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Mi home download in Russian. Working with Xiaomi Mi Home - personal experience, settings, nuances

Mi Home- This mobile client, with which you can control various Smart devices, We draw your attention to the fact that MiHome can configure and manage smart devices released only by Xiaomi. To control the actions performed by equipment from other manufacturers, this application is not suitable.

With MiHome, you can control all your home appliances. Of course, in this case, it does not mean absolutely any technique, like an old grandmother's TV, but only "smart" devices. The list of gadgets controlled by this software includes sockets, tees, air cleaners, air conditioners, vacuum cleaners, cameras (internal, installed in the house and external, placed at the entrance or in the garage), TVs, etc.

The application shows the number of connected devices, allows you to configure notifications and extensions, and provides convenient system sorting equipment according to the "Rooms" lists. In a special tab "Automation" you can view all running processes(scripts) and manage them. The user is also available to "sharing" access rights to other family members. It is worth remembering that when distributing control rights, there are restrictions - in this case, you cannot create your own scripts, but you can only use ready-made ones.

To use the application, you must create a Mi account. A very important part of setting up the application is the choice of region and language. By the way, the program has Russian translated, and not by the developer himself, but by third-party users. Unfortunately, the use of the Russian language will prevent you from creating your own scripts and managing SMART devices voice.


  • management of "smart" technology from Xiaomi;
  • creating your own scripts;
  • distribution of control rights to other users;
  • convenient sorting of all devices available for management;
  • the need to start personal account mi;
  • compatibility only with new versions of Android;
  • the presence of Russian localization.

Who can't log in to Mi Home

  • 1. Put "VPN Master"
  • 2. Turn off Wi-fi, start VPN Master, choose Hong Kong
  • 3. Launch Mi Home, log in (after selecting Mainland China / Mainland China in the settings)
  • 4. That's it, you can use Mi Home. Turn on Wi-fi, turn off VPN Master (you can delete it). Even after rebooting the phone everything works.

Download the Mi Home app for Android you can follow the link below.

The application is handy tool to manage various items of Xiaomi branded equipment.

At the time of the announcement, the manufacturer had only Chinese version this software, which significantly limited the possibilities for its use. Fortunately, the situation is gradually improving, iOS users can already download the English version.

For Android owners- devices, the situation is somewhat more complicated, since finding a program in the open spaces Google Play impossible. But there is also a plus - the program Xiaomi Smart Home in Russian can be downloaded from the Internet at apk format. Translations are far from ideal, but in general, they are quite usable.

Note that the versions we tested are designed specifically for smartphones and would look very strange on tablet PCs. In addition, the fact that there is no possibility of control from a computer causes some annoyance, no web interfaces or something like that is provided.

How the Xiaomi Smart Home program works

AT this moment the program is compatible with the following equipment: Mi Plug socket, Yi Camera, Mi Airpurifiers and a device called Gateway. Ambiguous emotions are caused by the mysterious section "Others". We have not been able to figure out what exactly is hidden behind it. In addition, we could not find any mention of the multi-colored lamp in the list, which was seen in the first illustrations of the system. As for the Gateway, this name most likely means the device for the service announced the day before wireless sensors from the Smart Home Suite.

After installing the product, you need to register a Xiaomi / Mi account (if you do not already have one) or enter authorization data in the appropriate sections of the interface. This will ensure general access to a single control system from different devices.

Register a Xiaomi/Mi account

After that, you need to add device data to the application. There may be some minor difficulties due to the fact that the above-mentioned camera and socket are capable of working with wireless networks only in the 2.4 GHz band. Therefore, it is also advisable to specify this type of wireless networks in the settings of your gadget.

Add device data to the app

After that, tap on the “+” icon, select the type of connected device and proceed to the process of detecting and configuring it for a specific network.

If everything went well, then automatic search new software versions for found devices (even for sockets!). Within one account, devices installed in different places and connected to the Network through different providers can be collected.

