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Monitor matrix va what. Reach for a dream

01. 07.2018

Dmitry Vassiyarov's blog.

IPS or VA - weighing all the pros and cons

Good day to my subscribers and new readers of this interesting blog. The topic of liquid crystal monitors requires mandatory coverage of another competitive confrontation, and today I will present you with information that will help you determine: which is better than IPS or VA matrix.

Although this task is not easy, because you will not find such a significant difference as in the case here. But let's talk about everything in order, which we have already worked out and begins with history and continues with technological nuances.

The idea of ​​using the property of liquid nematic crystals under the influence of electricity to change the polarization of the light flux was first commercially implemented in screens with a TN matrix. In it, each beam going from the backlight to the RGB pixel filters passed through a module, which consisted of two polarization gratings (oriented perpendicularly to block light), electrodes and located inside a crystal with a twisted molecular structure (Twisted Nematic - TN).

Of course, the appearance in the late 80s of a competitor in the face of a thin, flat screen with high resolution, flicker-free and low power consumption was, in fact, a technological revolution. But, unfortunately, according to the most important criterion (image quality), LCD panels were significantly inferior to CRT displays. This is what prompted leading companies to improve the technology of active TFT matrices.

Modern technologies with a 20-year history

The turning point was 1996, when several companies presented their developments at once:

  • Hitachi placed both electrodes on the side of the first polarizing filter and changed the orientation of the molecules in the crystal by switching them in the plane (In-Plane Switching). The technology has received a corresponding name.
  • Something similar was invented by experts from NEC, they did not bother with the name, designating their innovation simply SFT - super fine TFT (perhaps that is why Hitachi's wording turned out to be more tenacious, and later became the designation for a whole class of matrices).
  • Fujitsu went the other way, minimized the size of the electrodes and changed the direction of their force field. This was necessary in order to effectively control the Vertical Alignment - molecules of the crystal, which had to be turned much more in order to completely pass (or block as much as possible) the light beam.

New technologies differed from TN in that the beam of light remained blocked in the inactive position. Visually, this was manifested in the fact that the broken pixel now looked not light, but dark. But to move on to other ground-breaking changes in technology, it's worth noting that the innovations weren't perfect. IPS and VA matrices have been finalized and improved with the participation of leading electronic corporations.

The most active in this are shown by Sony, Panasonic, LG, Samsung and, of course, the development companies themselves. Thanks to them, we have many variations of IPS (S-IPS, H-IPS, P-IPS IPS-Pro) and two main modifications of VA technology (MVA and PVA), each of which has its own characteristics.

Advantages that are more important than disadvantages

It was necessary to write about the history of technology development so that you understand: we will consider IPS and VA matrices in their improved version. I will determine the difference between them according to the main criteria for image quality and the features of operation:

  • The increasing complexity of the process of changing the orientation of the liquid crystal molecules in IPS and, to an even greater extent, in the VA matrix led to an increase in response time and an increase in energy consumption. Compared to TN technology, they both began to "slow down" in dynamic scenes, which resulted in the appearance of a loop or blur. This is a significant disadvantage for VA monitors, but, in fairness, it is worth noting that IPS is not much better in response time;
  • In principle, the same can be said about the power consumption of the matrix. But if we consider an LCD monitor in general, in which 95% of the energy is consumed by the backlight, then there is no difference in this indicator between VA and IPS;
  • Now let's move on to the parameters that have been significantly improved after making changes to the technology of the active LCD matrix. And let's start with the viewing angle, which has become a significant advantage, especially in IPS screens (at 175º). In VA monitors, even after significant improvements, we managed to reach 170º, and even when viewed from the side, the image quality drops: the picture fades and details in the shadows disappear;

  • Contrast is one of the criteria for choosing for use in a lighted room, and if you are not going to lead an exclusively nocturnal lifestyle, then you should pay attention to it. Have you forgotten that the liquid crystal molecules in the VA matrix are able to interrupt light more densely? Together with the specific shape of the pixel grating, this provides them with the deepest blacks, and with it the best contrast of all LCD monitors. In IPS screens, this indicator is slightly worse, but still they demonstrate excellent results in comparison with TN technology;

  • The situation is similar with brightness. According to this criterion, both matrices are much better than TN, but VA monitors are the clear leader in personal competition. Again, due to the crystal's ability to provide maximum transmission capacity to the light beam;
  • And to end the comparison on a pleasantly neutral note, I'll talk about color rendering. In both VA and IPS, it is simply great. This is because, along with excellent contrast, to obtain a hue, a red, green and blue pixel is used, the brightness of which can be determined by 8 (and in new models and 10) bit coding. As a result, this makes it possible to obtain more than 1 billion shades in both technologies, and a comparison is inappropriate here.

