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“Methodological recommendations and tasks for the implementation of laboratory and practical work on life safety. Russian Armed Forces

To compose an algorithm, you need to know the system of commands of the intended performer, the rules for recording individual commands and the entire algorithm as a whole.

We will consider algorithms, the executor of which is a person.

The sequence of steps that a person performs when solving a certain problem is conveniently written down in the form of a numbered list (verbal form), a table, or depicted using a flowchart. In the latter case, the following geometric figures are used to designate the steps of the algorithm:

The sequence of actions is indicated by arrows connecting the figures that represent the steps of the algorithm.

So, for example, using a flowchart, you can represent the algorithm of human actions when crossing the street:

Questions and tasks

1. What do you need to know when developing an algorithm?

2. List the forms of writing algorithms known to you.

3. The evil stepmother sent her stepdaughter to the spring for water. “Here you have 2 buckets, one of them contains 9 liters of water, and the other - 5 liters. But you have to bring home exactly 3 liters of water,” she said to the poor girl. How should the stepdaughter act in order to fulfill this assignment? Be prepared to present this algorithm in verbal or tabular form.

4. What geometric shapes are used in the block diagram?

5. How is the order of performing individual actions in the flowchart specified?

Ministry of Education of the Saratov Region

State budget educational institution

Saratov region of secondary vocational education

"Engels Polytechnic"

(GBOU SO SPO "Engels Polytechnic")





These recommendations for the implementation of laboratory and practical work are intended as a methodological guide when performing laboratory work on the academic discipline "Fundamentals of Life Safety".

Compiled by: Dyakova K.I., teacher of biology and life safety, GAPOU SO "Engels Polytechnic"


    Organization of the implementation of laboratory work by students;

    formation and consolidation of skills in working with laboratory equipment

    formation of skills of independent work of students with reference literature;

    development of attentiveness and accuracy in the performance of laboratory work;

Criteria for evaluation of laboratory work

A student receives an assessment for laboratory work, taking into account the deadline for completing the work, if:

Calculations are made correctly and in full; an analysis of the work done and a conclusion based on the results of the work; the student can explain the implementation of any stage of the work;

The report was made in accordance with the requirements for performing laboratory work, the correct answers to control questions for each work.

Form of control:

Presentation of a report on laboratory or practical work, designed in accordance with the requirements.

    Work theme




    Answers to control questions.

Practical work number 1.

"Rules of safe behavior in criminogenic situations"

Objective: Learn how to act correctly in various situations of a criminogenic nature

Equipment and materials: posters, instruction


1. From the given names of the objects of the city (village), select safe and dangerous from a criminogenic point of view:

A) dangerous

B) safe objects ________________________________________________

(A busy highway, a bar, a restaurant, a police station, a fire station, a shop, a dark street, a doorway, a clinic, a school, attics and basements, deserted squares, an empty train car, a post office, a dark entrance)

2. What will you accept if you nevertheless entered the elevator with a stranger who makes you suspicious. Your actions?

3. Fill in table No. 1 about actions in these situations.

Table number 1.

Task number 1. You were robbed (on the street, in a store, in transport). You managed to notice the moment of the theft. List the sequence of your actions.

Task number 2. You are going to a resort or an unfamiliar city. Your actions to maintain personal safety in the train and hotel?

5. Choose the wrong answer: “Which of the following rules does not apply to the general rules of personal safety in criminogenic situations?”

A) do not go with a stranger in the elevator

B) do not accept gifts and treats from strangers

C) follow the rules of safe behavior in public places and in the crowd.

D) never use the subway.

Practical work number 2.

"Rules of conduct in emergency situations of natural and man-made nature"

Target: Learn how to act correctly in various emergencies.

Equipment and materials: posters, diagrams, tables.


1. Define the concepts:

A) emergency situation __________________________________________.

B) Natural disaster ____________________________________________.

C) Accident _________________________________________________________.

2. From the following emergencies, select those that apply:

A) to an emergency of a natural nature ________________________________________.

B) to an emergency of a man-made nature ______________________________________.

(platinum breakthrough, epidemic, tornado, forest fire, mudflow, radiation accident, explosion, volcanic eruptions, extreme heat, chemical accident, railway accident, flood, fire, landslide, storm).

3. In the above diagram, fill in the sequence of actions of a person who finds himself in a blockage, provided that he does not have the opportunity to get out.

Try to find and wear warm clothes

3. Complete the sentences.

To attract the attention of people in case of an emergency, before the transmission of speech information, electric sirens, production beeps and other special signaling devices are switched on. This means that a warning signal is given, which is called __________________________________________________________. For this signal, you need ___________________________________________.

4. List the steps you should take if you are out in the open during a storm or hurricane.

5. List the order of your actions in case of a chemical accident.

6. Answer the security questions:

a) What should be done in case of fire in the building?

b) What is an avalanche?

c) What is a fire and a source of ignition?

Practical work number 3.

"Legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring the security of the individual, society and the state"

Target: Know the regulatory documents governing the security of the Russian Federation and their application in practical actions

Equipment and materials: Collection of legislative and normative acts of the Russian Federation in the field of security of the individual, society and state.


