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International and state laws on legal regulation in the information market. Coursework: Information Market

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    Information resources represent the accumulated potential of the firm concentrated in a compact form and have a corresponding value. These values ​​necessarily belong to someone, or at least must belong. Otherwise, they will be used arbitrarily or unlawfully, in essence plundered, like any other value in similar conditions.

    The production of machine information is massive, is a real industry and needs serious legal support. In this regard, all subjects of this process must have clearly defined rights and obligations in relation to both the information itself and to other subjects and their rights.

    In foreign countries, a special area of ​​law - computer law - has emerged quite a long time ago. Gradually, computer law acquired the character of a broader area - information law. In all countries advanced in this profile, there are government programs for the development of the rule of law and a certain policy in the field of protecting national information resources.

    The legislation of the Russian Federation on informatics and information resources also reflects the gradual formation of an adequate legal framework for regulating relations in the field of informatization. A number of decrees, decrees, laws have been adopted, such as:

    - "On information, informatization and information protection";

    - "On the legal protection of computer programs and databases";

    - "On the Legal Protection of Integrated Circuit Topologies".

    The basic legal document paving the way for the adoption of additional normative legislative acts is the law "On Information, Informatization and Protection of Information". The law defines the goals and main directions of state policy in the field of informatization. The law creates conditions for Russia's inclusion in international information exchange, prevents mismanagement of information resources and informatization, ensures information security and the rights of legal entities and individuals to information. It defines a comprehensive solution to the problem of organizing information resources, legal provisions for their use and proposes to consider information resources in two aspects:

    As a tangible product that can be bought and sold;

    As an intellectual product that is subject to intellectual property rights, copyright.

    The law lays down the legal basis for guarantees of citizens' rights to information. It is aimed at resolving the most important issue of economic reform - the form, law and mechanism for realizing ownership of the accumulated information resources and technological achievements. The protection of property in the field of information systems and technologies is ensured, which contributes to the formation of a civilized market of information resources, services, systems, technologies, and means of their support.


    The activities of individuals, groups, collectives and organizations now increasingly begins to depend on their awareness and the ability to effectively use the information available. Before taking any action, it is necessary to carry out a lot of work on the collection and processing of information, its comprehension and analysis. Finding rational solutions in any area requires processing large amounts of information, which is sometimes impossible without the involvement of special technical means.

    Intellectual property concept.

    The very concept of "intellectual property" was first introduced in 1967. Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). In Russia, for the first time, the concept of "intellectual property" is enshrined in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, adopted in 1994.

    The meaning of intellectual property is that persons who have the exclusive right to an invention, utility model or industrial design have the right to use it at their own discretion. In particular, the owner of the patent has the right to prohibit other persons from using the invention, which is granted by the patent, without his permission.

    Traditionally, all intellectual property objects are divided into two categories:

    Industrial property (the most common objects of industrial expertise are utility models, industrial designs, inventions),

    Intellectual objects. own They are considered inventions if they represent a device, method, substance, etc., devices as objects of inventions include machines, devices, mechanisms, tools, equipment, etc.

    Useful models are new and industrially applied solutions related to the constructive implementation of the means of production and consumer goods, as well as their components. A utility model, as well as inventions and other objects of intellectual property, must be the result of independent inventive creativity, have novelty and industrial applicability.

    An industrial design is an artistic and constructive solution of a product that determines its appearance. However, if an invention is a technical solution to a problem, then an industrial design is a solution to the appearance of a product, it is a solution to a problem, containing an indication of specific means and ways of implementing the designer's creative intention.

    Industrial property also includes trademarks, service marks, trade names and appellations of origin.

    In the process of defining a set of rights of int. Property, only those can be distinguished that have traces of their own:

    Exclusivity, i.e. the inability to become publicly available;

    Alienability, i.e. the possibility of transferring from one person to another on the basis of a contract;

    Versatility, i.e. the ability to exchange for any marketable goods.

    The issues of legal regulation of copyright and related rights are reflected in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Civil Code. The Law of the Russian Federation "On Copyright and Related Rights" dated July 9, 1993, as well as in other legal acts, including those concerning certain types of information products and services. It should be noted that the Russian copyright law was prepared taking into account the European model law in this area.

    The peculiarities of databases as objects of copyright in combination with their leading role in the information resources of modern society have led to the fact that copyright issues in connection with databases are clarified and developed by the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Legal Protection of Programs for Electronic Computers and Databases. "dated September 9, 1992

    Under Russian law, copyright applies to databases in full. It does not matter whether the database is considered released or not released and what their quality is. Legal protection also extends to databases that are the result of creative work on the selection and organization of data.

    The rights of all, except for the author, participants in the process of creating (generating) the database, performing technological and auxiliary functions, the rights of users and buyers of the database and information products and services prepared on its basis, are determined on the basis of contractual relations. In turn, contract law is governed by the Civil Code. After the adoption of the law on the legal protection of computer programs and databases, a voluntary registration of databases and agreements for their transfer was organized with the Russian Agency for the Legal Protection of Programs and Databases (RosAPO).

    In combination with the low profitability of the Russian information market, this does not stimulate the authors and creators of databases to register their rights through RosAPO. It should be noted that the fact of entering into a registration relationship with this center is not related to the extension of the legal protection regime to databases, since this would contradict the Federal Law of July 9, 1993 "On Copyright and Related Rights".

    In Russia, when preparing databases, other databases are often used, various reference books, etc. the following circumstances:

    In Russia and the CIS, information culture and legislation in the field of protecting databases as intellectual property are so low developed, despite the adopted legislation in this area, that information organizations often dispose of other people's databases as their own, without caring about the rights and legitimate economic interests of their generators ,

    Western generator and database processing centers tend to establish in their contracts restrictions on the use of their information products, which are far beyond the limits permitted by law, and also exceed the generally accepted practice of working in the information field. The study of contracts and agreements offered to their users by foreign centers suggests that the use of information from databases for the preparation of new information products and services is generally impossible, except for the fulfillment of specific requests for specific consumers.

    In the West, in the past 2-3 years, some clarity has been achieved on these issues. In September 1991, the US Federal Court of Appeals ruled that reuse of reference information such as "yellow pages" (reference address information for businesses and organizations) was not copyright infringement. The decision of the court established that the "yellow pages" cannot be an object of copyright, and only the form of organization and presentation of the material can and should be protected, for example, subject and thematic headings and their wording and location. In addition, the compiler of the new reference book has the right not to re-examine the objects of reference information in relation to the data contained in the previous reference book, since the study of objects to obtain reference information cannot be considered as a creative activity that results in a product of intellectual work.

    In early 1991, a similar ruling was made by the US Supreme Court for reference information such as "white pages" (reference information published and presented as suggested by the subject matter themselves), which are not copyrighted at all.

    In Russia, similar decisions can be expected, since databases, which are legally protected as compilations, are considered by law as the result of creative efforts to select and organize data, and not in accordance with the concept of "wasted effort", which just suffered a defeat in the United States.

