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  • International action "Golden E-mail". Detailed review

International action "Golden E-mail". Detailed review

Our company checked the international action "Golden E-mail", where you can allegedly receive money prize up to 5000 $. After reading this review, you will understand what the action was actually created for.

AT this moment gold email is located at 2 addresses:


What is suspicious about the promotion "Golden E-mail"

The creators of the site and gave the following details about the action. If you are on this site, then your mailbox appeared on the list of winners. However, the address of our Email. Below is a suggestion to check the winning amount. We moved on to a questionnaire consisting of 2 questions: how many years have we been using the box, and the second question is the name.

Then the consultant Maria appeared, allegedly informing about the holding of the action. Turns out, this contest organized by the largest postal services. It was they who launched the international campaign "Golden Email" for residents of Russia and the CIS countries. At the same time, the names of these companies are missing, therefore, the sense of investing such large sums by the founders of the competition is completely lost, since any shares are advertising!

At the bottom of the site you can see the address of the representative office in Moscow. Again, no company named. Why hide it? Written details and e-mail - " [email protected]". Tracking the location of the representative office of the "company" showed that the address is located in a residential apartment.

How we tried to withdraw money

Checking the winnings showed that the amount of our prize was $ 2,750. We, of course, immediately proceeded to pay, but did not hope too much for a successful outcome.

The system displayed a message saying that it was necessary to convert our dollars into rubles. The procedure turned out to be paid - 84 rubles. Why? We agree to the withdrawal in dollars! No, only in rubles, which is completely illogical, since the action is supposedly held for the CIS countries, which do not need rubles. Is it possible by taking part in the international campaign "Golden Email", you will find out below.

Having paid 84 rubles for an alleged currency conversion, you will be forced to pay a number of other amounts:

  • Tax - 348 r;
  • Site commission - 635 r;
  • For a double payment - 550 r;
  • Protection of your payment — 890 r;
  • Per instant payment— 1150 r.

Summing up

Sites and and the international action "Golden E-mail" - SCAM. If you believe in the prize, you will be robbed, leaving you with nothing. This is how fraudulent sites work, attracting naive users who believe in easy money.

Friends, stop giving your money to attackers who steal millions of rubles. Start making money on the Internet yourself, without taking part in deception. Follow the link below this article to proven methods and work with InfoUniverse!

Hello friends. Friday evening, time to relax and chat with friends. I'm at home finishing up a new article for my favorite readers. No, this time not about any, and other things that I love to tell you so much 🙂

Today I want to tell you the life story of my countryman, Fyodor Andreevich Makhnov. At one time he was known all over the world, but now he is almost forgotten. He would have turned 135 this year. With a weight of 182 kilograms, his height was ... 285 centimeters!

Fedor Andreevich Makhnov, a native of the small village of Kostyuki near Vitebsk, was born on June 6, 1878.

The boy was the firstborn in an ordinary peasant family. His parents were tall people, but they were not considered giants. Due to the fact that the newborn was too large, his mother could not bear the difficult birth and died. Little orphan was taken in by his grandparents

At first, Fedor practically did not stand out among his peers, but by the age of eight he began to grow very quickly. Despite the fact that he slept a lot during this period (almost for days on end), Fedya grew up as a very strong boy.

At the age of 10, the father took the grown boy to him. Helping his father with the housework, Fedya got stronger and hardened. Large for his age, he could easily drag a peasant cart loaded with hay up the mountain or lift an adult on a dare. Neighbors often used his abilities in the construction of houses, where he helped to lift logs.

The local landowner Korzhenevsky, having learned about the abilities of the young strong man, hired him to clean the nearby Zaronovka River from boulders that interfered with the operation of the water mill. Long work in very cold water played a very unfavorable role in Fyodor's life. He caught a cold, and the illnesses that followed later made themselves felt for the rest of Makhnov's life.

By the age of 14, a 2-meter young man ceased to fit in the house. Because of this, my father had to build up walls on several crowns. The local blacksmith was ordered to make an individual bed, but he, overloaded with work, made it all summer. In the end, it turned out that Fedya had outgrown this bed as well.

Tales are still told about the growth of a guy in Kostyuki. They say that children hid in his felt boots, and he pacified his few offenders by putting their hats under the log cabins of the baths or laying them on roof skates.

