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Scaling the windows 7 desktop. Reducing the work area

Sometimes this situation happens: you go to the site and see a text block. Everything would be fine, but the text is written in large type. We will return to this problem later, but now we will go from the opposite. What would the user do if the screen was greatly reduced?

We think he would have moved closer to the monitor and tried to read. But few people think that it is harmful to vision. Also side effects are headaches, fatigue, irritability and memory impairment. It is unlikely that a person needs this "bouquet of ailments."

How to avoid this. Of course, you can lower the brightness on the display, but that doesn't help you much. An effective way is to zoom in on the screen. And vice versa?

Very often the following incident occurs with users: when you turn on the computer or log into a web page, you see an enlarged image of the screen. Of course, it is possible to work using such a scale, but it is not recommended, because it is uncomfortable and impractical.

In addition, the focus of the view on the monitor changes. How do I reduce the screen size on my computer? This will be the topic for our article!

Side effects from misuse of the computer

In the era of high technology, "homo sapiens" has become an electronic person. We suppose that some readers should learn more about what the frequent "sticking" to the screen leads to!

  • First, the organs of vision take the first blow. The monitor is the first cause of myopia! In computer science lessons, first of all, they learn the rules of correct work on a computer, and one of them: the distance from the eyes to the screen should be 50-60 centimeters.
  • Due to a passive lifestyle and constant sitting at the computer, the cardiovascular system is disrupted. A good way to prevent illness is to walk more often, or at least do gymnastics during breaks.
  • Likewise, fans of snacking at the computer can also suffer from diseases. Avoid high-fat and high-calorie foods during stationary workdays, as fats and carbohydrates are absorbed incredibly quickly ... and are deposited on the sides and thighs. This is especially true of the fair sex: girls and women!

How to reduce the screen size on a computer

There are several ways to zoom in on the display.

  • Using the keyboard
  • Using a mouse or laptop touchpad

We will also show you how to change scaling in various popular browsers. In this article, we will explain each of these methods!

If it is more convenient for you to use the keyboard, then to change the scale of the page, you should press the Ctrl key, and then the minus or plus sign, depending on what you want: increase or decrease the size of the display. You can also connect a computer mouse to the manipulations. Hold Ctrl and turn the mouse wheel in the desired direction.

In addition, there is another method that runs through the operating system interface. Right-click on the desktop and select "View" in the window that appears. We make a choice on a convenient size of icons: huge, large or small.

You can also change other parameters through the properties of the graphics. You can understand where to find them using the screenshot below. The properties allow you to customize secondary displays and control your desktop.

Now let's figure out how to adjust the scale in different browsers. In Google Chrome, you need to go to the menu and in the "Zoom" section click on the plus or minus, depending on your convenience.

If you would like to change the size in Mozilla Firefox, then you should do the same as in the case of Google Chrome. Believe it or not, Microsoft Edge is the same. All ingenious is simple. A screenshot of the zoom setting is shown below.

You can change the resolution of your own to increase your comfort. “How to do it?” - you ask! First, you need to go to the Windows Personalization menu. Right-click and click "Personalization" in the window.

We are looking for the item "Screen" (usually located in the lower left corner) and select "Adjust screen resolution". Next, you need to select the resolution (we recommend choosing the largest one) that suits you and click OK. Ready!

How to keep your eyesight when working on a PC

After long-term work at a personal computer, there is a burning sensation and a "sand effect" of the eyes. The reason for this is the rare blinking, so the eyes slowly begin to dry out. Overextension of the eye muscles also occurs.

To avoid this, you should properly organize your workplace, in particular, adjust the optimal brightness of the monitor display and position it correctly. Do gymnastics for the eyes more often: look into the corners of your office or room and "draw" a cross and a circle with your gaze.

Use eye drops and ointments, and remember to wear glasses if you have poor vision. It is recommended to wear special glasses designed specifically for working at the computer (you can also wear them in your free time).


Dear blog visitors, on this funny note, our article comes to an end! In it, you learned how to reduce the screen size on your computer. Let's repeat the most important points of the article:

  • The wrong screen size and brightness play a negative role on the organs of vision.
  • The article touched upon the topic of which systems of the body are affected by the computer.
  • It is recommended to maintain eye health with gymnastics and special eye medications. Use computer glasses.
  • The screen size can be changed using the keyboard and computer mouse. You can also do this through the video card control panel.
  • Alternatively, you can change the scale of web pages in your browser. This is done easily and simply, using the same method!
  • Also in the article it was discussed how to change the display resolution.