    Complete the scheme

2. Specify the most important by-laws in the field of ensuring the security of the individual, society and the state _______________________________________________________________.

3. Briefly describe the obligations of Russian citizens in the field of protection from emergencies._______________________________________________

4. Complete the table by indicating in it the names of the laws of the Russian Federation in accordance with the purpose.

5. Complete the sentence.

The federal law "On Road Safety" defines _________________________________________________________________.

Practical work number 4.

"Civil defense is an integral part of the state defense system"

Target: Learn to distinguish between personal protective equipment by their use. Acquire practical skills in the use of personal protective equipment.

Equipment and materials: Combined arms and civilian gas mask GP - 5.

Theoretical part

Brief Theoretical Information (PPE)

1.1 Composition and purpose of personal protective equipment (PPE)

PPE is designed to protect people from getting into the body, on the skin and clothes of radioactive and toxic substances and bacterial agents.

PPE is divided into respiratory protection and skin protection.

Respiratory protection equipment includes:

Gas masks (filtering and insulating)


Anti-dust fabric masks PTM -1

Cotton gauze bandages.

Skin care products include:

Protective kits

Overalls and suits made of special rubberized fabric


Rubber boots and gloves

Various hand tools.

According to the principle of protection, PPE are divided into: filtering, insulating.

According to the method of manufacturing PPE are divided into means: manufactured by industry; the simplest, made by the population from improvised materials.

Filtering gas masks GP-5 (GP-5M and GP-7V) GP-5 are designed to protect a person from getting into the respiratory system, eyes and face of radioactive, poisonous (OS) and hazardous chemicals, bacterial agents.

GP-7 protects against agents and hazardous substances, radioactive dust and bacterial agents.

Additional cartridges (DP) are designed to protect against AHOV chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, hydrochloric acid, hydrocyanic acid, phenol, fosin.

Depending on the service life, respirators are disposable ShB-1 ("Lepestok", "Kasha", U-2K, R-2), reusable correction (RPG-67, RU-60M).

The simplest means of respiratory protection PTM-1 protect the human respiratory organs from radioactive dust.

"HIKES" gas mask positions:

The top of the bag is at waist level, the flap is buttoned.

into position "READY" gas masks are put on alert on command.

Gas masks are ready!

The bag moves forward, the valve comes unfastened.

In the "BATTLE" position, the front part is put on, at the command "GAS!"

When transferring a gas mask to a "combat" position, it is necessary:

Remove headgear;

Take the helmet-mask out of the bag, take it with both hands by the thickened edges at the bottom, so that the thumbs are on the outside, and the rest are inside;

Hold your breath and close your eyes;

Bring the helmet-mask to the chin and with a sharp movement of the hand up and back pull it over the head so that there are no wrinkles at the top;

Exhale completely, open your eyes and resume breathing;

Put on a hat, zip up the bag and fasten it to the body.

The gas mask is considered to be put on correctly if the glasses of the front part of the goggles are against the eyes, the helmet-mask fits snugly to the face.

The need to make a strong exhalation before opening the eyes and resuming breathing after putting on a gas mask is explained by the fact that it is necessary to remove contaminated air from under the mask if it got there at the time of putting on.

When wearing a gas mask, breathe deeply and evenly. If you need to run, the pace increases gradually.

The gas mask is removed at the command "Take off the gas mask!" To do this, you need to slightly pull the helmet-mask down and remove it with a forward and upward movement, put on a headgear, turn the helmet-mask inside out, wipe it thoroughly and put it in your bag.


2.1. Fill in the table number 1.

Opposite the harmful substance, write down the PPE that are designed to protect against agents, using the material of brief theoretical information.

Table 1.

"PPE from substances that have a harmful, toxic effect on humans"

A) Which PPE is the most versatile?

B) Why is it necessary to exhale when putting on a gas mask?

c) How many sizes does the gas mask have?

2.3. Record your gas mask size using the data in Table 2.

Table number 2.

Determination of the size of the mask and gas mask GP-5.

2.4. To master the technique of putting on a gas mask, using brief theoretical information.

Practical work number 5.

"Modern means of destruction and their damaging factors"


List of materials used: Posters


1. Give definitions of concepts:

A) Nuclear weapons …………………………………………………………………….

Nuclear weapons include……………………………………………………...

B) chemical weapons…………………………………………………………………….

Chemical weapons include…………………………………………………………

B) bacteriological weapons………………………………………………………………

This weapon is designed to……………………………………………………….............

2. Complete the table on the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion.

3. Complete the diagram showing the classification of toxic chemical warfare agents (BTCS) depending on the impact on the human body.

4. List the main signs of the use of bacteriological weapons: _______________________________________________________________.

5. Complete the diagram on the classification of modern conventional weapons.


Fire and strike means (ammunition)


guided aerial bombs


Teacher T.I. Krivolapova

Practical work number 6.

"The main measures of RFS and civil defense to protect the population in peacetime and wartime"

Target: To consolidate theoretical knowledge in practical activities.

