It was there, in Geneva (Switzerland), that he wrote the Enquire program for his own needs. « Enquire» , loosely translated as "Interrogator"), which used random associations to store data and laid the conceptual foundation for the World Wide Web.

Many legal assets are linked to the virtual world and their protection is essential for adequate coexistence for all. To do this, there must be reasonable control by the government. First create security in virtual world secondly, to ensure freedom of expression and free information about the movement - as long as it is not offensive.

The Internet emerged at the height of the Cold War with military interests, serving to keep the US military in touch in the event of possible attacks on its conventional means of communication. After decades of improvement, the Internet has entered a global standby mode and provides many opportunities. Transactions and investments are made in seconds without wanting to leave the working environment.

In 1989, while working at CERN on the organization's intranet, Tim Berners-Lee proposed the global hypertext project, now known as the World Wide Web. The project involved the publication of hypertext documents interconnected by hyperlinks, which would facilitate the search and consolidation of information for CERN scientists. To implement the project, Tim Berners-Lee (together with his assistants) invented URIs, the HTTP protocol, and the HTML language. These are technologies without which it is already impossible to imagine the modern Internet. Between 1991 and 1993, Berners-Lee perfected, technical specifications these standards and published them. But, nevertheless, 1989 should be considered the official year of the birth of the World Wide Web.

With search sites knowledge various items has become faster and more accessible because we can find all the items in one place without spending a lot of time and money. Communication also became much easier with people from different countries talking either via email or social networks with thousands of followers.

However, they are not only positive moments, but also in that they greatly reduce the interpersonal exchanges that can only be obtained through direct contact. It also impoverishes the language because people can't waste time, abbreviations have become permanent, and also errors. Information society found on the Internet facilitating means of interpersonal relationships, previously predominantly mechanical. Through the network - mainly for its flexibility and convenience - all acquisitions, transactions, searches, searches and various other actions are carried out at any time.

As part of the project, Berners-Lee wrote the world's first "httpd" web server and the world's first hypertext web browser called "WorldWideWeb". This browser was also a WYSIWYG editor (short for English. What You See Is What You Get- what you see is what you get), its development was started in October 1990, and completed in December of the same year. The program worked in the NeXTStep environment and began to spread over the Internet in the summer of 1991. (2)

World's first website

Berners-Lee created the world's first website at, the site is now archived. This site went online on the Internet on August 6, 1991. This site described what the World Wide Web was, how to set up a web server, how to use a browser, etc. This site was also the world's first Internet directory because Tim Berners-Lee later hosted and maintained a list of links to other sites.

and the first photo on the World Wide Web was of the parody filk band Les Horribles Cernettes. Tim Bernes-Lee asked for their scans from the bandleader after the CERN Hardronic Festival. (2)

Traveling on the World Wide Web

The easiest trip

The World Wide Web begins by entering an email address into the line

Location (location) and after pressing the Enter button, the system takes you to

virtual world. Technologically, the browser establishes a connection with

page levels - that is, one main page, from it - links to several

intermediate or second-level pages, and from them to the pages of the next

level. Linear organization implies the presence of pages of the same level,

several other pages. And the web is a multitude


Prospects for the development of the World Wide Web

Currently, there are two trends in the development of the World Wide Web: the semantic web and the social web.

  • The Semantic Web involves improving the connectivity and relevance of information on the World Wide Web through the introduction of new metadata formats.

  • The Social Web relies on the work of organizing the information available on the Web, performed by the users of the Web themselves. As part of the second direction, developments that are part of the semantic web are actively used as tools (RSS and other web feed formats, OPML, XHTML microformats). to subcategories do not give reason to hope for the expansion of such areas. In this regard, attempts to compile Knowledge atlases may be of interest.
FROM There is also the popular concept of Web 2.0, which generalizes several directions in the development of the World Wide Web at once. (2)


Ways to actively display information on the World Wide Web

Information on the web can be displayed either passively (that is, the user can only read it) or actively - then the user can add information and edit it. Ways to actively display information on the World Wide Web include:

  • guest books,

  • forums,

  • chats,

  • blogs,

  • wiki projects,

  • social networks,

  • content management systems. (2)



Through the benefits of hypertext, the World Wide Web has created a previously unknown information space and comfort for users. Nowadays, almost all large and medium, and most small companies, universities, government agencies, public associations and just citizens around the world have their own web pages, where they post information about their activities, provide hundreds of services with their help. The development of the WWW has already led to the emergence of a new profession of a webmaster, whose task is to create web pages using a huge number of graphic, video and audio effects.