If you already noticed, I try not to use the price criterion when determining the best matrix. This is because the difference is insignificant, and it is impossible to purchase the necessary function in addition. Moreover, you yourself know: there are different brands, the name of which clearly affects the price tag.

Now let's move on to practice, because I hope that many of you have read this article with a specific purpose: to find out which is better than an IPS or VA matrix and which screen to buy? Considering the above advantages and disadvantages of these technologies, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • Both types of matrices give an excellent picture and are used in top models of monitors and TVs;
  • Those who like to play shooters and racing should give preference to IPS technology;
  • If the screen works outdoors or in a lighted room - take VA;
  • If the screen is viewed from different angles, choose IPS;
  • Need a clear display of details (office documents, blueprints, dispatch diagrams) - take a VA monitor.

In reality, several factors have to be taken into account, so everyone makes their own choice of a screen according to the type of matrix.

With this my drawn-out story came to an end.

I would be glad if the information I provided was useful to you. I will end on this.

Goodbye, good luck everyone!

class = "eliadunit">

Monitor selection- the process is extremely controversial, subjective and long. Some people want a 27 ”gloss, while others want a professional solution with deep sRGB and Adobe RGB coverage. Still others want the lowest matrix response possible, which is critical in Action games and shooters. Not to please everyone at once, and there are no universal solutions yet. There is only one category that converges, and that is the matrix.

To date, there are more than 10 different matrix manufacturing technologies, including IPS, PLS, TFT, TN, PVA and more. Each is characterized by its light sensitivity, response speed (from gray to gray), quality, saturation and, in fact, color reproduction. So which matrix is ​​better? If you do not delve into the professional segment, now the market is dominated by options for IPS and PLS... What's better? Let's take a look at it now.

What you need to know about IPS

In-Plane-Switching (IPS) technology, also known as Super Fine TFT, appeared already back in 1996 as an alternative to TN. The origins were NEC and Hitachi. Subsequently, they began to develop independently of each other, so the Hitachi variant is better known to us. NEC called its matrix SFT.

The development was supposed to deprive TN + film of "childhood" diseases in the form of viewing angles, contrast, color rendering and response time. They fought with the last point for an extremely long time, since Twisted Nematic brought the parameter to perfection, reducing it to 1 ms. Today, both matrices have similar performance parameters, only IPS is ahead of its counterpart in everything else.

We also got rid of the "excitement" when you click on the monitor. By poking your finger at the screen, you will not see rainbow divorces... Ophthalmologists also agree that IPS is much easier to perceive with the eye, even if it is not protected.

The most common subcategories are:

class = "eliadunit">

  • S-IPS - technology with the lowest possible response;
  • H-IPS - maximum contrast and uniformity of the screen surface;
  • P-IPS - Provides 1.07 billion color coverage at 30-bit depth;
  • AH-IPS - Color reproduction, improved density and brightness with reduced power consumption.

Pls alternatively

Many people think that PLS matrix- one of the varieties of IPS, but in fact it is a Samsung development, used in its own products. Engineers do not want to advertise the features of the technology too much, because the production of monitors based on it comes out somewhat cheaper with a similar, if not somewhat better quality, if we talk about the mass market, and not professional solutions.

Of the features, it should be noted high pixel density(up to 2560x1440) without image distortion and loss of quality. The average response does not exceed 5 ms, and the brightness, contrast and picture quality are at the same level if we objectively consider the competitive models.

Viewing angles from all sides strive to 178 degrees, while coverage of the sRGB range is full, from which side you look. Distortion and inversion excluded... PLS monitors are suitable for creative people, namely designers and photographers.