Equipment and materials: Gas mask GP-7, Posters


    Give definitions of the concepts:

A) notification………………………………………………………………………….

B) shelter……………………………………………………………………………

C) rescue operations………………………………………………….

    Add an offer.

Auxiliary means of warning in limited areas include………………………………………………………………………………...

    Premises in shelters are the main and auxiliary. Underline the ones listed below that are the most important.

(Filter-ventilation chambers, rooms for a power plant, compartments for accommodating people, a room for bathrooms, a pantry, a first-aid post, vestibules)

    Fill in the table characterizing the purpose, principle of operation and device of the civil gas mask GP-7


    Operating principle





    Finish the sentence.

Sanitization is…………………………………………………………

Practical work number 7.

"Rules for applying sterile dressings"

Target: Learn how to apply sterile dressings. Learn how to apply sterile dressings for various types of wounds.

Equipment and materials: Handout tables "Types of wounds"

Theoretical part

1.1. Rules to be observed when applying bandages:

Painlessly detect the wound without introducing additional dirt;

You can not touch the surface of the wound (burn surface) with your hands, so as not to bring additional microbes;

Pieces of wood, clothing, earth, etc. in the wound can be removed if they are on the surface;

The bandage should be taken with cleanly washed hands, and if possible, wipe your hands with cologne or alcohol;

Dressing material must be sterile. In the absence of sterile material, cleanly washed pieces of fabric, previously ironed with a hot iron, can be used;

Before applying a bandage, wipe the skin around the wound with alcohol, then treat with iodine;

If possible, treat the wound with a solution of furacillin 1:5000, 3% hydrogen peroxide solution;

Close the wound with a sterile bandage, napkin;

Secure the bandage with a bandage or scarf

The procedure for applying (fixing) bandages:

Without causing unnecessary pain - support the damaged part of the body;

Hold the bandage in your right hand, rolling up;

The first round of the bandage should be fixing;

The bandage is opened from left to right, half covering the previous round;

Bandage from the periphery to the center;

The fingertip is not bandaged to control blood circulation;

Bandage is not very tight, but tight enough.


2.1. Apply bandage, kerchief bandages on the finger, hand, elbow joint, skull, chest.

2.2. Answer security questions:

1. What is first aid for injuries?

2. What are the features of first aid for deep wounds?

3. what types of dressings do you know.

4. What determines the choice of dressings.

Practical work number 8.

"Methods of artificial respiration and chest compressions"

Target: Learn how to perform artificial respiration and indirect heart breathing. Learn how to perform artificial respiration and chest compressions. Correctly determine the pressure point on the heart muscle.

Equipment and materials: Handout. Doll. Movie "Resuscitation"

Theoretical part

Brief theoretical information

Carrying out artificial respiration and indirect heart massage.

If the natural breathing of the affected person is disturbed or stopped, artificial respiration is given to him. In its implementation, a number of rules must be observed:

If possible, provide an influx of fresh air to the victim, free him from tight clothing

If there are affected vomit, sand, earth, and other substances in the mouth that clog the throat, clean the mouth of them with the index finger wrapped in a scarf or piece of gauze;

If the tongue is sunk, take it out;

Observe a normal breathing rhythm (60 times per minute for an adult, 100 times per minute for a child).

mouth-to-mouth, mouth-to-nose method . The affected person is placed on his back and his head is thrown back (something solid is placed under the shoulder blades). Holding the head of the affected person in the indicated position with one hand, with the other hand they pull the lower jaw to the bottom so that the mouth is half open. Having taken a deep breath, the helper puts his mouth through a handkerchief or a piece of gauze to the mouth of the affected person and inhales air from his lungs into him 10 times. At the same time, with the fingers of the hands holding the head, he squeezes the affected nose.

At the same time, the victim's chest expands - inhalation occurs. Then the assisting person removes his lips from the mouth of the affected person and, pressing his hands for 2-3 seconds on his chest, releases air from the lungs - exhalation occurs. These actions are repeated 16-18 times per minute.

Along with respiratory arrest, the affected person may stop the activity of the heart. In this case, simultaneously with artificial respiration, an indirect heart massage should be performed.

If two people provide assistance, then one person does artificial respiration according to the mouth-to-mouth method. 1 time, the second time, standing near the affected person on the left side, puts the palm of one hand on the lower third of his sternum, and the second - on the first one, and when the affected person exhales, rhythmically makes 5 jerky pressures. If one person provides assistance, then by pressing 10 times on the sternum, he interrupts the massage and once blows air into the lungs of the affected person, then repeats the pressure on the sternum and blows air 2 times. With an indirect heart massage, 60-70 movements per minute are made. And so on until the affected person begins to breathe on his own.

Each trainee must practically perform the techniques of laying the victim, chest compressions and artificial respiration.


2.1. Perform artificial respiration and chest compressions on the doll.

2.2. Fill in the tables "Methods of resuscitation"


Artificial respiration


2.3. Answer security questions:

1. What is acute heart failure, how is it characterized?

2. How to provide first aid for acute heart failure?

3. What is an indirect heart massage and in what cases is it performed?

Practical work number 9.