We hope you enjoyed our article. If so, then you can leave a comment below and express your suggestions and thoughts on this matter. We will definitely read them, because your opinion is the engine of blog content. Thanks for reading!

It so happens that we are not satisfied with one or another font size, icons or screen scale. But not everyone knows how to change it to better use Windows or websites. In this article, we will explain in detail about scaling on a computer.

You will learn how to change the screen scale in Windows 10, how to shrink or enlarge the font on your computer and in the browser, and how to change the size of icons in folders and the size of shortcuts on the desktop.

How to change the screen scale of Windows 10

First, you will learn how to increase or how to zoom out the screen on a computer... This feature will be useful for owners of screens of unusual sizes, small or very large. Also the knowledge that how to zoom inWindows 10 desirable for projectors owners. In some cases, it can be very helpful.

To change the scale of the computer screen, follow the steps below:

1. Open the "Options" window by pressing + I or and click on the gear icon.

2. Then click "System" and select "Screen".

The window we need can also be opened by right-clicking on an empty spot on the desktop and selecting "Screen Options".

3. On the right side of the window, you will see a slider for changing the screen scale. The default is 100% and the scale can be increased to 125% and 150%.

How to change the font size of Windows 10

In the Windows 10 operating system, you can also reduce or increase the font size of some elements. Sometimes this is a good substitute for the full screen scaling described above. You can change the font size:

  • Window titles
  • Message windows
  • Panel names
  • Icons (font size for filenames, folders and shortcuts in and on the desktop)
  • Hints

The standard font size is "9", the size can be set from 6 to 24. You can also set the font in bold.

How to open Windows 10 text size settings:

1. These settings are located in the Display section. One way to open them is to press Win + X, select "Control Panel".

2. In the window that opens, select "Hardware and Sound / Display". Or enter the word "screen" in the search (upper right corner of the window), and then select "Screen".

Among other things, this window has a setting "set custom zoom level", where you can increase the screen scale up to 500%, but this method is not recommended by Windows itself, as it may lead to unexpected behavior on some screens.

With full screen scaling and how to reduce or increase the font size, we figured out. Go ahead.

How to resize Windows icons and shortcuts

It's even easier to increase or decrease the size of icons (folders, files, and shortcuts) in File Explorer and on the desktop. Here are two convenient ways:


In this article, we have walked through all the main methods of zooming in on a computer. And although we wrote on the example of Windows 10, many tips are also suitable for previous versions of Windows.

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While working on a computer, some users are faced with the fact that the text or shortcuts seem too large for them, but they do not know how to reduce the scale of the screen on the computer and bring the size of these objects back to normal.

Unfortunately, there is no one solution for all such problems, since the reasons are different in different situations. In this article, we'll look at three of the most common situations where you might need to zoom out and tell you what you can do about it.

More often than not, when users ask how to zoom out on a computer screen, they mean the scale of desktop shortcuts.

The fact is that by default, Windows 7 and Windows 10 operating systems use fairly large shortcuts, while in Windows XP and older versions of Windows, smaller shortcuts are used. As a result, users who are accustomed to Windows XP want to zoom out on the screen so that shortcuts become the same size.

The solution is very simple. You need to right-click on the desktop, go to the "View" menu and select "Small icons".

In addition, in the "View" menu, you can enable or disable the arrangement of shortcuts and their alignment to the grid.

How to reduce the scale of text on a computer screen

Another situation where users have problems with the scale is the inappropriate scale of the text on the computer. By default, the Windows operating system uses a text scale of 100%, but it can be increased to 125, 150, or 175%. Such an opportunity is provided for users with disabilities, but if such a scale is enabled for an ordinary user, then working with a computer will become inconvenient.

In order to reduce the scale of text on a computer, you need to do just a couple of clicks. If you have Windows 10, then you need to right-click on the desktop and go to "Display Settings".

As a result, the "Parameters" window will open in front of you in the "System - Screen" section. Several settings will be available here. If you want to reduce the scale of the text, then you need to open the drop-down menu "Resize text, applications and other elements" and select the option "100% (recommended)".

Also, problems with the scale can be caused by incorrectly set. Therefore, make sure that the recommended system resolution is selected in the "Resolution" drop-down list. Using the not recommended resolution, as it is advised on some sites, is not worth it. Even if it seems to you that it will zoom out the screen on your computer. In fact, this will lead to a significant decrease in the quality of the image on the monitor and your eyes will start to get very tired.