Thus, the World Wide Web or WWW is by far the brightest, most convenient and popular part of the Internet. Today, through the "pages" of the WWW, we can read e-mail, access file archives, work with newsgroups and receive a lot of new information. To do this, we need to enter only the desired website address in the search bar and press Enter.


  1. Leontiev V.P. Computer encyclopedia of a schoolchild, OLMA-PRESS Education, 2005


With. one

The Internet is a communication system and at the same time an information system - an environment for people to communicate. Currently, there are many definitions of this concept. In our opinion, one of the definitions of the Internet that most fully characterizes information exchange population of the planet is: “The Internet is a complex transport and information system of mushroom-shaped (dipole) structures, the cap of each of which (actually dipoles) is the brain of a person sitting at a computer, together with the computer itself, which, as it were, is an artificial continuation brain, and legs, for example, the telephone network connecting computers, or the ether through which radio waves are transmitted.

The emergence of the Internet gave impetus to the development of new information technologies, leading not only to a change in the consciousness of people, but also of the world as a whole. However, the worldwide computer network was not the first discovery of its kind. Today, the Internet is developing in the same way as its predecessors - telegraph, telephone and radio. However, unlike them, it combined their advantages - it became not only useful for communication between people, but also a publicly available means for receiving and exchanging information. It should be added that the possibilities of not only stationary, but also mobile television have already begun to be used on the Internet in full.

The history of the Internet begins around the 1960s.

The first documented description of social interaction made possible by the web was a series of notes written by J. Licklider. These notes discussed the concept of the "Galactic Network". The author foresaw the creation of a global network of interconnected computers, with the help of which everyone can quickly access data and programs located on any computer. In spirit, this concept is very close to current state Internet.

Leonard Kleinrock in July 1961 published the first article on the theory of packet switching. In the article, he presented the advantages of his theory over the existing principle of data transmission - circuit switching. What is the difference between these concepts? When switching packets - there is no physical connection between the two terminal devices (computers). In this case, the data necessary for transmission is divided into parts. Each part is accompanied by a heading containing full information about the delivery of the package to its destination. When switching channels for the duration of information transfer, two computers are physically connected "each with each". During the connection period, the entire amount of information is transferred. This connection is maintained until the end of the information transfer, i.e., just as it was when transferring information over analog systems that provide switching connections. At the same time, the utilization rate of the information channel is minimal.

To test the concept of packet circuit switching, Lawrence Roberts and Thomas Merrill connected a TX-2 computer in Massachusetts to a Q-32 computer in California in 1965 using low-speed switched telephone lines. Thus, the first ever (albeit small) non-local computer network was created. The result of the experiment was the realization that time-shared computers could work together successfully, executing programs and fetching data on a remote machine. It also became clear that the telephone system with circuit switching (connections) is absolutely unsuitable for building computer network.

In 1969, the American agency ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) began research on the creation of an experimental "packet-switched" network. This network was created and named ARPANET, i.e. network of advanced research projects agency. A sketch of the ARANET network, consisting of four nodes - the embryo of the Internet is shown in fig. 6.1.

At this early stage, research was conducted on both network infrastructure and network applications. At the same time, work was carried out to create a functional complete protocol computer-to-computer communication and other network software.

In December 1970, the Network Working Group (NWG) led by S. Crocker completed work on the first version of the protocol, called the Network Control Protocol (NCP). After the work on the implementation of NCP on ARPANET nodes was completed in 1971-1972, network users were finally able to start developing applications.

In 1972, the first application appeared - e-mail.

In March 1972, Ray Tomlinson wrote basic forwarding and reading programs. electronic messages. In July of the same year, Roberts added to these programs the ability to issue a list of messages, selective reading, saving to a file, forwarding and preparing a response.

Since then, email has become the largest network application. For its time, e-mail became what the World Wide Web is today - an exceptionally powerful catalyst for the growth of the exchange of all kinds of interpersonal data flows.

In 1974 Internet The Network Working Group (INWG) introduced the universal protocol for data transmission and networking - TCP / IP. This protocol is used in the modern Internet.

However, the ARPANET transition from NCP to TCP/IP did not take place until January 1, 1983. It was a Day of X-style transition that required simultaneous changes on all computers. The transition had been carefully planned by all parties involved over the previous few years and went surprisingly smoothly (however, it led to the spread of the "I survived the transition to TCP/IP" badge). In 1983, the transition of the ARPANET from NCP to TCP/IP made it possible to separate this network into MILNET, the actual military network, and the ARPANET, used for research purposes.