In the generated general list, you can change some device parameters (rename, open access to them for other Xiaomi / Mi users, etc.).

However prerequisite is to connect the equipment to cloud storage companies. However, it is necessary for any manipulations with this device. If there is no Internet access, then you will not be able to control the outlet (even if it is in the same wireless network with smartphone).

It may very well be that with the advent of sensors in the system, it will finally be possible to achieve a connection between the events from the operation and the functioning of the outlet, however, on this moment we could not verify the existence of such a “chip”. Some sources talk about the possibility sharing with a camera, but again, we failed to find anything of the kind.

The functional range of an IP camera is unlikely to be attractive to discerning users. But it may well seem interesting in terms of affordable cost, thoughtful design and quite tolerable picture quality for its class. But again, provided that the potential owner agrees to limit himself to the functionality of regular software.

Pairing the camera with Xiaomi Smart Home allows you to change a number of its parameters, the main of which is the name. In addition, you can set the desired recording mode, depending on the capacity installed card memory. You can choose between continuous shooting and its automatic switching on when moving objects are detected in the frame. In the second case, you can significantly save space on the media, but there are no opportunities for its more detailed configuration in the program.

In addition, there are options that allow you to record video directly to the built-in storage. Xiaomi router, send notifications when it occurs emergency situations and turn off the LED.

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First you need to register a Mi account, if suddenly you don’t have it yet, then go ahead and register. We assume that you already have it.
My personal opinion is to put the original version from . When installing the application NECESSARILY select region - mainland china, language - english.

If you still want to have a localized version, then I can recommend the application translated by the project, current version can be downloaded - . Region - it is also necessary to select China, language - by default.

After the Mi Home application is installed, you can connect devices from the Xiaomi ecosystem. All devices can be divided into 2 types - those that work independently, and those that need a Xiaomi Gateway - these devices work using a special Zigbee protocol. About connection various devices I have already told in their reviews, here I will pay more attention general issues work with the Mi Home application.
A little earlier, I mentioned that I recommend setting official app and English language. It's time to tell you why. The fact is that in a localized application, the Russian language is set instead of Chinese - if everything is beautiful and understandable in the main windows, settings, then you should dig a little deeper - for example, in scenarios without which work smart home impossible, and we stumble upon Chinese. And still have to switch to English. As an example - screenshots from the Xiaomi gateway script window - on the left is a localized application, in the center - the official one. By the way, the official plugins - also for the most part - are English, so far the only plugin I have found that has not been translated is wifi socket- on right.

By default, the device window of the Mi Home application has the form of a list in which all connected devices are displayed. By clicking on a device, its plugin is launched, or the control window is launched, since not all devices in the system have separate plugins. If the plugin is not installed, it is automatically downloaded. By clicking the button in the upper left corner, and selecting the display type in the menu that opens - Grid (Grid) - we switch the application to the smart home remote control mode. All devices are displayed as separate "cells", which display their readings, or status. For example, temperature / humidity sensors have two cells - with temperature and humidity, and a gateway - three cells, radio, backlight and alarm control. You can line up these cells simply by pressing and without lowering move your finger.

Now for the plugins. Even if you have installed official version applications - this is not an obstacle to the Russification of device plug-ins. The hardest thing to do is to root rights on your smartphone/tablet. Yes, we are talking about Android - IOS while I do not touch it, because there is nothing to experiment on. There are ways of Russification without root - for example. But it seems to me that getting root is easier, faster and more useful.
All device plugins are separate files, with apk extension- in fact each of them separate application, but controlled by the main Mi Home app. All plugins add up to special folder, the full path to it is /data/data/com.xiaomi.smarthome/files/plugin/install/mpk - then there is a list of folders with names from a three-digit number. For example, a smart extension cord - 150, a gateway - 108, etc. On your device, only the folders of those devices that you have will be located.
To Russify them, you just need to replace them. I use plugins, everything is conveniently painted and up to date.
In order to get into the plugins folder - we need root rights, as this system area. In addition, you need an application - I use it with which files are overwritten. The application has two independent tabs - for example, this is a folder with mpk plugins and the second - Download folder where plugins are downloaded.

