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Microsoft Excel is a program that targets. Microsoft Excel program


1: MicrosoftExcel

1.1 Concept and capabilities of MS Excel

1.2 Main elements of the MS Excel window

1.4 Possible errors when using functions in formulas

2: Data analysis. Using scripts

2.1 Data analysis in MS Excel

2.2 Scripts

2.3 An example of calculating the internal rate of investment turnover




Microsoft Office, the most popular family of office software products, includes new versions of familiar applications that support Internet technologies and enable flexible Internet solutions.

Microsoft Office is a family of Microsoft software products that brings together the world's most popular applications into a single environment, ideal for working with information. Microsoft Office includes the Microsoft Word word processor, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation and presentation tool, and the new Microsoft Outlook application. All of these applications make up the Standard Edition of Microsoft Office. The Professional Edition also includes Microsoft Access.

MicrosoftExcel- a program designed to organize data in a table for documentation and graphical presentation of information.

The MSExcel program is used to create complex documents in which it is necessary:

· Use the same data in different worksheets;

· Change and restore links.

The advantage of MSExcel is that the program helps to operate with large amounts of information. MSExcel workbooks provide the ability to store and organize data, calculate the sum of values ​​in cells. MsExcel provides a wide range of methods to make information easy to understand.

Nowadays, it is important for every person to know and have skills in working with Microsoft Office applications, since the modern world is full of a huge amount of information, with which you just need to be able to work.

In more detail in this course will present the MSExcel application, its functions and capabilities. And also the use of scripts with their practical application.

1. MicrosoftExcel

1.1 . MicrosoftExcel... Concepts and opportunities

MS Excel spreadsheet processor (spreadsheets) is one of the most frequently used applications in the MS Office suite, a powerful tool in the right hands, greatly simplifying routine daily work. The main purpose of MS Excel is to solve almost any calculation problems, the input data of which can be presented in the form of tables. The use of spreadsheets simplifies working with data and allows you to get results without programming calculations. In combination with the programming language Visual Basic for Application (VBA), the MS Excel spreadsheet processor acquires a universal character and allows you to solve any problem at all, regardless of its nature.

Feature of spreadsheets is the ability to use formulas to describe the relationship between the values ​​of different cells. The calculation according to the given formulas is performed automatically. Changing the contents of a cell leads to a recalculation of the values ​​of all cells that are associated with it by formula relations and, thereby, to update the entire table in accordance with the changed data.

Key features of spreadsheets:

1. carrying out the same type of complex calculations on large data sets;

2. automation of final calculations;

3. solving problems by selecting parameter values;

4. processing (statistical analysis) of the experimental results;

5. Carrying out a search for optimal values ​​of parameters (solving optimization problems);

6. preparation of tabular documents;

7. construction of diagrams (including summary ones) according to the available data;

8. creation and analysis of databases (lists).

1.2. Main elements of the MS Excel window

The main elements of the working window are:

1. Title bar (the name of the program is indicated in it) with buttons for controlling the program window and the document window (Minimize, Minimize to window or Maximize to full screen, Close);

2. The main menu bar (each menu item is a set of commands united by a common functional focus) plus a window for searching for help information.

3. Toolbars (Standard, Formatting, etc.).

4. The formula bar, containing the Name field and the Insert function (fx) button as elements, is intended for entering and editing values ​​or formulas in cells. The Name field displays the address of the current cell.

5. Work area (active worksheet).

6. Scroll bars (vertical and horizontal).

7. A set of tabs (sheet tabs) to move between worksheets.

8. Status bar.

1.3 Structure of spreadsheets

A file created using MS Excel is usually called a workbook. You can create as many workbooks as the availability of free memory on the corresponding memory device allows. You can open as many workbooks as you have created. However, only one current (open) workbook can be an active workbook.