    The Russian law on databases does not quite clearly regulate this range of issues. With regard to copyright for reference information. regardless of whether it is printed or machine readable, the approach of Gale Research Inc. can be applied. which in its directory of databases indicates that this directory is a creative work protected by all applicable laws for protection, including laws on misuse, trade secrets, unfair competition. Gale emphasizes that the authors and editors of the handbook have added value to the factual material presented in it through their own and original selection of information, material coordination, expression, organization and classification of information.

    Priority is given to clearly establishing in the law (or laws) the right of citizens to free and equal access to any information created or accumulated at the expense of the state budget, that is, taxpayers' money. This applies equally to both legal information (on existing laws and by-laws), scientific and technical (including information on the results of research, development and development work and work to improve production carried out at the expense of state funding or subsidies from the state budget), and information statistical, reflecting the real processes of socio-economic and cultural development. At the same time, restrictions on access to information can be based only on direct instructions in the law, but not on bylaws.

    Among the tasks of lawmaking, which should be taken into account in the above-mentioned general program, is also bringing the legal framework of information activities in line with:

    The realities caused by the transition of the Russian economy to a market basis.

    Obligations arising from Russia's participation in international conventions and agreements (in particular, on the protection of intellectual and industrial property).

    In the process of creating a general program, the relationship between specific legal acts, as already in force, should be identified. and to be developed. Thus, when preparing a law regulating information activities in the field of science and technology, the existing laws of the Russian Federation "On the Mass Media" should be taken into account in every possible way. "On the Legal Protection of Computer Programs and Databases", "Patent Law of the Russian Federation". The issue of preferential conditions for access to relevant information when solving problems in the field of education and culture, health care, agriculture can equally well find its solution both in special legislative acts and in the law on the State System of Scientific and Technical Information (SSSTI) of the Russian Federation. ... Similarly, the information activities of scientific, scientific, technical and special libraries can be regulated both in the law "On librarianship" and in the law on the State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation. The decisive criterion, in our opinion, is the advancement in the development of a particular bill. If it fails to clearly regulate the "border" problems, then in any case its adoption should not create obstacles for finding justified solutions to these problems in subsequent laws. A prerequisite for this is the development of a general program.

    The next range of tasks is related to the legislative regulation of cross-border flows of information (including in electronic form), ensuring the effective inclusion of Russia in world economic, scientific and technical relations, taking into account mutual interests in the specifics of interaction:

    With the CIS countries.

    With developed countries and countries of Eastern Europe.

    With the rest of the world.

    It should be here. in particular, the "openness" of Russian information systems has been ensured in the sense of the possibility of exchanging information with foreign partners on the basis of the use of appropriate international standards. In Russia, at present, there are practically no legal restrictions on the transfer of open information from Russia in any form and on any medium. The corresponding mechanisms of customs clearance have also been worked out. In fact, there are also no legal problems of access from Russia to foreign information.

    Moreover, the free and virtually free access to the Internet for Soviet scientists and specialists, opened by the West since the second half of the 1980s, had a positive impact on the opening of Russian departmental information networks and systems to a wider user, contributed to the formation in society of a model of open and free exchange of any information as the basis of national information infrastructure. On the other hand, the problems of cross-border information flows, which agitated the world community from the mid-70s to the mid-80s, have not yet been recognized. They will inevitably arise in connection with the growth in the volume of information exchange.

    Constant attempts to tighten customs legislation and the rules of currency regulation and control have a negative impact on the development of international exchange of information. It is clear that even with the highest rates of development of international cooperation in the field of information, its share in the country's total foreign trade turnover is unlikely to exceed a few percent, however, customs and currency controls are applied to them almost as strictly as to exporters of raw materials or importers of food.

    An important practical legal problem for the emerging commercial and former non-commercial services in the development of market relations in information activities has become the constant changes in legislation governing economic activities and, above all, tax. It is clear that information activity in Russia can no longer remain in a state of free fall and isolation. Bearing in mind that a country of this level simply cannot develop without a national information infrastructure, in the near future it is necessary to start developing a reasonable program for the modernization of the Russian information infrastructure, or at least elements of such a program. At the same time, it will be important to go beyond the already familiar schemes for the development of information activities and informatization, since only new approaches will be able to give something corresponding to new realities.

    In foreign, and often in Russian publications, the problems of providing society and the economy with information and information services are interpreted too primitively. On the one hand, the seeming ease of replacing services and products of our own production with imported ones creates the appearance of a natural, market solution to the problem of information support. Let the domestic information infrastructure be reduced to the extent of its inefficiency and low competitiveness. Then significant budgetary funds allocated to support information activities can be transferred to other, more priority areas.

    It is clear that the results of the initial bibliographic processing and the primary sources themselves should be available to the whole society in a modern form, at least in a machine-readable form. including government and commercial information services working for the end user. At the same time, there is no need to decentralize the preparation of abstracts in certain areas that the state and society are able to support. Infrastructure and experience of existing centers such as VINITI. INION, can be used for financing them within the framework of special targeted programs or contracts with commercial organizations. VINITI already has examples of such cooperation in relation to electronic abstract journals.

    The state should ensure that all programs of assistance to Russia through the international community necessarily include an information component, first of all, on the acquisition of primary sources of information and the involvement of Russian information organizations as co-executors of these programs. In this regard, let us dwell on the state of the Russian legislation in the field of information, informatization and information security. For the period 1991-1995. in this area, more than 500 normative legal acts have been issued. Of these, 87 are fully related to information practice, the rest include separate norms on certain issues. An important step on the path of lawmaking in the information sphere should be considered the adoption and enactment of the Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and Protection of Information" on February 20, 1995, which became basic in information lawmaking.

    Concluding the analysis of the legal environment, we can conclude that in Russia today it is favorable for the development of information activities and the market of information products and services, as well as the broadest international cooperation in this area. The legal problems faced by Russian information services are not specific, and constant changes and tightening of Russian legislation hinder them no more than other Russian enterprises and organizations. Today it is becoming more and more obvious. that there are no simple solutions to the problems of the Russian information infrastructure and the provision of information to the country.

    Topic 7 Security in the information market.

    Federal Agency for Education

    Nizhny Novgorod State University N.I. Lobachevsky

    Finance Department

    Day department

    Specialty "Customs"

    Course work

    By discipline

    Computer science

    Information market

    Performed by a student of group 13111

    Ergalieva Elvira

    Head: K.I. Samoilova

    Nizhny Novgorod 2010


    1.1 The concept of an information resource and information market. Comparative analysis of the information market and markets for goods and services

    1.3 The software part of the information market

    Chapter 2. Formation and current state of the information market in the Russian Federation

    Chapter 3. Problems and prospects for the development of the information market


    The information market in the literature is very often analyzed as a special case of the market for goods and services. For this reason, its economic aspect is mainly considered: pricing policy, production costs, and more. In a market economy, the economic and technological aspects are closely related (in this case, the aspect of informatics). These aspects are interrelated: the study of the technological side can help in the study of the economic aspect and vice versa. Therefore, it is important to study the technological side of the information market. This explains my choice of this topic for research.