"Production of cotton-gauze dressings»

Target: Know the basic techniques for using a cotton-gauze bandage. Learn how to make cotton-gauze bandages.

Equipment and materials: Cotton wool. Gauze Scissors

Theoretical part

Brief theoretical information

The simplest means of respiratory protection. When there is neither a gas mask nor a respirator, you can use the simplest means of protection - a bulletproof fabric mask (PTM), a cotton-gauze bandage. They reliably protect the human respiratory organs (and PTM - the skin of the face and eyes) from radioactive dust, harmful aerosols, bacterial agents.

Cotton-gauze bandage is made as follows:

Take a piece of gauze 100*50cm;

In the middle part of the piece, on an area of ​​30820 cm, put an even layer of cotton wool about 2 cm thick;

The ends of gauze free from cotton wool (about 30-35 cm) on both sides are cut in the middle with scissors, forming two pairs of ties;

Ties are fixed with thread stitches (sheathed)

If there is gauze, but no cotton wool, you can make a gauze bandage. To do this, instead of cotton wool, 5-6 layers of gauze are placed in the middle of the piece.

When used, a cotton-gauze (gauze) bandage is applied to the face so that its lower edge covers the bottom of the chin, and the upper one reaches the eye sockets, while the mouth and nose should be well closed. The cut ends of the bandage are tied: the lower ones on the crown, the upper ones on the back of the head. Anti-dust goggles of various devices are used to protect the eyes.

In order to protect against hazardous chemicals more reliably, for example, if a cloud of chlorine is approaching, it is recommended to moisten the bandage with a 2% solution of baking soda, and for protection against ammonia, with a 5% solution of citric acid.


2.1. Fill the table

2.2. Make a cotton-gauze bandage.

2.3. Answer security questions:

one). What is a cotton gauze bandage used for?

2). In what emergency situations is a cotton-gauze bandage used?

3). List the respiratory protection equipment?

Practical work number 10.

"Combat Traditions"

Target: To consolidate theoretical knowledge in practical activities.

Equipment and materials: Posters, booklets.


1. Give definitions of concepts:

A) Martial traditions………………………………………………………………………

B) heroism………………………………………………………………………………..

C) courage…………………………………………………………………………………

D) military prowess………………………………………………………………………

E) patriotism…………………………………………………………………………..

2. Complete the sentences.

The military collective is………………………………………….....

For any military team are characteristic:

3.Fill in the table.

military honor

4. List the most important combat traditions of the Russian Armed Forces, in addition to those mentioned in the text of the verification work.




5. Fill in the table

    Complete the diagram showing the structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Russian Armed Forces

Rear of the Armed Forces


Practical work number 11.

"Features of military service"

Target: To consolidate theoretical knowledge in practical activities.

Equipment and materials: Posters, booklets.


    Complete the above principles of building the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Continuity of martial and heroic traditions;




    List the main legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating issues of defense and military development.


    Complete the diagram.

Social guarantees and compensations for conscripted servicemen

Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Disciplinary responsibility

Code of Administrative Offenses

Criminal liability

Federal law "On the liability of military personnel"

Administrative responsibility

Criminal Code

Practical work number 12.

“A soldier is a defender of his Fatherland. Honor and dignity of a soldier of the Armed Forces of Russia"

Target: To consolidate theoretical knowledge in practical activities.

Equipment and materials: Posters, booklets.


1. Give definitions of concepts:

A) military discipline…………………………………………………………………

B) personal discipline of a warrior……………………………………………..

C) subordination……………………………………………………………………….

2. List the professionally important qualities of a serviceman: (indicate the type of Armed Forces or branch of service)




3. Finish the sentences.

The behavior of a serviceman, due to the understanding of existing norms and rules and not requiring any reminders, is……………………


The correct behavior of a warrior, which is guided by the remarks, commands and orders of commanders and is realized on the basis of obedience, is………………………………………………………………………………… ……………


4. Complete the diagram showing what documents are drawn up for admission to a military educational institution.

Practical work No. 13

“Methods for assessing the state of physical health»

Target: assessment of the state of health of the body, determining the causes of a decrease in the level of health associated with lifestyle.

Equipment and materials: stopwatch, blood pressure monitor


    The assessment of heart rate is carried out by measuring the pulse for 1 minute in a sitting position. You can take pulse measurements on the wrist or on the carotid artery, fixing the measurement time with a stopwatch.

My pulse is _____ beats per minute.

Comparative heart rate data are shown in Table 2.

A pulse less than 60 beats / min is often recorded at rest in athletes (marathon runners, skiers, cyclists). A pulse rate of less than 40 per minute at rest may be the result of pathological changes in the heart. A pulse above 90 beats per minute at rest usually also indicates heart disease.

    Comparison of students' blood pressure (BP) with the proper one is made when data are available. If you have a blood pressure monitor, you can measure blood pressure.

My BP is ____ / ____ mm. rt. Art. T

    Determination of adaptability to the load of the cardiovascular system using the Rufier index. To assess the performance of the cardiovascular system using the Rufier index, three pulse measurements are taken:

1. Students in a sitting position after a five-minute rest measure the pulse P1 for 15 seconds. The command to start and end the countdown of the pulse is given by the teacher, using a stopwatch.