A workbook is a collection of worksheets, each with a tabular structure. In the document window, only the current (active) worksheet is displayed, with which you are working. Each worksheet has a title that appears on the sheet tab at the bottom of the window. Using shortcuts, you can switch to other worksheets in the same workbook. To rename a worksheet, double-click on its shortcut and replace the old name with a new one, or by executing the following commands: Format menu, Sheet line in the menu list, Rename. Or, by placing the mouse pointer on the shortcut of the active worksheet, right-click, and then, in the appeared context menu, click on the Rename line and perform renaming. You can add (insert) new sheets to the workbook or delete unnecessary ones. A sheet can be inserted by executing the Insert menu command, the Sheet line in the list of menu items. The sheet will be inserted in front of the active sheet. The above actions can be carried out using the context menu, which is activated by pressing the right mouse button, the pointer of which should be set on the tab of the corresponding sheet. To swap the worksheets, you need to place the mouse pointer on the tab of the sheet to be moved, press the left mouse button and drag the tab to the desired location.

A worksheet (table) consists of rows and columns. The columns are headed by uppercase Latin letters and, further, by two-letter combinations. The worksheet contains 256 columns in total, named A through IV. Lines are sequentially numbered from 1 to 65536.

At the intersection of columns and rows, table cells are formed. They are the minimum elements for storing data. Each cell has its own address. A cell address consists of the column name and the row number at the intersection of which the cell is located, for example, A1, B5, DE324. Cell addresses are used when writing formulas that determine the relationship between values ​​located in different cells. At the current time, only one cell can be active, which is activated by clicking on it and highlighted with a frame. This frame acts as a cursor in Excel. Data entry and editing operations are always performed only in the active cell.

Data in adjacent cells that form a rectangular region can be referenced as a whole in formulas. A group of cells bounded by a rectangular area is called a range. The most commonly used rectangular ranges are formed at the intersection of a group of sequential rows and a group of sequential columns. A range of cells is denoted by the colon-separated address of the first cell and the address of the last cell of the range, for example, B5: F15. Selection of a range of cells can be done by dragging the mouse pointer from one corner cell to the opposite cell along the diagonal. At the same time, the frame of the current (active) cell expands, covering the entire selected range.

To speed up and simplify the computational work, Excel provides the user with a powerful apparatus of worksheet functions that allow him to carry out almost all possible calculations.

In total, MS Excel contains over 400 worksheet functions (built-in functions). All of them, in accordance with their purpose, are divided into 11 groups (categories):

1. financial functions;

2. date and time functions;

3. arithmetic and trigonometric (mathematical) functions;

4. statistical functions;

5. functions of links and substitutions;

6. database functions (list analysis);

7. text functions;

8. logical functions;

9. informational functions (checking properties and values); functions;

11. external functions.

Writing any function to a cell of a worksheet must begin with the equals symbol (=). If a function is used as part of any other complex function or in a formula (mega-formula), then the symbol equals (=) is written before this function (formula). Any function can be called by specifying its name and the argument (parameter) or parameter list following it in parentheses. The presence of parentheses is required, they serve as a sign that the name used is the name of a function. List parameters (function arguments) are separated by semicolons (;). Their number should not exceed 30, and the length of a formula containing as many function calls as you like should not exceed 1024 characters. It is recommended to type all names when writing (entering) a formula in lowercase letters, then correctly entered names will be displayed in uppercase letters.

1.4 Possible errors when using functions in formulas

The current situation is such that the most widespread in Russia are software products of Microsoft Corporation. Apart from other aspects of this topic, nevertheless, it must be said that this creates a kind of universality in their application, or even a kind of undeclared standard, since software products of this corporation can now be found on almost any computer, and therefore, compatibility will be ensured. In addition, Microsoft products are very versatile tools that can be used to solve many problems, and in addition, a very high degree of integration between products, which determines their popularity as well.