Now let's talk about the Profile tab (My account) of the Mi Home application. There are several important and useful buttons which you might find useful -
Automation - This is a list of ALL of your smart scripts, as well as their current active state - the toggle on the right. With this switch, you can activate or deactivate any scenario.
Share (Share) - in this menu you can give access to any of your devices to another person - on another mi account. In this case, you also need to install Mi Home on another device and register mi account. From the list of devices (you can see which one already has access and which one does not) - click on the one you need, enter the ID of another account. The owner of the other account receives a notification that he has been granted access to the device, accepts it, and can manage it.
There is also a Family function (My family) - by adding the mi account of a family member there, you will provide him with access to all smart home devices at once.
LIMITATION- Shared devices can be controlled, but scripts cannot be created. This can only be done from the master device.
CAN one mi account use at the same time on different devices. At the time of writing the review - I have two on hand with my account. Absolutely identical control, even the order of the buttons was pulled up - the one that I set up.

Scenarios can be divided into two types.
1. First - let's call manual, they are created by clicking in the main window of the mi home application top right button- add scene - add a scene. A list of such scenarios can be seen by clicking on the All Scenes button in the Mi Home app when it is in list view. We get into a window divided into two parts - in the upper scripts that will be displayed in the main application window, for them quick start, at the bottom - everything. By clicking on the lower right part of the icon of any script and holding your finger a little - we activate the edit mode - in which we can move, add / delete scripts. It should be remembered that in the mode of the remote control - grids - they will still be visible to all.
4 scenarios - leaving home, returning, sleeping and waking up - have their own icons. To edit the script - you need to click in the area of ​​​​the lower right part of the icon - a small triangle.
In this mode, you can set the name of the scenario at the top of the screen and create a list of actions. It is also possible to add pauses between them. If you need to move or remove an action - on the right side of the screen, slightly hidden by the inscription Perform the following… there is an Edit button. After pressing it, it is possible to delete or change the order of actions. In the upper right part of the window there is a button that brings up the menu. In it, you can turn on / off the notification about the execution of the script, display the script icon on the desktop, or delete it.

2. Type - let's call it automated scripts. In addition to the list of actions, they also have a trigger condition. The conditions can be - a timer (by time and day of the week) - a call or message, pressing a button, turning a cube, triggering a motion or opening sensor. As actions - they can act - device management - turn on the outlet, the light bulb, activate the alarm mode, you can also add already finished script- for example, by pressing a button - activate the "leaving home" scenario, as well as disable and enable ready-made existing scenarios.

A couple of scripted examples. Manual scenario - leaving the house - first turning off the lights, activating the alarm mode - it is set to a 15 second delay, and after the same 15 seconds - turning off the light in the hallway. Having put the execution of this scenario on a button discreetly installed near the door, we calmly leave the house. First, the light will go out everywhere except the hallway, and after 15 seconds in it too, and the alarm will turn on.
Automatic script - which controls the humidifier. The outlet into which the humidifier is plugged in turns on when the humidity drops below 40%. A similar scenario - turns it off when the humidity is over 50%.
But we do not need to humidify when the room is ventilated - therefore, when the window opening sensor is triggered, the socket is also turned off and the scripts for turning it on are deactivated. When the window is closed, everything turns back on.

That's all for now, there are also examples of scenarios and will appear in my reviews of smart home devices.

Who is easier to perceive information audiovisually - video version of this review:

All my reviews Xiaomi devices in chronological order -

Like many modern systems automation, Xiaomi company also uses a smartphone, for centralized control all smart devices that can be connected in single system smart home. To do this, we will need to install the MiHome app (available for both Android and iOS).

There is no Xiaomi brand logo on the app icon, since most smart home devices are released by the company's subsidiary brand. The logo depicts a shield hinting at a smart home security system.

