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Mark itt entrance to your personal account. Using the card of PJSC "BystroBank"

For some reason, I didn’t manage to post a photo from our control room, but here in terms of research WordPress engine decided to write this article using the new engine… although, of course, this is a weak excuse for laziness 😉 by the way, there is also an audio version of this description in the NI-6-7.mp3 podcast
Let's start with general view main row of racks:

On the very left side of the frame is a pair of Definity PBX cabinets, which is used to provide local telephone communication. Next comes the rack with BRAS - these are the routers where they are terminated PPPoE connections clients, i.e. these are the pieces of iron that are visible as a MARK_PPPoE service for clients. There are so many of them in many ways because we live long and develop as the local roar grows. Here they are a little bigger:

above Cisco 7301, and below Cisco 7201, the latter are becoming more and more every month, since the photo shoot there have already been two of them ... blue patch cords go to the network core, and gray ones go to backbone network, i.e. one side internal network, and on the other hand, the side is external, and so it’s all physically delimited ... the blue wires on the right are the management consoles that are displayed on a separate terminal server (Cisco 2511, which we have been using since 1994 !!!)
Next come the racks with servers, network core, backbone network and cross:

Here is the stand with main servers involved in production. There is nothing abstruse in it, just servers and storage systems (large RAID arrays)

Next, the stand is the core of the network, which can be considered more closely:

At the top of the rack is the Cisco SCE2020 and its optical bypass (optical bypass of the hardware in case it fails or is out of service, i.e. an optical switch that simply switches fibers past the SCE). SCE is used to prioritize traffic, i.e. it analyzes punctures in real time up to the 7th level of the OSI model and, depending on how the packet is classified, processes it. It is she who understands what torrents, game traffic, Web surfing are, and lanes for external client traffic are set on it. Immediately below it is the main izhevsk21 router ( Cisco Catalyst 6509 with a pair of Sup720), which serves as the core of the network, we used the chassis from the switch, and its essence is two high-performance Sup720 routers (they are so called because they have a performance of 720Gbps). The chassis itself is passive (it's just a basket with wiring) and all active ingredients duplicated (power supplies, routers and port cards too). Below are auxiliary uninteresting pieces of iron that live there until the core is strengthened, then they will be transferred from this rack.
The next rack is the backbone network, or rather the part of the backbone network that is in our control room. The network itself consists of a mass of devices scattered throughout the city and interconnected in more than a dozen rings.

At the top is the telephone part, IP-MUX, optical MUX and even the last modem. Below is the PBX M-200, under it is a basket with media converters (there are already few of them left, since most of the links go directly to the switches, but the honor of links is still placed on media converters, although this is a temporary phenomenon). Well, below is another Catalyst 6509, which actually collects almost all city rings, servers and BRAS.
Next cross, well, there’s absolutely nothing interesting here ...

In addition, there are auxiliary servers in the hardware room for development and experiments.

Next are the client servers, but I decided not to publish their photos here, so let's move on to the air and electricity conditioning systems in the control room.

The control room maintains a temperature of 19 degrees by 4 air conditioners that work with redundancy, i.e. not all at once, but one by one. To ensure a temperature of 22 degrees, 2 air conditioners are enough, so we can safely carry out maintenance of air conditioners by removing them from work in pairs.
Two independent feeders (from two transformers) are connected to the control room and they are connected to the ATS (automatic transfer switch), then the source uninterruptible power supply provides power to all racks in the control room, and the most critical nodes have additional UPSs.

To the right of the UPS is a separate rack with batteries that provide up to 45 minutes battery life control room, on them and on the shelves are spare parts for emergency replacement.
Well, this is how it looks like ... I will be glad to answer questions ...

"APPROVED by the order of LLC "TKK "Mark-ITT" No. 18 dated October 01, 2015. PUBLIC OFFER ON CONCLUSION OF THE AGREEMENT for the provision of communication services in the MARK network Limited Liability Company ..."