    The market economic system in Russia is quite young, and our country is characterized by a low level of competition development in the markets of many goods and services, including the information market. Russia is also characterized by a low level of development of the legal framework related to the information market. The development of the information market in Russia lags behind this type of market in Europe and the United States.

    The development of this type of market in the world, unfortunately, has not only positive consequences: such a development gives rise to the use of information resources in order to confront countries.

    Thus, in my work, I am going to reveal the following problems:

    1. The problem of the backwardness of the Russian information market from this type of market in Europe and the United States;

    2. The problem of insufficient and inaccurate regulatory framework related to the regulation of the information market;

    3. The influence of the development of the information market on the strengthening of information confrontation and information wars in the world.

    Chapter 1. The concept and characteristics of the information market

    1.1 Concept of information resource and information market. Comparative analysis of the information market and markets for goods and services

    Before proceeding to consider the concept of the information market, you need to find out what an information resource is. In general, a resource is a stock or source of some funds. Any society, state, company, individual has certain resources necessary for their life. The following types of public resources are distinguished:

    1. Natural (raw);

    2. Energy;

    3. Material;

    4. Financial;

    5. Labor.

    In modern society, information resources are one of the main types of resources. Their importance is constantly increasing. This is confirmed by the following fact: information resources are becoming a commodity, and their total cost in the market is comparable to the cost of traditional resources.

    There are several main approaches to the concept of information resources. The legal interpretation of information resources is adopted in the Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection". It is as follows: "Information resources - individual documents and individual arrays of documents, documents and individual arrays of documents in information systems (libraries, archives, funds, databanks, other information systems)". This definition allows you to legally solve the problem of protecting information resources. The above documents and arrays of documents in different forms represent the knowledge possessed by the people who created them. Very often this knowledge is unique, its use allows you to save material resources, improve socio-economic relations.

    The legal definition of information resources greatly narrows this concept. People perceive it much more broadly. Information resources should include all scientific and technical knowledge, works of literature and art, other information of public or state significance, which is recorded in any form, on any medium.

    Currently, information resources are similar in importance to material, raw materials, energy, labor, financial resources. Information resources are now considered strategic. However, there is one fundamental difference between material and information resources: the material resource disappears after use (for example, fuel is burned, finances are spent), and the information resource remains, is copied without restrictions, it can be reused. As the use of the information resource tends to increase, since its use is rarely passive, more often additional information is added to it. The information resource is not independent. By itself, it has only potential value. An information resource is realized as something material only when combined with other resources (technology, energy, raw materials).

    Any classification of information resources is incomplete. The classification can be based on the following principles:

    1. Sectoral principle: by type of science, industry, social sphere;

    2. Form of presentation: by the type of media, by the degree of formalization, by the presence of an additional description.

    Within each class, a more detailed division can be carried out: for example, Internet resources can be divided by purpose and by presentation (service information, software, bibliographic information, video).

    The largest category of information resources are national information resources. This concept was formed in the early 1980s in connection with the growing dependence of developed countries on the amount of information, on the level of development of means of transmission and processing of information.

    A possible way to classify national information resources:

    1. Library resources;

    2. Archival resources;

    3. Scientific and technical information;

    4. Legal information;

    5. Information from government agencies;

    6. Industry information;

    7. Financial and economic information;

    8. Information about natural resources;

    9. Information of enterprises and institutions and more.

    In developed countries, a huge amount of information resources are located in libraries. Paper forms prevail, but more and more library resources are being digitized.

    The archives contain materials related to the history and culture of the country. The volumes of archival materials are enormous. Often the speed of their accumulation exceeds the speed of processing.

    In developed countries, there are specialized systems of scientific and technical information. These include specialized publications, patent services, and more. Such information is often a costly commodity.

    No state can exist without a set of laws, codes, regulations and other types of legal information.

    Every sphere of society has its own branch information resources: social, agricultural, industrial and others. There are huge information resources in the field of the military - industrial complex and the education system.

    In addition to national information resources, information resources of an enterprise, information resources of a private person, and more can be distinguished. These categories no longer share this commonality. They depend on the type of organization, on the specialty of a particular person, his interests and others.

    The composition of the main information resources of a higher educational institution:

    1. Textbooks, teaching aids, teaching materials;

    2. Normative - legal acts of the education system;

    3. Current documents of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and other departments;

    4. Information about teachers, staff, students;

    5. Economic information;

    6. information about material resources (buildings, equipment);

    7. Archival materials;

    8. Information on education problems posted on special sites on the Internet, and more.

    The presence of a huge amount of information resources and the possibility of their presentation in electronic form led to the emergence of a developed market for information resources, goods and services.

    Currently, in many countries, a national market for information resources has been formed. There are signs of the formation of a developed world market of information resources, goods and services. This market is in many ways similar to the market for traditional resources, as it has a certain range of goods, which are information products and services:

    1. Information of a household nature about access to “ordinary” goods and services and their cost;

    2. Information of a scientific and technical nature (patents, scientific articles);

    3. Information technology, computer programs;

    4. Databases, information systems and more.

    As in any market, there are sellers and buyers in the market for information goods and services. The sellers are usually the producers of the information or its owners:

    1. Centers in which databases are created and stored;

    2. Communication and telecommunication services;

    3. Household services;

    4. Specialized commercial firms engaged in buying and selling information (advertising agencies);

    5. Non-specialized firms that produce "ordinary" goods, and as additional products - information about them;

    6. Consulting (consulting) firms;

    8. Individuals (eg programmers) and others.

    Information services are a special type of product in the information market. An example of an information service is the selection of literature on a topic required by the customer in the library. The provision of information services is possible only if there are databases on the relevant topics (both in a computer and non-computer version).

    In many countries of the world (including Russia) there are special institutes that process scientific and technical information in many areas of knowledge and prepare reviews, abstracts, and brief information on it. Without such services, the activities of scientists and specialists are practically impossible.

    Information services in the field of business consist in the provision of certain business information, consultations on the topics necessary for the customer. Information services in the field of communications are provided by telecom operators and Internet providers (organizations that provide users with access to the World Wide Web and their maintenance for a fee). Some types of education and training services can also be considered informational (for example, distance learning using a telecommunications network).

    The level of development of the sphere of information services largely determines the degree of proximity of the society to the informational one.

    In its development, the market of information goods and services has gone through several stages. Its formation in time coincided with the appearance of the first computers (this took place in the second half of the 20th century). This coincidence is largely accidental, since the first computers did not yet create an information infrastructure. The explosive flowering of science and technology at that time led to the creation of the first professional information services in various fields of activity. The corresponding market was focused on a narrow layer of scientists and specialists.

    The market for information products and services really flourished after the widespread introduction of microcomputers and telecommunication systems based on the use of microcomputers. A decisive role in the formation of the market for information goods and services was played by the creation of databases on many areas of knowledge and human activity. This process took on a mass character in the 1980s. By this time, the first signs of the globalization of the information market appeared, and the international exchange of information began. The leading countries in the information market are currently the USA, Japan and some countries of Western Europe.