What to buy?

As you can see, the development IPS more people are involved, so the range of matrix categories is extremely wide. They are suitable for both cheap office and high-end designer monitors. The main thing is to carefully read the marking.

Pls- a universal solution from Samsung, covering all the advantages of IPS, although the price is somewhat higher because of this due to the costs of developing and improving the technology. On the other hand, the picture will be really great both in films and in games and in graphic editors. Well, it's up to you to decide.

Oddly enough, choosing a high-quality display of a computer or laptop monitor can only be experienced. This article will help you understand the parameters that you should pay attention to. when choosing a monitor or laptop.

How to choose the ideal laptop monitor or display?

A high-quality display has a huge advantage in multimedia tasks on a PC, and for a laptop it is half. Take a look at a small list of display disadvantages to watch out for when buying a new mobile computer or PC monitor:

  • low brightness and contrast characteristics
  • small viewing angles
  • glare

Replacing the screen of a laptop (laptop) is very difficult than buying a new monitor for a desktop computer, not to mention installing a new LCD matrix in a mobile computer, which can not be done in all cases, therefore laptop screen selection should be approached responsibly.

Let me remind you once again that you cannot trust the promises of advertising materials from retail chains and computer manufacturers. After reading mobile computer monitor and display selection guide you can find difference between TN-matrix and IPS matrix, evaluate the contrast, determine the required brightness level and other important parameters of the liquid crystal screen. Save time and money on the hunt for a PC monitor and laptop display by choosing a quality LCD instead of a mediocre one.

Which is better: IPS or TN matrix?

LCD panels of two types are commonly used in the screens of laptops, ultrabooks, tablets and other portable computers:

  • IPS (In-Plane Switching)
  • TN (Twisted Nematic)

Each type has its advantages and disadvantages, but it is worth considering that they are intended for different groups of consumers. Let's find out which type of matrix is ​​right for you.

IPS displays: excellent color reproduction

IPS Displays possess the following advantages:

  • large viewing angles - regardless of the side and angle of human gaze, the image will not be faded and will not lose color saturation
  • Excellent color reproduction - IPS displays reproduce RGB colors without distortion
  • have a fairly high contrast.

If you are going to preliminarily or do video editing, you will need a device with this type of screen.

Disadvantages of IPS technology compared to TN:

  • long pixel response times (for this reason, this type of display is less suitable for dynamic 3D games).
  • Monitors and mobile computers with IPS panels are generally more expensive than TN models.

TN displays: inexpensive and fast

The most widespread are liquid crystal matrices made by TN technology... Their benefits include:

  • low cost
  • low power consumption
  • response time.

TN screens do well in fast-paced games, such as fast scene first person shooters (FPS). For such applications, a screen with a response time of no more than 5 ms is required (it is usually longer for IPS matrices). Otherwise, the display may show various kinds of visual artifacts, such as trails of fast moving objects.

In the event that you want to use on a monitor or laptop with a stereo screen, you would also better give preference to a TN matrix. Some displays of this standard are capable of refreshing the image at a rate of 120 Hz, which is a prerequisite for the operation of active type stereo glasses.

From disadvantages of TN displays it is worth highlighting the following:

  • TN panels have limited viewing angles
  • mediocre contrast
  • are not capable of displaying all colors in RGB space, so they are unsuitable for professional image and video editing.

The very expensive TN panels, however, lack some characteristic drawbacks and are close in quality to good IPS screens. For example, the Apple MacBook Pro with Retina uses a TN panel that rivals IPS displays in terms of color reproduction, viewing angles and contrast.

If no voltage is applied to the electrodes, the liquid crystals lined up do not change the plane of polarization of the light, and it does not pass through the front polarizing filter. When voltage is applied, the crystals are rotated 90 °, the plane of polarization of the light changes, and it begins to pass.

When no voltage is applied to the electrodes, the liquid crystal molecules line up in a helical structure and change the plane of polarization of the light so that it passes through the front polarizing filter. If voltage is applied, the crystals will be arranged linearly and no light will pass through.

