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Mingaev was fired because of his wife. Madina Mingaeva's husband dismissed from work Tamerlan Mingayev new position

Your legs will be torn out by the roots! "

Debosh of the son and wife of the deputy plenipotentiary of Chechnya under the President of the Russian Federation Tamerlan Mingayev, who violated traffic rules in Moscow

Original of this material

The wife and son of a Chechen official, deputy plenipotentiary of the Chechen Republic under the President of Russia Tamerlan Mingaev, provoked a mass brawl in the center of Moscow because of their unwillingness to comply with traffic rules.

It all started with the fact that Madina Mingaeva parked with a gross violation of traffic rules, and responded to the remarks of passers-by with rude abuse and threats of physical harm.

Madina Mingaeva
When representatives of the StopKham public movement began filming the defiant behavior of guests of the capital, Madina Mingaeva publicly stated that all those present and their family members would be killed or maimed for daring to film a traffic violation of such an important person as the wife of a Chechen official.

After that, several hooligans arrived at the scene, led by Islam Mingaev, the son of the Deputy Plenipotentiary of the Chechen Republic under the President of Russia, Tamerlan Mingaev. The Chechens also threatened to kill everyone present, grossly violated public order, beat people with cameras. At the same time, representatives of the Moscow police did not dare to intervene in the situation.

The video caused a huge public outcry, however, representatives of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate, as well as representatives of the Chechen Republic, do not consider it necessary to comment on the situation. At the same time, thousands of commentators on the Runet are asking themselves the question: why do Chechen dignitaries and their relatives violate the laws of the Russian Federation with impunity and demonstratively?

Kadyrov fired

and pasted the "Stopham" sticker
Tamerlane Mingaeva

The head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov dismissed Tamerlan Mingaev from his post

The head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, dismissed Tamerlan Mingaev from the post of Deputy Plenipotentiary of the Chechen Republic under the President of the Russian Federation.

“I fired Mingaev today. The resignation is connected with the incorrect behavior of his wife Madina Mingaeva, "R. Kadyrov told reporters in Grozny.

“I am firmly convinced that traffic police officers and other officials empowered to do so by law should fight against traffic and parking offenders. The behavior of certain groups is absolutely unjustified, which, under the guise of fighting against violators of the rules, provoke drivers, forcing them to make harsh statements, ”he noted.

“If a group of aggressive young people surrounds the car and the driver, how can he determine what their intentions are, who they are, are they not going to use force, rob? In the case of Mingaeva, everything happened in a similar way. More than two dozen people made offensive statements, did not react to her words about their readiness to rearrange the car. They needed a conflict to promote themselves. It is clear that someone is taking them to the streets, that someone is behind all this. At the same time, a video has been posted on the Internet where Mingaeva's calm reaction is absent, ”says R. Kadyrov.

He stressed that, "in spite of everything, Mingaeva should not have allowed herself to be drawn into a conflict situation."

“She behaved wrong. If her rights were violated, it was necessary to write a statement to the law enforcement agencies, and not start a skirmish, ”said the Head of the Chechen Republic.

In his opinion, "the fact of getting his son involved in a quarrel instead of saving him from conflict situations is especially unacceptable."

“I am outraged by Mingaeva's conversation. This is not the language of a Chechen woman, a Chechen mother. This is a vulgar language. She behaved in an extremely unworthy manner. As a Chechen, she should have known that all this was contrary to our moral and ethical standards.

Therefore, I believe that the spouse of this woman cannot be on our team. In this connection, he fired him, ”Ramzan Kadyrov said.

© MK.Ru, 02/10/2014

Former deputy plenipotentiary of Chechnya under the president turns out to be a smuggler

Eva Merkacheva

In the near future, the former deputy plenipotentiary representative of the Chechen Republic under the President of the Russian Federation, Tamerlan Mingaev, will be on the dock.

Fired after a loud scandal near the European shopping center, where his rude wife and son behaved with StopHam activists During the campaign to combat improper parking, the official illegally imported into Russia Swiss watches of exclusive models and expensive phones.

As the Vnukovo customs office told MK, Mingaev and his friend were detained at Vnukovo airport in August 2013. In their luggage, the customs officers found Rolex and Ulysses Nardin watches, as well as Vertu mobile phones worth 11 million rubles. All this stuff Mingaev transported across the border of the customs union illegally, did not declare and did not pay the due duty in the amount of 3 million rubles. During the investigation, it turned out that this was not the first case. Moreover, Mingaev organized the illegal movement of goods across the border, using his contacts at the Permanent Mission of the Chechen Republic under the President, where he worked until mid-2012. A criminal case was initiated against Tamerlane and his accomplice under the article "evasion of customs payments by a group of persons by prior conspiracy on an especially large scale." The case will be sent to court in the near future.

