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The maximum number of reposts. How to make a report on the number of likes, comments and reposts

After the premiere, the artist's community regularly published appeals to subscribers (now all of them have been deleted), calling for reposting the material in order to break the existing record (27 thousand for the release of Face "No Love"). The very next day it was installed, and at the time of publication of the news, the number of reposts was 28.2 thousand. Cool? Cool. But there are questions.

1) You need to take into account how actively Lizer encouraged listeners to repost the release. Breaking the Vkontakte record has become an end in itself, the achievement of which speaks, first of all, about the activity of the Lizer fanbase.

2) In the lists of those who shared a post with "My Soul" on their wall, there are quite a few accounts where there is nothing but that same album repost. Proofs - one , two , three. Loyal fans cleaned up their VK page to support their favorite artist? Ok, why not. But some have five reposts of the release at once.

3) Reposts flew not only to personal pages but also in groups. The list contains publics with suspicious names like "aaa", "aaaaa", etc. And even more of these - "lzr1", "lzr2", "lzr3". They also have nothing but a repost of "My Soul".

4) Let's turn to the statistics. "My Soul" has more than 28 thousand reposts on Vkontakte and 115 thousand listens to the release playlist. For comparison, we used the release Mnogoznaal "Cosmos Hotel" released at the same time. He has three times fewer reposts, but twice as many plays (9 thousand and 238 thousand, respectively). Did people repost "My Soul" without even listening?

The record of the rapper Lizer demonstrates, mainly, the close connection of the artist with his audience and its highest activity. If these people spent their time creating publics that helped bring the record closer, that's cool. After all, if not them, then who could do it?

And is the number of reposts so important if the social network itself, when choosing the winners of the VK Music Awards, takes into account only the numbers of streaming?

And further. The above does not mean at all that the success of "My Soul" is the result of falsifications. AT top iTunes it ranks #1 on the hip-hop release chart and #4 overall.

Andrey Baklinov wrote an article for the Growth Hacks column on how to stimulate the distribution of content on social networks.

Imagine you are blogging for your company. We wrote all evening new note to the site, and, finally, it is ready. You publish it, share it through your promotion channels and wait for an influx of readers. Readers who will repost it.

Oh well. In the end, everything is as always: three reposts were made by colleagues, five likes were put by a beloved girl and best friends, and an attempt to start a heated discussion with a sharp comment from a fake account did not bring success. Familiar?

It's wildly annoying. As if all efforts are in vain. What to do in this case? Write quality articles, friends.

You can get such advice in another article a la “10 tips on how to write a popular post”, which, unfortunately, is unlikely to be popular, and it will be difficult to find benefits in it.

We will not torment you with these banal tips, but will immediately get down to business.

Why do people repost articles

If you want your content to be reposted regularly, you need to understand your audience. You have to understand what and why they are interested in.

Not too long ago, The New York Times Consumer Insight Group did a very interesting study that tried to figure out why people share content. This has never been done before. Therefore, the results of this study turned out to be very useful for anyone who is building a strategy for working with the target audience in social media.

For a whole week, the company conducted personal interviews with users who often share other people's information in their feeds. In total, more than 2500 interviews were conducted. And the following results were obtained:

Have you noticed that of all the reasons listed above, only one of them concerns the very personality of the person who shares information? A logical conclusion suggests itself - users want to share with their friends useful information striving to make their lives better. By reposting, they are trying for others, and not for themselves.

How to make articles popular and shareable

The guys from Quicksprout and Neil Patel personally will help us with this. He made a whole, following which you can increase the sharing of notes. And we translated it, adapted it and added our comments.


Make Users Look Smart: Post quality content from the very latest information in your niche (research, cases, news).

Make them feel useful by posting content that has great practical value and helps solve current problems.

By the way, the location of the buttons on the left side is also not chosen by chance. There is a proven fact that most of the time visitors spend on the top and left side of the page. This phenomenon is called the F-pattern and you can read more about it (in English).

Display buttons for mobile devices

Don't forget about the mobile audience as well. Every year, the number of users who surf the Internet from smartphones is growing at a frantic pace. Moreover, if users are still more likely to make purchases from computers, then many people prefer to “consume” content from mobile devices.

If a significant proportion (from about 10-20%) of all visitors to your site uses mobile devices, then this item cannot be ignored. In this case, you need to choose a plugin that will display repost buttons well on both smartphones and desktops.

See the ratio of devices from which your site is used Google Analytics: "Audience", "Mobile", "Overview".

More doesn't mean better

When the plug-in for buttons, placements, display for mobile devices is selected, then you need to choose which buttons will be displayed. Some naively believe that more buttons will be, the more people will be able to reach. And they post, in addition to VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Odnoklassniki, Google+ and much more.