    At present, the formation of the information market is also taking place in Russia. The most important components of the Russian information services market are data on information equipment, computers, computer networks and related technologies. A significant part of the offered goods is made up of information systems for various purposes. There are special services for processing information by ordering customers, ticket sales and more. There is a lot of financial and statistical information on this market, there is information on educational services and leisure activities.

    The Russian information market is still significantly inferior to the market of developed countries both in structure and in the range of goods. Access to primary sources of scientific and technical information (articles, special-purpose abstracts, bibliographic literature, libraries) is very limited. Without this, there can be no sustainable development in the relevant areas.

    Gradually, the following fact begins to form in society: if information is a commodity, then you have to pay for it, otherwise the very basis of the market is destroyed. The software market, and the Russian Federation, could have been much more developed had it not been for the massive "pirated" copying of programs. As socio - economic relations improve, this practice should become a thing of the past.

    Computer "piracy" is a global phenomenon. There is not a single country in the world where illegally copied programs are not used. In terms of the absolute cost of the "pirated" software used, the USA is in the lead. According to independent experts, in European countries, up to 40% of the software used is illegal copies. In the Russian Federation, this figure is much higher: in terms of the use of "pirated" software, the Russian Federation is in 11th place in the world.

    Information resources are traded on the information market.

    The information market is a system of economic, legal and organizational relations for the sale of products of intellectual labor.

    An information resource in the information market is considered in two aspects:

    1. As a tangible product that can be bought and sold;

    The information market is a special case of the market for goods and services. In the information market, absolutely all economic laws apply, which are present in all markets for goods and services.

    1.2 Structure of the information market

    The information market can be roughly divided into 3 parts:

    1. Technical - includes hardware;

    2. Software - includes software;

    3. Communicative - includes networking and data transmission.

    The communicative part of the information market.

    An integral part of this section of the information market is the business information sector, which includes:

    1. Sector of business information.

    There are several types of business information:

    · Exchange and financial information is information about securities rates, exchange rates, the commodity and capital market, discount rates, investments, exchange prices, as well as prices provided by special services of exchange and financial information;

    · Economic and statistical information, that is, numerical economic, social, demographic, as well as information about the dynamics, forecasts of economic estimates;

    · Commercial information, that is, information about firms, enterprises, their products, prices for products;

    · Information of commercial offers, that is, information about the purchase and sale of certain goods;

    · News from the field of economics and business.

    2. Sector of legal information.

    It includes systems for accessing electronic collections of decrees, resolutions and other documents that are issued by state and local authorities.

    3. Sector of information for specialists.

    There are several parts in this sector:

    · Scientific and technical information is reference information and data from the field of physics, computer science, technical disciplines;

    · Professional information is special data and information from various sciences: pedagogy, astrology, medicine and others;

    · Access to primary sources - includes abstract and bibliographic information, as well as access to full-text electronic data.

    4. Sector of mass, consumer information. This sector can be divided into the following components:

    · Information from news services and press agencies;

    · Consumer information - includes local news, radio and TV programs, weather, transportation timetables, and more.

    The main suppliers of electronic information on the market are centers - database generators, centers - distributors of information and information brokers.

    In our time, databases are understood as an organized set of homogeneous records in machine-readable form.

    Databases are the basis for almost all types of services provided in the modern information market.

    In order to achieve maximum efficiency in allocating the costs of preparing databases, an electronic information producer should:

    1. Focus on providing unique information;

    2. Target a large number of users, that is, provide for various ways of accessing databases;

    3. Collaborate with software developers. They facilitate the use of information dissemination channels;

    4. Base pricing on the amount of information provided and its value;

    5. Apply new technologies that reduce the cost of preparing and distributing databases.

    There are examples of failed database investments. The main reasons for this phenomenon are:

    1. Inconsistency of the produced databases with the market requirements;

    2. Narrow thematic and specific coverage of databases;

    3. Errors and incompleteness of data;

    4. Availability of outdated information in databases and infrequent data updates.

    In the provision of online database access services, subscription has become widespread as a payment scheme. It includes an initial registration fee as well as prepayment for connection times to the database server. The registration fee is usually small. It is intended to encourage timely advance payments of costs, since registration is canceled if the advance is overspending.

    Another form of access to databases is one-time requests in OFF - LINE mode (for example, via e-mail). This form of access provides for either prepayment of the rate based on the result of the request. This is due to delays in receiving information. ...

    1.3 The software part of the information market

    The software part of the information market can be divided into 3 classes:

    1. Application software;

    2. System software;

    3. Toolkit of programming.

    Application software is designed to solve problems in a specific subject area. This is the most numerous class of software.

    Classification of applied software.

    1. Problem oriented software;

    2. Method-oriented software;

    3. General purpose software;

    4. Office software;

    5. Computer-aided design software;

    6. Multimedia, games.

    Problem-oriented software is the most representative class of applied software.

    The main trends in the development of problem-oriented software:

    1. Creation of automated workplaces for the manager;

    2. Organization of large distributed databases;

    3. Creation of integrated software systems;

    4. Customization of programs by the user, without the participation of programmers;

    5. Protection of programs and data from unauthorized access;

    6. Friendly interface for the end user.

    The method-oriented software class contains programs that provide mathematical, statistical and other methods for solving problems regardless of the subject area.

    General-purpose software is intended for a wide range of users who use information technology in their work. Representatives of this class of programs are:

    1. Desktop database management systems - provide storage of databases on local computers or centralized storage on a server. Examples are Access, Oracle, FoxPro, and others. These programs perform the functions of working with databases through a screen form, organizing requests for data retrieval, generating reports, processing data using a high-level language.

    2. Database servers. Designed for the use of large distributed databases operating on a client-server architecture. Examples are SQL Server, Oracle, My SQL.

    3. Report generators - generate on-screen and printed reports on databases in a client-server network. Examples are programs Crystal Reports, Fast Report.

    4. Word processors - designed to prepare text documents, format them automatically, compose tables of contents and indexes, check spelling, prepare templates, and more. Examples are Word, Tex, Writely programs. The development of this direction is publishing systems.

    5. Table processors - designed for the preparation of spreadsheets, business graphics. Examples are Excel, Lotys, Numsum.

    6. Means of presentation graphics - designed to create and display images using slides, cartoons, videos. An example is Power Point.

    7. Graphics processors - designed for the preparation of raster and vector graphics. Examples are Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop.

    8. Integrated packages are a set of several programs that functionally complement each other and support common information technologies. Examples are MSOffice, OpenOffice. The integrated package includes a database management system, word processor, spreadsheet, organizer, email, graphics processor.

    Office software is a class of programs that provide office activities:

    1. Planners - designed to plan working hours, draw up meeting minutes, keep a notebook and phone book.

    2. Translators - designed to check spelling, visual recognition of text. Examples are Lingvo, Fine Reader.

    3. Communication programs - designed to organize user interaction with remote subscribers or network resources: video conferencing, fax and telephone, browsers, e-mail.

    Computer-aided design software is intended to support the work of designers and technologists, for the development of drawings and diagrams, for graphic modeling and design, for calculating the physical parameters of a structure.