It was problematic to dress and shoe a tall guy. Everything was made to order. Money for clothes had to be earned in Vitebsk at the Polotsk Bazaar. It was there that the German Otto Bilinder, who owned a traveling circus, noticed an unusual teenager. Being a business man, he quickly realized the prospects of this man in his troupe, and persuaded his father to let Fedor go with the circus. Bilinder undertook to take over all the content of the guy, and in addition he promised that Fedor with his data would be able to make good money and help his family.

It didn’t take long to persuade his father, and the 14-year-old boy went to conquer Europe with his abilities. Otto Bilinder took custody of Fedor. First, for an illiterate guy, he hired teachers who taught him German. Otto took over the teaching of circus art. Fedor's training lasted almost two years. When he was 16 years old, a contract was signed with him for performances. So Fedor Makhnov became a circus artist.

The bet in his speeches was made on power numbers. More than two and a half meters tall, the giant bent iron horseshoes with one hand, smashed bricks with a blow of his hand, twisted metal rods into a spiral, and then straightened them again. Particularly successful were the numbers when he, lying on his back, raised a wooden platform with an orchestra of three musicians. In those days, Greco-Roman (classical) wrestling tournaments were very popular in circuses. Famous strongmen and world-class wrestlers, including Russian titans Zaikin and Poddubny, took part in them. Fedor Makhnov also participated in similar tournaments. True, he did not become a great athlete due to the fact that the world's best wrestlers always came out against him, and a chronic back disease did not allow him to fully show his talents. However, his appearance in the arena alone caused a storm of delight from the public.

Makhnov devoted nine years to work in the circus, after which he became a completely wealthy person. However, great growth also brought a lot of trouble to Fedor. It was hard for him to move, since all transport, hotels, catering establishments were calculated only for people standard sizes. Because of this, Fedor returned home to his native Kostyuki at the very beginning of the 20th century. For the money earned in circus performances, he bought from the landowner Korzhenevsky, who left for France, his land and house. Makhnov rebuilt the estate to fit his height, furnished it with suitable furniture and renamed it Velikanovo. All the necessary building materials and furniture were sent to him from Germany by Otto Bidinder, with whom Fedor maintained close friendly contacts until the end of his life.

Having settled in a new place, Makhnov decided to get married. And although by nature he was very kind, and he was not deprived of finances, he found a bride with great difficulty. She became Efrosinya Lebedeva, who worked as a rural teacher. As a girl, she was tall, but still inferior to her fiancé by almost a meter. In 1903, the first daughter Maria appeared in the family, and the next year the son Nikolai was born.

To top up family budget, from time to time Fedor went to various wrestling tournaments, performed in circuses, demonstrating his abilities in various cities of the Russian Empire.

Such trips, together with some anthropological details of "Vitebsk Gulliver", were regularly covered by the then press. It was written, in particular, that Fedor has a weight of 182 kg, 15-centimeter ears and 10-centimeter lips. The length of his palm was 32 cm, his feet - 51 cm. Makhnov's height slightly decreased on weekdays and increased over the weekend.

The giant's meals were four times a day, but the portions were truly impressive. For example, breakfast was a set of 8 round loaves of bread and butter, 20 eggs and 2 liters of tea. Lunch was 1 kg of potatoes, 2.5 kg of meat and 3 liters of beer. Dinner consisted of 2.5 kg of meat, 3 loaves of bread, 2 liters of tea and a bowl of fruit. And before going to bed, he was served 1 more loaf of bread, 15 eggs and 1 liter of tea or milk.

In 1905, the Makhnov family went on a tour abroad. Traveling in Western Europe, they visited France, Great Britain, Belgium, Holland, Italy. The Pope himself honored them with an audience. According to family tradition, he took off his golden cross and gave it to the giant's daughter. The Makhnovs also visited the USA. To do this, however, had to redo the cabin of the steamer.

These trips were not without incidents. At receptions in palaces, Fedor lit cigarettes from candles from the upper tiers of chandeliers, which extinguished them.

In Paris, he had a skirmish with several citizens. The police officers who arrived wanted to send the giant to jail, but not finding a suitable cell, they limited themselves to a conversation.

During dinner at the German Chancellor, a huge tea set was placed in front of Makhnov, but Fyodor did not appreciate such a “joke”, demanding to replace it with an ordinary mug.

But although receptions at the most high levels and were hospitable, traveling the world was difficult. First of all, the unsuitable sizes of transport, housing and restaurants affected. In addition, various scientists began to besiege Makhnov, who offered to conclude a contract for him to transfer his skeleton to them for study after death. Suspecting that they might kill him for this, Fedor interrupted his foreign tour and returned to his home at Velikanov Khutor.

