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Mercury x c. It is necessary to indicate in the application

The main purpose of the system:

The automated system Mercury is intended for electronic certification of goods supervised by the State Veterinary Inspection, tracking the path of their movement across the territory of the Russian Federation in order to create a unified information environment for veterinary medicine, and improve biological and food safety.

Purposes of creation:

Reducing the time for processing the accompanying veterinary documentation due to the automation of this process.
- Automatic accounting of the incoming and outgoing volume of products at the enterprise (refrigerator, warehouse, MPP, etc.).
- Entering and storing information about the samples taken for the study of imported products.
- Ability to track the movement of a consignment across the territory of the Russian Federation, taking into account its fragmentation.
- Reduction of labor, material and financial costs for registration of an IRR by replacing secure paper forms of IRR with electronic versions.
- Minimization of human errors, thanks to the availability of ready-made forms for entering information, as well as checking the data entered by the user.

Creation of a single centralized database for quick access to relevant information, for generating reports, searching and analyzing information.

Getting access:

For business entities

According to the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2016 No. 589, registration in the Mercury system is carried out as follows:

Individual entrepreneur
has the right to send a paper application by mail to the Rosselkhoznadzor or one of its Territorial Departments;
or in electronic form to the e-mail address of the Rosselkhoznadzor: [email protected] signed by an individual entrepreneur simple digital signature .

The application is submitted by a person authorized for these purposes by this organization in writing on the organization's letterhead signed by its head (deputy head) to the Rosselkhoznadzor or one of its Territorial Departments;
either in the form of an electronic document certified by an enhanced qualified electronic signature organization or its head (deputy head), sent by e-mail [email protected]

Information about the Territorial Administrations of the Rosselkhoznadzor is located at the link:

The application must indicate:

Name of the organization;
Legal address;
The actual address;
TIN, checkpoint;
Type of certified activity;
Full name of the employee who will be assigned the Administrator role.

General system diagram

The system "Mercury" is implemented as a web application, i.e. users interact with the system via the Internet. This ensures that all users always have access to up-to-date information. The work is carried out using a common web browser (browser), such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc. Thus, the user does not need to install anything at his workplace.

The system "Mercury" is located on a central server, which is also connected to the Internet, and is engaged in processing requests received from users and generating responses. Since the central server may be unavailable (for example, if it is disconnected from the Internet or there is no power supply), a geographically remote backup server is provided, which is automatically replicated with the central one and, if it is disconnected, starts processing user requests until the main server is restored.

Rice. 1. Diagram of the organization of the user's work with the system

To work with the Mercury system, it is recommended to use the Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browser version 3.0 or higher. It also supports Internet Explorer 7.0 and higher, which is included with the Windows operating system. Work in other browsers (Opera, Safari, etc.) has not been fully tested. To enter the system, the user must type a specific address in the address bar of the browser and enter into the system his username and password given to the employee when registering in the system.

In the event that the user temporarily does not have access to the Internet, the development of a desktop version of the Mercury system is envisaged, which will require installation at the workplace and with which users can work in the absence of a connection to the network, and when it appears, they can synchronize those entered on the local computer. data with a central server.

Scheme of the system (import of products into the Russian Federation)

Rice. 2. Scheme of the system on the example of the import of products into the Russian Federation

Explanations for the diagram:

- The temporary storage warehouse receives imported cargo for veterinary inspection and full customs clearance. Here the cargo is inspected and a veterinary certificate is issued for the transportation of the cargo to the consignee's warehouse.
- The shipment follows the executed veterinary certificate to the consignee's warehouse; when the cargo arrives at the warehouse, information about it enters the warehouse input log, and the veterinary certificate is canceled.
- When the goods are sent to the final recipient or to another warehouse, a new veterinary accompanying document (veterinary certificate or certificate) is issued.
- The cargo, according to the issued VSD, goes to another warehouse or is sent to the final consignee; the final consignee cancels the VSD through which the goods arrived.

System update

The automated system Mercury is constantly being improved and, in view of the changes introduced, is regularly updated. The system update process takes place on the server and does not affect the user's work.

You can use the list of FAQs - frequently asked questions about the Mercury system.

We remind you that SDR plans to hold a round table on Mercury at the open Autumn Forum of SDR on September 19 as part of the ParkZoo exhibition.

28.06.2018 0

What is Mercury GVE, how to use it and what issues does it solve?

On July 1, 2018, a new law comes into force in the Russian Federation. According to it, all goods of the veterinary industry must be registered in the special information system Mercury.

This system consists of subsystems, each of which is designed for specific tasks. Mercury GVE is responsible for the implementation of the state examination. How this software works and what functions it performs is described in this article.

General information about the program

Thanks to the Mercury system, all substances used for the production of veterinary products, as well as finished goods, become certified.

Information about each issued certificate is stored in a single database, so anyone who has access can check the permission to transport one or another product, where and where it is transported from and in what quantity.

In order for a product to receive an electronic certificate, its samples must undergo a state examination. All operations related to sampling and laboratory research are reflected in the Mercury GVE system.

The main tasks that can be solved using this software are:

  • View of the veterinary accompanying documents, drawn up in the subsystem Mercury temporary storage warehouse.
  • Cancellation of these documents with automatic display of these actions in the log of the company that received the goods.
  • Logging information about manufactured products.
  • Registration of veterinary accompanying documents according to the data contained in the magazines.
  • The ability to automatically draw up acts of prohibition, inspection and other veterinary documents.
  • Checking the volume of goods according to the available IRR and automatically changing the data in the journal.
  • Registration of acts on taking samples of products. All acts are in electronic form.
  • Drawing up reports based on the data contained in the magazines and drawn up veterinary accompanying documents.

How do I get access to the system?


Veterinary medicine registration in Mercury is carried out with the help of Rosselkhoznadzor. A corresponding statement must be sent to this organization. It can be taken to one of the branches or sent to the postal address by e-mail.

When sending an application over the Internet, it must be supported by an electronic signature. For individual entrepreneurs, it is quite common, but organizations will have to use an enhanced qualified electronic signature for these purposes.

Applications from individual entrepreneurs must be sent to the address [email protected], there is a separate email for organizations - [email protected]... In response to the application, Rosselkhoznadzor provides customers with a username and password. They are suitable not only for using GVE and other subsystems of Mercury, but also for authorization in such state information software as Hermes, Vesta, Assol, Cerberus, Argus, Irena and others.


