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  • The moon in high definition. "Moon: Overflight Video" - Based on high-resolution photos from the lunar satellite Kaguya

The moon in high definition. "Moon: Overflight Video" - Based on high-resolution photos from the lunar satellite Kaguya

In 1959, the USSR, for the first time in the world, showed people what was on the far side of the moon. Photos were taken from the automatic interplanetary station "Luna-3". The spacecraft was launched into airless space on October 4 using the Vostok-L launch vehicle. The unique images were sent at 3 a.m. on October 7, 1959. The signal was received by the Simeiz Observatory (now part of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory). The views of the "invisible side of the moon" transmitted to Earth covered a distance of 483 thousand kilometers. Peering at the blurry pictures, many wondered "on the spots": what is on the far side of the moon? Yes, the quality of the images was poor, but they were mined! The leader of the USSR's research got the right to name the objects discovered on the surface of the nearest satellite. The whole world learned which sea is on the far side of the moon - Moscow. Its part, which goes deep into the land, was called the Bay of Astronauts. The crater about 60 miles (96.5 km) from it was named after Professor Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, a pioneer of astronautics. The ridge near the equator sounded proudly like a Soviet one. A dark spot near the border of the visible and invisible parts of the Moon has become the Sea of ​​Dreams.

Why is the Moon always visible from the Earth only from one side? Because of this, it is impossible to know what is on the far side of the moon! The reason lies in the fact that the Moon makes a revolution around the Earth in the same time during which the Earth turns around its axis. Axial and orbital rotation is 27.3 days. Synchronization of motion took place about 4 billion years ago.

NASA's Astrophysical Information System in 1968 released a catalog that contains descriptions of about six hundred anomalous phenomena on the lunar surface. This catalog contains information on moving UFOs of various sizes and shapes, lunar craters that appear and disappear, rainbow fogs, flashes of bright light and the casting of shadows by unknown objects. And the Russian astronomer Kozyrev recorded a series of red flashes on the lunar surface. Anomalies of this kind were often recorded in the area of ​​one of the largest lunar craters. Its diameter is over one hundred kilometers. He received the name "Alphonse". This crater is the most mysterious place on the moon.

American astronomer Carl Sagan made a statement in the 60s of the last century that caves were discovered on the lunar surface, the size and shape of which suggests that they are not natural objects. The inner volume of the largest cave is over one hundred cubic kilometers. At one time, American astronauts said that almost all lunar missions of the Apollo spacecraft in the period from 1968 to 1972 were carefully monitored by representatives of alien civilizations. In addition, there have been recorded cases of contact between astronauts and aliens. They communicated with the astronauts using a special code cipher. The theory of the existence of such a cipher was confirmed in 1958 by the Japanese astronomer Kenzahuro Toyoda. He managed to see seven giant letters on the lunar surface, which disappeared after a few nights. The appearance of these letters remained unexplained.

Neil Armstrong's phrase was leaked to the media recently. The American astronaut pronounced it immediately after landing on the lunar surface: “Oh, Lord! Yes, there are other spaceships. They are along the far edge of the crater and are watching us! " Joseph Shklovsky, a Soviet astrophysicist, suggested that the Moon could well be a huge, dormant alien spacecraft. A little later, a similar version was put forward by the radio astronomer Alexei Arkhipov from Russia. He made the assumption that the Moon is nothing more than an alien station, which was created specifically to observe the Earth and its inhabitants.

Scientists and astronomers, including employees of the American space agency, are confident that the world government is hiding information from people regarding the stay of aliens on Earth's satellite. But the presence of photographs that captured various buildings and traces of technology left on the soil of the moon testify to the opposite. Alien bases are believed to be hidden on the far side of the moon. Astronauts from the Apollo mission became eyewitnesses of the so-called "lunar kingdoms". Rumor has it that on the far side of the moon there are towers and castles made of a transparent material that resembles rhinestone. There are also various types of vehicles and vehicles that leave traces.

In 2010, photos leaked onto the Internet, allegedly taken with the Cassiopeia probe of the so-called dark side of the moon. They sparked controversy among astronomers and conspiracy theorists alike. Photos show structures in the Schrödinger crater near the south polar region of the Moon; official sources were unable to provide a clear explanation for this phenomenon.

For the first time, the North American Space Agency (NASA) has posted high-resolution photos of the Apollo lunar program on the Internet. More than 9,000 high-resolution images that have never been seen by anyone except specialists were recently posted on Flickr for free use. According to NASA, this is just the first step towards popularizing the Apollo photographic documents, and the rest of the photographs will be made public in the near future.