In the same year, another important event took place. Paul Mockapetris developed the Domain Name System (DNS). This system provided a scalable, distributed mechanism for mapping hierarchical computer names (such as to Internet addresses.

In the same 1983, the Domain Name Server (DNS) was created at the University of Wisconsin. This server (DNS) automatically and hidden from the user translates the dictionary equivalent of the site into an IP address.

With the ubiquity of the Web outside the United States, national domains first level ru, uk, ua, etc.

In 1985, the National Science Foundation (NSF) took part in the creation of its own network NSFNet, which was soon connected to the Internet. Initially, the NSF included 5 supercomputer centers, however, less than in APRANET, and the data transfer rate in the communication channels did not exceed 56 kbps. At the same time, the creation of NSFNet was a significant contribution to the development of the Internet, as it provided a new way to look at how the Internet can be used. The Foundation has set a goal for every scientist, every engineer in the United States to be “connected” to single network, and therefore set about creating a network with more fast channels, which would unite numerous regional and local networks.

Based on the ARPANET technology, the NSFNET network (the National Science Foundation NETwork - the National Science Foundation Network) was created in 1986, in the creation of which NASA and the Department of Energy were directly involved. Six large research centers equipped with the latest supercomputers located in different regions of the United States were connected. The main purpose of this network was to provide US research centers with access to supercomputers, based on a backbone interregional network. The network operated at a basic speed of 56 Kbps. When the network was created, it became obvious that it was not even worth trying to connect all universities and research organizations directly to the centers, since laying such a amount of cable is not only very expensive, but almost impossible. Therefore, we decided to create networks on a regional basis. In every part of the country, the institutions concerned connected with their immediate neighbours. The resulting chains were connected to the supercomputing centers through one of their nodes, thus the supercomputing centers were connected together. With this design, any computer could communicate with any other, passing messages through neighbors.

One of the problems that existed at the time was that early networks (including the ARPANET) were built purposefully in the interests of a narrow circle of interested organizations. They were to be used by a closed community of specialists; as a rule, the operation of networks was limited to this. There was no particular need for network compatibility, and, accordingly, there was no compatibility itself. At the same time, alternative technologies began to appear in the commercial sector, such as Xerox's XNS, DECNet, and IBM's SNA. Therefore, under the auspices of DARPA NSFNET, together with specialists from subordinate thematic groups on technology and architecture of the Internet (Internet Engineering and Architecture Task Forces) and members of the NSF Network Technical Advisory Group, the "Requirements for Internet Gateways" were developed. These requirements formally guaranteed the interoperability of the parts of the Internet administered by DARPA and NSF. In addition to choosing TCP/IP as the basis for NSFNet, US federal agencies have adopted and implemented a number of additional principles and rules that have shaped the Internet today. Crucially, NSFNET had a policy of "universal and equitable access to the Internet." Indeed, in order for an American university to receive funds from NSF to connect to the Internet, it must, as the NSFNet program wrote, "make that connection available to all trained users on campus."

NSFNET worked quite well at first. But the time has come when she ceased to cope with the increased needs. The network, created for the use of supercomputers, allowed connected organizations to use a lot of information data that was not related to supercomputers. Web users in research centers, universities, schools, etc. realized that they now have access to a wealth of information and that they have direct access to their colleagues. The flow of messages on the Web grew faster and faster, until, in the end, it overloaded the computers that controlled the network and the telephone lines connecting them.

In 1987, NSF transferred to Merit Network Inc. a contract under which Merit, with the participation of IBM and MCI, was to manage the NSFNET core network, transition to faster T-1 channels and continue its development. The growing core network already included more than 10 nodes.

In 1990, the concepts of ARPANET, NFSNET, MILNET, etc. finally left the scene, giving way to the concept of the Internet.

The scope of the NSFNET network, combined with the quality of the protocols, led to the fact that by 1990, when the ARPANET was finally dismantled, the TCP / IP family had supplanted or significantly replaced most other global computer network protocols around the world, and IP was confidently becoming the dominant data transport service in the global information infrastructure.

In 1990, the European Organization for Nuclear Research organized the largest Internet site in Europe and provided access to the Internet of the Old World. In order to help promote and promote the concept of distributed computing over the Internet CERN (Switzerland, Geneva), Tim Berners-Lee has developed a hypertext document technology - the World Wide Web (WWW), which allows users to access any information located on the Internet on computers around the world.

WWW technology is based on: definition of URL specifications (Universal Resource Locator, universal resource locator), HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol, Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and the HTML language itself (HyperText Markup Language, Hypertext Markup Language). Text can be marked up in HTML using any text editor. A page marked up in HTML is often referred to as a Web page. To view a Web page, a client application is used - a Web browser.

