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Any login for registration. Set a complex password

There are practically no people left who use the Internet only to search for information. Mail, skype, social networks - all these systems have become an integral part of the "network" life.

And here, at almost every step, we encounter such concepts as login and password. Without them, you will NOT be able to use mail, social networks (Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook), or Skype. Not to mention forums and dating sites.

If you think that you use at least some communication system without them, then you are greatly mistaken. Apparently, your computer is configured in such a way that you do not encounter these data.

What is an account, login, password

Let me explain with an example of an apartment building. Let's say it has 100 apartments. Each has its own number.

All apartments have approximately the same layout, but each of them differs from the other - different furniture, wallpaper, plumbing, personal belongings of residents, and so on.

Apartment buildings are also different - three-story, five or more floors, with a different number of apartments and built according to different projects.

Here are the services of communication on the Internet - it's like such houses. Each system, be it mail, skype, social network or something else, has its own “apartments”. They are called accounts.

Anyone can get it and "furnish" it as they wish. But for this it is necessary that such an “apartment” be assigned a number and given a key to it. Here the number is the login, and the key is the password.

Login is a unique designation (number) in the system. And the password is the key to this login, that is, what it can be opened with.

Let's take an example with email. Let's say you have a mailbox on the Internet. This means that on some mail site (Yandex,, or another) you have your own personal account (apartment). He has a login (number) that opens with a password (key).

Using this data, you enter your email box and work in it - read and send letters, delete them, and so on. You simply cannot use your mail without a login and password - the mail site will not open it.

This is a general rule for all communication services on the Internet! For mail, Skype, pages on social networks (Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook and others), forums, chats, blogs and any other places where you can create your own space. Each of these systems has logins with passwords and if you want to be in it, then these data must be assigned to you.

If you don't know your username and password

It often happens that a person uses e-mail, Skype, or he has a page on a social network, but he does NOT know either his login or password. How can this be?!

The thing is that computers and programs have now become very smart. They are able to remember the data that was once entered by them. And every time you open this or that system, it automatically “logs in”, that is, enters your account, without even asking who you are.

That is, your data is in the memory of the site or program.

The most striking example is Skype. Having opened it, contacts, calls, correspondence immediately appear on most computers. That is, the program does NOT ask for a login and password from the account - it already remembers them.

It would seem that this is very convenient - you do not need to print every time. But, alas, it is not very safe, especially for novice users - you can easily lose access to your pages.

A few examples:

  1. A relative came to visit you and asked you to use a computer to check your mail or chat on Skype. To do this, he will have to log out of your account, otherwise he will not be able to enter his own. If you do not remember or do not know your data (login and password), then after such a visit you simply cannot log back in.
  2. You have a page in Odnoklassniki. You can enter it simply by opening this site. It so happened that one of the family members (spouse, child) also wanted to have such a page. In order to receive it, he must log out of your account. After that, only his page will open on the computer - you may never get into yours.
  3. The computer has crashed. As a result, you have to call a computer wizard. If something more or less serious happened and you need to change the system, then you will not be able to open any of your pages / programs.

There are many more similar situations. Almost every day I get several messages that people can't log in to their mail, lost their page on a social network, or they can't open Skype.

The trouble is that very often it is impossible to return the login and password and the account disappears forever. And with it all correspondence, contacts, files and other information. And all this is due to the fact that the user does not know or does not remember his login details.

Previously, there were no such problems, because sites and programs were not able to remember this information. That is, a person each time at the entrance had to enter his data.

Of course, now you can also configure the computer. But it's quite expensive, especially if you often communicate.

Getting a new username and password

Let's say I don't have a personal page in Odnoklassniki, but I want to start one. To do this, I need to get my own login and password from this system. The procedure for obtaining them is called registration.

Registration is filling out a small form in which the user specifies some information about himself. He also comes up with a username and password to enter this system. After filling out the form correctly, the user is issued a personal account.