The Apollo program ran from 1961 to 1975. During this period, 11 manned expeditions were sent to the natural satellite of the Earth, of which 9 reached the Moon, 6 successfully landed on its surface, and one, due to an accident, was forced to fly around the Moon without landing and return home (the other 2 performed preparatory tasks and landing on The moon was not foreseen). The cost of the thirteen-year program was $ 25 billion ($ 139 billion in 2005 dollars), which is almost 10 times less (!) Than the cost of the 9-year war in Iraq.

The six successful expeditions are Apollo 11, Apollo 12, Apollo 14, Apollo 15, Apollo 16 and Apollo 17. The Apollo 13 almost suffered a tragedy due to an accident on board. It was decided to cancel the moon landing, the crew was ordered to transfer from the service module to the lander, and they were sent back to earth in an emergency manner.

Especially for the readers of this blog, I have posted all 9000 photos and made a selection of photos from several expeditions of the Apollo lunar program.

02. Expedition "Apollo 11" - July 20, 1969 First successful landing on the Moon| The lunar lander with Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin undocked from the service module and is heading for the surface of the moon. The third crew member, Michael Collins, remained in the service module.

03. The first snapshot of the surface of the Moon after lunar landing.

04. Unfortunately, in this collection there are no photos of the exit of Neil Armstrong - the first person to set foot on the moon. From the porthole, the stairs, along which Armstrong descended, were not visible. His exit was recorded only by a television camera, fixed on an external rack, through which a live broadcast to Earth was carried out. A few minutes later, Armstrong moved her to another location. All that Edwin Aldrin could photograph in those minutes was the American flag, which Armstrong stuck into the lunar soil, and a television camera standing in the distance.

05. If there were a photojournalist on the moon at that time, then the Armstrong exit he filmed could look something like this. Here Armstrong filmed Aldrin's exit. At that moment, it was important not to close the hatch behind you. There was no handle on the outside of the exit hatch. If the hatch slammed shut, the astronauts would not be able to enter the module and return to Earth.

06. As you know, the first words spoken by Neil Armstrong for the first time stepping on the lunar surface were: "This is a small step for man, but giant leap for mankind."

07. Footprint of one of the astronauts in the lunar soil.

08. Few people know that the first object that the astronauts threw on the surface from the open door was a bag of rubbish (!). Very human, isn't it?

09. Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin walk on the moon. One poses, the other takes pictures.

10. Labor lunar weekdays began. Edwin Aldrin installs a solar wind collector shield. It was a sheet of aluminum foil 30 cm wide and 140 cm long and was intended to trap helium, neon and argon ions.

12. Edwin Aldrin deploys the seismometer.

14. Soil samples are taken.

15. Edwin Aldrin poses next to the flag. This photograph has been the subject of heated debate over the years. Adherents of conspiracy theorists argued that the supposedly waving flag indicates that the shooting was not done on the moon, but on the ground, and here the action of the wind waving the flag is evident. Fortunately, now anyone can go to the photo archive of this expedition and view all the photos that were captured that day. The curvature of the flag fabric is the same in all photographs, which eloquently testifies to the absurdity of the conspiracy theorists' suspicions. When the wind ripples the fabric of the flag, its shape will change every second and it is almost impossible to repeat it.

16. It is known that when preparing the first expedition to the moon, engineers proceeded from the assumption that over the billions of years of the moon's history, a layer of dust of several feet has accumulated on its surface. Therefore, the "legs" of the lander were made long, with the expectation that during landing they would drown in the dust. To the surprise of the developers and engineers of NASA, the layer of dust on the Moon turned out to be no more than 3-5 cm. Does this indicate the young age of the Moon, and therefore of the Earth? There is something to think about.

17. The astronauts were on the lunar surface for 2.5 hours. When they returned to the lander, they threw away a few more items that they no longer needed - the backpacks of the portable life support system (the same ones that they carried with them), the upper lunar shoes and a camera (cassettes with footage, of course, were saved ). This was necessary in order to lighten the take-off weight of the module as much as possible.

18. Commemorative plaque: "At this place, people from planet Earth first set foot on the moon in July 1969 AD. We came in peace on behalf of all mankind." The lower block of the lander, on the rack of which the plaque was fixed, remained on the moon.