In 1994, the W3C consortium (W3 Consortium) was formed, which brought together scientists from different universities and companies (including Netscape and Microsoft). Since that time, the committee has become involved in all the standards in the world of the Internet. The organization's first step was the development of the HTML 2.0 specification. In this version, it became possible to transfer information from the user's computer to the server using forms. The next step was the HTML 3 project, work on which began in 1995. For the first time, the CSS system (Cascading Style Sheets, hierarchical style sheets) was introduced. CSS allows you to format text without violating logical and structural markup. The HTML 3 standard was never approved; instead, HTML 3.2 was created and adopted in January 1997. Already in December 1997, the W3C adopted the HTML 4.0 standard, which is divided into logical and visual tags.

By 1995, the growth rate of the Internet showed that the regulation of connectivity and funding could not be in the hands of the NSF alone. In 1995 there was a transfer to regional networks of payment for connecting numerous private networks to the national backbone.

The Internet has grown far beyond what it was seen and designed to have outgrown the agencies and organizations that created it, they could no longer play a dominant role in its growth. Today it is a powerful worldwide communication network based on distributed switching elements - hubs and communication channels. The Internet has grown exponentially since 1983, and hardly a single detail survives from that time—the Internet still runs on the TCP/IP protocol suite.

If the term "Internet" was originally used to describe a network built on the basis of the Internet Protocol (IP), now this word has acquired a global meaning and is only sometimes used as the name of a set of interconnected networks. Strictly speaking, the Internet is any set of physically separate networks that are interconnected by a single IP protocol, which allows us to speak of them as one logical network. The rapid growth of the Internet caused an increased interest in the TCP / IP protocols, as a result, specialists and companies appeared who found a number of other applications for it. This protocol began to be used to build local area networks (LAN - Local Area Network) even when they were not intended to be connected to the Internet. In addition, TCP / IP began to be used in the creation of corporate networks, which adopted the Internet technologies, including WWW (World Wide Web) - the world wide web, in order to establish an effective exchange of intracorporate information. These corporate networks are called "Intranet" and may or may not be connected to the Internet.

The inventor of the World Wide Web is Tim Berners-Lee, who is the author of HTTP, URI / URL and HTML technologies. In 1980, for his own use, he wrote the Enquirer (Interrogator) program, which used random associations to store data and laid the conceptual foundation for the World Wide Web. In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee proposed the global hypertext project, now known as the World Wide Web. The project involved the publication of hypertext documents interconnected by hyperlinks, which would facilitate the search and consolidation of information for scientists. To implement the project, he invented URIs, the HTTP protocol, and the HTML language. These are technologies without which it is already impossible to imagine the modern Internet. Between 1991 and 1993, Berners-Lee improved the technical specifications of these standards and published them. He wrote the world's first "httpd" web server and the world's first hypertext web browser called "WorldWideWeb". This browser was also a WYSIWYG editor (short for What You See Is What You Get - what you see is what you get), its development was started in October 1990 and completed in December of the same year. The program worked in the NeXTStep environment and began to spread over the Internet in the summer of 1991. Berners-Lee created the world's first Web site at, and the site is now archived. This site went online on the Internet on August 6, 1991. This site described what the World Wide Web was, how to set up a Web server, how to use a browser, and so on. This site was also the world's first Internet directory because Tim Berners-Lee later hosted and maintained a list of links to other sites.

Since 1994, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), founded by Tim Berners-Lee, has taken over the main work on the development of the World Wide Web. This Consortium is an organization that develops and implements technological standards for the Internet and the World Wide Web. Mission of W3C: "Unleash the full potential of the World Wide Web by creating protocols and principles that guarantee the long-term development of the Web." The other two major objectives of the Consortium are to ensure the complete "internationalization of the Web" and to make the Web accessible to people with disabilities.

The W3C develops uniform principles and standards for the Internet (called "Recommendations", eng. W3C Recommendations), which are then implemented by software and hardware manufacturers. In this way, compatibility between software products and hardware is achieved. various companies, which makes the World Wide Web more perfect, versatile and convenient. All Recommendations of the World Wide Web Consortium are open, that is, not protected by patents and can be implemented by anyone without any financial contributions to the consortium.