Microsoft Office, which runs on the Microsoft Windows operating system, includes a powerful Microsoft Excel spreadsheet design tool. (By the way, it must be said that although there are other tools for developing spreadsheets and automating calculations, they, firstly, are extremely rare (say, in the in-house use of a company for their specific needs, and secondly, how already mentioned, Microsoft products have become practically the de facto standard, which was facilitated by their great versatility.) Thus, it was Microsoft Excel that I chose to develop a tool for automating calculations in the laboratory work "Preliminary calculations in triangulation." Therefore, other means of building electronic tables are not covered here, but attention is paid to some specific Excel tools.

EXCEL's capabilities are very high. Word processing, database management - the program is so powerful that in many cases it outperforms specialized editor programs or database programs. Such a variety of functions can be confusing at first than forced to apply in practice. But as you gain experience, you begin to appreciate the fact that the boundaries of EXCEL's capabilities are difficult to reach. Over the 14-year history of tabular calculations using personal computers, user requirements for such programs have changed significantly. In the beginning, the main emphasis in a program like VisiCalc was on counting functions. Today the situation is different. Along with engineering and accounting calculations, organizing and graphing data is gaining in importance. In addition, the variety of functions offered by such a calculation and graphic program should not complicate the user's work. Windows programs provide the ideal prerequisites for this. Lately, many have just switched to using Windows as their user environment. As a result, many software firms began offering a large number of Windows programs.

The Excel window contains many different elements. Some of them are inherent in all programs in the Windows environment, others are only in the Excel window. The entire working area of ​​the Excel window is occupied by a blank worksheet (or table), divided into separate cells. Columns are headed by letters, rows by numbers. As with many other programs in the Windows environment, you can present a worksheet as a separate window with its own title - this window is called a workbook window, since you can process multiple worksheets in such a window.

One working page will have 256 columns and 16384 rows. Rows are numbered from 1 to 16384, columns are named with letters and letter combinations. After the 26 letters of the alphabet of the column, there are combinations of letters from AA, AB, etc. In the Excel window, as in other Windows programs, there is a menu bar under the window title. Below are the Standard and Formatting toolbars.

Toolbar buttons allow you to quickly and easily call many Excel functions. Registration of worksheets. Font selection. You can change the type, size of the font or the execution of the text by selecting the appropriate cells and opening the Format menu. Selecting the Cells command from the Format menu. After that, a dialog will appear on the screen in which various fonts will be indicated.

You can choose any font from the list of suggested ones. When choosing a font, you can view its style in the example window. To select the type of font, its size and style, you can use the fields and buttons located on the toolbar. Types of fonts. Currently, a large number of fonts are used to design tables and documents. One of the most important factors that must be taken into account is the legibility of the text, the design of this or that font.

Along with the choice of the type and size of the font, you can select the font style: italic, bold, or underline. Use these styles only to highlight important information in the text of documents and tables.

Colors and patterns.

In Excel, you can highlight certain fields in a table with a background color and pattern to draw attention to them. This selection must be used with care so as not to overload the table. Select the View tab in the Format Cells dialog. Here, for the selected cells, you can select the fill color using the palette. Formatting numbers. If you want the records to turn into a convenient document, you should format the numbers in the cells. The easiest way to format is cells where monetary amounts are entered. To do this, you need to select the cells to be formatted. Then select the menu command Format - Cells, and in the dialog that appears - the Number tab. The line Cash is selected in the group on the left. Several possible number formats will appear on the right. The format of the number is determined by the type of digital template, which can be of two types: To better understand their purpose, consider the options for formatting the number 13. The first column contains format templates, as in the Format codes field. In the second column, you see how the number will look like as a result of formatting.

If zero is used as a digital template, then it will be saved wherever it is not replaced by a significant digit. The number sign (it is shown as a lattice) is absent in places where there are no significant digits. It is better to use a numeric template in the form of zero for digits after the decimal point, and in other cases, use a "hash". If you operate with numbers where there are more than two decimal places and the numbers in them are not equal to zero, then rounding up or down occurs. Likewise, Excel rounds off fractional numbers that are formatted as integers, i.e. no decimal places. However, only the numbers that are displayed are rounded, the exact values ​​are used in the calculations. In the Format codes field, you can select the option for specifying amounts that go "in the minus": along with the usual minus, they can be displayed in red, which is often used when drawing up accounting documents.