APPROVED by order of LLC

"TKK "Mark-ITT" No. 18 from "01"

October 2015


for the provision of communication services in the MARK network

Limited Liability Company "TKK "MARK-ITT" (hereinafter referred to as the "Operator"), represented by

Director Andrey Alexandrovich Koshkin, acting on the basis of the general

power of attorney No. 10 dated October 01, 2015, will conclude an agreement for the provision of communication services for the following

conditions with any person who has accepted this public offer to conclude an agreement for the provision of communication services (who has made an acceptance) in the manner prescribed by this public offer (hereinafter referred to as the Subscriber).

1. Basic terms and definitions.

Agreement - the Agreement for the provision of Services concluded between the Operator and the Subscriber, together with all Annexes, Amendments, Additions and Additional Agreements to it;

Order Form - an integral part of the Agreement, containing data about the Subscriber and ordered Services.

Subscriber line - a communication line connecting the user (terminal) equipment with the communication node of the Operator's data transmission network;

Services - services provided with the provision of access to the data transmission network by the Operator (telematic communication services, communication services for data transmission, as well as services that are technologically inextricably linked with the specified communication services and increase their consumer value), the description of which is given in the Price List (Appendix No. 2);

Subscriber - individual, a user of the Operator's services who has entered into an agreement with the Operator;

Subscriber interface - technical and technological parameters of physical circuits connecting the Operator's communication means with user (terminal) equipment, as well as a formalized set of rules for their interaction;

Subscriber terminal - a set of technical and software tools used by the Subscriber and (or) the user when using telematic communication services for transmission, reception and display electronic messages and (or) formation, storage and processing of information contained in the information system;

Tariff plan - a set of price conditions on which the Operator offers to use one or more Services;

Price tariff fee- monthly fixed payment for using the tariff plan Subscription fee - monthly payment for service subscriber line in accordance with the Price List and the Regulations Identification data - a unique login (login) and password (password) of the Subscriber used to access the Personal Account from the Internet; a code word used to contact the Subscriber to the Service technical support Operator.

Code word - a word specified by the Subscriber in the Order Form when concluding the contract, which is the Subscriber's identification data used by the Operator's Technical Support Service to activate services. Identification code word, when contacting the Operator's Technical Support Service to activate services under the Subscriber's Agreement, is an analogue of the Subscriber's personal signature.

Personal Account Balance - the difference between the amount of funds deposited to the Personal Account and the amount of funds debited from personal account.

Personal account - a web page on the Operator's website containing statistical information on the scope of the Services received and current state Personal account (there may be a delay of up to 48 hours when updating information). In addition, on this page, changes are made by the Subscriber to the list of Services provided under the Agreement. Authorization of the Subscriber in the Personal Account, using the Identification data issued by the Operator, is an analogue of the Subscriber's personal signature.

Personal account - an electronic account in the billing system of the Operator, on which the Subscriber's payments and the amounts of money withheld (written off) from these payments as payment for the Services are recorded. The personal account has a unique number.

Standards for using the network - generally accepted standards for working on the Internet, the observance of which is mandatory for all users. Price list - a list of types of work, services, products, goods, etc. indicating prices and rates;

Settlement period - the period for the provision of Services equal to one month (unless otherwise provided by the terms of provision of individual services or Tariff plans), at the beginning of which funds are debited from the Subscriber's Personal Account in the amount of the Subscriber's fee and other periodic payments corresponding to the selected Tariff plan;

Regulations for the provision of services - a set of rules that establishes the procedure for the work of the Operator in the process of providing Services to Subscribers;

Session - another one-time continuous use of the Service;

Traffic - the amount of information transmitted over the network.