Currently, the World Wide Web is made up of millions of Web servers on the Internet located around the world. A Web server is a program that runs on a computer connected to a network and uses the HTTP protocol to transfer data. In its simplest form, such a program receives an HTTP request for a specific resource over the network, finds the corresponding file on the local hard drive, and sends it over the network to the requesting computer. More sophisticated Web servers are capable of dynamically allocating resources in response to an HTTP request. To identify resources (often files or their parts) on the World Wide Web, uniform resource identifiers URI (English Uniform Resource Identifier) ​​are used. Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) are used to locate resources on the network. Such URL locators combine URI identification technology and the DNS domain name system (English Domain Name System) - a domain name (or directly an IP address in a numeric notation) is part of a URL to designate a computer (more precisely, one of its network interfaces ), which executes the code of the desired Web server.

To view the information received from the Web server, a special program is used on the client computer - a Web browser. Main web function-browser - display hypertext. The World Wide Web is inextricably linked with the concepts of hypertext and hyperlinks. Much of the information on the Web is hypertext. To facilitate the creation, storage and display of hypertext on the World Wide Web, HTML (HyperText Markup Language), a hypertext markup language, has traditionally been used. The work of marking up hypertext is called layout, markup masters are called webmasters. After HTML markup, the resulting hypertext is placed in a file, such an HTML file is the most common resource on the World Wide Web. Once an HTML file is made available to a web server, it is referred to as a "web page". A set of web pages makes up a website. Hyperlinks are added to the hypertext of web pages. Hyperlinks help users of the World Wide Web easily navigate between resources (files), regardless of whether the resources are located on the local computer or on a remote server. "Web" hyperlinks are based on URL technology.

In general, we can conclude that the World Wide Web stands on " three whales»: HTTP, HTML and URL. Although recently HTML has begun to lose ground somewhat and give way to more modern markup technologies: XHTML and XML. XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is positioned as the foundation for other markup languages. To improve the visual perception of the web, CSS technology has become widely used, which allows you to set unified styles design for many web pages. Another innovation worth paying attention to is the URN (Uniform Resource Name) resource designation system.

A popular concept for the development of the World Wide Web is the creation of a semantic web. The Semantic Web is an add-on to the existing World Wide Web, which is designed to make the information posted on the network more understandable to computers. The Semantic Web is the concept of a network in which every resource on human language would be provided with a description understandable to the computer. The Semantic Web provides access to clearly structured information for any application, regardless of platform and regardless of programming languages. Programs will be able to find the necessary resources themselves, process information, classify data, identify logical relationships, draw conclusions, and even make decisions based on these conclusions. If widely adopted and implemented well, the Semantic Web has the potential to revolutionize the Internet. For creating understandable to the computer Resource descriptions on the Semantic Web use the RDF (Resource Description Framework) format, which is based on XML syntax and uses URIs to designate resources. New in this area are RDFS (RDF Schema) and SPARQL (Protocol And RDF Query Language) (pronounced "sparkle"), a new query language for quick access to RDF data.

Currently, there are two trends in the development of the World Wide Web: the semantic web and the social web. The Semantic Web involves improving the connectivity and relevance of information on the World Wide Web through the introduction of new metadata formats. The Social Web relies on the work of organizing the information available on the Web, performed by the users of the Web themselves. Within the second direction, developments that are part of the Semantic Web are actively used as tools (RSS and other web feed formats, OPML, XHTML microformats).

Internet telephony has become one of the most modern and economical types of communication. Her birthday can be considered February 15, 1995, when VocalTec released its first soft-phone - a program that serves to exchange voice over an IP network. Microsoft then released the first version of NetMeeting in October 1996. And already in 1997, it became quite common to connect via the Internet to two ordinary telephone subscribers located in completely different places on the planet.

Why is ordinary long-distance and international telephone communication so expensive? This is explained by the fact that during a conversation, the subscriber occupies a whole communication channel, and not only when he speaks or listens to the interlocutor, but also when he is silent or distracted from the conversation. This is what happens when voice is transmitted over the telephone in the usual analog way.

With the digital method, information can be transmitted not continuously, but in separate “packets”. Then one communication channel can send information simultaneously from many subscribers. This principle of packet transmission of information is similar to the transportation of many letters with different addresses in one mail car. After all, they don’t “drive” one mail car to transport each letter separately! Such temporary "packet compaction" makes it possible to use existing communication channels much more efficiently, "compress" them. At one end of the communication channel, information is divided into packets, each of which, like a letter, is provided with its own individual address. Over the communication channel, packets of many subscribers are transmitted "interleaved". At the other end of the communication channel, packets with the same address are again combined and sent to their destination. This packet principle is widely used on the Internet.

Having a personal computer, sound card, compatible microphone and headphones (or sound speakers), the subscriber can use Internet telephony to call any subscriber who has a regular landline phone. In this conversation, he will also pay only for using the Internet. Before using Internet telephony, a subscriber who owns a personal computer must install a special program on it.