How to distinguish IPS from TN

If you like a monitor or laptop, and the technical characteristics of the display are not known, then you should look at its screen from different angles. In the event that the image fades at the same time, and its colors are severely distorted, this is a monitor or mobile computer with a mediocre TN display. If, despite all your efforts, the picture has not lost its colors - this monitor with a matrix made using IPS technology, or with high quality TN.

Attention: Avoid notebooks and monitors with matrixes, which show strong color distortion at large angles. For games, choose a computer monitor with an expensive TN display, for other tasks it is better to give preference to an IPS matrix.

Important parameters: brightness and contrast of the monitor

Let's take a look at two more important display parameters:

  • maximum brightness level
  • contrast.

Brightness is never enough

A display with a maximum brightness level of 200-220 cd / m2 (candela per square meter) is sufficient for working in a room with artificial lighting. The lower the value of this parameter, the darker and dimmer the image on the display. I do not recommend buying a mobile computer with a screen whose maximum brightness level does not exceed 160 cd / m2. For comfortable work outdoors on a sunny day, you need a screen with a brightness of at least 300 cd / m2. In general, the higher the brightness of the display, the better.

When buying, you should also check the uniformity of the screen backlight. To do this, you should reproduce a white or dark blue color on the screen (this can be done in any graphics editor) and make sure that there are no light and dark spots on the entire surface of the screen.

Static and checkerboard contrast

Maximum static screen contrast is the ratio of the brightness of the successively displayed black and white colors. For example, a contrast ratio of 700: 1 means that displaying white will display 700 times brighter than black.

Nevertheless, in practice, the picture is almost never completely white or black, therefore, for a more realistic assessment, the concept of contrast across a checkerboard is used.

Instead of sequentially filling the screen with black and white colors, a test pattern is displayed on it in the form of a black and white checkerboard. This is a much more difficult test for displays, because due to technical limitations, it is impossible to turn off the backlight under the black rectangles and simultaneously illuminate the whites at maximum brightness. A good checkerboard contrast for LCDs is 150: 1, excellent - 170: 1.

The higher the contrast, the better. To evaluate it, display a checkerboard on a laptop display and check the depth of black and the brightness of white.

Matte or glossy screen

Probably, many paid attention to the difference in matrix coverage:

  • matt
  • glossy

The choice depends on where and for what purpose you plan to use the monitor or laptop. Matte LCDs have a rough matrix coating that does not reflect external light well, so they do not glare in the sun. Obvious disadvantages include the so-called crystalline effect, which manifests itself in a slight haze of the image.

The glossy finish is smooth and reflects better the light emitted from external sources. Glossy displays tend to be brighter and more contrasty than matte ones, and appear richer in colors. However, such screens glare, which leads to premature fatigue over long periods of time, especially if the display does not have enough brightness.

Glossy-coated matrix screens with insufficient brightness reserves reflect their surroundings, leading to premature user fatigue.

Touch screen and resolution

Windows 8 was the first Microsoft operating system to have a huge impact on the development of mobile computer screens, in which the optimization of the graphical shell for touch screens is clearly visible. Leading developers produce laptops (ultrabooks and hybrids), monoblocks with touchscreens. The cost of such devices is usually higher, but it is also more convenient to manage them. However, you will have to accept the fact that the screen will quickly lose its presentable appearance due to greasy fingerprints, and regularly wipe it down.

The smaller the screen and the higher its resolution, the greater the number of dots forming the image per unit area and the higher its density. For example, a 15.6-inch display with a resolution of 1366 × 768 pixels has a density of 100 dpi.

Attention! Do not buy monitors with screens less than 100 dpi, as they will display graininess.

Prior to Windows 8, high pixel density did more harm than good. The small fonts on the small, high-resolution screen were very difficult to see. Windows 8 has a new system for adapting to screens with different densities, so now the user can choose a laptop with such a diagonal and display resolution that he sees fit. The exception to this is for video game fans, as you need a powerful graphics card to run games at ultra-high resolutions.

Liquid crystals were discovered back in 1888. But they found practical application only thirty years ago. "Liquid crystalline" is the transition state of a substance, in which it acquires fluidity, but does not lose its crystalline structure. It turned out that the optical properties of liquid crystals are of the greatest practical interest. Due to the combination of semi-liquid state and crystal structure, the ability to transmit light can be easily changed.