    System software is a set of programs for ensuring the operability of a computer and a computer network, for creating a sphere for solving functional problems.

    The system software consists of the basic and service system software. The basic software is supplied with the computer; without it, the computer hardware will not work. Service software is purchased additionally; without it, working on a computer causes difficulties and inconveniences. ...

    information resource software market

    Chapter 2 Formation and current state of the information market in Russia

    2.1 The current state of the information market in Russia. Comparative analysis of the information market in Russia and European countries

    Let's move on to the analysis of the most significant information resources in Russia.

    Library resources of the Russian Federation

    The library network of the Russian Federation has about 150 thousand libraries and includes:

    1. Public (public) libraries;

    2. The system of scientific and technical libraries and reference and information funds;

    3. Information and library system of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

    4. Library network of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation;

    5. A network of medical, agricultural, trade union, school, army and other libraries.

    The role of the library network in modern Russia is enormous: its most important social and public function is to support the information and cultural unity of the country.

    At present, librarianship is being transferred en masse to the use of library and information technologies.

    Local networks have been created in the central libraries of the regions of the Russian Federation, electronic catalogs and other bibliographic and abstract databases are being actively created.

    In the largest Russian scientific and technical libraries, huge databases have been created: the database of the Institute of Scientific Information contains more than two million records, in the Russian scientific library there are about a million.

    The central regional libraries have formed their own electronic information resources containing hundreds of thousands of records. CDs are issued containing bibliographic information about books published in the country since 1980. These resources are also published via the Internet.

    Archive fund of the Russian Federation

    The archive fund of the Russian Federation includes about 460 million documents. It is replenished annually by 1.6 million units. Archives in any country are the most important part of the state information resource. Annually in the Russian Federation, 10-12 reference books on archival information are created, some of them have electronic versions. More than 400 databases are kept in state archives. In this area, the main problem in our country is that the development of the material base of archival institutions does not keep pace with modern requirements.

    State system of scientific and technical information in the Russian Federation

    The state system of scientific and technical information is extremely important for the development of the country. In the USSR, a system of this kind was one of the most developed in the world. At present, the main part of this system continues to function in the Russian Federation, although on a much smaller scale. It includes federal bodies of scientific and technical information and scientific and technical libraries, sectoral and regional centers of scientific and technical information. Due to insufficient funding, a huge problem for this system is the reduction of receipts to its funds of foreign scientific and technical books and magazines.

    Information resources of the state system of statistics of the Russian Federation.

    Information resources of the state statistics system include a variety of information generated both on a territorial and sectoral basis. This information reflects:

    1. Economic indicators;

    2. The dynamics of economic transformations;

    3. Development of the non-state sector;

    4. Investments;

    5. Prices and tariffs;

    6. Labor resources;

    7. Salary;

    8. Employment of the population;

    9. Finance;

    10. Foreign economic activity;

    11. Income and standard of living of the population;

    12. Demographic indicators;

    13. Offenses;

    14. Natural resources and environmental protection;

    15. Socio-economic situation of the regions of the Russian Federation and more.

    Public authorities can only make informed decisions if reliable statistics are available. In the system of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, extensive databases have been created, and reference books on paper and electronic media are regularly published.

    State system of legal information

    The state legal information system includes the Russian Scientific Center for Legal Information and regional centers for legal information. Databases on legal information contain more than 340 thousand legal acts of the USSR, legislation of the Russian Federation, the State Register of Public Associations and Religious Organizations, and a database of judicial statistics. In addition to the state system, funds and data banks of legal information are created in various departments.

    Information resources of state authorities and local self-government.

    Information resources of public authorities and local governments include:

    1. The centralized part. It is supported by a government agency - the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information (FAPSI);

    2. Units independently formed by federal, regional and municipal authorities and their subordinate organizations.

    The centralized part of the system contains information on the socio - economic situation in the Russian Federation and its regions, on emergency situations on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as legal information.

    In addition, the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal bodies have created a large number of information resources in the form of arrays of documents, databases and information arrays in automated information systems.

    Information resources of the branches of material production

    The information resources of the branches of material production are sufficiently developed. All enterprises of civilian industries, all enterprises of the military-industrial complex, 47% of enterprises of the agro-industrial complex have electronic data arrays. The basis of the information resources of enterprises in the branches of material production are electronic arrays of information (banks and databases, auxiliary information files of various kinds of meanings, etc.) and traditional reference and information funds.

    Information about natural resources, phenomena and processes.

    This kind of information is required to solve many economic and social problems. Geographic information systems (GIS) are used to represent it. A significant part of the work in this area is carried out by local government bodies. GIS of different territorial scope and purpose are created in universities, research institutes of the Academy of Sciences, branch scientific and industrial organizations and institutions. Commercial firms are also involved in this work. The main tasks in this area have yet to be solved. These include: translation into electronic form of information on subsoil use, geological funds, funds of standards of mineral raw materials, hydrometeorological information, environmental information, and more. The amount of information of this kind is enormous (measured in thousands of gigabytes), and the forms of its presentation are very heterogeneous.

    Information resources of the social sphere

    Information resources of the social sphere are associated with the following areas of activity:

    1. Education;

    2. Healthcare;

    3. Services of employment and social security;

    4. Migration Service;

    5. Pension systems;

    6. Systems of medical and social insurance, and more.

    In the above areas, a lot has been done recently to transfer information to modern media and create modern information systems.

    The system of information resources in the field of education is based on more than 500 Russian universities with a total fund of over 300 million units. Universities have already created modern electronic catalogs that can be accessed remotely. A federal university telecommunications network (RBNet) has been created and is functioning, and distance education is rapidly activating.

    Modern forms of presentation of information resources in other divisions of the social sphere are created mainly at the departmental level and are available only within the relevant departments. A paradoxical situation is created: information about the population is inaccessible to the general population.

    Information resources in the field of finance and foreign economic activity are supported by the relevant government departments.

    2.2 Legal regulation of the information market in Russia

    The information market has long been considered by states and the international community as an object of legal relations. A very wide range of problems related to information. It includes the following questions:

    1. Information and results of intellectual activity;

    2. Information resources as an object of legal regulation;

    3. Databases and data banks in the structure of information resources;

    4. Confidentiality of information;

    5. Commercial information, service, personal and professional data;

    6. Mass information and mass media;

    7. Subjects of information activities;

    8. Information networks and electronic documents;

    9. Contractual communications in information relations;

    10. Information resources of public authorities and more.

    The first legal acts to regulate problems related to the protection of property rights to information appeared in the 19th century, that is, long before the first signs of the information society appeared and the formation of the information market. The first steps on this path were copyright protection and patent regulation. At present, these issues are regulated by the Law "On Copyright and Related Rights" adopted in 1993. Already in the early stages of advancing towards the information society, the problems of legal information regulation have become significantly aggravated. Each country goes in this direction its own way, but on the other hand, governments and international organizations are making efforts to create in this area internationally recognized rules. Legal issues related to the information sphere are complex and confusing. Therefore, there is no legislation in any country in the world that solves all the relevant problems.