To enter Mercury GVE, you need to go to the official website of the program and use the username and password received from the Rosselkhoznadzor.

This is what the Mercury GVE login page looks like

Personal Area

Since the program is designed as a web application, it can be accessed from any computer connected to the Internet with a standard browser. After authorization, the user has the opportunity to get into his personal account and use all the functions of the Mercury GVE system.

However, not all users can form and cancel applications for veterinary accompanying documents. During registration, the status of an employee of the organization and the tasks that he should be engaged in can be indicated. In this case, after entering the application, only the specified tasks will be at its disposal.

What functions does it perform?

Cargoes at temporary storage warehouse

Extinguishing VSD upon receipt of products

The GIS Mercury provides for the function of canceling veterinary certificates. In order for the veterinarian to be able to redeem the certificate of the goods received by the company, he needs to go to the information system and select the item Cargo at the temporary storage warehouse. Then open the Decorated vet section. certificates. In the list that appears, select the desired document and click on the icon responsible for its status.

A window with the heading IRR suppression will appear on the screen. It should include:

  • The date when the goods arrived,
  • Type of container,
  • The number of units of goods,
  • The period until which the goods are considered valid.
  • Volume.

When all the fields are filled in, you should click on the Save button. As a result, a new line with the entered information will be displayed in the Input production section.

If it is necessary to specify several production dates, the IRR must be cleared for each record separately by selecting the Save and add more button.

The Business entity field, which may appear on the IRR cancellation page, indicates that the company that delivered the cargo is not its final recipient. In this case, in this field, enter the name of the next owner who has a connection with the company that has the cargo at the moment.

If the volume of the received cargo coincides with the volume of the cargo that was repaid, then in the section Vet. certificates, the inscription Redeemed will appear next to this name. Also, the received cargo can be repaid in parts, according to the required volumes, as a result of which several entries appear in the journal.

If you specify incorrect data during the registration of the IRR in the Mercury GVE system, or if you need to cancel the cancellation of the certificate, you can delete the changes made. To do this, you need to click on the icon responsible for the status of the document. A window will appear in front of the user, in which he needs to explain why his actions were canceled, and press the Cancel blanking button.

As soon as the cancellation has been made, the list of canceled records is replenished with one more, and the data in the input log is automatically changed. In this case, all actions are recorded in the history of the document and can be displayed by clicking View vet. certificate.

Product magazine

Keeping a log of input and processed products

On the official website of Mercury GVE, it is possible to fill out the magazine with information about the goods that arrive at the enterprise. It can be entered manually or by canceling the veterinary certificates according to which the goods were delivered.
Log of the entrance operation to Mercury GVE

The presence of manual input was created for the period of the transition from paper documents to electronic ones. Also, the need to enter data by hand may arise if the cargo came from Kazakhstan or Belarus, where veterinary documents are paper-based.

In order to add a new line to the journal, the user needs to select the Product Journal item and click on the add button. A window will open for the user to enter data on the received products. Fields to fill in:

  • Product owner.
  • Product name and volume.
  • Best before date.
  • The number of products.
  • The date when the goods arrived at the organization.
  • The country in which the products were manufactured.
  • Marking.
  • Information about the accompanying veterinary documents.

Fields for filling out the log of the entrance operation to Mercury GVE

Also, in Mercury GVE, the use of which is mandatory, according to Rosselkhoznadzor, there is an opportunity to create acts for sampling, enter data on veterinary examinations and laboratory experiments carried out on selected goods.

Filling out the journal, where the goods produced by the enterprise are marked, is carried out in the Mercury GVE subsystem using the Transactions item. Going to this section, you should select the Add item and indicate the type of transaction in the form that opens. After saving the type, you need to add the owner of the product. The magnifying glass icon will help you find the name of the company.

Vetsanexpertiza in Mercury GVE

Carrying out a veterinary sanitary examination helps to check the produced and distributed goods for compliance with existing standards and norms. The Mercury program, developed for veterinary medicine, allows you to create conclusions in which you can describe the results of the analyzes performed.

Such opinions apply only to products placed on the market. For goods sold on other sites, laboratory tests are carried out. Information about them is entered into another section of the program.

To draw up a document on the examination, the user must open the log of input products and, opposite the required entry, click on the Add button.
Adding vetsanexpertiza to the magazine

The window that opens indicates the volume of the goods that passed the examination and the number of units in each package. Then, in a new form, the obtained indicators should be added. For each of them, the actual value, conclusion and result are entered. During data changes, the user can edit, delete records, and also undo their actions.

As a result, on the page for viewing information about the expertise, you can see a table containing the name of the indicator and data for each of them. For clarity of display, the records are marked with color depending on their compliance with the indicators.

So, green indicates a norm, red indicates a strict violation of standards, and gray indicates dubious products.

Enter the quantity of goods

Based on the data obtained, the user can take a sample and send it for laboratory research. To complete the registration of veterinary sanitary examination in the Mercury GVE subsystem, you should click the Conclusion button and make a decision to allow or prohibit this product.

As a result of the above actions, two buttons with the name Conclusion and Coupon will appear on the card with information about the product, by clicking on which you will get access to print these documents. If the expert has banned the distribution of this product, only the button that allows you to print the ban act will be active.

Upon completion of the examination in the input journal, the line about the analyzed product will turn green if it is approved for sale, red if not. In the case when the color did not change, no decision was made on this product.

Registration of the act of sampling is carried out in the journal of input production. To do this, open the required entry, click on additional information and select the Take sample item.

After that, the user needs to fill in all the fields of the opened form, including:

  • Surname, name and patronymic of the state inspector,
  • The object in control. It is selected from the data available in the Cerberus system.
  • The name of the tested product.
  • Its volume.
  • Date of manufacture and expiry date.
  • Justification why the study was ordered.
  • Product owner data.
  • Date when the sample was taken and its volume.
  • Regulations.
  • The number or name of the laboratory in which the tests will be carried out.
  • The result of the inspection of the goods.

Adding a sampling report

When laboratory studies are carried out and the employee enters the results into the Vesta system, they will be displayed in the Mercury subsystem of the GVE. The sampling report must be drawn up in four copies and sent to the four competent authorities.

Thus, a situation is created in which the laboratory does not know for whom it is conducting the research, and the enterprise cannot transfer the sample number to the laboratory technicians, and thereby influence the results.

You can view the studies performed and submit the necessary certificates for printing using the Samples item of the Mercury GVE system.