LCD types

The first mass product using liquid crystals was an electronic watch. As is known, a monochrome display consisted of individual fields filled with liquid crystals. When a voltage is applied to arrange the crystals, the required fields obstruct the passage of light and appear black against a light background. Color displays came about when the size of the cell was significantly reduced and each was equipped with a color filter. In addition, modern LCD monitors use backlighting.

For illumination, usually 4 or 6 lamps and mirrors are used to ensure uniformity. The LCD panel is based on the polarization of light. On the path of the light flux, there are two polarizing films with perpendicular directions of polarization. That is, in total, these two films trap all the light. The liquid crystals located between the films unfold a part of the stream polarized by the first film, and thus regulate the luminescence of the screen.

LCD subpixel diagram.
Each pixel is made up of blue, red and green subpixels

The layer of liquid crystal substance is "sandwiched" between two guiding films with the smallest notches, in the direction of which the crystals are aligned. The direction of crystal orientation can be changed, for example, by means of an electric pulse, as is done in the matrix of LCD monitors. In modern matrices, each cell has its own transistor, resistor, and capacitor. Actually, in color matrices, each pixel is represented by three cells: red, green and blue.

TN matrix. Oldest and most common

The oldest type of matrices in use today is TN. The technology name stands for Twisted Nematic. Nematic liquid crystal substances consist of elongated crystals with spatial orientation, but without a rigid structure. Such a substance is easily susceptible to external influences.

In TN matrices, the crystals are aligned parallel to the plane of the screen, and the upper and lower layers of crystals are rotated perpendicular to each other. All the rest are "twisted" in a spiral. Thus, all transmitted light is also curled up and passes unhindered through the external polarizing film. So in the off state, the TN matrix cell glows, and when the voltage is applied, the crystals are gradually rotated. The higher the voltage, the more crystals unfold and the less light passes through. As soon as all crystals unfold parallel to the light flux, the cell is "closed". But for TN matrices it is very difficult to achieve perfect black color.

Crystals in the TN matrix are "twisted" in a spiral (1).
When voltage is applied, they begin to turn (2).
When all crystals are perpendicular to the surface (3), no light passes through.

The main problem of TN matrices is the inconsistency of crystal rotation: some are already fully deployed, others have just begun to rotate. Because of this, the light flux diffuses and, ultimately, the picture does not look the same from different angles. The horizontal viewing angles of modern matrices can be considered acceptable, but when rotated vertically, even within small limits, the distortion is significant. The color rendition of TN matrices is far from ideal - they, in principle, cannot display the full palette of colors, I compensate for the lack of shades with the help of cunning algorithms. Such algorithms, with a frequency invisible to the eye, reproduce in the cell alternately the shades closest to the one that cannot be reproduced. On the other hand, TN technology provides the maximum cell response speed, the minimum power consumption and is as cheap as possible. These two circumstances make the oldest technology the most popular and most widespread.

IPS. Ideal for photography and graphics. But expensive

The second most developed technology was IPS (In Plane Switch). Such matrices are produced by factories Hitachi, LG.Philips. NEC produces matrices made using a similar technology, but with its own abbreviation SFT (Super Fine TFT).

As the name of the technology suggests, all crystals are permanently parallel to the plane of the panel and rotate at the same time. To do this, we had to place two electrodes on the underside of each cell. When turned off, the cell is black, so if it "died" there will be a black dot on the screen. And not constantly glowing like TN.

In the IPS matrix, the crystals are always parallel to the screen surface

IPS technology provides the best color reproduction and maximum viewing angles. Significant drawbacks include a longer response time than TN, a more noticeable interpixel grid and a high price. The improved matrices were named S -IPS and SA -SFT (respectively from LG. Philips and NEC). They provide an already acceptable response time at the level of 25 ms, and the newest ones even less - 16 ms. With good color reproduction and viewing angles, IPS matrices have become the standard for graphic professional monitors.

MVA / PVA. Reasonable compromise?