On a computer with Windows 7, to zoom out the text, you need to right-click on the desktop and go to "Screen Resolution".

This will open a window with text scale settings. Here you need to select the option "Small - 100%" and save the changes with the "Apply" button.

In Windows XP, to reduce the scale of the text, you need to right-click on the desktop and select "Properties". Then you need to go to the "Options" tab and click on the "Advanced" button.

How to zoom out the screen in the browser and other programs

Also, sometimes it becomes necessary to reduce the scale of the screen not in general on the computer, but only in individual programs.

A typical example is the screen scale in a browser. In modern browsers, you can zoom in or out of the screen simply by holding down the CTRL key on your keyboard and rolling the mouse wheel. Often times, users accidentally use this browser feature and then don't know how to scale down the screen back to normal. If you find yourself in a similar situation, then just hold down the CTRL button and, without releasing, scroll the mouse wheel up and down. In doing so, you will see how the screen scale changes. Once you have found the correct scale, simply release the CTRL key. Also, in browsers, you can zoom in and out of the screen using the CTRL key combination and the Num + / Num- keys.

Similarly, you can increase or decrease the scale of the computer screen in other programs. For example, in such office programs as Word, Excel and PowerPoint it works both with the CTRL button and the mouse wheel, and the method with the CTRL-Num + / Num- key combination.

If you constantly work at a computer, then sometimes this can cause some inconvenience, especially in the case when the image size on the screen does not correspond to comfortable conditions, and you do not have the knowledge that will allow you to fix it. Very large or small icons on a computer screen can seriously tire the eyes and reduce performance not only for ordinary users, but also for those who spend most of their working time at the monitor screen. Therefore, learning about how to reduce the scale of the screen on a computer and laptop using the keyboard and other methods will be really useful for many.

How to reduce the screen size on a computer using the operating system toolbox

Basically, there is no need to install any new drivers or special programs to resize the monitor screen. There are several fairly simple and quick ways to do this. Let's take a look at the first one. It is suitable for all versions of operating systems running on Windows. Follow these step-by-step instructions and get a comfortable picture on your monitor. To do this, we perform the following steps:

  1. We go to the bottom of the screen, find the "Start" button there and click on it.
  2. A menu opens where we select the "Control Panel" icon.
  3. In the same place we find the tab "Design and personalization" and go into it.
  4. Then we look through all the available functions and click on the "Screen" button.
  5. Then a small new window appears, in which in the section "Convenience of reading the screen" the possible selection of screen settings in percent is shown.
  6. We register 100% and click on "Apply".
  7. Now we find on the left side of the menu the line "Setting screen parameters" and click on it. Opens "Screen resolution". Finish all the settings and click on "OK" to confirm them.

This will resize the screen in the proportions you need.

Important! If the software is updated on this computer, these settings are usually lost.

The same can happen after replacing the motherboard. Then you will need to repeat all the above steps in order to resize the monitor screen again. There is another option for using this method. To do this, right-click on any point on the screen, after which a small menu should open with a choice of several functions. Find among them - "Resolution", enter there and click on the line "Screen settings". There, using a special scale, adjust the required size of the screen icons.

How to zoom out on a computer screen

And now we will consider a completely different option. It is also not particularly difficult and many of our readers will be able to repeat it. So, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Find an icon that looks like a folder in the right corner on your computer's desktop and click on it.
  2. A window will appear with the inscription "Change solution", where you can resize the screen according to the parameters you need.
  3. Next, you need to click on the tab responsible for the position of the screen and setting its size.
  4. Change the current settings, do not forget to save them by clicking on "OK".

Thus, you now know how to reduce the scale of the screen on a computer using only the internal settings of the operating system. And now, let's suppose this option, when your mouse does not work, and all actions can be performed using only one keyboard.

How to zoom out on a computer screen using the keyboard

To reduce the size of the screen, it will be enough to use only the keyboard in combination with several keys. Press the "Ctrl" and "-" buttons in order to reduce the size of the screen image, and simultaneously holding "Ctrl" and "+", on the contrary, will increase it. If you press only one time on these buttons, the picture will change in the direction of increasing or decreasing by 10%. This way you can adjust the screen sizes until they are completely satisfactory to you.

This method is very simple and convenient and allows you to quickly adjust the screen for any task. Therefore, for those who find it difficult to understand special programs, zooming out the screen using the keyboard is the most realistic and accessible option.