2. Students at the command of the teacher simultaneously perform 30 squats in 45 seconds. Immediately after performing squats in the first 15 seconds, students measure the pulse P2. This stage is more organized if the teacher performs squats together with the students, setting the pace of squats and controlling the time with a stopwatch.

3. The third measurement of the pulse P3 is also carried out by students while sitting during the last 15 seconds of the first minute of rest after doing squats. Pulse measurement is also carried out on the command and under the control of the teacher.

4. The measurement results are recorded in table 4.


Practical work No. 14

"Measurement of anthropometric indicators"

Goals of the work: assess the state of health of the body. to determine the reasons for the decline in health associated with lifestyle.

Equipment and materials: stopwatch, stadiometer, scales, centimeter tape.


1. Definition of an individual constitution.

1) Determine the type of your constitution based on the above.

2) Give a brief description of this type.

2. Determination of body type.

1) Measure, using a centimeter tape, the circumference of the wrist at the narrowest point of the wrist joint.

2) Make a conclusion about the type of physique based on the following data: if women have a wrist circumference of less than 14 cm, we can talk about a fragile physique, if from 14 to 16.5 cm - about average, and if over 16.5 cm - about dense . In men, a wrist circumference of less than 16.5 cm indicates a fragile physique, from 16.5 to 18 cm - about the average, more than 18 cm - about dense.

3. Comparison of height (P) with the average age indicator

1) Measure your height.

2) Compare your height with the result in the table.

3) Conclude how your height corresponds to your age

    Determination of harmonious development according to the Erisman index.

1) Calculate the fortress index according to the formula. Erisman index (strength index): OGR - 1/2 growth

2) Compare the results obtained with the norm (normal at 9 - 18 years = 1 - 3 cm).

3) Make a conclusion considering that harmonious development is observed if three parameters (weight, height, chest circumference) correspond to age, or they are all equally increased, or decreased by more than 10%. With disharmonious development, their inconsistency with each other is observed.

Practical work No. 15

"Studying examples of heroism and military partnership of Russian soldiers."

Target. consolidation of knowledge about heroism, military partnership and the acquisition of practical skills when working with a textbook.

2. Make a thesis summary.

3. Answer questions.

Control questions.

    Name the basic concepts and definitions of patriotism of a Russian citizen and soldier.

    What is the military duty of the servicemen of the RF Armed Forces expressed in?

    What is the significance of military partnership in combat conditions and in the daily life of units and subunits?

Nomads of the Kuban steppes.
Cuban studies grade 5

1. Fill in the gaps in the text.

At the beginning of the 1st millennium BC. in the North-Western Caucasus there was a transition from the era bronze To early iron age.
Historians call early iron century period from 8th century BC. on 4th century AD.

2. How has the activity of people changed with the advent of iron tools? What did these changes lead to?

Iron gave man tools of such hardness and sharpness that none of the previously known materials could resist. The use of iron products has dramatically increased human productivity. This was especially noticeable in agriculture and handicraft production. To cultivate the land, instead of a hoe, they began to use a plow with an iron plowshare. To bring it into action, the draft power of cattle was used.

3. Fill in the gaps in the diagram.

4. Restore the sequence of actions of the Scythians when they performed the funeral rite. Enter the appropriate letter designation in the cells and read the name of the ancient Greek historian who described the burial ritual of the deceased.

O - Construction of the grave pit.
G - Embalming the body of the deceased.
R - Farewell to the deceased.
E - Detour of subject tribes.
D - Ritual murder of servants, concubines.
O - The construction of the barrow.
T - Commitment of feast.

Answer: Herodotus

5. Compare the way of life of the Scythians and Sarmatians. Fill the table.

Questions for comparison


1. Basic classes nomadic pastoralism nomadic pastoralism, to a lesser extent engaged in agriculture, pottery and leather crafts
2. Funeral rite burial rite used burial mounds of the Bronze Age
3. Armament akinak sword, bow and arrows with bronze tips, long spears, cast bronze helmet helmet and shell made of raw cowhide, iron chain mail, shell, arrows, sword with a ring pommel, spear.
4. Famous burial mounds Kostroma, Kelermes, burial mounds near the village of Ulyap "Golden Cemetery" from the village of Kazanskaya to the village of Voronezh

6. What did the military equipment of the Scythians consist of? Describe armor and weapons.

The armament of the Scythians consisted of an akinak sword, a small bow and arrows with bronze cast tips, and a bronze cast helmet. The Scythians decorated horse harness, clothes and many household items with images of animals. In this regard, the concept of "animal style" arose.

7. Make a plan for the story "Mound in the steppe." Illustrate one of his episodes.

1. The expedition worked on the Ponura River
2. Clearing the burial
3. Finds in the burial of a warrior of the 2nd c. BC.
4. Peer into the past through the ages
5. Zorsin's equipment for the last journey

8. Define the meaning of the terms. Write down the words that caused difficulties in studying the material of the paragraph. Determine their meaning.