    In 1995, the Law "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection" was adopted. This law partially resolves the issues of legal regulation in the information market: the problem of protecting the rights and freedoms of the individual from threats and damage associated with damage, destruction of "personal" information. The law creates conditions for the inclusion of the Russian Federation in the international information exchange, lays the foundations for preventing mismanagement of information resources and informatization, partially ensures information security and the rights of legal entities and individuals to information. In this law, information resources are considered in two aspects:

    1. As a tangible product that can be bought and sold;

    2. As an intellectual product, which is subject to intellectual property rights, copyright.

    The most important articles from this law:

    Article 4. Basics of the legal regime of information resources.

    1. Information resources are objects of relations between individuals, legal entities, the state, constitute information resources of Russia and are protected by law along with other resources.

    2. The legal regime of information resources is determined by the norms establishing:

    · The procedure for documenting information;

    · Ownership of individual documents and individual arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in information systems;

    · Procedure for legal protection of information.

    Article 6. Information resources as an element of the composition of property and an object of ownership

    3. Individuals and legal entities are the owners of those documents that are created at their expense, acquired by them legally, received as a gift or inheritance.

    4. Information resources owned by organizations are included in their property in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

    5. Information resources can be goods, except for the cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    6. Ownership of information processing facilities does not create ownership of information resources owned by other owners.

    The provisions of this article give rise to the legal basis for property rights to information and trade relations in this area.

    1. State information resources of the Russian Federation are open and publicly available. An exception is documented information classified by law as a restricted access category.

    · Legislative and other normative acts establishing the legal status of state authorities, local authorities, organizations, public associations, as well as the rights, freedoms and obligations of citizens, the procedure for their registration;

    · Documents containing information on the activities of state authorities and local self-government bodies, on the use of budgetary funds and other state and local resources, on the state of the economy and the needs of the population, with the exception of information classified as state secrets.

    Article 11. Information about citizens (personal data)

    1. Personal data is classified as confidential information.

    It is not allowed to collect, store, use and disseminate information about private life, as well as information that violates personal secrets, family secrets, the secrecy of correspondence, telephone conversations, postal, telegraph and other messages of an individual without his consent, except on the basis of a court decision.

    2. Personal data cannot be used for the purpose of causing property and moral harm to citizens, complicating the exercise of the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation based on the use of information about their social origin, racial, national, linguistic, religious and party affiliation is prohibited and punishable in accordance with with legislation.

    Article 12. Realization of the right to access information from information resources.

    1. Users - citizens, state authorities, local governments, organizations and public associations - have equal rights to access state information resources and are not obliged to justify to the owner of these resources the need to obtain information requested by them.

    Article 13. Guarantees for the provision of information.

    1. Bodies of state power and bodies of local self-government create information resources available to everyone on the activities of these bodies and their subordinate organizations.

    The significance of these norms, taking into account the history of our country, is very great, since in almost all periods the government tried to monopolize the right to information. Particular attention should be paid to the provision of Article 11, which contains guarantees to prevent the collection, storage, use and dissemination of information about the private life of citizens (this can be done only on the basis of a court decision), the inadmissibility of using information collected in any way to discriminate against citizens on any grounds.

    Article 20. Objectives of Defense.

    The objectives of the protection are:

    · Prevention of unauthorized actions to destroy, modify, distort, copy, block information;

    · Protection of the constitutional rights of citizens to maintain personal secrecy and confidentiality of personal data available in information systems;

    · Ensuring the rights of subjects in information processes and in the development, production and use of information systems, technologies and means of their support.

    Article 24. Protection of the right to access information.

    1. Denial of access to open information or provision of deliberately false information to users may be challenged in court.

    2. The court considers disputes on the unjustified classification of information as information with limited access, claims for damages in cases of unjustified refusal to provide information to users or as a result of other violations of users' rights. ...

    In general, this law is a big step forward in building a legal framework for an open democratic society, as well as a big step towards an information society and the formation of a civilized information market.

    An important element of the legal system of the Russian Federation related to the information market is the Law “On the Legal Protection of Computer Programs and Databases”. He gave a legally precise definition of concepts related to authorship and distribution of computer programs and databases. This law determined that copyright applies to the above objects, which are the result of the creative activity of the author. The author has the exclusive right to release programs and databases, their distribution, modification and other use. However, property rights to these objects, created in the course of performance of official duties or on the instructions of the employer, belong to the employer. Property rights, in contrast to copyright, can be transferred to another natural or legal person on a contractual basis.

    For the current state of our society, it is the issues related to the violation of copyright and property rights that are most relevant. Much of the software used by individuals and even organizations is obtained through illegal copying. This state of affairs hinders the establishment of a civilized market for computer software and information resources.

    In 1996, the section "Crimes in the field of computer information" was for the first time included in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In this section, a measure of punishment was determined for some types of crimes that have become common:

    1. Illegal access to computer information;

    2. Creation, use and distribution of malicious programs for computers;

    3. Intentional violation of the rules of operation of computers and their networks.

    Illegal access to computer information is penetration into someone else's computer in order to use the information available in it (most often for personal gain). For such penetration, computer networks are usually used (most often the Internet or corporate networks). People who engage in this type of activity are called hackers. In the Russian Federation, hackers most often attack banking institutions, trying to take money out of them in various ways.

    Everyone who has to work with computers knows about computer viruses. Viruses are created specifically to damage programs and data and spread over networks. A virus attack can have the most serious consequences, bringing huge losses to both businesses and government agencies, as well as individuals. For the creation and distribution of viruses that have entailed grave consequences, according to the law in the Russian Federation, you can receive a punishment of up to 7 years in prison. In some countries, the punishment for this type of crime is more severe.

    Serious consequences for information systems can also entail mistakes of the personnel serving them, who violated the rules of system operation. If such mistakes entailed grave consequences, the punishment may also be associated with imprisonment. This fact is another evidence that the responsibility of people working in the information sphere has increased.

    Legal regulation of the information market, due to its rapid development, will always lag behind life. The happiest life is not a society where all human actions are regulated and punishments for all unlawful acts are prescribed, but one in which people are primarily guided by ethical considerations. This means that the state does not abuse the information entrusted to it by the citizen, because it is organized properly. Information is not stolen, not because punishment is provided for it, but because a person considers theft in any manifestation to be a low act that defames himself. Society should strive for just such a relationship between the state and the individual, as well as between individual members of society ..