Non-compliance act

In the event that the received goods do not correspond to the established quantity or quality, the receiving party must create an act of non-compliance.

For these purposes, in the Mercury GVE system, you need to click on the Inventory item and select the Add button in the header of the table that opens. Next, a form is filled in, which indicates the date when the inventory was carried out and the name of the person who carried it. Having saved this information, the revealed inconsistencies are added in the next window by clicking the button next to the corresponding item.
The point of adding an act of non-compliance

After that, the user chooses which of the operations he wants to carry out - add new information to the log, change the already entered, or delete one of the existing records. Depending on the selected type of operation, fields for performing the necessary actions will be generated.

To change and delete lines, you need to select a product type and search for a record. To commit the changes, click on the Save button, which will return the user to the View inventory request window. Here you can also make amendments to the already created table by adding, deleting and changing applications, which are marked in green, red and yellow, respectively.

Also, the veterinary system Mercury allows you to cancel the generated table or complete its creation by clicking on the Checkout button. As a result, a note will appear at the top of the page stating that the application has been completed.

To print the Non-Compliance Act, you need to click on the number of the journal entry in the table, select the item of the same name in the form that opens and click on the Print button located below.
Window for printing the act of non-conformity

In the event that there is a need to print an application containing all the entered acts by the specified date, the print button should be clicked in the inventory application viewing window.


Creation and execution of transactions

In order to issue a veterinary certificate in Mercury, the user creates a transaction. They can be of different types, including:

  • Moving cargo from one warehouse to another with a change in its owner.
  • Moving cargo from one warehouse to another without changing its owner.
  • Changing the owner of the cargo without moving it.
  • Processing of cargo.

A new transaction is created by going to the section of the same name and clicking on the Add button located at the top of the table.

In the window that opens, select which of the listed types the created transaction has. In the case when the cargo will be moved, the user also indicates on what type of transport the movement will be carried out, and how this cargo will be stored during transportation.

When changing the vehicle in the process, information about this fact must be displayed in the Mercury GVE system, approved by the Rosselkhoznadzor. To do this, in the transaction creation window, select the Add button located next to the Route item, and fill in the fields that appear with information about the point at which the transshipment will take place, the new means of transportation and its license plate.

After saving the entered data, it will be possible to add recipients of the goods by clicking on the button of the same name. In the window that opens, the name of the company that sends the goods, a possible intermediary, recipient, and TTN data is entered. The Save button located at the bottom of the window returns the user to the form for viewing information about the transaction being created.

Further, in the generated table, opposite each recipient, it is necessary to indicate the cargo by pressing the button with the image of a white plus on a green circle. In the window that appeared, the owner of the product is selected and one of the journal entries corresponding to the desired one is selected, after which the rest of the data is filled in, and the saving is made.

The entered transaction records can be edited, deleted, or completed by clicking on the Checkout button. Also in the subsystem Mercury GVE, you can create templates for some transactions for easier filling of subsequent data.

When the user clicks on the Checkout button, the system checks whether the movement of products matches the existing conditions and issues one of three possible verdicts: allow transportation, prohibit or allow, but with certain conditions.

When one of the restrictions is hit, a message is displayed, where each condition of movement for each of the goods is described in detail. If a group of goods fell under the ban, then the registration of the document becomes impossible. However, if this group is not the only one, removing it from the list will allow the user to get permission.

To eliminate the limiting factors, it is necessary that all requirements are met. Their fulfillment is confirmed by setting the checkboxes next to each item.

Upon completion of the transaction, the system generates one of the forms of the veterinary accompanying document. The type of the received form depends on which of the transaction types was selected during creation.

Write-off of input products

The Mercury program, developed for veterinary medicine, allows you to take into account in the journal the name and quantity of products received at the enterprise and their export from it. If an organization processes raw materials, then its employee should gradually write off part of the goods as they are used.

The type of such a transaction in the Mercury subsystem GVE is called processing. To create it, you need to go to the Transactions section and click on the Add button, and then select the desired type.

In the window that opens, you need to add the owner of the product. It can be selected from the organizations available in the database. You can open a list with them by clicking on the magnifying glass icon. Owner information can be edited or deleted.

If everything is entered correctly, each owner needs to add the product that was used for processing. The add window opens after clicking on the button with a white plus on a green background.

In this window, a product category is selected, and the corresponding line with its name. These actions will open additional information to the user, where you should indicate the volume of goods that was used, and in the Purpose column, select the Processing item. Then the information must be saved. To complete the transaction, the user must select the Write off button in the viewing window.

Each person may have a situation when incorrect data was entered. The Mercury GVE system allows you to cancel the registration. You need to go to the Transactions section and select the Checked out subsection. Among the available records, the user selects the one that needs to be canceled and clicks on View details. In the window that opens, you should find the inscription Cancel and write in a special field the reason for the cancellation.

WIP clearance

There are production processes in which the amount of raw materials that are used to create a new batch is unknown until the moment when it is completely produced. This also applies to organizations where the formation of a batch takes a long time, and the shipment of goods begins before the end of production.

For such cases, in the electronic subsystem Mercury GVE there is a transaction type called Work in progress. It makes it possible to create certificates in the field of animal feeding and treatment without the need to indicate the amount of raw materials used. It is recorded later, when the production is completed and the quantity becomes known.

To form such a transaction, the user must log in to the system from the user account with access to the company, or from the administrator account.

To create a transaction you need to:

  • Go to the Transactions section and click on the Add item;
  • Indicate that the type of transaction is recycling;
  • Put the bird below, noting that the production process is not complete;
  • Fill in the required fields;
  • Save changes.

In the window that opens, it is mandatory to fill in the item Manufactured products. Filling in the window with information about it, you must enter the batch number and other parameters of the used product.

The item where the raw material should be described can either not be filled in at all, or all known data can be entered, and the volume can be left zero. You can also write the amount of raw materials that are already available at the time of the creation of the record.

After the user clicks on the Checkout button, the transactions go to the Checked out (unfinished) section, and on the viewing page of each of them, the items Specify products and Specify raw materials appear. When you enter information about one of them, the system updates the transaction without generating new documents and records.

In the subsystem Mercury GVE, the addition of the Production release operation is carried out as follows. First, the user finds the required transaction in the appropriate section. In the view mode, he clicks on the Specify product field and fills in the volume, date, and expiration date fields, after which he saves the entered information. The operation Write-off of raw materials takes place in the same way.