To use Internet telephony services, it is not necessary to have a personal computer. To do this, it is enough to have a regular phone with touch-tone dialing. In this case, each dialed digit goes into the line not in the form of a different number of electrical impulses, as when the disk rotates, but in the form alternating currents different frequency. Such tone mode found in most modern telephones. To use Internet telephony using a telephone, you need to buy a credit card and call a powerful central server computer at the number indicated on the card. Then the server's automat voice (optionally in Russian or English) announces the commands: dial the serial number and card key using the telephone buttons, dial the country code and the number of your future interlocutor. Next, the server turns analog signal into digital, sends it to another city, to a server located there, which again converts the digital signal into analog and sends it to the desired subscriber. Interlocutors talk like regular phone, however, sometimes there is a small (for a fraction of a second) delay in the response. Recall that to save communication channels, voice information is transmitted in "packets" of digital data: your voice information is divided into segments, packets, called Internet protocols (IP).

Skype ( was created in 2003. It is completely free and requires almost no knowledge from the user to install or use it. It allows you to talk in video mode with interlocutors who are at their computers in different parts of the world. In order for the interlocutors to see each other, the computer of each of them must be equipped with a web-camera.

This is such a long way in the development of communications has been made by mankind: from signal fires and drums to a cellular mobile phone, which allows almost instantly contacting two people located anywhere on our planet. At the same time, despite the different distances, the subscribers have a feeling of personal communication.

What is the World Wide Web?

The web, or "web", is a collection of interconnected pages with specific information. Each such page can contain text, images, video, audio and various other objects. But besides this, there are so-called hyperlinks on web pages. Each such link points to a different page, which is located on some other computer on the Internet.

Various information resources, which are interconnected by means of telecommunications and are based on a hypertext representation of data, form the World Wide Web (World Wide Web, or WWW for short).

Hyperlinks link pages that are located on different computers located in different parts of the world. A huge number of computers that are united in one network is the Internet, and the "World Wide Web" is a huge number of web pages hosted on network computers.

Each web page on the Internet has an address - URL (Eng. Uniform Resource Locator - a unique address, name). It is at the address that you can find any page.

How was the World Wide Web created?

On March 12, 1989, Tim Berners-Lee presented to the CERN leadership a project for a unified system for organizing, storing and public access to information that was supposed to solve the problem of the exchange of knowledge and experience between the employees of the Center. The problem of access to information on different computers of Berners-Lee's employees was proposed to be solved with the help of browser programs that provide access to the server computer where hypertext information is stored. After successful implementation project Berners-Lee was able to convince the rest of the world to use common standards Internet communications using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Universal Markup Language (HTML) standards.

It should be noted that Tim Berners-Lee was not the first creator of the Internet. The first system of protocols that provide data transfer between networked computers was developed by employees of the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Winton Cerf and Robert Kahn in the late 60s - early 70s of the last century. Berners-Lee only suggested using the capabilities of computer networks to create new system organization of information and access to it.

What was the prototype of the World Wide Web?

Back in the 60s of the XX century, the US Department of Defense set the task of developing a reliable system for transmitting information in case of war. The US Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) proposed to develop a computer network for this. They called it ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network). The project brought together four scientific institutions - the University of Los Angeles, the Stanford Research Institute and the Universities of Santa Barbara and Utah. All work was funded by the US Department of Defense.

The first transmission of data over a computer network took place in 1969. A professor at the University of Los Angeles with his students tried to enter the Stanford computer and pass the word "login". Only the first two letters, L and O, were successfully transmitted. When they typed the letter G, the communication system failed, but the Internet revolution took place.

By 1971, a network with 23 users was established in the USA. The first program was developed to send Email over the network. And in 1973, University College London and Government Services in Norway joined the network, and the network became international. In 1977, the number of Internet users reached 100, in 1984 - 1000, in 1986 there were already more than 5000, in 1989 - more than 100,000. In 1991, the World-Wide Web (WWW) project was implemented at CERN. In 1997, there were already 19.5 million Internet users.

Some sources indicate the date of the appearance of the World Wide Web a day later - March 13, 1989.

The Internet has become an integral part of our lives today. But the name Tim Berners Lee is not familiar to anyone. Meanwhile, this is exactly the person who created the Internet - the World Wide Web, without which many cannot even imagine their lives.

Timothy's biography is quite simple: he was born in 1955, in the month of June, on the 8th. His homeland is London. Tim's parents were mathematicians-programmers Conway Berners-Lee (father) and Mary Lee Woods (mother). Both parents worked at the same university (Manchester) to create an electronic computer, which has RAM- Manchester Mark I.