2. Subject of the contract

2.1. The Operator provides the Subscriber with Communication Services on the basis of Licenses Federal Service on supervision in the field of communications: No. 137413 (provision of telematic communication services) dated June 18, 2015, No. 137417 (data transmission, except for communication services for data transmission for the purposes of voice information) dated 06/18/2015, No. 137416 (data communication services for the purposes of voice information transmission) dated 06/18/2015, No. 137414 (local telephone services, with the exception of local telephone services using payphones and means of collective access ) dated 06/18/2015, in accordance with the Price List (Appendix No. 2), the Regulations for the provision of services (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) (Appendix No. 3), the Network Usage Standards (hereinafter referred to as the Standards) (Appendix No. 4), as well as guided by its activities under the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The Operator guarantees the compliance of the quality indicators of the Services with the standards and technical standards established by authorized government bodies Russian Federation and the terms of the Operator's licenses.

2.2. The Price List, the Regulations, the Network Use Standards and the Regulations on the Processing and Protection of Personal Data of Subscribers are official documents of the Contractor and are published on the Operator's telematic services server ( The Agreement, the Price List, the Regulations and the Standards are binding on the Subscriber.

2.3. The obligation to provide the equipment to be connected to the subscriber line and the subscriber terminal rests with the Subscriber, unless otherwise provided by the Agreement.

In the event that the Operator provides equipment to the Subscriber for the duration of the provision of the Services, conditions 2.4.

its provision is determined by the conclusion additional agreement to the Agreement.

3. Procedure for concluding a contract

3.1. To conclude the Agreement, a potential Subscriber shall contact the Operator by phone or at the addresses indicated on the Operator's website: In the presence of technical feasibility provision of the Service on the date of contact with a potential Subscriber, an Agreement is concluded.

3.2. The conclusion of the Agreement, that is, the full and unconditional acceptance by the Subscriber of the terms of the Agreement and all its Annexes, which are an integral part of the Agreement, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 433 and Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is the performance by the Subscriber of one or more actions:

signing by the Subscriber of the Order Form (Appendix No. 1) and payment of the advance to the Personal Account;

registration of the Subscriber in the Operator's network, in accordance with the Regulations and advance payment to the Personal Account.

3.3. At the written request of the Subscriber, the Operator draws up an agreement on the provision of services with the signatures of the parties, equivalent to this Agreement. The signing by the Subscriber of the contract for the provision of services automatically means his acceptance of all the terms of the Regulations, the Price List and the Standards.

3.4. After the conclusion of the Agreement, the Subscriber receives a unique number of the Personal Account, as well as the Identification Data assigned to the Subscriber. Actions performed under the Subscriber's Identification Data in the Subscriber's Personal Account and when the Subscriber contacts the Technical Support Service are recognized as the Subscriber's actions that entail legal consequences.

3.5. The current version of the Agreement is posted on the Operator's website at:

All equipment transferred to the Subscriber in order to fulfill the terms of this agreement, 3.6.

is the property of the Operator until the transfer of the specified equipment into the ownership of the Subscriber in accordance with the terms of the lease agreement.

4. Rights and obligations of the Parties

4.1. The operator is obliged:

4.1.1. To provide the Services selected by the Subscriber in accordance with the Order Form in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Agreement, Licenses, Price List and Regulations daily, 24 hours a day, without interruptions, except for the necessary preventive and repair work.

4.1.2. Notify the Subscriber about the planned maintenance and emergency recovery work, in accordance with the terms specified in the Regulations, by publishing an announcement in the appropriate section of the statistics server (

4.1.3. In case of termination of the provision of the Services due to the fault of the Operator, eliminate the malfunctions and restore the Subscriber's access to the Services, observing the terms and procedure in accordance with the Regulations.

4.1.4. Maintain the Subscriber's Personal Account, in which to record information about the actual volume of the Services provided and the Subscriber's payments.