On each site where you can get your page for free, there is a registration. It is also available in popular programs (Skype, Viber and others). As a rule, a button with such a name or a corresponding inscription is in a prominent place. Here's how it looks on the Odnoklassniki website:

Clicking on it will open a form. Fill it out and get an account. In the case of Odnoklassniki, this will be a personal page in this social network.

What should be the username and password

As I said, when registering in any system (mail, skype, social network, forum, etc.) you must choose a username and password. In fact, you need to invent them.

Login . This is your unique name in the system. The key word here is unique, that is, it belongs to you and only you. No other user will be assigned the same name - it's simply not possible.

Therefore, it is often difficult to choose it. After all, there are many users, each login is unique, and in this regard, all simple names have already been sorted out.

Another difficulty is that in most systems this name can only consist of Latin letters and / or numbers without spaces. That is, it is impossible to come up with a Russian version - there should be only English letters.

For example, I want to get a skype account. When registering, of course, you need to specify a login. I want to choose the name "incompetent". Since Russian letters are not accepted, I type neumeka and see that this name is already taken.

What to do. There are two options: either connect your imagination and find a free login by typing or use one of the names that the system offers.

The fact is that now many sites and programs are trying to help the user in choosing a name. They automatically select and show free options.

I advise you to take the choice seriously and do not spare time for this.

Remember: the login cannot be changed! You can only create a new account with a new login.

Which login is "good":

  • Not very long
  • No periods, hyphens, underscores
  • Easy to remember

Why is it important. The fact is that often the name in the system plays an important role in communication. For example, an e-mail name is formed from it.

Let's say I decide to open my mail on Yandex. I go to the site and register. I choose the name in the system neumeka. So my new email address will be [email protected]

And here people often make a mistake - they choose, to put it mildly, not very suitable names for themselves. All sorts of "handsome", "honey", "pussy" and the like.

For example, I receive a letter from a seemingly respectable person, the director of a large company, and he has mail with the login pupsik74. And how can I take this "baby doll" seriously?!

Also often choose logins with numbers. Well, if they are unchanged, for example, the year of birth. But quite often, people indicate the current year (for example, 2015) or the number of their full years. But this figure will change, but the name in the system will remain the same ...

For example, I receive a message from a person with the login natusik12. The first thing I think about is that the user is inexperienced. But this is not the worst. The problem is that usually, using numbers in names, people indicate either the year of their birth or the number of full years. And I conclude that a twelve-year-old girl is writing to me.

Naturally, I'm starting to take her age into account when writing the answer. But it turns out that it’s not a girl who writes to me, but an adult woman, a candidate of medical sciences. And I talk to her like a little girl.

How to choose a login. In fact, you can choose absolutely any name. Though baby-cats, even with numbers. But it’s better to “tighten up” once - after all, it may well be that you are doing it for many years.

What's more, it's free. But mobile operators, for example, take money for choosing a beautiful phone number.

When choosing a login, I recommend doing the following: we take a few letters of our real name and add a few letters of the last name to them. We try different options (at the beginning, middle, end) until we get a free login. If nothing happens, we connect the fantasy, but within reason :)

Of course, a lot still depends on which system you choose a name for. If it is mail or skype, then it is better that it be “good”. But if this is some kind of service where communication is not expected, then you can specify absolutely any.

Yes, and more! It is not at all necessary that the login be the same in different systems. Therefore, feel free to start different names on different sites - this is a common thing. After all, in one system the selected name will be free, and in another it may already be taken.

How to choose a password. Let me remind you that this is a secret code that you will use to open your account (mail, social network page, Skype). This is something like a pin code from a plastic card or a key to an apartment or a car.

It must consist only of Latin letters and/or numbers. No punctuation marks or spaces. Letter case also matters. That is, if a password is assigned, in which there is a large (capital) letter, but when typing it, the user prints a small one, then this will be a mistake - he will not be allowed into the account.