Scraper- earth-moving machine with a bucket, used for leveling surfaces.

Trophies- property, weapons, captured by the winner during the war.

Celts- ancient warlike tribes that lived in Western Europe.

Griffin- a fantastic creature that combines parts of the body of a lion and a bird of prey.

Trizna- a funeral rite among the Eastern Slavs, consisted of songs, dances, feasts and military competitions in honor of the deceased. Trizna was performed near the burial place after the burning of the deceased.

9. On contour map 3 (p. 28), mark the Scythian mounds and the Sarmatian "Golden Cemetery".

Introduction Logical problems can be solved in different ways, each of them has its own scope. In this presentation, you will learn something about these techniques. After getting acquainted in detail, you will understand in which cases it is more convenient to use one or the other method.

Goals and objectives Basic techniques and methods for solving logical problems There are several different ways to solve logical problems. Let's call them like this: Method of reasoning; Table method; Graph method; Flowchart method; billiard method; Euler circle method. Let us dwell separately on each of the selected methods, illustrating them with examples of solving specific problems.

Method of reasoning Task 1. The method of reasoning is the most primitive way. This method solves the simplest logical problems. His idea is that we carry out reasoning, using successively all the conditions of the problem, and come to a conclusion, which will be the answer to the problem.

The method of tables Task 2. The main technique used in solving textual logical problems is to build tables. Tables not only allow you to visualize the condition of the problem or its answer, but to a large extent help to draw the correct logical conclusions in the course of solving the problem.

Method of Graphs Problem 3. A graph is several points, some of which are connected to each other by segments or arrows (in this case, the graph is called oriented). Suppose we need to establish a correspondence between two types of objects (sets). The dots denote the elements of the sets, and the correspondence between them is denoted by thick lines. A thin line will combine two elements that do not correspond to each other.

Flowchart Method Problem 4. In this section, another type of logical problem is considered. These are tasks in which it is required to measure a certain amount of liquid using vessels of known capacities, as well as tasks associated with the weighing operation on a pan balance. The simplest method for solving problems of this class is to enumerate possible options. It is clear that such a solution method is not entirely successful, it is difficult to single out any general approach to solving other similar problems. A more systematic approach to solving transfusion problems is to use flow charts. The essence of this method is as follows. First, there are operations that allow us to accurately measure the liquid. These operations are called commands. Then the sequence of execution of the selected commands is established. This sequence is drawn up in the form of a diagram. Such diagrams are called block diagrams and are widely used in programming. The compiled block diagram is a program, the execution of which can lead us to the solution of the task. To do this, it is enough to note what amounts of liquid can be obtained by running the compiled program. In this case, a separate table is usually filled out, in which the amount of liquid in each of the available vessels is entered.

Method of mathematical billiards Problem 5. We hope that you know the game of billiards at a rectangular table with pockets. Having appeared before our era in India and China, billiards after many centuries migrated to European countries - there is a mention of it in the English chronicles of the 6th century. In Russia, billiards became known and spread under Peter I. Just as the gambling game of dice brought to life the "calculus" of probabilities, the game of billiards served as the subject of serious scientific research in mechanics and mathematics. Imagine a horizontal billiard table of arbitrary shape, but without pockets. A point ball moves on this table without friction, reflecting absolutely elastically from the sides of the table. The question is, what could be the trajectory of this ball? The search for an answer to this question gave rise to the theory of mathematical billiards or the theory of trajectories. In this section, we present one elegant application of mathematical billiards to solving transfusion problems. The tasks of pouring liquids can be very easily solved by drawing a billiard ball trajectory reflected from the sides of a table having the shape of a parallelogram.

Euler circle method Problem 6. Euler circles - problems on the intersection or union of sets This is a new type of problems in which it is required to find some intersection of sets or their union, observing the conditions of the problem. Euler circles - a geometric diagram with which you can depict the relationship between subsets, for visual representation. Euler's method is indispensable for solving some problems, and also simplifies reasoning. However, before proceeding to solve the problem, it is necessary to analyze the condition. Sometimes it is easier to solve a problem with the help of arithmetic operations.

Back Task 1. Vadim, Sergey and Mikhail study different foreign languages: Chinese, Japanese and Arabic. When asked what language each of them studied, one answered: "Vadim is studying Chinese, Sergey is not studying Chinese, and Mikhail is not studying Arabic." Subsequently, it turned out that in this answer only one statement is true, and the other two are false. What language is each of the young people learning? Solution. There are three statements. If the first statement is true, then the second is also true, since young men learn different languages. This contradicts the condition of the problem, so the first statement is false. If the second statement is true, then the first and third must be false. It turns out that no one studies Chinese. This contradicts the condition, so the second statement is also false. It remains to consider the third statement to be true, and the first and second statements to be false. Therefore, Vadim is not studying Chinese, Sergey is studying Chinese. Answer: Sergei is studying Chinese, Mikhail is studying Japanese, and Vadim is studying Arabic.