Excel provides a spell checker for texts in worksheet cells, charts, or text boxes. To run it, you need to select cells or text fields in which you need to check spelling. If you want to check all of the text, including the objects in it, select the cell from which Excel should look for errors. Next, you need to select the Tools - Spelling command. Then Excel will start to check spelling in the text. You can start the test using the F7 key. If the program detects an error or does not find the word being checked in the dictionary, the Spell Checking dialog will appear on the screen.


All mathematical functions are described in programs using special symbols called operators. A complete list of operators is given in the table.

The textual connection operator is designed so that when creating a sample document, for example, each time manually, the dates are not entered - the program itself will refer to the cell in which the date has been entered.

Recalculation of worksheets.

By default, when you enter, edit formulas, or fill cells with formulas, all formula calculations in the worksheet are done automatically. However, for complex integration calculations, this can take a long time, so you can cancel the automatic calculation. To do this, select the Service -Parameters menu command, then in the Calculation tab that appears, select the Manual option and set the Recalculate before saving radio button. After that, all calculations in the worksheet will occur only after pressing the Calculate key.

Excel functions.

The functions are designed to make it easier to create and interact with spreadsheets. The simplest example of performing calculations is the addition operation. Let's use this operation to demonstrate the benefits of the functions. Without using the system of functions, you will need to enter the address of each cell separately into the formula, adding a plus or minus sign to them. As a result, the formula will look like this:

B1 + B2 + B3 + C4 + C5 + D2

It is noticeable that it took a lot of time to write such a formula, so it seems that it would be easier to calculate this formula by hand. To quickly and easily calculate the amount in Excel, you just need to use the sum function by clicking the button with the sum sign or from the Function Wizard, you can manually type the function name after the equal sign. After the name of the functions, open the parenthesis, enter the addresses of the areas and close the parenthesis. As a result, the formula will look like this:

SUM (B1: B3; C4: C5; D2)

If you compare the writing of formulas, you can see that the colon here denotes a block of cells. Function arguments are separated by commas. Using blocks of cells, or areas, as arguments for functions is advisable, because, firstly, it is clearer, and secondly, with such a record, it is easier for the program to take into account changes in the worksheet. For example, you need to calculate the sum of the numbers in cells A1 to A4. It can be written like this:

SUM (A1; A2; A3; A4)

Or the same in another way:

SUM (A1: A4)

Creation of diagrams.

Working with spreadsheets is a great pleasure in itself, but if you could turn dry columns of numbers into visual charts and graphs. Excel gives this opportunity. In Excel, there are two different ways of storing charts in memory based on your numerical data: firstly, "embedded" charts and, secondly, "chart pages". Embedded diagrams are diagrams superimposed on the working page and saved in the same file; new graphic files are created in the diagram pages. The easiest way to create an embedded chart is to use the Chart Wizard, which is part of the Excel package. Chart toolbar. Charts can be created not only with the Chart Wizard. You can also do this in another way - even more quickly - using the Chart toolbar. It is fashionable to enable the image of this panel on the screen using the View - Toolbars menu. Example: Let's enter any data on the basis of which a diagram can be built. Select the data and click on the toolbar button with the arrow pointing down to open the list of chart types. After selecting the type of chart and setting a rectangle of the required size in the worksheet, we launch the chart wizard. If you need to create a chart on a separate sheet, you must select the Chart line in the Create field. After a short dialogue with the Chart Wizard, a separate worksheet will be created.

Cake charts.

Usually, such a visual representation of data is used when it is necessary to show the constituent shares as a percentage of the whole. You can create it on the screen, just like any other type of diagram, using the diagram wizard. Professional design.