But practice shows that big choice can negatively affect the number of reposts. This article addresses this situation very well. During the experiment, the number of buttons was tested: 3 and 5. And in the second version with five buttons, the number of reposts was 29% less.

Therefore, use the buttons social networks in which your target audience sits. For example, if you are running a cooking site, then you should use buttons from social networks such as Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, because the emphasis is on visual content.

If we take a site like the CPU, then it is logical that VKontakte, Facebook and Twitter should come first. Since it is there that the target audience is located, which is ready to share the materials of the site. Looking at the icons of social networks in the articles, one can even note that the most active audience most often uses VKontakte to share notes.

Feel free to ask readers to share your posts

This can increase the number of reposts by 40%.

So, an experiment was conducted during which they tested how much the number of retweets would increase if asked for it. There were three options for the tweet: no request, "Please RT", and "Please retweet".

As you can see in the picture above, the option to ask for a retweet worked four times more effectively and stimulated users to take the targeted action. So feel free to ask for it. Put yourself in the place of the reader. Won't you share useful and interesting content from a trusted source?

If you give quality material you have the right to ask for it.

Correct placement time

It is absolutely obvious that the activity of the audience is different on Sunday and Monday, in the morning and in the evening. Moreover, there are no uniform rules for all social networks, for all segments of users.

Ideally, you should find the perfect time for your specific case, when the audience is most active, reposts more often, comments. In general, when the greatest engagement is achieved.

It's hard to do this. Especially in our market. As far as we know, there are only a few services that can do this.

If you look further, beyond the border, then there are very powerful services, for example Buffer. Buffer is one of best tools for cross-posting to social networks. So he can analyze subscribers and tell you what time is best to post your articles.

For example, Hubstaff, using Buffer and the ability to analyze the best time for publication, was able to increase traffic from social networks by 350%. In their case, the service picked up 5 optimal time periods for posting. The image below shows what time the audience is most active.

If we talk about the Russian-speaking market and audience analysis, then it is worth noting a recent article on the website - “Activity of Russian-speaking users in social networks”. In this article, using the Popsters service, user actions were analyzed at different times of the day and days of the week in the most popular social networks (more than 9,000 communities were analyzed). This is really very useful information that should be taken into account.

For example, on Facebook, the Russian-speaking audience is most active from 10 am to 3 pm, and also from 7 pm to 8 pm. And the most active days of the week are Monday and Friday. The Facebook audience likes to “be active” after lunch during working hours.

In VKontakte, the situation is slightly different. The audience manifests most active in the evening, after 21:00 and before night. And the most active days of the week are from Friday to Sunday.

Knowing this information, you can adjust to the audience and post your articles at peak times.

Publication frequency

In addition to determining the time for posting notes, the frequency of publications is also important. And here everything depends not only specifically on your activity, but also on the social network. For example, you need to post on Twitter more often than on Facebook or VKontakte.

On Twitter, the feed of users is oversaturated with news, so the likelihood that they will notice your note is very low.

For a long time, we tried to delight you daily with new materials, which is why many of our posts turned out to be passable. We understand this very well and therefore decided to change our strategy. From now on, all the materials in our blog will be as complete and of high quality as possible. I will personally make sure that not a single mediocre article appears in it.

Texterra understands content marketing. Certainly better than anyone else in the CIS market. After all, they were the first to promote this topic with us.

What does such a sharp change in strategy indicate? Right. This format of articles works much more efficiently. Volumetric, as complete as possible and practical content has much more value than short, daily updated “walk-through” articles.

Pip Laja, creator of Conversionxl and owner of one of the most popular conversion blogs, also finds this strategy effective. For the 3rd month of the existence of the blog, it was already read by 15,000 people. On the 6th month, this figure increased to 22,000, and on the 10th month - to 90,000.

Impressive results, given that he writes about a rather niche topic. Before choosing such a content marketing strategy, he conducted his own analysis. Analyzed your niche, needs target audience And so on. We will not dwell on this, but note only two important conclusions that he came to in the course of the analysis.

  • The most shared articles were long, ranging from 1850 to 3035 words.
  • All of these articles had a lot of visual elements besides text: images, videos, bulleted and numbered lists.

Based on this, a strategy was chosen that led him to success:

  • All articles were at least 1850 words.
  • All statements in the articles were supported by references to sources.
  • All articles were well structured and contained many images, subheadings, lists and other elements that make the material easier to read.

So that your content will be very popular and distributed on the Internet, we advise you to focus on long and deep articles.

After all, if an article contains about 2000 words, it can contain a lot of useful information. What do users like to share? Yes, just useful information that can help their friends/colleagues solve certain problems.

In addition to the size of articles, their visual perception is important. Here are the principles Neil Patel adheres to when creating publications for his blog:

  • Font size 16. This size looks exactly the same in browsers as text in a standard paper book. This improves the readability and perception of the text.
  • The line height is 24px because it provides enough white space between lines, which also affects the readability of the material.
  • The Georgia font, as it is quite pretty and easy to read. Like any serif font, in principle.
  • One paragraph - 4-5 lines of text, no more.
  • A large number of subheadings that structure the article.