A long nomadic life undermined the already not very good health Makhnov. The chronic disease of the joints, earned in childhood in the cold water of Zaronovka, aggravated. It became more and more difficult to walk. Otto Bilinder tried to help Fedor by sending a heavyweight horse from Germany. Unfortunately, the sent animal did not solve the problem, because with its nearly three-meter height, the giant's legs still dragged along the ground when he mounted it. And although Fedor became very attached to the horse, he preferred to take the troika as the main means of transportation on trips.

Traveling abroad brought a lot of new things to the economic life of Fyodor Makhnov. Almost the first in the district, he began to use agricultural machines, purchased by him in Germany and kindly sent by Bilinder. For a while, he even bred horses.

Unfortunately, Fyodor Makhnov did not live long. In 1912, chronic illnesses finally crippled the giant's health, and he died at the age of 34, having, however, managed to rejoice before that at the birth of three more of his children: daughter Masha (1911) and twin sons Rodion (Radimir) and Gabriel (Galyun) born just six months before his death. The exact reason for such an early departure of Makhnov's life was never determined. In some documents it is written that he died of tuberculosis, in others - from chronic pneumonia. The Vitebsk giant was buried at the local cemetery near the village of Kostyuki. Russian Sport magazine published an obituary announcing his death.

The growth of Fyodor Makhnov, even after his death, continued to amaze everyone. The undertaker, thinking that an error had crept into the order for the coffin and the fence, did the work based on ordinary person. When it turned out that he was mistaken, he had to urgently redo the coffin, and there was no time left to remake the fence, and he had to leave it.

On the surviving tombstone, one can still read the inscription: “Fedor Andreevich Makhnov, born on June 6, 1878, died. On August 28, 1912, in the 36th year, the Biggest Man in the World Rostom Was 3 arshins 9 vershoks.

The story about Fyodor Makhnov can be supplemented by the fact that his height on the tombstone is indicated incorrectly. He was taken from a contract with Bilinder, signed by the giant at the age of 16. Since that moment, Fedor has grown another 30 cm.

The giant's wife subsequently wanted to correct the mistakes on the tombstone and remake the fence, but the outbreak of the First World War and the revolutionary events that followed it prevented her from doing this.

In 1934, the remains of Makhnov in scientific purposes were exhumed and sent to the Minsk Medical Institute for study. During the war, the giant's skeleton was lost, like many other things. Only a photograph and a description made by Professor D.M. have survived. Dove.

Instead of a conclusion

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the tallest man in history, whose height is unquestionably known, is Robert Wadlow, who lived in America at the beginning of the twentieth century. His height reached 272 centimeters.

But this admission is wrong! After all, the growth of Fedor Andreevich Makhnov is 285 centimeters. And it is he who is the tallest man in the world in history. Height was measured and officially recorded by the Warsaw anthropologist Lushan. In addition, the record growth of our compatriot was noted in the journal "Science and Life" for 1970 and the science fiction writer Alexander Belyaev in the story "The Island of Lost Ships".

Fedor Andreevich Makhnov. Photo:

The last few years have been one of my most effective tools is email. I note that this tool will be effective only when you learn how to manage it, and not let things take their course. I wrote a little earlier.

To begin with, we must clearly understand why we need email. Wikipedia suggests: for receiving, sending and forwarding mail messages. The purpose of email is to make people's lives and work efficient. But in reality, not everything is so simple.

According to statistics, on average, the number of messages received by a person is more than 100 letters per day. This is a huge number. And it continues to grow, which leads to the fact that a person is no longer able to qualitatively process the information received due to lack of time.

It is this question of how to work with e-mail that worries many people. An overabundance of unchecked mail leads to stress and lowers productivity.

You were also in similar situation? Then this article is for you.

E-mail rules

The most efficient and organized people independently build their system of working with mail, based on own experience, by trial and error.

If there are more or less common rules business correspondence in email, things are a little more complicated when it comes to managing your email work. It depends on many factors, such as the field of activity, the degree of business activity and organization of a person, lifestyle and doing business, and so on.

Working with e-mail

So, let's begin. My effective rules I need to work with e-mail in order to:

  • Increase your efficiency
  • Always be an obligatory and correct person for your correspondents.
  • Always know how I reworked mail.
  • Never lose incoming emails.