To design documents, Excel offers, in addition to graphs and diagrams, the ability to create other graphic objects, for example, draw on the screen, and then print rectangles, ellipses, straight and curved lines, arcs, etc. You can also make drawings using separate graphic objects that no one will suspect that they are done using Excel, and not a specially designed graphics editor. To create pictures, use the buttons on the Drawing toolbar. You can turn on the image of this panel on the screen using the button located on the Standard toolbar.

Data exchange.

In all programs written for the Windows operating system, the user can use its Clipboard, it represents a special area of ​​memory provided by the operating environment at the disposal of various programs. Using the buffer, you can, while working in Excel, for example, interrupt and almost instantly switch to another program that Windows keeps ready for you. Moreover, regardless of the current program, the transition is carried out using the same command. To do this, you need to select the appropriate cells. Save data to the clipboard using the menu command Edit - Copy, or the key combination Ctrl + C. Now either Excel itself or another program can extract data from the clipboard using the Edit - Paste menu command or one of two key combinations: Shift + Insert or Ctrl + V.

The MS Excel spreadsheet (spreadsheet) is one of the most frequently used applications of the integrated MS Office suite, a powerful tool in the right hands, which greatly simplifies the day-to-day work.

The main purpose of MS Excel is to solve almost any calculation problems, the input data of which can be presented in the form of tables.

The use of spreadsheets simplifies working with data and allows you to get results without programming calculations. In combination with the programming language Visual Basic for Application (VBA), the MS Excel spreadsheet processor acquires a universal character and allows you to solve any problem at all, regardless of its nature.

Feature of spreadsheets is the ability to use formulas to describe the relationship between the values ​​of different cells. The calculation according to the given formulas is performed automatically. Changing the contents of a cell leads to a recalculation of the values ​​of all cells that are associated with it by formula relations and, thereby, to update the entire table in accordance with the changed data. Key features of spreadsheets:

· Carrying out of the same type of complex calculations on large data sets;

· Automation of final calculations;

· Solving problems by selecting parameter values;

· Processing (statistical analysis) of the results of experiments;

· Carrying out a search for optimal values ​​of parameters (solving optimization problems);

· Preparation of tabular documents;

· Construction of diagrams (including summary ones) according to the available data;

· Creation and analysis of databases (lists).

You can download MS Excel in the following ways:

· Double-clicking on the Microsoft Excel shortcut on the desktop, if the shortcut is there.

· Execution of the sequence of commands Start, Programs, Accessories, Microsoft Excel shortcut.

· Execution of the sequence of commands Start, Find, Files and folders. In the dialog box that appears, in the Name line, enter Microsoft Excel (the name of the MS Excel shortcut file) and click the Find button. After finishing the search, double-click on the Microsoft Excel shortcut. On completion of loading MS Excel, close the search window.

The loading of the MS Excel processor ends with the appearance on the monitor screen of an application window with an open worksheet named Sheet1 of the standard workbook with the default name Book1.

When creating your workbook, you need to do the following:

· Left-click to expand the Service menu, left-click on the Options ... line and in the dialog box that appears, click on the General tab. In the Sheets box in the new book: set the required number of sheets and click on the OK button.

· On the Standard toolbar, click the Create button.

· By clicking the left mouse button, expand the File menu and click the Save As ... line. In the window that appears, click on the arrow in the My Documents window. In the menu that opens, click on the line with the address of your directory, and then in the lower window File name, instead of the standard name, write down the name of your workbook, and then click on the Save button. In the future, when working with this file, do not perform such actions if you do not need to change the file name, but it is enough to periodically click the Save button on the Standard toolbar.

Excel allows you to enter three types of data into cells: numbers, text, formulas.

Text can be used for table headings, explanations, or notes on a worksheet. If Excel does not recognize the data type as numeric or as a formula, then the data is treated as text. Numbers are used to represent digital information and can be entered in a variety of formats: general, monetary, financial, percentage, etc.