What are the reports for?

secondly, to print and show to your employees or colleagues, and to analyze statistics;

thirdly, for daily, monthly, quarterly, and other monthly reporting to superiors.

Let's move on to how to make reports anyway:

Let's analyze the required page and get detailed page analytics:

Click on the "Activity Schedule" button:

And we see the following graphs:

1) the main one, in which you can choose what to show us - likes, comments, reposts or general;

2) activity by the hour;

3) weekly activity.

On the main chart, you can set the parameters by which we need a chart. By default, a graph of likes for the week is displayed.

The graph for comments is shown in the figure below. As you can see from the graph, there are no comments on the posts of the Adme group.

But on the other hand, the repost schedule shows an average of 5 thousand reposts per day.

As you can see, the main chart has a green button:

When you click on the button, a drop-down menu is shown:

We can print the chart if we click on Print chart. The browser immediately opens the print page:

And also upload the chart to PNG format, JPEG, PDF.

Hourly and weekly activity charts can also be printed and downloaded in a format convenient for you using the button:

So, if everything is clear with the graphs, then let's download the statistics on posts in Excel.

To download Excel, you need to go to the "Post list filters" block and click on the "Download Excel" button:

We immediately save and open our Excel document. We see statistics on posts:

2) full_picture - full path of the post picture;

3) message - post text;

4) tile - post title;

5) description - short description post;

6) type - post type. It can be photo (photo), repost (repost), video (video). This is necessary to filter posts by the type you need. If you need videos, you can search by video type.

7) likes_total_count - number of post likes;

8) shares_total_count - number of post reposts;

9) comments_total_count - number of post comments;

What is this whole table with all the numbers for?

AT this document You will be able to view all the statistics in numbers instead of graphs and refer to the exact numbers.


All the statistics and analytics that you look at on our wonderful service, you can upload to your computer, print and show to your employees and customers. Visually demonstrate the success of your groups, communities and pages.

What distinguishes experienced webmasters from beginners is that they constantly take some action, check statistics and keep an eye on their competitors.

Now there are many different instruments, to make it convenient to follow the statistics, some of them help to capture signals from social networks.

How to find out the number of likes and reposts of a page? This question will be answered in this article.

Why check such data? Someone watches social signals just out of interest, but you need to check them with competitors in order to figure out what materials are best shared by visitors.

How many likes or shares do sites get?

Unfortunately, the information is not always correct, because there are many other similar systems for cheating. They are often used by webmasters, although representatives search engines claim that signals from social networks are not taken into account by them.

It is impossible to say exactly whether likes and reposts affect rankings, but it is safe to say that this increases brand awareness. If you need to check how many likes a page has received, just fill in its address on the site:

The results are only displayed if someone shared the material at all. Unlike many other systems, here you can see exactly who made the retweets.

This system also has its own, which also does an excellent job of checking likes and reposts:

From any page, you can open the extension and view the metrics. A similar plugin shows social network signals, and what is convenient here is the display of the total indicator directly on the icon:

You can disable this feature if you wish, but it's really handy. You go to any site and only by the general indicator do you draw conclusions about how much this page was liked by visitors and how actively it was shared on social networks.

Other social signal verification services

Developers are constantly creating something interesting, and a lot of different projects have been invented to collect statistics. If you were unable to use the first two systems, you can try their counterparts:

  1. regular plugin suitable for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
  2. - the main advantage of this project is that you can add a list of page addresses and get information on them.
  3. - Basically, social signal verification services are adapted to foreign social networks, but this is an exception. One of the few projects with statistics where you just need to enter the page address.
  4. - stands out the most beautiful design. Vkontakte is also analyzed here and, which is convenient, not only the number of likes is given, there is data on reposts and comments.
  5. the simplest service, which provides information on Facebook, Google +1, Pinterest, LinkedIn and StumbleUpon.
  6. - this popular extension also gives out some information on social networks (suitable for all popular browsers).
  7. - only foreign social networks are checked, the service interface is simple, it works in seconds.

One not included in the list popular service entitled . It is paid and, despite the fact that Russian-language social networks are not checked there, it is useful. After entering the page address, the following statistics are displayed:

Here you can specify a list of pages and immediately collect signals from social networks for everyone. What else is in this service is a useful Content Explorer section. There you can specify keyword and after that a list of the most popular posts on it will appear:

I will not say that this system is indispensable, but here everything is collected in one multifunctional interface. It is up to you to decide whether to pay for it or not, rather it is better for foreign webmasters to do it.

Finding out how many likes and reposts people put on a page of the site is not difficult. Every webmaster should definitely use this, at least in order to find out what visitors like best.

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