Task 2. Three clowns Bim, Bam and Bom entered the arena in red, green and blue shirts. Their shoes were the same colors. Bim's shirt and shoe colors matched. Bohm had neither shoes nor shirt red. Bam was wearing green shoes and a shirt of a different color. How were the clowns dressed? Solution. Let's make a table, in the columns of which we note the possible colors of clown shirts and shoes (letters K, Z and C denote red, green and blue colors). We will fill in the table using the conditions of the problem. Bam's shoes are green, but the shirt is not green. We put the + sign in the cell of the 2nd row and 5th column, and the sign - in the cell of the 2nd row and 2nd column. Therefore, Bim and Bohm's shoes can no longer be green, just as Bam's shoes cannot be blue or red. Let's put it all in the table.

Back Next, Bohm's shoes and shirt are not red, we mark the corresponding cells of the table with the sign -. From the table filled in at this stage, we see that only Bim can have red shoes, and, therefore, Bohm's shoes are blue. The right side of the table is filled in, we have set the colors of the clown shoes (Table 1). The color of Beam's shirt matches the color of his shoes and is red. Now the owner of the green shirt is easily installed - Bom. Bam, in this case, is wearing a blue shirt. We have completely filled in the table, in which the colors of the clowns' shoes and shirts are unambiguously established (see Table 2): Bim is dressed in a red shirt and red shoes, Bam is in a blue shirt and green shoes, Bom is in a green shirt and blue shoes. Answer: Bim is wearing a red shirt and red shoes, Bam is wearing a blue shirt and green shoes, Bom is wearing a green shirt and blue shoes.

Back Task 3. Petya, Gena, Dima and Vova are engaged in different sections in the children's sports school: gymnastics, basketball, volleyball and athletics. Petya, Dima and the volleyball player are in the same class. Petya and Gena go to training together on foot, and the gymnast rides the bus. The athlete is not familiar with either the basketball player or the volleyball player. Which boy is in which section? Solution is the answer. Petya is a basketball player, Gena is a volleyball player, Dima is a gymnast, and Vova is an athlete.

Problem 4. There are two vessels - three-liter and five-liter. It is necessary, using these vessels, to obtain 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 liters of water. We have a faucet and a sink where you can pour water. Solution. Let's list all the possible operations that can be used by us, and introduce the following abbreviations for them: NB - fill a larger vessel with tap water; HM - fill a smaller vessel with water from the tap; OB - empty a larger vessel by pouring water into the sink; OM - empty a smaller vessel by pouring water into the sink; B → M - pour from a larger one into a smaller one until the larger vessel is empty or the smaller vessel is full; M → B - pour from a smaller one into a larger one until the smaller vessel is empty or the larger vessel is full. We single out only three teams among the listed ones: NB, B→M, OM. In addition to these three commands, consider two more auxiliary commands: B = 0? - see if the larger vessel is empty; M = Z? - see if the small vessel is full. Depending on the results of this inspection, we proceed to execute the next command on one of two keys - "yes" or "no". Such commands in programming are usually called "conditional jump" commands and are depicted in block diagrams in the form of a rhombus with two output keys.

Back Let's now agree on the sequence of execution of the selected commands. After B → M, we will perform OM whenever the smaller vessel is full, and NB whenever the larger vessel is emptied. We will depict the sequence of commands in the form of a block diagram (Fig. 1). Let's start the program. We will record how the amount of water in the vessels changes if we act according to the above scheme. The results will be presented in the form of a table (table). Then this sequence will be completely repeated. From the table we see that the amount of water in both vessels together forms the following sequence: 0, 5, 2, 7, 4, 1, 6, 3, 0, etc. Thus, acting according to the above scheme, you can measure any number of liters from 1 to 7. To measure another 8 liters, you need to fill both vessels.

Problem 5. There are two vessels - three-liter and five-liter. It is necessary, using these vessels, to obtain 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 liters of water. We have a faucet and a sink where you can pour water. Solution. In the problem under consideration, the sides of the parallelogram must have lengths of 3 and 5 units. We will plot the amount of water in liters horizontally in a 5-liter vessel, and vertically - in a 3-liter vessel. The entire parallelogram is covered with a grid of identical equilateral triangles (see Fig. 1). A billiard ball can only move along straight lines that form a grid on a parallelogram. After hitting the sides of the parallelogram, the ball is reflected and continues to move along the edge emerging from the point where the collision occurred. In addition, each point of the parallelogram, in which the collision occurs, fully characterizes how much water is in each of the vessels.

Back Let the ball be in the lower left corner and, after the impact, begin to move up along the left side of the parallelogram until it reaches the upper side at point A. This means that we have completely filled the small vessel with water. Having been reflected elastically, the ball will roll down to the right and hit the lower side at point B, whose coordinates are 3 horizontally and 0 vertically. This means that there are 3 liters of water in the large vessel, and there is no water in the small vessel, that is, we poured water from the small vessel into the large vessel. Tracing the further path of the ball and recording all the stages of its movement in the form of a separate table (Table 1), in the end, we get to point H, which corresponds to the state when the small vessel is empty, and there are 4 liters of water in the large vessel. Thus, the answer was received and the sequence of transfusions was indicated, allowing to measure 4 liters of water. All 8 transfusions are shown schematically in the table.