19. The way home. The lunar lander Apollo 11, after taking off from the moon, approaches the command module that was waiting for it in orbit.

20. Expedition "Apollo 12" - November 19, 1969. Second moon landing| Rise of the Earth over the Moon.

21. Another rise of the Earth. Unusual phrase: "Rise of the Earth".

22. View of the lunar surface from the porthole of the lander.

23. Night on Earth.

24. One of the main tasks of the Apollo 12 crew was to find the automatic Surveyor 3 spacecraft, which had landed on the moon 2.5 years earlier. The crew successfully coped with this task and landed the lunar module 200 meters from the Surveyor. In the photo, the commander of the crew, Charles Konrad, near the Surveyor-3 apparatus. Astronauts removed some parts from it and took it with them to earth. Scientists were interested in how these objects were affected by their long stay on the moon. The Apollo 12 lander is in the background.

25. Expedition "Apollo 15" - July 30, 1971. Fourth moon landing| This expedition was the first to use a lunar vehicle.

26. Astronauts David Scott and James Irwin spent nearly three days on the moon. During this time, they made three exits to the surface with a total duration of 18.5 hours.

27. Wheel tracks of the lunar car. Astronauts dashed off 28 kilometers on it.

28. One of the astronauts sets up scientific equipment.

29. The lunar car was developed by Boeing engineers. Wheels are made of braided steel wire. The car was powered by electric batteries and could reach speeds of up to 13 km / h, and even more. However, a high speed was undesirable, since in the conditions of the moon the lunomobile weighed 6 times less than on the ground, and at high speed it was thrown up strongly on irregularities.

30. The relatively weak gravity was the reason that a lot of moon dust was raised when walking, which settled on clothes. Note the dust-black legs of the astronaut.

31. Expedition "Apollo 16" - April 21, 1972. Fifth moon landing| Unlike previous landings, which took place on more or less flat surfaces, Apollo 16 landed in a mountainous area, on a plateau.

32. Morning run?))

33. Astronauts are clearly at home on the moon. Lunomobile parked near the lander, scientific equipment, working astronaut. There is no longer the wariness and uncertainty that are visible in the photographs of Apollo 11.

34. Some of the astronauts have stained the lens.

35. A beautiful shot of the Earth hanging in space. We humans live somewhere on this planet. We are born, we die, we create something, we are at war for some reason ... How petty and insignificant it all seems from afar, from space.

36. The surface of the moon when approaching the lunar module.

37. Expedition "Apollo 17" - December 11, 1972. Sixth and final moon landing| Thanks to the lunar car, astronauts were able to move away from the lander for several kilometers, and descend to the bottom of huge craters.

38. During the next landing in the lunomobile, the commander of the crew, Eugene Cernan, hooked a wing sticking out of his pocket with a hammer over one of the wheels and tore it off. If on Earth such a breakdown is not considered serious, then on the Moon everything is different. Due to the lack of a wing, dust rose during the movement, which settled on the clothes of the astronauts and on the instruments of the lunomobile. The black color of the dust attracted heat and posed the threat of overheating. The astronauts had to urgently look for a way out of the situation. They managed to attach the wing with duct tape.

39. Collection of soil samples. The astronaut's clothes are stained with moon dust.

40. Lunomobile against the background of one of the mountains.

41. Lunar relief.

42. Return of the last lunar expedition. Dawn on Earth.

43. Huge ocean spaces. Eh, if only part of these spaces were dry land.

44. Our native blue ball.

46. ​​Relief surface of the Moon and the rising Earth.

48. Astronauts who visited the moon were the only people who could look at lunar craters without a telescope.

49. During the Apollo 17 expedition, astronauts drilled 8 wells 2.5 meters deep. Explosives weighing from 50 grams to 2.5 kg were laid in the holes. After the astronauts left the moon, on command from the Earth, explosives were detonated and scientists used instruments to measure the speed of propagation of seismic waves.

50. On the way home, astronaut Ronald Evans performs a routine inspection of his ship.

52. Crew Commander Eugene Cernan and astronaut Ronald Evans.

53. What kind of device is so unusual? Looks like someone's brain under glass.

54. Ronald Evans shaves on his way to Earth.

55. Command and service module America is awaiting docking with the lunar module, which was last launched from the lunar surface. The Apollo 17 mission became the longest manned mission to the Moon. A record number of lunar rock samples have been delivered to Earth. Records were set for the duration of astronauts' stay on the lunar surface and in circumlunar orbit. Apollo 17 was the most productive and nearly hassle-free lunar mission ever.