There are several principles for working with mail:

1. Use your inbox as a checklist and leave unprocessed messages in it.

2. Create a category for each project separate folders. This will help you quickly find the information you need.

3. Actively use the use of labels, color marks. This will make the sorting of letters noticeable for visual perception.

4. Thoroughly study and know the settings system in the mail account. This will help you manage it effectively.

5. Determine the time you are willing to devote to working with mail. For example, 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening. And not a minute more.

6. If working conditions allow, disable the pop-up notifications about new letters. This way you will be less distracted.

7. Unsubscribe from irrelevant mailings.

8. during the day.

9. Save all sent emails. There is always something useful. Today I found a scan of my passport this way.

10. Be able to identify the signs by which you will process and sort mail.

Email technology

If we remember the first rule well, then our goal when parsing mail is to leave as few letters as possible in the inbox.

At the same time, the second task, no less important, is to sort all the letters into categories, specifics and importance. You can leave emails in your inbox that require you to respond immediately or quickly. They can also be immediately marked with colored marks or labels. I will add that I mainly use mail program G-mail, while having several more accounts in other email programs.

How others work with email

Once I watched a video about working with a mailbox, where the author showed how he famously dealt with two hundred letters in a few minutes. Naturally, the enticing headline made me see how this can be done, since I did not know an effective answer to this question. It turned out that its principle of operation is based on deleting letters and leaving important and necessary ones in the Inbox. Surprised! So anyone can. I quickly came to the conclusion: this technique does not suit me.

We cut live

Agree that the lion's share of letters are the mailing lists we need and a storehouse of information. And when we are advised to unsubscribe from many of them, be honest, who raised their hand to unsubscribe from their choice? Since we chose it, it means that we need it and it is important. However, I will also advise you to unsubscribe from those mailing lists that are less relevant to you today. It's like cleaning your wardrobe - and it's a pity to throw it away, and I haven't worn it for a long time ...

Reassure yourself that as a last resort you know where this newsletter is located, and if necessary, you can always look there for information or subscribe again.

Take your folder names seriously. Here it is impossible to give advice for everyone at once - a lot depends on the individuality of the person. I know that many people prefer to place any mailings, letters related to sales topics in a folder called Sales. This option also works. My folders can have the name and surname of the person from whom the letters come, including on the topic of sales, and on the name of mailing lists. That is, the topic Sales in my mail corresponds to not one folder, but several. I am well versed in them. Personal brand the author matters to me.

Structure outgoing emails

Structuring outgoing emails is also easy. Give them labels or tags so they can be found in right moment. Create folders for the most important ones and use move. For example, during my work on several projects at the same time, I had to send similar letters to clients and conduct correspondence. Having created a folder with the name of the project, after sending the letter, I moved the necessary letters to it.

During the initial parsing of mail, I try to skim through the letters and determine in which category they should be moved. I also divide them according to the degree of importance and urgency: urgent - unimportant; urgent - important; non-urgent - unimportant: non-urgent - important. important letters that require me to respond or certain work today, I leave it in the Inbox, after the work is done I move it to the appropriate folder.

If I understand that the subject of the letter will be relevant for me in the near future, then I allow myself to move the message to the unread folder. AT right time hands will definitely reach him.

I draw your attention to everything listed ways were born not in one day, and not even in two. Already today, many companies are thinking about the development and implementation of rules for working with e-mail. Effective management and organization of time will become necessary qualities at work for all companies.

If you don't manage your mail, it will soon manage you, which will lead to unnecessary stress. Develop your email rules.

With the use and application of these rules, you will become efficient in your business life. Friends, good luck in your business! Be efficient, and don't forget. And as always, I appreciate your comments and retweets and your personal advice.

Hello, friends!

In our period, I think that everyone knows the answer to the question: email - what is it? But the questions and problems that arise with it make me write this article.

The title of the article may shock you! Email? Who does not know now: what is it? Of course, I will not tell such simple things: what is a "dog" or that mail is used for mail messages!

But I am sure that many of us come across problems when working with mail.

Therefore, starting with a simple one, I will move on to more catchy questions, namely:

  • Which service is better?
  • Short review one of the postal services.
  • Recommendations for the future

What is email for?

Of course, first of all, e-mail is needed now, in addition to its main purpose (messaging), as an identity identifier: almost all services are used for authorization and recovery email account user, sending him a password, an activation link, etc.

Hidden "benefit"

Do you think this is where the use of "electronics" ends? You are deeply mistaken!

Even ordinary mail, where messages were transmitted by stagecoach, served not only for personal correspondence! Letters transmitted from one province to another were checked selectively by special services, intercepted by rivals, which sometimes decided the fate of entire nations!