4.1.5. Do not provide information about the Subscriber to third parties without his written consent, except as otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. The operator has the right:

4.2.1. AT unilaterally change the Agreement, the Price List and the Regulations. In this case, the Operator is obliged to inform the Subscriber about the planned change at least 10 (Ten) days in advance by publishing new versions of documents on the Operator's telematic services server ( In case of disagreement with the changes, the Subscriber has the right to terminate the Agreement in accordance with Section 6 of this Agreement. 4.2.2. Change the Price List unilaterally, informing the Subscriber about the planned change by publishing new version of the Price List on the server of the Contractor's telematic services at least 1 (One) day before the change in the Price List.

4.2.3. Distribute information about the Subscriber during information and reference services only with the written consent of the latter or in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2.4. Determine the form and procedure for payment for the Services.

4.2.5. Engage third parties to perform certain work / legal or actual actions in the process of providing the Services, including organizing connection to the Service, work on maintenance etc. Responsibility for the timely and high-quality provision of the Services lies directly with the Operator.

4.2.6. Provide, if necessary, information about the Subscriber, including his personal data, subject to the written consent of the Subscriber to the transfer of personal data to third parties, third-party organizations engaged by the Operator to perform work / legal or actual actions, including organizing connection to the Service, work on maintenance, etc.

4.2.7. Additionally, at its discretion, notify the Subscriber via SMS - messages: about changes in Tariff plans, the emergence of new services, promotions; about the planned routine and emergency recovery work; on amendments to the Agreement, the Price List and the Regulations.

The Subscriber expresses his consent to receive the specified SMS messages from the Operator by accepting the Public Offer, in accordance with clause 3.2 of the Agreement. This consent may be revoked by the Subscriber at any time.

Delivery of messages by the Operator is not guaranteed.

4.3. The subscriber is obliged:

4.3.1. Complete the registration procedure in accordance with the Regulations.

4.3.2. Make payment for the Operator's services in the amount and terms specified in section 5 of this Agreement.

4.3.3. Notify the Operator in a timely manner of changes in their details and/or contact details.

4.3.4. Notify the Operator within a period not exceeding 60 days of the termination of their rights of possession and (or) use of the premises in which the user (terminal) equipment is installed.

4.3.6. Prevent the spread of spam and malware software from his subscriber terminal.

4.3.7. Carefully study the Rules and Regulations for the use of the network, and act in strict accordance with them.

4.3.8. View at intervals of 10 (ten) days the Operator's telematic services server ( for news.

4.3.9. After connecting the Subscriber and receiving the communication services specified in 2.1. of this Agreement, the Subscriber undertakes not to interfere further development and expansion of the Operator's networks from the Subscriber's premises.

4.4. The subscriber has the right:

4.4.1. In accordance with the Regulations and in agreement with the Operator, change the list of Services that the Operator provides to the Subscriber. Changing the list of services is carried out by the Subscriber in the manner provided for in clause 10 of the Regulations.

4.4.2. Require the elimination of malfunctions in the Operator’s network that prevent the use of the Service by sending a request to the Operator’s emergency service by calling 918111 using a code word (issued by the Operator under clause 3.4 of this Public Offer) or e-mail [email protected] 4.4.3. Receive detailed information on the volume of services consumed and the status of the Personal Account.

4.4.4. Withdraw consent to the processing of personal data in writing.

4.4.5. Get advice on technical aspects interaction with the Operator.

4.5. The Subscriber agrees to the processing of his personal data by the Operator, as well as by third parties, third-party organizations engaged by the Operator to perform work / legal or actual actions to fulfill the Agreement, including arranging connection to the Service, maintenance work, etc., for the entire period the validity of the Agreement on the terms of the "Regulations on the processing and protection of personal data of the Subscriber".

This processing includes the collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, change), distribution (including transmission) of information about the Subscriber.

4.6. The subscriber agrees to receive news messages on mobile phone: about change tariff plans, the emergence of new services, etc. for the entire duration of the Agreement.

5. Payment procedure

5.1. The provision of the Operator's services is carried out on the basis of prepayment. The cost of services and the amount of prepayment are set by the Price List in rubles, including VAT.