56. More than 40 years have passed since the day when man last walked on the moon. Will people return to the moon again? And is there any sense at all to fly to the moon again, if it is now known for certain that there is nothing of value there?

57. The Apollo lunar program is completed. The last look at the mountain range on the surface of the Moon, which rises above the Earth every night and illuminates our fields with its white light, reflects a light path in our seas, and shines through our windows while we sleep.

Photos: NASA

Photo archive of all 9,000 photos in full resolution can be found on the photo hosting

On January 2, 1839, French photographer and scientist Louis Daguerre took the first photograph of the moon. After that, interest in the Earth's satellite only increased, and many professionals and amateurs diligently filmed this celestial body. We will tell you about five photographs of the moon that went down in history.

The first photograph of the moon was taken by Louis Daguerre on January 2, 1839. As you know, Daguerre was one of the founders of photography. Only in August 1839, the process of obtaining a daguerreotype, that is, a photographic image, was presented to the general public. The public saw a not very high quality, by today's standards, of course, a black and white image of the Moon.

In 1840, American scientist John William Draper made a clear picture of the Earth's satellite, without having accurate instruments for tracking celestial bodies. This shot showed the perspective of photography in science. The photo was not of high quality, but it gave a general idea of ​​what the moon looks like.

Draper, 1840

Hidden side of the moon

In October 1959, the Soviet Union spacecraft Luna-3 (the third spacecraft successfully launched to the Moon) captured the far side of the Moon for the first time. The photographs were captured and dried aboard the ship and then returned to Earth. The images are considered rather blurry by today's standards, but they clearly show a sharp difference between the hidden part of the Moon and what is visible from Earth. In particular, the image shows dark areas called lunar seas.

The Far Side of the Moon, 1959

Lunar landscape

In April 1972, the crew of the Apollo 16 spacecraft using the Swedish Hasselblad equipment captured the landscape of the far side of the Moon. The picture was taken after an American ship landed on the dark side of Earth's satellite with John Young as the expedition commander. In the background is the blue planet Earth, about half of which is obscured by darkness.

Apollo 16, 1972. Photo: NASA / ZUMA Press / Global Look Press

Apollo 11 Photos

Another photograph of American astronauts has become a cult one and became famous all over the world. This picture was taken by astronauts who, in July 1969, landed on the lunar surface for the first time in history. The image shows the surface of the Moon with traces of human presence on it. In the center of the image is Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin, who accompanied the famous Neil Armstrong on a walk on the moon. This photo is one of several that show Armstrong walking on the moon - in this case, Armstrong is seen reflected from the spacesuit of Aldrin's space suit.

Admire the first photo of the lunar surface in high resolution, taken from space, Earth and the lunar rover, with Soviet and color frames of the reverse side.

The closest neighbor to Earth is our only satellite, the Moon. It is not surprising that humanity managed to complete successful missions and get excellent high resolution pictures of the moon... After all, if we want to explore space, you must understand what is happening literally around the corner. In the photo of the Moon, you can see that it is a small object with a crater surface. Gravity is lower than Earth, therefore pictures of the moon demonstrate how astronauts move in high jumps. You have the opportunity to look at amazing geology and get to know this world better. Moon Photo high resolution will allow you to admire the reverse side, study craters and landing sites, as well as see the Earth from space.

High-resolution pictures of the moon

Buzz Aldrin on the Moon

Bean walks on the moon

Astronaut Alan Bean stopped near the instrument carrier during the Apollo 12 mission on the lunar surface. The black and white photograph of the moon was taken by Charles Conrad. His reflection can be seen on the spacesuit.

Two ships on the moon

Earth, Moon, Hubble

During a mission in December 1999, the crew of the Discovery spacecraft managed to obtain a photo of the bright moon, our planet and part of the Hubble Space Telescope. On the left is the earth's horizon. The moon appears bright because it has entered the Full Moon phase and is located closest to the Earth.

Earth moon

Framed moon

This image was taken in 1998 from the rear windows of the Discovery ship. The Earth is visible on the left, and the Moon is in the center. The STS-95 mission flew over the Atlantic Ocean. Also in this passage, Senator and Mercury project participant John Glenn returned to space.

Moon walk

James Irwin works by the lunar vehicle during the Apollo 15 mission in Hadley Apennines. In the foreground is the shadow of the Falcon lunar module. The photo of the moon was taken by Commander David Scott. Apollo 15 launched on July 26, 1971 from the Kennedy Space Center. The pilot was Alfred Warden.