Fujitsu's technology can be viewed as a compromise between TN and IPS VA (Vertical Alignment). In VA arrays, the crystals in the off state are perpendicular to the plane of the screen. Accordingly, the black color is provided as pure and deep as possible. But when you rotate the matrix relative to the direction of view, the crystals will not be seen in the same way. To solve the problem, a multi-domain structure is used. Fujitsu's Multi-Domain Vertical Alignment (MVA) technology provides tabs on the plates that determine the direction of rotation of the crystals. If two subdomains are rotated in opposite directions, then when viewed from the side, one of them will be darker and the other lighter, thus for the human eye the deviations are mutually compensated. Samsung's PVA arrays have no protrusions, and the crystals are strictly vertical when turned off. In order for the crystals of neighboring subdomains to rotate in opposite directions, the lower electrodes are shifted relative to the upper ones.

In VA type matrices in the off state, the crystals are perpendicular to the surface of the screen

To reduce the response time, Premium MVA and S-PVA dies use a dynamic voltage boost system for individual sections of the matrix, which is usually called Overdrive. The color rendering of the PMVA and SPVA matrices is almost as good as that of IPS, the response time is slightly inferior to TN, the viewing angles are as wide as possible, the black color is the best, the brightness and contrast are the highest possible among all existing technologies. However, even with a slight deviation of the viewing direction from the perpendicular, even at 5-10 degrees, you can notice the distortion in semitones. This will go unnoticed by most, but professional photographers continue to dislike VA technology for this.

What to choose?

For home use and for office work, price is often the deciding factor, and because of this, TN monitors are most popular. They provide acceptable picture quality with minimal response time, which is a critical parameter for fast-paced gamers. PVA and MVA matrices are less common due to their higher price. They provide very high contrast (especially PVA), a large margin of brightness and good color rendering. As the basis for a home multimedia center (TV replacement), it is the best choice. IPS matrices are less and less installed in monitors with a diagonal of up to 20 inches. In terms of quality, the best S-IPS and SA -SFT models are not inferior to CRT monitors and are increasingly used by professionals in the field of photography, printing and design. Practical recommendations for choosing a monitor can be found in the article “Choosing an LCD monitor. What to prefer a photographer, gamer and housewife? "

Let's dream a little

More recently, i.e. 15 years ago, hardly many people thought that LCD monitors could replace CRT monitors. The LCD quality was poor and the price was extremely high. But even now, the technology for the production of liquid crystal panels cannot be called ideal. The professional NEC Reference 21 uses diode backlighting to improve color reproduction, increase contrast and ensure even backlighting. This monitor costs about $ 6,000 and so far it can be considered more a printing equipment than a computer periphery. But we know many examples when professional technologies "descend" to amateurs.

Many large companies (Sanyo, Samsung, Epson) are developing screens based on OLED organic crystals. The crystals themselves emit light when energized, these screens are extremely economical, bright and high-contrast. But so far they are used only in small portable equipment due to the high cost and technical problems associated with durability, reproduction of some colors. In a very distant future, absolutely new technologies may appear, which only specialists have now heard about, and the screen can be rolled up into a tube or glued to the wall. Or maybe there will be no monitors in our usual sense? Maybe everyone will switch to projectors? And almost any surface can be used as a screen. A tempting prospect.

Monitors with different types of matrices

Now is the era of LCD models, which are (according to the manufacturers) "completely safe". However, this is not quite true. It all depends on the type of matrix that is used in the display. Some of them really provide high-quality color reproduction and have almost no effect on the user's eyes. But there are others. Choosing a monitor with the right matrix can have a positive effect not only on overall comfort, but also on human health. So, this cannot be neglected. Better to overpay a little, but get a quality product.

What types of matrices are there?

Read also: Monitors with sound: TOP-15 models of 2017

Matrix Monitor

In the years of the dominance of CRT boxes, there were no such "problems" about matrices and other things. This is because in those days there was not even a concept "matrix"... But now everything has changed. And manufacturers produce a variety of models with different fillings.

  • TN + Film. The most popular type used in the vast majority of modern budget displays
  • IPS and its derivatives. Higher quality matrices that are widely used by professionals.
  • VA. The type of matrix used in displays in the middle price segment. It does not differ in any outstanding features
  • Pls... Something similar to IPS, but using more advanced technologies. Also used successfully by designers and graphic artists
  • OLED... The coolest (but a little underdeveloped) type. It features excellent color reproduction and wide viewing angles. However, there are also serious drawbacks (about them below)

All of the above options are basic. There are also modifications of existing matrices on sale, but they do not deserve special attention, since they do not differ much from the originals in terms of characteristics. And now more about each type.