Back Task 6. "Inhabited island" and "Stilyagi". Some of the guys in our class like to go to the movies. It is known that 15 guys watched the film "Inhabited Island", 11 people - the film "Dandies", of which 6 watched both "Inhabited Island" and "Dandies". How many people watched only the movie "Dandies"? Solution. We draw two sets in this way: 6 people who watched the films "Inhabited Island" and "Hipsters" are placed at the intersection of the sets. 15 - 6 = 9 - people who watched only "Inhabited Island". 11 - 6 = 5 - people who watched only Stilyagi. We get: Answer. 5 people watched only "Dandies".

1. Give definitions of concepts:

a) Emergency ______________________________________

b) natural disaster _______________________________________________


c) accident _____________________________________________________


2. From the following emergencies, select those that apply:

a) to an emergency of a natural nature ____________________________________


b) to an emergency of a man-made nature __________________________________


Dam break, epidemic, tornado, forest fire, mudflow, radiation accident, explosion, volcanic eruption, extreme heat, chemical accident, railway accident, flood, fire, landslide, storm.

3. In the above diagram, fill in the sequence of actions of a person who finds himself in a blockage, provided that he does not have the opportunity to get out.

4. In order to attract the attention of people in case of an emergency, before the transmission of speech information, electric sirens, production beeps and other signaling devices are turned on. This means that a warning signal is given, which is called _________________________________________________


At this signal, you must ___________________________________


Topic: "Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations" (RSChS)

1. Complete the sentence.

The unified state system for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations was created with the aim of __________________________


2. Fill in the table.

3. From the list below, select and underline the forces and means of emergency response.

Bodies of inspection and supervision; formations and parts of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia; MO RF; Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; services that analyze the state of the natural environment; food control services; paramilitary and non-military firefighting, emergency rescue, restoration and emergency technical formations of federal executive bodies; services supervising potentially dangerous objects; establishment and formation of the All-Russian Service for Disaster Medicine.

4. State at least three proposals that define the rights of Russian citizens in the field of protection against emergency situations.

a) __________________________________________________________


b) _________________________________________________


v) ___________________________________________________________


Topic: "Legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation to ensure the security of the individual, society and the state"

1. Complete the scheme

2. From the following state bodies, select and underline the one whose competence includes consideration of foreign and domestic policy issues of the Russian Federation in the field of security, strategic problems of state, economic, public and other types of security, public health protection, emergency prevention and overcoming their consequences, ensuring stability and law and order.

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Security Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Security Council of the Russian Federation, the Interdepartmental Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergencies.

3. Complete the table by indicating in it the names of the laws of the Russian Federation in accordance with the purpose.

4. Complete the sentence.

The federal law "On Road Safety" defines _________________________________________________


Topic: "Civil defense as a system of measures to protect the population in wartime"

1. Define the concept:

Civil defense ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Complete the table on the levels and governing bodies of the Civil Defense of the Russian Federation.

3. Outline at least three main tasks in the field of civil defense, defined by the Federal Law "On Civil Defense"


4. From the plans below, select and underline the one that is being developed in an educational institution in order to reduce the size of human losses and material damage in the event of emergencies in wartime.

Plan of action for the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations. Evacuation plan. civil defense plan. Emergency Alert and Communication Plan.

Topic: "Modern means of destruction and their damaging factors"

1. Define the concepts:

a) nuclear weapons _____________________________________________

b) chemical weapons __________________________________________


c) bacteriological weapons __________________________________


2. Complete the table on the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion.

3. List the main signs of the use of bacteriological weapons: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Complete the scheme reflecting the classification of toxic substances, depending on the effect on the human body.

Topic: "The main measures of the RSChS and civil defense to protect the population in peacetime and wartime"

1. Define the concepts:

a) notification ________________________________________________

b) shelter _________________________________________________


c) emergency rescue operations ________________________________


2. Complete the sentence.

Auxiliary means of warning in limited areas include _____________________________________________


3. Premises in shelters are basic and auxiliary. Underline the ones listed below that are the most important.

Filtering chambers, a room for a power plant, compartments for accommodating people, rooms for bathrooms, a pantry, a first-aid post, vestibules.

4. Fill in the table characterizing the purpose, principle of operation and device of the civil gas mask GP-7

Operating principle

5. The main content of emergency rescue operations are actions to save people. They are carried out, as a rule, in four stages. List these steps






Option 1

1. Complete the scheme

2. Complete the table on the classification of crimes.

3. Complete the sentences.

To prevent and eliminate emergency situations within the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, _____

Subsystems of RSChS

To organize work to protect the population and territories from emergency situations, federal executive authorities create ______________________________________________

subsystems of the RSChS.

4. List the main signs of the use of chemical weapons.


5. Complete the diagram on the classification of personal protective equipment.

Option 2

1. List at least five rules of safe behavior in public places

2. Complete the diagram.

3. List in the established sequence of actions during partial sanitization in case of contamination with radioactive substances.


4. List the main legislative acts of the Russian Federation in the field of security ____________


5. Complete the sentence.

Rescue operations are actions for __________


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