In the transaction viewing mode, the user has the opportunity to complete production by pressing the button of the same name. In this case, the note will appear in the record, and it will become unavailable for editing.

VVD registration for biowaste

Biological waste includes:

  • bodies of birds and animals;
  • their dead babies;
  • confiscated and received as a result of processing goods of animal origin.

According to the resolutions of the Rosselkhoznadzor, appropriate documents must be drawn up for all biological waste. FSIS Mercury GVE allows you to do this by keeping a special product journal. It has the ability to add new records.

To enter the product in question, when filling in the fields in the type of product, you need to indicate Non-food products and others, and below make a note - biowaste.

When all the information is entered into the system, the result is a formalized veterinary accompanying document for biowaste. Its main difference from the usual one is its other uses.

Such a product is subject to one of the possible actions:

  • Recycling;
  • Burial;
  • Recycling;
  • Disinfection.

If the cargo is sent for processing, it must be written off from the journal.


Accounting issued on paper VSD

In accordance with the existing legislation, VSDs, which were drawn up on paper, must be translated electronically and entered into the FSIS Mercury no more than a month after their creation.

To implement this prescription, the user must log in to the system and select the organization from which the cargo was sent.

Next, he needs to create an entry in the product journal using one of the methods described above. After that, the user creates a transaction and fills out the opened form. Some of the fields can be filled in by hand or you can select data from a reference book. To complete the creation of the document, click the Checkout button. Later it can be viewed in the Outbox item or printed.

Cancellation of products received via electronic VSD

In order to pay off the VSD corresponding to the cargo received at the enterprise, you should enter the Mercury GVE subsystem, select the Incoming VSD section and click on the Issued item.

In the list that appears, the required entry is selected and opened for viewing, after which the user will have the opportunity to redeem the document by clicking on the button with the same name at the bottom of the form.

When a product arrives at an organization, it is subject to various kinds of checks. All deviations from the data specified in the accompanying documents must be reflected in the act of non-compliance. It is created if there are deviations immediately after the blanking procedure.

In this case, deviations in quantity, quality are taken into account and the data that were obtained as a result of the check are indicated. After clicking on the blanking button, the system will automatically generate a table with discrepancies. After filling in the required fields and saving the changes, the user will receive a completed document with the ability to print it and the resulting act.

The goods can be accepted without drawing up an act of non-conformity, if the differences do not exceed five percent or there is a slight error in the document.

Search and other work with VSD in Mercury

Any infobase should be able to quickly access available data. The Mercury Veterinary System is no exception. It allows you to search for information, sort and print it.

To work with the documents available in the database, the user must open the VSD section. Clicking on the Search button will open a special form in which you can specify search criteria and additional information, due to which the selection will be reduced to the most suitable data for the query.

The criteria entered in the form are saved, therefore, to display all lines, you need to click on the All records line or on the Clear form button.

To carry out sorting, you need to click on the corresponding button and in the window that appears, select the column by which it will be performed. You can specify up to three criteria at the same time, sorting the data in each in ascending or descending order. Clicking on the button at the bottom of the form closes it, showing the user the sorted records.

The choice of other parameters is carried out by reopening the form, while by default the criteria that were entered the last time will be saved there.

Printing in the subsystem Mercury GVE has several settings. Pressing the button of the same name calls the form. In it, the user is given the opportunity to select the pages and items that should be displayed in the printed report.

You can also specify a range of pages using the dash character and save the generated set of fields by clicking the Save As button. Later it can be found in the drop-down list.

Clicking on the Print button at the bottom of the form will display the generated report on the screen, giving the user an idea of ​​how it will be displayed on paper. Use the standard printing functions of your web browser to send the report in question to the printer.

GVE setting

Editing user information

Since registration and authorization in FSIS Mercury and its subsystem GVE occurs through the Vetis system. Passport, then all data about people using this software is also stored there.

In this regard, to edit one or more data fields about yourself, you need to go to the Vetis website, log in to it, and make the appropriate changes.

The e-mail address and phone number can be found in the special column Contact information. Other information is indicated in the section Employee job information.

Registration of CS in Mercury GVE

In order for the registration of veterinary documents to be able to indicate one of the economic entities, they must be registered in the system.

This action is performed in the Business entities subsection of the Settings section. To enter all the necessary information about the organization in a special form, click on the Register button of the above subsection.

The set of fields in which you need to enter data depends on what type of subject and country the user chooses. Registration should be done with particular care. Subsystem Mercury GVE compares information with already existing subjects in the Cerberus system and does not allow two identical entries.

The fields that must be filled in include: TIN, Address and others.

Maintaining a register of objects

Employees with the Administrator account status have the ability to make changes to the register of controlled objects. To do this, open the Settings section and select the appropriate line.

Among the possibilities available to the user are the addition of new organizations, their search, sorting, viewing and changing the data contained in the system.

According to the existing laws of the Russian Federation, approved thanks to the Rosselkhoznadzor, all business entities working in the field of veterinary medicine must display their activities in the unified electronic system Mercury XC.

In this regard, the enterprises of many of their employees are asked to register there and work through it. What functions this software performs, how to use it, how to create and process veterinary documents, is described in this article.

General information about the program

The main tasks that can be solved using the system under consideration are:

  • Filling in a warehouse journal.
  • Submitting applications for a certificate. In this case, the system itself checks whether there are errors in the filled fields.
  • Display of veterinary documents already available in the database.
  • The ability to create an application and receive a special certificate or certificate from a doctor working in state veterinary medicine.
  • Obtaining other data contained in the system.

How do I get access to the system?


User accounts of all information state systems are interconnected, since the main storage in which their data is located is Vetis Passport.

In this regard, in order to gain access to the system Mercury, Cerberus, Hermes, Assol, Irena, Vesta, etc., you need to register with Vetis.

Rosselkhoznadzor takes over the responsibility for creating accounts. This is where you need to send your application. It can be written on paper and sent by mail, or taken to one of the local offices, where the employee will tell you about the next steps.

It is also possible to submit an application electronically.

Individual entrepreneurs need to certify it with their electronic signature and send it to the mailbox [email protected]... If the document is sent by an organization, then it must contain an enhanced qualified electronic signature. The address to which the representative of the organization should send the application - [email protected].


In order to log into the Mercury CX system, you need to go to the official website and enter your username and password issued by Rosselkhoznadzor in response to the submitted application.