[Izvestia, 09.01.2014, "The case of the fight at Evropeyskiy ended with the reconciliation of the parties": According to Izvestia's information, Stopkham activists did not testify against their opponents. Moreover, now the participants in the scuffle are even cooperating during the new actions of the movement opposing rudeness and violations of parking rules by drivers. Due to the impossibility of identifying the accused, the metropolitan police suspended the investigation of the incident.
We are talking about a criminal case initiated by the metropolitan police under Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Hooliganism") on the fact of an incident in a parking lot near the "Evropeisky" shopping center. Here on May 2, 2012, activists of "Stopham" and relatives of the former deputy plenipotentiary of Chechnya under President Tamerlan Mingaev had a fight. [...]
According to Izvestia, the initiators of the termination of the investigation were not the capital's police, but the Stopham activists themselves. [...]
“The guys at their meetings with the investigation very gently and carefully formulated their claims against the Mingayevs and their friends,” a source familiar with the situation explained to Izvestia.
The interlocutor of Izvestia also noted that, most likely, the investigation of the case will not be resumed, because the reason for this could only be newly discovered circumstances.
The Stopham organization did not disclose the details of the reconciliation to Izvestia. - Box]

Ramzan Kadyrov dismissed the deputy envoy of the government of Chechnya under the President of Russia for the "incorrect behavior" of his wife. Shots where she threatens to “rip out the legs” of a member of the “Stopham” movement, and their son, a former MGIMO student, starts a fight and promises to “cut out the whole family”, has already become very widespread. Kadyrov also condemned the other side of the conflict.

The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, announced on Saturday his decision to dismiss Tamerlan Mingaev, deputy chairman of the republic under the President of Russia, whose relatives staged a scuffle with members of the Stopkham movement and publicly threatened those who filmed the outrage on video.

“I fired Mingaev today. The resignation is connected with the incorrect behavior of his wife Madina Mingaeva, ”Kadyrov told reporters in Grozny on Saturday.

At the same time, he sharply spoke about the activities of the movement, fighting against traffic offenders. “I am firmly convinced that traffic police officers and other officials empowered to do so by law should fight against traffic and parking offenders. There is absolutely no justification for the behavior of certain groups, which, under the guise of fighting against violators of the rules, provoke drivers, forcing them to make harsh statements, ”KadyrovARIA was quoted as saying by Novosti.

"If a group of aggressive young people surrounds the car and the driver, how can he determine what their intentions are, who they are, are they not going to use force, to rob?" - he said.

This, Kadyrov said, was the case in the case of Mingaeva. “More than two dozen people made offensive statements, did not react to her words about their readiness to rearrange the car. They needed a conflict to promote themselves. It is clear that someone is taking them to the streets, that someone is behind all this. At the same time, a video has been posted on the Internet where Mingaeva's calm reaction is absent, ”the head of Chechnya noted.

At the same time, he stressed that, "in spite of everything, Mingaeva should not have allowed herself to be drawn into a conflict situation."

“She behaved wrong. If her rights were violated, it was necessary to write a statement to the law enforcement agencies, and not start a skirmish, ”Kadyrov said.

“It is especially unacceptable that the son gets involved in a quarrel, instead of saving him from conflict situations. I am outraged by Mingaeva's conversation. This is not the language of a Chechen woman, a Chechen mother. This is a vulgar language. She behaved in an extremely unworthy manner. As a Chechen, she should have known that all this contradicts our moral and ethical standards, ”Kadyrov said.

“Therefore, I believe that the spouse of this woman cannot be on our team. In this connection, he dismissed him, ”he concluded.

The leader of the Stopham movement Dmitry Chugunovna reacted to this news with joy. “We are grateful to Ramzan Akhmadovich for not remaining indifferent. We thought that some decision would be made, but we didn’t think it would be so tough, ”Chugunov told Interfax.

He noted that the public movement did not want the escalation of the conflict. “We did not want the development of the conflict. We just wanted justice to prevail, ”he added.

In early May, a video appeared on the Internet in which members of the Stopham movement were trying to persuade a woman who had parked her car incorrectly to rearrange it. In response, she says that in principle she will not do this, the person filming these shots vows to "pull out his legs by the roots" if the video is published, and calls for help. As such, her son arrived, who attacked the protesters with fists and threats to “cut the whole family” and demanded to remove the video, “because I said,” threatening to “tear everyone apart”.