Date and time can also be thought of as numbers. Formulas entered into a cell perform calculations, control the operation of the database, check the properties and values ​​of cells, and are used to establish the relationship between cells and arrays using address links.

Spreadsheets allow you to visualize the data placed on a worksheet in the form of a chart. A chart graphically displays the dependencies between data, which makes it easier to understand and aids in analyzing and comparing data.

Charts are a visual tool for presenting data and make it easier to make comparisons, patterns, and trends in your data.

For example, instead of analyzing multiple columns of numbers on a worksheet, you can look at a chart to see if sales are falling or rising by quarter, or how actual sales are comparing to projected sales.

You can create a chart on a separate sheet, or place it as an embedded object on a data sheet. Alternatively, you can publish your chart to a web page.

To create a chart, you must first enter data for it on a sheet.

After that, having selected this data, you should use the chart wizard to create a chart step by step, in which you select its type and various parameters.

Or use the Chart toolbar to create a basic chart, which you can later modify. A PivotChart report is an interactive summary of data in a chart format.

Its creation is different from regular Microsoft Excel charts. After you create a PivotChart report, you can view different levels of detail and change the layout of the chart by dragging and dropping its fields and members. A chart is linked to the data it was based on and updates automatically when the data changes.

The value of spreadsheets is determined by the processing capabilities they provide.

That is, using data entry to calculate the values ​​of other quantities.

Excel has a sufficient number of formulas that are needed to calculate various combinations of arithmetic and algebraic values.

Excel uses formulas to perform mathematical operations on one or more values ​​(or variables).

These values ​​can be just numbers or contain cell references. Excel uses a specific syntax to write formulas.

Excel is a program that is needed, first of all, by accountants and economists. After all, in it you can compile tables (reports), make calculations of any complexity, draw up diagrams. Moreover, all this can be done without much difficulty and incredible knowledge.

We can say that Excel is a large and powerful calculator with many functions and capabilities. But this does not mean at all that you need to be able to use all that this program "is able". For most people, the basic knowledge is enough, which you can gain from the following lessons.

    1. What is Excel

Microsoft Excel is a large table into which you can enter data, that is, print words and numbers. Also, using the functions of this program, you can perform various manipulations with numbers (add, subtract, multiply, divide and much more).

Many people think that Excel is just tables. That is, they are convinced that all tables on a computer are compiled only in this program. This is not entirely true.

Yes indeed, Excel is a table. But this program is needed, first of all, for calculations. If you need not only to draw a table with words and numbers, but also to perform any actions with the numbers (add, multiply, calculate the percentage, etc.), then you need to use the Microsoft Excel program. And if you need to create a table without calculations, that is, enter ready-made data, then it is faster and more convenient to do this in Microsoft Word.

If you compare Microsoft Excel with Microsoft Word, then Excel is, of course, more complicated. And it is better to start working in this program after you have mastered Word. It will take a long time to learn Excel thoroughly. But, as practice shows, most of them need to “learn to count” to work. That is, read and work through two or three lessons in this section.

Purpose of Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets

Microsoft Excel spreadsheets are designed to provide a convenient user experience with data tables that predominantly contain numeric values.

With spreadsheets, you can get accurate results without manual calculations, and built-in functions allow you to quickly solve complex problems.

In rectangular tables, ordered data is often stored and used to visualize both numbers and text information in various branches of human professional activity. The tables can store both the initial (primary) data, and the results of performing various kinds of operations on them. Before the advent of computers, tables were used that looked like graded sheets or filing cabinets.

With the help of computers, it has become much easier to represent and process data. Data processing programs are called table processors or spreadsheets because of their similarity to a regular table drawn on paper.

Remark 1

Today, a huge number of programs are known that provide storage and processing of tabular data, including Lotus 1-2-3, Quattro Pro, Calc and others. The most widely used spreadsheet processor for personal computers is Microsoft Excel.

MS Excel is used to solve economic, financial, technical and economic and engineering problems, to perform accounting and banking operations, in statistical information processing, data analysis and project forecasting, to fill out tax returns, etc.