You can also enter the Mercury CX through the State Services account by clicking the appropriate button. But for this, the user must have an account in the VETIS system, in which the SNILS field must be filled.

Personal Area

After entering the Mercury CX subsystem, the user opens his personal account, in which he can perform all the above actions. The program has an intuitive web interface, which allows you to access it from any computer connected to the Internet.

What functions does it perform?


View the status of the application for an export certificate

In the case when the application for export has been submitted and you need to find out what status it has at the moment, you need to enter the Mercury CX subsystem and click on the Applications item.

A list with the orders available in the database will appear on the screen. Among them, you should find your own and look at the Status column. It will display its current status. It can have one of five values:

  • The application has been accepted, then the field in the Status column opposite your application will be highlighted in green.
  • The pink color indicates that the application received a waiver from the territorial administration. In this case, the reason for the refusal will be indicated.
  • Red color if the application was canceled on the initiative of the business entity. Then the reason for the cancellation is also present.
  • If the application has been sent to the Territorial Office, but the employee of this office has not yet reviewed it, then the color of the field will be yellow.
  • If the application is formed, but it was not sent to the Territorial Administration, the field is marked with a gray background.

In order to view all the data available about the request, click the magnifying glass icon opposite it. In the window that opens, in addition to the displayed information, it will also be possible to print this document, cancel the request, cancel it, indicating the reason for the cancellation, or create another one.

For applications with different statuses, the list of available functions may differ.

Adding certificate applications without permission

In the event that there is a need to create an application, in order to obtain a certificate, but there is no export permit, you should go to the Applications section and click on the adding item.

In the window of the Mercury XC system that opens, the required fields are the fields where you need to indicate the type of vehicle used for transportation and the type of goods. The item that there is no permission at the moment is set by default.

After clicking on the Continue button, the next form will open, where you need to enter information about the product, its manufacturer and transportation details. After saving the entered data, the user will see a window for viewing the request being created, and four fields labeled Edit, into which the corresponding documents must be loaded.

This action is mandatory, because without these documents the application will not be considered.

Above the created ticket, you can perform such actions as deleting, printing, sending, editing and canceling.


Cancellation of import veterinary certificates upon receipt of products at the enterprise

Goods arriving from other countries must be checked at customs and registered by employees of the temporary storage warehouse in the Mercury TSW subsystem. At the same time, a separate veterinary certificate is issued for each type of product from each manufacturer, which is stored electronically in the database.

When the cargo arrives at the enterprise, the certificate corresponding to it must be canceled. But an economic entity has the right to do this only if it is indicated as the recipient. Veterinary certificates of the received goods can be canceled in the GIS Mercury XC, not only in full, but also in parts.

To carry out blanking, the user needs:

  • click on the menu item Cargo on temporary storage warehouse,
  • search in the list that opens using the appropriate button, setting the search criteria,
  • click on the white checkmark icon on the green circle opposite the found entry,
  • in the window that opens, indicate when the goods arrived at the enterprise and in what quantity,
  • save the entered information.

Step-by-step algorithm in pictures:

If you make an error in the partial cancellation of the goods, this operation can be canceled. To do this, you need to open the Production Journal, since it is in it that the entire history of changes is stored, and select Input Production. Using the search and the set criteria, you should find the desired entry and open it. In the viewing mode, the user will be able to cancel it using the button of the same name.

If the cargo in the Mercury XC subsystem has been fully repaid, then the corresponding entry should be found in the menu item Loads at the temporary storage warehouse. Cancellation is made by clicking on the cross icon, which is located opposite the desired entry. In this case, in the window that appears, you will need to indicate the reason why the decision to cancel was made.

Cancellation of products received via electronic VSD

When the cargo arrives at its destination, the representative of the economic entity is obliged to remove it from the carrier's company and note in the veterinary certificates of the Mercury XC subsystem that the owner is now his enterprise. This procedure is called quenching.

When the goods arrive accompanied by eVSD, the person responsible for cancellation must inspect the goods and verify the data about it with the information available in the document. To do this, you need to open the completed incoming veterinary documents, find the one that describes the incoming cargo. Open it with the magnifying glass icon and check everything.

If no discrepancies are found, you can proceed with the acceptance of the goods, otherwise the user must draw up an appropriate act, indicating the actual value of the parameters.

Acceptance of the goods implies pressing the Cancellation button and recording the date when the goods were received.

There may be situations when the Redeem button is missing. The reason is the lack of access to such actions. You should check if you are authorized under your account and if your account has the right to change such information. Also, the button will not appear if at the very beginning of the work the company for which the changes are being made was not selected.

Authorized extinguishing of VSD

Sending a request for authorized cancellation and its consideration

FSIS Mercury XC provides for the possibility of canceling electronic veterinary documents by the party that is the consignor of the cargo. This feature can be useful when a large enterprise works with retail outlets.

The latter can shift the responsibility for extinguishing eVSD to suppliers, since this is the only operation due to which they have to use the Mercury subsystem.

This delegation of responsibilities should be done in two stages. First, an application must be generated from the party receiving the cargo, after which the supplier must confirm it. To do this, each of them must have an account in the Vetis Passport and an account with the rights to make changes to the Mercury XC subsystem.

The request is sent in the Settings menu item. The user needs to select the subsection Configuring authorized cancellation and select one of the two items there, and then add a request with the button of the same name.

In the window that will open after completing the above steps, you must select the names of business entities. There may be several of them, but the total number should not exceed twenty positions. Then the generated data should be sent using the button located at the bottom of the window.

All existing inquiries and already established connections between enterprises are stored in the Authorized Cancellation Settings. To cancel a specific request or connection, you need to search for the required record and in the operations column select one of the necessary buttons opposite the found line.

... Authorized extinguishing of eVSD

When a large enterprise is supplying goods to small retailers, it may be inconvenient for them to deal with clearing electronic documents. The supplier then takes over these responsibilities. For such situations, the Rosselkhoznadzor has provided an authorized extinguishing function in the Mercury XC system. It effectively exempts retail stores from e-journaling.

The sequence of actions for authorized extinguishing is similar to the usual one. First, you need to verify the received goods with the information available in the accompanying documents. If any discrepancies are found, draw up an act. If everything matches, accept the goods by redeeming eVSD.

The main difference from the usual cancellation is the search for cargo documents. They must be looked for in the Outgoing folder of the Veterinary documents item, indicating that it is the Authorized cancellation that is needed.