TN + Film

Read also: AOC G2460PF monitor for real gamers. 2017 Review + Reviews

TN monitor

These matrices were the first to appear. They replaced the outdated CRT technologies (CRT). At the moment, they are cheap, since the production process of such matrices is very simple (in comparison with others).

Distinctive features of TN are the low response time of the matrix and good horizontal viewing angles. But with vertical - trouble. If you rotate the monitor incorrectly, the colors may even be inverted.

The color gamut is also not very attractive in such models. In cheap matrices, it does not even make up 70% sRGB. And this is already quite serious. With such a color rendering, it will not work normally with images.

The maximum brightness of the backlight is also not enough. Monitors with such a matrix can only be successfully used indoors. They cannot withstand direct sunlight. And this is another drawback.

TN advantages:

  • low cost
  • fast response time
  • possibility of use in difficult conditions
  • ideal for games
  • good horizontal viewing angles
  • durability
  • excellent contrast

Disadvantages of TN:

  • no color rendering
  • insufficient brightness
  • poor vertical viewing angles
  • outdated technology
  • insufficient black saturation

The pluses and minuses of these matrices are about the same number. However, no one will refute the fact that this technology is already outdated. But such monitors are firmly established in the segment of products for gamers.

Professionals do not need these obsolete matrices, but the average users and professional esportsmen are still using them. But the latter have modified versions. And the price starts at $ 500.


Read also: IPS matrix: what is it? Technology Review + Reviews

IPS monitor

At the moment, IPS monitors are widespread even in the budget segment. But at the dawn of this technology, only very wealthy users could afford such devices. However, times have changed.

VA monitor

VA matrices appeared after IPS. In them, manufacturers tried to correct the shortcomings of previous generations, but not everything went smoothly. VA monitors currently represent a negligible percentage of the market and are not very popular.

T however, these matrices boast amazing contrast(black looks like it's supposed to), excellent viewing angles, good color rendering and no harmful radiation.

However, the response time of the matrix is ​​poor. Moreover, it is also dynamic: it increases depending on the initial and final states of the pixel. This makes such displays completely unsuitable for games and dynamic scenes in films.

However, graphics professionals are quite happy with this state of affairs. They are the main buyers of monitors on VA matrices. The main thing for them is an adequate black color. And he is here.

VA advantages:

  • full color rendering
  • very high contrast
  • realistic black
  • no eye strain
  • possibility of application in professional fields
  • excellent viewing angles (both horizontal and vertical)
  • high brightness
  • good ppi density

Pls monitor

PLS-type matrices are practically indistinguishable from IPS, although much more have been invented. This technology was taken as a basis. Therefore, the characteristics of both matrices are approximately equal.

The main difference between PLS and IPS is the black color. PLS has a lot richer. This is all due to the high contrast. But otherwise it is an exact copy of a product from ten years ago. Even microscopic examination of the matrices showed no difference.

PLS monitors are actively bought by designers, video processing professionals and the same users. They are great for image processing as they have excellent color reproduction.

It is fair to say that these displays are more suited to dynamic games than IPS. They easily produce a high-quality picture even at 120 frames per second. And that says a lot.

PLS advantages:

  • excellent color rendering
  • high contrast
  • realistic black
  • wide viewing angles
  • normal operation when displaying dynamic scenes
  • bright backlight
  • decent ppi (PPI density)

Disadvantages of PLS:

  • high price
  • very hard to find in retail
  • fragility

It is difficult to say what the future holds for PLS monitors. On the one hand, they are slightly better than the same IPS. But they are significantly more expensive. Therefore, they are unlikely to gain high popularity. Especially when you consider the fact that recently, IPS displays have become noticeably cheaper.

If there is a choice between PLS and IPS then it is better to choose the latter. This technology has a future. But what will happen in the future with PLS matrices is unknown. Perhaps the project has been canceled altogether. How not cost-effective.

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