Later it turned out that the footage captured Madina Mingaeva and Islam Mingaev, the wife and son of the Deputy Plenipotentiary of the Chechen Republic under the President of Russia Tamerlan Mingaev.

Also, users found that on the page of the group of the Chechen club MGIMO (U) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia in the social network "In contact with" Islam Mingaev is listed as the president of the organization. One of the goals of the organization is "to form a positive image of the Chechen diaspora and the Chechen Republic in Russia."

MGIMO Vice-Rector Igor Loginov hastened to announce that Islam Mingaev had been expelled from the university last summer, and there was no official Chechen club. They gathered on the page and decided to do it, "he explained to the Russian News Service.

Tamerlan Mingaev's immediate boss, Plenipotentiary Envoy Bekkhan Taymaskhanov, briefly commented on the situation, calling the incident "settled." The head of the Stopham movement Dmitry Chugunov disagreed with him. “I don’t know if the incident can be considered settled. Probably it is possible, but no one contacted me, and we never heard any apologies from anyone, ”he said.

The press service of the Chechen government immediately announced the provocation and refused to believe in the Mingayevs' participation in the incident. “I know the Mingayev family as decent, and in this case, in my opinion, there was a provocation: out of the blue, such situations do not arise. In any case, you need to familiarize yourself with this information and understand it, ”said a spokesman for the press service.

The Chechen government, in turn, also initially considered the fight at the Evropeisky shopping center a provocation. Then the government argued that it was too early to say that the relatives of the deputy plenipotentiary of Chechnya under the President of Russia Tamerlan Mingaev were involved in the incident, reports RIA Novosti.

As a spokesman for the Chechen government said on Wednesday, blog posts refer to Mingaev's wife and son - they were the ones who participated in the incident.

As the scandal grew - the footage of the recording was shown by the largest Russian media - the metropolitan police became interested in the case, and on May 2 the participants were invited to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow.

The next day, a criminal case was opened under Part 2 of Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hooliganism). The Moscow prosecutor's office said they decided to take control of him.

The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, dismissed Tamerlan Mingaev from the post of deputy plenipotentiary of the republic under the President of the Russian Federation. “I fired Mingaev today. The resignation is connected with the incorrect behavior of his wife Madina Mingaeva,” Kadyrov told reporters in Grozny.

Madina Mingaeva became famous after participating in a scandal involving activists of the pro-Kremlin Antikham organization in Moscow. The wife and son of a Chechen official, deputy plenipotentiary of the Chechen Republic under the President of Russia, Tamerlan Mingaev, provoked a mass brawl with the "Nashists" in the center of Moscow because of their unwillingness to comply with traffic rules.

Madina Mingaeva parked in violation of traffic rules at the Evropeyskiy shopping center. Activists of the StopHam movement, a "subsidiary" of the Nashi movement, were pasting their stickers "I don't care at all. I park wherever I want" on cars parked in the wrong place.

Representatives of the StopKham movement began filming how they were attacked by Madina Mingaeva: “Your legs will be pulled out by the roots, you will crawl on your hands,” she promised the activist of the movement.

Commenting on the situation, Ramzan Kadyrov said that “traffic police officers and other officials empowered to do so by the law should fight against traffic and parking offenders. harsh statements ".

“If a group of aggressive young people surrounds the car and the driver, how can he determine what their intentions are, who they are, are they going to use force, rob? In the case of Mingaeva, everything happened in a similar way. statements did not react to her words about the readiness to rearrange the car. They needed a conflict to promote themselves. It is clear that someone is taking them to the streets, that someone is behind all this. Mingaeva's reaction, "Kadyrov said.

However, he decided that "in spite of everything, Mingaeva should not have allowed herself to be drawn into a conflict situation." "She behaved incorrectly. If her rights were violated, it was necessary to write a statement to the law enforcement agencies, and not start a skirmish," said the head of Chechnya.

In his opinion, "it is especially unacceptable that the son gets involved in a quarrel, instead of saving him from conflict situations": "I am outraged by Mingaeva's conversation. This is not the language of a Chechen woman, a Chechen mother. This is a vulgar language. She behaved in an extremely unworthy manner. As a Chechen, she should have known that all this was contrary to our moral and ethical standards. "

“Therefore, I believe that this woman’s husband cannot be on our team. In this connection, he fired him,” Kadyrov summed up Mingaev’s career.

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