Product magazine

Keeping a log of input production

Having logged into the system, the Mercury XC user gets the opportunity to keep a journal, which will reflect all the goods received at the warehouse. This journal can be filled in by hand, entering all the data yourself. Also, the system allows only cancellation of goods that were accompanied by import or electronic certificates. In this case, all information will be transferred to the log automatically.

Among the tasks that can be performed are:

  • Adding new lines to the journal about goods that arrived in accordance with paper documents.
  • Cancellation of any existing records.
  • The ability to add a template to simplify the introduction of new data.

To add a record, you need to enter data on the input production. To do this, select the Product log menu item and write down all available information in the fields and save it.

Then the user must indicate in the window that opens the data on laboratory tests, among which there must be the date of their conduct, the number of the laboratory, the parameters obtained and the result. This information also needs to be saved and clicked on the finish button.

To create a template in the input log, the user needs to go into it, find the entry on the basis of which the template will be created, and open it for viewing. A corresponding button will appear at the bottom of the window, by clicking on which the template will be saved in the system.

Keeping a journal of products manufactured at the enterprise

In addition to entering information about the products that enter the enterprise, the FSIS Mercury XC has the ability to save data on the goods produced. To do this, go to the Transactions menu item and click on the Add button.

In its type, you need to indicate processing / production, and then enter information about the owners of the goods, about the product itself and about the raw materials from which it was obtained. It should be remembered that the system checks the conformity of raw materials to products. Therefore, such raw materials cannot be recorded in the database, from which goods cannot be produced.

To complete the execution of the document, the user should click on the Write off button. After this action, the system will automatically generate the corresponding entries in the log.

In the case when the employee filling out the journal has few rights to change the database, a special message will be displayed in the window. Then he should redirect this record to the veterinarian, where he can complete it in the Mercury GVE system until the end. To do this, use the Send button, located immediately below the message.

After completing the above steps, the application will receive the status of sent. As soon as the doctor starts working with her, her status will change to Accepted, and when he completes its consideration, she will become Cleared. At each stage, the name of the section in which it is located will correspond to its status.


Creation of an act of inconsistency in Mercury.XC

Upon delivery of goods that do not correspond to the accompanying documents, an employee of the company to which the goods was delivered must create an act of non-compliance. This procedure can be carried out in the Mercury XC subsystem approved by the Rosselkhoznadzor.

To do this, the user must select an item in the menu called Inventory and click on the Add button in the window that opens. The system will prompt you to indicate the date when the inventory of the arrived cargo and the name of the person who carried it was carried out. After saving this data, you should write down information about the detected inconsistencies by clicking on the Add button in the form that opens.

In this case, the system will offer to select the type of operation that the employee is going to carry out:

  • Add a new entry.
  • Make changes to an existing one.
  • Delete one from the database.

Before you can start modifying or deleting a desired entry, you need to find it. The search is carried out by selecting one of the product types and clicking on the magnifying glass icon.

After all the performed actions, the system returns the user to the page for viewing the application. Here you should check the correctness of filling in all the fields and the presence of correct data, click on the Submit button, as a result of which an inventory request will be created.

To print the act of non-conformity, you need to click on the field with the same name in the product information viewing window. A form with data on the selected act will open, and the Print button will appear at the bottom. By clicking on it, the system will show how the generated report looks like. To send it to the printer, the employee should use the standard browser functions.


Adding applications for registration of VSD

Having an account with access to information in the role of a Certified Specialist or an Authorized Person, an employee can independently draw up veterinary documentation for incoming goods and cargo. However, in the absence of such access, he can create an application in the Mercury information system for this procedure to be carried out by the state veterinarian.

To do this, the user must select the Transactions menu item and click on one of the buttons above the list with the name Add. In the window that opens, specify the type of operation. If it involves the movement of cargo, then you also need to highlight the item on which transport the goods will be moved.

After confirming the choice by clicking on the Save button, in the transaction viewing window, the employee needs to select the recipient and the product by clicking on the Add line, opposite the corresponding items.

The system also allows you to create templates for created records, speeding up the subsequent filling of applications.

After clicking on the Checkout button, all entered data are checked by the Mercury XC system in accordance with the instructions available in the database. Based on the results of the check, a verdict message appears at the top of the viewing page.

The system can approve the application and allow transportation. The application may be rejected with an indication of the reasons for such a decision. Also, the system can give consent to transportation, but after the company or employee fulfills certain conditions.

The status of the generated application will also be indicated by its color in the viewing column.

WIP clearance

There are enterprises where the shipment of the manufactured goods can begin before the moment when the entire batch is formed. In other enterprises, the amount of raw materials required to create a certain amount of products can only be found out after they have been released.

In such cases, company employees can create veterinary documents for a product in the Mercury XC program, where it is not necessary to enter its quantity and the volume of raw materials spent on its release. Such an operation is called Work in Progress.

To implement it, the user must visit the page for adding transactions and, when creating a new transaction, indicate processing / production in the type, marking with a checkbox that production is in progress.

Having saved the initial data, the user will be able to enter raw materials and manufactured products in the window that opens using the Add items located near each of these lines.

In this case, the volume of production can be:

  • filled with data available at the moment,
  • not filled at all;
  • filled with zero values, which will create a link between raw materials and products.

After completing the registration of the application and pressing the appropriate button, the entry will acquire a note that it has been issued, but the production is not completed. In this case, the Select raw material button will appear in the browser window, which will allow you to add data as it becomes available. A new line will appear in the product journal and a veterinary accompanying document will be generated, and the addition of data on this transaction will be accompanied by its update.

When the batch is formed and the entire volume of raw materials and products is known and entered into the database, the employee should complete the registration of this production by clicking on the Finish production button located at the bottom of the viewing window of the previously created transaction.

As a result, the indicated volumes will be written off, and the corresponding VSD will be issued.

Registration of VSD for raw milk

All persons and organizations that produce milk as raw materials, regardless of the form of ownership of their enterprise, must receive special certificates that their product is safe for further use. Such a certificate is issued by a veterinarian who is in the service of the state.

Its presence allows farmers to independently create and execute veterinary accompanying documents. At the same time, an employee of the state veterinary service can at any time check which documents are being created on his site, and on what basis.

A certificate issued by a state veterinarian in electronic form can be valid for no more than a month. When the validity period expires, it will need to be received again, since without a certificate, the farmer will not be able to create a new VSD for the milk produced at his enterprise in the Mercury XC subsystem.