5.2. The Operator takes into account all information about the consumed services and payments of the Subscriber in the settlement and information system on the Subscriber's personal account. The personal account data is an indisputable basis for mutual settlements. The Contractor provides an opportunity, and the Subscriber is obliged to monitor the status of the Personal Account in a timely manner.

5.3. Additionally, the Operator has the right to notify the Subscriber about the status of his Personal Account by means of SMS messages, and the Subscriber gives unconditional consent to receive these messages from the Operator. Delivery of messages by the Operator is not guaranteed.

5.4. Payment for services can be made by transferring funds to the settlement account of the Financial Agent, in cash to the cash desk of the Financial Agent. Financial Agent: "NIPplus", details: 426076, Izhevsk, st. Pushkinskaya, 185, TIN/KPP 1831135633/184101001 OGRN 1091831002944 OKPO 89975616, account 40702810606000180381 in PJSC "Bystrobank" Izhevsk, account 30101810200000, BIK 30101810200000,000814.

5.5. Funds transferred by the Subscriber to the Operator are credited by the Operator to the Subscriber's personal account after they are credited to the Operator's settlement account and are recorded in rubles on the Subscriber's Personal Account.

5.6. When paying for the Services under this Agreement, the Subscriber indicates the personal account number, which is assigned to him after completing the registration procedure.

5.7. Invoices and certificates of work performed for the past period are issued to Subscribers at their request in the Operator's Subscriber Department at the address: Izhevsk, st. Pushkinskaya, 185 from the 5th to the 10th day of the month following the reporting one.

6. Validity and procedure for termination of the Agreement

6.1. This Agreement comes into force from the moment of its conclusion and is valid for an indefinite period.

6.2. The Agreement may be terminated at any time by agreement of the Parties.

6.3. The Subscriber, subject to payment of the expenses actually incurred by the Operator for the provision of Services to the Subscriber, as well as payment for the Services consumed before the termination of the Agreement, has the right to unilaterally terminate the Agreement by issuing a corresponding application personally or with the help of an authorized person at the places of work with subscribers, established by the Operator communication, no later than 10 (ten) days prior to termination of the Agreement. An authorized person is a person who has a power of attorney certified by a notary or the Operator's specialists at the places of work with subscribers.

The balance of unused funds from the Subscriber's Personal Account is returned to the Subscriber personally on the basis of his written application upon presentation of his passport and after signing the Reconciliation Certificate at the cash desk of the Financial Agent.

6.4. The Operator has the right to refuse to fulfill obligations under this Agreement, without compensating for losses that may arise in connection with the termination of the Agreement in the following cases:

Non-payment by the Subscriber for the Services within 6 months (i.e. in the event that the balance of the Personal Account for 6 months was zero, negative or insufficient to pay for the Services);

The provision of the Services may endanger the security and defense of the state, the health and safety of people;

–  –  –

The Subscriber violates the rules for using the Services established by the Federal Law "On Communications", the Rules for the provision of communication services, this Agreement, the Regulations and Standards for using the network;

Other cases provided for by this Agreement.

6.5. At the time of termination of the Agreement, any resources of the Operator involved in the provision of the Services to the Subscriber may be released with the possible loss of the Subscriber's information.

6.6. Termination of the Agreement does not release the parties from mutual settlements.

7. Procedure for submitting and considering claims

7.1. The telecom operator is obliged to have a book of complaints and suggestions and issue it at the first request of the subscriber. The subscriber can also send a complaint or suggestion to the email address:

[email protected]

7.2. Consideration of the Subscriber's complaint is carried out in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.3. In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the Operator of obligations to provide Services, the Subscriber shall file a claim with the Operator before applying to the court.

7.4. The claim is presented in writing and is subject to registration on the day it is received by the Operator. Claims on issues related to the refusal to provide the Services, with untimely or improper fulfillment of obligations arising from the contract, are made within 6 months from the date of the provision of the Services, the refusal to provide them or the issuance of an invoice for the service provided. The claim shall be accompanied by a copy of the contract (if the contract is concluded in writing), as well as other documents necessary for the consideration of the claim, in which evidence of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the contract must be presented, and in the event of a claim for damages - information on the amount the damage caused.