To the moon

View of the Moon from the ISS

On November 12, 2013, a photo of the lunar Earth satellite was taken from the ISS. Typically, crew members have time to view hundreds of different views of the moon during missions. But our neighbor continues to attract attention. The photo was taken from space at 00:00:00 GMT.

First look at Earth from the Moon

Trip on the moon

Apollo 16 landing

Apollo 12 landing

Passage of the moon in front of the sun

During the solar eclipse on August 21, 2017, an earth satellite passed in front of the Sun. Photo of the sun and moon taken from Lake Ross in Northern Canada National Park. A total solar eclipse has captured a narrow part of the United States from Oregon to South Carolina. A partial event could be observed from South America, Africa and Europe.

Good night moon

Astronaut Scott Kelly posted this high-quality photo of the Moon taken from the ISS on social networks and signed: “Day 97. Good night, Luna. "

Shadow Surveyor-1 on the Moon

Scientist on the Moon

23.10.2015 28.12.2018 - admin

Secret photos of the Moon collected from various sources from around the world.

entrance to the Lunar base

bases on the moon

Astronauts who made flights to the moon under the Apollo program were very often accompanied by UFOs (unidentified flying objects). An official NASA photograph (AS12-497319) taken during the Apollo 12 flight clearly showed a large UFO hovering over the Moon.
Government policies to keep the truth about UFOs secret from the general public are superbly described and documented in several books by renowned astronomers such as Allen Hynek (US Air Force UFO consultant), Major Donald Keyhoe , Timothy Good (his book Top Secret) and many other professional researchers. One of the undisputed experts we can trust is Christopher Kraft, former director of NASA. He gave us the following entry (after leaving his post at NASA), made in Houston during the Apollo 11 lunar mission:

ASTRONAUTS NEIL ARMSTRONG and BUZZ ALDRIN speak from the moon: “These are gigantic things. No, no, no ... This is not an optical illusion. There can be no doubt about that! "
FLIGHT CONTROL (HUSTON CENTER): “What… what… what? What the hell is going on there? What's happened?"
ASTRONAUT: "They are here below the surface."
FLIGHT CONTROL: “What is there? The connection was interrupted ... the control center is calling Apollo 11. "
ASTRONAUTS: “We saw several visitors. They were there for a while, checking the equipment. "
FLIGHT CONTROL: "Repeat your last message."
ASTRONAUT: “I say that there are other spaceships here. They stand in a straight line on the other side of the crater. "
FLIGHT CONTROL: “Repeat… repeat!”
ASTRONAUT: Let us probe this sphere ... 625 to 5 ... the automatic relay has connected ... My hands are shaking so much that I cannot do anything. Take it off? Oh my God, if these damn cameras get some footage ... what then? "
FLIGHT CONTROL: "Can you film something?"
ASTRONAUT: “I no longer have a tape at hand. Three shots from the "plate", or whatever this thing is called, ruined the film. "
FLIGHT CONTROL: “Take back control! Are they in front of you? Are there any UFO noises? ”
ASTRONAUT: “They landed here! They are here and they are watching us! ”
FLIGHT CONTROL: "Mirrors, mirrors ... can you adjust them?"
ASTRONAUT: “Yes, they are in the right place. But those who built these ships may arrive tomorrow and take them away. Once and for all."