The password must be complex! Ideally, it should consist of at least ten characters, including numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters. And no sequences - everything is scattered. Example: Yn8kPi5bN7

The simpler the password, the easier it is to crack. And if this happens, the hacker will gain access to the account. And, most likely, you won't even know about it. But a person will be able, for example, to read your personal correspondence or even participate in it.

One of the most common passwords that users specify during registration is the year of birth. Picking up such a "key" is not difficult at all. It is also very common to use a set of numbers or keyboard letters arranged in order (such as 123456789 or qwerty).

By the way, you can even find a list of the most common passwords on the Internet. Here are the six most common: 123456789, qwerty, 111111, 1234567, 666666, 12345678.

Where and how to change username and password

Login cannot be changed! You can only create a new account with a new name.

But all contacts, messages, files that were in the old account will remain in it. Transferring them is extremely difficult, and in some cases even impossible.

Moreover, you will have to warn the interlocutors about the move - they say, do not write to me at the old address, but write to the new one. And it should be borne in mind that some people may ignore this request for one reason or another.

Therefore, if you already have a login, but it is unsuccessful, choose the lesser of two evils. Of course, when there are few contacts and they are not important (or there are none at all), then you can safely get yourself a different name, and forget about the old one. But if the name is many years old and you actively use it, then it is better to leave everything as it is.

The password, as a rule, can be changed quite easily.. To do this, you just need to open your account settings and select the appropriate item.

Usually, to change it, you need to specify the old version, and then print the new one twice. If the data is entered correctly, then after clicking on the "Save" button (or some similar one), the password will change. This means that it will no longer be possible to enter under the old one.

Most of us in one way or another maintain activity in various social networks or other Internet resources. A personal account on any site must be made as protected from hacking as possible. In this article, we will give some tips to help you create a unique login and a strong password for use on any site.

How to create a strong username and password

Create a login

  • in no case do not set the same or very similar values ​​for the Login and Password fields;
  • most sites offer to use an email address or nickname as a login. Use an email address. This is very convenient and practically eliminates the possibility of forgetting the login;
  • To make it easier to remember the login, you can use the same one in several accounts.

We come up with a password

Since the main difficulty in hacking is the selection of a password, its creation should be taken most seriously. It must be remembered that the password should not be easily guessed (for example, 1234567 or qwerty). Also, when creating a password, be sure to pay attention to the following points:

  • do not use your first name, last name or the names of people close to you as a password. This data is likely to be well known, so it will be easy to pick it up.
  • try to compose a password from combinations of words and numbers (different keyboard languages, different case). This is the easiest and most secure way to create a complex password.
  • don't make the password too short. No matter how complex the combination of letters and numbers in a password is, it will be easier to crack if it is short.
  • create a password that you can remember. To avoid having to use the browser's remember passwords feature, remember your password and enter it manually each time you visit your account.
  • do not write down your passwords anywhere. As well as in the case of pin codes from bank cards, try not to store your passwords in written form anywhere.

The principles of creating a strong login and password for both websites and individual applications (Mail Agent, Skype, Instagram, etc.) are completely the same. You can find other tips on how to create a new login and password in the article -

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Good day, dear readers of my blog. I keep my blog for novice Internet users, and if you feel quite confident in some issues, then difficulties may arise regarding others, at first glance, simpler ones.

For example, I recently paid a lot for ignorance of the basics. I was 100 percent sure of the correctness of my wrong beliefs and understood a lot. It often happens that a person who can easily create publications and even get good money for it can make a mistake in something that seems to be quite insignificant.

Today we’ll talk about what a password and login are and how they need to be created correctly so that you don’t end up in big trouble later. Today I will answer exactly this question. This is important, because everything on the network is hacked. This is not necessarily important and necessary information for a hacker. Sometimes this is done just like that, without a special purpose. Nothing to do or in an attempt to earn a pretty penny.

Basic information not known to many

There is nothing worse when, thanks to some simple and unnecessary login and password from the left account in classmates, scammers manage to get the password from the card and all the most important personal data. Such nonsense can allow attackers to harm on a fairly large scale, and this happens. But don't worry ahead of time. Today I will tell you how to save yourself from trouble.