    Chapter 3 Problems and prospects for the development of the information market

    3.1 The main problems of the information market

    Numerous interstate, interreligious, interethnic contradictions accompany humanity from the first moments of its history. The prototypes of these contradictions appeared even at that stage of history when states, religions, and nations had not yet taken shape. Modern society cannot escape these contradictions either. In our time, a new kind, generated by information technologies and the information market, has been added to the traditional types of confrontation. The concept of "information confrontation" appeared in the mid-1980s. It began to be actively mentioned in the press after the US and its allies carried out Operation Desert Storm against Iraq in 1991. It was then that new information technologies were first used as a means of warfare. Information confrontation is an open or hidden purposeful informational influence of systems on each other in order to obtain a certain gain in the material sphere. The information confrontation is based, first of all, on psychological and worldview factors. The information warfare methodology is based on information technology. The main objects of influence in such a confrontation are the information infrastructure and psychology of the enemy. Information confrontation includes a comprehensive impact on the enemy's state administration system, his military and political leadership, the media, the public and other key figures. Some techniques of information warfare:

    1. Disinformation;

    2. Concealment of information;

    3. Creation of multiple redundant information.

    The extreme manifestation of information confrontation is information war. This concept is also relatively new, emerging in a highly developed information civilization.

    The main objects of influence in an information war are:

    1. Communication networks and information - computer networks used by government organizations;

    2. Military information infrastructure, which solves the tasks of command and control of troops;

    3. Information and management structures of banks, transport and industrial enterprises;

    4. Mass media (primarily electronic);

    5. Any other information systems, the destruction or destabilization of which could harm the enemy.

    As the experience of recent years has shown, technologically developed countries are already resorting to all methods of information warfare in military conflicts.

    The Information Society is not a welfare society. Technological factors that give rise to its positive features give rise to new, specific dangers.

    As the information market develops, the problem of protecting the rights of the individual, society and the state to confidentiality, that is, the secrecy of certain types of information, becomes more and more acute. Already today, in countries where computer networks are massively used, huge efforts are being made to protect information. Every person who entrusts information about himself to a government agency or company has the right to expect that it will not be disclosed or used to his detriment. Information security breaches are relevant for individuals, firms and organizations, and for the country as a whole.

    In recent years, we have had the opportunity to see how grave the consequences of a breach of personal information security associated with the use of modern technologies can be. ...

    Some problems and dangers arising with the development of the information market:

    1. Real possibility of destruction by information technologies of private life of people and organizations;

    2. The possibility of increasing influence on society from the media and those who control these means;

    3. Difficulty of selecting high-quality and reliable information in the presence of a large amount of it;

    4. The complexity of adaptation of many people to the environment of the information society and the need to constantly improve their professional level;

    5. The appearance of some people (especially young) psychological deviations when faced with virtual reality, where it is difficult to distinguish between illusion and reality;

    6. Preservation of social stratification of people during the transition to the information society. Information inequality, adding to the existing types of inequality, can increase social tension in society;

    7. Reducing the number of jobs in the economy of developed countries. If it is not fully compensated by the creation of new jobs in the information sphere, massive unemployment will appear.

    The state policy of the Russian Federation in this area is reflected in the Doctrine of Information Security of the Russian Federation, adopted in 2000.

    The main provisions of the doctrine.

    The objects of information security in the Russian Federation are:

    1. All types of information resources;

    2. The rights of citizens, legal entities and the state to receive, disseminate and use information, protection of information and intellectual property;

    3. The system for the formation, distribution and use of information resources, including information systems of various classes and purposes, libraries, archives, databases and data banks, information technology and others;

    4. Information infrastructure, which includes information processing and analysis centers, information exchange and telecommunication channels, mechanisms for ensuring the functioning of telecommunication systems and networks;

    5. The system of formation of public consciousness (worldview, moral values, moral assessments, socially acceptable stereotypes of behavior and relationships between people), based on the media and propaganda.

    The sphere of national interests of the Russian Federation includes:

    1. Observance of constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the field of obtaining information and its use, ensuring the spiritual formation of the country, preserving and strengthening the values ​​of society;

    2. Information support of the state policy of the Russian Federation, associated with bringing reliable information about state policy to the Russian and international community;

    3. Development of modern information technologies for the domestic information industry;

    4. Protection of information resources from unauthorized access, ensuring the security of information and telecommunication systems.

    The doctrine formulates methods of ensuring the country's information security, including legal, organizational, technical and economic. The doctrine also formulates the features of ensuring the information security of the Russian Federation in various spheres of public life. Particularly relevant for modern Russia is the problem of ensuring information security in the field of science and technology, in particular, the problem of "brain drain". Many domestic (mostly young) scientists emigrate abroad with the prospect of well-paid scientific work. Some of these scientists are carriers of important scientific, technical, economic, and defense information. A number of states (including those unfriendly to Russia) are making efforts to attract scientists from countries that were previously part of the USSR. In this regard, the problem of protecting the scientific potential of our country arises. The information security doctrine declares one of the most important the problem of information inequality, which introduces a split in society and alienation between its constituent groups of the population, that is, this problem is directly related to national security. It is especially important to overcome the information inequality in education, because:

    1. A tendency has emerged to divide educational institutions into elite and mass ones with a corresponding difference in resource provision;

    2. There is a great difference in the levels of income of families of students;

    3. There is a significant gap in the amount of financial support for educational institutions in different regions of the country.

    Overcoming the information inequality in the Russian Federation is a task of paramount state importance.

    3.2 Prospects for the development of the information market

    The problems of the information market as an economic object as a whole coincide with the problems of the markets of goods and services. First of all, this is an insufficiently clear regulatory framework. However, in the information market, this problem is especially acute, since for this type of market the issue of copyright is much more important. Adequate, clear legal regulation cannot solve all the problems of the information market due to its rapid development. This problem can be solved only by a gradual change in public consciousness: people will not violate the law in the information sphere only when they themselves consider such an act low, defaming them. This issue is connected not only with public consciousness, but also with the pricing policy in the information market. It is the high price for them that pushes people, for example, to use "pirated" software. Therefore, for the further development of the information market, it is necessary for the state to create favorable economic conditions for the development of production in the information sphere. An increase in the number of manufacturers of this type of product will entail a decrease in its price. Then there will be much fewer minor violations of the law in the information sphere.

    The problem of confidentiality of information remains a big problem in the information market. In this regard, it is necessary to change the legislation: toughening penalties for disclosing or disseminating confidential information. Recently, cases of dissemination of confidential information from the state sphere have become frequent. In this regard, it is necessary to toughen punishments in the area of ​​malfeasance. Government interventions to increase penalties for information-related crimes are not ideal. However, they can affect public consciousness.


    In modern society, one of the types of resources are information resources. In the information market, they become a commodity.

    The concept of an information resource is not entirely unambiguous: according to legal interpretation, these are documents in information systems, but people include technical knowledge, works of literature, art, and more here.

    In terms of importance, information resources are now similar to material ones.

    The Russian information market is still inferior to the information market of developed countries both in structure and in the range of goods. One of the reasons for this is the massive "pirated" copying of programs (if information is a commodity, then you have to pay for it, otherwise the basis of the market is destroyed.).

    The information market can be conditionally divided into 3 parts: technical (hardware), software (software) and communication (networks and data transmission).

    The information market is an object of legal relations. The main laws currently regulating the information market in Russia are the Law “On Copyright and Related Rights”, the Law “On Information, Informatization and Protection of Information”, the Law “On the Legal Protection of Computer Programs and Databases”. In general, the regulatory and legal framework for the information market in Russia is not perfect. The main method for reducing and eradicating crime in this area is to change public consciousness. And this can be affected by the tightening of legislation.