Resizing the screen using a text editor and browser

There are situations when it is necessary to set new display settings not on the computer itself, but only for some local tasks. For example, for various editors and office suites. For this, there is already a well-tried procedure:

  • pay attention to the "Main Menu" section, where select the "View" tab;
  • in the new window, click on the "Scale" line, then set the new settings and save them.

This option is great for solving short-term problems.

Zoom option with browser

Let's see how this works with browser settings. We do the following steps:

  1. Click on "View" and "Scale" in the menu.
  2. In the new window, select the function "Reduce" or "Increase".
  3. Then we adjust the screen image to a comfortable level for us and save all the settings.

Important! Currently, there are a large number of very different browsers, so we cannot say unequivocally that this method will work for all of them.

However, it not only works great with many personal computers, but also allows you to zoom out on your laptop. In this case, all your actions will be identical to those that we described in detail above. Therefore, you can also use our step-by-step instructions to change the settings of the laptop screen.

How to reduce the screen size on a computer: video

Now you know how to zoom out on your computer using a wide variety of options. And, if someone from your acquaintances or friends needs advice on these issues, then it seems that it will not be difficult for you to explain the solution to this problem to them.

Very often, while working with a new application, users wonder how to zoom out on the screen. Various methods will be described within the framework of this article. But various random actions of a poorly trained user can lead to an enlarged display of interface elements.

The ways

There are such options for how to zoom out the screen:

    Using the keyboard.

    Using the keyboard and mouse.

    Using the visual interface of the application.

    Using the zoom slider.

Each method will be discussed in detail in this short overview. Also, recommendations will be given regarding the use in practice of each of them.

We use only the keyboard

One of the main ways to change the screen scale is by using special keyboard shortcuts. As a rule, the "Ctrl" and "-" or "+" buttons are used for these purposes. The first combination reduces the image by 10 percent. But in the second case, the picture will increase by the same value. This method is universal and works on most modern applications. Its only drawback is the need to remember two simple key combinations in order to use them as needed.

Applying a keyboard and mouse combination

How can I zoom out the screen in another way? This can be done using the mouse and keyboard. This option is universal and works in almost all applications today. The order of its implementation is as follows:

    Press the "Ctrl" key on the keyboard. It's in the bottom row of text keys next to Alt and Shift.

    If you need to enlarge the image, then turn the wheel on the manipulator away from you. To achieve the opposite effect, change the direction of rotation of the scrolling to the opposite.

As noted earlier, this is a versatile method and works great for most modern applications. Its only drawback is that the mouse must have a scroll wheel (also called scrolling). But now it is difficult to find a manipulator that does not have this additional element. As a result, most users shouldn't have problems with this method.

Finally, it is worth noting that this method can be used on a laptop even when a mouse is not connected to it. It is enough just to hold down the same "Ctrl" button and the scroll bar of the touchpad. If you swipe it from top to bottom, the picture on the screen will decrease. But to get the opposite result, it is enough to change the direction, and the scale on the display will increase.

Another way is to use the menu

Most modern applications have a special menu item that allows you to either zoom in or out on the screen. Here the first caveat immediately arises, which is that not every applied product has such an option. For office suites and graphic editors, the algorithm is as follows:

    In the main menu we find the item "View".

    In the list that appears, select "Scale".

    The scaling window will open. Unlike the two previous methods, in this case, you can set only those values ​​that are provided by the developers.

But for browsers, the order is slightly different:

    In the main menu of the Internet viewer, we find the item "Scale".

    Next to it there will be numbers that can be changed in increments of 10.

The menu item "Scale" is not always clearly defined. In some browsers, for example, in a software product from Yandex, there is just a number, and you need to guess that this is an image scale.


Another way to change the screen scale is based on such a visual interface element as a "slider". It can be found in the lower right corner of the app. This is a horizontal line, along the edges of which the signs "-" and "+" are located. There is also a marker on it (it can be a circle or a square, for example), by moving it along a horizontal line in one direction or the other, you can increase or decrease the picture on the display. Unlike all the previously given methods, which discretely change the scale (for example, in multiples of 10 percent), in this case everything happens more smoothly: you can set any value in 1% steps. But there is also a significant drawback to this method. It works only when there is a "slider". And it can be found not in all office applications or graphic editors.

What's better?

The last two methods, as experience shows, are quite complicated for a novice user. Therefore, it is best practice to use either of the first two. From the standpoint of simplicity, of course, the second of them is better. Therefore, if you have a question about how to zoom out on the screen, just hold down the "Ctrl" key and scroll the manipulator wheel in the desired direction. This is the simplest option.

Now you know how to change the scale of the screen. All the best!

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