Let's start with the basics. It happens that during registration you are asked for a username or nickname, and sometimes they ask you to create a login. This is an individual identifier, thanks to which you indicate to the system who you are. The login, as a rule, is not visible to other users and differs from the name.

For example, in Skype you can enter your own name, and other participants will see that you are "Maria Nikolaevna Petrova", but you need to log in with a username by which you can be found. For example, "pettrrowa12348". The login must be unique and not repeated among two users of the same system, but the presence of namesakes or namesakes is not forbidden.

That is, under one name (login) you enter the site, and under another you are seen by others. Of course, for example, there can be many “Mari Nikolaevnas” in social networks, but what if two of them accidentally want and use the same password?

Then a real disaster will happen and both women will end up on the same page! Can you imagine what kind of incident could happen if it were possible to register two people under the same name in e-mail? Even if the passwords are different, then the letters would come to the same mailbox.

To prevent such troubles from happening, they came up with a login.

Previously, when registering, to create a login, they were asked to use only Latin letters, numbers and symbols. Often it was also necessary to write uppercase and lowercase.

Now the situation has changed and many sites allow the use of Russian letters, however, I still recommend that you write your own login in English, because this option is suitable for registering on any portal.

If you use the Latin alphabet, then completing the process will be quite simple, and you will not encounter any problems. You do not have to redo everything and waste time.

Increasingly, you are offered a choice of entering a username, email address or mobile phone number. In this case, you can use any of these three options. Of course, now I do not mean ordinary forums, but sites such as WebMoney, or Vkontakte.

A sad story from life as a warning to beginners, as well as some useful tips

On the Internet, you need to be very careful, because by hacking one service you can get all the information about others.

Often, hackers get access to some account on the forum, then they get into the mail through it, and if, for example, you use Yandex and also have a wallet in this service, then the attacker can easily go there too, transfer money to a mobile phone, because the site does not require confirmation by SMS, and so along the chain they will find out all your ins and outs and withdraw money.

Do not think that no one needs you and this will definitely not happen to you. Hackers can break into thousands of stupid accounts from some old site that almost no one visits anymore, and then sell the data to attackers for small but easy money. Who needs it? To people who send out ads, it's such a huge database!

Do not worry and be afraid to register. You just need to do it with intelligence and vigilance. In fact, you can hack anything and whenever you want, even the website of Sberbank or the Pentagon, but this is not a reason to refuse to use the Internet. Do not go massively to communication using pigeon mail.

A complex password and login is what you need. As I said, you can hack it too, but it will only work out for a rather small percentage of Internet visitors. I don’t think that those who are included in this number will be interested in spending their time on work that pays a penny. They have a lot of other things to do!

Many users, as a rule, pay great attention to the code, but the login is left without much attention. This is not the right approach, if you dream of sleeping peacefully and not thinking about troubles, make it twice as difficult for scammers.

When you get too lazy to come up with something special, remember that losing access to social networks and many sites can not only be frustrating, but also lead to more serious consequences.

So let's talk about passwords. I think that it is not necessary to mention once again that this is a complex set of large and small letters, numbers and symbols, which ideally cannot be predicted. You can't imagine how many people use a cipher like: "12345", "qwerty" or "1q2w3e4r5t". Every average cracker can show you lists with a thousand standard examples.

Moreover, anything that helps you remember your password, a piece of paper or a file on your computer can also help a scammer steal your personal data! Don't think that getting to your desktop is impossible.

A long time ago, I realized the need to use a reliable and good manager for creating and storing passwords, and I had the opportunity to verify this just recently.

About a month ago I bought myself a new tablet and didn't install my favorite password generator. I put everything off. A week after I started using it, they stole money from my e-wallet and tried to infect with viruses several sites that I created for sale. Fortunately, at least with the latter, the scammers did not succeed. I take my work very seriously and a powerful antivirus warned me about the threat.