Also, the Excel spreadsheet toolkit allows you to process statistical information and present data in the form of graphs and charts, which can also be used in everyday life for personal accounting and analysis of spending your own funds.

Thus, the main purpose of spreadsheets is:

  • data entry and editing;
  • formatting tables;
  • automation of calculations;
  • presentation of results in the form of diagrams and graphs;
  • modeling the processes of influence of some parameters on others, etc.

Spreadsheets can be easily integrated into a document created, for example, in the word processor Word or another application that is included in the Microsoft Office suite. Tight integration of the applications that are included in the package increases user efficiency, makes it possible to create professional-looking documents and use the capabilities of local and global information networks (World Wide Web) for teamwork and data publication.

The main feature of MS Excel is the ability to apply formulas to create links between the values ​​of different cells, and the calculation by formulas is performed automatically. When you change the value of any cell that is used in the formula, the cell with the formula is automatically recalculated.

The main features of spreadsheets include:

  • automation of all final calculations;
  • performing calculations of the same type on large data sets;
  • the ability to solve problems by selecting values ​​with different parameters;
  • the ability to process the results of the experiment;
  • the ability to tabulate functions and formulas;
  • preparation of tabular documents;
  • performing a search for optimal values ​​for the selected parameters;
  • the ability to build graphs and diagrams based on the entered data.

Advanced features of MS Excel 2013

Remark 2

When the spreadsheet processor starts up, the user sees a full-fledged web resource in front of him, and not a regular program. The start page contains various templates that can be downloaded from the Internet. This version of the program is also convenient to use on smartphones and tablets.

Let's take a closer look at the changes made:

  • The data is stored on the cloud server using a Live ID entry. Saving documents on the cloud service makes it possible, using any equipment that has Internet access, to get all the necessary files. After saving the document to the cloud, the user can invite other users to edit or view it. In parallel, a user can create a special web link that will direct other users to a document with data, and set a set of actions allowed to be performed. Moreover, the big advantage of using a cloud service is that it does not take into account the version of Excel installed on the user's computer.
  • With such a direct connection of some documents with the Internet, the issue of information protection is especially important, which the developers have completely resolved. In addition, in Excel 2013, the Check Out function is responsible for creating new versions of a document when it is edited.
  • The ability to establish rights and restrictions for other users who have access to a specific file. For example, you can prevent the page from being shown or edited.
  • The ability to search for pictures on the Internet directly from the program and directly insert them directly into the table. Search is carried out on free collections of pictures, on Flickr and SkyDrive.
  • A wider list of data sources, which allows you to increase efficiency when working with databases; the ability to import data.

Applications for spreadsheets

The electronic spreadsheet processor Excel is widely used for drawing up a variety of forms, keeping track of orders, processing lists, production planning, personnel accounting and production turnover. Excel also contains powerful mathematical and engineering functions that allow you to solve many problems in the field of natural and technical sciences.

Spreadsheets are widely used to automate calculations. It is convenient to perform a number of tasks in tabular form, for example, accounting, math problems, etc. The ability to use mathematical formulas in spreadsheets makes it possible to represent the relationship between different parameters. With the help of spreadsheets, it has become possible to solve many computational problems that were previously solved exclusively through programming.

Thus, the areas of application for spreadsheets include:

  • accounting and banking;
  • planning and resource allocation;
  • design and estimate work;
  • engineering calculations;
  • processing of large amounts of information;
  • research of dynamic processes;
  • the sphere of business and entrepreneurship.

Remark 3

One of the important functional extensions of the MS Excel spreadsheet processor is the built-in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming environment, which is designed to solve applied problems in MS Office. Thanks to VBA, Microsoft managed not only to expand the capabilities of the Excel macro language, but also to introduce a new level of application programming, since VBA allows you to create full-fledged application packages that go far beyond processing spreadsheets in their functions.

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