It goes without saying that little Tim, seeing the activities of adults, played by building small models of computers from empty boxes. Yes, and Tim painted mainly on computer punched cards - a sort of cardboard with holes, the first storage media.

Years of study

Tim Berners studied at the prestigious Emanuel School, where his passion for design and mathematics, success in learning, surprised everyone. His biography has the following entry: "Years of study at school - 1969-1973"

However, after leaving school in 1973, upon entering the King's College at Oxford University, Tim Berners decided to become a physicist.

And here Tim Berners-Lee's childhood craving for computers woke up again - in the biography of the future discoverer of the Internet appears interesting fact. Taking the Motorola M6800 processor and conventional TV, Tim managed to solder his first computer from them.

Like the biography of any mischievous boy, the biography of Timothy John Berners-Lee has fascinating pages that reveal the personality from a not quite pretty side. Actually, it was reckless to condemn the young man for hacking the database of the university computer - it was just a fact of curiosity and testing his strength. But as a result, Tim received a stern warning from the rector and a ban on using a computer at the university.


In 1976, Timothy Berners-Lee graduated from Oxford University with honors and received a bachelor's degree in physics. After moving to Dorset, the future creator of the Internet gets a job at Plessey Corporation. Here, Tim Berners is engaged in programming the systems of information transmission, distribution of transactions and creating barcode technology.

In 1978, Timothy John Berners-Lee changes jobs. At D.G Nash Ltd, his responsibilities are also changing: now Tim Berners creates programs for printers and multitasking systems.

Tim Berners-Lee was invited to Switzerland in 1980, where the future creator of the Internet works as a software consultant for the European Organization for Nuclear Research. It is in Switzerland that Tim Berners, after work, begins to work on the Enquire program - the basis of the World Wide Web.

In 1981, Tim Berners-Lee joined Image Computer Systems Ltd, where he successfully worked on graphics and communication software and real-time systems architecture. Later, in 1984, the future creator of the Internet begins to develop a real-time system, which is designed to serve as a collection of scientific information. In parallel, Tim Berners-Lee develops applications computer technology, accelerating particles, and other scientific equipment.

When asked in what year the World Wide Web was created - the Internet, one can answer that in 1989. It was then that Tim Berners-Lee proposed to his leadership the idea of ​​the World Wide Web, which was based on the Enquire concept. This was the beginning of the invention of the Internet. The name "World Wide Web" was invented by himself, relying on the linking of a wide variety of hypertext web pages using hyperlinks, a data transfer protocol. Previously, these protocols were used in the US military network ARPANET. He, as well as the protocol of the university network NSFNET, became the forerunners of the World Wide Web, thanks to them the Internet appeared.

And now the speech of the one who created the Internet in a video (in English, but with subtitles):

Birth of the World Wide Web

In the glorious 1989, the protocol took on a new dimension: it began to be used for mail exchange and real-time communication, for commercial purposes, and for reading newsgroups. The idea, which was proposed by Tim Berners-Lee, was accepted by the head Mike Sandell. But Tim Berners did not receive large funds for work, only an offer to conduct experiments on one of the NeXT personal computers.

Despite the difficulties, Tim Berners successfully copes with his task: he develops the first ever web server and the first web browser. His talent as a developer owes its appearance to the WorldWideWeb page editor, a standardized way to record a site address on the Internet, the HTML language, and the application layer data transfer protocol.

The following year, Tim Berners-Lee received an assistant - the Belgian Robert Caio. Thanks to him, the Internet project received funding. Robert also took care of all organizational issues. Despite the active participation in the development and promotion of the project, the main creator of the Internet, Tim Berners-Lee, whose name is revered by all programmers of the world, went down in history. Robert Caio did not reserve the right to charge for the use of the invention and was undeservedly forgotten.

Later, in 1993, Tim Berners-Lee created several browsers for various operating systems, which increased the share of the World Wide Web (WWW) in total Internet traffic.

An interesting fact is that the Gopher protocol was previously developed by the University of Minnesota, which could well become an alternative to the modern Internet. But Tim Berners-Lee disputes this fact, arguing that the protocol would not have been able to compete with the World Wide Web (WWW) because the creators this project demanded payment for its implementation.

Scientific and technological progress does not stand still, but is in constant development, search, improvement. Perhaps the most useful invention of the human genius - the Internet, was invented relatively not so long ago, by the standards of the development of civilization. At its core, it is a unique data exchange tool.