After this incident, I realized how important it is not to save time and money on protecting any of my data. After all, as I assume, access to all the most important was obtained thanks to the left mail, which was created to receive one of the free courses.

I often start to register in some systems so that I receive news, but not notifications on my phone. I check these boxes when I find a free day for it.

The best way to create a bulletproof login and password

How to create it, this bulletproof password? Exclusively thanks to the managers! I am using this program: . It is good because after spending just a few minutes it can be installed on a tablet, phone and computer. And you need to do it on time, as has been proven by me in my experience.

The program is very convenient, it automatically detects and fills in the necessary forms on any site. Remembers the username, is able to come up with as many logins as you like and generate passwords of different levels of complexity. In addition, if a hacker can hack a Word document (even on your personal computer) in a few seconds, then it is almost impossible to open the encoding of the data stored in the roboform.

If your children and wife or some strangers periodically sit on the Internet from your laptop, then each of them can create their own personal persona. At the same time, none of the family members will be able to easily determine the data of others. Of course, if he does not think to ask directly.

By the way, roboform is included in the list of 200 best programs for the Internet. Using it is quite simple, but if you have difficulty, you can read the detailed article on my blog (). I created it a long time ago. You can find out all the subtleties of work and additional features, as well as the benefits that RoboForm .

OK it's all over Now. Good luck and stay safe on the internet. See you again.

If you liked this article, subscribe to the newsletter and learn more about how to live and work on the Internet. It's easier than you think. See for yourself.

A login is a unique account name that is issued automatically when registering on a site or is invented by the user on their own. This term applies only to the Internet.

For example, you decide to register on the Odnoklassniki social network. On the registration page, you will be asked to enter a phone number and verify it.

Now, the login from this site will be a phone number. It is unique and no one except you will enter your personal account.

Login can be:

  1. Phone number
  2. Email (e-mail)
  3. Unique name (in Latin letters)

Login will be required on sites that require mandatory registration. For example:

  • In contact with
  • Instagram
  • public services
  • Mail
  • Skype

For Sberbank-online, you also need a username and password. Without these data, you will not be able to enter your personal account.

How to create a username and password

I have already said above that it can be invented or obtained automatically. This will depend on the specific site.

For example, Sberbank will issue a login at a bank branch. In social networks, this is usually a phone number. On sites for making money, this is a name in Latin letters or email.

In order to receive a login (account name), in any case, you will first have to register on the site.

Let's look at a specific example of how to register mail and get a login and password from it. Let's go to the mail from Yandex and fill in the fields. Enter your real data.

I entered the first and last name, and Yandex offered me an option from the list. If you don’t want to waste time choosing a beautiful name, then you can choose a ready-made option.

Next, come up with a password. The password should not be simple. Use letters and symbols as shown in the screenshot above. Enter a phone number. You will need it in case you lose or forget your data.

After registration will be created from the mail. To enter it, you will need to enter a username and password. After that, it will be possible to use the services from Yandex for free. So, you need to do with all the sites that you want to use.

Unique Name Generator

If you have difficulty coming up with a name for your account, then use the login generators. With their help, you can generate unique English and Russian names.

You should not devote much time to this, beautiful names are needed for the name of e-mail and computer games. In other cases, it is needed to enter your personal account.

wrong login or password

To avoid losing passwords, write them down on paper. If you still lost, then try to restore them.

Step #1. Go to the site from which the data was lost.

Step #2. Find the “Login” button and click on it.

Step #3. Under the input lines, find a link with something like this: “Forgot your password or login?” or “Reset password?”.

Step number 4. Click on it and follow the instructions. Each site has its own recovery rules.

How to change login

Once registered, you cannot change your name. You will have to create a new account. And if a phone number is used as an input, then it will be difficult to do this, since you will need to get a new SIM card. In other cases, new mail will suffice.

In custody

In simple words, a login is the name of an account or an account from a site on which you need to register and then go to your personal account.