7.5. The claim is considered by the Operator within a period not exceeding 60 days from the date of registration of the claim.

7.6. The Operator must inform the Subscriber who submitted the claim in writing about the results of the consideration of the claim.

7.7. If the claim is recognized by the Operator as justified, the shortcomings identified in the provision of the Services are subject to elimination within a reasonable time.

7.8. The Subscriber's claims to reduce the amount of payment for the Services rendered, to reimburse the costs of eliminating deficiencies on their own or by third parties, as well as to return the funds paid for the provision of the Services and to compensate for losses caused in connection with the refusal to provide the Services, recognized by the Operator as justified, are subject to satisfaction in 10 days from the date of their recognition as justified.

8. Liability of the parties

8.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.2. The Subscriber independently ensures and bears all responsibility for the safety and protection of his information (including the Subscriber's passwords), his software and hardware when using the Services of the Operator.

8.3. The Subscriber bears full responsibility to the Owner (Owners) of this premises for the Operator's installation work on laying the cable in the room specified by the Subscriber.

8.4. The Operator is not responsible for the quality of the communication lines of third parties.

8.5. If the Subscriber does not comply with the Agreement and / or the Regulations, Regulations, the Operator has the right to suspend the provision of all or part of the Services to the Subscriber without prior warning.

8.6. The operator is not responsible:

For quality, content, compliance current legislation information transmitted and received by the Subscriber using the Operator's Services;

For a decrease in the quality of the Services provided to the Subscriber, if this is caused by malfunctions of that part of the subscriber line (or subscriber distribution system) located at the Subscriber's premises;

For interruptions in the provision of the Service due to software failure or malfunction personal computer, user equipment owned by the Subscriber;

For any losses, including lost profits, that may arise from the direct or indirect use of the Operator's Services;

For the use by the Subscriber of goods or services of other organizations or third parties to which the Subscriber has gained access through the Operator's Services;

For the termination of the provision or deterioration of the quality of the Services that occurred through no fault of the Operator;

For the termination of the provision or deterioration of the quality of the Services that occurred during routine or emergency recovery work carried out by the Operator, if the Subscriber was warned about them on the technical services notification page ( in accordance with the terms specified in the Regulations;

For any losses, including lost profits, arising from the use of information (including the Subscriber's passwords) or the Subscriber's equipment by third parties or organizations with or without the authorization of the Subscriber.

For stoppage of production, lost business, loss of data or any other indirect losses or their consequences, including those resulting from interruptions in the provision of the Services, regardless of whether or not the Subscriber could foresee the possibility of such losses in a particular situation;

For direct or indirect damage caused to the Subscriber as a result of the use or inability to use the Services or incurred as a result of errors, interruptions in work, deletion of files, defects, delays in work or data transmission, changes in functions and other reasons.

8.7. In case of termination of the provision of the Services due to the fault of the Contractor for more than 48 hours, the Contractor, at the request of the Subscriber, returns to the Subscriber's personal account an amount calculated in proportion to the monthly subscription fee relative to the number of days in the current month for each day of lack of communication or by extending the current tariff plan.

The time of termination of the provision of services is the moment when the Subscriber applies to technical service Contractor, in the manner prescribed by clause 12.2. Regulations.

8.8. All direct and indirect liability of the Contractor under this Agreement, including the amount of damages caused, is limited only by the application of clause 8.7 of this Agreement.

8.9. In case of non-payment, incomplete or late payment for the Services, the Subscriber shall pay the Operator a penalty in the amount of 1 percent of the cost of the unpaid, incompletely paid or untimely paid Services for each day of delay up to the day of debt repayment, but not more than the amount payable.