Do you think our electronic life is easier? Of course not! Letters are also checked and curated.

Maybe some of you didn't know this? Then don't scream! Let's whisper!

Well, it is for them, the specialists, to know better: what they are analyzing there. Some structures even live on this account!

The part of our society that forgets about the law scans our " infu» for his personal needs or sells it for good « money ».

For example, if someone wants to “shove” their product to you: he can “plant” a Trojan in your browser, moreover, such that Kaspersky or Microsoft Essentials they won't take him. I had such a case. And SpyBot didn't help either.

As a result, I threw the advanced browser into the "garbage" and put a different design (read about it on my other pages).

Burglars fall into mail account and read your information. I am now only concerned with Trojans of the "humane" category, which do not harm us (at first glance). They simply read our thoughts aloud, which we “spread over the Internet. Do you think that everything is allowed to you, and you can litter in the world space? Litter?

And now you get a bunch of spam on your e-mail box! Ready?

Aha! Do not want? Tortured?

From this follows the name of our next subheading.

Which service is better?

So that spam does not interfere with your work on the Internet, you need to choose good service for mail!

At the moment I am not a patriot, as our fathers and grandfathers were! I don't know if this is good or bad? But I want to say that Yandex-mail is the best on the Internet!

"Yasha" strictly sorts everyone and allows us to work according to our plan. Believe me, I would choose it even if it was Chinese! The only question is that I do not understand Chinese writing!

In Google, I could not find at all some of the buttons necessary to use, such as " reply" etc.

How it is possible to "shove" them so far - only our American colleagues know!

Advanced Mzyl-ru is quite capable of giving you an "advanced" browser and spamming you.

Just don't tell anyone about this, otherwise they will excommunicate me from some services and launch an anti-advertising campaign against my blog! Deal?

Let me briefly tell you some useful features Yandex mail, which may not always be visible to the naked eye.

A brief overview of one of the mail services

I don’t understand at all: how can these bourgeois postal services take the first positions in the ranking? Probably just an acquaintance? Who knows them? Nobody! It's just that our language is too complicated for them.

In order to get your mailing address you need to create an account. This is where any mailbox starts.

Having received an e-mail from Yandex, we see a comfortable and functional space in our mail account:

  • Of the many usefulnesses, I really like the ability to highlight letters by moving the mouse cursor over them with the left button pressed? It's comfortable.
  • Letters are delivered instantly!
  • It is possible to transfer video materials and files with text, even weighing several gigabytes when connected cloud technologies(Yandex, Google, mail disks).

"Yasha" allocates 3 GB at once. But this space is legally and free of charge increases by 2-3 or more times. But more on that in another article.

There are other "tricks":

  • you can write down short video and send it to a friend.
  • The organizer will remind you of your plans.
  • lovers instant messaging can take advantage mobile application.
  • It is possible to turn off the display of advertising materials in the settings.

Most of all, I like Yandex-mail for its position on spam: there is a “smart” folder that “takes” all the letters we don’t need to itself. If she “didn’t understand” something, she can be “prompted” by pointing to a specific letter. She will understand and next time she will do the right thing.

What to do if you forgot your username, mail password?

There are times when one of the users forgot their mail, all their data from the account, and the password and login they wrote down were not saved. Hope this doesn't happen to you. And if this has already happened, then let's do something together!

When you forgot your login from the mail, proceed as follows:

  • In the mail from Google, you can find your login on a mobile phone with Android OS, if you go to the settings.
  • Remember: to which of your friends you sent messages. Friends will read your login in any of your letters sent.
  • You could use your email address instead of your login on some Internet resources, primarily in in social networks. You may have saved this information.
  • On many resources, your profile can store your email address. Well, remember well: where in your personal data did you write the address? I'll try to suggest an idea: Internet services of banks, and other earnings on the Internet (

Password recovery options:

1. This is already the easiest: when you enter your account, there is always a link like " Forgot your password? "In Yandex it looks like this:

And in Google - a whole step-by-step operation (these are "advanced" Yankees):

Use the password recovery feature. You will have to enter the answer to Secret Question, and then you can enter New Password, which must be stored securely.

2. If you do not remember the answer to the question, contact technical support. Then you will need detailed information About Me. You will be contacted via your other e-mail or will be sent a new password (password change code) to your mobile phone. If you do not have this, then start it on any postal service.

In technical support does not help in these cases. Alas!

What to do if your mail has been hacked?