Do not share your details with anyone so that they cannot be used by attackers. Write them down on paper and keep them in a safe place.

And an example of logins "to both be worthy of name and remember this vital combination. Consider examples of logins and passwords that a user can register to work online.

A modern Internet user has access to all its advantages - freedom of access to information, communication through a variety of channels, an immense arsenal of technical means for visualizing their creative ideas, sources of income ... Sometimes a lot depends on a good memory for logins - a letter read on time, data saved on time . To work effectively in the global network, at least a few individual logins and passwords are required to access forums, social networks, chats, and video conferences. The problem is that there are almost a billion users on the Internet. And all the most successful and common login options have already been mastered by someone.

There are different approaches to the formation of names. Consider typical examples of logins that are accepted in the network world. The most common ones are often based on their own first and last name, a creative pseudonym, a combination of numbers with a meaning for the user (year of birth with a name, other important dates), a nickname, an informal version of the name. There are game aliases - in computer games. In fact, it doesn't matter what the login contains. The main thing is that it must be unique, otherwise the user simply will not go through the registration procedure on the site. The selected login is sometimes impossible to change, it is better to approach this issue thoughtfully enough.

Example of logins based on full name

Most often, a user names himself on the Web using his own. This is a logical and easy example of logins, the most common, but associated with the problem of uniqueness - there are many identical surnames. In this situation, there is a way out: connect the full name with digital data, separate them with a period or hyphen, use suffixes, prefixes and special characters.

  • anna.andreeva.1999;
  • semen-semenich.

It all depends on the user's imagination. True, in this case, many people know the year of birth. You can use any numbers - zip code, car number. The login is used to register on the site, forum, social network. This requires a binding, it is better to take it close in spirit to the login in order to make it easier to remember:

  • pr-manager (profession);
  • lenochka (sister's name).

The password can be changed if necessary, especially after a hacking attempt.

Mail logins

Basically, a login for mail (examples will be discussed below) is created to start the latter is a combination of the domain name of an individual "number" of the box, which can be denoted by a word and numbers. A typical email login example looks like this:

The choice of the box depends on and the name - on the audience to which it will be possible to send letters from this address. There is a difference between personal mail and official mail - the first is intended only for private correspondence, the second - only for business relations.

Login for Skype

Chat and video conferencing capabilities thanks to the Skype application are used by a lot of people today. In addition to mail and many other numerous online registrations, Skype also requires you to register a nickname that is easy to remember. What is the best Skype login? Examples can be given endlessly, but it is better to take the name of the program - Skype - as a basis and attach your individual data. Here is an example of logins designed specifically for Skype:

  • marina.erohina-skype;
  • skypeskriper;
  • dimaskype

In this way, uniqueness will be respected, and it will be easier for all users (including you) to remember your unique name for communication in Skype.

Universal and professional logins

If the options discussed above are quite individual, then here is another example of logins that are selected quite strictly and seriously. This is your business login, which you use at work or when corresponding with career-significant persons, clients, officials. Agree that by sharing a frivolous contact ( [email protected] or [email protected]) You are unlikely to gain credibility in business circles. In addition, such a mailing address is difficult to remember, and the first time such a letter is received, the addressee may, without delving into it, send it to spam. To gain someone else's authority and inspire respect for yourself, you need not only to be a professional, have good manners and work efficiently. Little things like a torn off button or a stupid mailing address or Internet alias can embarrass an employer or business partner alike. Here is an example of logins that will reflect your personality and make them easy to remember:

[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected]

As you can see, the impression of a business login is radically different.

How to remember logins

In order not to expose yourself to the risk of data loss, it is necessary to fix the login and password combination in a safe place, inaccessible to outsiders, encode it in a notebook or keep a special offline file where you can enter all individual data. It is desirable that the login and password are logically related to each other. A professional login may have a password in the form of the name of the department or product that the company produces. Personal - the name of a child or favorite movie actor. Using it, you can securely fix the most ornate login in memory.

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