The electronic form of the certificate, created in Mercury GVE, allows you to attach to it data on the indicators obtained in laboratory conditions when analyzing milk samples.

Moreover, it can have several statuses:

  • Created if the state veterinarian entered data about the enterprise, but did not complete its registration.
  • Valid when it was completed and not expired.
  • Canceled when the certificate is recognized as not satisfying the stated conditions.
  • Invalid when the established period of its validity has expired.

The raw milk safety certificate does not make it possible to transport it. It only speaks about the permissible condition of the product and its possibility of use. But such a certificate allows you to issue a veterinary certificate, which gives the right to transport products.

In order to issue this certificate, you need to visit the Transactions section and create a new one. When creating, you should indicate on which vehicle the transportation will be carried out, and its data.

The user then has to add the consignee and information about the product itself.

Having saved all the changes made, you can create a post template or complete the design using the corresponding buttons.

Maintaining an enterprise nomenclature directory

The information program Mercury has a directory containing four categories. The first three are veterinary groups. They are filled in and edited exclusively by Rosselzkhoznadzor.

The procedure for maintaining a reference book, represented by the fourth category, implies both adding new information and changing or editing existing ones. Information refers to data about the goods that the company stores or produces.

Its introduction can be entrusted to both an employee of the enterprise and a state veterinary doctor working in the area. At the same time, the warehouse nomenclature used within the enterprise may differ from the one that is filled in when processing transport documents. This discrepancy is used for the convenience of joint work with the recipients of the goods.

To add a new item, you must press the button of the same name and enter all the required data: product type, name, type, manufacturer, owner, and so on. All information that has been recorded must be saved by clicking on the Save button.

To delete or edit records, you must search using one or more criteria.

Also, the list of goods generated as a result of the search and information about them can be uploaded to a text file by clicking on the green arrow located at the top of the page.

Thus, the entries on the nomenclature of products added to the directory can be used in subsequent processing of veterinary documents.

Setting up areas of responsibility

What is being carried out?

The function of setting up areas of responsibility allows you to set the capabilities that will be available to the user when he enters Mercury XC. Initially, he can perform any actions at all sites that are associated with his enterprise. However, this permissiveness can be limited by specifying available, for example, only one. Also, sites available for editing can be specified geographically - by one district or city or village.

The basic rules for setting up areas of responsibility include the following.

  • Only those sites that are associated with the selected CS can be assigned to the user.
  • The area of ​​responsibility can be as one site (indicating a specific address) or several.
  • If a city is specified as a zone of responsibility, all enterprises located in it are included in this zone.
  • If no zone is assigned to an employee, he has access to all companies associated with his HS.
  • If an employee is assigned to several HS, areas of responsibility are assigned for each of them.

What actions are being taken?

In the case when it is necessary to assign specific areas of responsibility to the user, go to the Settings of areas of responsibility and click on his last name.

In the window that opens, there will be a list of all the other enterprises available to him and available to him. The first ones will be marked in green, the second ones - in gray. Next, you need to find a company from the gray list to which you want to open access and click on it, and then click the Add button.

As a result, it should also turn green. When you click on a company already highlighted in green, it will exit the available areas of responsibility for this employee and change its color to red. All changes made should be saved by clicking the button of the same name.

Based on the created settings, you can create a template, applying which in the future, you can assign the same areas of responsibility to another employee.

According to FZ-243, from July 1, 2018, all veterinary certificates must be issued electronically. Manufacturers and sellers of meat and dairy products are also subject to the law. Both are required to work with veterinary certificates.

System Mercury 2018: what is it, for whom and the timing of the transition

What is FSIS “Mercury”?

FSIS Mercury is a federal state information system for retail trade for recording electronic veterinary certificates (eVDS - electronic veterinary accompanying documents) of which the State Veterinary Information System (VETIS) consists. "Mercury" is intended for electronic certification of goods controlled by the State Veterinary Supervision, as well as tracking their movements on the territory of our country. The main goal of introducing new requirements is:

  • creation of a unified information environment for veterinary medicine,
  • improving biological safety,
  • food safety control.

Especially for grocery stores - the commodity accounting and cash program Business.Ru Retail. Automated cashier's place, support of 54-FZ and EGAIS, work with weight goods, warehouse accounting and sales analytics.

How does FSIS “Mercury” work?

Which organizations are required to connect to Mercury?

All organizations whose economic activities are related to the circulation of goods of animal origin should be connected to the FSIS. These companies include enterprises - farms, dairies, poultry farms, meat processing plants, seafood producers.

Logistic centers, wholesale depots, retail chains and retail stores, catering outlets should also keep records of electronic VSD through the FSIS. In other words, according to the new requirements, everyone who, by the nature of their activities, is associated with controlled goods of animal origin, must work.

What are the terms of the transition to work with "Mercury"?

The terms of connection to the system are spelled out in the Federal Law dated July 13, 2015 No. 243 “On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation“ On Veterinary Medicine ”. According to federal law, all VSDs must be issued electronically using the Mercury system starting from July 1, 2018.

Can you postpone the transition to "Mercury"?

The transition to work with the Mercury system has already been postponed for six months, from January 1, 2018 to July 1, 2018. But we do not recommend counting on a further delay in the entry into force of the new requirements. Instead, we advise you to prepare in advance for the new standards of work and think about how to organize this process with the least effort on the part of your employees.

Training video on working in FSIS "Mercury"

How to connect to FSIS Mercury: VetIS.API

What do you need to connect to Mercury?

In general, the procedure for connecting to "Mercury" is quite simple.

To register in the system, you must:

  • fill out the application form. The template is published on the official website of the Rosselkhoznadzor. Download a template of an application for registration in FSIS "Mercury" for individual entrepreneurs >>
  • choose the option for filing an application that suits you - a paper version, when visiting any territorial administration of Rosselkhoznadzor, or an electronic version sent by email. Applications sent by e-mail must be electronically signed. Individual entrepreneurs can use a simple electronic signature, and LLC - an enhanced qualified electronic signature (CEP);
  • send an application to the Rosselkhoznadzor;
  • choose the most convenient form of working with the system for your company - through a browser or API-interface (VETIS.API). The second option involves the use of specialized solutions that ensure the convenient operation of other accounting systems of your company together with Mercury.