If your mail is hacked, you will see that your username and password do not match.

  • Therefore, the first thing you need to do is contact support and reset your password (remember and enter Secret word when requested).

In this case, support is obliged to make sure that you are the true owner of the account, so do not be offended when you are asked extra questions. They may even ask you to send a copy of your passport. This is fine. Therefore, all your data at the beginning of registration indicate the correct ones.

  • Then proceed as directed by the helpdesk representatives. When you've done everything and set a new password, check all your Internet services where you specified this e-mail.
  • Be prepared for the fact that on these services there may be changes in your profile that are unknown to you. You may also need to contact technical support on such resources if you cannot restore the previous look of your accounts.
  • Look through the messages in your recovered mail, including the Deleted Items folder: there may be letters that are strange to you. If there are any, then their content may be useful to you. Although this is not a fact. Look through them: if you find traces of the actions of violators there, then there will be an opportunity to purposefully fix everything.
  • Link your email to your phone number.
  • Use at least two e-mail boxes of different resources. In the first one, specify as backup address mail number 2, and in the second - mail number 1.
  • Make your username and password complex. Do not use passwords like "surname-year of birth-phone number". Strong password is a random combination of small and capital letters combined with numbers.
  • Do not use the auto-complete forms (passwords and logins).
  • When you exit your browser, clear your history.

Generally modern mail services pretty protected. Therefore, the main thing is not to respond to enticing messages " princesses from africa ", who need your wallet, and everything will be OK! In one article, all the topics will not fit, but they are contained in other articles of my blog. I hope they will be useful to you! The blog is updated daily with new material, which you can subscribe to by clicking on button of the same name.

If you have any questions on the topic, I am ready to answer them after your comment.

All the best, friends! See you on other pages!


Sincerely, Alexander Sergienko

Today we will talk about how to send email. You can send mail in several ways. Let's consider one of them.

Email has long been a way of correspondence between people. Regular letters in envelopes faded into the background and will soon remain only in the memory of mankind. mailboxes in global network are used for instant messaging, email marketing and other digital notifications, which is very convenient and fast compared to legacy methods of information delivery. For those who do not know how to send email from a computer, this instruction is written.

First, to send a digital email You'll need email box , which you need to "start" on the Internet. We have already talked about, now consider specific example his creation.


For example, you wanted to create a mailbox on the resource popular site). To do this, go to this site by typing in address bar Your browser:

Follow the link " Register mail» and start fill in the required fields. Enter your first name, last name and other requested information, then go to the field " Mailbox» and write what you want box name.

Take the trouble to come up with original name Your mailbox, as many names may already be taken. Remember the created name of your mailbox. Leave the end of the mail "».

Now think and write down the password to this box and confirm it in the field " repeat password».

Advice: don't create too much simple passwords, like "111" or "qwerty", since such protection is easy to bypass.

If you forget your password, that is, the possibility of restoring it with mobile phone, which must be specified in the appropriate field during registration.

If you do not want to leave your "mobile phone" number, then click the link " I do not have a mobile phone': the system prompts you to select Security Question and give an answer to it. Additional e-mail is not required.

After completing all forms click " Register» . The system will ask you to enter a certain combination: this is done to confirm that you are not a software robot that randomly creates mailboxes.

Enter these letters and numbers, then click the " Ready". Congratulations, you just created your own mailbox but don't know how to send an email yet.


In order to send a digital letter to your friend, relative or work colleague, you will need his email address. It looks, for example, like this: title @ or title and others. That is, first comes title mailbox, for example Billy Micro, followed by special character @ , which is popularly called "dog", and after it is written resource name , on which mail was registered.

Note: the created mailbox in this instruction looks like [email protected] (large or small letters - it doesn't matter).

If you already have an email address for the person you want to send email to, then click " Write» in the newly created mailbox and enter the existing address in the " To whom". Further write a topic sent message in the field " Topic”, and in the largest part of the window “ New letter» can be dialed, directly, text of the letter.

If there is a need to send along with the text also additional file , for example, a photo, then use the button " Attach file l "and find on the computer disk necessary for sending digital document or snapshot.

The last step in sending an email is to pressing the button " Send» . Sending will take place, and a copy of the sent letter will fall into the category " Sent».

That's basically it. You have learned how to send an email. In this way you can send any number of letters for free. Of course, there is no need to create a mailbox every time, just enter the "electronic" that you have already created.

To do this, go to the site and enter the name of the mailbox and the password to it in the appropriate fields, then click the " To come in».

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