Mi Home download

Let's download the app from Play Store (if you have Android) or from IStore (if you have iOS).

The low app rating of 3 stars immediately catches the eye - this can be explained by the lack of normal localization, depressing even defective English translation... But, we are optimists in life and we will hope for the appearance of a full-fledged Russified version of the application (considering official release Xiaomi on Russian market), or use the efforts of compatriots from the forum and download the Mi Home application in Russian according to the instructions (Android version).

Installing Xiaomi MI Home

For the first installation, let's use the original version using the English localization. Download the program for your OS and run it. At the first start, we are offered to accept the user agreement.

We are warned that normal operation The app needs access to the internet, location, Bluetooth functionality, phone storage, microphone, contacts, and messages. We accept the terms and proceed to the next window. It asks us to choose our location.

This is important point programs to look out for. Select Mainland China. If you select a different location, there will be problems connecting devices. This is justified by the fact that many devices were developed and tested exclusively for the Chinese domestic market and work in other places should not work.

Then we get into the application. But before adding smart devices to our " smart House", we need to register an account, or go under an existing one. Go to the "Profile" tab (Profile).

In this tab, click on the item "Sign in with Mi Account" (log in with account Mi).

Now, if you have previously registered a Mi account, then just go under your data. If you New user, then you need to create new account. Click on the inscription "Sign up" (register).

We select the region (here you can specify the real country of residence) and the method of linking the account. You can link to either phone or email.

I chose email confirmation and the application left me last step, confirm email. We go into our mail account, we find a letter from Xiaomi Corporation and in the letter press the button "Activate account" (activate account).

After confirmation, go to our account and get to homepage applications.

With this, we have completed the registration in the MiHome application.

By default, the application is set to English, this is correct and necessary for correct operation devices. Just in case, let's check that Profile > Settings > Language should be "English".

Now let's move on to parsing the application settings and adding smart devices.

Xiaomi MiHome setup

Mi home Automation tab (Scripts)

Scenarios are configured in the "Automation" tab. For me, this is one of the most visited tabs. Most of the smart home behavior settings are configured here. The interface of this tab is very simple:

In the center are current scenarios with status switch (on\off). In this screenshot, there are 2 inactive scenarios.

Right upper corner contains 2 buttons: Contact support and Script execution log. If the first button is of little interest to us, then the second one may well come in handy, it looks like this:

In it, you can view how much this or that scenario worked. You cannot partially clear the log, you can only delete it completely.

A round button with a + symbol, at the bottom of the Mi home app, Adds a new automation script. The window for adding scripts looks like this:

Setting up the script is quite simple, first of all, you need to select the condition under which the script is triggered:

Add conditions(add conditions) - in this item, you can select one or more conditions under which the script is launched. In this setting, the conditions will work according to the AND rule (If you have selected several conditions, the script will run only if all conditions are met (for example, turn on the light when motion is detected and only in the dark)).

Meet one condition(corresponding to one of the conditions) - here you can set several conditions, when one of them is triggered, the script is launched (for example, when one of several water leakage sensors is triggered, the central water supply is blocked).

Add instructions(add instructions) - here we set up an action that will be performed when the condition is triggered.

effective time period(script start time) - set here active time scenario (you can set active days of the week and time of day).

You can learn more about setting up scripts, with examples.

In the "Shared devices" tab, you can set up general access to manage your smart devices, for example, share devices with family members. The tab contains 2 tabs: My devices (my devices) and Shared with me (shared for me).

In order to provide access, click on the device and find the "Add shared device" button. Next, click Share with Mi Account (access can only be granted to Mi account owners), and enter the account number, or find the phone number in address book. We press the Share button, after which an invitation is sent to the selected user, until the acceptance of which, the device will not be shared.

On the device to which access is granted, it looks like this: a message arrives that access to the device has been shared with you.

And you need to either accept or decline the invitation.

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