8.10. Any actions (inaction) performed by the Subscriber using the Identification data in the Personal Account and / or when contacting the Technical Support Service entail legal consequences that have arisen, in case of non-fulfillment, improper fulfillment by the Subscriber of the obligations assumed by such actions (inaction).

Force majeure circumstances 9.

9.1. The Parties shall be released from liability for failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement in the event of force majeure or other circumstances that do not depend on the will of the Parties and affect the fulfillment of the obligations of the Parties under this Agreement.

9.2. Force majeure circumstances are recognized as: natural disasters, mass riots, strikes, hostilities, the entry into force of legislative acts, government decrees, orders of state or municipal bodies, decisions of the general meeting of owners of premises in multi-apartment residential buildings or decisions of managing organizations (UK, HOA, etc.) that operate housing stock, directly or indirectly prohibiting the types of activities specified in this Agreement or hindering the fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement.

Mark is a communications company operating in the communications market since 1992. For many years of work in the communications market, the company has won the status of one of the market leaders broadband access to the internet.

In the article, we will consider paying for the Internet services of the mark provider in several ways.

How to pay with a bank card

To pay for the service, you need to go to the official website of the company: on the page that opens, we see the required fields to fill out:

We enter the necessary data in the active fields of the page, you can also immediately connect auto payment.

Auto payment is automated service, through which you can make regular payments with time savings.

If you check the box for automatic payment, you will need to specify the threshold value and leave a phone number for notification.

After filling in the required data, click the "Send data" button and proceed directly to the payment.

To make a payment, fill in the details of your card with which we want to make a payment (make sure that there are enough funds on your account to complete this operation). By pressing the pay button, the payment for the service will be made, cash will be credited to your account within minutes.

Through IzhkomBank

You can also pay for the Internet through Internet banks such as Izhkombank. To complete the operation, go to your personal account and log in to the system:

Logging into the system is carried out in two ways: by phone number linked to the card and by card number.

Having entered the Personal Account, select the item to pay for the Internet, and find our provider in the list. Next, enter the contract number of the Internet service provider and the amount to be paid. In the window that opens, check the correctness of filling in the data and press the pay button. The payment will arrive in a few minutes.

Through Bystrobank terminals

To pay for services, you need to find the nearest Bystrobank terminal.

Using the card of PJSC "BystroBank"

To pay for services using a plastic card "BystroBank".

We insert the card into the receiving device of the terminal so that the magnetic strip is facing down and is on the right. Select the operation "Payment for services"

  • Press the button next to the screen opposite the inscription "SERVICES";
  • We collect the PIN code of the card;
  • Press the button next to the screen opposite the selected payment category "Internet";
  • We press the button next to the screen opposite the selected service provider "Mark-Itt";
  • We fill in the necessary payment details (contract number) and the amount of payment by pressing the "ENTER" button after each detail;
  • Then, if you click "YES", you will confirm the correctness of the entered details and make the payment. If you click "NO", then you will be offered another operation to make a payment. If you press "CANCEL", then you will be asked to pick up the card;
  • To the request "Another operation?" click "Yes" if you want to continue working, "No" if you want to exit;
  • Take the card;
  • Take the check.

You can also pay for standard services in cash through bank terminals.

Cash payment

If you want to pay for services in cash:

  • Press the button opposite the inscription "CASH PAYMENT";
  • Choose the type of paid service "Internet MARK";
  • Fill in the required payment details;
  • Next, we place the bills in the banknote acceptor one by one. At the same time, the current deposited amount is displayed on the screen. If the terminal does not accept a bill, replace it;
  • Press the "ENTER" button;
  • Then, if you click "YES", you will confirm your actions.
  • To the request "Another operation?" click "Yes" if you want to continue working, "No" if you want to exit.
  • Take the check.

Payment does not take much time and is easy to use.

Through customer service

You can pay for the services of MARK ITT at the box office subscriber department at the address st. Pushkinskaya, 185.

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