Internet (Network, Internet) is a virtual environment that guarantees access to information resources, whose elements are personal computers. They are combined into a single scheme and endowed with unique addressing features, using high-speed communication lines with host computers.

Internet is huge network, which unites an infinite number of devices. It serves to exchange information that exists in this network in various forms. Nowadays, not only computers can connect to the Internet. Mobile phones, tablets, game consoles, other gadgets and even TVs can easily go online at any time.

The importance of this information space is undeniable due to the amazing possibilities of communication between users of all devices connected to the Web.

In technical terms, the online space is formed by countless computer devices connected to each other. Billions of PC users living in different countries communicate with each other every day, transmit and receive useful information, download digital data arrays in the form of applications, programs, utilities; watching videos, listening to music.

The online environment has another important property - unlimited possibilities for storing information. Transmitted over the Internet personal experience in addition, it is a unique platform for informing the masses for modern media and a colossal repository of world knowledge.

What is the Internet?

In order for PC owners living on different continents to be able to freely use search services network resources- at the bottom of the ocean, trunk cables are laid through which useful information is pumped around the clock.

The personal computer is controlled by special protocols. This is a kind of instruction that allows you to set the rules for communication between devices. A single criterion for constructing a software protocol is an IP address. Thanks to this structure, any participant receives his own digital address, with the help of which the search and identification takes place.

For example, after entering the name “” into the browser line, in a matter of moments the client finds himself on a web site offering help to beginners. In technical terms, the software robot simply finds the IP address code that is assigned to a particular site.

The machine algorithm includes the following operations:

  1. the request is fixed by the main server, where the name of the required thematic data array is stored;
  2. name is found in memory this resource, i.e. discovery of the required IP address;
  3. the client goes to the website.

Other protocols exist, such as HTTP. Requests in another way are carried out with the addition of a prefix http://

What is the World Wide Web (WWW)

For most representatives target audience big interest represents the definition of an Internet service as the World Wide Web (WWW or simply WEB). Its definition refers to a set of interconnected web pages, access to which is provided by a limited number of PCs connected to the Web.

A set of text files, marked up in HTML with links, placed on an electronic platform, is called a website. You can get acquainted with the content of a particular website by activating the browser to search for the address name.

Web - today is positioned as the most popular and popular service online spaces, i.e. the Internet. important WEB element hypertext links appear. By clicking on the link of the desired document or by requesting a unique URL (name code, path) in the browser, a person can view the desired array of text.

Addressing system

If you enter an incorrect address name in the search bar or follow a broken link, the browser will promptly signal an error (confirm the absence desired page). Often, upon request, a person gets access to an advertising (fraudulent) site.

In this situation, you should correct the inaccuracy in the query string field without attempting to explore the advertising website for security reasons. The fact is that these sites can be infected with a virus. If the resource was created for the purpose of fraud, then it would be useful to familiarize yourself with our section, where the most popular methods of fraud on the network are perfectly described.

In the address of any site, the main thing is the domain, which serves for ease of remembering. The domain, as a rule, displays the address of the main page. However, it should be understood that for the technical download of the page, the computer device uses IP with the protocol "". Agree, this combination is much more difficult to remember than the domain name of our site.

It is important to know that entering "http://" or the prefix "WWW" in the search bar is NOT required at all. Better use the service search engine, where the mistake made will be corrected immediately, and the domain can be entered without a zone that causes confusion.

What does the Internet give us?

  • unlimited communication and communication

Many are looking for like-minded people here, communicating on popular social projects and forums. Others like the unique personal communication service using ICQ or Skype. Dating website visitors expect to find their other half here;

  • unlimited possibilities of entertainment and organization of personal leisure

Here you can listen to popular music tracks for free, enjoy the latest filmography of film studios, play various games, including gambling, get acquainted with the works of modern authors and classics of the literary genre, take surveys, tests, etc.

  • self-education

In the environment mass communication you can not only read useful articles, but also participate in trainings, master classes, watch video tutorials;

  • creative development of personality

Here you can meet rare people, visit their professional projects for creative and personal improvement;

  • purchase of goods and services

Customers of virtual supermarkets can buy goods without leaving their homes. Online you can buy shares of industrial companies, book tickets, book a hotel room, etc.;

  • new ways to make money

There are more ways to make money on the Internet. For example, you can open an online store by creating own blog(web site). For those who are just trying their hand at this field, it is easier to start with freelancing: writing articles on order, selling photos, offering services for creating and promoting various projects, doing web design and programming.

  • much more. The information on our website will help you learn not only all the possibilities of this global network, but also perfectly while being in it.

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