It is only logical that if government agencies have discovered secret UFO bases, then they should keep it secret from the public, and also develop a "cover story" in order to hide the truth about the moon. However, the problem was that the witnesses “spoke” with our Division regarding alien affairs.
Among the experts who told us about life on the moon and astronaut discoveries were Farida Iskiovet, a former UFO consultant to the UN president, the mysterious Mr. English, who took top secret photographs for NASA and lunar astronauts. former Naval Intelligence Commander Mark Huber, highly classified information, Sergeant Willard Wannal, Army Intelligence, Major Wayne S. Aho , while serving in military intelligence, has submitted UFO research materials to Congress for consideration, Dr. James Hurrah of NASA's space program, and others with secret clearances. I have spoken personally with all of the aforementioned researchers.
The heightened interest in life on the moon captured public opinion after radio reports of the experiments of Marconi Tesla trying to transmit radio signals to the moon and receive a response to them, this did indeed take place. After that, American, British and French astronomers reported flashes of light, flickering and even moving lights on the surface of the moon. During the 20-30 years, you can find numerous reports of this kind of phenomenon in a variety of newspapers and magazines, which can still be found in libraries. This interest culminated when eminent aerial experts, the Pulitzer Prize, who defeated astronomer John O'Neill, publicly announced the discovery of an artificial “bridge” on the moon. There were other witnesses who observed a 12-mile “bridge” that had not previously been there and which later disappeared for unknown reasons (was it too noticeable?). This incident took place in the early 1950s.
Many astronauts Gemeni and Apollo reported seeing UFOs during their flights. For example, astronaut Gordon Cooper publicly admitted that he saw a controlled ship of extraterrestrial origin (we saw his photographs of UFOs). James McDivitt also took photographs of UFOs while flying around the Earth, we saw them. while orbiting Earth and we have seen them as well. The Soviet space program in the 1960s, designed to set a new record for time in orbit, was strangely interrupted after the ship took up position. Private researchers with powerful radio equipment claimed that the Soviet cosmonauts were escorted into orbit by UFOs, which surrounded them and began tossing them back and forth as if the Soviet ship were a ball. Astronauts, panic-stricken, were ordered to return immediately to Earth.
During the 1950s, large numbers of UFOs sighted on Earth returned to the Moon. Their trajectories were tracked by secret government observation complexes located in the deserts of Arizona and Nevada, as well as in underground bases located inside the mountains. WE HAVE A PHOTO OF A PLATE SHAPED SHIP FLYING ABOVE THE MOON, by a civil astronomer. Sergeant Willard Vannail, who investigated the UFO landing in Oahu while serving in military intelligence, showed us 8 or 10 clear glossy photographs of a silvery spacecraft hovering above the lunar surface. Its dimensions were estimated at several miles and was said to be a mother ship (base ship), designed to transport many thousands of people between solar systems or galaxies for long periods of time in a completely self-contained (autonomous mode)!
In the period from 1950 to 60s. civilian astronomers have noticed new movements on the moon, light anomalies, permanent light sources usually located inside craters, along with mysterious cruciform flares.
Soviet and American spacecraft (orbiting the Moon) have begun photographing mysterious structures on the Moon discovered by NASA. There were scientists, such as Fred Steckling, who demanded an explanation from the so-called "civil agency". It's amazing how NASA could release these photos WITHOUT COMMENTS! Many structures could only be seen at higher magnifications.
The American spacecraft RANGER II sent 200 photos of the lunar craters with domes inside. These domes were not new. They were reported in the media by French astronomers about 48 years ago. 33 photos of the dome on the moon sent by Lunar Orbitter 2 were released without comment in Washington D.C. in 1967. On July 1, 1966, NASA officially admitted in the media that the astronauts saw a UFO, however, later denied this information (for those who collect official UFO reports, it will not be difficult to find a large number of conflicting statements proving the cover-up of the truth). All this did not stop astronaut Gordon Cooper from publicly declaring: “I believe in aliens because I saw their spaceship with my own eyes” (during Gemeni's 16 flight). Our Blair cuspids have photographs taken from lunar satellites showing strange spiers forming regular geometric shapes. A tall white spire, similar to the Washington Monument, was photographed on the lunar surface, along with mysterious straight paths or footprints that go straight through craters, hills, valleys and piles of rocks. Some of the domes had flashing lights.
Several NASA photographs we were able to see showed a long, cigar-shaped object lying on the lunar surface that was later absent from other photographs. We saw a photo of the pyramid on the dark side (back side). The DARK SIDE is always hidden from our eyes and telescopes and, obviously, is the ideal place for the aliens to build a secret spaceport. The lack of atmosphere is not a problem when we think of domes with artificial environments. Even NASA admits scientists have the technology (but not billions of dollars) to build artificially air-conditioned underground bases like the military builds for themselves.
Astronaut Edgar Mitchell confidentially told Farida Iskiovet, a spokesman for our Department, that he had seen a UFO on the moon.
In 1978, a mysterious stocky man with the appearance of a typical agent appeared in Maui, calling himself Mr. English. I cannot give his full name. It had NASA HIGHER LEVEL SECURITY clearance. He told me that he was a staff photographer on the Apollo program, photographed the wreckage of a crashed disk in a hangar at a secret Air Force base in Texas, saw a UFO during an astronaut flight. He gave us a large amount of UFO data and admitted that the astronauts actually saw a spacecraft on the Moon, and also confirmed the fact that the Moon was used by UFOs.

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