After connecting to the Mercury system, we recommend that you pay attention to the volume and complexity of your staff's work when interacting with the FSIS. At this stage, it is important to reduce the complexity of interaction with the system so that the emergence of new requirements does not affect the previously debugged business processes.

Today on the market there is a sufficient selection of proposals for integrating GIS with systems already used in your company. So the Columbus solution to integrate the Mercury system with 1C allows you to set up work with eVSD within the framework of the standards adopted by the regulator, improve the quality of accounting for controlled products and automate the entire chain of commodity distribution with minimal labor costs on the part of personnel.

Complex automation of a grocery store from 500 rubles / month! Monitor revenue, inventory, purchases, reporting and employees.

For which products do you need to issue electronic VVD?

The general list of products requiring registration of an IRR is given in the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia No. 648 dated December 18, 2015. It follows from this document that all goods subject to veterinary control must be taken into account in the Mercury system.

The list of products requiring registration of VSD:

  • meat, offal and fats;
  • sausages, prepared and canned meat products;
  • fish in any form, including canned fish;
  • crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic invertebrates;
  • bird eggs;
  • all types of dairy products;
  • cottage cheese and cheeses, including processed cheeses;
  • butter and other fats and oils made from milk, milk spreads;
  • pasta stuffed with meat, sausage, fish or seafood;
  • inactive yeast;
  • soups and broths, as well as preparations for making soups and broths;
  • ice cream, except for ice cream on a fruit and berry basis, fruit and food ice;
  • feed grain: hard and soft wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn;
  • natural honey;
  • propolis, beeswax and waxes of other insects, spermaceti;
  • compound feed;
  • fertilizers of plant and animal origin;
  • stuffed animals, raw skins, hunting trophies.

Thus, we see that the list of controlled products covers practically all groups of food products. This, in turn, means that the number of companies working with Mercury will grow steadily.

Veterinary certificates in retail

Why do retail stores need Mercury?

The following operations can be performed with electronic VVD: only form, only “extinguish” or both form and “extinguish”. In this case, the VVD can be of a production or transport type.

As for retail companies, stores are required to work with incoming VSD. That is, your task will be to “redeem” the incoming certificates for each shipment.

What to look for when receiving products from suppliers?

If you have accepted the goods in part, then these discrepancies must be indicated at the time of redemption - in this case, the return VVD will be issued automatically.

Another important point is that operations with the VSD must be carried out within 1 working day after receiving the batch. Let's imagine that you have been brought a cargo for which the VSD is not registered in the "Mercury" system.

In this case, the only correct action on your part is to refuse to accept the cargo. The only exceptions here are deliveries accepted by paper VSD. In this case, you are required to pay off the paper IRR and capitalize the balances with an inventory.

What if there is no Internet access? What are the penalties for the absence of Mercury?

Is it possible to continue working with paper VSD if we do not have access to the Internet?

If you do not have technical restrictions for connecting to the Internet, then you cannot use paper IRR. The list of places where there is no access to the Internet is approved at the level of each constituent entity of the Russian Federation. If there are no such restrictions, then by July 1, 2018 you need to provide a connection to the network and start working in the Mercury retail system.

If you absolutely do not want to connect to the Internet, then the only possible option for compliance with the requirements of the regulator in this case is to provide access to the system to your supplier or a third-party organization, which will be “authorized” to work with the system “on behalf of your company”.

Organizations that do not have the technical ability to connect to the Internet, for example, shops in rural areas in some regions of the country, can continue to work with paper VVD.

What fines await an entrepreneur for the absence of "Mercury"?

Article 10.8 of the Administrative Code provides for a fine for non-compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law dated July 13, 2015 No. 243 - for the absence of an IRR, a fine follows. The measure of responsibility can be from 3,000 rubles. up to 10,000-20,000 rubles, while the amount of the fine depends on who it was issued for: a legal entity or an official.

Legal entities that have not complied with the requirements of the regulator may also face suspension of activities for 90 days. Currently, there are a number of legislative initiatives proposing changes in liability measures for non-compliance.

Read articles on food retail:

Mercury- an automated system (federal state information system, FSIS), designed for electronic certification of goods supervised by the state veterinary supervision, tracking their movement across the territory of the Russian Federation to create a unified information environment for veterinary medicine, improve biological and food safety.

The system is focused on the use of employees:

  • business entities (HS);
  • veterinary directorates of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (VU);
  • stations for the fight against animal diseases (SBDZ);
  • the central office of the Rosselkhoznadzor (CA);
  • territorial departments of Rosselkhoznadzor (TU);
  • temporary storage warehouses (TSW),
  • customs control zones (ZTK).

Purposes of creation:

  • Reducing the time for processing the accompanying veterinary documentation due to the automation of this process.
  • Automatic accounting of the incoming and outgoing volume of products at the enterprise (refrigerator, warehouse, MPP, etc.).
  • Entering and storing information about the samples taken for the study of imported products.
  • The ability to track the movement of a consignment across the territory of the Russian Federation, taking into account its fragmentation.
  • Reduction of labor, material and financial costs for registration of an IRR by replacing secure paper forms of IRR with electronic versions.
  • Minimization of human errors, thanks to the availability of ready-made forms for entering information, as well as checking the data entered by the user.
  • Creation of a single centralized database for quick access to relevant information, for generating reports, searching and analyzing information.

The FSIS "Mercury" includes the following subsystems:

  • Subsystem of the Temporary Storage Warehouse (Mercury.CVH)
  • Subsystem of the State Veterinary Expertise (Mercury.GVE)
  • Subsystem of the Business Entity (Mercury.XC)
  • Subsystem of Territorial Administration (Mercury.TU)
  • Subsystem of Notifications (Mercury.Notifications)
  • Subsystem for authentication of issued VSD
  • Universal Gateway (Vetis.API)
  • Subsystem of preliminary notifications from foreign countries (Mercury.Notice)

The system "Mercury" is designed as a web application, i.e. users interact with the system via the Internet. All users always have access to up-to-date information. The work is carried out through a web browser.

"Mercury" is hosted on a central server connected to the Internet. Since the central server may be unavailable (for example, if it is disconnected from the Internet or there is no power supply), a geographically remote backup server is provided that automatically replicates information from the central one and, when it is turned off, processes user requests until the main server is restored.

The creators recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox version 3.0 or higher to work with "Mercury". Supports work in the browser Internet Explorer version 7.0 and higher, it is included in the OS

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