    In connection with the development of the information market, global problems also arise. These are information confrontation and information wars. Countries carry out such actions against each other in order to obtain benefits in the material sphere. The main objects of influence in information confrontation are the information infrastructure and psychology of the enemy. Information confrontation is carried out through misinformation, concealment of information, creation of redundant information many times over. The main objects of influence in an information war are communication networks, information and computer networks, military information infrastructure, information and management structures of banks, enterprises, and the media. The problems of the information society also include the issue of protecting the rights of individuals, society and the state to confidentiality of information. The presence of a large amount of information makes it difficult to select reliable and high-quality information. In connection with virtual reality, some people develop psychological deviations. With the transition to an information society, social stratification in it increases. In the economies of developed countries, there is a reduction in the number of jobs due to the development of the information sphere. Thus, the development of the information market in the country leads to both many positive and negative consequences.


    1. Gott V.S., Semenyuk E.P., Urshul A.D. The social role of informatics - M .: Knowledge, 1999 - 429 p. - ISBN 5 - 75965 - 308 - 4.

    2. Gromov R.G. National information resources. Problems of industrial use - Moscow: Nauka, 2002 - 364 p. - ISBN 5 - 64037 - 836 - 7.

    3. Castells M.P. Information age. Economy, society and culture - M .: Higher School of Economics, 2005 - 526 p. - ISBN 5-28507-537-3.

    4. Informatics: textbook / ed. N.V. Makarova. - 3rd ed., Revised and enlarged. - M .: Finance and statistics, 2005 - 768 p. - ISBN 5 - 279 - 02202 - 0.

    5.http: //

    6.http: //

    7. Melyukhin I.S. Information Society: Origins, Problems, Development Trends. - M .: MGU, 2006 - 530 p. - ISBN 5 - 62056 - 648 - 7.

    8. Mogilev A.V. Informatics - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2005, 438 p. - ISBN 5 - 64896 - 936 - 6.

    9. Utkin V. B. Information systems in the economy. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2004, 645 p. - ISBN 5 - 75643 - 934 - 5.

    If a person is absolutely healthy, he will always find an opportunity to earn money. With the development of information technology, there are many ways to solve financial problems. Now, even in the absence of quality education, you can get a good income. For example, everyone can provide information services. This is a really demanded and still underdeveloped area of ​​business.

    What are information services

    In fact, information services are actions of subjects aimed at transferring certain data to third parties for a certain fee. In simple words: a person is interested in the answer to a specific question. He can get information by contacting a specific organization that provides information services. In this case, you will have to pay a certain amount.

    There is also such a thing as "information product". This is a collection of certain data that is distributed for a fee.

    Who can provide information services

    Today everyone can make money in this way. In some areas, special education is not even required. Information services are (real life example) when an ordinary person collects a certain database of message boards and distributes the information received to other people for a reward. It is not necessary to have a higher education for such a job. All you need is to spend a little time looking for the information you need.

    Another example: a person graduated from a university with a law degree. But, living in a provincial city, it is not possible to find a high-paying job. An excellent solution would be to open an office where information services will be provided. This FZ (individual) will answer controversial questions related to jurisprudence.

    Anyone can make money in this way absolutely legally. The main thing is to correctly draw up the documents, contact the tax office. Information services are STS (simplified taxation system). This means that an individual will pay minimum fees to the state treasury.

    Information services in the specialty

    In order to start making money in this way, you need a minimum of costs. Initially, you will have to draw up documents with the tax office, then find a room for rent. The last stage is advertising. If everything is done correctly, it will be possible to start earning in the first month. High-quality provision of information services in the specialty is the key to success. Sooner or later, word of mouth will work and the number of clients will start to increase in

    How to make money without a specialty

    Information services are services that also involve the provision of ready-made collected information. In order to start making money, you will have to spend a little time collecting a specific database. For example, earnings on mediation are in demand today. A small entrepreneur finds an online store that sells a product at a minimal price and offers it to other customers with a minimal boost. Such intermediaries will certainly be interested in the database, which will collect all online stores with the lowest prices.

    Information services are hard work. To make good money, you have to do a lot of work. You can collect a database of electronic bulletin boards, phone numbers of customers interested in a particular product, emails, etc.

    Earnings on the search and sale of information

    Today everyone can make money on the Internet by providing information services. This is an easy way to generate additional income, however, it will take time and mental investment. Many businessmen earn a lot due to the fact that they know how to properly plan their time. They delegate some of their affairs to others. So, for example, a private entrepreneur needs to find a supplier who would offer goods in bulk a little cheaper. A businessman asks for help from a person providing information services. He, in turn, searches for the necessary information on the network and receives his reward for this.

    The plus is that it does not require any special knowledge. Information services are services that you can provide without leaving your home, right next to your computer. You just need to be able to use the capabilities of the World Wide Web.

    What information is most in demand on the Internet

    The most urgent today is the work with databases. People who are in business are interested in finding new clients. Everyone can collect a base consisting of a target audience. These can be phone numbers or email addresses of customers who might be interested in a product offered by a businessman.

    Due to the fact that sales are actively conducted on the Internet, the base of wholesale suppliers may also be in demand. Such information can provide a great boost for a budding online store. Moreover, many today work on the dropshipping system (act as an intermediary).

    Posting on electronic bulletin boards is also in great demand today. Such information services are time consuming. This is a job that business people choose to trust others without doing it themselves. Some people mistakenly post ads using automated programs. But in this way it is possible to achieve a much smaller result.

    Where to find customers

    First of all, you should offer your help to familiar entrepreneurs. You will have to answer questions about information services in advance. What's this? How will they help you grow your business? It is worth describing the services provided in the most colorful way so that the entrepreneur wants to use them.

    Even if you don't know entrepreneurs, you can always find customers via the Internet. Micro service exchanges are very popular today. Informational work is in demand here. The only thing that will have to be done initially is to develop a trust rating. To do this, the first weeks will have to do the work at a reduced cost. It will be possible to increase the chances of getting a profitable order if the profile is filled out with high quality and there will be positive reviews.

    Selling information on your own website

    Service exchanges can give a good start for someone who has decided to make money from information. But you will be able to become truly independent, you will be able to get a really good income if you present information on your own website. This method will take some effort. First, you will have to create your own resource with a specific topic related to information that will be sold in the future. It can be cooking, various handicraft techniques, ways to make money online, etc.

    Initially, you will have to invest all efforts in the development of the site, provide information on it for free. Thus, it will be possible to gather a large audience that will be interested in buying additional information.

    There is an even shorter way, but it requires financial costs at the initial stage. You can sell information through other people's sites by paying for advertising.


    Information services can be a great opportunity to make money online or in the virtual world. But any job takes time and effort. And there are no exceptions. At the initial stage, you will have to work hard to find information that will really interest others. There is a lot of data on the web. Do not just pay attention to information that can be used for incorrect purposes. Having made a firm decision to make money on the provision of services, you should contact the tax office and draw up all the relevant documents. This will avoid legal troubles.

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